The Path to Community Leadership. The role of children's public organizations in the formation of moral guidelines and leadership qualities of schoolchildren. And who is the leader?

The social movement plays an important role in developing leadership qualities, allowing not only to gain knowledge on managing a team, but also to become its real leader. Young people are rarely involved in participation in representative bodies, both socio-political self-organization and state power. It is characteristic that about 3% of people under the age of 30 are represented in the State Duma, regional legislative assemblies, local governments, political parties and other structures, although, for example, according to statistics, in small businesses the share of young entrepreneurs is more than 30%. Young people are most often remembered during the election campaign, since getting the support of half of the country's voters is the dream of any politician or statesman.

Sociological studies show that about 50% of young people believe that a leading position in society can be achieved thanks to organizational skills, activity, and ambition. It is these positions that are embedded in public service, which is an important factor in the development of a leader.

No public association can do without a leader. The leader protects the interests of his group, acts as its “leader”, since the participants shift their concerns onto his shoulders. The leader is the best custodian and representative of the program ideas of the association. Even the appearance of a leader can improve the image of the organization and the country as a whole.

Currently, for the majority of the population, it is not so much the ideology of the organization that is important, but rather the ideas that are easier to associate with a specific person. In turn, the strength of a leader depends on the influence of his ideas. A public association enhances the positive characteristics of its leader, creates additional situations where these characteristics are clearly manifested, removes, and denies negative characteristics that influence public opinion. To support the popularity of a leader, positive results are necessary, at least small successes that strengthen his authority and influence on the masses, which is ensured, first of all, by the socially significant activities of members of the organization. Thanks to the public organization, the personal image of the leader is enhanced: a situation of success achieved under his leadership and associated with his name is created; personifies the power of the organization; the opportunity arises to participate in educational (including international) programs, publish articles, books, join working groups, committees of the Government, the Federal Assembly, boards of corporate organizations, etc.

Leadership is assessed ambiguously in Russian society. “I have a negative attitude towards the very phenomenon of leadership. Not least because it is always a sign of some kind of trouble in society. The fact that today there is such a “harvest” on leaders is by no means a sign of the flourishing of democracy, but rather a sign of the illness of society” (D.S. Likhachev). This point of view is quite common, so it makes sense to pay attention to the various aspects of this phenomenon.

If in the USSR a public leader was considered a person who had achieved success in production or socio-political activities, today leaders are pop stars, actors, writers, journalists, directors, etc. They are professionals in psychological influence on people, not in activity and production. In the modern world, the leaders are the leaders of leisure, the leaders of consumption, which are created, consciously constructed by specific people. “Press agents rewrite family histories, manage fan clubs, produce magazines with millions of copies for them, write their “autobiographies” for stars, and find optimal behavior patterns for them. Stardom is an intense process of creating an image.” Public organizations need to create their own images of action leaders. Modern society is becoming technologically complex, so people engaged in innovative work and creation must come forward.

Another type of modern leader, preserved from Soviet times, is the bureaucratic one. Typical careerists strive for it. The value of the time of a bureaucratic leader and the value of the time of those around him do not coincide. His time value is higher, so everyone else needs to adjust to his schedule. Hence the agonizing wait in the waiting room. The space of such a leader also does not coincide with the everyday life of ordinary people. It is surrounded by expensive furniture, cars for which the roads are blocked...

Leadership is the top of the hierarchy of human needs. And the satisfaction of higher needs is possible only when the needs of a lower level are satisfied. “An individual who has a need for something constantly craves its satisfaction”:

Physiology: water, sleep, food, shelter, sex.

Security: the ability to control the situation.

Love: belonging to family, friends, lovers (transition period from individual to social).

Recognition: admiration of others, satisfaction of ambitious desires.

Self-actualization: refers to the most long-term goals designed to achieve full potential.

There are four stages of personal development of a leader in a public organization: 1) leader-agitator; 2) leader-enthusiast (fanatic); 3) leader-administrator (manager); 4) leader of action (political figure): “The movement begins with people of speech, materializes by fanatics and is consolidated by people of action. The dynamic phase of movement ends with the man of action; he wants not to renew the world, but to take possession of it.”

Leadership (from the English leader - leader) is the leading influence of a group member - the leader - on the group as a whole. There are two main leadership roles associated with different aspects of group functioning. The role of a business leader includes actions aimed primarily at solving the task assigned to the group (for example, implementing work, educational activities). The role of an emotional leader is associated with the sphere of emotional activity of the team and contains actions related mainly to the sphere of interpersonal communication in the group. The set of techniques and methods used by a leader to influence the people who depend on him is called leadership style. With an authoritarian style, the leader acts in an authoritative, directive manner towards his followers, rigidly distributing roles between group members. An authoritarian leader concentrates almost all the main functions of management in his own hands, not allowing group members to discuss or challenge the decisions he makes or his actions. The opposite of the authoritarian style is the democratic leadership style, in which the leader seeks to manage the group in close cooperation with the rest of its members, giving them a certain freedom of action, decisions, and initiative. With a liberal leadership style, the leader practically removes himself from the active management of the group, giving its members unlimited freedom of action. A leader is a member of a group who, in significant situations, is capable of exerting a significant influence on the behavior of other participants and practically leading them. However, the concepts of “leader” and “management” are not the same. Unlike a leader, a leader is not officially appointed, is not given any formal authority, and does not bear legal responsibility for the state of affairs in the group. In a group in which the leader simultaneously acts as a leader, the moral and psychological climate is better than in one where the leader does not realize his ability to establish friendly work of the team. A group of children and youth can only be considered a true team when its formal and informal structure do not contradict, but complement each other, when the official leaders of the team have a high status in the sphere of interpersonal relations.

American researchers distinguish management (as an attempt to manage people from the outside) and leadership (as the desire to give people the opportunity to manage themselves):

What is important in leadership is a set of characteristics that will better influence both the population as a whole and specific social groups. The image of a leader must be woven into human traits that are understandable to the majority and that everyone can recognize as their own. A leader must demonstrate the full range of feelings. When a person’s status changes, he also changes externally, so it is important for a leader to know what he needs to be like in order to fit the new position.

