Stories about motherly love by famous writers for children. The story of maternal love and self-sacrifice of a cat named Scarlett. L. Ulitskaya story “Daughter of Bukhara”

“Once upon a time there lived a mother and son. Their folder was killed in the war. And the post-war times were hungry. Mom doted on her son, she loved him so much. The best goes to him! He will tear him away from himself, but will not offend his son. It used to be that they would treat her to candy at work, but she wouldn’t eat it herself - she would bring it to Slavik for her. And he’s also capricious, like, why one and not two!?

Mom tried her best to make her son feel good. Either he will do some renovation, then he will buy a new toy, or he will get the shortage.

Everything for him, everything!

The child grew up, thank God, quite healthy, and was not seriously ill.

It’s hard for a woman to raise a child alone. What's it like without a man in the house?!

Of course, she could get married, and there were suitors, but only her son was so jealous that it reached the point of nervous breakdown. How can a loving mother do anything to the detriment of her child?

So she remained a widow.

Well, okay! If only my son had a good time!

The last bell at school has already rung, and the institute is not far away.

She nurtured her beloved Slavochka, taught her, and released her into the world as a young specialist with highly educated. She went, asked, persuaded, and they took my son to work at a closed research institute. It’s not right to put it in a mechanical shop, to sharpen and saw all sorts of dirty pieces of iron!?

Time passed.

They slowly acquired property - a one-room apartment, a small dacha, some furniture, various household appliances.

In general, not bad.

The son entered into manhood. Started getting married. But of course! Anyone for him, just whistle! Handsome! Blood and milk!

Mom thought and joined the housing cooperative for an apartment for Slavik.

And on time!

In general, she gave the newlyweds the keys to a brand new apartment for their wedding.

I didn’t have time to save up for a car, but my granddaughter Alyonka was already three years old. On this occasion, the son wanted to have a serious conversation with his mother.

“My granddaughter is already big, but the apartment is too small.” It’s a young business, but here she is spinning around. It’s inconvenient, you know...

— I was saving for a car. If so, take what you have. You can change your apartment for a larger one with an additional payment! But for now I’ll take Alyonka with me.

The son hid the money in his pocket and answered as follows.

- How can you, mom!? The child must be with his parents. What did we think? Let's change our apartments to one.

- That's good too. Look, I’ll live with my granddaughter.

- I’m telling you, it’s so cramped, I have to drag you there too!

- Where am I going?! - Mom was surprised.

- What’s the use of a dacha?! She's warm. And the air is fresh! You'll have a good time there!

And my mother began to live in the country.

Everything would be fine, but only the dashing “nineties” broke out. When my son lost his job, he went into business. But either he didn’t have business acumen, or he was caught by unscrupulous partners, but he burned to the ground, and he still has to stay!

I went to my mother.

- Mom! I sold the car, but the debt still hangs.

- My poor thing!? How can I help?

- We need to sell the dacha!

- It must be so! I'll move in with you!

- No, mom! I agreed, you will go to a nursing home. I've already paid the fee. One year ahead for now. Everything is so expensive, it's scary!

- Okay, son! - Mom said, but she couldn’t help but cry.

- Just don't cry! When I get up, I’ll buy you a house... with a swimming pool.

The mother sighed heavily, feeling sorry for her son, took out a shabby rag from her bosom and handed it to her son with words.

- Take it! I have nothing else! I got it from my mother, and she got it from my grandmother.

The son unfolded the rag and saw a platinum ring with a large diamond.

- And you were silent?! - he shouted angrily at his mother.

Three months later, Slavik arrived at the nursing home and told his mother that he was again completely in debt, like silk. That his wife left him, taking Alena with her, and at the same time the apartment.

He spat at her feet and left.

And by evening my mother died.”

- What a sad fairy tale! - said Vanyatka.

“This is not a fairy tale at all, but the story of your great-great-grandmother’s life,” Baba Alena answered with a sad smile and stroked her grandson on the head.

- How interesting! What happened to my son? Did that ring help him?

- From this moment the real fairy tale begins.

- How is this?!

- They say that mother's love is blind, but superficial people say this. A mother's love for her children is stronger than any diamond because she loves her children as they are, whether they are good or bad. Does not expect gratitude and does not demand anything in return. That is why her love is more expensive than any precious stone or metal, and therefore has no price. But, like any phenomenon, this love also has a downside.

- Which?! — the grandson impatiently interrupted the grandmother.

