Prishvin pantry of sun problems. “Pantry of the Sun” (Prishvin): analysis of the work

“The Pantry of the Sun” is a fairy tale. Very real children go on a very real journey - for cranberries. But they have to deal with the animate forces of nature - both favorably disposed and hostile (the wolf Gray Landowner).

Prishvin is a great connoisseur and lover of nature. He poetically describes the awakening of spring nature, the voices of birds and animals merging into a single magical choir.

Nature is also a character in the fairy tale.

Prishvin is very attentive to children. He has a gentle humor and great love describes two independent peasant children who know how to cope with a large farm. Prishvin, in the images of his brother and sister, affirms peasant thoroughness, love of work, practical acumen and the ability to deal with difficulties.

Brother and sister are not at all ideal, correct and obedient children. They argue over which of them is more important. Mitrash, to prove that he is right, follows a narrow path - and almost dies in a swamp.

Nastya is a greedy girl: carried away by the harvest of an unprecedented cranberry harvest, she almost forgot about her brother. But the trials they experience make children smarter and kinder. Nastya gives all the collected berries to children evacuated from besieged Leningrad.

The name “Pantry of the Sun” is a multi-valued image. The “pantry of the sun” is not only peat, which can be used as a source of energy. This is all reserved northern nature, this and kind heart people.

The very subtitle of the story “The Pantry of the Sun (Fairy Tale)” forces the reader to pay attention to the genre of the work. “The Fairy Tale” was created in such a way that the real and the fabulous are intertwined in it, and this happens at all levels and at the linguistic level, because the work clearly traces folklore motives in the construction of the narrative, in descriptions, in vocabulary, and at the plot level, when the motive of saving the hero from inevitable death (fairy tale motive) is played out by the writer in such a way that this salvation does not cause the reader the slightest doubt about its authenticity; and in the images of the heroes - Nastya, Mitrasha, old man Antipych, the dog Travka there is a lot of fairy tale characters- It’s no coincidence that the narrator compares Nastya with the Golden Hen, and Mitrash has the nickname “The Little Man in the Bag.”

However, there is a clear connection with fairy world does not turn the story “The Pantry of the Sun” into a stylization, Prishvin creates a completely original work in both genre and visual terms, which describes the amazing and at the same time quite real, sometimes even “mundane” adventures of orphaned children who, however, live just as not every adult will be able to live in such difficult circumstances in which they found themselves after “their mother died of illness and their father died in the Patriotic War.”

Prishvin in his work “Pantry of the Sun” shows children who live adulthood, he lovingly describes Nastya’s thriftiness, Mitrasha’s skill, he openly admires his heroes: “And what smart kids they were! ... there was not a single house where they lived and worked as friendly as our favorites lived.” The writer with great knowledge of the matter describes how Mitrasha makes wooden dishes; he admires Nastya, who, despite her age, behaves like an adult housewife. But, at the same time, children remain children, and the constant squabbles between brother and sister, during which most often Mitrash tries to prove that he is “the boss in the house,” are also dear to the author, he sees in them a genuine relationship between brother and sister, which They love each other very much, between whom there is “such a beautiful equality.”

The characters' personalities are also revealed in the way they gather for cranberries. The thoroughness, the seriousness of the preparations, the brother’s story about the “Palestine” that his father once spoke about, the hope that they will be able to find this “unknown to anyone, where sweet cranberries grow” - and an absurd dispute, as a result of which the brother and sister Let's each go our own way in the forest...

Prishvin is wonderful at describing nature. In the "Pantry of the Sun" nature becomes independent actor, she lives her own life, but she is also “tuned” in a special way to the lives of the heroes. When Mitrasha and Nastya broke up and went in different directions, “Then gray gloom moved tightly and covered the entire sun with its life-giving rays. The evil wind blew very sharply. The trees intertwined with roots, piercing each other with branches, growled, howled, and groaned throughout the Bludovo swamp." This is how nature expresses its attitude to what is happening and, as it were, predicts that the heroes will face further trials.

