Reproduction of paintings dedicated to Alexander Nevsky. Great Victories of the Russian spirit. Artist Pavel Korin. Artist Georgy Lapshin: super gifted Russian

Preparing students to write essays in the genre portrait sketch

Essay - portrait sketch

  • Prepare students to write an essay in the genre of a portrait sketch;
  • give an idea of ​​the composition and structure of a portrait sketch, its linguistic features;
  • repeat information about journalistic style;
  • create a cultural background for the lesson through the use of special language material, works of art (paintings by P. D. Korin),
  • develop the ability to read the symbols of a picture, draw historical parallels, recognize the roll call of different historical eras and be able to express your opinion about it through words;
  • advise specific background, outdated vocabulary necessary to describe the portrait (prince, iconography, sword, chain mail, armor, etc.);
  • orient students to the use of studied constructions (a simple sentence with homogeneous, isolated, clarifying members) in the text of the essay.

  • reproduction of the painting “Alexander Nevsky” by P. D. Korin;
  • fragment of an art history text (portrait sketch genre) by G. Kushnerovskaya (handout).

Lesson progress

Teacher's opening speech.

We'll start our essay preparation lesson with quizzes.

Who is Alexander Nevsky? (Famous Russianprince, famous in battles with the Swedes and Germans)

Why was Alexander named Nevsky? (For victory overSwedes on the Neva)

What event in history was called the “Battle of the Ice”? -

What happened in our country in 1942?


A story about an artist

Pavel Dmitrievich Korin is a hereditary icon painter. Since childhood, he learned to paint icons, graduated from the Palekh school of painting, and worked in Moscow in the icon-painting chamber of the Donskoy Monastery. Then he went to study again, this time at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. During this period, his artistic interests were determined: he actively works in the genre of portraiture. In the portrait gallery created by the artist, there are many outstanding figures of Russian culture: writer A. N. Tolstoy, sculptor S. T. Konenkov, masters of painting M. V. Nesterov, M. S. Saryan, group portrait “Kukryniksy” (M. V. Kupriyanov, P. N. Krylov, N. A. Sokolov).

The portrait of Alexander Nevsky stands apart in this row. This is a symbolic portrait of the hero prince who defeated the Livonian knights in 1242. 700 years later, in 1942, during the days of the struggle against the Nazi invaders, Pavel Dmitrievich Korin creates a work in which he depicts Alexander Nevsky.

The fact is that in the face of a formidable enemy, people look at the past of their country in a special way. The pages of history are being rethought, distant events are being turned to as if for support: after all, it was difficult before, how did you survive? On the eve of the Great Patriotic War famous director S. Eisenstein staged feature film“Alexander Nevsky”, and already during the war, in 1942, the orders of Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, Kutuzov were approved. It was as if the great commanders of the past were returning to duty in order to help the Motherland defeat the enemy in difficult times.

Later, Pavel Dmitrievich Korin himself recalled: “I painted Nevsky during the war years, trying to reflect the rebellious, proud spirit of the people, who stood up to their full gigantic height.”

It was difficult to write. The armory has been evacuated. And the artist had to paint helmets, swords... historical museum he finds a copy of the helmet of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich - the father of Alexander Nevsky, and writes a small sketch. He sketches fragments of chain mail, observes how its links are connected, what is the design of the armor of an ancient Russian warrior.

Let's look at this painting.

Conversation on the picture

this picture?


Describe the face of the hero of the picture. How does it attract attention? (We see a courageous face with regular, tough features. His expression is stern. We understand that before us is a man ready for a difficult battle: his lips are tightly compressed, his eyebrows are knitted. There is no fear in the eyes, but there is determination to go to end.

What details of clothing emphasize that this is a warrior? (The prince is wearing metal chain mail, heavyth pancir, armor. Metal armor protects the arms and legs. On the head- helmet, in hands - huge, heavysword. The crimson cloak falls heavily from his shoulders. That's rightwarriors dressed in Rus'.)

When depicting the prince, the artist strove to accurately convey details. However, the prince only has a heavy cast sword in his hands, but there is no other necessary attribute - a shield. Why do you think? (“Maybe it’s becauseMu that the shield is intended to protect itself.Alexander Nevsky is preparing not to defend himself, but to defend the SAyour land, your people. It seems to me thatprince is a symbol of a shield, a person who must protectto spare your homeland.")

