The path of moral quest of Leo Tolstoy's heroes. "War and Peace". Essay on the topic: The path of spiritual quest by Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy Who walks the path of quest

Questions about the novel "War and Peace" 1.Which of the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" is the bearer of the theory of non-resistance?

2.Which member of the Rostov family in the novel “War and Peace” wanted to give carts for the wounded?
3.What does the author compare the evening in Anna Pavlovna Scherer’s salon in the novel “War and Peace” to?
4.Who is part of the family of Prince Vasily Kuragin in the novel “War and Peace”?
5. Having returned home from captivity, Prince Andrei comes to the idea that “happiness is only the absence of these two evils.” Which ones exactly?

28 questions on volume 3 "War and Peace". Due by tomorrow, please answer!!! Need it by tomorrow, please answer!!!

If you answer, please indicate the question number.
1. Where was Emperor Alexander when he received the news that Napoleon’s troops had crossed the border?
2. Why did Prince Andrey search for Anatoly Kuragin on all fronts?
3. Why does Andrei Bolkonsky decide to serve in the army rather than at headquarters?
4. How did Nikolai Rostov distinguish himself in the case of Ostrovny?
5. How did Natasha cope with her story with Anatole?
6. Why Petya Rostov asks to join military service?
7. Which of the novel’s heroes secretly made their way to Red Square to watch the Tsar’s arrival?
8. Why old prince Bolkonsky did not allow his family to be taken away from
Bald Mountains?
9. Which of the heroes brings the news to Bald Mountains that Smolensk has been surrendered?
10. What two opposing circles were created in St. Petersburg at the beginning of the war?
11. Which of the heroes of the novel met Napoleon and easily talked with him, and then returned to the Russian camp?
12. How did old Prince Bolkonsky die?
13. Who helps Princess Marya out of a difficult situation when the peasants refused to take her to Moscow? How did this happen?
14. Why is Pierre, a purely civilian man, riding on Battle of Borodino?
15. What did Pierre and Bolkonsky talk about on the eve of the Battle of Borodino?
16. What kind of person does Tolstoy show Napoleon in the scene with the portrait of his son?
17. How did Pierre show himself during the Battle of Borodino, while on the Raevsky battery?
18. How does Tolstoy show Napoleon and Kutuzov during the Battle of Borodino?
19. How was Prince Andrey wounded?
20. Who, according to the author of the novel, is the driving force of history?
21. Through the eyes of which hero does Tolstoy show the military council in Fili?
22. Who is Helen going to marry?
23. For what purpose does Pierre remain in Moscow and disappear from his home?
24. How did it happen that the Rostov family gave their carts to the wounded?
25. Who gives the order to the crowd to kill Vereshchagin?
26. Why, according to the author, did a fire break out in Moscow, abandoned by Russian troops and occupied by the French?
27. Who told Natasha that the wounded Bolkonsky was traveling with them in the convoy?
28. How did Pierre get captured?

A1. What is the meaning of the novel's title?

a) depiction of scenes from the War of 1812 and the peaceful life of the heroes
b) reflects the multi-valued idea of ​​the work and the principle of constructing a system of images
c) in the soul of each of the characters in the work there is “war” and “peace”
d) “war” and “peace” - a historically accurate reproduction of reality
A2. What significance did his wound on the Field of Austerlitz have in the quest of Prince Andrei?
a) came to understand God c) realized that his previous aspirations were insignificant
b) was disappointed in his idol d) managed to become famous
A3. What trait is not typical for members of the Bolkonsky family?
a) simplicity and naturalness c) external coldness and calmness
b) true patriotism d) sense of duty
A4. For what purpose does L.N. Tolstoy introduce a description of the Bogucharov rebellion into the novel?
a) emphasize the people’s tendency to revolt
b) show the heterogeneity of the peasant masses
c) show the people’s desire for the will that Napoleon promised the Bogucharovites
d) show the “meaninglessness and mercilessness” of the Russian revolt
A5. Why does L.N. Tolstoy depict the Battle of Borodino through the perception of Pierre?
a) Pierre is not a military man, his perception of the battle is more objective
b) this is necessary for the development of Pierre’s character
c) it is important for the author to show the human condition in an extreme situation
d) he is more interested in military operations than others
A6. Which of the novel's heroes led a partisan detachment during wartime?
a) Andrey Bolkonsky c) Denisov
b) Dolokhov d) Nikolay Rostov
A7. What helped Natasha “resurrect” after escaping with Anatoly Kuragin?
a) time has dulled the power of suffering c) her sick mother needed her love and care
b) Natasha was able to forgive herself d) Andrey forgave her
A8. Which of the novel's heroes admits to himself: “I want fame, I want to be famous people…»?
a) Prince Andrey c) Pierre
b) Berg d) Boris Drubetskoy
A9. What is the meaning of the image of Platon Karataev?
a) helps Andrey return to life after a mental collapse
b) show the diversity of peasant characters
c) expression of the views of most of the characters in the work
d) conveys the philosophical and Christian views of the author
A10. The fate of which hero most clearly demonstrates the inhumanity of war?
a) Andrei Bolkonsky c) Natasha
b) Kutuzova d) Petit Rostova
A11. Why doesn’t L.N. Tolstoy show the end of the war in the territory Western Europe?
a) didn’t have time to finish the novel c) there was no war there at all
b) only the liberation war is significant d) does not want to show the defeat of the Russians
A12. How does Pierre's fate develop in the epilogue?
a) holds an important government position
b) becomes a member of a secret political society
c) withdraws, lives in the interests of the household and family
d) goes abroad

