Works about war. Works about the Great Patriotic War. Novels, short stories, essays. Famous front-line writers Works on WWII

15 books about war that everyone should read

The further the Great Patriotic War is from us, the more memory games we have than memory itself. And now, for many, the grandfather’s “Never again!” and discussions about war appear as a way to solve political or economic problems. We have selected 15 books that, in good faith, each of us should read. At least in order to feel how it all really happened.

“And tomorrow there was war”, Boris Vasiliev

The war, it seems, has nothing to do with it, it is only in the name: a promise, and nothing more. Ordinary life, ordinary anxieties, small and large, of boys and girls in 1940. The greater the horror of the impending, inevitable disaster that will fall on the main characters, crush their destinies, crush them, and take away all their joys. Troubles, against the background of which all others, so important now, will fade.

“Life and Fate”, Vasily Grossman

This is an epic. It must be read long and slowly, digesting every line. A book about war in all its horror: death at the front and behind the front, inhuman humiliation and inhuman fortitude. About the fact that there is meanness among one’s own and that this does not make enemies cease to be enemies. Everything here is the voice of a witness: Vasily Grossman was a war correspondent, and knew the war both from the front and from the rear, and his mother ended up in the Jewish ghetto and was shot. The night before her death, the woman managed to write a letter to her son and managed to deliver it. This letter contained the whole story of humiliation, all the horror of people awaiting murder. Grossman's epic was written with more than the blood of the people: the blood of the mother. You can't imagine anything worse than ink.

“War does not have a woman’s face” Svetlana Alexievich

Again the voices of witnesses, only direct speech. Belarusian journalist Svetlana Alexievich carefully collected the memories of women who fought. Moreover, she collected that face of war, which is almost not usually remembered - as if wars only affect men. This book is also impossible to read avidly; living pain oozes from its pages.

“Mother of Man”, Vitaly Zakrutkin

The main character of the book did not go to the front, but still could not avoid the war. Alas, when hostilities take place, civilians no longer exists, if only simply because there is no peace. The woman found herself in the face of trouble without a weapon in her hands, and she had to fight for her life and for the lives of her children solely with her will and her hard work.

“The General and His Army”, Georgy Vladimov

It describes the war from the perspective in which those who took responsibility for thousands of other people's lives see it. When the scale becomes such that soldiers seem like little soldiers, and towns and villages like dots on a map, some are tempted to start the game and drag others into it.

"Sotnikov" Vasil Bykov

The book is about how war reveals a person: traits that are invisible in peacetime, in an extreme situation come out and determine the main motives and actions of the heroes. One goes to the end, risking his life, the other is a coward and retreats. And also, reading “Sotnikov,” you can very well feel how difficult it is to be like the first, and how hard it is to condemn the second when death breathes in your face.

“A time to live and a time to die” Erich Maria Remarque

This novel, written from the perspective of a German soldier, tells the story of how every war has at least two sides, and what it's like to be a pathetic pawn on the attacking side. Even more: “A Time to Live and a Time to Die” is a book about how war is never good and there is no good in war. If you are still at least a little human, of course.

“I See the Sun” Nodar Dumbadze

A very light, warm and bright book. The main characters are teenagers from a Georgian village, an orphan boy raised by his aunt, and a blind girl who dreams of seeing the sun. Somewhere far away there is a war going on. Here, in Georgia, they don’t kill, they don’t drop bombs, they don’t shoot in dozens and hundreds. But even this heavenly place war devastates, no matter how far the front goes. And they are reaching out, reaching out to the light, despite all the hardships, the future people of the world, those who will one day heal the wounds of their country and live for those who did not return.

"Slaughterhouse-Five or the Children's Crusade" Kurt Vonnegut

A semi-fantastic, or rather surreal book about the author’s experience of war on the front line, German captivity and the bombing of Dresden - from those in Dresden. The book is about ordinary people, physically and mentally tired, whose only dream is to simply return home.