What does the commander's pose tell us? (He's firmly a hundredHe lives on his own land and will not give up a single inch of it. He's readydefend this land, because this is how it becomesa trapper who wants to protect someone. His legs are spread. Hands tightly grip the sword. His pose speaks volumesspiritual and physical strength of this person, his confidenceyou in yourself and the upcoming victory.)

On the right in the picture we see a banner with the image of the Savior - the Savior, Christ. This banner is unusual. How does this manifest itself? (The background of the banner is unusual - black. In pricesthree banners - the image of the Savior. Unusually expressedhis eyes, they are kind of sparkling, angry)

What is the hero of the film ready to defend? (He is ready to defend the Russian land: its huge sky, churches, rivers, forests, hills - everything that wewe see behind him in the background of the picture.)

Art history text (genre nopmpem a long essay)

Read the passage.

The image of Nevsky in the triptych has the meaning of a historical symbol. Nevsky stands above Volkhov, as if on the edge of the earth, towering above the ancient cathedral, above the forest on the far bank. He stands with both hands gripping the hilt of his sword, ready to fight to the end. The wind drives thunderclouds, fluttering the banner and purple cloak on the prince’s shoulders. In this image, as if forged from steel from head to toe, there is determination and fearlessness, and conviction of victory. The chronicler wrote about such people: “Behold, people are winged!” And you believe, thanks to such people, Russia, Rus' was forever unconquered, independent.

“I wanted,” said Pavel Dmitrievich, “to convey the character of the Russian person, to embody that spirit of courage that constitutes an integral feature of the nation, that encouraged the people of Russia to fight to the death in battle, to go forward, to look for new lands, paths in science, to create new songs. ..”

And Korin’s “Alexander Nevsky” is a hymn to a man who has fulfilled his duty, beautiful with the power of conviction and the bearing of noble independence.

Conversation over text

What is the topic of the essay?

- What is the composition of the essay? (the image of Nevsky is a historical symbol; to convey through the image of Nevsky the character of the Russian person; the image is a hymn to the warrior and the winner).

- In what style is the essay written?

- What type of speech is predominantly used in the essay?

Are there elements of other types of speech?

Working on the essay text

You will have to write an unusual essay
genre - a portrait sketch, similar to the one we just analyzed. Similar - similar, similar, but that doesn't mean you should
repeat what we saw in this essay. Each person who looks at the picture sees something different, he has his own thoughts that are different from others, he uses his own speech means.

Features of a portrait sketch

Essay topic

The person depicted in the painting

Main idea



(consists of




External portrait (description of facial features, figures, showing the hero’s inner world through the exterior: feelings, thoughts, moods);

Own position and assessment, attitude towards the hero and the picture as a whole.


Leading type of speech

Reasoning (proof or reflection) with elements of narrative and description.

show the image of Alexander Nevsky captured in the painting,express your assessment)

What might the composition of an essay include?

Is the order of presentation required in accordance with the table?

Make a prediction regarding the stylistic direction of your essay.

What type of speech will be dominant? (Reasoning)

Will there be elements of other types of speech in the essay? (There will definitely be elementsonhero's dreams; possible narrative elements interspersed in the essay: information about the hero of the picture, about the author.)

  • One last important note. An essay always attracts attention when it is given some bright, catchy title. Think about what title options you would suggest for your essay essay?



Essay - portrait sketch

based on the painting “Alexander Nevsky” by P.A. Korin


Prepare students to write an essay in the genre of a portrait essay;

give an idea of ​​the composition and structure of a portrait sketch, its linguistic features;

repeat information about journalistic style;

create a cultural background for the lesson through the use of special language material, works of art (paintings by P. D. Korin),

advise specific background, outdated vocabulary necessary to describe the portrait (prince, iconography, sword, chain mail, armor, etc.);

orient students to the use of studied constructions (a simple sentence with homogeneous, isolated, clarifying members) in the text of the essay.