The tasks in Part 2 require a short answer formulated independently.
B1. What technique does L.N. Tolstoy use when depicting A.P. Sherer, Helen, Berg, Drubetsky, etc.?

B2. What is the driving force history" from the point of view of Leo Tolstoy?

B3. Which character in the novel looked like this:
“...he was a short, very handsome young man with definite and dry features. Everything in his figure, from his tired, bored look to his quiet, measured step, represented the sharpest contrast with his little lively wife”?

Q4. What means artistic expression contribute to the creation of a figurative picture: “Black clouds of smoke from the fires rose and diverged from both sides. On the street, not in rows, but like ants from a scattered hummock, soldiers in different uniforms and in different directions walked and ran through”?


IN art world Tolstoy has heroes, persistently and purposefully searching for meaning lives striving for complete harmony with the world. They are not interested in social intrigues, selfish interests, empty conversations in high society salons. They are easy to recognize among arrogant, self-satisfied faces.

These, of course, include one of the most bright images"War and Peace" Andrei Bolkonsky. True, the first acquaintance with this hero does not evoke much sympathy, because he beautiful face“with definite and dry features” spoils the expression of boredom and dissatisfaction. But it, as Tolstoy writes, is caused by the fact that “everyone who was in the living room was not only familiar, but was already so tired of him that he found it very boring to look at them and listen to them.” The author's extensive commentary suggests that a brilliant and idle, empty life does not satisfy the hero, who strives to break the vicious circle in which he finds himself.

Prince Andrei, who, in addition to intelligence and education, has a strong will, decisively changes his life by entering service at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief. Bolkonsky dreams of heroism and glory, but his desires are far from vanity, for they are caused by the desire for the victory of Russian weapons, for the common good. Possessing hereditary pride, Andrei unconsciously separates himself from the world ordinary people. In the hero’s soul, the gap between his lofty dreams and earthly everyday life becomes deeper and deeper. His pretty wife Lisa, who once seemed perfect to him, turned out to be an ordinary, ordinary woman. And Andrei undeservedly insults her with his disdainful attitude. Yes and vibrant life The headquarters of the commander-in-chief, who seems to Bolkonsky to be the brain of the army, also turns out to be very far from ideal. Andrei firmly believes that his thoughts about saving the army will attract attention and interest and will serve the common good. But instead of saving the army, he has to save the doctor’s wife from the demands of the transport officer. This, in general, noble deed seems too petty and insignificant to Andrei in comparison with his heroic dream.

