Reception at the studio on Lavrushinsky Lane. To the Tretyakov Gallery with a preschooler: what a small child can see in the museum

1. First steps in art, for children 4 years old, 15 lessons, 2 times a month on Thursdays.
Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery. Children in game form get an idea of ​​the culture of behavior in the museum, learn to listen to the teacher and carefully examine works of art. In the studio, kids draw - paints, a palette, brushes, paper attached to a real easel - everything they need to feel like a real artist.

2. For the youngest, for children 4 years old, 7 classes, once a month on Saturdays.
Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery. At each lesson, the teacher tells stories and tales about paintings and artists, how to paint with a brush, what landscape, portrait, and still life are.

3. A story with drawing, for children 5-6 years old, 7 lessons, once a month on Fridays.
Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery. The program provides an opportunity for gradual acquaintance with the world of Russian art, contributes to deepening knowledge about the world around us and developing artistic erudition. Acquaintance with the originals stored in the Tretyakov Gallery creates the basis for aesthetic education, the formation of imaginative thinking, and development creativity children.

4. Once upon a time there was a picture, for children 4 years old, 6 lessons, once a month on Thursdays.
Classes take place at the exhibition. Each painting has its own story. Who wrote it? Why? For whom? The Tretyakov Gallery's paintings are ready to share their stories with young viewers and their parents.

5. Learning art at the Tretyakov Gallery, for children 5 years old, 15 lessons, 2 times a month on Tuesdays.
Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery. Using the example of paintings and graphics from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery, children study the stages of creating a painting - from sketch to sketch, from sketch to the final work and learn to implement this method of work when realizing their own ideas. The guys learn to work with different formats and in different techniques, make quick sketches, studies, transfer the finished version to a large sheet.

6. Through the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery, for children 5-6 years old, 6 classes, once a month on Sundays.
Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery. Each lesson consists of two parts. The first part is held in one of the halls of the permanent exhibition, where children and parents get acquainted with the masterpieces of the Tretyakov Gallery. In the second part of the lesson, children go to the studio to draw with a teacher-artist, and parents remain in the exhibition with an art historian and become more familiar with the history of Russian art. Parents will be offered methodological recommendations, which will help make an independent visit to the museum with children more interesting and educational.

7. Mysteries of the Tretyakov Gallery, for children 5-6 years old, 6 lessons, once a month on Sundays.
Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery. The family subscription program introduces the masterpieces of the Tretyakov Gallery, instills a love of art, develops emotional and imaginative thinking and creates an atmosphere of creativity in every family.

The appointment is carried out in the form of an interview with the parent and child. On the day of admission, you must: bring your child, bring 5-6 works of the child, completed by him independently, preferably with paints. (Be prepared for the fact that, regardless of the results of the interview, one of the works will have to be left in the Studio forever). The interview will take place in a "live queue" mode. Lists of accepted children will be published on this page a week after the interview:

Programs 1–3
When: SEPTEMBER 17, Saturday, from 11.00 to 17.00

Programs 4–7
When: SEPTEMBER 18, Sunday, from 11.00 to 17.00
Where: Studio in Lavrushinsky Lane (entrance from Maly Tolmachevsky Lane)

Oil painting! After becoming a mother, many women forget about their desires. After all, the main thing is the health, development and interests of the child. That’s why you distinguish between the children of the astronaut dog Belka, and you sing in the morning about fixies, although this big secret, and Masha’s tricks torment you in nightmares... And you know 400 honest ways to feed, entertain, heal and educate your child. But books, events, exhibitions, theaters and museums are, as a rule, only classified as “children’s”. And you are already afraid that the child’s development will soon outstrip yours...

But now the baby has grown up, and you can safely expand the boundaries and move to another level, opening up both for him and for yourself new opportunities for useful and interesting leisure. And if your young talent For 4 whole years now, you can safely visit your once beloved Tretyakov Gallery. In its rich and varied collection, even a small visitor will find a work to his taste and understanding.

Now is the time when your flower is actively ready to absorb the life-giving moisture of art. And it will be better if you are the intermediary. On school excursions, children often perceive the formal and lengthy speech of the guide less well; in addition, they are distracted by classmates with noise and pampering. And if the child remembers something, it won’t be for long. Therefore, by talking with your baby alone, you will have a better chance of instilling and maintaining an interest in cultural values.

Knowing your child, you can tell him the story of the painting and the artist in a more engaging, unobtrusive and without overloading with information. This will help develop not only a sense of beauty and respect for the work of masters, but also the ability to look at the world differently.

