Producer of guests from the future 4 letters. Usachev Yuri: biography, musical career. "Guests from the Future"

Each of us, probably, in childhood dreamed of space, dreamed of exploring the Universe, experiencing it, but not everyone can carry out these aspirations through the years and realize them.

The 77th nationally and 305th cosmonaut in the world - this is how the Federation seems to us - Yuri Usachev. This man was not only lucky enough to fulfill his childhood dreams of the sky, but also to become one of the most honored and respected astronauts, both in the country and abroad.

In addition, Usachev managed to popularize astronautics and bring it to the masses. Yuri came up with the idea of ​​trying his hand at writing. And he, of course, succeeded. Today everyone can get acquainted with his works. You just need to go to the nearest library and find the shelf you need.

This is the talented space enthusiast Yuri Usachev, well known to each of us. Photos of the flights he accomplished adorn the pages of each of his works.

Childhood, school and student times

Yuri was born in the Rostov region on October 9, 1957. For your information, he did not grow up only child in the family - he also had an older brother and a sister, who was a few minutes older. The boy’s mother worked all her life as a factory technician, and his father worked as a miner and underground electrician.

Usachev Yuri grew up as a very smart child, and already at the age of six his parents sent him to the first grade of secondary school. secondary school No. 5 of the city of Donetsk. In addition to studying, the boy devoted himself entirely to sports. He was especially interested in such types of wrestling as sambo and judo.

After school, he got a job as a turner at a cotton spinning factory, where he worked for a relatively short time - the young man was sent by the military registration and enlistment office to courses of the Voluntary Society for the Assistance of the Army, Air Force and Navy, upon completion of which he was issued a 3rd class driver's license. After some time, Yuri was called up for military service. There, after completing compulsory training, he was appointed squad commander.

Upon returning from military service in 1978, he entered Moscow for preparatory courses at the Orzhonikidze Aviation Institute. In September he was enrolled in the Faculty of Astronautics, which he subsequently successfully graduated in 1985 with a diploma in mechanical engineering.

At the beginning of the journey

Due to the difficult financial situation in the family, Yuri had to combine study with work. And being a student at the Aviation Institute, he was lucky enough to take the place of a senior laboratory assistant at the faculty, which helped him work without compromising educational process. And during the period that lasted from February to April 1985, he tried on the role of a sailor on a training ship called “Saima”.

Somewhat later, he comes as an engineer to the Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, where, having worked well for the first three years, he decides to apply for enrollment in the cosmonaut corps. The authorities approved the application of the young but very promising young man and immediately sent him to undergo a medical examination.

As a result, in October 1988, doctors declared him fit for service and, already on October 21, he was admitted to further special training at the Gagarin Training Center. And a day later, his only and beloved daughter, Evgenia, is born. According to the astronaut himself, this was the best gift that life could give him.

Usachev's space activities

At the end of January 1989, Yuri Vladimirovich Usachev, a cosmonaut, was recommended for inclusion in the core team of the Energia rocket and space corporation. There he begins work on the launch vehicle and, together with the others, takes an active part in considering issues of further construction of aircraft, and begins to develop a plan for going into outer space.

Exactly a month later he is given the position of test cosmonaut. There he meets an experienced pilot and future crew commander, Yuri Onufrienko. And already in 1991 he was enlisted in the team of the Energia space corporation. Subsequently, he undergoes general space training at an orbital shelter called “Mir”.

From mid-October 1992 to January 1993, he carried out the necessary preparations for a flight into outer space, trying on the role of an on-board mechanical engineer of the ship.

On January 24 of the same year, Yuri Usachev acted as a backup person for the on-board expedition to the Mir orbital station and Soyuz TM-15 of Captain Poleshchuk. From February 8 to June 24, Yuri carried out the next special training for astronauts, only in accordance with the EO-14 program. These changes occurred due to the fact that both Yuri and his former commander-in-chief Tsibliev had no experience of space flights behind them and the higher authorities did not dare to leave them together in the same crew, but perhaps in different ones.

On July 1, 1993, he again acted as backup flight engineer for the fourteenth main expedition. And on August 16, the astronaut was already forced to begin the next preparation for the expedition.

First flight

Yuri Usachev (cosmonaut) made his first and long-awaited flight into open airless space from January to July 1994 on the Soyuz-18 launch vehicle and the Mir orbital complex together with Polyakov and Afanasyev, who later became his best friends. Upon returning to Earth, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia, the Federation, and also a purposeful and promising researcher was awarded the qualification of a third-class test cosmonaut.

After spending some time on a well-deserved vacation, Yuri Usachev decides to return to work. True, very soon he was again called up to the second crew of EO-19 instead of the well-known Poleshchuk. The astronaut quickly gained momentum and improved the skills he had acquired in the last flight to work in space.