- Take your time and think about what I’m about to say. If the mother's love is not reciprocated by the children, they will not be happy. Never!

- I think I understand! That’s why you and your mother often go to your grandmothers’ graves!

- You're smart! - said Baba Alena and kissed Vanyatka on the warm top of her head. — The memory of the departed is one of the manifestations of mutual love.

- Granny! What about miracles? What is a fairy tale without miracles?

— My son gave the ring to creditors for debts. But when they unwrapped the rag, there was no ring in it, and they decided that the debtor wanted to deceive them. In the end, the beaten Slavik ended up in the city landfill, where he ended his life ingloriously.

- Where did it go?!

- Here it is! - and Baba Lena took a clean rag from the chest of drawers, in it lay a platinum ring with a large diamond.

- Indeed, miracles! Where!?

- Don't know! I found it in my childhood locker the day after your great-great-grandmother's funeral. I was 8 years old then. But I think I know why it ended up with me.

- Why!?

- You see! My mother, your great-grandmother, did very bad things to your great-great-grandmother. After all, it was partly her fault that she ended up in a nursing home, because she didn’t want her to live with them. And the wonderful thing about the ring is that it cannot be sold, pawned, or turned into money in any way. It can only be protected and stored as an embodiment mother's love. Your great-great-grandmother died because she gave absolutely everything she had, and could not live without her love.

- Why aren’t you sleeping? Is it too late already!? - Mom said, entering the room. She just returned from work.

- We were talking about love! - answered Baba Lena.

- Isn’t it too early!?

- Just right! - Granny objected, got up and went to the chest of drawers, wrapping the ring in a rag as she went.

- Aah! You're talking about this! - Mom realized, watching her mother’s actions. - Oh, I forgot, they treated me to an apple! Take it, Vanyush, eat it.

The son took the apple, thoughtfully turned it over in his fingers, then cut it in half and handed the halves to his grandmother and mother with words.

- It is harmful for children to eat at night. I'd rather drink milk.

The women secretly looked at each other and smiled quietly at each other.

“Once upon a time there lived a mother and son. Their folder was killed in the war. And the post-war times were hungry. Mom doted on her son, she loved him so much. The best goes to him! He will tear him away from himself, but will not offend his son. It used to be that they would treat her to candy at work, but she wouldn’t eat it herself – she would bring it to Slavik. And then he’s also capricious, like, why one and not two!?
Mom tried her best to make her son feel good. Either he will do some renovation, then he will buy a new toy, or he will get the shortage.
Everything for him, everything!

The child grew up, thank God, quite healthy, and was not seriously ill.
It’s hard for a woman to raise a child alone. What's it like without a man in the house?!
Of course, she could get married, and there were suitors, but only her son was so jealous that it reached the point of nervous breakdown. How can a loving mother do anything to the detriment of her child?
So she remained a widow.
Well, okay! If only my son had a good time!

The last bell at school has already rung, and the institute is not far away.
She nurtured her beloved Slavochka, taught her, and released her into the world as a young specialist with a high education. She went, asked, persuaded, and they took my son to work at a closed research institute. It’s not right to put it in a mechanical shop, to sharpen and saw all sorts of dirty pieces of iron!?
Time passed.
They slowly acquired property - a one-room apartment, a small dacha, some furniture, various household appliances.
In general, not bad.

The son entered into manhood. Started getting married. But of course! Anyone for him, just whistle! Handsome! Blood and milk!
Mom thought and joined the housing cooperative for an apartment for Slavik.
And on time!
In general, she gave the newlyweds the keys to a brand new apartment for their wedding.
I didn’t have time to save up for a car, but my granddaughter Alyonka was already three years old. On this occasion, the son wanted to have a serious conversation with his mother.
- My granddaughter is already big, but the apartment is too small. It’s a young business, but here she is spinning around. It’s inconvenient, you know...
- I was saving for a car. If so, take what you have. You can change your apartment for a larger one with an additional payment! But for now I’ll take Alyonka with me.
The son hid the money in his pocket and answered as follows.
- How can you, mom!? The child must be with his parents. What did we think? Let's change our apartments to one.
- That's good too. Look, I’ll live with my granddaughter.
- I’m telling you, it’s so cramped, I have to drag you there too!
- Where am I going?! - Mom was surprised.
- What’s the use of a dacha?! She's warm. And the air is fresh! You'll have a good time there!
And my mother began to live in the country.