“The Siege Book” Ales Adamovich, Daniil Granin

A documentary and therefore a very difficult book, after which you somehow unbearably want to live, breathe, enjoy the air, rain, snow. Call friends and relatives just to hear them and know that they are with you. This book is not a glorification of the military feat of the Leningraders, but a chronicle of suffering for which a person cannot be intended. The authors recorded the stories of dozens of witnesses to the siege. After each terrible memory, it seems that it can’t get any worse. But the next thing turns out to be worse.

“Siege Ethics” Sergei Yarov

Another incredibly difficult book about the blockade. About how inhuman suffering in some people shifts the ideas of black and white, and in others - makes them clearer, sharper, more contrasting. Without a doubt, one of the most terrible works about the war.

“Memories of War” Nikolai Nikulin

These are the memoirs of a famous St. Petersburg art critic about his war years. The author wrote them in the mid-seventies, as he put it, to relieve the incredible burden that had been weighing on his soul all these years. The manuscript was published only in 2007, two years before Nikulin’s death. The book describes a view of the war from the point of view of a private. About how and with what a soldier lives, when every next minute brings someone’s death.

“War is the greatest disgusting thing that the human race has ever invented... war has always been meanness, and the army, an instrument of murder, has always been an instrument of evil. No, and there have never been just wars; all of them, no matter how they are justified, are inhumane.”

“It’s us, Lord!” Konstantin Vorobiev

Another face of war. Book about back side courage. About what captivity is, especially Nazi captivity. About torture, about humiliation of the spirit through humiliation of the body, about horror and suffering. And, of course, about death nearby. There is no war without this dark companion.

“In the trenches of Stalingrad”, Viktor Nekrasov

The title of the book fully reveals its plot. We are talking about one of the most brutal and important battles of the Great Patriotic War. The author shows the war from the trenches - from where strength of hand and confidence in comrades are more important than decisions made from above. When life and death go side by side, separated by centimeters and moments, people reveal themselves as they are. With fear, despair, love and hate.

“Cursed and Killed”, Viktor Astafiev

Another book from the perspective of a soldier that could teach how to count human lives. 20,000 when climbing at school is just a stated figure. And after this book, 20,000 turn back into people. Died painfully, ugly, left to lie on the ground, sour with blood. Because war is about people, not numbers.