On June 27, 1995, he acted as a backup for the on-board engineer of the leading crew of Budarin. Then he began his next training, although now he was already in the first crew of the ship.

Second flight

The next journey into airless space began on February 21 and lasted until September 2, 1996, as part of the Soyuz-23 team and the twenty-first expedition into orbit. The second flight turned out to be Usachev’s debut - during it he was lucky enough to carry out six successful spacewalks, on which he spent a total of thirty hours and the same number of minutes of his time.

From May 19 to May 29, 2000, Yuri Usachev carried out the third flight in his life on the new generation spacecraft Atlantis. This expedition lasted for nine days and twenty hours and involved work to restore the ISS.

Fourth flight

For the fourth time, Yuri Vladimirovich flew on March 8, 2001 as part of the second crew of the ISS on a spacecraft called “Discovery”.

Other activities of an astronaut

He managed to combine brave space travel and writing books. Russian astronaut Yuri Usachev is so versatile. “One Day in Space” is one of his most famous creations, which was particularly liked by both critics and sophisticated readers.

Yuri also shared his impressions with the public through writing, where he in detail described each of his flights. His first debut was called “The Diary of an Astronaut”, released in 2004. The book was immediately liked by readers and brought the author fame in the literary field.

As far as we know, writing activity completely captured the scientist. He does not intend to stop there. Yuri Vladimirovich is obsessed with many ideas and undertakings. So let's wish this beautiful and incredible talented person further creative success!


We had the opportunity to meet such a great, purposeful and strong-willed person in this article. After all, it is precisely these qualities that Yuri Usachev possesses. The biography of this astronaut is capable of surprising, delighting and even motivating every desperate space lover to great achievements.

Yuri Usachev was born on April 19, 1974 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg, Russia). WITH early childhood started playing music. Studied at music school and sang in the boys' choir of the Leningrad Radio House.

At music school he learned to play drums, clarinet, piano, cello and guitar. In addition to developing as an instrumentalist, Yuri began to study computer electronic music and took an active part in the St. Petersburg Jungle movement.

Start of a career

In 1995, together with Anton Newmark, he created the electronic project Cast Iron Runner. In the same year, he created the Active-Positive team. Yuri acted as a composer for the pop group Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, making arrangements and remixes for them.

In 1997, Yuri and St. Petersburg musician Evgeny Arsentiev created the club project Total Break Beat. In addition, Usachev worked with Russian sizes.

Finest hour

In 1997, Yuri Usachev, together with Evgeny Arsentyev, created the group Guests from the Future. The group's first song was Time is sand. However, such music turned out to be incomprehensible to a wide Russian audience. The group changed creative direction and in 1998, Evgeny Arsentiev separated from the group. In 1999 the disc was released Run away from me.

In 1999, the group Guests from the Future moved to Moscow. On tour, the team traveled to numerous cities in the CIS. The group also visited Europe and the USA frequently.

The group Guests from the Future has released 7 full-length albums and 4 remix albums. 15 video clips were released, four of which Yuri Usachev directed himself.

In 2002, Yuri Usachev became the general producer of the recording company Gramophone Records.

Wanting to realize himself as an electronic musician and DJ, Yuri Usachev created the Art-House project in 2006. Its members included St. Petersburg DJs Andrey Timoshenko (dj Tisha) and Ulrich (Alex Ylech).

In 2008, Yuri Usachev created another project. My-Ti is singer Tina Kuznetsova, who has unique voice abilities. She is a multiple winner vocal competitions. Her performances regularly took place in cities of Russia and the CIS, attracting fans electronic music high class. The project's house compositions were played in European clubs.

In the same year, Yuri Usachev wrote music for the upcoming MTV-Russia Film Awards ceremony.

In the spring of 2009, Yuri Usachev stopped performing as a musician in the group Guests from the Future, however, he remained the arranger and sound producer of the group.

Popular people constantly turn to Yuri Usachev Russian performers asking you to remix or arrange your song. He successfully collaborates as a sound producer with stars Russian show business Alsou, . One of latest works song Eve Vintage groups.

Personal life

In the late 90s, Yuri announced his homosexual orientation. He later admitted that it was just a PR stunt. Yuri Usachev became a father on September 24, 2010. His wife Khristina Kuznetsova gave birth to a son for the musician.


  • Golden Gramophone (with Guests from the Future)
  • Stopudovy hit (with Guests from the Future)
  • Bomb of the Year (as part of Guests from the Future)
  • Movement (composed of Guests from the Future)

Prepared based on materials from open sources.

