A work by fm Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky's novels that are read all over the world: a list of the most famous works of F.M. Dostoevsky

His name is known all over the world. His novels are classics, but they are still unsolved classics, about which literary scholars and readers argue, which are filmed and staged. theater stage the most famous and talented directors.

The first novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. The book is simple - and painful in its simplicity. The work from which, along with " eternal theme» all Russian literature- the theme of the “little man” crushed by the ruthless force of existence.

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A novel about a crime. A double murder committed by a poor student for money. It is difficult to find a simpler plot, but the intellectual and spiritual shock that the novel produces is indelible. What's the mystery here? In addition to the simple and obvious answer - “in the genius of Dostoevsky” - perhaps there is at least one more: “damned” questions do not have simple and positive answers. Poverty, one’s own suffering and the suffering of loved ones have always presented and will confront a person with a choice: do I have the right to break any moral law in order to then become a savior of the humiliated and a comforter of the weak; Should I first love myself, and only then, having become strong, love my neighbor? These are eternal questions.

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The novel, in which Dostoevsky for the first time with genuine passion, vividly and fully embodied the image of the positive hero as he imagined him. Prince Myshkin combines the features of the image of Christ and at the same time a child, peace bordering on carelessness, and the inability to pass by the misfortune of his neighbor. In a society of “normal” people obsessed with self-interest and destructive passions, Prince Myshkin is an idiot. In a world where beauty is clouded by the unclean thoughts of people, such a hero is helpless, although beautiful. But “beauty will save the world!”, Dostoevsky asserts through the lips of Prince Myshkin, and the world becomes brighter.

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A novel-warning and a novel-prophecy, in which great writer and the thinker points to future social catastrophes. History has proven Dostoevsky right, more than once. The bloody Russian revolution, the despotic regimes of Hitler and Stalin are terrible and accurate confirmations of the idea of ​​​​what awaits a society in which party morality replaces human morality. But, taking the gospel text as the epigraph to the novel, the writer also offers a metaphysical interpretation of the events described. Not only and not so much about “wrong” social order the book says that the human soul is in danger of decay and death; souls must first be healed. For any theories about the reorganization of the world can lead to spiritual blindness and madness if the ability to distinguish between good and evil is lost.

"The Brothers Karamazov"

The final novel of Fyodor Dostoevsky, it concentrated all the artistic power of the writer and the depth of the insights of the religious thinker. “The Brothers Karamazov” is a work in which sizzling passion, the struggle for inheritance, and the search for God lead to global questions about the very essence of man, about his nature. Each character, no matter how complex it may be, in Dostoevsky appears as a certain part of one, almost limitless picture - this is a picture of a multifaceted human soul, and in this soul there is an endless battle between good and evil.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky: Russian Empire, Moscow; 10/30/1821 – 01/28/1881

Dostoevsky's novels are rightfully included in the golden hundred of world literature. Therefore, the presence of the author in our rating is quite natural. Dostoevsky's books have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and are included in school curriculum many educational institutions. In many of his works, the author was ahead of his time, which is why the heyday of the popularity of the writer’s work occurred in the period after the author’s death.

Biography of Dostoevsky F. M.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born into a family of poor nobles. Fedor was the second child, and there were eight of them in the family. Dostoevsky was taught to read by his mother, and Fyodor studied from the New Testament. My father taught me Latin. When Fedor was 10 years old, the family moved to the village that his father had acquired. This move made a strong impression on the boy, which he would write about many years later in one of his stories.

1837 was a significant date in the writer’s life. In addition to the death of his mother from consumption, during the same period there was the death of Dostoevsky, whom Dostoevsky had idolized by that time. In addition, this year he and his brother went to enter the St. Petersburg Engineering School. Their father sent them to this educational institution, believing that fantasies about literary activity this is not serious, and it will be difficult to feed on it.