Cultural background of the lesson (equipment):

reproduction of the painting “Alexander Nevsky” by P. D. Korin;

fragment of an art history text (portrait sketch genre) by G. Kushnerovskaya (handout).

Lesson progress

Teacher's opening speech.

We'll start our essay preparation lesson with quizzes.

Who is Alexander Nevsky?(Famous Russian prince, who became famous in battles with the Swedes and Germans)

Why was Alexander named Nevsky?(For victory over the Swedes on the Neva)

What event in history was called the “Battle of the Ice”?(The Knights of the Teutonic Order took the Russian cities of Izborsk and Pskov and intended to march on Novgorod. One of the largest battles of the Middle Ages unfolded on Lake Peipus- "Battle on the Ice" The army commanded by Alexander Nevsky defeated the German knights; this event occurred in 1242.)

What happened in our country in 1942?(At this time the Great Patriotic War was going on.)

Between the events that we remembered lies
a temporary gap of 700 years, and, nevertheless, these events turned out to be closely connected with each other in the minds of the famous Russian artist Pavel Dmitrievich Korin, based on whose painting we will write

A story about an artist

Pavel Dmitrievich Korin is a hereditary icon painter. Since childhood, he learned to paint icons, graduated from the Palekh school of painting, and worked in Moscow in the icon-painting chamber of the Donskoy Monastery. Then he went to study again, this time at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. During this period, his artistic interests were determined: he actively works in the genre of portraiture. In the portrait gallery created by the artist, there are many outstanding figures of Russian culture: writer A. N. Tolstoy, sculptor S. T. Konenkov, masters of painting M. V. Nesterov, M. S. Saryan, group portrait“Kukryniksy” (M. V. Kupriyanov, P. N. Krylov, N. A. Sokolov).

The portrait of Alexander Nevsky stands apart in this row. This is a symbolic portrait of the hero prince who defeated the Livonian knights in 1242. 700 years later, in 1942, during the days of the struggle against the Nazi invaders, Pavel Dmitrievich Korin creates a work in which he depicts Alexander Nevsky.

The fact is that in the face of a formidable enemy, people look at the past of their country in a special way. The pages of history are being rethought, distant events are being turned to as if for support: after all, it was difficult before, how did you survive? On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the famous director S. Eisenstein directed the feature film “Alexander Nevsky”, and already during the war, in 1942, the orders of Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, and Kutuzov were approved. It was as if the great commanders of the past were returning to duty in order to help the Motherland defeat the enemy in difficult times.

Later, Pavel Dmitrievich Korin himself recalled: “I painted Nevsky during the war years, trying to reflect the rebellious, proud spirit of the people, who stood up to their full gigantic height.”

It was difficult to write. The armory has been evacuated. And the artist needed to paint helmets, swords... In the historical museum, he finds a copy of the helmet of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, the father of Alexander Nevsky, and writes a small sketch. He sketches fragments of chain mail, observes how its links are connected, what is the design of the armor of an ancient Russian warrior.

Let's look at this painting.

Conversation on the picture

What do you immediately notice when you look at
this picture?(On the huge figure of Alexander Nevsky.)

How did the artist depict Alexander Nevsky? ( He depicted in full height, takes up almost the entire picture.)

Describe the face of the hero of the picture. How does it attract attention?(We see a courageous face with regular, hard features. His expression is stern. We understand that before us is a man ready for a difficult battle: his lips are tightly compressed, his eyebrows are knitted. There is no fear in his eyes, but there is determination to go to end. He looks into the distance, to where the enemy hordes are probably coming from.)

What details of clothing emphasize that this is a warrior?(The prince is wearing metal chain mail, heavy armor, armor. Metal armor protects his arms and legs. On his head- helmet, in his hands - a huge heavy sword. The crimson cloak falls heavily from his shoulders. This is exactly how warriors dressed in Rus'.)

When depicting the prince, the artist strove to accurately convey details. However, in the hands of the prince there is only a heavy cast sword, but there is no other necessary attribute - a shield. Why do you think?(“Maybe because the shield is intended to defend itself. Alexander Nevsky is preparing not to defend himself, but to defend his land, his people. It seems to me that the prince is a symbol of the shield, a man who must defend his homeland.”)