> > > Usachev Yuri Vladimirovich

Usachev Yuri Vladimirovich (1957-)

Brief biography:

Russian cosmonaut:№77;
World cosmonaut:№305;
Number of flights: 4;
Spacewalks: 7;
Duration: 552 days 23 hours 3 minutes 64 seconds;

Yuri Usachev– 77th Russian cosmonaut and Hero of Russia: biography, photo, personal life, space, first flight, flight engineer at the Mir station, Soyuz, ISS commander.

77 Russian cosmonauts and 305 world cosmonauts.

Yuri Vladimirovich Usachev, future cosmonaut, was born on October 9, 1957. Five minutes earlier, his twin sister Natalya was born. The Usachevs' eldest son, Gennady, was growing up. The family lived in Donetsk, a small city in the Rostov region, and did not stand out in anything special. Parents were engaged in working professions. Yuri's father, Vladimir Andreevich, was an electrical mechanic and worked in a mine. Mom - Usacheva Anna Grigorievna worked as a technician at a factory.

10 classes high school Yuri graduated in 1975. After receiving his education, he got a job and continued studying. Before being drafted into the army, the young man manages to work at a local factory (works as a turner's apprentice), enroll in DOSAAF courses and obtain a 3rd class driver's license. In 1976, Usachev was taken to serve. He undergoes military training abroad - in Germany, in the ranks of the chemical defense troops.

After completing his service and returning home, Yuri decides to connect his life with space aviation. He submits documents to the MAI (Moscow Aviation Institute), completes the preparatory courses, and in 1979 becomes a student at the capital’s university. In 1985, Usachev will leave the institution as a certified specialist after almost 6 years of study at the Faculty of Cosmonautics and Aircraft. Combining two things, Yuri studies and works as a laboratory assistant at the institute, and during his internship he serves as a sailor for a couple of months.

After graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute, Usachev changes jobs. He gets a job as an engineer in the department of the Research and Production Association "Energy". This enterprise was the first in the development of space technologies, and the history of space aviation was written here. Mechanical engineer Yuri Usachev worked in the association for three years. Among other projects, he worked on the Energia launch vehicle and dealt with technical issues of spacewalks. Time will show that this knowledge will become indispensable for him.

As the cosmonaut himself would later tell, the dream of touching the mysteries of the Universe began in childhood. And the boys in the era of cosmonautics development could not dream of anything else. Launching toy spaceships in their yards, many of them wanted to be in the elite squad of pioneers.

After three years in science, Yuri Vladimirovich Usachev takes a step towards practice. He submits documents to enroll in the cosmonaut corps. He had to pass an interview and many tests. And most importantly - the strictest medical examination. After all, the astronaut had to have ideally good health. Yuri passed all these “tests”. The medical commission found him fit and allowed him to undergo special training. young man was enrolled in the space detachment, and he received the position of test candidate cosmonaut.

From that moment until the first start it took about five years. For a long time, Usachev remained in a supporting role and trained as a flight engineer of the second crew. This concerned the 13th and 14th main expeditions. I was lucky on the 15th. Yuri Usachev began his preparation for EO-15 as part of the first crew in August 1993. And he took off on his first flight on January 8, 1994. That day, 3 people boarded the spacecraft. Crew commander Viktor Afanasyev, cosmonaut-researcher Valery Polyakov, and Yuri Vladimirovich Usachev himself - a flight engineer with the call sign "Derbent-2". Thus, he became the 77th cosmonaut of Russia and the 305th cosmonaut of the World. Yuri's first flight lasted 182 days. For him he received the title of Hero Russian Federation and qualification “Test Cosmonaut 3rd class”.

Usachev managed to get closer to the stars again two years later - in 1996. This time it will start with Yuri Onufrienko - crew commander, and Shannon Lucid - flight engineer No. 2. The highlight of the second flight was the spacewalk for the astronaut. And not alone. During his 193 days in orbit, Usachev traveled outside the spacecraft 6 times. As he would later say in many interviews, the first exit into airless space was the most surprising and memorable for him.

Usachev carried out his next flight not as a flight engineer, but as a flight specialist. The third entry into orbit was short-lived for the astronaut. A total of 9 days and 20 hours (from May 19 to May 29, 2000). This time he was on a team with American astronauts and flew on the Atlantis shuttle.

The fourth and final expedition took place a year later - in 2001. It was the second longest for Usachev. He spent 167 days in space. The astronaut went into space as the commander of the second expedition to the International Space Station. Having departed from Earth on March 8, the “traveler” returned almost six months later - on August 22. During this time, he left the ship once - he went into space to prepare a docking spot for the Russian space shuttle. But this exit was the shortest - only 19 minutes.

If you calculate the time that Yuri Usachev spent on his four space odysseys, you get an impressive amount of time. One and a half years or 553 days. He was in airless space for more than 30 hours, and had 7 spacewalks.

