Schedule of festive events for Victory Day. Victory Day: festive events. Poklonnaya Mountain. Equestrian performances

The spring holiday season in the Russian capital started on April 22 with the opening of the Moscow Spring festival. Thanks to him, residents and guests of Belokamennaya had the opportunity to shop at 26 fairs in the city, visit 38 restaurant chalets, 173 shopping and 9 quest chalets. The festival will last until the evening of May 9, 2017.

The next stage of spring break will be May Day. On Spring and Labor Day, workers' collectives and trade unions in the capital will hold a traditional procession. Organizers say there are 100,000 people willing to show solidarity with workers in other countries.

To others significant event The first day of the warmest month of spring will mark the opening of the summer season in Moscow parks. The head of the “cultural” department of the capital’s mayor’s office, Alexander Kibovsky, has already reported on the 100 percent readiness of the entertainment infrastructure of all places of mass recreation available in the city. There are now more than 500 of these, according to the official.

The number of events announced for this day is over 200. Most of them start at exactly noon.

While Moscow proletarians will show solidarity with their foreign colleagues, the believing public plans to plunge into religious and temple events on the occasion of Easter. Among them - thematic readings, choral singing, religious processions, performances creative teams, mass prayers and services. The organizers claim that half a million believers are ready to take part in the listed events. They will take place in all 485 churches in the capital. Easter celebrations will end on May 8th.

The XV Easter Festival (May 1-17) promises to be a similar event. This time the event is dedicated to the great Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev, whose 125th birthday is celebrated this year. Those wishing to enjoy the creations of the brilliant maestro are invited to visit themed concerts at the Conservatory. Tchaikovsky, the hall of church cathedrals at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, concert hall them. Tchaikovsky, Theater Russian Army and the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin.

On the eve of Victory Day, 1,220 couples expressed a desire to walk down the aisle. Considering such a number of people getting married, the Moscow authorities gave permission to hold weddings on May 9, 2017 in Moscow in the city government building and parks of the capital. An additional gift to the newlyweds from the authorities will be an entertaining concert with the participation of cult performers, starting on the evening of May 8 near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The first composition will be performed at 20:30.

The main event of Victory Day on May 9, 2017 in Moscow will be a military parade on Red Square.

On May 9, Muscovites can also expect many events, the main of which, according to the editors of the website portal, are

  • - actions of an all-Russian scale" Immortal Regiment"(starts at 15:00), "St. George's Ribbon" and "Memory Watch";
  • - thematic exhibitions and concerts;
  • - broadcasts of films about the Second World War.

Celebration schedule for all capital venues

  • - 10:00 — live broadcast of the Victory Parade;
  • - 13:00 - start of entertainment events;
  • - 18:55 - the beginning of a minute of silence;
  • - 19:00 - start of numerous concerts;
  • - 22:00 - fireworks.

Main places and festive program celebration of Victory Day on May 9, 2017 in Moscow

2) Theater Square - entertainment program for veterans;

concert “Crystal Stars”;

brass band performance;

several performances;

dance floor;

broadcast of wartime films.

3) Strastnoy Boulevard - meetings with movie stars and directors of cult films;

film concert;

recording congratulations for radio broadcasts.

4) The square near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - in addition to the religious and entertainment events listed at the beginning of this review, citizens who came to the walls of the main religious institution of the capital will enjoy the concert program “Grandchildren for Veterans”, organized by a group Quattro and the Felix Aranovsky Symphony Orchestra.

5) Patriarch's Ponds - interactive “Museum of the History of Victory”;

theater program;

musical concert.

6) Boulevard Ring (Nikitsky, Chistoprudny and Gogolevsky boulevards) - exhibitions;

literary readings of military prose;

dance floor

The number of events announced by the authorities for Victory Day on May 9, 2017 in Moscow is over two hundred. The days of their holding are May 08 and 09. The said events will take place in Park 21 Russian capital. Festive fireworks will be launched from 16 points in Moscow.