What does the commander's pose tell us?(He stands firmly on his land and will not give up a single inch of it. He is ready to defend this land, because this is what a person becomes who wants to protect someone. His legs are spread. His hands tightly grip the sword. His posture speaks of spiritual and physical strength this person, his self-confidence and upcoming victory.)

On the right in the picture we see a banner with the image of the Savior - the Savior, Christ. This banner is unusual. How does this manifest itself?(The background of the banner is unusual - black. In the center of the banner is the image of the Savior. The expression of his eyes is unusual, they are somehow sparkling, angry)

What is the hero of the film ready to defend?(He is ready to defend the Russian land: its huge sky, churches, rivers, forests, hills - everything that we see behind him in the background of the picture.)

Art history text (nopmem essay genre)

Read the passage.

The image of Nevsky in the triptych has the meaning of a historical symbol. Nevsky stands above Volkhov, as if on the edge of the earth, towering above the ancient cathedral, above the forest on the far bank. He stands with both hands gripping the hilt of his sword, ready to fight to the end. The wind drives thunderclouds, fluttering the banner and purple cloak on the prince’s shoulders. In this image, as if forged from steel from head to toe, there is determination and fearlessness, and conviction of victory. The chronicler wrote about such people: “Behold, people are winged!” And you believe, thanks to such people, Russia, Rus' was forever unconquered, independent.

“I wanted,” said Pavel Dmitrievich, “to convey the character of the Russian person, to embody that spirit of courage that constitutes an integral feature of the nation, that encouraged the people of Russia to fight to the death in battle, to go forward, to look for new lands, paths in science, to create new songs. ..”

And Korin’s “Alexander Nevsky” is a hymn to a man who has fulfilled his duty, beautiful with the power of conviction and the bearing of noble independence.

Conversation over text

What is the topic of the essay?(Personality of Alexander Nevsky)

- What is the composition of the essay? (the image of Nevsky is a historical symbol; to convey through the image of Nevsky the character of the Russian person; the image is a hymn to the warrior and the winner).

- In what style is the essay written?(The purpose of the text is to influence listeners and readers by expressing their opinion to prove that this image is a historical symbol. The main form of implementation of the style is the author’s monologue. The text contains professional words (image, triptych) and outdated vocabulary, which is necessary to correctly name items of clothing, weapons of that distant era (sword, scabbard, banner, prince...), forms (these people...).

- What type of speech is predominantly used in the essay?(Reasoning. The text has a thesis, evidence, conclusion.)

Are there elements of other types of speech?(There are elements of description of the image of Nevsky in the picture, as well as elements of narration that are introduced through direct speech by chroniclers.)

Working on the essay text



(consists of






External portrait (description of facial features, figures, showing the hero’s inner world through the appearance: feelings, thoughts, moods);

Behavioral portrait (description of posture, gaze, gestures, facial expressions);

Speech portrait (a person’s speech as a means of revealing his character, thoughts, emotional state)

Elements of a person’s biography (what he did, when);

Elements of characterization of a person by contemporaries, close people, historians, etc.;

Own position and assessment, attitude towards the hero and the picture as a whole.

Now let's try to apply the knowledge we have gained to specific topic our essay. What will be the topic and main idea of ​​your essay? (show the image of Alexander Nevsky captured in the painting, express your assessment)

What might the composition of an essay include?(description of the appearance of Alexander Nevsky, his eyes, the expression of his eyes, the internal tension of a man ready for battle, and through his appearance - inner world hero: his feelings, thoughts, mood....)

Is the order of presentation required in accordance with the table?(A portrait sketch is characterized by a mosaic composition.)

Make a prediction regarding the stylistic direction of your essay.(The essay will be written in a journalistic style)

What type of speech will be dominant?(Reasoning)

Will there be elements of other types of speech in the essay?(There will definitely be elements of the character’s description; elements of the narrative interspersed in the essay are possible: information about the hero of the picture, about the author.)

One last important note. An essay always attracts attention when it is given some bright, catchy title. Think about what title options you would suggest for your essay essay?(“Defender of the Russian Land”, “Winner”, “ Legendary hero Russian land.")