The image of a leader can be discussed with movement participants using literary works. Gogol's Khlestakov as a leader is a man not of action, but of influence. He is deceitful: “Khlestakov does not always have the initiative during the dialogue. He most often just tries to say what is expected of him and to be a pleasant “inquiry.” From the very beginning, he praises everything - the establishments, the customs of the city, breakfast, labardan fish. He feels that his praise is waiting for him, like manna from heaven, and he doesn’t feel sorry: he praises.” Unfortunately, this is exactly the kind of “leader” that most modern organizations train, teaching “how to win (!) friends” (according to D. Carnegie).

Currently, there are a large number of approaches to typifying the personal qualities of a leader. A modern leader is represented as a person:

An active person who makes serious decisions and is judged by his deeds, not his words;

With a long-term vision, carrying out actions not by chance, but as elements of a plan that involves achieving the good for all;

Received chaos and problems in management as a legacy;

Brave, decisive, selfless;

Solving problems that are significant to the population.

Three aspects of the image of a modern leader of a public organization in Russia can be distinguished: portrait, professional, social.

Portrait aspect of leadership includes: external data, charisma, intelligence, confidence, energy, dynamism, relative youth, health, openness, sincerity, charm, sense of humor, etc.

The beginning of the popular saying “one is greeted by his clothes” is true, but its ending – “one is greeted by his mind” - is not entirely true, since only 7% of a person’s general perception is attributed to content. External data is an important trait of a leader. The task of a modern leader as the “face of the company” is not to convince, but to be remembered. Choosing an outwardly beautiful leader is a profitable investment: beauty attracts more people, a photogenic, and even more so telegenic person is an important condition for any advertising - the engine of trade.

A leader should look like a winner - a smiling, self-confident person; he should be able to lift the mood and maintain attention.

The modern generation is much more emotional than the previous one. “These are hundreds of girls who need an idol in a tactile sense, so that they can touch it, at least on the TV screen.” Charisma, one of the main signs of a leader, is created precisely thanks to massive attention from fans. “People are turned on by legends, including living legends, not by the person himself. Supporters are more likely to be attracted to the aura that surrounds a charismatic figure rather than to the figure itself. People who wouldn't look at what was going on on the street would take notice when they saw the crowd gathered to watch. People worship those who are in the focus of public attention: you will see a legend alive, and you will have something to tell your neighbor about (according to V. Kevin).

The leader is characterized by aggressive traits, which reflects rather archaic requirements characteristic of a pack of animals: toughness, assertiveness, courage (courage is an important quality: working with patients with leprosy, syphilis, AIDS - evokes admiration and respect). With the biological basis of communication, dominance is given to the one who is stronger, who has a commanding voice, respectable age and appearance. “Strength, and not intelligence, is recorded in our memory as a sign of kings and padishahs. The intelligence was rather given to their ministers and viziers. A strong leader says little, does not need to justify his actions, gives out little information, because he sees no reason to bother himself unnecessarily. Time and knowledge of a strong leader of the road. The strong one constantly demands feedback: is what he said clear enough? Has he overloaded the limited partners' brains? He does not need more detailed response information. That’s why the strong often don’t listen to their partner and don’t give up the initiative.” A strong leader can distance himself from certain issues without mentioning them and impose the topic and rhythm of the conversation on his interviewers. “A true leader must be kind and fair towards his own, but merciless towards his enemies. He maintains a clear division: “we” – the people and the leader, and “they” – enemies, rivals. All actions of the "archetypal" leader should be assessed as successful and victorious." The leader of action is based not only on persuasion, but also on coercion, which gives great effect. In addition, informal connections in an organization can only be maintained by protecting these connections. The difference between the leader of a mass movement of a free society is that he leads people where they themselves want to go.

A male leader must be strictly gender-oriented, have an elevated masculine status, and everything feminine and in need of protection must be cut off in him. A set of “masculine” qualities of a leader: determination, strength, a certain aggressiveness, charm, attractiveness, competence, participation in decision making, impressiveness. “Get yourself in good shape! An apathetic and clumsy person will not be able to pretend to be cheerful and healthy in public. Be fit (not skinny) and show off the energy you get from eating well, resting and exercising.” A leader's athletic appearance helps create an image of an organization that can understand and solve the problems of young people.

Professional aspect of leadership presupposes special preparedness to perform leadership functions and includes: competence, determination, efficiency, efficiency, experience, knowledge, intellectual, oratorical abilities, etc.

Modern leader:

Harmonizes with the spirit of the time, with the assessments and ideas of others: quickly makes decisions and is responsible for their implementation;

Has experience in communication, attracting new people, is able to form a team;

Able to lead people;

It has the opportunity to communicate directly with its members via the Internet: collect their requests, answer questions, give instructions. Feedback is the key to effective development of an organization.

Mass consciousness traditionally associates leadership with “scholarship” (hence the candidate and doctoral degrees of most Russian NGO leaders): the leader writes texts, sorts out papers, speaks competently when others “listen,” and clearly answers questions from journalists. At the same time, in terms of the level of intellectual development, a leader cannot differ too much from the average level. “People don’t get very excited when they see an established hero. They feel awkward around him. He is taller than them. But people do not tolerate superiority.” A leader must consciously underestimate his abilities so that those around him feel more comfortable and stronger. At the same time, he must be able to give examples from microeconomics and micropolitics, understandable and calculable by everyone. “The leaders of the crowd are not thinkers; they are men of action. They do not have insight, since it usually leads to doubts and inaction.”

A leader must be ambivalent (be able to predict the expectations of a partner or group); this is a more effective line of behavior that allows him to reach a much larger circle of supporters with his “messages.” Just like a fortune teller deliberately generates ambivalent texts to increase the number of hits.

A leader must clearly understand the goal to be achieved, anticipate obstacles, and attract the necessary resources to achieve it. At the same time, people working with a leader must realize that they are working to implement a task set not by one person, but by an entire team.

A Western leader is taught not to show his anger or confusion, and to answer questions as briefly as possible so as not to be edited. Thus, R. Nixon (former US President) addressed journalists with a text that did not exceed 100 words. It is important to teach sincerity (no discrepancies between the form and content of messages); it is necessary to demonstrate self-confidence; don't show your excitement. Psychologists believe that if, when smiling, the left corner of the mouth is lowered or the left eye is squinted, it means that the person is in a bad mood; if the right eye is open more than the left, it means that his mind and logic are not sufficiently developed. A strong person is laconic; a weak person says everything to interest his partner.