Although the school was an engineering school, it provided an excellent humanitarian education. This allowed Fedor to become acquainted with the works of many world classics. In addition, it was at this time that he discovered Gogol and many other Russian writers. In addition, in his free time he tried to write himself. Most of his stories and novels of that time were either unfinished or lost. Dostoevsky's first novel, which was published, was the book “Poor People”. With this work, Dostoevsky declared himself as a great writer, which allowed him to become a prominent figure in literary society. Fedor enters literary circle Belinsky, and for some time published in Sovremennik. But a misfortune brings him into Petrashevsky’s literary circle. It was participation in this revolutionary circle that became the main reason for the writer’s subsequent exile to hard labor.

From 1850, Dostoevsky spent four years of his life in Omsk. And only 9 years later he was able to publish again. A loud comeback The author was provided with the story “Notes from the House of the Dead,” which the writer wrote while in hard labor. This story by Dostoevsky was very favorably received by the public, which allowed the author to write again. So in 1966, Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” was published, which the author wrote in very difficult financial conditions due to his addiction to roulette. It was precisely because of a very difficult financial situation that immediately after writing Dostoevsky went abroad so that creditors would not take the money.

After returning to Russia in 1972, a whole series of famous novels. In 1978, Fedor moved to St. Petersburg, where Emperor Alexander II invited him to the court to meet his family. Around this time, Dostoevsky began to write his last and considered most important novel, The Brothers Karamazov. It will be published in 1980 shortly before the death of the author.

Dostoevsky's novels on the Top books website

Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” is not the only work of the author included in our rating. This was facilitated by the presence of these novels by F. Dostoevsky in the school curriculum. But popularity of this work“Crime and Punishment” is so high that it entered the top ten of our rating. Therefore, even despite a slight decrease in interest in this novel by F. Dostoevsky, it will be represented in the ratings of our site for a long time.

All books by Dostoevsky F.M.


  1. Humiliated and insulted
  2. Notes from the Underground
  3. How dangerous it is to indulge in ambitious dreams
  4. Crocodile
  5. Meek
  6. Little hero
  7. Boy at Christ's Christmas tree
  8. Man Marey
  9. Netochka Nezvanova
  10. Sliders
  11. A Novel in Nine Letters
  12. The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants
  13. Bad joke
  14. weak heart
  15. Funny man's dream
  16. Mistress
  17. Honest Thief
  18. Someone else's wife and husband under the bed

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is one of the greatest classics The 19th century, which gave the fatherland not a single dozen books that became tabletop books in many families, both in Russia and abroad. Some of the works are included in the school curriculum on the list of required reading. People who become most deeply acquainted with the work of a prose writer are in higher education. educational institutions at the philological department and not only. Many of Dostoevsky's books, the list of which is presented below, have been repeatedly filmed and staged in the theater.

10 Teen

“Teenager” is one of the early books of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. IN work of art The great Russian classic touches on the topic of human destiny, which does not fit into the usual psychological and spiritual framework. The novel contains detective elements, which makes the book even more intriguing and predisposes to further reading. According to Dostoevsky, the main cause of all human troubles is pride. The main character of the work, a nineteen-year-old young man, equates himself with great sinners and keeps notes. They also act as the main integral part novel.

9 Idiot

“The Idiot” is one of the greatest works of the Russian writer, which he loved most. Fyodor Mikhailovich thought about the idea of ​​his artistic work while he was abroad. It took the prose writer about two years to write it. The novel includes four parts. Its main character is Prince Myshkin - goodie, exactly as Dostoevsky himself imagined it. The hero combines the features of a child and Christ. Myshkin experiences peace, is somewhat careless and immensely sensitive to the grief of others. In a society mired in commercialism and envy main character- idiot. This is exactly what most of those around him, drowned in falsehood, consider him to be.