Before entering the main building of the Tretyakov Gallery on Lavrushinsky Lane, tell your child that it did not always look like such a fairy-tale tower. The elegant façade was built according to a sketch by artist Viktor Vasnetsov. The founder of the collection, Pavel Tretyakov, worked tirelessly. And although most his time was spent on own business, he devoted as much as possible to his favorite business, the gallery: he visited exhibitions, looked for talented people and helped them. He himself carried out construction work in the gallery, hung paintings and compiled a catalogue.

When to watch

It is, of course, better to visit the museum with a child on weekdays or in the morning, when there are few visitors and there are no queues.

In addition to the standard set of drink, eat, wipe, play, you can take a stroller with you, in case your art lover gets very tired of the abundance of impressions and halls. But it should be taken into account that in the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky there are no elevators, and you are unlikely to be able to climb the stairs with a stroller and a child. Therefore, it would not be amiss to include dad in the cultural journey. After all, he can not only help with the stroller (although, perhaps, only because of this he accomplished this feat), but also thereby give you the opportunity, after taking the child, to see something yourself, at least with one eye. According to Tretyakov Gallery workers, visitors in slings and kangaroos are frequent guests of the Gallery.

Photographer: Evgeny Alekseev, press service of the Tretyakov Gallery

What to see

Of course, you won’t be able to see everything or a lot, no matter how much you would like. A preschool child, even with all the desire, can listen to you and the great paintings for no more than an hour. Psychologists know, and you have repeatedly seen from your own experience, that the processes of concentration and volitional self-control are not yet sufficiently developed, and children quickly get tired of monotonous activities. Don’t wait until whining and whims begin to spoil the viewing experience not only for you. Otherwise, next time you won’t be able to lure him with any rolls.

To begin, choose at least 5 paintings with clear and familiar subjects.

"Bogatyrs" (Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov)

Fairytale paintings Viktor Vasnetsov(hall No. 26): “Bogatyrs” (1898), “Flying Carpet” (1870), “Alyonushka” (1881), “Ivan Tsarevich on gray wolf"(1889); or Mikhail Vrubel(hall No. 32): “The Swan Princess” (1900) - they will convince you of the reality of more than one magical story.

"Morning in pine forest» ( Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin)

Landscapes Isaac Levitan(hall No. 36): “March” (1895), “ Golden autumn"(1895), "Evening Rings" (1892); Alexey Savrasov(hall No. 18): “The rooks have arrived” (1871), “Courtyard. Winter" (1870s), "Rye" (1881); Arkhip Kuindzhi(hall No. 21): “ Birch Grove"(1879), "Forest" (1887), "Landscape. Steppe" (1890-1895); Ivan Shishkina(hall No. 25): “Morning in a pine forest” (1889), “Towards autumn” (1880), “Forest in frost” (1890s), “Oak forest on a gray day” (1873 d.) – will help the child recognize nature native land and distinguish the rich palette of shades of each season.

Canvases depicting children and everyday sketches from life will help the child understand and imagine what people used to be like and how they lived. Such “guides to the past” can be, for example, works Ilya Repin(hall No. 29): “Plowman. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy on arable land" (1887), "Dragonfly" (1884); Vasily Perov(hall No. 17): “Hunters at Rest” (1871), “Troika” (1866), “Sleeping Children” (1870); Vasily Polenova(hall No. 35): “Moscow courtyard” (1878) and many others.

How to watch

While looking at the picture with your child, describe and explain what you see in it, asking leading questions. And then be sure to ask him what he himself thinks about work of art and what he feels. Try to fantasize together and figure out what will happen next. Compare the characters and landscapes with our time - what has changed and what we can observe to this day.

After viewing, you can buy postcards with reproductions of paintings that the young connoisseur of beauty especially liked as souvenirs.

You can sign up for the Children's Studio once a year, at the beginning of September. The reception date will be announced in August on the Tretyakov Gallery website. Classes are paid.

But the ticket itself for visiting the Gallery’s exhibitions for children under 18 years of age is free.

Victoria Igorevna Korpacheva, early development teacher, child psychologist:

“Visiting museums, exhibitions, art galleries, will undoubtedly benefit a preschool child. At the age of 4-6 years, children actively develop thinking, imagination and fantasy. During this period, the child also develops a certain attitude towards the world; the process of perception and analysis of life situations is at its peak.