Oratory skills are one of the conditions for the successful promotion of a leader and his organization. A. Mikhalskaya considers the hierarchy of behavioral factors that influence the popularity of a speaker: appearance (general appearance, demeanor); feminine manner of speech in men and masculine in women; individual personality traits (expressiveness, expressiveness, emotionality). A bright, catchy (but not excessive) detail is required - a tie, a badge, a brooch, a scarf around the neck: the public’s gaze must be attracted by something, “captured”.

A leader-communicator can be assessed using the following scales:

- “safety” (kind, pleasant, honest, warm, non-harmful, calm, patient (low ratings - dangerous, hostile, dishonest, inhospitable, cold, uncommunicative, vindictive, excited, impatient);

- “qualification” (professional, experienced, skillful, informed, qualified, capable, reasonable);

- “dynamism” (aggressive, decisive, sincere, strong, courageous, active, energetic, fast).

Erwin Bettinghaus offers his communicator parameters:

Credibility parameter: successful presentation to the listener.

Knownness parameter: listeners must know it from previous activities.

Status parameter: the speaker must be associated with the organization with which he is associated.

Opinion leaders parameter: the speech should be structured in such a way as to be aimed at the opinion leaders of this group.

Affinity Dimension: A speaker will increase his success if he emphasizes the factors that bring him closer to a given audience.

The parameter of knowing the audience: age, gender, social environment - all this will help influence the receipt of audience support.

Parameter of targeting the majority – it makes sense to adapt your message to the largest group.

The Workbook of a participant in the project of the Association of Young Leaders “Small Motherland” contains advice for the speaker. Settings when preparing a speech:

I know what they want to hear from me.

I can boil down my point of view to one sentence and my main points to three.

I have an exciting beginning, a clear middle and a thought-provoking ending.

I wrote the main points of the speech in different colors on cards to emphasize the main points. I didn't forget to number the cards - this will help me if I drop them.

I tried my speech on my parents, grandparents, dog, cat, neighbor, janitor and mirror. After their criticism, I took everything into account and tried again.

Installations before the start of the performance:

I will remember that the performance begins the minute I rise from my seat. I'm going to confidently walk onto the stage and look around the audience before I begin. I will take a deep breath and begin slowly and loudly enough (directing my voice towards the person in the back row) so that everyone can hear the speech I have worked so hard on.

I will look at each listener to convey my message to them. I'll force my hands to stick to the surface of the podium or my pockets so I don't have to gesticulate while clarifying the things I'm saying.

Having finished, I will pause briefly, then confidently walk off the stage.

After the performance, I will find my friend in the hall and ask what went well and what I need to work on in the future.

No matter what happens, I will still discover something new about myself and learn about others. Every time I am in front of an audience, I improve my speaking skills.

Social aspect of leadership includes: trust, humanity, compassion, conviction, foresight, caring for people, the ability to clearly formulate the goals of one’s activities; declare and implement ideas of social protection. In modern Russian society, which is in a protracted crisis, the role of leader is claimed by the one who can become a savior, since due to the loss in the Cold War, an inferiority complex has become firmly entrenched among the people (according to C. G. Jung). A true leader is the king of illusions; he transfers everything to the plane of the future. The leader should develop non-traditional forms of communication and new behavioral techniques. The real position of the leader in society is also important. Who is he? If the main milestones of his biography correspond to stereotypical attitudes about the social “norm”, and his social parameters do not raise questions, he is perceived as “one of our own”, who pulled ahead due to a turn of fate. The people over whom the leader extends his influence must understand what means he lives on, know his marital status, the circle of people close to him, etc. At the same time, details and details are not important; more often they raise new questions, to which there are not always clearly “correct” answers.

In contrast to training leaders only as leaders (without a thorough study of the specifics of the field of activity), leadership in service learning, leadership in service is the employment of a leader, educating not a man of word (tribune), but a man of action (worker), since the leader of a social movement is always busy with business, takes responsibility for solving complex problems, including material ones. We can roughly distinguish four stages in the formation of a leader in public service: 1) leader-author of the idea of ​​a social movement - 2) leader-project manager - 3) leader-manager of a group of volunteers - 4) leader-manager of an organization. The times when a leader was raised only using game methods, modeling, and theorizing are a thing of the past. Real knowledge of the mechanisms and laws of social development and public policy, research, design, management, analysis of project results - these are the tools that allow us to prepare a true, meaningful, responsible leader.

Young leaders typically do not have the same leadership development needs as adults. One of the problems of servant leadership is the contradiction between the expectations of adults, who “exactly” know what a young leader should be like, what qualities he should have, and the real situation that requires one or another leadership approach. Indeed, the most striking examples of leaders among adults are Lenin, Stalin, Martin Luther King, Gandhi. But none of them were leaders at a young age. Consciously or not, adults assume that leadership is something that everyone earns or develops into.

Thus, for most adults (especially in the education system), young people cannot be leaders in the present. They can only prepare to become leaders. In addition, adults are unwilling to leave their own positions of power and decision-making. Power belongs to adults, youth is limited to business assignments and responsibilities.

In typical situations where an adult leader dominates, young people are allowed to develop projects, ask for help and support from outside organizations - that is, carry out business activities. As soon as administrative issues arise, for example, spending money or hiring staff, the opinion of young people, as a rule, is not taken into account. Adults forget that all the steps leading to success or failure must be completed by the young person independently. Only in this way can he feel like a real builder of his life and the life of the team. Youth has its own style, spirit, aspirations, and values. The desire of the mentor to organize a youth movement in such a way as to reproduce the ideas and ideals of adults in it leads to the fact that the entire life of such a “specialist” is spent on raising “ideal” (more precisely, “their own kind”) children. Youth is sacrificed to adulthood, which in turn is sacrificed to youth.

The system of self-government “has undoubted value because it develops, in given real social conditions, elements of personal self-control, recognition of the rights of others and tolerance towards others, respect for law and authority, a sense of the value of order and cooperation as the foundation of all work and success.”

The main task of self-government is to develop a person’s legal sense and sense of responsibility. In well-organized self-government, adults become senior allies whose authority is recognized. Therefore, specially created children's, youth and adult organizing committees (headquarters, centers, etc.) of a social movement must solve those simple issues that correspond to the real life of children and teenagers, can be mastered independently and in which the personality will be socially strengthened. The child should see service as the focus of his life interests. It is the social component that allows us to cultivate a sense of duty, responsibility, initiative, and respect for law and law. Where there is public life, there is a need and opportunity for self-government. Otherwise, self-government turns into a fiction or a game.