Everything would be fine, but only the dashing “nineties” broke out. When my son lost his job, he went into business. But either he didn’t have business acumen, or he was caught by unscrupulous partners, but he burned to the ground, and he still has to stay!
I went to my mother.
- Mom! I sold the car, but the debt still hangs.
- My poor thing!? How can I help?
- We need to sell the dacha!
- It’s necessary, it’s necessary! I'll move in with you!
- No, mom! I agreed, you will go to a nursing home. I've already paid the fee. One year ahead, for now. Everything is so expensive, it's scary!
- Okay, son! - Mom said, but she couldn’t help but cry.
- Just don't cry! When I get up, I’ll buy you a house... with a swimming pool.

Three months later, Slavik arrived at the nursing home and told his mother that he was again completely in debt, like silk. That his wife left him, taking Alena with her, and at the same time the apartment.
The mother sighed heavily, feeling sorry for her son, took out a shabby rag from her bosom and handed it to her son with words.
- Take it! I have nothing else! I got it from my mother, and she got it from my grandmother.
The son unfolded the rag and saw a platinum ring with a large diamond.
- And you were silent?! – he shouted angrily at his mother.
He spat at her feet and left.
And my mother died in the evening.”

What a sad tale! - said Vanyatka.
- This is not a fairy tale at all, but the life story of your great-great-grandmother. – Baba Alena answered with a sad smile and stroked her grandson on the head.
- How interesting! What happened to my son? Did that ring help him?
- From this moment the real fairy tale begins.
- How is this?!
- They say that mother's love is blind, but superficial people say this. A mother's love for her children is stronger than any diamond because she loves her children as they are, whether they are good or bad. Does not expect gratitude and does not demand anything in return. That is why her love is more expensive than any precious stone or metal, and therefore has no price. But, like any phenomenon, this love also has a downside.
- Which?! – the grandson impatiently interrupted the grandmother.

Take your time and think about what I'm about to say. If the mother's love is not reciprocated by the children, they will not be happy. Never!
- I think I understand! That’s why you and your mother often go to your grandmothers’ graves!
- You're smart! - said Baba Alena and kissed Vanyatka on the warm top of her head. – The memory of the departed is one of the manifestations of mutual love.
- Granny! What about miracles? What is a fairy tale without miracles?
- My son gave the ring to creditors for debts. But when they unwrapped the rag, there was no ring in it, and they decided that the debtor wanted to deceive them. In the end, the beaten Slavik ended up in the city landfill, where he ended his life ingloriously.
- Where did it go?!
- Here it is! - and Baba Lena took a clean rag from the chest of drawers, in it lay a platinum ring with a large diamond.
- Indeed, miracles! Where!?

Don't know! I found it in my childhood locker the day after your great-great-grandmother's funeral. I was 8 years old then. But I think I know why it ended up with me.
- Why!?
- You see! My mother, your great-grandmother, did very bad things to your great-great-grandmother. After all, it was partly her fault that she ended up in a nursing home, because she didn’t want her to live with them. And the wonderful thing about the ring is that it cannot be sold, pawned, or turned into money in any way. It can only be protected and stored as the embodiment of maternal love. Your great-great-grandmother died because she gave absolutely everything she had, and could not live without her love.
- Why aren’t you sleeping? Is it too late already!? - Mom said, entering the room. She just returned from work.
- We talked about love! – answered Baba Lena.
- Isn’t it too early!?
- Just right! - Granny objected, got up and went to the chest of drawers, wrapping the ring in a rag as she went.
- Aah! You're talking about this! - Mom realized, watching her mother’s actions. - Oh, I forgot, they treated me to an apple! Take it, Vanyush, eat it.
The son took the apple, thoughtfully turned it over in his fingers, then cut it in half and handed the halves to his grandmother and mother with words.
- It is harmful for children to eat at night. I'd rather drink milk.

The women secretly looked at each other and smiled quietly at each other.

“Once upon a time there lived a mother and son. Their folder was killed in the war. And the post-war times were hungry. Mom doted on her son, she loved him so much. The best goes to him! He will tear him away from himself, but will not offend his son. It used to be that they would treat her to candy at work, but she wouldn’t eat it herself – she would bring it to Slavik. And then he’s also capricious, like, why one and not two!?
Mom tried her best to make her son feel good. Either he will do some renovation, then he will buy a new toy, or he will get the shortage.
Everything for him, everything!

