Presentation of works of art dedicated to the image of the mother. The image of the mother is an eternal theme in art. There is no more dazzling miracle in the world

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From the author: This presentation may be useful to class teachers of general education organizations, teachers of additional education of additional education organizations when holding events dedicated to Mother’s Day and International women's day March 8... ...I BELIEVE THAT WOMAN IS A MIRACLE SUCH AS WILL NOT BE FOUND IN THE MILKY WAY. AND IF THE BELOVED IS THE HOLY WORD, THEN THREE TIMES SACRED IS THE WOMAN-MOTHER! L. Rogozhnikov

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B. Kustodiev Morning The artist’s painting depicts his wife and first-born son. ... Early in the morning, the mother brought the child into the room to bathe her. The way she bathes her son shows great care and attention. The painting exudes warmth and comfort... 1904

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1920 K. Petrov-Vodkin Petrograd Madonna The painting is one of the most significant in the artist’s work. The picture is an era, a historical symbol that tells us about the mood and events of the revolutionary city, it amazes with its reality and simplicity. In the center of the picture is a woman clutching a child to her chest. Her face is like an iconographic face, wariness and humility are read in her eyes. The baby in your arms is clearly the same age as the turning point events of 1917. Against the backdrop of devastation and confused silence, the image of a mother and baby as a source of inexhaustible life predicts that there is a future, albeit not so cloudless...

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K. Petrov-Vodkin Mother 1915 The canvas is made in the artist’s favorite red color scheme. Central image paintings of a young woman breastfeeding her baby. The child lies carefree in his mother’s arms, surrounded by warmth and affection. A woman's appearance is collective image all Russian women of the artist's era. The painting resembles Madonnas created by Renaissance artists, and the child in the mother’s arms is associated with the baby of the Virgin Mary... The woman’s appearance is unremarkable

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A. Deineka Mother 1932 The artist created the image of a contemporary woman-mother, strict and restrained, and at the same time full of soft femininity and tenderness. The image of the mother shows sensitivity and care for a fragile creature - a child sleeping sweetly on her shoulder. She turned her head to the child and looks at him carefully; in the expression of her face you can read the depth of her care and love. This strong woman and her strength lies precisely in motherhood. The birth of a child strengthens a woman and she is ardently ready to guard her child’s sleep. A child in a woman’s arms seems so fragile and defenseless.

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S. Gerasimov Mother of the Partisan For almost seven years S. Gerasimov worked on the painting “Mother of the Partisan”. He started it in 1943. At that time the enemy had already been stopped. At every step, the fascist hordes met courageous resistance from the Soviet people. The front and rear were united by detachments of people's avengers - partisans. Neither threats nor torture could break the patriots. Central figure paintings by S. Gerasimov “Mother of the Partisan” - soviet woman. She cannot be intimidated by fascist monsters. Behind her is native land, scorched and desecrated by enemies, drenched in the blood of relatives and friends - land sacred to patriots... 1943-1950

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M. Savitsky Guerrilla Madonna 1978 In the painting “Partisan Madonna” M. Savinsky addresses the eternal symbol of life - motherhood. The composition is based on famous painting Renaissance Raphael Santi " Sistine Madonna", only instead of biblical characters the artist depicts ordinary people, witnesses of the plague of the twentieth century - fascism... M. Savitsky Partisan Madonna

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Raphael Santi Sistine Madonna 1514-1515 Italian artist During the Renaissance, Raphael Santi was called the poet of the image of the Madonna. The motif of the mother and baby remained unchanged in many of Raphael’s works, but the “Sistine Madonna” makes the strongest impression on the viewer - the Madonna’s eyes look trusting and at the same time alarming. With greatness and simplicity, a woman brings to people what is most precious to her - her son. Madonna easily and confidently walks on the clouds that swirl under her bare feet. A light breeze lifts the edge of her simple cloak. With all her appearance, Madonna resembles an ordinary peasant woman. She even holds her son the way peasant women usually hold their children. This is exactly how the author of the Sistine Madonna conveyed the image of the Virgin Mary.