Essay DESCRIPTION of the painting by Korina Alexander Nevsky

  1. His most famous work during the war years is the triptych Alexander Nevsky, commissioned by the Committee for Arts. Korin began working on the work in 1942.
    Three parts of the picture are united by the main storyline this is preparation for the fight against foreign invaders. On the left side of the triptych, which is called the Northern Ballad, a Russian warrior-hero from the people is depicted, who is accompanied to war by a woman, his mother, wife or sister. On the right side, Korin played with an epic motif; this part was called the Ancient Tale and makes the viewer think about rich history and the culture of the Russian people.
    The central painting of the triptych depicts Alexander Nevsky, a Russian prince canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1549 for his contributions to the defense of Russian lands from enemies. During the years of his reign, Alexander Nevsky won a number of striking victories over the Swedish and German armies. During the Great Patriotic War, the theme of struggle Ancient Rus' with the Germans was the most relevant, and Russian victories over them were elevated to the rank of national achievements. The heroism of Alexander Nevsky could serve as an example for Soviet people. The prince became famous for his ingenuity, ingenuity and courage in the battle on the Neva in 1240 with the Swedes and Germans and in 1242 in the famous battle with the knights of the Livonian Order on Lake Peipsi. In the Battle of Neva, Alexander defeated a numerically superior enemy with the help of military art, inflicting an unexpected blow on the enemy.
    . The military genius of Alexander Nevsky also manifested itself in the Battle of Lake Peipus on April 5, 1242. The armies of the Livonian Order methodically advanced deep into the Russian lands, the German governors were in Pskov and threatened the freedom of Novgorod. By calling on Alexander, who drove the Germans out of Pskov and nearby lands, the Novgorodians saved their freedom. Before the battle, Prince Alexander ordered his warriors to take off their iron armor. By a cunning maneuver (the enemy was let through the Russian barrier), the enemy soldiers clad in iron were lured onto the ice. According to the Novgorod chronicle, the Russians drove the Germans across the ice for seven miles, 400,500 knights fell and up to 50 were captured; According to the Livonian chronicle, the order's losses amounted to 20 killed and 6 prisoners.
    In Korin's painting, Alexander Nevsky is presented as a purposeful warrior preparing for battle. He stands at the border of Russian lands and vigilantly watches where the enemy will appear from. Alexander leans on a large sword, and behind him flutters a banner with the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. The color scheme used by the artist is in black, red and light colors. This enhances the impression of rigor, restraint, purposefulness and heroism produced by the image of the prince. The entire central part of the triptych seems to illustrate famous phrase, attributed to the chronicler Alexander Nevsky: Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. General appearance The prince is formidable. This is a real Russian hero-defender who will not let his land be insulted.
    Behind Alexander Nevsky, Korin depicted the vast Russian lands. The broad-shouldered warrior in armor personifies the full power of Russian weapons, the courage and courage of the Russian people, who are ready to fight to the last drop of blood for their freedom and independence, for their ideals. Largely thanks to the artist’s skill, the prince remained in the memory of the Russians as an unbending warrior and national hero.
  2. Maybe this will help -
    Description of the painting by Pavel Korin, painted in 1942. During the Great Patriotic War, on anxious nights under the sparkling rays of searchlights cutting the sky over darkened Moscow, the artist Pavel Korin (1892-1967) pondered the plot new painting, in which the ideas of perseverance, courage, courage were to be embodied... the character of a proud and rebellious people. He looked for examples of unusual and powerful manifestations of the human spirit.

    Under the battle banner of Russian soldiers, he stands in armor on the banks of the Volkhov River near the walls of Novgorod Sofia. Clad in armor, calm and strong, he vigilantly peers into the distance, from where the enemy should appear. He clutches the sword tightly in his hands, on his strong-willed person- readiness to defend the frontiers at any cost native land. His frozen pose is motionless. It seems that he is entirely forged from steel, so much strength and grandeur in his figure, like a monument towering above the low horizon of the lands of Veliky Novgorod.

    Anxious flashes of light, restless lead clouds contrast with the bright red cape of the commander. They are like a sign of an upcoming bloody and hot battle. When the work was completed, Pavel Dmitrievich Korin said: I painted Nevsky during the war years, trying to reflect the rebellious, proud spirit of the people, who stood up to their full gigantic height. Viewers saw the picture in harsh wartime. She made a huge impression on them and was an unprecedented success.