An extensive program has been prepared for Victory Day in Moscow: residents and guests of the city will enjoy concerts with the participation of military bands and stars Russian stage, a master class on painting, reading letters from the front, an exhibition of secret documents and much more.

Festive program on Poklonnaya Hill

Holiday on Poklonnaya Hill will begin with the broadcast of the Victory Parade at 10:00. After this there will be a concert here, where they will perform Symphony orchestra Mariinsky Theater, Central Military Band of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, soloists of the Moscow Operetta Theater Vasilisa Nikolaeva and Vladislav Kiryukhin, the group “Republic” and many others.

At 19:00 - a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War. Then Sergei Zhigunov, Ekaterina Guseva, Sati Kazanova, Marina Devyatova, Elena Maksimova, Ruslan Alekhno, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Alexander Buinov and musicians of the Central Border Ensemble of the FSB of Russia will appear on stage.

The concert will end at 22:00. Free admission.

Songs about war at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

At 10:00 the Victory Parade will be broadcast near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. From 16:00 to 18:00 here there will be a concert, where guests will hear popular songs about the war in modern processing. Golden hits will also sound Soviet stage and original songs.

At 19:00 there is a minute of silence. Afterwards the orchestra will perform people's artist Russia Pavel Ovsyannikov.

At 20:30 the popular Russian artists who will perform songs from the war and post-war years. Free admission.

War cinema on Pushkin Square

At 09:00 a film concert will begin on Pushkinskaya Square, and after it guests will see a broadcast of the Victory Parade. Films about the war will also be shown here, starting at 11:15 and 13:05. Viewers will also be told about how such films were created - from films shot during the war years to modern ones.

At 18:00 the concert will begin, Diana Gurtskaya, Sogdiana, the group “Brilliant”, Anita Tsoi and others will perform.

At 19:00 there is a minute of silence in memory of the victims. Afterwards the festive concert will continue. The karaoke program starts at 21:00 musical group"Turetsky Choir".

At 22:00 they will broadcast on the big screen festive fireworks.

Free admission.

What the museums have in store

Military museums can be visited for free. State Museum Moscow Defense, Zelenograd Museum, Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino", Museum of Heroes Soviet Union and Russia, museum complex“The History of the T-34 Tank” and others will not charge admission on May 8th and 9th.

Each of them prepared special program on Victory Day. For example, at 13:00 at Central Museum Great Patriotic War There will be a presentation of a video for the song “Kite”, filmed by students of the creative film studio. In the Bolshoi cinema and concert hall at 16:00 guests will see the play “I’ll be back...”, which is based on letters from the front from Boris Vasiliev’s story “Exhibit No...”. It will be shown at 17:30 documentary“How I Became a Teacher” about the writer and veteran of the Great Patriotic and Soviet-Japanese Wars Pyotr Mikhin.

The Moscow State Defense Museum invites you to the theatrical interactive program “Front Behind the Front Line”. One of the central themes of this day is the partisan movement. Guests will be told not only about their exploits, but also about their everyday life. Starts at 12:00 and 15:00.

The photo exhibition “Eternal Flame” will be presented at the Zelenograd Museum. It will be dedicated to the 50th anniversary of its creation memorial complex"Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" near the Kremlin wall. The exhibition will be open from 10:00 to 20:00.

Flowers will be laid at the memorial site of the Great Patriotic War at the Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia. A festive concert will also be held here.

They will teach you how to paint military-historical miniatures at the “Battle of Borodino” panorama museum at the “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” master class. Starts at 14:00. At the “History of the T-34 Tank” museum, guests will be invited to complete interactive creative tasks.

May 9 is the last day when you can see the exhibition “1942. At the Victory Headquarters" in New Manege. It is unique in that for the first time it shows documents from the highest authorities, whose decisions influenced the outcome of hostilities in 1942. The exhibition itself runs until June 25.

No pre-registration required.

Military equipment and field kitchen: holiday in the parks

IN Gorky Park the holiday will start at 10:00 and end at 22:00. An installation of letters from soldiers from the front will appear on the walls of the main entrance. Their texts will be heard from the speakers. The live broadcast of the Victory Parade will be shown on the balustrade, and on main stage there will be a concert.