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Leonardo da Vinci Madonna and Child (Madonna Litta) 1490 - 1491 The artist worked on the painting “Madonna and Child” (Madonna Litta) from 1490 to 1491. This work is an example of the Leonardian type female beauty. The inspired image of a caring mother is one of the favorite themes in the works of Leonardo da Vinci. A wonderful embodiment of the ideal of female beauty, a perfect compositional solution, a perfectly chosen combination of colors, attention to detail - undoubted advantages famous painting... One of best works Leonardo da Vinci's “Madonna and Child” or “Madonna Litta” is a hymn to motherhood that has been sounding just as clearly for several centuries. A wonderful embodiment of the ideal of female beauty, a perfect compositional solution, a perfectly chosen combination of colors, attention to detail - these are the undoubted advantages of the famous painting.

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  • Lesson Objectives : show that the image of the mother is eternal theme art
  • Tasks: 1) show a connection with music, literature, painting;
  • 2) develop creativity schoolchildren;
  • 3) cultivate respect for the mother, careful attitude to her.


  • Reproductions of paintings: Rafael Santi “Sistine Madonna”, “Madonna del Granduca”;
  • Leonardo da Vinci "Madonna and Child";
  • K.S. Petrov-Vodkin “1918 in Petrograd”;
  • Multimedia projector or computer, computer presentations.
  • Audio recording of music. N. Kosheleva, lyrics. S. Kinyakin, N. Spirkina “Sembodonga mazynyai”;
  • A. Demkin “Shumbrat, Away”, Sarah Konno “Ave Maria”,

Lesson progress

  • Organizational moment .
  • Checking homework. We remind you that the theme of nature is an eternal theme.

What other topics are considered eternal?

(Theme of love, Motherland, friendship, heroic deeds).

  • Explanation of new material. The image of the mother is an eternal theme in art.

What is art?

(1. Creative reflection, reproduction of reality in artistic images.

2. Skill, skill, knowledge of the matter. 3. The very thing that requires such skill, mastery).

Name the types of art.

(Literature, painting, music, cinema, etc.)

Do you think the art forms are related to each other?


Our Lady of Vladimir

Maximilian Voloshin

Not on the throne - on Her hand,

Hugging your neck with your left hand, -

Eye to eye, cheek to cheek,

Relentlessly demands... I'm speechless -

There are no strength, no words on the tongue...

And she is worried and sad

Looking through the swell of the future...

There is no more dazzling miracle in the world

Revelations of eternal Beauty!

Simon Ushakov

Our Lady of Vladimir

Our Lady of Vladimir

  • Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, one of the most revered icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary, according to legend, was painted by the Evangelist Luke.
  • Celebration on May 21, June 23, August 26
  • At the request of his pious contemporaries, the apostle depicted with a brush on the board the face of the Mother of God with the Child in her arms. When the icon painter brought this and two other icons to the Mother of God, She repeated the prophetic words spoken to the righteous Elizabeth: “From now on, all generations will bless Me,” adding, “...the grace of the One born from Me and Mine will be with the holy icons.”
  • The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is painted, as legend says, on the board of the table at which Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and Joseph the Betrothed ate in the Savior’s youth. She is the only icon in Russia that has survived to this day in its original state. This is not a list, not a copy, but a genuine shrine that has passed through two millennia.
  • On right hand The Mother of God sitting, the Baby clinging to her. The Infant God pressed his cheek closely to the face of the Most Holy Theotokos and hugged her neck. From under the covering on the head of the Mother of God (maphoria, or omophorion), His hand is visible. The left leg of the Savior is slightly bent and the foot (they say “heel”) is visible, by which the Vladimir Icon is recognized. The left hand at chest level slightly touches the robe of the Savior. The image of the Mother of God is almost devoid of movement: her head is tilted towards the Baby, with her hands she supports Jesus Christ. The heads of the Mother of God and the Child are facing each other.

This icon is a great shrine of Russia. Now it is kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

  • Look into your mother's eyes: what do you see?
  • Sadness, longing. The mother feels what difficulties life has in store for her child.
  • This icon is called the “mother’s song.” Why? The Mother of God is, first of all, a mother, loving mother, which is why the image of the mother is revered as an eternal symbol.