« In 1942, the Committee for Arts invited Korin to paint a picture so that the image of the great ancestors would inspire Soviet soldiers and officers. The artist put all his knowledge about the spiritual beauty and qualities of the Russian person into his triptych “Alexander Nevsky”. The power of influence of the created image turned out to be such that reproductions of “Alexander Nevsky” decorated front-line dugouts and front-line newspapers. And a huge copy of the painting, made by a group of soldiers who stormed Veliky Novgorod, was installed at the entrance to the city».

“Alexander Nevsky” was written by Korin under the roar of anti-aircraft guns, under the bright light of searchlights cutting the sky, during the Great Patriotic War.

On the cent- the central part of the triptych is a powerful figure of a warrior, a menacing face and the angry look of the defender of the Fatherland, the confident gesture of the hands gripping the hilt of the sword. They cast it with cold blue armor. Alexander Nevsky is the man who stopped the German knights. In his figure there is a memory of the ancient heroes and iconographic severity, a banner with the face of Christ, reminiscent of the holiness of the Russian land.

Above the prince's head is a military banner with an image Spasa - Ardent Eye. The majestic figure of AlexanderNevsky occupies almost the entire plane of the canvas, toweringover the waters of the Volkhov River, the Church of Sophia of Novgorod,the surrounding areas.

The prince’s entire appearance expresses firm determination and confidence in his own strength, in the strength of the Russian war.ska. Alexander Nevsky is depicted against the backdrop of the Volkhov River. On the other side is Novgorod with the famous St. Sophia Cathedral. Even further away are forests. To the side, at a distance, is an army ready to march. He seems to be saying:“And if anyone comes to us with a sword, he will die by the sword!”

The artist depicted Alexander Nevsky in the armor of a knight. He has a helmet on his head, a sword in his hands, and a red cloak flutters behind his back. The great warrior stands guard over the tranquility and peace of his homeland, and no enemies can defeat him.

The figure of Alexander Nevsky occupies the entire space of the picture. Mighty Prince stands with his legs spread wide and a sword clutched in his hands. He is unshakable and unshakable. It seems that no force can break him. Alexander’s face is as if carved from stone: calm and firm. His gaze is direct and confident. He seems to be saying: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

The painting is filled with the artist’s patriotism and pride for his country, its glorious past and heroic present. The canvas inspires confidence that the Russian people will be able to defend their independence and the right to a happy future on their own land.

There is also a very beautiful mosaic in St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg (based on a cardboard by N. Maikov. 19th century).

"Alexander Nevsky".


In all biographical works dedicated to Pavel Dmitrievich Korin (1892-1967), it is written about the extraordinary diversity of the artist’s work, but it is not always noted that this diversity was forced, conditioned terrible life in Russia in the first half of the twentieth century. The path of a hereditary icon painter from Palekh, a student of M. V. Nesterov, with whom Korin painted churches before the revolution, in folk artists The USSR, Lenin Prize laureates, was a thorny one. Korin once admitted: “By peeling off the skin, I crawled out of icon painting.” He, like many other artists, had to constantly prove to the “party and government” his artistic reliability, as well as sincere commitment socialist realism. For this purpose, Korin created a mosaic frieze for the Palace of Soviets under the invigorating name “March to the Future”; the Moscow metro stations “Komsomolskaya-Koltsevaya” and “Novoslobodskaya” are decorated with mosaics of his work. On instructions from the party and government, Korin painted portraits of A. N. Tolstoy, Kukryniksy, V. I. Kachalov, Maxim Gorky, Marshal Zhukov and other major figures of the Soviet era.

It is known that Korin led a double life: while participating in the life of the Union of Artists, fulfilling government orders, he remained a deeply religious man, collected icons, and most importantly, dreamed of painting a huge painting “Requiem”, where, as can be seen from the sketches, he planned to depict the last Russian Cathedral Orthodox Church. It was supposed to depict all the highest hierarchs of the church gathered in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. They stand and pray in anticipation of the martyrdom that awaits them. This painting was never painted, although numerous sketches for it have been preserved, but the gigantic canvas, stretched on a stretcher, stood for 30 years, and during this time the artist did not make a single stroke on it. In a sense, this empty canvas is a documentary confession of an artist living in fear of the monstrous power of the Antichrist kingdom, capable of wiping him into camp dust...