Text: Vladimir Erkovich

for grades 5-6

1. Bogomolov V.O. Ivan

2. Vishnev P.P. Yoongi

3. Voronkova L.F. Girl from the city

4. Dumbadze N. I see the sun. Me, grandma, Iliko and Illarion

5. Ilyina E.Ya. Fourth height

6. Kassil L.A. My dear boys. A story about the absent. At the chalkboard. Flammable cargo

7. Kassil L.A., Polyanovsky M.L. Street youngest son

8. Kataev V.P.Son of the regiment

9. Konetsky V. Petka, Jack and the boys

10. Krapivin V.P. Shadow of the caravel

11. Likhanov A.A. My general. Steep mountains. Music. Wooden horses. Last deck

12. Nadezhdina N.A. Partisan Lara

13. Naidich M.Ya. Overcoat for growth

14. Rasputin V.G. French lessons

15. Yakovlev Yu.Ya. How Seryozha went to war

for grades 7-9

1. Adamovich A.M. "Khatyn Tale"

2. Aitmatov Ch. “Early cranes”

3. Alekseev S.P. "Bogatyr surnames"

4. Aleksin A.G. “In the rear as in the rear”, “Signalmen and buglers”; "Third in the fifth row"

5. Baklanov G.Ya. "An inch of land"

6. Bek A.A. "Volokolamsk highway"

7. Biryukov N.Z. "Gull"

8. Bogomolov V.O. "Zosya"; "Ivan"

9. Borzunov S.M. "Not the first attack"

10. Vishnev P.P. Yoongi

11. Voronkova L.F. "Girl from the City"; "Village of Gorodishche"

12. Gorbatov B.L. "Unconquered"

13. Dold - Mikhailik Yu. “And one warrior in the field”

14. Dragunsky V.Yu. "He fell on the grass..."

15. Dubrovin V.B. "Boys in '41"

16. Dumbadze N.V. "I see the sun"

17. Emelyanenko V.B. "In the harsh military air"

18. Ilyina E.Ya. "Fourth Height"

19. Zakrutkin V.A. "Mother of Man"

20. Zyukov B.B. "Commander strong in spirit»

21. Kazakevich E.G. "Star"

22. Cassil L. “My dear boys”; "Street of the Youngest Son"; "Cherymysh - the hero's brother"

23. Kataev V.P. "Son of the Regiment"

24. Kirnosov A.A. "Not a day without victory"

25. Kobets – Filimonova E.G. "Larks over Khatyn"

26. Kozhevnikov V.M. "March - April"

27. Kolesov K.P. "Self-propelled gun number 120"

28. Kosmodemyanskaya L.T. "The Tale of Zoya and Shura"

29. Kosterina N. “The Diary of Nina Kosterina”

30. Koshevaya E.N. "The Tale of a Son"

31. Krapivin V.P. "Shadow of the Caravel"

32. Kuznetsov A.S. "The Mystery of the Roman Sarcophagus"

33. Kurochkin V.A. "In war as in war"

34. Levin Yu.A. "Combat"

35. Likhanov A.A. "Steep Mountains"; "My General"; "The Last Cold"

36. Mityaev A.V. "The Feat of a Soldier"

37. Musatov A.I. "Klava Nazarova"

38. Nadezhdina N.A. "Partisan Lara"

39. Naidich M.Ya. "Overcoat for growth"

40. Nikitin S.K. "Shooting Star"

41. Novozhilov I.G., Shustov V.N. "The Queen's Gambit"

42. Pogodin R.P. "Where the Goblin Lives"

43. Polevoy B.N. "The Tale of a Real Man"

44. Polikarpova T.N. "Leaves of Next Summer"

45. Pristavkin A.A. “The golden cloud spent the night”

46. Rasputin V.G. "French Lessons"

47. Reznik Y. “Our Ural tank”

48. Rumyantsev B. “Twin cities of Gastello”

49. Samsonov S.N. "On the other side"

50. Simonov K. “The Third Adjutant”

51. Sobolev L.S. "Battalion of Four"; "Sea Soul"

52. Stepanov V.A. "Honor Guard Company"

53. Sukhachev M.P. "Children of the Siege"

54. Trofimov A.I. "The Tale of Lieutenant Pyatnitsky"

55. Uvarova L.Z. "Now or never!"

56. Fadeev A.A. "Young Guard"

57. Chukovsky N.K. "Submarine chaser"

58. Shmerling S.B. "Landing"; "An hour before the attack"

59. Sholokhov M.A. "The Fate of Man"

60. Yakovlev Yu.Ya. “Where was the battery”; "The Girl from Vasilyevsky Island"

This unforgotten distant war...

“We won! In these two words

Our reward for sweat, and blood, and torment,

For the severity of years, for children's moaning and fear,

For the bitterness of wounds and for the sadness of separation"

(V. Lebedev-Kumach)

    Aliger M.I. Zoya. Poem. Poems.- M.: Sov.Russia, 1971.- (School library)

    Antokolsky P.G. Son . Poem.- Khabarovsk, 1985.- (School library)

    Akhmatova A. Oath. Courage. To the winners

    M.: Pravda, 1990

    Berggolts O.F. The day before. The people bow their banners. February diary

    There was a war ...: Four chapters from a book written by poets of the post-war years. - M.: children's literature, 1987. - (School library)

    Great Patriotic War : poems and poems in 2 volumes. - M.: Khudozh. literature, 1970

    Great Patriotic War in lyric and prose. In 2 volumes - M.: Bustard, 2002. - (B-ka of domestic classical art literature)