Self-government must be mobile, implemented in a variety of specific forms related to the characteristics of the social environment. In the organizing committee, every young person must be accustomed to conscientiously performing a certain social function. Youth has its own interests and tasks, therefore the creation of initiative public associations, where life problems are solved collectively and participation in which is voluntary, is a much more important task than “democratic” self-government. It is the social organization that is the true center of life, and not a place of preparation for life.

Self-government must solve the problems of the youth themselves, allowing the individual to grow and develop. Self-government in the process of social movement is management of youth, not ministry. Therefore, all issues related to the preservation and transmission of the experience of previous generations, the organization of work on the assimilation of knowledge and the resulting support for discipline should not be the subject of youth self-government.

The problem of organizing self-government for children and youth does not lie in determining the ways and forms of involving them in managing a social movement project. The inclusion of young people in organizing committees is not true self-government, since it presupposes the formal presence of a young person (even a selected one) among experienced and knowledgeable people. Experience shows that, initially interested in novelty, children soon begin to feel burdened by their unused right to manage the process.

Copying the state management system (the so-called “school of parliamentarism”) is also not productive: due to frequent elections and parliamentary discussions of minor issues, children quickly cool down to such games. Children develop a desire for debate for the sake of debate, a desire for less than the best students to win elections with the help of “dirty” technologies, etc. Playing at the state or parliamentarism leads to the displacement of content by form, as a result of which victory for the sake of victory becomes the main driving impulse.

The best structures have multiple leadership positions, so many talented people can simultaneously implement the ideas of a social movement. This also increases the opportunity to attract more volunteers.

Socially significant activity is always a need to change natural personal goals, to limit one’s external “I” in favor of the superpersonal. Service to society is a long-term goal, limiting immediate attraction to the more distant and lasting interests of the whole. Children act this way and not otherwise, not because their individual duty prescribes it, but because everyone does this, as if it was established by nature. In this regard, the authority of an adult is important, which is a transitional stage between the external force to which the child is subordinate and free submission to the internal law of duty. Above authority is the human mind; submission to authority must be justified by the mind, which freely accepts the instructions of authority. The ability to do everything as prescribed is not the goal of education; obedience is just a means of instilling in a person a sense of duty, satisfied by his free action. A properly organized youth movement cultivates in a person the ability to respect the rights of others and defend his own rights.

Socially significant activities must be organized in such a way as to foster a love of freedom. Children, submitting to an adult, must learn to follow the dictates of duty. Any rules of behavior must be justified by the conditions of joint work. Then they will be clear to teenagers in their motives (this is my goal) and will not cause indignation, which is natural for youth. Moreover, these rules should equally apply to all participants in socially significant activities: children and adults. An adult's recognition of his mistake in violating general rules only strengthens his authority. The activities of the organizing committee or public association must be dominated by the spirit of law, where everyone has equal responsibilities and strictly observes them.

A social movement can help unite proactive young people and young leaders. Adults sometimes think that it is easier to organize events “FOR” students, especially since they are more often passive, indifferent and have no experience in organizing important events and affairs. However, one of the characteristics of a social movement is that it relies on the skills and enthusiasm of young people themselves. This is an excellent opportunity for students to plan an important social event themselves. Therefore, the ministry is organized for youth and by the youth themselves.

A social movement is an effective means of struggle for power. The ideas of leadership underlying it serve as one of the conditions for the victory of candidates in an election campaign at any level. Unfortunately, the authorities did not come up with a new pattern for the elections. Youth agitation is carried out “Soviet style”: explanatory speeches, asset collections, lectures, etc. Elections are dramaturgy, since the one elected is the one who tells voters the story that the people want to hear at that particular moment (160). If real activity is added to this, the chances increase.

Jacques Segel lays out eight universal commandments for successful campaigning. Vote for:

A person, not a party;

An idea, not an ideology;

The future, not the past;

The image is social, not political;

A man-legend, and not for mediocrity;

Fate, and not for everyday life;

A winner, not a loser;

The values ​​are real, not imaginary.

The spread of new information technologies, allowing young people to communicate with each other and discuss their values ​​and culture, strengthens self-esteem, consciousness of social responsibility and civic leadership, and gives hope for the rise to power of leaders of action, not entertainment.

The main feature of the social movement is that it does not prepare for life, it creates conditions for an independent, full-fledged real life. Social activity becomes the education of youth for its own sake, the leadership of a young man in service makes him the Creator of his own culture.

Structure and stages of development of a social movement (using the example of a public organization).

The skills of collective activity, so necessary for life in modern society, are most easily acquired by performing various practical activities in a circle of like-minded people, participating in the activities of a public organization. A child or young person, being involved in an activity that corresponds to his interests and needs, but which objectively has social meaning, receives satisfaction not so much from the activity itself, but from the awareness of his need and usefulness for other people.

By choosing or independently developing a project, an initiative group of children and youth takes on a common task, be it making toys for an orphanage, planting a flower garden, a concert for disabled soldiers, caring for a veteran’s garden, etc. This work is done jointly, where everyone complements their efforts with the efforts of the other, where everyone is concerned with the production of a common product. The mentor only sets the task, manages the overall work, helping with his advice and labor where the work has stalled, but does not give a model that everyone must repeat. In this case, something new is created that has never existed before.

Currently, youth and children's public associations in Russia do not have decent government support, they are developing chaotically, their activities are poorly covered in the media, but recently numerous movements, funds, organizations, including a large number of children's and youth organizations, have been actively created and developed public associations. Hundreds of international, all-Russian, interregional, regional and local children's and youth associations implement thousands of programs and projects of various types on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Despite the many associations, statistics show that the majority of children and youth remain away from active participation in the public life of the country and do not even know the names of existing associations.

If we do not delve into the economic problems of ensuring the activities of public associations and do not consider the actual blockade by the Russian media of the positive activities of children and youth, then the reasons for the reluctance of teenagers to join a children's and youth organization are, first of all: 1) the focus of the newly created associations on educational and educational , often abstract goals not related to the environment familiar to a child or young person; 2) strict authority on the part of adults (the adult is always right; the child must obey the teacher (counselor); 3) the reluctance of managers to part with outdated forms of work, the struggle for numbers, attendance, “purity” of the ranks; 4) exoticism of associations, ignoring Russian traditions; 5) instilled religiosity, partisanship, extremism; 6) the closeness of the association from the real life of the city, town, village, the predominance of “contrived” situations over real life.