And yet, in “legal” painting and even in Korin’s mosaics, one can feel the iconography inherent in his work. The author of these lines, who as a child was often led by the hand through the Komsolskaya-Koltsevaya station, was sincerely convinced that this was an underground church! And not by chance! The artist’s faith and deep longing for the vanished world of Orthodox Rus' was reflected in the metro mosaics, and in the sketches for “Requiem,” and in some portraits, and in the triptych “Alexander Nevsky,” painted in 1942-1943.

Undoubtedly, this was a work brought to life by the artist’s sincere desire to serve the Fatherland in times of difficult trials. The central part of the triptych, the most famous and widely reproduced, was painted very quickly - in three weeks. Undoubtedly, the picture is iconographic, disturbing and harsh. From the point of view of historicity, it does not stand up to criticism and would undoubtedly cause laughter among the Vasnetsov brothers, Surikov and other masters of the genre of historical painting, connoisseurs of equipment and weapons of antiquity. Alexander Nevsky is dressed in iron armor, strange for a Russian warrior of the 13th century. On the prince’s head is a gilded helmet, very similar to the helmet of his father, Prince Yaroslav, which he lost during the Battle of Lipitsa in 1216 and has survived to this day. However, the helmet is clearly too small for Alexander and cannot protect the warrior’s head. Behind Alexander’s back one can see what appears to be Veliky Novgorod with the cathedral, but for some reason without the traditional defensive walls. If it were not for the stern face of the Savior Not Made by Hands on the banner, as if transferred from another painting by Korin - “Savior the Ardent Eye”, then the image of Nevsky modern viewer could evoke associations only with the heroes of the currently popular fantasy genre.

Probably, the image of Alexander Nevsky would have been clearer to us in the integral system of the triptych conceived by the artist, but it so happened that the other two parts of this triptych seemed to be lost in time: they are not known to the general public, and even specialists remained poorly understood.

Thus, regarding the right part of the triptych (“Old Tale”), where, against the background of a giant image of Nicholas the Pleasant, a sharp-eyed, bent old woman and two men are depicted - a powerful old man and a young Asian man rolling up his sleeves - a modern art critic writes something incomprehensible: the picture “suggests<…>on the thought of the rich history and culture of the Russian people."

The left part (“Northern Ballad”) is very reminiscent of the Scandinavian historical painting turn of the XIX century and twentieth centuries. In short, both of these parts of the triptych expressed unclear and non-Soviet ideas, and, unlike the central part, they were quickly forgotten...

The fate of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky himself, depicted by Korin (and many other artists), was dramatic. His whole life was closely connected with Novgorod, where he reigned at the will of his father, Prince Yaroslav, from the age of 15. It was customary among the Novgorodians to take a young prince as a prince and raise him in the traditions of respect for the laws and customs of the Novgorod Republic. But the Novgorodians failed to make Alexander a “tame” prince - Alexander grew up to be an independent man, a proud ruler. He was handsome, tall, and his voice, according to the chronicler, “blown before the people like a trumpet.” The prince was a courageous warrior, although he did not participate in battles with Batu’s horde: as a young man, he sat out the hard times of Batu’s invasion of Rus' in Novgorod. Nevertheless, he was nicknamed Brave even earlier than Nevsky. WITH early years Alexander did not let go of the sword and, as a 19-year-old youth, in 1240 he defeated the Swedes on the banks of the Neva, for which, as many believe, he was named Nevsky.