    Vysotsky V.S. Black gold.- 1990

    Drunina Yu.V. . Selected works: In 2 volumes. T.1. Poems (1942-1969). - M.: Khudozh. lit, 1981

    Drunina Yu.V. Blonde Soldier : Favorites.- Kaliningrad book. publishing house, 1973.- (Feat)

    Jalil Moussa Favorites.- Kazan, 1968.- (School library)

    Facing Victory : Collection of poems. - M.: Sovremennik, 1985. - (Adolescence)

    Lvov M.D. Letter to Youth .- 1976.- (Feat)

    Oshanin L.I. Earth and sky : book of poems. - 1975. - (Feat)

    Poetry of the periodGreat Patriotic War and the first post-war years / Comp. Kurganova V.M..- M.: Sov. Russia, 1990.- (School library)

    Holy War : poems aboutGreat Patriotic War .- M.: Khudozh. lit., 1966

    Fatyanov A.I. Nightingales, nightingales. Songs and poems. - Tula: Priokskoe book. publishing house, 1977

    Hour of Courage . Poetry of the periodGreat Patriotic War 1941-1945 - M.: education, 1990

Glory to you, brave ones,

Glory to the fearless!

Eternal glory the people sing to you.

Those who lived valiantly

Destroying death

Your memory will never die!

You can always borrow these collections of poems from our school library.

They fought for their homeland

  1. Alekseev S.P. The final assault / Artist Petrov M. - 1981

    Bogdanov N.V. Nice proverb : stories. - M.: Children's literature, 1984. - (We read it ourselves)

    Vasilenko I. Commander's order .- (Book by book)

    Vorobiev E.Z. Fellow soldiers. Stories.- M.: Children's literature, 1976.- (Book by book)

    Kassil L.A. Main army .- M.: Children's literature, 1977

    Kassil L.A. Your defenders .- M.: Children's literature, 1976

    Kassil L.A. Flammable cargo .- M.: Children's literature, 1979

    Kataev V.P. Son of the regiment . Story.- (School library)

    Lavrenev B.A. Scout Vikhrov . Stories.- M.: Children's literature, 1991.- (Book by book)

    Mityaev A.V. Dugout . Stories.- M.: Children's literature, 1976.- (My first books)

    Orlov O.P. Tsemes Bay : story and stories.- M.: Det. lit., 1981

    Polevoy B.N. Scouts : stories.- M.: Det. lit., 1979.- (Book by book)

    Stories and poems about the war. Extracurricular reading. Complete library. 1-4 grades. - Omega, 2010.- (School library)

    Smirnov S.S. Major's feat : Story.- M.: Det. lit., 1975.- (Book by book)

    Sokolov G.V. A true story about sailor Kayda and his comrades : Stories.- M.: Det. lit., 1978.- (Book by book)

    Strekhnin Yu.F. About the Beard squad : stories.- M.: Det. lit., 1974

    Subbotin V.E. And there was peace : stories.- M.: Det. lit., 1981.- (Book by book)

    Tvardovsky A.T. Tankman's story : Poems. - M.: Children's literature, 1979. - (Book by book).

These books are standing and waiting for you on the shelves!

"Learn from the heroes of the books to love our land - its fields and forests, its cities, its sky, its rivers, its language and art"

( Paustovsky K.G.)

Love and know our history!

Books of Courage

    Alekseev S.P. Twelve Poplars: Stories from HistoryGreat Patriotic War wars .- M.: contemporary, 1985.- (Adolescence. Series for teenagers)

    Baykov V. Memory of a besieged teenager. - L.: Lenizdat, 1989

    Bogdanov N.V. Ivan Tiggrov: stories aboutGreat Patriotic War

    Bogomolov V.O. Ivan. Zosya: stories.- M.: Sovremennik. 1985.- (Adolescence)

    Zharikov A.D. A Soldier's Heart: The Story of the Outstanding Commander Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov. - M.: Det. lit., 1979