You can see military equipment and try field cuisine on Pushkinskaya Embankment. There will also be areas where park guests will dance to the music of the war years.

In the Muzeon art park they will tell you how many days it lasted Battle of Stalingrad, how many bombs were dropped on Moscow and how many cities turned into ruins during the war years.

Festival Square Sokolniki Park will turn into a chessboard. Figures representing the armies of the USSR and Germany will fight there. Air fountains “Tongues of Flame”, tantamaresques in the form of guns of the Great Patriotic War and signs with poignant lines from the last letters of soldiers from the front - this and much more will also be seen by guests of the park. In addition, congratulations to veterans can be left on the installation in the form of a large triangular letter. A festive concert will also be held here. The events will take place from 13:00 to 22:00.

For visitors Tagansky Park prepared a documentary play “Katya + Sergey. Letters." The production was based on the correspondence between Major General Sergei Kolesnikov and his wife. The choir of the Mishanyan and Co. Orchestra and the Valery Bukreev Orchestra will perform on the park stage. Everyone will learn to dance in the style of the 1940s. The holiday will end with a children's parade - young Muscovites will march through the stadium and park alleys in homemade costumes. Event times are from 10:00 to 22:00.

The atmosphere of the 1940s will be recreated in Hermitage Garden. Guests will see Soviet vintage cars and hear music performed by a military brass band and a male chamber choir. The Victory Ball “At six o’clock in the evening...” will begin at 18:00. Everyone will dance with the veterans to the songs of the war years, and open lessons guests will learn to dance Krakowiak, tango and waltz. The celebration will end at 22:00.

The Walking Band Festival will take place in Bauman Garden. The brass bands “Mosbras”, ½ Orchestra, “Polite People”, “Second Line” and Pakava It will perform here. Master classes on graffiti, beatboxing and freestyling will be held for young people. There will also be a retro zone with treats. Starts at 13:00. The events will take place until 22:00.

IN Biryulevsky Arboretum at 12:00 the celebration “Gratitude of Generations” will begin. The program includes performances by creative groups, congratulations to veterans and master classes. Everyone can make paper flowers.

Victory Day at the Moscow Spring festival

In the living room pavilion on Tverskaya Square, visitors will be taught how to decorate photo albums and postcards for veterans. Classes will be held from 11:00 to 16:00. All guests are also invited to the concert “Poems and Songs about War”.

At the venue next door, on Stoleshnikov Lane, guests will be treated to a retro program “Songs and Music of the Soviet Period.”

Performances by young musicians, dance master classes and much more will take place on Novy Arbat. The concert will begin here at 12:30. Will perform children's group"Inspiration", children's and youth choir "Joy", choir of school No. 1060 and Bolshoi children's choir named after Popov. At 19:00 the traditional jazz ensemble Moscow Trad Jazz Band will take the stage.

At 12:00, the “Field Hospital” will open on Revolution Square. The youngest guests will be taught first aid. There will also be a lesson on making bouquets of fresh flowers that can be given to veterans.

Greeting cards using the scrapbooking technique and military hats will be made in the park near the monument to Karl Marx. Front album and brooch from St. George's ribbon They will do it on Kuznetsky Most (near the Central Department Store).

You will learn how to bake bread from rye flour, cook jelly and prepare a dessert in the shape of a star at the culinary studio on Klimentovsky Lane. Master classes will be held from 12:00 to 18:45.

The holiest and brightest holiday in Russia has always been and remains Victory Day. Other countries of the former Soviet Union also honor this date, paying tribute to those who died for liberating the world from fascist scourge. Victory Day on May 9, 2017, as always, will take place through the streets and squares of all cities in Russia and many other countries that suffered from the German invaders. This year, for the convenience of workers and students, Monday will be added to the holiday falling on Tuesday, and the previous Saturday, May 6, will become a shortened working day. Thus, we will rest on the 7th, 8th, 9th.