The child grew up, thank God, quite healthy, and was not seriously ill.
It’s hard for a woman to raise a child alone. What's it like without a man in the house?!
Of course, she could get married, and there were suitors, but only her son was so jealous that it reached the point of nervous breakdown. How can a loving mother do anything to the detriment of her child?
So she remained a widow.
Well, okay! If only my son had a good time!

The last bell at school has already rung, and the institute is not far away.
She nurtured her beloved Slavochka, taught her, and released her into the world as a young specialist with a high education. She went, asked, persuaded, and they took my son to work at a closed research institute. It’s not right to put it in a mechanical shop, to sharpen and saw all sorts of dirty pieces of iron!?
Time passed.
They slowly acquired property - a one-room apartment, a small dacha, some furniture, various household appliances.
In general, not bad.

The son entered into manhood. Started getting married. But of course! Anyone for him, just whistle! Handsome! Blood and milk!
Mom thought and joined the housing cooperative for an apartment for Slavik.
And on time!
In general, she gave the newlyweds the keys to a brand new apartment for their wedding.
I didn’t have time to save up for a car, but my granddaughter Alyonka was already three years old. On this occasion, the son wanted to have a serious conversation with his mother.
- My granddaughter is already big, but the apartment is too small. It’s a young business, but here she is spinning around. It’s inconvenient, you know...
- I was saving for a car. If so, take what you have. You can change your apartment for a larger one with an additional payment! But for now I’ll take Alyonka with me.
The son hid the money in his pocket and answered as follows.
- How can you, mom!? The child must be with his parents. What did we think? Let's change our apartments to one.
- That's good too. Look, I’ll live with my granddaughter.
- I’m telling you, it’s so cramped, I have to drag you there too!
- Where am I going?! - Mom was surprised.
- What’s the use of a dacha?! She's warm. And the air is fresh! You'll have a good time there!
And my mother began to live in the country.

Everything would be fine, but only the dashing “nineties” broke out. When my son lost his job, he went into business. But either he didn’t have business acumen, or he was caught by unscrupulous partners, but he burned to the ground, and he still has to stay!
I went to my mother.
- Mom! I sold the car, but the debt still hangs.
- My poor thing!? How can I help?
- We need to sell the dacha!
- It’s necessary, it’s necessary! I'll move in with you!
- No, mom! I agreed, you will go to a nursing home. I've already paid the fee. One year ahead, for now. Everything is so expensive, it's scary!
- Okay, son! - Mom said, but she couldn’t help but cry.
- Just don't cry! When I get up, I’ll buy you a house... with a swimming pool.

Three months later, Slavik arrived at the nursing home and told his mother that he was again completely in debt, like silk. That his wife left him, taking Alena with her, and at the same time the apartment.
The mother sighed heavily, feeling sorry for her son, took out a shabby rag from her bosom and handed it to her son with words.
- Take it! I have nothing else! I got it from my mother, and she got it from my grandmother.
The son unfolded the rag and saw a platinum ring with a large diamond.
- And you were silent?! – he shouted angrily at his mother.
He spat at her feet and left.
And my mother died in the evening.”

What a sad tale! - said Vanyatka.
- This is not a fairy tale at all, but the life story of your great-great-grandmother. – Baba Alena answered with a sad smile and stroked her grandson on the head.
- How interesting! What happened to my son? Did that ring help him?
- From this moment the real fairy tale begins.
- How is this?!
- They say that mother's love is blind, but superficial people say this. A mother's love for her children is stronger than any diamond because she loves her children as they are, whether they are good or bad. Does not expect gratitude and does not demand anything in return. That is why her love is more expensive than any precious stone or metal, and therefore has no price. But, like any phenomenon, this love also has a downside.
- Which?! – the grandson impatiently interrupted the grandmother.

Take your time and think about what I'm about to say. If the mother's love is not reciprocated by the children, they will not be happy. Never!
- I think I understand! That’s why you and your mother often go to your grandmothers’ graves!
- You're smart! - said Baba Alena and kissed Vanyatka on the warm top of her head. – The memory of the departed is one of the manifestations of mutual love.
- Granny! What about miracles? What is a fairy tale without miracles?
- My son gave the ring to creditors for debts. But when they unwrapped the rag, there was no ring in it, and they decided that the debtor wanted to deceive them. In the end, the beaten Slavik ended up in the city landfill, where he ended his life ingloriously.
- Where did it go?!
- Here it is! - and Baba Lena took a clean rag from the chest of drawers, in it lay a platinum ring with a large diamond.
- Indeed, miracles! Where!?