The feat he accomplished during the Battle of Austerlitz, when he runs ahead of everyone with a banner in his hands, is full of external effect: even Napoleon noticed and appreciated it. But why, having committed a heroic act, does Andrei not experience any delight or elation? Probably because at that moment when he fell, seriously wounded, a new lofty truth was revealed to him, along with the high endless sky, spreading a blue vault above him. Against his background, all his former dreams and aspirations seemed small and insignificant to Andrey, the same as his former idol. A reassessment of values ​​took place in his soul. What seemed beautiful and sublime to him turned out to be empty and vain. And what he so diligently fenced himself off from - a simple and quiet family life - now seems desirable to him, full of happiness and harmony. It is not known how Bolkonsky’s life with his wife would have turned out. But when, having risen from the dead, he returned home kinder and gentler, a new blow fell on him - the death of his wife, to whom he was never able to make amends. Andrey is trying to live a simple life, quiet life, touchingly caring for his son, working to improve the lives of his serfs: he made three hundred people free cultivators, and replaced the rest with quitrent. These humane measures, testifying to Bolkonsky’s progressive views, for some reason still do not convince of his love for the people. Too often he shows contempt for a peasant or a soldier, whom one can pity, but cannot respect. In addition, the state of depression and the feeling of the impossibility of happiness indicate that all the transformations cannot completely occupy his mind and heart. Changes in Andrei's difficult mental state begin with the arrival of Pierre, who, seeing his friend's depressed mood, tries to instill in him faith in the existence of a kingdom of goodness and truth that should exist on earth. Andrei's final revival to life occurs thanks to his meeting with Natasha Rostova. The description emanates poetry and charm moonlit night and Natasha's first ball. Communication with her opens up a new sphere of life for Andrey - love, beauty, poetry. But it is with Natasha that he is not destined to be happy, because there is no complete mutual understanding between them. Natasha loves Andrei, but does not understand and does not know him. And she also remains a mystery to him with her own, special inner world. If Natasha lives every moment, unable to wait and postpone until a certain time the moment of happiness, then Andrei is able to love from a distance, finding a special charm in anticipation of the upcoming wedding with his beloved girl. The separation turned out to be too difficult a test for Natasha, because, unlike Andrei, she is not able to think about something else, to keep herself busy with something. The story with Anatoly Kuragin destroys the possible happiness of these heroes. Proud and proud Andrei is unable to forgive Natasha for her mistake. And she, experiencing painful remorse, considers herself unworthy of such a noble, ideal person. Fate separates loving people, leaving bitterness and pain of disappointment in their souls. But she will unite them before Andrei’s death, because Patriotic War 1812 will change a lot in their characters.

When Napoleon entered Russia and began to rapidly advance, Andrei Bolkonsky, who hated the war after being seriously wounded at Austerlitz, went into the active army, refusing a safe and promising service at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief. Commanding a regiment, the proud aristocrat Bolkonsky becomes close to the mass of soldiers and peasants, learns to appreciate and respect the common people. If at first Prince Andrei tried to arouse the courage of the soldiers by walking under bullets, then when he saw them in battle, he realized that he had nothing to teach them. He begins to look at the men in soldiers' greatcoats as patriotic heroes who courageously and steadfastly defended their Fatherland. Andrei Bolkonsky comes to the idea that the success of the army does not depend on the position, weapons or number of troops, but on the feeling that exists in him and in every soldier. This means that he believes that the mood of the soldiers, the general morale of the troops are a decisive factor for the outcome of the battle.

But still, the complete unity of Prince Andrei with common people didn't happen. It is not for nothing that Tolstoy introduces a seemingly insignificant episode about how the prince wanted to swim on a hot day, but due to his disgust towards the soldiers wallowing in the pond, he was never able to fulfill his intention. Andrei himself is ashamed of his feelings, but cannot overcome it.

It is symbolic that at the moment of his mortal wound, Andrei experiences a great craving for simple earthly life, but immediately thinks about why he is so sorry to part with it. This struggle between earthly passions and ideal, cold love for people becomes especially acute before his death. Having met Natasha and forgiven her, he feels a surge of vitality, but this reverent and warm feeling is replaced by some kind of unearthly detachment, which is incompatible with life and means death.

Thus, revealing in Andrei Bolkonsky many remarkable features of a patriotic nobleman. Tolstoy ends his path of quest with heroic death for the sake of saving his homeland. And in the novel, his friend and like-minded person Pierre Bezukhov is destined to continue this search for higher spiritual values, which remained unattainable for Andrei.

The path of quest of Andrei Bolkonsky A literature lesson in the 10th grade was prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature of Secondary School No. 46 of Belgorod Zakharova L.N.

“...I’m re-reading “War and Peace.” How well the old man knew the era, how amazingly he knew the ins and outs of human relationships, feelings, the course of emotional movements.” V. Ya. Shishkov “...Tolstoy knows how to penetrate into the depths of characters...He outlines with incomparable power their advantages and disadvantages, hesitations and contradictions. This is a terrible and inexorable psychologist, from whose observation nothing can be hidden and for whom human nature, so changeable and diverse, has no secret.” Alfred Baden

Let's follow Bolkonsky's path following the author. Talking about ourselves and our place in secular society, Andrey exclaims: “I don’t have... this well-known good-natured and concerned vulgarity that is needed for this.”