The Russian poet A.A. Feta has a poem " A v e, Maria"("Hail Mary" - this is how the prayer begins.

A v e, Maria - the lamp is quiet,

Four verses are ready in the heart:

Pure maiden, grieving mother,

Your grace has penetrated my soul.

Queen of the sky, not in the brilliance of rays,

In a quiet dream, appear to her!

A v e, Maria - the lamp is quiet,

I whispered all four verses...


  • Austrian composer
  • F. Schubert wrote an aria
  • « A v e, Mari A".
  • What picture fits this music?
  • Painting by the Italian artist Raphael (“Sistine Madonna”
  • Who is shown in this picture?

  • Madonna Litta
  • (around 1491)

K.S. Petrov-Vodkin

1918 in Petrograd

  • K. Petrov-Vodkin still had a hard time with people, and his family remained his outlet. After fifteen childless years of marriage, Mara, who had turned into a very plump, middle-aged woman, gave birth to his long-awaited daughter in the fall of 1922. When Kuzma Sergeevich first saw a tiny creature with dark blue shining eyes, tiny fingers and slightly protruding ears, he wrote to his mother in Khvalynsk: “I was half a man without experiencing this.” It was her father who had to nurse Lenochka, feed her, and take walks with her - Mara’s first birth at the age of 37 was not easy, and she almost did not get out of bed, demanding that they bring her “anemic”, that is, liquid tea. Portraits of his daughter occupy a special place; for many years Petrov-Vodkin painted her portraits and scenes in the nursery.
  • In 1920, based on living impressions of the events of that time, Petrov-Vodkin painted a canvas in which the new reality seemed to be refracted in old images. This is "1918 in Petrograd." Its subject, like all of the artist’s paintings, is very simple: in the foreground, on the balcony, is a young mother with a baby. Behind her is a dark panorama of the revolutionary city, which introduces a powerful motif of anxiety. But the young worker with the sharpened, Madonna-like features of her pale face does not look back - she is completely full of consciousness of her motherhood and faith in her destiny. A wave of hope and peace emanates from her. "1918" was very popular with the audience of that time. The painting was called the “Petrograd Madonna,” and indeed it is one of the most charming creations of Petrov-Vodkin, which became a classic of Soviet art.

Mordovian writers

  • Kutorkin A.D. (A.Yondol)
  • (1906-1991)

Kinyakin S.V. 1937

Songs about mother

  • “Sembodonga Mazynyai” by N. Spirkin.
  • Who wrote the words?
  • "Sembodonga mazynyai"
  • S. V. Kinyakin,
  • Who composed the music?
  • N. V. Kosheleva
  • A. Demkin “Shumbrat, come on”

“You are the best in the world.” Music by N. Razuvaeva,

words by M. Plyatskovsky

You are the best in the world Music N. Razuvaeva Words by M. Plyatskovsky

I love your ringing laugh, mom!

You are the best in the world, mom!

Open the doors to a fairy tale, mom!

Give me a smile, mom!

If you sing a song, mom.

Then it will rain, mom.

WITH good morning tell me, mom.

The sun will break out in the window, mom.

The stars are watching from above, mom!

It's good that you're nearby, mom!

Smile, sing songs, mom!

I will always be with you, mom!

  • The topic of our lesson?
  • What topics are eternal?

Lesson Analysis

Let's say goodbye with words

Russian poet S. Ostrovoy

May the sun forever applaud her,

So she will live for centuries -

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms!

Take care of mothers! Let their eyes always shine!

