Was Alena Vodonaeva’s child born to a surrogate mother? Alena Vodonaeva is preparing to give birth to her second child

Children of Alena Vodonaeva- this is a dream that she and her husband have always strived to get closer to. She always wanted to have children, and when fate gave her a child - a little son, Bogdan, born almost four years ago, she was immensely happy. Bogdan's father is businessman Alexey Malakeev. Alena married him in 2009, and three years after the birth of their son, the couple decided to separate. According to Vodonaeva, the relationship between them is still excellent, they did not stop communicating, they just went to different apartments.

In the photo - Alena with her son

When she told her husband that she wanted to divorce him, as an alternative to divorce, according to her, Alexey suggested thinking about having more children for Alena Vodonaeva - he always dreamed that they would have not only a son, but also a daughter. However, Alena rejected this idea. Now she recalls with delight the beginning of their married life and the wedding, which was first played in the Maldives, and then in Moscow. Your ex-husband She considers Vodonaeva an ideal man - he is calm, smart, interesting, intelligent, so many of her friends, when they learned that she was going to get a divorce, were more than surprised.

In the photo is the son of Alena Vodonaeva

The first of Alena Vodonaeva’s children, born, was very difficult for her. Due to genetic incompatibility with her husband, she could not get pregnant for a long time, and when she succeeded, miscarriages occurred. After three unsuccessful attempts to carry a child to term, she finally managed to give birth to a beautiful baby. Alena notes that she managed to get pregnant for the fourth time almost immediately after she and Alexey, after three years of civil marriage, decided to formalize their relationship.

Now, when Vodonaeva is asked about the reasons for the divorce, she says that she did not like her husband’s constant employment at work, while she had to deal with the child alone. Although she also adds that she has always loved herself more than the one who is next to her. She regrets that during the years of marriage her career did not advance at all, because she always had to take care of her family. But now Alena feels completely free and is going to get busy with her career, so in the near future she is not going to commit herself to a new marriage. Making plans for the future, she dreams of dizzying career and does not rule out new loves, but is not yet going to tie the knot with someone. You might also be interested.

The previous baby of the “House-2” star died due to an ectopic pregnancy

The previous baby of the “House-2” star died due to an ectopic pregnancy

Just a week ago, Alena Vodonaeva became a mother: the TV presenter herself was the first to tell on her blog that on August 23 she gave birth to a healthy son, Bogdan. The “House-2” star kept her pregnancy in the strictest confidence: Vodonaeva hid her “interesting situation” until the very end, not appearing in public and not telling her friends and the press about it. And now, while the happy mother is accepting congratulations, passions have begun to boil on the Internet, looking very much like the script of a Mexican TV series. On the forum of the TV project “Dom-2” on the TNT channel, fans of the popular program are seriously discussing the version that Alena did not give birth to her child herself - allegedly a surrogate mother did it for her.

Having announced the birth of her son, the TV presenter boasted on her blog: what a great time I had with the paparazzi - not one of them took a picture of me with my belly!
“Despite all the gossip and rumors surrounding my pregnancy, I managed not to appear anywhere during these 9 months,” Alena wrote. “Not a single paparazzi caught me with a belly and not a single journalist officially received secret information, although my phone number They interrupted Anna and tried to find out the secret in various cunning ways.

As it now turns out, such super-secrecy backfired on the TV presenter: the star’s fans are sincerely perplexed - why was it necessary to hide so much and not report the good news until the last moment? And was the star actually pregnant? All recent months Alena did not appear at parties, but regularly posted her photos on the Internet. True, in all the photographs the expectant mother is shot either from the waist up or with her belly covered with bags, flowers, soft toys, etc. At the same time, Alena regularly went to shops and restaurants. And literally the day before giving birth, she posted a photo of herself on the Internet, in which she was photographed standing next to a store of a famous brand of underwear, covering her waist with a bag of the same brand. And the girl doesn’t have any grandiose belly.
- A surrogate mother gave birth to Vodonaeva! This is 100%,” writes one of the fans of “House-2” on the forum, hinting at some mysterious source of information, “Why not honestly admit how Alena Apina, or at least sit quietly and raise a surrogate baby without making a farce out of this event? No, she needs to be visible and write with swagger that, it turns out, she fooled everyone and was pregnant, although on her blog she constantly made THICK hints about her supposedly interesting situation... Vodonaeva suffers from chronic miscarriage due to chlamydia (about chlamydia she let it slip in her diary, which was published as a book). All of her pregnancies were ectopic and ended in miscarriages. There is not a single person who has seen her with a belly. In all the photos she bashfully covers up her lack of belly with a bag or something else. Although false bellies exist, she apparently felt uncomfortable with them.