8 Player

“The Gambler” is a popular novel by Dostoevsky. The book tells how for the main character gambling became a vital necessity and the only goal and meaning. The action of the work takes place in one of the German resort towns with a fictitious name. The main character's name is Alexey Ivanovich, who travels with the family of a retired general and is a teacher of his offspring. Soon the grandmother of the family will pass away, leaving behind a huge inheritance. The main character has warm feelings for the general’s stepdaughter, who is in no hurry to reciprocate his feelings. It soon turns out that the grandmother is healthy and comes to the very town where she loses a large amount money at roulette. Polina urgently needs money, and Alexey gets it by winning at gambling. However, she does not accept money, but it happens that the main character turns into gambler, who now cannot stop and plays no longer for money.

7 Notes from a Dead House

"Notes from dead house" are included in the list of the most famous works Dostoevsky. The book is narrated in the first person. The hero describes the years that he spent at hard labor in prison. He describes all the hardships that befell those who found themselves in exile. The work does not have a coherent plot and is presented in the form of small sketches that have chronological order. The author describes both personal impressions and the stories of friends in misfortune who found themselves with him.

6 Double

“The Double” is included in the list of the best stories by Fyodor Mikhailovich. The work traces themes of psychologism and a satirical view of society. The writer, like no one else, managed to reflect the mental changes in a person with a disturbed psyche. The book refers to this literary movement like realism. In the story, Dostoevsky again raises the theme of a little man who is humiliated, lowering an insignificant creature. However, in his soul there glimmers, albeit suppressed by society, dignity.

5 Eternal Husband

"The Eternal Husband" is one of Dostoevsky's best stories. The book presents traditional love triangle. The prose writer acts as a subtle psychologist who is able to penetrate into the most hidden corners of a human being. The plot of the book unfolds after the death of the heroine between her lover and the husband of the deceased. The husband of the deceased goes to his lover, supposedly under the guise of friendship, but in the course of the further narration, details are revealed that reveal the main purpose of the visit of one of the main characters.

4 Brothers Karamazov

"The Brothers Karamazov" is included in the list of the most famous books Dostoevsky. The novel consists of four parts. This is the last one greatest work Russian classic, which he completed a couple of months before his death. The book covers such eternal questions of humanity as freedom, God and morality. The artistic work contains notes of a thriller, intertwined with deep philosophical thought. The work also touches on the themes of God and the devil in the human soul.

3 Demons

“Demons” is one of the most controversial works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, in which critics see various genres. The plot is based on real events which took place in the 70s of the 19th century. The revolutionaries of one of the small circles decide to kill their comrade because he decides to retire. The novel involves huge amount characters, under which the great thinkers of those times are hidden.

2 White Nights

"White Nights" is included in the list early works F. M. Dostoevsky. The events of the story unfold in the writer’s favorite city, St. Petersburg. The main character takes a walk through the evening city during which he meets a girl named Nastenka. Friendship arises between young people. They begin to meet in the evenings and walk together. One day, while talking with the main character, Nastenka shares with him her love story for a guest who was staying in her and her grandmother’s apartment. After some time, he left, but promised to return to the main character in a year, when he could get back on his feet and provide for his beloved. But it so happened that Nastya’s newly made friend falls madly in love with her, but sacrificing his feelings volunteers to find her lover.

1 Poor people

“Poor People” completes the list of the best books by Fyodor Mikhailovich. This is the first novel of the great classic, written in epistolary form. The work contains correspondence between the elderly titular adviser Devushkin and his distant relative Dobroselova. The main characters regularly experience a lack of money, and the only consolation for them in gray everyday life is the correspondence that they conduct among themselves.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky opened to the world new facets of knowledge of worldly vanity and spiritual nobility. All his works are close to the people, each hero plays the role of himself, and sometimes it seems that it is I who live on the pages famous novels writer.

His great “Pentateuch” is known to everyone from his student days, because such large-scale works are forever etched into the reader’s subconscious.