Don't know! I found it in my childhood locker the day after your great-great-grandmother's funeral. I was 8 years old then. But I think I know why it ended up with me.
- Why!?
- You see! My mother, your great-grandmother, did very bad things to your great-great-grandmother. After all, it was partly her fault that she ended up in a nursing home, because she didn’t want her to live with them. And the wonderful thing about the ring is that it cannot be sold, pawned, or turned into money in any way. It can only be protected and stored as the embodiment of maternal love. Your great-great-grandmother died because she gave absolutely everything she had, and could not live without her love.
- Why aren’t you sleeping? Is it too late already!? - Mom said, entering the room. She just returned from work.
- We talked about love! – answered Baba Lena.
- Isn’t it too early!?
- Just right! - Granny objected, got up and went to the chest of drawers, wrapping the ring in a rag as she went.
- Aah! You're talking about this! - Mom realized, watching her mother’s actions. - Oh, I forgot, they treated me to an apple! Take it, Vanyush, eat it.
The son took the apple, thoughtfully twirled it with his fingers, then cut it in half and handed the halves to his grandmother and mother with words.
- It is harmful for children to eat at night. I'd rather drink milk.

The women secretly looked at each other and smiled quietly at each other.

Once upon a time, in a village not far from the city of Kaesong, there lived a poor woman peasant family. The husband worked in the field of a rich neighbor, and his wife baked rice cakes for sale. So they lived, somehow making ends meet.
And they had a son, Han Sek Bon, whom they loved more life. The poor man's family lived together until an irreparable misfortune befell them: the father became seriously ill and died. Dying, he said to his wife:
- Let our son be a scientist, and then everyone will respect him.
And the wife promised her husband to fulfill his last wish.
When Han Seok Bon turned seven years old, his mother said:
- It's time to fulfill my father's will. You will have to spend ten years studying. During this time you will learn a thousand hieroglyphs, learn the best poems, learn medicine and read the books of philosophers. After that, you will be able to pass the exam in Seoul and become a scientist, as your father wanted.

Han Sek Bong went to study in Kaesong, and his mother was left alone in her small house. No one in the village baked rice cakes better than her. They were both tasty and beautiful, always the same, even, lush. And that’s why all the neighbors bought bread only from her.
There was not an evening when the mother did not think about her boy. She missed him, grieved and cried. At night, the mother calculated how many years, months and days would pass before she saw her dear son.
But there were still many days left before the meeting.

And then one evening the mother heard someone’s steps near the chibi. She opened the door and recognized her son.
The mother saw that Han Sek Bon was exhausted from the long journey, she wanted to rush to the boy and hug him to her chest.
But she didn't. She didn’t even smile at her son, she just asked:
- Why did you come back early? Have you already mastered all the sciences and can pass the exam?
Han Sek Bong did not expect such a harsh reception from his mother. He cried and said:
- I'm very tired. I walked for many dozens of miles and haven’t eaten since yesterday morning. Feed me, and in the morning I will tell you everything.
Oh, how the mother wanted to hug her son, kiss him, feed him the best that was in the house, and lay him on the mat! But she didn’t do any of this, but asked again:
-Have you already mastered all the sciences that you should have learned in ten years?
The son replied:
- I studied all the sciences that are supposed to be completed in ten years, and therefore I returned to you ahead of time.
“Then take a brush, ink, paper and write the first ten hieroglyphs,” said the mother.
When the son took out mascara and a brush from the bag that hung on his belt, the mother blew out the light of the lamp and said:
- You will draw hieroglyphs in the dark, and I will bake bread.
After a while the mother exclaimed:
- The bread is ready!
And with these words she lit the lamp again. Han Sek Bong showed his mother his work. In the dark, the hieroglyphs came out ugly, uneven, and there were even blots in several places.
Then the mother said:
- Look at my bread.
Han Sek Bong looked at the bread. They were smooth, beautiful, identical, neat, as if their mother had baked them in bright light.
And the mother put her hand on her son’s shoulder and said:
- Return to Kaesong and come home when the deadline has passed and you will know perfectly everything that you are supposed to know.
Han Sek Bon begged:
- Oh, let me stay at least until the morning! I walked to you without stopping for many days and nights, and I do not have the strength to go on such a long journey again.
“You don’t have time to rest,” the mother answered sternly. - Here's some bread for your journey - and goodbye!