In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. Established by Presidential Decree Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 120 “About Mother’s DayImage of Mother in
fine arts
In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently.
Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin
No. 120 “On Mother’s Day” dated January 30, 1998,
it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November,
paying tribute to mothers' work and their selfless sacrifice for
the good of your children. The initiative to establish Mother's Day was taken by
State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

Vladimir Icon of God
Mother - icon of the Virgin Mary, one of
the most revered relics of the Russian Church;
considered miraculous.
According to church tradition, the icon
wrote the Evangelist Luke. The icon fell into
Constantinople from Jerusalem in the 5th century
under Emperor Theodosius.
The icon came to Rus' from Byzantium to
beginning of the 12th century (around 1131) as
gift to the holy prince Mstislav from
Patriarch Luke of Constantinople
Chrysoverga. The icon was delivered
Greek Metropolitan Michael,
arrived in Kyiv from Constantinople in
1130 First the Vladimir Icon
was in the women's Virgin Mary
Vyshgorod monastery, not far from
Kyiv. Son of Yuri Dolgoruky saint
Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1155 brought
icon in Vladimir (according to which she and
received its current name, where
it was kept in the Assumption Cathedral
During Tamerlane's invasion
Vasily I in 1395 the venerated icon was
moved to Moscow to protect the city
from the conqueror. That Tamerlane's troops
turned away from Yelets for no apparent reason
back, before reaching Moscow, it was
regarded as the intercession of the Virgin Mary
Icon of the Mother of God
1st third of the 12th century.

After the fire in Kazan in 1579,
destroyed part of the city,
ten-year-old Matrona appeared in a dream
The Mother of God, who ordered her icon to be dug up
on the ashes.
At the indicated location at a depth of about
meters, the icon was actually found.
Day of the Appearance of the Kazan Icon -
July 8, 1579 - now annual
general church holiday in Russkaya
At the place where the icon appeared
Bogoroditsky maiden's house was built
monastery, whose first nun
became Matrona, who took the name Mavra
Kazan Icon of God
Mothers 1579
Day of Honor 22
October (November 4)

In 1885, during a visit to the cathedral by the vice-governor
Baumgarten and Adrian Prakhov, both of them just
a vision appeared on the plastered altar wall
Virgin Mary with Child in Her Arms. About the miraculous appearance of the face of God
The mother immediately started hearing rumors that reached the metropolitan. That
asked Prahov to immediately write a note in the newspaper and explain
public that there is no miracle at all, that the image is just damp stains on the plaster. As commanded, so Prahov and
Viktor Vasnetsov, having already refused to work in Vladimirsky,
on a spring evening at the dacha, I was simply amazed by the image of my
spouses with a baby son in their arms. The child reached out to
the wondrous spectacle of the spring garden that opened up to him and splashed
hands. The sight of a woman with a baby struck Vasnetsov so much that
the thought suddenly occurred to him how nice it would be to paint the Virgin Mary with
a baby, such as those just before our eyes
people dear to him. He immediately decided to paint the Cathedral and
the next day I sent a telegram to Prahov about my consent...
Subsequently, when Vasnetsov presented his sketches to Prahov
altar image of the Mother of God, he extracted and showed it to the artist
A sketch was once made of what appeared on the plaster
images. Prakhov himself told how Vasnetsov was amazed
exact coincidence of both images of the image of the Mother of God. On
speechless for several minutes, he subsequently said
sacramental phrase: It was God's order.
Vasnetsov painted this image for about two years. When were the forests
removed, an absolutely stunning view of the icon of the Mother of God was revealed.
Here she easily and leisurely walks towards the audience. Queen
the heavenly one brings her Son to the sinful world... her large, full
sadness and love brown eyes looking at the viewer affectionately.
Her pale skin, illuminated by the inner light, is extraordinarily beautiful.
face. The image is filled with love and human beauty.
The traditional image of the Mother of God received under the brush
Vasnetsov’s unusually original and free interpretation. This
From then on, the image began to be called the Vasnetsov Mother of God.
Viktor Vasnetsov (1848 – 1926)
Virgin and Child

Leonardo da Vinci
(1452 -1519)
Leonardo a lot
looking for
paint compositions, it
one of the first in
Italy moved
from tempera to
"Madonna with
performed exactly
in this, back then
rare technique.
Madonna with a flower
(Madonna Benoit)
Around 1478
Canvas (translated from wood),
oil. 50 x 32 cm
Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Madonna and Child
(Madonna Litta) 1490 – 1491
Canvas (translated from wood),
tempera. 42 x 33 cm
Hermitage, St. Petersburg

St. Anne with Mary and
baby Christ.
Around 1500-1507
Wood, oil. 168 x 130 cm
Louvre, Paris
Saint Anne was
mother of the Virgin Mary.
Maria's pose is enough
non-trivial: sitting on your lap
Anna, she leaned forward and
stretched out her hands to Jesus,
looking at my son with a smile,
full of love and tenderness.
It is believed that the picture was
completed by Leonardo's students.