We will forever remember the plots of the works "Crimes and Punishments"(1866), where the main character tries to get out of everyday poverty and commits a terrible murder. Self-affirmation of the individual, the desire for power, the right to selfishness - such were the mindsets of that period, this book tells the story of the fall and resurrection of the human soul, the history of liberation from the circles of hell and the triumph of goodness, truth and love.

"The Brothers Karamazov"- This last novel writer, which was completed in November 1880. Four months after the publication of this work, Dostoevsky died.

Critics consider this painting to be the most authentic and majestic. The whole of Mother Russia is represented in the person of the main characters, the three brothers.

Mitya – broad soul, capable of high and low actions, the complete opposite - Ivan, is a cold mind and reason, every action is balanced and calculated. What can we say about Alyosha? A pure, pious, kind and merciful young man. The novel is highly artistic and based on real events.

Novel "Idiot"(1868) is still positioned incorrectly by many readers; you can often find on the shelves of bookstores an announcement of the work with the following content: “A vivid and almost painful story of the unfortunate Prince Myshkin, the frantic Parfen Rogozhin and the desperate Nastasya Filippovna.” But this is not all, just the tip of the iceberg, but inside there are global thoughts about divine powers, the purpose of man on this earth, the life story of the great messiah Jesus Christ. How society influences a healthy person, turning him into a sick person. Idiot.

"Humiliated and Offended"(1861) - all the established morals and character traits of the writer are clearly visible here. Severe psychological and emotional stress, pain and acute perception of reality, permanent hysteria and a gripping plot that makes it impossible to stop reading and horrifies with its long-lasting pathos. A deep and suffering novel that lifts the curtain on the soul of a thinker and a mournful writer.

"Player" (1866) – large-scale work, which was not included by critics in the Pentateuch. The topic of excitement of the Russian public is insignificant and anecdotal. Yes, the book was written in a hurry in order to quickly complete the order for receipt large sum, which Dostoevsky lost at cards. But readers were still able to discern the psychology of a gambler who has the literary gift and insight of the great writer of Rus'.

Tale "White Nights"(1848) revealed to readers the heartbreaking nature of Dostoevsky. Poetic image the dreamer evokes sympathy and compassion at the end of the book.

The atmosphere of the white nights of St. Petersburg is so alluring and captivating that many filmmakers took up the film adaptation of this story. The sharp stoicism and exciting beauty of Mother Earth still surprises the modern reader, but Fyodor Mikhailovich himself experienced this drama!

Tale « Notes of the Dead Houses"(1860) - is an intriguing real document that reveals to the reader the life and customs of criminals who were sent to cold and distant Siberia. The characters of people and the actions of the main characters spoke about the elusive reality and truthfulness of the essay written by the creator.

It is impossible to erase from the writer’s biography the moment when he for many years spent in exile, in prison, so why should he remain silent and not pour out his soul on paper. This is how Dostoevsky’s exciting and raging work “Notes of a Dead House” came about.

(1864) - is one of the writer’s works that must be read after reading the great Pentateuch. The problem described in the novel is close and familiar to many contemporaries. The “underground” where the St. Petersburg official drives himself makes you think about your life and actions as a person of rank, representing the features of society. Complete inaction, despair, reflexive panic, cruelty and moral deformity of the main character represents the top of the proletariat, topical and uncontrollable.

Two years later, Dostoevsky will write “Crime and Punishment,” where he will reveal the essence of the moral Raskolnikov and his views on reality. It is here that the nature of the writer can be traced and characteristic features personality of Fyodor Mikhailovich.

Vaudeville "Someone else's wife and husband under the bed", written in 1860, surprised the public with Dostoevsky's humorous character and sarcastic writing style. Let's say, he did not often resort to this type of composition, which adds even more gloss and respect to his work.

The work did not go unnoticed by film directors and already in 1984 a film adaptation of this vaudeville with Oleg Tabakov in leading role. This once again emphasizes the deep power of thought and high writing talent of the author.