Han Sek Bon walked in the dark along the mountain paths. The road to ancient city Kaesong. More than once mountain streams blocked his path and wild animals howled nearby.
Han Sek Bong walked and cried bitterly. It seemed to him that his mother was unfair and cruel to him, that she had stopped loving him during the years that he lived in Kaesong.
In the morning, he untied the scarf in which the loaves of bread lay, and again saw that the loaves of bread baked in the dark were beautiful - one to one, one to one!
And then Han Sek Bong thought for the first time: “Mother was able to do her job well in the dark, but I couldn’t. That means she does her job better than me!”

Thinking this way, Han Sek Bong hurried to Kaesong.
Another five years passed - and again in the evening the mother heard footsteps near her house. She opened the door and saw her son again.
Han Sek Bong extended his hands to his mother, but the mother said:
-Have you mastered all the sciences since you came home?
“That’s it,” the son answered.
And, taking paper, ink and a brush from the bag, he blew out the lamp.
Ten minutes later, Han Sek Bong said:
- You can light the lamp!..
The mother illuminated the room and approached her son. In front of her lay a sheet of paper filled with hieroglyphs. The hieroglyphs were all clear, even, beautiful, one to one, one to one!
And then the mother exclaimed:
- How I was waiting for you! How I miss you! Let me look at you enough, let me press you to my chest!

...Years passed, and Han Sek Bong became a famous scientist. When his students asked him how he became such a scientist, Han Sek Bon answered:
- Mother's love taught me not to spare myself, to do everything well and honestly. And whoever does everything well and honestly can become whatever he wants.

In ancient times, an old man and an old woman lived on the very edge of a small town. They traded in sweet ame toffees. Once upon a time in the dark winter evening a young woman knocked on the door of their shop. Standing outside the threshold, she timidly held out a three-groschen coin.
- Here, please give me some of your ame...
- Why are you standing in the cold wind, madam? Come in, warm up while we wrap up your purchase.
- No, I’ll stand here.
The young woman took the bundle of treats and disappeared into the darkness.
- Who is she and why does she come at such a late time? Does she really have no other time?
On the second and third nights the woman came again. And on the fourth, the old people realized: she didn’t leave them a coin, but a dry piece of paper.
- Oh, liar! - the old woman cried out. “Go, old man, follow her, she hasn’t gone far yet.” If only I had better eyes, she wouldn’t have slipped me a piece of paper instead of a coin...
“Look, there are lumps of red clay at the threshold...” the old man was surprised, lighting a lantern. “And where did this woman come from?” Next door we have one white sand.
He wandered in the direction where the stranger had disappeared. He looks: no footprints are visible in the snow, only lumps of red clay show a footprint.
“But there aren’t even houses here,” the old man thinks. “Did she really go to the cemetery?” There are only grave monuments all around.”
Suddenly he heard a baby crying...
“That’s right, it seemed to me. So it’s quiet... It’s the wind whistling in the branches.”
No, the child’s cry was heard again, plaintive and muffled, as if coming from underground. The old man came closer. And sure enough, someone is crying under the fresh mound of a grave...
“Wonderful thing! - the old man thinks. - I’ll go wake up the abbot of the neighboring temple. We need to find out what the secret is. Is he really buried alive in a grave?”
He woke up the abbot. They went to the grave with a spade.
- This one, or what? “A pregnant woman was buried here several days ago,” exclaimed the abbot. “She died of some illness before giving birth.” Wasn’t it just your imagination, old man?
Suddenly, a child's cry was heard again, muffled and muffled, under their feet.
They began to hastily dig with a spade. The lid of the new coffin appeared. They pulled the lid off. They see: a young woman lies in a coffin, as if sleeping, and on the chest of the dead mother is a living baby. And he has sweet ame in his mouth.
- So that’s what she fed him! Now I understand everything! - exclaimed the old man. “Great is the miracle of mother’s love!” There is no stronger one in the world! The poor thing first gave me the coins that, according to custom, were put in her coffin, and when they ran out, she brought a dry piece of paper... Oh, unfortunate thing, she took care of her baby even beyond the coffin.
Here both old men shed tears over the open grave. They unclenched their hands dead woman, took the baby out of her arms and took him to the temple. There he grew up, and there he remained to take care of the grave of his mother, who loved him so much, all his life...