Art, painting, music actively develop the right hemisphere of the brain; this hemisphere is responsible for sensitivity, emotions and creativity. The more impressions a child has from what he sees in his life, the more often he will be able to participate in creative processes“The more likely it is that in the future this will be a person with developed feelings, emotions and the ability to empathize and understand.”

from December 1 to February 16
on Fridays in two groups: from 13.00 to 15.00, from 16.00 to 18.00

New subscription to the Studio on Lavrushinsky Lane. In the halls of the museum, children will examine and discuss ancient and modern mosaic compositions; in the Ceramic Workshop, they will study art materials and create their own works.
Classes will be held in the Ceramic Workshop and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery. Group meeting at Maly Tolmachevsky lane, 6 ( Cultural center in Tolmachi).
Cost: 6000 rub./subscription

History of Russian animation / 0+

A retrospective of Russian animation from its inception to the present. Comments from experts and authors modern works̆ will make viewing interesting for both children and their parents.
Screenings take place in the Engineering Building
Ticket price: 120 rub.

“About personalities. The Artist's Business" / 9+

on Wednesdays from 16.00 to 18.00
February 7, 14, 21 and 28, March 7, 14, 21 and 28, April 4, 11, 18 and 25

Who are artists and why do they paint like that? different paintings? What is “unique author’s handwriting”? In the museum halls we will explore what techniques different masters liked to use, and then we will try to create own works in different creative ways.
Classes take place in the New Tretyakov Gallery - in the Creative Workshop on the 1st floor, in the exposition and at exhibitions. The number of places in the group is 15.
Cost: 6000 rub./subscription, 700 rub./one-time visit

“The ABC of Colors” / 5+

Acquaintance with the “alphabet of painting” - color and paints. We will learn what the character of paints is, what a pencil can do and how to draw sound. And also, we’ll look at paintings in the museum halls, read “Multi-Colored Fairy Tales” and draw our own stories in the Creative Workshop.
Classes take place in the New Tretyakov Gallery - in the Creative Workshop on the 1st floor, in the exposition and at exhibitions.
Cost: 6600 rub./subscription, 750 rub./one-time visit

“Museum World” / 6+

February 2 and 16, March 5 and 23, April 6 and 20

The first acquaintance with the rich and diverse world of the museum. How do real artists work and what can they do? What color is a gray cat? What can a sculpture be made from and why are the brushes so different? We will look for answers to these and other questions in the museum halls and during our own creative experiments in the Workshop.

"Artist's Workshop" / 7+

on Saturdays from 12.00 to 14.00
February 3, 10, 17 and 24, March 3, 10, 17 and 24, April 7, 14, 21 and 28

Weekend program for children from 7 years old and parents. An open workshop where you can learn “how art is made” and try different things yourself artistic techniques. Each practical lesson in the “Artist’s Workshop” includes a walk through the museum halls, where you can discuss how paintings, drawings, sculptures and other art objects are “made”.
Classes are held in the New Tretyakov Gallery - in the Creative Workshop (1st floor), at the exhibition “Art of the 20th Century” and at exhibitions.
Cost: 850 rub./child and adult, 650 rub./children.

“Poems and Colors” / 8+

once every two weeks on Fridays from 16.00 to 18.00
February 9, March 2, 16 and 30, April 13 and 27

A program for those who love to read and draw. What can a poem and a work of art have in common? Why do we need rhythm, how is the composition structured, and where is the point of view? In class we get acquainted with good poems, interesting paintings and different art materials, and then we compose our creative works.
Classes take place in the New Tretyakov Gallery - in the Creative Workshop on the 1st floor, in the exposition and at exhibitions. The number of places in the group is 15.
Cost: 3000 rub./subscription, 700 rub./one-time visit

“To Far Far Away Lands” / 6+

Amazing fairy worlds, created by Russian artists in paintings, book illustrations and even in the theater, will come to life at these lectures. To see them, we will go with the artists Ivan Bilibin, Viktor Vasnetsov, Mikhail Vrubel, Elena Polenova, Alexander Golovin and Leon Bakst on a journey to distant lands. Lectures are accompanied by slide shows, music, fragments from cartoons and ballets.
Classes are held in the Engineering Building.
Subscription cost: 420 rubles/adults, 360 rubles/children. Single visit: 140/120 rub.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of largest museums world, research and cultural-educational center. IN historical building The Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane houses an exhibition of Russian art of the 11th - early 20th centuries. In the Old Russian section you can see works of famous icon painters of the 12th-17th centuries, and in the halls of the 18th-20th centuries - famous paintings I.N. Kramskoy, I.E. Repina, V.I. Surikova, I.I. Shishkina, V.M. Vasnetsova, I.I. Levitan, M.A. Vrubel, V.A. Serova.

The State Tretyakov Gallery operates a Lecture Hall with children's lectures and a Children's Studio of Drawing and Creative Development. On weekends, the gallery hosts family-friendly lectures. Classes are conducted in the form of fascinating stories about art, interactive conversations with demonstrations of films and paintings. In total, about 350 lectures are given at the Tretyakov Gallery throughout the year. Their topics are diverse and cover all periods of history, starting from ancient times.