The image of old Antipych was created in fairy-tale traditions: the hero is very old, he does not say how old he is, his speech is full of riddles, he knows how to talk to his dog Grass, he keeps certain secrets that cannot be conveyed to just anyone, to comprehend them a person must certain prepare in a way. Dying, he trusts Travka with his main secret- relationships between living beings must be built on love, this love must be mutual, it must come to the rescue when living beings need help. It is interesting that Prishvin speaks not only about relationships between people, because it is no coincidence that he calls the death of Antipych a “terrible misfortune” in the life of Travka, who cannot forget her owner and is constantly looking for him, eventually finding him in Mitrash.” little Antipych,” whom she saved from death in the swamp.

Mitrasha found himself in trouble because he relied on himself and forgot about folk wisdom, “Not knowing the ford, I left the beaten human path and climbed straight into Blind Yelan.” The boy, “sensing danger, stopped and thought about his situation,” but was too late and “felt himself tightly enveloped from all sides to the very chest” by a quagmire that would never have let him go if Grass had not come to his aid.

If Mitrasha left the “human path” because of arrogance, then Nastya was taken away from her... by unconscious greed - the girl walked and walked “for cranberries”, and did not notice how she ended up where “people don’t go.” It is noteworthy that, having realized this, she was afraid not for herself, but for her brother, and her desperate cry was heard by Mitrash, who was dying in the swamp. Nastya reproaches herself for her greed, and this moment is one of the most touching in the story.

An understanding was not immediately established between Mitrash and Travka, but after the boy called the dog that saved him from the quagmire, he was transformed in her eyes, he “shaken off the dirt from his rags and, like a real big man, imperiously ordered..." - for Travka, he became her master: "With a squeal of joy, recognizing the owner, she threw herself on his neck..." In moments of mortal danger, Mitrasha behaved like an adult, and a living creature recognized his right to be called the owner - he has become truly strong. Confirmation of this is that he manages to kill a seasoned predator, and this turns out to be surprising for people who “left their business for a while and gathered, and not only from their village, but even from neighboring villages.” ... And it’s hard to say who they looked at more - the wolf or the hunter in a cap with a double visor."

The children turned out to be not just wonderful children, the trials they went through revealed new, completely adult qualities, wonderful character traits. Nastya gave away all the cranberries, which almost led her astray life path, evacuated Leningrad children, and this was already a completely adult, conscious act that raised the girl even higher in the eyes of the storytellers. Although the author reports that the story is told on behalf of the geologists who discovered peat reserves in the “Pantry of the Sun,” the reader understands that the author of the work expresses his own life position that he admires young heroes, in whom there is so much warmth, humanity, self-esteem, who feel the natural world so subtly and are such worthy representatives of the human world.

M. M. Prishvin entered literature not only as a talented writer, but also as an ethnographer, geographer, and cosmographer. However, his works were not in demand in Soviet society. Ideal for the literature of that time were works full of high civil and revolutionary pathos, saturated with the socialist slogans of those years. Prishvin's work was considered an attempt to get away from real life, from solving pressing problems to building a bright future. Prishvin's discovery as a talented word artist took place only in last decades. Today he is one of the most unsolved writers.

The nature of his work had a huge influence on all his work. native land. The future writer was born on the Khrushchevo estate. It was here that he learned to listen and hear the sounds of nature, its sometimes quiet and sometimes loud speech. Prishvin was very gifted with hearing “for the whistling of birds, the breathing of grass and the murmuring of animals.” He tried his best to convey the voice of nature, to translate it into human language. We are amazed at this ability of his while reading the story “The Pantry of the Sun.”

The plot of this work is quite simple. This is a story about the life and adventures of two little children who were left orphans in the difficult post-war years. But Prishvin wraps his characters in such a poetic shell that everything that happens becomes like a fairy tale. This is exactly the genre Prishvin chooses for his work - a fairy tale. The concept of “fairy tale” will become central in Prishvin’s work in the 20-50s. For the writer, this concept was a form of artistic storytelling in which he could freely embody his ideals and depict the immutable laws of nature. In “Pantry of the Sun” he creates the image of an ideal village where everyone lives peacefully, amicably, okay. And the small family - brother Mitrasha and sister Nastya - are everyone's favorites, they are two little suns.