Let's follow Bolkonsky's path after the author Independence and dryness The first meeting with behavior contrasts with Andrei in the salon with the behavior of the rest of Scherer. guests “Living rooms, gossip, dissimilarity, balls, vanity, insignificance - these are the people around: “this vicious circle from which I cannot get out,” says life is not for me!” Bolkonsky Pierre Bezukhov’s Dreams about Personal “Before the Battle of Austerlitz I had a presentiment that I could show my glory that I could. All that I can do is for me. That happy moment presented itself, “Toulon”, that Toulon for which I had been waiting for so long. passion for the famous I want fame, I want to be ideas to people, I want to be loved by them... I am Napoleon. It’s not my fault that I want this, for this alone I live.” “...I love nothing but fame, human love. And no matter how dear or dear many people are to me - my father, sister, wife - the most dear people to me - but, no matter how scary and unnatural it seems, I will give them all now for a moment of glory, triumph over people, for love people to you."

Let's follow Bolkonsky's path following the author. The Russians lost in the Battle of Austerlitz. The Russians lost in the Battle of Austerlitz. We lost solemnly, the Battle of Austerlitz, Prince Andrei, “How quietly, calmly feeling tears of shame and anger, not like I was running,” thought the moment that had completely approached him - a turning point in his throat, he was already jumping off his horse and running to the banner. Prince Andrey, - not the way we ran, - Guys, go ahead! - he shouted childishly - the life of a hero. they shouted and fought; not at all like with piercing. The Frenchman and the artilleryman were dragging the banner from each other with embittered and frightened faces, - quite forcefully, “What is this? Am I falling? “I have a neon and fell on Cleansing, my legs are crawling, giving way,” the tall one, the clouds, thought his back. He opened his eyes...But he is nothing of nature. endless sky. Why didn't I see it? There was nothing above him anymore, except for this high sky before? And like the sky, the high sky, unclear, but still happy that I finally recognized it. Yes! immeasurably high, with silently crawling everything is empty, everything is clouds. there is no gray deception, except for this endless sky. There is nothing but him. But even that is not there, nothing. Disappointment in “Everything is empty, everything is deception, except. And there is no peace but silence. these previous aspirations. endless sky." God bless!. . . »

Let's follow Bolkonsky's path after the author. Having returned home, Andrei Bolkonsky decided never to serve in the army again and began to rely on a calm family life. And yet, the concepts of honor and nobility that live in Bolkonsky’s soul do not allow him to remain an indifferent observer of the life around him. Attempts to escape into a quiet social life, philosophical conclusions that a person, like a tree, should live out his life leisurely and patiently, failed again. Family drama of the hero. “I know only two real misfortunes in life: remorse and illness. And spiritual crisis. happiness is only the absence of these two evils,” Bolkonsky says to Pierre. Practical. His spiritual world operations have undergone significant changes. His outlook on life changed. village. and life itself. Has changed

Let's follow Bolkonsky's path after the author. Returning home, Bolkonsky, Meeting with Natasha, noticed that the old Rostov, familiar to him, was in Otradnoye. the oak has turned green. Prince Andrei took this as a sign, as a call: “I have never experienced anything happiness. - to Revival to life. action, life, things like that, he admits to Bezukhov. “I’m in love, my friend.” The whole world is now divided into two halves for Andrei Bolkonsky: “one is she, and the decision to “live for others” there is all the happiness, hope, light; the other and an attempt to participate in half - everything where it is not there is despondency and darkness.” Under the influence of his love, Andrey does public life. Natasha's proposal. However, at the insistence of his father, he must postpone the wedding for a year, during which he is forced to leave. Confident in his feelings, Bolkonsky agrees to this condition. But he didn't take into account state of mind and Natasha's youth. Having learned about her betrayal and her passion for Anatoly Kuragin, the hero experiences severe mental trauma. “I remember... I said that the fallen woman was injured. I need to forgive, but I didn’t say that I could forgive. “I can’t,” he declares to Pierre. Disappointment in life.

Let's follow Bolkonsky's path following the author of the Battle of Borodino. Getting closer to the people. Wound. The path to happiness through Christian forgiveness and compassion. Reconciliation with life Before death, Natasha's forgiveness. The motives are especially clearly felt, and with the hero: the true meaning of Christian teachings that happened is revealed to him, he forgives Natasha, the death of Prince Andrei. because an understanding of life comes to him. He participates in battles, witnesses national disasters, and becomes close to soldiers and officers. His spiritual impulses merge with the nationwide heroic impulse. Andrei Bolkonsky truly felt the desire to fight - not for the sake of career and glory, but to protect his homeland, his country. Unfortunately, a serious injury interrupts Bolkonsky’s intense path of spiritual quest. At the dressing station he meets Anatole, also seriously wounded. Remembering Natasha, Andrei realizes that he does not feel hatred at all for her or Kuragin. On the contrary, in his heart now there is love and pity. . simple and timeless basis. Andrei Bolkonsky leaves this world in complete harmony with people and with himself.