Every person is inherently a leader, but perhaps not everyone knows about it. The person whom the Creator created in His image and likeness already contains all the qualities of a leader. The success of every leader is determined by the number of his followers. The most successful leader was and remains a man, the Son of God - Jesus Christ, and the most progressive and advanced book of all time on successful leadership is the Bible. It sets out all the principles by using which people become successful.

Principle 1. Teach your followers:

  • look how I do
  • repeat and do with me
  • do it yourself, I'll help you

We see the success of this principle in all types of individual activities of teacher and student: in art, sports, science, commerce, family, in the education system, etc. The basis of network marketing is the same biblical principle. Jesus Christ selected 12 disciples and taught them individually and, subsequently, they became the leaders of the Church, the first apostles.

Principle 2. Train your followers to prepare new leaders. It is set out in Matthew 28:19 “Go and make disciples of all nations..., teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” The entire transmission and continuity of generations of student schools and various leadership is based on this principle.

Qualities of an effective leader.Every leader must have personal and social qualities.

Personal qualities.

Humility. Every leader must first become a good performer. In order to be a good performer and be able to obey another person, you need to develop such a character trait as humility. “Humility precedes glory. With humility comes the fear of the Lord, riches and glory and life.”

Caring for people. The most valuable and greatest wealth of every leader is people. Only when we start giving of ourselves (our life, time) will we become great. You will not rise higher than the level as a leader at which level your love for people is. People who have not understood that people are wealth, and not a means to their own enrichment, will not last long in the position of leader. “A good name is better than great wealth, and a good reputation is better than silver and gold.” “To seek fame is not glory.”(From the parables of King Solomon).

Wisdom. “The main thing is wisdom: acquire wisdom, and with all your possessions acquire understanding. Treasure her highly, and she will exalt you, she will glorify you, if you cleave to her; will place a beautiful wreath on your head, will bring you magnificent crown“- writes the richest and wisest king Solomon. Wisdom can be acquired, it depends on us how much we want and desire it. Wisdom is the power of correct judgment and intelligent action based on knowledge and understanding. The owner of all truth is the Creator and Creator of the universe, so it is best to seek and ask for wisdom and advice from Him. Also, do not neglect the advice of those people in whose lives you observe wisdom and success, and who have experience as a manager and leader. “Those who consult have wisdom.” This biblical principle is successfully used in various government structures: teachers' council, artistic council, meetings, parliament, etc.

Courage. Another valuable character quality that a leader should have. Having courage means not being afraid to make decisions and take responsibility for them. This is faith in success, the ability not to lose composure.

Ability to think creatively. Search and use, quickly implement new methods and tactics. New ideas have always been valued and expensive. God is the Creator, and creative qualities are inherent in each of us, since we are His children.

Humor. “A cheerful heart is like medicine, but a sad spirit dries out the bones.” Healthy humor and laughter have a positive effect on both ourselves and the people around us. When we laugh, therapeutic self-massage occurs in our internal organs, and our body produces substances - interferons, which have a beneficial effect on our entire body. That's why "always rejoice" teaches the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Thessalonian Church, as well as to all of us living in the city of Yalta and other cities.

We looked at the personal qualities of character that a leader must develop in himself in order to become successful. A leader must also havesocial qualitiesaimed at people.

  1. Take care of people. The extent to which the leader is caring and attentive to the needs and requirements of everyone, the more he will receive results in his work from these people. If a leader cares only about the quality of work and the implementation of the plan, and does not show interest in the needs, rest, nutrition, encouragement and other types of care for people, his subordinates will soon understand that they are just a means to an end and are simply being used. No one will try one hundred percent at work. People crave friendly treatment, attention, care and love. “What a good word at the right time.” If you have nothing to encourage your people, at least say a kind word to them.
  2. Be able to attract people. A valuable quality to acquire and attract a person is the ability to listen to him. And not only listen, but also hear what he says. If you listened to a person to the end, you gained him; if you interrupted him, you lost him. Every person seeks understanding from others. People want to know that you love and appreciate them - say it and show it to them.
  3. Encourage you to do your best. The most effective means is our personal example. When we perform at our best, it brings not only benefit to others, but joy and satisfaction to ourselves. The more results we have, the happier we are. “And whatever you do, do it from the heart, as for the Lord and not for men.” - this is God's principle in all work.
  4. Ability to teach. The ability to learn includes the transfer of information, facts, skills. When transmitting any information or theory, we turn to the human mind, from the mind (the assimilation of theoretical material) to practice. Practicing the theory leads the mind to acquire skills in the area we want to implement. This method was also first shown and used in the Bible (Jesus Christ and the disciples) and has found wide application in all areas of science, technology, and art.

Every person has the potential to lead. But leaders are not born, but leaders are made. How successful we will be as leaders depends on whether we are willing to learn, to humble ourselves, to make the effort, to discipline ourselves, that is, to pay the price. When taking a leadership position, never forget God’s principle of human upliftment: “Whoever wants to be great must be your servant,” “whoever is greatest among you must be like the youngest, and he who is in charge must be like a servant.”».

Sooner or later, every person will give an account to God for what has been entrusted to him, and every leader will answer for every person over whom God has placed him, for “There is no authority that is not from God, but the existing authorities are established from God.” Take responsibility for what is entrusted to you, since whoever is entrusted with more will be asked for more. There is no person who does not make mistakes, therefore, “Forgetting what lies behind, stretch forward to what lies ahead.” Ask for forgiveness from God when you have stumbled, make a decision to please God in your life, because when we appear before His throne, only what we did for His glory will have meaning and weight, and not for our glory, self-interest and profit . Not a single person has ever taken money, a house, or other material goods with him to heaven. That's why " repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you and your whole house will be saved.” Live honestly, love people, do good and keep the truth. God elevates people and each of us has our own destiny, our own height. But we can reach the highest peak and become the most successful only in cooperation with the Lord.

Choose Him as your leader and partner and you will become the most successful.

Subject: General subject

FSUE "RADON" conducted a developmental peer review, the so-called thematic pre-visit, in several areas of RPS deployment.