    Zhurba P.T. Alexander Matrosov. The story of the life and feat of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Private Alexander Matrosov. - L.: Det. lit., 1974

    Ilyina E.I. Fourth height. The Tale ofhero of the Great Patriotic War Gula Koroleva.- M.: Det. lit.. 1989

    Kassil L., Polyanovsky M. Street of the youngest son. The Tale ofHero of the Great Patriotic War pioneer partisan Volodya Dubinin.- M.: Det. lit., 1977

    Kataev V.P. Son of the regiment. - M.: enlightenment. 1983.- (School library)

    Knorre F.F. Native blood; Konyakov V.M. Dimka and Zhuravlev; Rasputin V.G. French lessons; Semenov G.V. Towards winter, past autumn: stories about childhood that coincided with the war. - M.: Det. lit., 1990 – (School library)

    Kokonin L.V. A story about a wartime childhood. About school childhood, scorched by the Great Patriotic War, about teenagers who at the age of fourteen already knew how to work at factory machines, about spiritual maturity and a sense of responsibility, the desire to help elders in their selfless work

    Leonov I.A. Named by the man from the legend: autobiographical story. Stories. Poems, verses. - Tula, 2003. Book by the Hero of the Soviet Union and Russia, fighter pilot, teacher, citizen, epic Russian hero, who, having lost his arm in a bloody air battle with the Nazis in his early youth, managed to lift his winged machine into the sky again, not lose the will to live, fortitude, courage, kindness.

    Polevoy B.N. A story about a real person .- any edition

    Polevoy B.N. Commander: Biographical story. - M.: Det. lit., 1976. A book about the outstanding commander Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Stepanovich Konev.

    Simonov K.M. third adjutant: stories.- M.: Det. lit., 1987.- (School library)

    Smirnov V.I. Sasha Chekalin: A Tale.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1967.

The memory of the Great Patriotic War is sacred and timeless!

The Great Patriotic War is receding further into history. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Victory of our people over the fascist invaders. I would like no one and nothing to remain forgotten. We must know the history of our Fatherland.All these books are in our school library.

“People, as long as their hearts are beating, remember!..”:

    Adamovich A.M. Khatyn story .- M.: Children's literature, 1988.- (School library)

    Alekseev S.P. Guards conversation : Stories. - M.: Voenizdat, 1979

    Baklanov G.Ya. Forever - nineteen years old.- M.: Mol. guard. 1982.- (Youth Library)

    Baklanov G.Ya. inch of land : Tale, 1973

    Baruzdin S.A. Repetition of what has been covered : Roman.- M.: Det. lit., 1988.- (School library)

    Bek A.A. Volokolamsk highway : novel. - M.: Military Publishing House. 1982.- (School library)

    Berggolts O.F. Day stars. Leningrad speaks .- M.: True. 1990 - documentary stories telling about the immortal feat of Leningraders during the difficult 900 days and nights of the siege of Leningrad.

    Bogomolov V.O. Moment of truth (“In August forty-four…”): Stories, novel, story.- M.: Pravda. 1988

    Bondarev Yu.V. The battalions are asking for fire. Last salvos : Stories. - M.: Sovremennik, 1984. - (Sons of the Century)

    Bondarev Yu.V. Hot snow : novel. - M.: Sovremennik, 1988

    Bykov V.V. Alpine ballad : Stories. - Tula: Priok. book publishing house, 1983.- (School library)

    Bykov V .IN.Until dawn : story.- M.: Det. lit., 1985.- (School library)

    Bykov V . To the Obelisk. Rybakov A.N. Unknown soldier : Stories.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1985.- (Youth Library)

    Bykov V . V. Stories .- M.: Det. lit., 1987.- (School library)

    Vasiliev B. And the dawns here are quiet : Tale.Not on the lists : Novel. Stories

    Vorobiev K.D. Killed near Moscow. Scream. This is us, Lord!..: Stories.- M.: Det. lit., 1990.- (Schoolchildren’s military library. Library series)

    Kazakevich E.G. Star : Tale.- L.: Lenizdat, 1982.- (School library)

    Kozhevnikov V.M. March – April : Stories.- M.: Det. lit., 1987.- (School library)

    Kurochkin V.A. In war as in war : Tale. - M.: Sovremennik, 1985

    Nikitin S.K. Shooting star.