Conclusion Before us is a fully formed person. This is how Tolstoy guides Prince Andrei through the main events, through love and death, through the cruel trials of life. All his trials are the moment of truth. His destiny is the path of a person who makes mistakes and is able to atone for his guilt, striving for moral improvement. Connecting to feeling eternal love revived the strength of spirit in Prince Andrei, and he accomplished the most difficult thing, according to Tolstoy, - he died calmly and with dignity. And death became the “moment of truth” of his hero.

The life of every person is built on achieving large and small goals that everyone sets for themselves. To achieve something you have to work hard and sacrifice something. A tree cannot grow from nothing, a house cannot be built. Thus, goals are guidelines that a person follows throughout his entire conscious life, while doing a lot of work. Is it easy to find your true purpose? What does a person live for? What motivates people to strive for their goals? What means should you go to to achieve your dream? Many writers have tried to answer these questions in their works.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, in his epic novel War and Peace, described the life of society in the nineteenth century.

The author showed us how Natasha Rostova, Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov are looking for answers to questions: how to live, what to devote themselves to in life. The heroes find the meaning of their existence in the happiness of living a full life, fulfilling the high purpose of man, in the happiness of unity with the people in times of disaster and in constant internal renewal.

Natasha is an aristocrat from birth, but she is very close to the people. She likes folk music, songs and dances. Since childhood, the girl does not care about the opinions of others. This does not mean that she is selfish, far from it, she has spiritual freedom, which is limited not by secular requirements, but by moral laws. The most strong feeling For Natasha, throughout the novel, love is love. Love for the Motherland, father and mother, for Andrei, and later for Pierre.

The path of Natasha Rostova's search goes through difficult trials. She was deceived by Anatoly Kuragin, unsuccessfully tried to run away from home with him, thereby crossing out pure love to Prince Andrey. The girl continued to live after all these troubles. But she has not yet found her true purpose. During the War of 1812, Natasha decides to put aside all her desires. At Natasha’s insistence, all the carts of the Rostov family were given not to transport property, but to remove wounded soldiers from Moscow, which was engulfed in fire and besieged by the enemy. Could Natasha have acted differently? No, this kind, patriotic girl is not capable of putting material wealth above human lives. The result of this act, the goal that the heroine set for herself, were the surviving Russian officers and soldiers. This is a worthy result!

According to the author, the girl’s happiness, her ultimate goal, is not social activities, and in fulfilling the high purpose of being a wife and mother. Natasha marries Pierre Bezukhov. Now, all the heroine’s actions are aimed at family life. This goal is of great importance in the life of the entire society. The effort spent on raising a child and maintaining a family home is worth it, since children are our future!

All the heroes of the novel are in constant renewal, so Andrei Bolkonsky goes through difficult trials, mistakes, delusions before he finds his purpose in this life. At the beginning of the novel, the prince wants to escape from the boring social life. At that moment, he set himself a goal - to accomplish a feat in order to become famous like his idol, Napoleon. Fame for him is not only the recognition of the people, but also the desire to do something good for others, to test himself as a man. In pursuit of this goal, he chooses the wrong means. The hero overestimates his capabilities and goes to certain death at Austerlitz. In a mad pursuit of fame, Andrei is seriously wounded. On the other hand, this act raised the morale of our troops, but became disastrous for the hero himself.

In his very first battle, the hero gives up his two erroneous goals: the desire to become famous for his feat alone and to become like Napoleon. For a long time Andrei could not find his purpose, his true goal. The consequence of such a mental upheaval was the hero’s closeness, he withdraws into himself.

Having gone through the path of awakening, Prince Andrei comes to the conclusion that he needs to live and love. The events of 1812 became turning point in the lives of all the heroes of the novel, including Andrei. He puts all his personal problems and desires in the background. His main goal during these years was to protect his homeland. He no longer dreams of becoming famous, he does not care about his life. “To live helping people, to understand them, to merge your life with the life of the people” - this is the new ideal that Prince Andrei strives for.

Thus, there are two ways to find your true purpose. The first is to make mistakes, setting false and base goals for yourself, upon achieving which you yourself will be unpleasant to look at the result of the work done. Second, keep up with the people, do not overestimate yourself, taking small but positive steps towards your dreams, your destiny. And in the end, having gone through all the difficulties and misconceptions, find the answer to the question: “What am I living for and what can I do for the people around me?”