A commission consisting of employees of the RPS Production Department and RPS JSC of the State Corporation, as well as specialists from enterprises with the status of “PSR Leader” and “PSR Candidate”, headed by the Chairman and General Director of KIAGDA JSC Andrey Vladimirovich Gladyshev, assessed the current level of RPS development at the enterprise . The final assessment of RADON's achievement of its goals as part of the deployment of the Rosatom production system will be given six months after the final RPK.

The audit made it possible to monitor the deployment of RPS in the four most important areas: decomposition of goals, RPS flows, project management and motivation.

The RPPK team noted that RADON has every chance to move to the next level and ultimately be awarded the title of “PSR Leader”, the receipt of which is very prestigious, as it distinguishes the enterprise from other organizations in the industry, serves as an example and requires constant confirmation .

But in order to achieve this high status, the enterprise team still has a lot to do in this direction. Recommendations were received in all areas of deployment. Significant comments were made on the quality of compilation of X-matrices, as well as on compliance with deadlines and the quality of implementation of RPS projects.

As for the direction of PSR-flows, the commission, having examined the MRW, UP-500 and OKU RW sections, gave a positive assessment of the MRW section and proposed to make it an exemplary one in the flow of radioactive waste management, while making unpleasant conclusions about the state of the UP-500 pressing section. Section UP-500, despite the order from the enterprise to carry out RPK, was not ready for inspection in many respects. It was downright dirty there. And the negative attitude of some employees towards the members of the commission in the situation of an inspection was simply unacceptable. This approach is dragging our enterprise down.

The incident indicates the lack of involvement of personnel in the development of the Rosatom production system at the enterprise in work that is aimed both at increasing the productivity of the enterprise and at improving the quality of working conditions for each employee, despite the fact that such organizational issues as a corporate newspaper , information stands, website, and email were rated positively in terms of tools for increasing staff engagement; the situation with this area caused concern among the commission.

Live communication between commission members and people showed that the degree of involvement is characterized by the degree of coincidence of interests of the enterprise and its employees. It was noted that work in this direction needs to be continued and strengthened, taking into account the objective positions of both sides. Constructive proposals, comments and recommendations formulated in the Memorandum signed following the inspection will help to correctly set priorities, organize work to achieve RPS deployment indicators at the enterprise and solve the assigned tasks in the best possible way.

Moreover, at the meeting preceding the peer review on the deployment of RPS in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "RADON", the Director for RPS "Rosatom" Sergei Aleksandrovich Obozov and the Director for State Policy in the field of radioactive waste, spent nuclear fuel and depletion Oleg Vasilyevich Kryukov, after the advice they gave, approved the correctness of the Radon team in development of the production system.

The introduction of new working methods is not an easy process, but it is necessary and interesting, and now permanent for enterprises in the nuclear industry. Only the joint efforts of all employees of the enterprise in the direction of improving activities at each workplace will make it possible to achieve the goals set for RADON!

The process of becoming a leader can be defined as follows: to lead means to understand where you are going. The main milestones on this path are personal responsibility, the ability to analyze one's actions and a sense of perspective.

When discussing the main qualities of a leader, we often complicate everything. Meanwhile, the principle of “Occam’s razor” (a philosophical principle that can be formulated as follows: “Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily.” - Note ed.) is also applicable to the field of leadership. In my opinion, the process of becoming a leader can be defined as follows: to lead means to understand where you are going. The process of becoming a leader should be understood accordingly. The main milestones on this path are personal responsibility, the ability to analyze one's actions and a sense of perspective.

Personal responsibility

Anyone who wants to become a leader must first decide to achieve some goal, figuratively speaking - to go on a journey and carry others along with him. This decision is the turning point. You bind yourself with a personal obligation, you promise yourself to perform some socially significant act, maybe change some circumstances, help others, discover something new, or simply explore the unknown.

For CISOs, this could be the decision to take on leadership of a particularly complex project, take control of the creation of an open source component for an enterprise information system, or provide support for the development of a new product that needs to be brought to market. These are all serious projects for which there are no ready-made recipes. Having decided to achieve a goal and drawing others along with him, a person becomes a leader.

For me, the path to leadership opened up after I graduated from college. I was given a diploma in history - it was clear that it would be of little use - and I had no idea how to manage my future life. And then I met a man who told me that a certain problem had arisen in his organization and no one could solve it. I accepted this challenge, I put everything on the line. So I took the first step on the path to becoming a leader: I committed myself to implementing a certain project. And this step changed my self-esteem - I saw myself as a potential leader.

Later, I had to participate in the work of a group considering the prospects for creating a new enterprise. One fine day, our ideas took final shape, and we wrote the name of the future company on a yellowed piece of paper torn from an old notebook. I remember how, looking at him, I made a decision for myself: even if I have to dig the ground with my hands, I will see this job through to the end.

It doesn't matter what the problem is. It doesn’t even matter whether you personally become the project manager. Something else is important. You are deliberately taking on a serious matter. You understand what both the risks and possible benefits are. And you are aware that responsibility for its outcome falls squarely on your shoulders.

Ability for self-analysis

The next stage in becoming a leader is to tune in to understanding yourself. Learn to observe yourself and your relationships with other people as if from the outside. Find out what your strengths and weaknesses are. Keep track of the direction in which your personality is evolving, determine what the dangers are along this path and what needs to be done in order to eliminate the obstacles that appear ahead. Pay attention to those moments when you find yourself at a crossroads, learn to make the right choices and accept the consequences of your decisions. Keep track of what specific point you are at at any given moment and where this point is located on the path leading to your final goal.

Training the ability to self-reflect is now widely accepted as part of the process of developing leadership qualities. All relevant training courses include sessions on self-assessment or personal diagnostics. This is a good help. And yet, the true path to understanding oneself begins with the analysis of experience and the development of reflection precisely in the process of activity.

As psychologists' research shows, it usually doesn't occur to many ordinary employees that they are not performing their tasks well. Real leaders are a different matter. They understand which team members will be able to compensate for their shortcomings and in what situations they will be most effective in showing their strengths. With this knowledge, leaders can determine in advance what situations need to be avoided and what the most important weaknesses are that need to be addressed.

For example, almost all CIO vacancies are filled by IT department employees. But the requirements for a person holding such a position are by no means limited to knowledge of the technical side of the matter. Anyone who does not know how to communicate with people and does not want to develop such a skill is unlikely to head an information service for a long time.