    Vorobyov K. Killed near Moscow.

    Kondratyev V. Sashka.

    Kolesov K. Self-propelled gun number 120 : Stories. - M.: Det. lit., 1989. - (School library).

– The book is not a poster-glossy picture of the war. Front-line soldier Astafiev shows all the horror of the war, everything that our soldiers had to go through, endure both from the Germans and from their own leadership, which often did not care human life. This piercingly tragic, terrible work does not belittle, as some believe, but, on the contrary, even more exalts the feat of our soldiers who won in such inhuman conditions.

At the time, the work caused mixed reactions. This novel is an attempt to tell the whole truth about the war, to say that the war was so inhumane and cruel (on both sides) that it is impossible to write a novel about it. It is only possible to create powerful fragments that get closer to the very essence of the war.

Astafiev, in a sense, answered a question that is very often heard both in criticism and in reader reflections: Why don’t we have “War and Peace” about the Great Patriotic War? It was impossible to write such a novel about that war: this truth is too difficult. War cannot be varnished, covered with gloss, it is impossible to distract from its bloody essence. Astafiev, a man who went through the war, was against the approach in which it becomes the subject of ideological struggle.

Pasternak has a definition that a book is a piece of smoking conscience, and nothing more. Astafievsky's novel deserves this definition.

The novel caused and continues to cause controversy. This suggests that in literature about war the end can never be set, and the debate will continue.

"The squad has left." The story of Leonid Borodin

Borodin was a staunch opponent of Soviet power. But at the same time - a patriot, a nationalist in in a good way this word. What is interesting for him is the position of those people who did not accept Hitler, Stalin, or Soviet power, nor the fascist government. Hence the painful question: how can these people find the truth during the war? It seems to me that he very accurately described the Soviet people in his story - charming, incredibly likable for the reader - they are communists, believe in Stalin, but there is so much sincerity and honesty in them; and those who do not accept Stalin.

The action takes place in occupied territory, a partisan detachment must break out of encirclement, and only a man who began working as a German headman and who used to be the owner of the estate where the action takes place can help them. And in the end he helps Soviet soldiers, but for him this is not an easy choice...

These three works - by Astafiev, Vladimov and Borodin - are remarkable in that they show a very complex picture of the war that cannot be reduced to a single plane. And in all three, the main thing is love and the knowledge that our cause was right, but not at the level of primitive slogans, this rightness is hard-won.

“Life and Fate” by Vasily Grossman.

– This novel gives a completely realistic description of the war and at the same time is not just “everyday sketches.” This is a cast of society and era.

Stories by Vasil Bykov

– Front-line soldier Bykov talks about the war without unnecessary emotions. The writer was also one of the first to show the invaders, the Germans, not as abstract monsters, but as - ordinary people, in peacetime, possess the same professions as Soviet soldiers, and this makes the situation even more tragic.

Works by Bulat Okudzhava

– Book by front-line soldier Okudzhava “Be healthy, student!” attracts with an unusual, intelligent look at the horrors of war.

Bulat Okudzhava’s touching story “Be healthy, schoolboy!” It was written by a genuine patriot who forged his passport: he increased his age in order to go to the front, where he became a sapper, was wounded... Soviet era The story stood out for its sincerity, frankness and poetry against the backdrop of many ideologized cliches. This is one of the best works of art about the war. And if we’re talking about Okudzhava, what heartfelt and heart-tugging songs he has about war. What is the value of “Oh, war, what have you done, you vile…”!