“Nastya was like a Golden Hen on high legs. Her hair, neither dark nor light, shimmered with gold, the freckles all over her face were large, like gold coins... Only one nose was clean and looked up. Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister. He was a stubborn and strong boy. “A little man in a bag,” the teachers at school called him smiling among themselves. “The little man in the bag,” like Nastya, was covered in golden freckles, and his nose, clean, like his sister’s, looked up.” The author lovingly describes his characters and gives them cute names. And this, too, is partly reminiscent of a fairy tale. And so our little heroes set off on a long journey to a Palestinian woman, whom they know about from their father’s stories. This is reminiscent of the saying: “go there, I don’t know where.” Children find themselves in a huge fairyland, where every bush, every bird has the ability to speak and think. The author places us in the wonderful world of nature, while he tries with all his might to show the kinship of man with this natural world: “poor birds and little animals, how they all suffered, trying to pronounce some common, one beautiful word! And even children, as simple as Nastya and Mitrasha, understood their effort. They all wanted to say just one beautiful word. You can see how the bird sings on the branch, and every feather trembles with effort. But still, they cannot say words like we do, and they have to sing, shout, and tap.

Tek-tek! - a huge bird, a capercaillie, taps barely audibly in a dark forest.

Shvark-shwark! - a wild drake flew in the air over the river.

Crack-crack! - wild mallard duck on the lake.

Gu-gu-gu... - a beautiful bullfinch bird on a birch tree.”

The author appears here as a person with a keen ear, capable of hearing and understanding the wonderful language of birds, plants and animals. Prishvin uses a wide variety of means of artistic expression. But the most important technique with the help of which the heroes of the natural world come to life on the pages of the work is personification. In the fairy tale, not only animals, but also birds and even trees had the ability to think. These are raven and crow talking, and cranes announcing the coming of the sun and its sunset, and the groan of fused pine and spruce.

Nature is not inactive, it actively comes to the aid of man. The old women-fir-trees also warn Mitrash about the trouble; they try in vain to block his path to the destructive fir-tree. And the black raven scares him with its cry. What can we say about the smart, quick-witted and devoted dog Travka!

Thus, main topic in were - the theme of the unity of man and nature. In his works, Prishvin “condenses goodness,” he embodies his ideals and thereby calls on readers to goodness.

The friendly life of Nastya and Mitrasha in the village.
Children gather for cranberries.
The guys quarreled and went different paths.
Nastya finds a Palestinian woman, all strewn with cranberries, and Mitrasha, due to her mistake, ends up in a swamp.
Forester Antipych's dog Travka helps Mitrash out of trouble.
The little hunter kills the old wolf robber Gray Landowner, and the children return home.

Prishvin is a writer who was not recognized for a long time, and his works were not in demand, and only in recent decades did they pay attention to this author, appreciate his work and begin to actively study it. However, Prishvin has not yet been fully studied. However, the author of beautiful works, including fairy tales, is studied in school. So we met wonderful work, a fairy tale - a true story called Prishvin's Pantry of the Sun, whose analysis is below and presented to the attention of readers.

Analyzing, we find ourselves in one village, where we meet the heroes of the work. These are the orphans Mitrash and his older twelve-year-old sister Nastya. This is a difficult post-war time, but the children manage to survive, because they have a small farm, and the neighbors are kind and constantly help, calling the children their favorites. From the first lines of the description, we see how much the author loves his characters, he is attentive to them and lovingly introduces us to children who had to grow up early and take on the responsibility of household chores. Using images of children, Prishvin shows how hardworking the peasants are and how they are able to cope with any difficulty and complexity.

The plot itself is simple. The children in the story are not ideal, they also quarrel and make peace, but at the same time they are independent. One day they gathered to eat cranberries in Palestine. But they didn’t know where to go, so they went at random. Mitrash also grabbed a gun, because a hungry wolf lives in the forest.

In a word, the children went on adventures and they quickly overtook them. Unable to find a compromise solution, the children went different ways and it all almost ended in failure. Mitrash fell into a swamp, which almost sucked him in, and his sister, carried away by picking berries, did not immediately notice that her brother had been gone for a long time and that he needed help. But everything ended well. Mitrash was saved, brother and sister reconciled, became kinder and smarter, and even gave all the berries to the children who were evacuated from Leningrad.

In our analysis, I would like to note how interestingly the writer plays with fairy-tale motifs in his work Pantry of the Sun. You read the work and have no doubt that real life situations are being described. Nature is also beautifully described here, where the author not only describes its beauty, but also brings it to life. So, when children quarrel, the wind begins to howl, as if warning that there will be further trials and difficulties. When the boy approached the swamp, even the trees and bushes tried to shield him from danger, standing thickly in the boy’s path. Nature is not idle, but tries in every possible way to help man.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin's story “The Pantry of the Sun” tells about orphans, how they coped with difficulties, how they learned to live without parents.