An unusual story by Dostoevsky from 1865. This nasty joke amazes with its wisdom and courage; the main character, an official, swallowed whole by a crocodile, remained alive after the attack and did not change his social and political views. Even being in this cavernous, cold and wretched place, he absurdly talks about the new prospects and opportunities that have opened up for him.

It is in this work that Fyodor Mikhailovich does not skimp on expressions; with a caustic grin he attacks his political opponents from the liberal camp. This is where the minds and leaders of socialism are born.

Anyone who has read Gogol’s nose or is familiar with the work of the surrealist Kafka should understand where the legs of their works “grow” from. The topic of bureaucracy, unjust and insignificant, has always been and will be the first on the pages of describing the political history of the public. Dostoevsky's thoughts still excite the minds of modern readers.

What genres represent the list of the writer’s works?

The list of Dostoevsky's works is long and extensive. Here you can find prose and poetry, journalism and novels, short stories and vaudeville, it is simply impossible to list everything.

Hidden images

According to leading critics of our time, in the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich one can find encrypted pages of the sacred Gospel when reading the novel “Poor People”. The theme of egoism and the second “I” is carried out in the story “Double” and can be traced in many images of the writer’s heroes.

Criminal storyline clearly represented in Dostoevsky’s novels “The Adolescent,” “Crime and Punishment,” and “The Brothers Karamazov.” The image of Supremacy and terrifying realism demonstrates the essence of the developing Russian social democracy, the complete cynicism of populist ideology.

When mentioning crime themes, it would be wrong to omit the novel “Demons,” written in 1872. Unfortunately, he is practically unknown to the modern reader, due to the strictest prohibition. But today each of us can discover the soul of the writer and look into the vastness of the cynical ideology that led to Bolshevism.

List of works by F. M. Dostoevsky

Eight novels:

  • Player (1866)
  • Crime and Punishment (1866)

Novels and stories:

  • Double (1846)
  • A Novel in Nine Letters (1847)
  • Sliders (1848)
  • Uncle's dream (1859)
  • Another Man's Wife and Husband Under the Bed (1860)
  • A Bad Joke (1862)
  • Notes from Underground (1864)
  • Crocodile (1865)

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is still a recognizable author of many works. In his creations, he raised many different topics that are still thought about today. Here we will consider his most sensational and popular works, which affected the history of Russian literature.

This novel was first published in Russky Vestnik and caused a strong public reaction. Today, every schoolchild knows about the old pawnbroker and jokes philosophizing “whether he is a trembling creature or one who has the right.” No matter how absurd this theory may seem, there is something to think about and watch how the hero drives himself into a corner with his own beliefs. But, fortunately, themes of love and faith are also raised here. They are the ones who give a chance for healing to a lost soul. The novel seems to shout “everyone who stumbles has a chance,” which undoubtedly encourages and gives hope.

The author polemicizes with Nietzschean teaching, fashionable among his contemporaries, which became the ideological basis of the worldview of the murderer, who wanted to buy with his blood the right to be called a superman. The same German philosopher “buried God,” but the soil scientist Dostoevsky clearly proves that unbelief destroys, but the desire for the heavenly Creator can really help in a difficult situation.

The Idiot (1868)

With each new reading, the novel opens up in a new way. If in youth it is incredibly difficult to understand the suffering altruist Myshkin, then in maturity the reader sees how his image becomes a multifaceted interpretation of Christian doctrine. The hero is still the ideal of decency, morality and spiritual purity. In this work, all the characters are, surprisingly, very colorful and unusual. The same can be said about situations that every time confuse the reader, and he asks the question: “What would I do?” Just look at the scene with the money thrown into the fireplace flame. Good book in order to speculate and philosophize: what would happen if Christ came to Earth again unrecognized? Wouldn't he become just as much of an idiot in our eyes?