The military prose and poetry of Bulat Okudzhava is associated with film scripts. Subject: little man and war. A man moving forward, not sparing “no bullets or grenades” and ready to “not stand up for the price” - to give his life for victory, although he really wants to return...

Tale: “Be healthy, schoolboy!” "Music Lessons". And, of course, poems that everyone knows. I will cite only four, perhaps not the most frequently performed.

Jazz players

S. Rassadin

Jazz players went into the militia,
civilian without taking off his vestments.
Trombones and tap dancers kings
They became untrained soldiers.

Clarinet princes, like princes of blood,
masters of saxophones walked,
and, besides, the sorcerers walked drumsticks
the creaky stage of war.

To replace all the worries left behind
the only one ripening ahead,
and the violinists lay down to the machine guns,
and machine guns beat on the chest.

But what can you do, what can you do if
attacks were in vogue, not songs?
Who could then take into account their courage,
When did they have the honor of dying?

As soon as the first battles died down,
they were lying side by side. No movement.
In pre-war suits,
as if pretending and joking.

Their ranks thinned and fell.
They were killed, they were forgotten.
And yet to the music of the Earth
they were included in the bright remembrance,

when on a patch of earth
under the May march, so solemn,
kicked off heels, dancing, couple
for the repose of their souls. For your peace.

Don't trust the war, boy,
don't believe it: she's sad.
She's sad, boy
like boots, tight.

Your dashing horses
will not be able to do anything:
you are all in full view,
all the bullets into one.
* * *

A rider was riding on a horse.

The artillery was screaming.
The tank fired. The soul was burning.
Gallows on the threshing floor...
Illustration for war.

Of course I won't die:
you will bandage my wounds,
say a kind word.
Everything will drag on by morning...
Illustration for good.

The world is mixed with blood.
This is our last shore.
Maybe someone won’t believe it -
don't break the thread...
Illustration for love.

Oh, I can’t believe that, brother, I fought.
Or maybe it was a schoolboy who drew me:
I swing my arms, I swing my legs,
and I hope to survive, and I want to win.

Oh, I can’t believe that I, brother, killed.
Or maybe I just went to the cinema in the evening?
And he didn’t grab the weapon, ruining someone else’s life,
and my hands are clean, and my soul is righteous.

Oh, I can’t believe that I didn’t fall in battle.
Or maybe I got shot, I’ve been living in paradise for a long time,
and bushes there, and groves there, and curls over the shoulders...
And this beautiful life is only a dream at night.

By the way, Bulat Shalvovich’s birthday is May 9. His legacy is a peaceful spring sky: war must never happen again:

“It’s spring again in this world -

Take your overcoat and let’s go home!”

P.S. Miraculously Bulat Shalvovich was baptized just before the end of his earthly life. In baptism he is John. Kingdom of Heaven!

"Slaughterhouse-Five or the Children's Crusade" by Kurt Vonnegut

– If we talk about the Great Patriotic War as part of the Second World War. Autobiographical novel American writer- about the meaninglessness and soullessness of war.

“I fought in a fighter. Those who took the first blow. 1941-1942" and "I fought with Luftwaffe aces. To replace the fallen. 1943-1945" by Artem Drabkin

The theme of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) became one of the main ones in Soviet literature. Many Soviet writers took direct part in the fighting on the front line, some served as a war correspondent, some fought in a partisan detachment... Such iconic authors of the 20th century as Sholokhov, Simonov, Grossman, Erenburg, Astafiev and many others left us amazing evidence. Each of them had their own war and their own vision of what happened. Some wrote about pilots, some about partisans, some about child heroes, some about documentaries, and some art books. They left terrible memories of those fatal events for the country.

These testimonies are especially important for modern teenagers and children who absolutely need to read these books. Memory cannot be bought; it can either not be lost, lost, or restored. And it’s better not to lose. Never! And don't forget about victory.

We decided to compile a list of the TOP 25 most remarkable novels and stories by Soviet writers.