Let me explain what I said with an example from my own life. I learned the art of analyzing my actions while working as a general consultant in a company. I had only minimal training under my belt, but I was tasked with managing relationships with large groups of clients who knew much more about their business than I did. In addition, I had to keep up with my colleagues (the work was organized according to the cruel principle of “either promotion or dismissal”). Finally, I needed to position the business so that clients would consistently benefit from my activities. So, I was in constant tension, the reaction to all my actions came instantly, and increasingly higher results were expected from me. Under these conditions, I had no choice but to analyze the effectiveness of my work. Almost every evening I opened my notebook and wrote down everything I had learned that day, as well as my thoughts on how to improve my work. Ultimately, the ability to analyze my capabilities and world-class quality standards changed who I am.

Sense of Perspective

If you have come to the decision to lead people and feel the makings of a leader in yourself, this means that it is time for you to take the third step on the path to becoming a leader: to develop a sense of perspective. This is also a choice, but a choice of a completely different quality. Here we are not talking about what task to set for yourself, but about who - professionally and personally - you want to become. What place in this world would you like to ultimately occupy? What place do you occupy in it now and how can you become what you set out to be? Developing your own development path that will lead you to your goal is the final stage on the path to becoming a leader.

My vision of my own goals was formed after decades of searching and several years of writing and thinking. I have come a difficult way. I didn't have epiphanies where everything suddenly becomes crystal clear, I didn't hear voices pointing the right path. Inner tempters tried to push me astray, and my resolve was tested many times by false goals and mistakes. But on the other hand, all these circumstances helped me clearly understand how I see my future life.

The beauty of this approach is that once you set out on the path to becoming a leader, you will never stop being a leader. You may be considered a successful or unsuccessful worker in the minds of other people, succeed or fail in this or that enterprise, but you will remain a leader, because your efforts to achieve your goal have made you such. Theodore Roosevelt expressed this idea perfectly in the following words: “How much better it is to take on great things and experience moments of glory - although the highs are followed by lows - than to be like those poor fellows who know no great joys and great pains, for they live in the gray twilight where there are no victories or defeats.”

If you can discover your own milestones and express your own thoughts as you learn to become a leader, the quality of your leadership work will rise to new levels.

Christopher Henig is Chief Strategy Officer of the U.S. General Accounting Office. He has experience in entrepreneurial activity (he was the CEO of Exolve) and work in consulting (McKinsey & Co.). Inventor. He wrote the book The Problem Solving Journey: Your Guide for Making Decisions and Getting Results.

Christopher Hoenig. You Know Where You Want to Go. CIO, July 15, 2003.

A manager and a leader are two very different things. A boss at any level can be driven, passive, or simply not inspire people and be limited by bureaucratic management. Another thing is the leader. No matter what society he appears in, everyone immediately understands: he is in charge. If your actions inspire other people to do more and be better, then you are a leader.

Set a goal for yourself to become a dynamic, charismatic person. Each of us can do this, but few do. Follow the example of the best.

Thus, John Kennedy was very sick as a child, but managed to overcome his physical weakness and become one of the most effective leaders in US history.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev also had a difficult childhood. He grew up in harsh conditions of devastation and war, and had difficulty obtaining an education; Later he was arrested, tortured, and sent to Kolyma. But nothing stopped him from becoming the greatest Soviet leader, who organized an unprecedented scientific and technological breakthrough in history.

To become a leader, start small. Listen to Dale Carnegie's lectures on public speaking. Look for books on the art of conversation and personal improvement. Communicate. You will have fun and create a strong circle of friends and partners.

Turn on charisma

Renowned management expert Robin Sharma recommends in 200 Life Lessons to never complain so that you can be known as a positive, strong, energetic and enthusiastic person. Anyone who complains is always cynical and looks for the negative in everything. Such a person scares people away and rarely succeeds.

Never complain so that you are known as a positive, strong, energetic and enthusiastic person.

People who seek power for the sake of power itself experience, first of all, self-doubt. They want to show how important they are in this world, and therefore they try to subjugate and control other people just to increase their own self-esteem. They become leaders only to satisfy their own ego.

Focus on the positive. Be strong spiritually so that nothing can turn you off your intended path to success. Visualize what you want and believe in it firmly. This will definitely happen.

Flexibility is a key quality of great entrepreneurs. They are never inflexible or fixated on a particular task or action. They accept the possibility that they may be wrong, as well as consider alternative ways to achieve their goals. Your ability to respond and adapt to life's circumstances is a measure of who you are and what you are likely to achieve.

Here's what makes a charismatic leader:

  • dedication;
  • presence of great desire and ambition;
  • persistent progress towards achieving goals;
  • Willingness to complete any task and work hard to achieve it;
  • interest in other people, kindness;
  • sense of humor.

Show strength of character as well as resourcefulness in difficult situations.

Be known as the person who works the hardest.

Try to always take care of others. Don't be afraid to stand out by improving your personal and professional qualities. Feel like a star that shines brightly, delighting other people.

Start with yourself

Let's remember Robin Sharma again. He considers it necessary to do two things you don’t like every day. Even if it's something small, just do the work. Over time, such responsibilities will no longer seem so burdensome, your strength of character will strengthen, and with it your productivity will increase. This technique will help strengthen your character.

Sharma advises being kind, considerate, polite, insightful. Show toughness and courage in a timely manner. This is a sign of a well-formed character and you are sure to command respect.

It is very helpful to read books that tell you how to strengthen your friendships. Be a good listener, show people genuine respect, and improve other interpersonal skills. To achieve real success, you need to understand that worldly wisdom and insight are the most important traits that you need to cultivate in yourself.

Study personality psychology to determine human essence. Don't allow yourself to be used and be aware of what is happening around you.

Don't indulge in petty gossip and intra-office squabbles, but understand that they do exist and know what's going on behind your back. This is what every leader does.

A leader is a person who leads people. Leadership begins with the ability to control oneself, primarily one’s thoughts and emotions. Before you can command and lead other people, you need to learn how to manage yourself. This is the first and most important stage in leadership. This is how you undergo an internship: you are both a manager and a performer. If you are able to manage so intelligently that the executive happily obeys, then you have been given the ability to manage a large number of people.

Energy Key

A leader is not a manipulator, a leader is a motivator. His actions are based on and aimed at creating and supporting the well-being of others. Every person thinks about himself first. A leader is able to think about others because he does an excellent job of taking care of himself and still has energy and strength left to give to others.