- Lena didn’t give birth! Her previous pregnancy was ectopic, with a miscarriage,” another fan of the TV presenter joins the discussion. “Any woman with a miscarriage, if suddenly a normal pregnancy occurs, spends almost the entire pregnancy preserved.” And certainly a week before the expected birth, she is placed in advance in the maternity hospital for observation. Lena, on the other hand, spent her entire “strange” supposed pregnancy without a belly shopping and spent her time promoting herself on the Internet.

And indeed, on the birthday of her baby, August 23, Alena visited her blog at least twice, updating it with new entries - which is at least strange for a woman who is about to have a caesarean section. And on the eve of giving birth, the TV presenter completely baffled her fans by leaving a strange entry on LiveJournal - they say, I’m trying to persuade the doctors to perform a caesarean section on me a week earlier, so that my son will be born according to the horoscope not as a Virgo, but as a Leo:
“The doctor says that let there be a healthy Virgo than a sick Leo,” writes the TV presenter, “But damn, the difference is only a week!” She says the babies that reach early may start to have breathing problems. Do you know anything about this?
Experienced mothers immediately groaned - is it really possible to risk the health of your unborn baby for the sake of some whim with a horoscope? Especially if the previous pregnancy ended tragically? But if you don’t give birth yourself, but a surrogate mother does it for you, then you can take a risk.
Alena and her husband had been dreaming about a baby for a long time - but it didn’t work out the first time. In April 2008, Vodonaeva underwent surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy: then doctors told her that the fetus was outside the uterus and had no chance of surviving. The child must die so as not to destroy the mother. Neither Alena, who dreamed of becoming a mother, nor her future husband, an entrepreneur Alexey Malokeev We did not expect such a sad outcome.
“I was at the center, and now I’m just waiting for the test result,” Alena said then with tears in her eyes. - I don’t remember exactly what it’s called... This is when during an ectopic pregnancy the fetus is sent for diagnostics...

It is quite logical that, fearing for the unborn baby and not wanting to take risks a second time, Alena and her husband could find a surrogate mother for their unborn child, fans of the TV presenter insist. However, among fans of “House-2” there are many who consider the version with a surrogate pregnancy to be complete nonsense. And the fact that Vodonaeva did not talk about her motherhood is considered quite natural: they say, suddenly the child would be jinxed. In addition, many Hollywood mothers also do not reveal the secret of their pregnancy until the very end - this is now in fashion with them.
Alena herself is now not interested in rumors - she is completely absorbed in caring for the newborn, whom she diminutively calls “baby Bo.” As the TV presenter writes on her blog, the father-in-law came up with the name Bogdan for the child two weeks before the birth. During pregnancy, the expectant mother gained 15 kilograms, ten of which, according to her, she has already lost - and this in just the first week! Alena also bought her son a huge teddy bear:
- The idea is this: once a week, take a photo of him next to the bear, for up to five years. And then edit a video from slides where he grows and outgrows the bear. Take note! Now it looks very cute and Bogdan is so small next to Teddy...

Alena Vodonaeva’s son returned from Switzerland. On the way home from the airport former star"Doma-2" recorded its dialogue with him and posted it on the Internet. Fans of the TV presenter are shocked by what the child said.

“I gave one girl a cat, a pencil case and women’s panties. I just gave them away. I bought them with my own money. This girl beat me, but she was beautiful. I bought the panties while shopping,” Alena Vodonaeva’s son said on camera. Judging by the beauty's reaction, this information came as a surprise to her.


Not only the former TV star was surprised, but also her many subscribers. However, their opinions about the boy's story were divided. “The only man who knows what girls need,” “For the first time in the history of the subscription, I am writing my comment. Alena, you are a megawoman, for your boyfriend the girls will wage battalions of wars against each other. I would go. For both the cat and the pencil case , and, of course, for the panties,” “No, but for your own money! Well done, you’ll be a conqueror of women’s hearts!”

There were also those who accused Alena of promiscuity, this supposedly harms Bogdan’s psyche. “A half-naked mother in panties with her ass hanging off in front of the mirror, who takes pictures of herself from morning to night, has affected her son’s psyche. Women’s panties at the age of six are too much! The future Panin is growing up!” – one of the subscribers was horrified.

It is worth noting that Vodonaeva rarely posts photos and videos of her son. She explains this by saying that she has many ill-wishers, and she would like to protect the child from their evil attacks. Let us remember that on August 7, 2009, Alena married businessman Alexei Malakeev. The ceremony took place in the Gagarin registry office, only the closest were invited. On August 23, 2010, Alena gave birth to a son, and at the end of 2011, while still married, she began dating businessman Arseny Sharov. Only in 2013 did Malakeev and Vodonaeva officially divorce.