By that time, relations between Novgorod and its neighbors, the German knights, had become strained, who almost continuously waged Crusades against the Slavs and even captured Pskov. On April 5, 1242, on the ice of Lake Peipus in the Battle of the Ice, Alexander completely defeated the knights. IN Soviet era A legend was passed down from mouth to mouth that in the script of the famous film by Sergei Eisenstein “Alexander Nevsky” there was a last scene that was not included in the film. Allegedly, during the feast of the victors, a mud-splattered messenger squeezes through to the prince and whispers something in his ear. Alexander leaves the feast, mounts his horse and rides out of the city gates. In a snowy field, as far as the eye can see, he sees lights and wagons - a horde has approached the city. Having arrived at the khan's yurt, the proud winner of the German knights dismounts from his horse, kneels down and begins to crawl between two fires to the entrance to the khan's yurt... This episode was allegedly crossed out with a blue pencil, and the highest resolution read: “Such good man I couldn’t do that! I. Stalin." But this is precisely the case when an artist sees history better than a politician or historian. Such an act of Alexander Yaroslavich at that moment was thought out and rational: the bloodless victors of the Germans could not resist the Tatars, and this did not contradict the entire political concept of the prince. However, this legend is hardly reliable. Eisenstein himself wrote that Stalin forbade showing the last of the scenes conceived by the screenwriter, when Alexander dies after returning from the Horde, where he was poisoned. Eisenstein wrote: “It was not my hand that drew a red line with a pencil following the scene of the defeat of the German hordes. ‘The script ends here,’ the words were conveyed to me. “Such a good prince cannot die!”

In general, he had the opportunity to live and rule Russia in difficult times: a depopulated country, general decline and despondency, the heavy power of the conqueror. But strong-willed and smart Alexander Having dealt with the Tatars for years, living for a long time in the Horde, he fully comprehended the art of eastern court life: he knew how to crawl on his knees, sit on his heels, knew what and how to give to influential khans and murzas, mastered the skills of court intrigue, was treacherous, stern and cruel with your enemies. And all this in order to survive and save their throne, people, Rus'. Fulfilling the will of Khan Batu, he demanded regular payment of tribute from the Novgorodians, quarreled with them and, offended, more than once left for Zalesye, to his patrimony of Pereslavl. He received the golden label of the Grand Duke of Vladimir only in 1252. Returning from his fourth trip to Karakorum in November 1263, Alexander died in Gorodets on the Volga. The fact that he was poisoned in the Horde is not confirmed by documents. Before his death, the prince took monastic vows and put on the black schema - the clothes of a hermit monk. He was buried in Vladimir, and under Peter the Great his ashes were transferred to St. Petersburg.

Evgeny Anisimov. "Letter to the Turkish Sultan. Images of Russia through the eyes of a historian." "Arch", St. Petersburg. 2013

Describe orally the central part of the triptych by P. Corin Alexander Nevsky. What does the artist emphasize in the portrait of the hero?


The triptych was commissioned from the artist during the Great Patriotic War, when the theme of resistance to the invader was central to art. The soldiers who went to the front were inspired by him. The rear guards who provided the soldiers with food, weapons and clothing also found solace in him.

“Alexander Nevsky” was written under reports from the front, under the roar of anti-aircraft guns, under the bright light of searchlights cutting the sky. It was intended to evoke in the souls of the audience uplift and inspiration, confidence that the enemy can be defeated, no matter how terrible he may seem, and no matter how countless his hordes may be.

In the left and right parts of the triptych, soldiers are preparing for war. They are accompanied by women - an old mother leaning on a stick, a wife holding a small child in her arms. It is worth fighting for their sake, so that life continues, the child grows up, the mother is able to live out her life in peace and quiet, and not in all-consuming fear for her son. The land itself, its river, village, small church also needs protection, and is also going to wait for its sons.

In the middle, the image of a warrior naturally develops. Alexander Nevsky is the man who stopped the German knights, and like no one else could inspire the country’s defenders to war against the fascist invaders. There is something monumental in his figure, a memory of the ancient heroes, and at the same time – iconographic severity, a banner with the face of Christ, reminiscent of the holiness of the Russian land. He stands leaning on a sword, a banner hangs behind his back and his cloak flutters in the wind, and, fully dressed in armor, he waits for those with whom he needs to fight to come. They will come and die from the sword with which they came.

And behind him is a defenseless, native, beloved land. A white-walled city on the river, a cloudy, frowning sky that seems ready to cry. We need to fight for them, for the children and mothers left in the city. And you can’t help but win, just as Alexander couldn’t help but win in his time.