On Lavrushinsky Lane, children aged 6-7 years can attend one of the overview lectures to learn more about the Tretyakov Gallery and the masterpieces stored here, or study the holidays and customs of the peoples of the world, as well as get acquainted with fairy tales and legends (for example, the course “Teremok with Fairy Tales”, where they will talk about the art of Vrubel and Vasnetsov). Children from 5 to 12 years old are invited to the “Music of Nature” concert. For older children, more serious programs are offered - icon painting and genres of painting (9-11 years old), a course in art and Russian history using examples paintings(10-12 years old).

In the lecture hall of the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val you can listen to lectures about contemporary art, developed by specialists from the department of the latest trends, learn about the brightest contemporary artists and important trends in art.

The cost of attending one lecture is 120-150 rubles, a 50% discount for children under 7 years old, schoolchildren, students and pensioners. The Tretyakov Gallery operates a subscription system.

The Tretyakov Gallery has also opened a Children's Studio in Lavrushinsky Lane, where every September they accept children aged 4-6 years and practice drawing and painting with them. creative development. During the selection process for the studio, an interview is conducted with the parent and child. To the interview you must bring 5-6 works of the child, completed independently - not in kindergarten and not in a children's studio - preferably with paints. Classes are held from Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 to 18.00 (depending on the group). The class schedule is set for the entire academic year in October.

The studio is located in a neighboring building at the address: Lavrushinsky Lane, 12, Children's Studio (entrance from Maly Tolmachevsky Lane).

On September 16 and 23, 2017, the Tretyakov Gallery will welcome children to the studio on Lavrushinsky Lane.

The appointment is carried out in the form of an interview with the parent and child.

On the day of admission you must:

  • bring the child
  • bring 5-6 works of the child, done independently, preferably with paints.

    Regardless of the results of the interview, one of the works will have to be left in the Studio forever).

    The interview will take place in a “live queue” mode.

    Interview time: September 16 from 10.00 to 18.00.
    Programs: “First steps in art”, “For the little ones”, “History with drawing”.

    Interview time: September 23 from 10.00 to 18.00.
    Programs: “Once upon a time there was a painting...”, “My first paintings”, “Through the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery”, “Mysteries of the Tretyakov Gallery”.

    Venue for interviews: Studio in Lavrushinsky Lane (entrance from Maly Tolmachevsky Lane).

    List of subscriptions:

  • 1. First steps in art - for children 4 years old

    16 classes 2 times a month on Thursdays, 11.00–13.00

    Children, in a playful way, get an idea of ​​the culture of behavior in the museum, learn to listen to the teacher and carefully examine works of art.

    In the studio, kids draw - paints, a palette, brushes, paper attached to a real easel - everything they need to feel like a real artist.

  • 2. For the youngest - for children 4 years old

    6 classes once a month on Saturdays, 15.00–17.00
    Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery.

    At each lesson, the teacher tells stories and tales about paintings and artists, how to paint with a brush, what landscape, portrait, and still life are.

  • 3. Drawing story - for children 5–6 years old

    7 classes once a month on Fridays, 11.00–13.00
    Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery.

    The program provides an opportunity for gradual acquaintance with the world of Russian art, contributes to deepening knowledge about the world around us and developing artistic erudition.

  • 4. Once upon a time there was a painting... - for children 4 years old

    6 classes once a month on Thursdays, 10.30–12.30
    Classes take place at the exhibition.

    Each painting has its own story. Who wrote it? Why? For whom? The Tretyakov Gallery's paintings are ready to share their stories with young viewers and their parents.

  • 5. My first paintings ( initial course) - for children 4–6 years old

    15 lessons 2 times a month on Tuesdays (5–6 years), 11.00–13.00
    8 lessons, once a month on Wednesdays (4–5 years), 11.00–13.00

    Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery.

    My first painting is a program for the youngest visitors to the studio, for those who come to the museum for the first time. Children walk around the halls, look at one or two paintings and then draw their impressions in the studio.

  • 6. Through the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery - for children 5–6 years old

    6 classes once a month on Sundays, 12.00–14.00

    Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery.

    Each lesson consists of two parts. The first part is held in one of the halls of the permanent exhibition, where children and parents get acquainted with the masterpieces of the Tretyakov Gallery.

    In the second part of the lesson, children go to the studio to draw with a teacher-artist, and parents remain in the exhibition with an art historian and become more familiar with the history of Russian art.

  • 7. Mysteries of the Tretyakov Gallery - for children 5–6 years old

    6 classes once a month on Sundays, 15.00–17.00

    Classes take place in the Studio and at the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery.

    The family subscription program introduces masterpieces of the Tretyakov Gallery.

    Detailed information you can read about subscriptions