The author describes the main characters very carefully. The girl, Nastya, the eldest in the family, seems to the reader to be responsible and very hardworking. She has freckles on her face, blond hair, fragile and very smart. She always gave in to her brother, tried to do the best and helped him in everything. The author calls her a golden chicken with high legs. In my opinion, it was not for nothing that Mikhail Mikhailovich gave such a nickname to Nastya. Throughout the story, he writes about her with respect. Nastya got up before sunrise, drove the herd of cows out to pasture and, without going to bed, did all the housework until nightfall.

Mitrash, brother main character, the author describes as “a little man in a bag.” He learned some craft from his father and took care of men's household chores. Mitrasha sold or exchanged the results of his craft. This is how the orphans lived, arranging their lives.

The author of the story very accurately divides household responsibilities between the children. Left alone, without parents, Nastya and Mitrasha do household chores together. “The golden hen on high legs and the little man in the bag” do women's and men's chores, respectively. This division of labor between children gives them, in my opinion, the cohesion and friendship that should exist between family members.

One day the children decide to go get cranberries. In the forest they diverge along different paths. Mitrash falls into a swamp and cannot get out for a long time, and Nastya, carried away by picking cranberries, forgets about her brother. A forester's dog named Travka helps the children find each other.

Mikhail Prishvin called his story “Pantry of the Sun” because there is a lot of peat in the forest swamps. During times Patriotic War this fuel was very valuable, and remains valuable to this day.

In my opinion, the author of the story very accurately conveyed the entire atmosphere that should exist between children who were left without parents. Prishvin showed brotherly and sisterly love. Nastya and Mitrasha were always together and lived in peace. After all, they were left alone in the whole world, and they had no one closer to each other. The author clearly shows in his work what can happen if a brother and sister do not get along with each other.

After reading the story “Pantry of the Sun,” every reader will ask the question: how do I feel about my sister or my brother? After all, a person has no one dearer than his sister or brother. They should always be together and help each other. And to better understand how to treat a loved one, it’s worth reading this story.

Analysis Pantry of the Sun - where is the truth and where is the fairy tale

The work was written in 1945, so its plot and characters in the story correspond to that difficult time for the country.

The plot is simple. In some Russian village there live a boy and a girl. They live alone because they are orphans - their father died in the war, and their mother died of illness. The girl is 12 years old, the boy is 10 years old. They have a house, they have pets: a cow, sheep, chickens.

When you start reading the story, you immediately realize that it is fiction. It can’t be that the kids don’t have relatives in the village. It cannot be that the children of the deceased Red Army soldier were not placed in an orphanage. And how, at that age, did they manage a household that even an adult couldn’t handle?

Further events develop like this. A common village thing: the children went into the forest to pick berries (cranberries). The girl, of course, carries a basket, and the boy, in today’s terminology – “cool”, takes with him a gun and a compass. Well, the compass is clear - a toy, but the gun is taller than a ten-year-old boy. How will he carry it? But the author comes up with an excuse: a lonely and hungry wolf lives in the forest. So, for protection from the wolf, he took a gun with him.

I should note that the fabulousness is also in the title of the story: “The Pantry of the Sun.” This, according to the author's idea, is the name of the swamp. But Russians never fired their stoves with peat. We had enough firewood. And such a name would never have been given to the swamp. They were far from the scientific idea that peat, coal and oil are a concentrate of solar energy.

So the boy and the girl went into the forest and, of course, quarreled (as in the fairy tale - don’t drink water - you’ll become a little goat). The brother did not listen to his sister: he did not follow the path, but followed the compass. He reached the swamp and fell into the swamp there. Thank God he had a gun with him! He grabbed the gun and did not drown.

And then a stray dog ​​(man’s friend) came to the rescue and pulled him out of the swamp. And then he shot the evil wolf. Then his sister, having collected cranberries, found him, and they returned home. And in the village everyone was already alarmed: where did the children go? This is a semi-fairy-tale story.

The story is written beautifully, but what does it teach us? Maybe live together, love dogs and kill wolves. Or - don’t go, the children are alone in the forest: wolves live there.

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