The fourth flight was the final one for Usachev. After some time, the pilot decides to resign from his position as a test-cosmonaut instructor. He is not currently an active astronaut, but continues to work in the space industry. Since 2007, Yuri Usachev has been a mentor younger generation and commander of the cosmonaut corps of the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation.

Yuri Vladimirovich is interested in photography and writes books. So far there are two of them. He wrote one for adults. It's called "The Diary of an Astronaut" and was published in 2004. The second work was published 10 years later - in 2014. The book "One Day in Space" is addressed to younger children school age. In it, the writer shares some cosmic secrets. Describes how life works on a ship. How to sleep and eat in zero gravity, is it easy to get a haircut and brush your teeth.

Personal life

(1974-04-19 ) (45 years old)

Yuri Usachev- Russian composer, DJ, producer.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    From early childhood he began to study music. He studied at a music school and sang in the boys' choir of the Leningrad House of Radio. At music school he learned to play drums, clarinet, piano, cello and guitar. In addition to developing as an instrumentalist, Yuri begins to study computer electronic music and takes an active part in the St. Petersburg “Jungle” movement.

    Career outside the group

    Wanting to realize himself as an electronic musician and DJ, Yuri Usachev creates the “Art-House” project. Its members include St. Petersburg DJs Andrey Timoshenko (dj Tisha) and Alexey Ulrich (Alex Ylech). Work begins with music of current electro and progressive styles. The material was highly appreciated by leading Russian and world DJs. "Armada records" of Armin Van Buuren expressed their readiness to publish the music [ ] .

    Yuri Usachev: “I believe that there is a club culture in Russia, and it is on the rise! There are good interesting records written by Russians. They are often played by world giants - isn't this an indicator of development? At the same time, I would like to say that the club culture of the regions of Russia is sometimes higher than that of the capital! And that's great! "

    Composer Date of birth April 19 (Aries) 1974 (45) Place of birth Leningrad Instagram @yuriusachev

    Yuri Usachev is a talented composer, arranger and producer. He is one of the creators and participants popular group"Guests from the future." The musician worked with the groups “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” and “Cast Iron Runner”. Most of his songs became hits, and his performances gave genuine emotions.

    Biography of Yuri Usachev

    Composer Yuri Alekseevich Usachev was lucky to be born in Leningrad. This city was the center modern trends youth music. Yura was born on April 19, 1974. He decided early on his choice of profession and devoted all his free time to music. He studied at a music school, where he mastered drums, guitar, piano, clarinet and cello. At the same time, he sang in the choir of the Leningrad House of Radio.

    In the mid-90s, Yuri was fond of hip-hop. He was involved in arranging and producing the group “A-2”. In 1996, Usachev and Anton Dmitrenko organized the “Cast Iron Skate” project. They were one of the first bands to play electronic music. In 1997, Usachev and like-minded Arsentiev recorded the group’s first album, “Guests from the Future.” The music did not have commercial success. The albums were on store shelves, but were not sold. A year later, the second disc “Time Sand” appeared. DJ Grove helped in its promotion. In 1999, the group changed its repertoire; its album “Run from Me” brought the guys popularity. Arsentiev left the team, Usachev remained with soloist Eva Polna.

    It was a successful commercial project. The group toured Europe and America, released 7 albums and 15 videos. The musicians received the Golden Gramophone and Stopudovy Hit awards. In 2009, Yuri left the team and took up free creativity.

    Usachev did not give up electronic music. Together with St. Petersburg DJs, he created the “Art-House” project. One of the producer's best undertakings was the promotion of the My-Ti group. Its vocalist Tina Kuznetsova is a girl with a unique voice. She won recognition by performing at various competitions. Fans of electronic music invite My-Ti to perform in European clubs. Tina and Yuri are also working together on the Zventa Sventana project, which represents two directions - jazz and Russian folklore.

    Usachev is a recognized genius of arrangement. Russian singers They often turn to him with a request to work on compositions. Alsou, Katya Lel, Jasmine, and the Vintage group collaborate with him. Among the composer's achievements is creating music for the MTV-Russia Film Awards ceremony.

    Which of the semi-finalists of “The Voice” deserves to win?

    Personal life of Yuri Usachev

    Yuri met his wife Tina Kuznetsova in 2004, as a member of the “Guests from the Future” group. After 3 years, joint work on the My-Ti project brought the young people closer together, and in 2009 they became husband and wife. A year later, a son, Gabriel, appeared in the family. Usachev’s wife became a finalist in the Russian project “The Voice” in 2013.

    In 2003, the composer's daughter Emilia was born, but she lived in the UK with her mother until she was 14 years old. Yuri maintains a relationship with his daughter. Emilia shows no interest in music and a singing career.