Victory Day celebration

The spring significant day will begin the procession from the eastern outskirts - Vladivostok traditionally celebrates it with a parade on central square Fighters of the revolution. Residents of all major cities of the country will become spectators at military marches dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory over fascism.

On Victory Day 2017, events on Red Square, as always, will be spectacular and touching. The few survivors of the war will take the most honorable places on the podium, with children and grandchildren next to them. The connection between generations in the country clearly demonstrates the unity of the people and traditions, which are the basis for the education of youth. The President will congratulate the veterans and everyone present on Victory Day and will open the parade. Military school cadets and representatives of various branches of the military will walk along the paving stones, as will military equipment of the latest generation; military aircraft will take to the sky, as if on a ruler, maintaining their distance - this spectacle makes a great impression.

On a fine May day, thousands of Muscovites and city guests gather on Poklonnaya Hill. The architectural and sculptural complex, opened in 1995, consists of:

  • Victory Monument;
  • stelae 141;
  • 8 m high with bronze bas-reliefs and the figure of the goddess Nike;
  • Museum of the Great Patriotic War;
  • Church of St. George the Victorious;
  • Holocaust Museum;
  • Memorial synagogues and mosques;
  • sculptural compositions.

The architectural ensemble is a place where parents bring their children to feel the bitterness of the war years and the cost Great Victory. 1418 fountains in memory of every harsh day, authentic technology, the Victory Banner, which fluttered over the Reichstag in 1945 - all these elements and attributes leave an indelible mark on our hearts. On Poklonnaya Hill in live The 2017 Victory Day Parade is broadcast, and after it ends, a festive concert begins in an open area, where famous singers songs of the war years are heard. And in the evening, at exactly 22 o'clock, the festive fireworks begin, the worship mountain - best place, where from a height of 365 m you can observe how in different areas capital, the sky is illuminated with colorful lights.

Events for Victory Day 2017

After the end of the Parade, folk festivities begin in the parks and squares of the capital with concert program, field kitchen. People who experienced terrible war days in their childhood sing old forgotten songs to the sounds of an accordion and rejoice in peaceful life. The celebration of Victory Day is a tribute to the memory of those who have passed away and gratitude to living veterans, not one of whom will be ignored by the administration of cities and towns. Children of the war also receive gifts, flowers and congratulations; the city authorities organize days of remembrance for them, set tables, organize a Victory Day concert with performances by children's groups, which is especially touching for older people.

Many other events take place in Russian cities, but none of them can be compared in scale to the “Immortal Regiment”. The brilliant idea, which swept the entire country and went beyond its borders, was first held in the city of Tomsk in 2012 on the initiative of journalist Sergei Lapenkov. Every year the action is gaining momentum; Victory Day in Moscow 2017 will undoubtedly attract a procession of thousands and stretch across half the capital. Residents of other cities come to the heart of the country to walk along Red Square with photographs of their warring relatives; this is an indicator of cohesion, the unity of living generations and a demonstration of the memory of departed liberators. Great-great-grandchildren are already proudly talking about the feats of those who fought; children, sitting on the shoulders of their fathers, try to hold up photographs of young soldiers, carefully stored in family albums.

For the past two years, Russian President V.V. has been in the front row. Putin with a photo of his father, a front-line soldier. Cities abroad picked up the idea, and now our compatriots living in other countries are organizing a procession in memory of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. In 2016, 50 countries around the world held the “Immortal Regiment” campaign, in which a total of about 25 million people took part. In the CIS countries, Israel, the Baltic states, Europe, America, Canada, Australia, China, local residents marched in ranks next to our compatriots.

The motor rally for Victory Day 2017 will be held in Yelnya, the city of military Glory. For several years now, motorists have been driving through places marked by battle monuments and obelisks, and ending their journey at Ushakovo Field. At every stop they sing songs to the accordion military themes, laying flowers.

Veterans and disabled people of the Patriotic War will receive payments for Victory Day, which should be higher than in previous years.