The star of the reality show "Dom-2" plans to become a mother again. website They found out that she was raising her son in strictness.

Alena Vodonaeva became one of the winners of the annual Mother of the Year award. She has a six-year-old son, Bogdan, whom the beauty gave birth to from businessman Alexei Malakeev. “Bogdan is already going to take apart the figurine, thinking that it is a huge diamond,” said Alena.


“I am a strict mother,” she admitted at the ceremony. “I believe that a child should not perceive his parents as friends. He must understand that they are older, wiser. Then he will respect and listen. My son has a clear routine, regime. It's stimulating."

Vodonaeva is against spoiling children. She herself was brought up in strictness, so she was able to achieve a lot and became an interesting and bright personality.

“I would really like to give birth to a daughter, so that my son has a sister,” admitted Alena, without specifying when this joyful event might happen. Of course, there are many who want to become the father of her daughter. And Vodonaeva is famous for her love of love - men fall at the feet of this sultry beauty.

Posted by Alena Vodonaeva (@alenavodonaeva) Jun 21, 2017 at 6:08 am PDT

It was reported that in different times Alena Vodonaeva had affairs with Dom-2 participants Stepan Menshchikov and May Abrikosov, stripper Anton Potapovich, businessman Arseny Sharov, St. Petersburg partygoer Slava Panterov, real estate agency owner Yuri Ande, tattoo artist Anton Korotkov, racer Artem Markelov (he is 12 years younger ). Now she is credited with having a relationship with musician Alexei Kosinus.

Alexey Malakeev, who will be discussed in this article, was not a public person before meeting TV presenter and fashion model Alena Vodonaeva. Little is known about his life and biography in general. This article provides all the available facts about this person that will help you figure out who Alexey Malakeev is.


Born in 1977. Graduated from the Economic Academy named after. Plekhanov, and also MSTU. Bauman. Incredible workaholic. Was general director Scanlight LLC and General Director of Energon 2000 LLC. As Alexei’s sister says, he had no luck with girls. He is a modest guy, girls often did not take him seriously. When he met Vodonaeva and introduced her to her family, his family did not like the extravagant bride, but no one tried to convince him of the wrong choice.

Meet Alena Vodonaeva

Alexey introduced them to the heroine of the reality show "Dom-2", Alena Vodonaeva mutual friend The acquaintance took place at one of the parties. Alena and Alexey immediately liked each other. Vodonaeva admitted more than once in her interviews that she immediately saw her future husband in Alexey. In 2008, the couple formalized their relationship. The wedding was quiet and modest, only the closest people were present at the celebration. In 2010, Bogdan was born, the son of Alena and Alexei. This child was long awaited. The couple fought for a long time for the right to have children. Before Bogdan was born, Alexei’s wife had several pregnancies that ended in tragedy. At one time, Vodonaeva spent a lot of time in the hospital, under IVs.

“We have experienced too much of what a man and woman should not experience,” recalls Alena. And perhaps that’s why they quickly lost interest in each other.

Birth of Bogdan

After the birth of her child, Alena plunged headlong into family life- took care of the baby, waited for her husband to get home from work... But she soon realized that she wanted to work to provide for herself and her own child. Therefore, when Bogdan was only a few months old, Alena began actively participating in various shows and appearing on catwalks and magazine covers. She hosted various programs and even went to work in Mexico... Alexey Malakeev waited for her at home with his little son for several months.

Soon after her arrival from Mexico, Alena Vodonaeva and Alexey Malakeev broke up. The girl admits that her husband spent too much time on his work. She didn't get any attention. And fans of the extravagant TV personality are sure that Alena was simply bored in this relationship. The girl needed to be admired. To make it interesting, to have a storm of emotions... Workaholic Alexei Malakeev could not give her this. For him, work always came first.

In addition, Alexey and Alena grew up completely different families and imagine differently family relationships. It is important for Alena to spend all the time together, like her parents. And Alexei’s father could well have gone skiing with his son for a few days, leaving his wife and daughter at home.

Alexey Malakeev still remains a friend to Alena. They communicate well and through joint efforts raise little Bogdan. Vodonaeva has said more than once in interviews that she loves and respects Alexey Malakeev and has always remained a person close to her. Despite the fact that the couple separated, Alexey continues to help his wife and provide for the child after the divorce. He left Alena with a shared apartment, a car, and a decent amount of money. He paid for vacations and gave money for clothes. Yes, Alena could well provide for herself, but Alexey believes that the mother of his child should not need anything.

Personal Life of Alexey Malakeev

Now Alexey Malakeev has acquired new girl. They say that she and Alena are very similar in type. The ex-wife claims that she approves of Malakeev’s choice, and she does not at all object to the communication of their common son Bogdan with Alexei’s current bride.