  • Ales Adamovich: “The Punishers”
  • Victor Astafiev: “Cursed and killed”
  • Boris Vasiliev:
  • Boris Vasiliev: “I wasn’t on the lists”
  • Vladimir Bogomolov: “In August forty-four”
  • Yuri Bondarev: “Hot Snow”
  • Yuri Bondarev: “The battalions are asking for fire”
  • Konstantin Vorobyov: “Killed near Moscow”
  • Vasil Bykov: “Sotnikov”
  • Vasil Bykov: “Survive until dawn”
  • Oles Gonchar: “Flag Bearers”
  • Daniil Granin: “My lieutenant”
  • Vasily Grossman:
  • Vasily Grossman:
  • Emmanuel Kazakevich: “Star”
  • Emmanuel Kazakevich: “Spring on the Oder”
  • Valentin Kataev:
  • Viktor Nekrasov: “In the trenches of Stalingrad”
  • Vera Panova: “Satellites”
  • Fyodor Panferov: “In the land of the vanquished”
  • Valentin Pikul: “Requiem for the PQ-17 caravan”
  • Anatoly Rybakov:
  • Konstantin Simonov:
  • Mikhail Sholokhov: “They fought for their Motherland”
  • Ilya Erenburg: "Storm"

The Great Patriotic War was the bloodiest event in world history, which claimed the lives of millions of people. In almost every Russian family There are veterans, front-line soldiers, blockade survivors, people who survived the occupation or evacuation to the rear, this leaves an indelible mark on the entire nation.

The Second World War was the final part of World War II, which rolled like a heavy roller throughout the European part Soviet Union. June 22, 1941 became its starting point - on this day, German and allied troops began bombing our territories, launching the implementation of the “Barbarossa Plan”. Until November 18, 1942, the entire Baltic region, Ukraine and Belarus were under occupation, Leningrad was blocked for 872 days, and troops continued to rush deep into the country to capture its capital. Soviet commanders and military personnel were able to stop the offensive at the cost of heavy casualties both in the army and among the local population. The Germans drove the population into slavery en masse from the occupied territories, distributed Jews into concentration camps, where, in addition to unbearable living and working conditions, they practiced various types of research on people, which resulted in many deaths.

In 1942-1943, Soviet factories evacuated deep to the rear were able to increase production, which allowed the army to launch a counteroffensive and push the front line to the western border of the country. Key event during this period is Battle of Stalingrad, in which the victory of the Soviet Union became turning point, which changed the existing balance of military forces.

In 1943–1945 soviet army went on the offensive, recapturing the occupied territories of right-bank Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states. During the same period, a partisan movement flared up in the not yet liberated territories, in which many local residents, including women and children, took part. The final goal of the offensive was Berlin and the final defeat of the enemy armies; this happened late in the evening of May 8, 1945, when the act of surrender was signed.

Among the front-line soldiers and defenders of the Motherland were many key Soviet writers - Sholokhov, Grossman, Ehrenburg, Simonov and others. Later they would write books and novels, leaving their descendants with their vision of that war in the images of heroes - children and adults, soldiers and partisans. All this today allows our contemporaries to remember the terrible price of a peaceful sky above our heads, which was paid by our people.

Hatred has never made people happy. War is not just words on pages, not just beautiful slogans. War is pain, hunger, soul-tearing fear and... death. Books about war are vaccinations against evil, sobering us up and keeping us from rash acts. Let's learn from the mistakes of the past by reading wise and truthful works to avoid repetition creepy story, so that we and future generations can create a beautiful society. Where there are no enemies and any disputes can be settled by conversation. Where you don’t bury your loved ones, howling in anguish. Where all life is priceless...

Not only the present, but also the distant future depends on each of us. All you need to do is fill your heart with kindness and see in those around you not potential enemies, but people just like us - with families dear to our hearts, with dreams of happiness. Remembering the great sacrifices and exploits of our ancestors, we must carefully preserve their generous gift - life without war. So may the sky above our heads always be peaceful!