Brothers Karamazov (1880)

This novel is Dostoevsky's most voluminous. In it, he raises many topics that you can and should think about. Such as the dual essence in every person, the combination of “angels” and “demons” in his soul, the theme of sin and mercy. Fyodor Mikhailovich has always been a lover of philosophy and psychology, and this feature of his is clearly expressed here. In addition, the book will appeal to connoisseurs of intrigue and detective stories, because the plot is based on the investigation into the murder of the father of the Karamazov brothers. In each of them lives the devilish spark of the murdered Fedor, a small insect that enslaves human qualities. Trying to destroy it in himself, each of the heroes becomes an unwitting accomplice in the crime, for the root of evil is in that vicious and base old man, from whose death, as in the case of the old woman-pawnbroker, everyone, it would seem, only benefits.

Humiliated and Insulted (1861)

Dostoevsky wrote this work after returning from exile in Siberia. He felt for himself how society treats those whom it has excluded from its respectable life. It became obvious to him that social stratification in the Russian Empire forever fences some people off from others, and the nobles are hopelessly far from the people, who, nevertheless, are driving force countries. It's about about the “humiliated and insulted,” whose dignity and honor the writer defended and defended. Prince Valkovsky in this work became the first “ideologist” hero in the writer’s work. Sympathy and forgiveness in the work have acquired real forms, and the reader clearly realizes their necessity in everyday life.

Demons (1872)

The novel itself is very difficult. Dostoevsky was one of those writers who could foresee and guess the fate of their homeland. Fyodor Mikhailovich already saw terrorist and radical sentiments, as well as the complete decomposition of human nature under the influence of destructive ideas. And such sentiments, as a rule, always lead to disaster. The author compares them with those whose name is “Legion”. Having taken possession of people, they turn them into a herd that brings death, despising everything humane, bright and good that makes up moral character personality. The surname of the main character – Stavrogin – comes from the word “Stavros” (“cross”). Nikolai really bears the cross - the burden of his sins, which has become a crucifixion for him.

Chapter 9 from the work is considered the most scandalous passage from everything that Dostoevsky wrote. She even gave some people from the writer’s circle grounds for suspicion of vicious inclinations, which, according to the revelations of his friend, Fyodor Mikhailovich was distinguished by. However, the writer’s widow denied this information.

Player (1866)

This work is very autobiographical in many ways. Everyone knows that Dostoevsky was fond of gambling, squandered everything, even his wife’s shawls. Even though the writer was losing, for some time this did not stop him. This novel was an order from a publishing house, and the “player” needed to write it quickly in order to cover the debts for his hobby. This is probably why the work has such an ironic and iconic name.

Teenager (1875)

A novel about a pressing problem - the consequences of social inequality in Russian Empire, namely, about illegitimate children. The nobles often took advantage of the dependent position of peasant women and started extramarital affairs. The fate of such a child was unenviable: he was not a commoner, but he was not a full-fledged landowner either. He was not accepted into his father's family, making every effort to deprive the illegal claimant of his due inheritance. And the applicant himself felt superfluous and alienated in a world where his position was so precarious and shameful. Arkady is a victim of this phenomenon; his character expresses all those painful complexes that formed in illegitimate children.

The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants (1859)

Dostoevsky's humorous story is a work that, contrary to usual, will amuse a person and not sadden him. The plot is based on the marriage of a colonel who cannot settle the dispute with the bride’s fellow villagers and understand what is happening in this place. Hilarious dialogues and comical situations will debunk the reader's stereotype that Fyodor Mikhailovich is an extremely serious writer, tragedian and philosopher, who is not able to take an ironic look at the world in Gogol's way.

Double (1846)

The Tale of little man who passionately desires to transform from humiliated and insulted to respected and loved. However, his manic thirst for recognition cannot be quenched: he is still a petty official whose life will never be different. The impulse towards a dream turns into a clash with reality. The hero rather comically tries to attract the attention of society, but in this laughter lies tragedy.

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