Therefore, a leader is, first of all, a person who perfectly manages his life. He has a lot of free energy, and it is due to his strong and stable energy that he is able to lead people.

By free energy we mean the creative energy that a person uses for creativity. Most people only have enough energy to maintain their existing standard of living; some don’t even have enough energy for that, and then their standards are lowered. And only a few have enough energy to, in addition to maintaining the existing level, create a future one.

people who seek power for the sake of power itself experience self-doubt, they become leaders only to satisfy their own ego

How you deal with mistakes and challenges is a key factor in leadership. The first and most important condition for dealing with mistakes should be a positive reaction. Accept mistakes and remember that leaders are people too, they have every right to make mistakes.

True leaders become such by the choice of other people. They do not strive for power; those around them simply feel a strong personality who is able to take care of them, and unite around him. Leaders never spare their energy because the more they give, the more they gain, the stronger they become.

Leaders have deep self-confidence. This confidence serves as the core of their life position and attitude towards life and towards other people. Confidence gives them the ability to accept themselves as they are.

A person is able to effectively manage his life only in a calm state. It is impossible to shake someone who is confident in his future. This peace of mind allows you to think crystal clear and make the right decisions.

Do you need it?

Answer yourself honestly the question: “Why do I want to become a leader?” Try to clarify this issue as clearly as possible. The more clearly you understand why you need to be a leader, the easier it will be for you to become one.

For example, as a leader, I:

So, you have determined why you want to become a leader. The reasons are clear and specific.

The next step is the willingness to act and become a leader. This is the intention.

Being willing to take action means recognizing that you can only become a leader by working hard. If the reasons are compelling enough, you will find the strength to take action.

Being ready to act means doing the work that needs to be done. Despite the fact that you don't want to or aren't in the mood.

To be ready to act means to begin to act. If you are ready to start tomorrow, you have lost. Tomorrow means never. There is no word “tomorrow” in a leader’s vocabulary. In his vocabulary there is only “now”.

Leadership expert John Maxwell believes that being ready to lead means taking responsibility for your actions, for your own life and the lives of others who will be affected by your actions.

Learn without mistakes

The desire to learn is the most important quality of a leader. You are capable of developing any qualities that are needed through training.

The saying is true: “Whoever has information controls the world.” Seek the necessary knowledge. Invest time and money in gaining knowledge.

You probably want to be a leader in a certain field. You must study this area thoroughly and have all the information. Dedicate 1 hour of time to your education on weekdays and 2 hours on weekends. This can be either self-study or technical education in a certain field.

The starting point for leadership is the desire to learn. If you don’t have it or you think that you already know everything, then, unfortunately, you won’t become a leader.

Since the role of a leader is to effectively manage and coordinate, it is very important to find common ground with people.

Leaders must be true team players. They are able to lead the team's play and be at the center of this game, instead of hiding behind their backs and telling them who should do what.

An important quality of a leader is humility. He must take full responsibility for mistakes upon himself and solve problems, and publicly praise other people for all successes, that is, act as if he is not involved in the success, and this is all the merit of his team.

Mistakes must be faced with courage, and everything must be done to avoid them in the future. Real leaders know how to admit mistakes and draw conclusions from the current situation. In this case, mistakes play a positive role.

the leader must take full responsibility for mistakes upon himself, and publicly praise other people for all successes, that is, act as if he is not involved in success, and this is all the merit of his team

No problem

To develop leadership qualities, a certain environment suitable for a person is needed.

Leadership is a matter of choice. A leader becomes a person who is able to take care of not only himself. An effective leader achieves his goals by helping other people realize their desires. This is the philosophy of a leader. He realizes his goals indirectly.

Leaders always do more than everyone else. People can be amazing leaders in one area and not in another. This is fine.

The skills that are inherent in leaders, namely: the ability to make decisions, the ability to plan work, coordinate actions, work hard, responsibility, foresight and others can be applied in personal life.

You can be a leader without managing other people. For example, create a business on the Internet, and you don’t need other people to do it. It is enough to lead yourself.

Leadership is also necessary in the family. It lies in understanding your children and spouse. Even if you do the most routine work, leadership is about doing it conscientiously.

Leadership is not a destination, leadership is a journey. Leadership is hard work, first of all on yourself, it is a process of improving yourself and your qualities.

Leaders have the ability to create favorable images in their minds. They have instilled in themselves an ability that allows them to see all events objectively.

Leaders don't use the word problem. This word gives rise to a negative image, which attracts other negative situations. They removed the word "problem" from their vocabulary. The word “situation” is used instead.

Leaders are careful to use words that evoke negative images.

Think right

Leaders think like this.

They use only positive images because they know that the mind perceives images, and they try to create a picture that is favorable for work. It is impossible to work effectively in a gloomy or anxious state.

They understand the essence of the problem and try to present it objectively in a way that simplifies it. They smile. Try to smile and at the same time think about something bad. You won't succeed. Either the smile will disappear, or the thoughts will change to positive ones. They may seem serious, but at heart they are not serious at all. Severity increases the importance and size of the problem. A smile, on the contrary, defuses the situation, making the situation easier to resolve. Awareness of the importance of the issue blocks thinking. The more important the task, the stronger the experience. In a state of anxiety, it is very difficult to adequately respond to tasks and solve them correctly. Leaders understand this and therefore try to reduce the severity of the problem for their subordinates.

Use three-dimensional images. They make big plans. Vivid images can motivate people much more.

Instead of wondering how long the path to the goal is, they focus on how much has already been covered. They know and try to show people how much work has already been done.

They see things in the long term, in the future. Every businessman who started his own business imagines it in full bloom, and for this he works and is ready to overcome all difficulties. What we have now is just a transitional stage towards the goal.

They have a positive attitude towards all events that occur. They see all situations in a favorable light, even if the latter are not so at all. Each situation carries within itself the seed of the next victory. Our life is a sequence of choices. By reacting positively, you transform negative situations into positive ones.

Embrace the spirit of great leaders. Learn from them, read their biographies and books. This is a powerful charge of energy. Examples will inspire and force you to move forward.

A leader is a person who has learned to turn dreams into reality.

Leaders choose a goal and dedicate themselves entirely to achieving that goal. They don't spray.

Pavel Verbnyak Deputy Head of Direct Sales Department of Mosbytenergo Group of Companies