In 2016, the maximum amount for the holiday for this category of persons was 51 thousand rubles, due to inflation, some increase is planned, veterans can also count on an increase in pensions, the corresponding amounts have already been included in the country’s budget.

Victory Day in Ukraine

Unfortunately, not all countries of the former Soviet Union honor the traditions of the holy holiday. Victory Day in Kyiv in 2017 will show whether Ukrainians’ views on this day have changed compared to 2016, which literally passed with tears in their eyes. Elderly veterans and nationalist youths had their St. George ribbons torn off and burned in front of the police; the weak resistance of the elderly was brutally suppressed by young, healthy guys - we are not talking about any respect for the feat of the liberators or respect for old age. But, nevertheless, the “Immortal Regiment” marched through the city, its participants managed to reach memorial monument To the unknown soldier and lay flowers.

Processions also took place in other cities of Ukraine, although they were not crowded. Fireworks on Victory Day in 2017, a favorite entertainment for children, will be in major cities of the country. Despite economic difficulties, the authorities are still trying to arrange a holiday for the townspeople - they are cleaning up the parks, planting flowers on the streets, and turning on fountains. Victory Day in Ukraine will always be celebrated with the hope of a peaceful sky and the restoration of justice, because those for whom this holiday is truly associated with the liberation of the country from Nazism and cruelty, those who preserve the memory of the feat of the Soviet soldier, are still alive.

Holiday traditions

Many older people who have not mastered modern technology traditionally congratulate friends and relatives by sending postcards on Victory Day in 2017; communications workers talk about an increasing flow of correspondence for the holiday. Veterans who have a home telephone are provided with free minutes so that they can call other cities and congratulate their friends on a wonderful bright day. And those who have mastered the wisdom of the Internet exchange virtual audio letters and animated greeting cards.

Elderly people need attention like no one else, so payments for Victory Day 2017 not only make their financial situation a little easier, but also remind them that they are not forgotten.

The days of May are full of pleasant events. Nature, awakened after winter, beckons you to go outside, you want to be with your family, and please your children with walks together. To get more emotions and find yourself in the most interesting places in your city, you should look on the Internet, look at the Victory Day 2017 schedule and decide at a family council where to go for a walk. Perhaps residents of a small town or village will want to go to some iconic city for impressions; the memories from such a trip will remain with children for a lifetime.

Victory Day in St. Petersburg will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. The city, fabulous in its beauty, is also the most famous for its heroic past. The siege of Leningrad will never be forgotten by the people who managed to survive it; all of them to this day take care of every crumb of bread. Therefore, the events taking place in this legendary place, imbued with deepest sorrow and gratitude to the liberators. Elegant parks, squares, streets are decorated with flags, and monuments to heroes are buried in flowers. Piskarevskoe memorial cemetery- a special mournful place to which residents go and go, bowing their heads northern capital. Victory Day, how many years in 2017 do the surviving Leningraders remember those tragic events... 872 days of terrible trials will never be consigned to oblivion.

Victory Day in Moscow May 9, 2017 events, what time are the fireworks, celebration program - Muscovites are preparing for the greatest holiday in May. The capital's mayor's office has prepared a surprise for residents and guests of the city - an imitation of the 1945 fireworks display.

Victory Day 2017 in Moscow events

Festive events in Moscow will begin at 10 am - Muscovites can expect the Victory Parade on Red Square. The parade will be broadcast simultaneously with the start of Russian TV channels. You can get to the parade itself only by personal invitation; others can watch the procession through the city streets or on a TV screen.

At 13.00, festive events will begin throughout Moscow. Residents of the capital and guests of the city will find a lot of interesting events- lectures, meetings with veterans, concerts and broadcasts of war films.

At 6:55 p.m., a minute of silence will begin across the country.

And already at 19.00 all over Moscow they start holiday concerts which end with fireworks. Most beautiful fireworks expected on Poklonnaya Hill - the city administration installed floodlights there to fully convey the atmosphere of Victory Day in 1945. This spectacle will be remembered for a long time by the capital's residents. In total, fireworks in Moscow will be launched at 40 points; the most popular places can be seen on the map.