(1483 - 1520)
Madonna and Child
(Madonna Conestabile)
About 1500-1502
X., tempera. 17.5x18 cm.
Hermitage, S-Pg
Raphael is called
Master of Madonnas.
In Florence he
wrote a whole series
(at least 15) Madonnas

Madonna of the Greens 1506
Wood, oil. 113x88 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
(1483 - 1520)
Madonna with the Goldfinch
Madonna and Child and
John the Baptist
(Beautiful Gardener) 1507
Wood, oil. 122 x 80 cm
Louvre, Paris

(1483 - 1520)
Sistine Madonna.
Oil on canvas.265x196 cm
The picture was created as
for the monastery church
St. Sixtus in Piacenza.
Canvas to the Dresden gallery
arrived in 1754. It was purchased from
monastery of St. Sixtus - because of the war and
failed monastic monastery
found herself in debt.
In art history
"Sistine Madonna"
considered the image of perfection
beauty. This big altar
the picture doesn't just depict
Divine Mother with
Divine Child, and
miracle of the appearance of the Heavenly Queen,
carrying her son to people like
atoning sacrifice.

(1475 – 1564)
"Pieta" 1499
Rome, Vatican.
Cathedral of St. Petra
St. Peter's Cathedral,
view from the castle
Holy Angel
showing dome,
behind the façade of Maderna.

Vasily Surikov (18.
"Portrait of a Mother"
artist" (P.F. Surikova)

Ilya Efimovich Repin
(1844 – 1930)
"Portrait of a Mother" 1867.
Oil on canvas. 62.5x50
The portrait depicts the artist's mother, Tatyana
Stepanovna Repina, née Bocharova. This
the young painter's early work was executed
during the holidays, when he, then still a student,
Petersburg Academy of Arts, visited
parents in the Kharkov region in the Osinovka settlement.
A painting painted with attention and love,
creates an image of a strong and serious, but at the same time
kind and wise woman, to whom the viewer immediately
imbued with sympathy and respect.
The friendly face of Tatyana Stepanovna is warm
golden tone stands out clearly against the thick shadow
background, and her dress and shawl are dark blue and
blue flowers. All this produces a very bright
impression, a small canvas looks
monumental and solemn, on it - strong-willed and
smart woman, a real mistress of the house.
In those days, the lot of a soldier's wife was not easy.
My husband was constantly sent on long trips, and
Tatyana Stepanovna, living with her children in the military
settlement in order to feed her family, she was forced
work hard in the hardest and dirtiest jobs.
But despite hard life, mother of I. E. Repin,
being an educated woman, she was able to introduce
children to books. She taught literacy not only to her own people.
children, more than ten children gathered in her house,
whom the woman taught to read and write. Tatiana
Stepanovna understood painting and brought up
my son loves art.

Venera Krivova
Presentation “The image of a woman-mother in painting”

Whose the image you see?

What's this called? image? (drawing, painting)

This is an icon. And the icon is image characters from the Bible story

What's her name?

This is the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. It is believed that the Virgin Mary is the Mother of the whole world. Her motherhood extends to us all. Yes, we don’t see her, but she is always next to us, sees us and hears us. In moments of illness, fear, anxiety, we can contact not only to our own mother, but also to our intercessor, the protector of the Mother of God.

See how depicted here is the artist mother and baby. Is it possible to understand what kind of relationship there is between them, how they relate to each other?

Image the icon conveys the tenderness of communication between a child and his mother

Here we see several paintings at once. And on all of them depicts a woman-mother with a child in her arms. Artists from different countries, at all times portrayed mother with child in her arms image of Madonna. So a beautiful word Artists called Madonna "Mom".

Look carefully at all these pictures. What's on them woman - mother(beautiful, gentle, caring, kind, affectionate)

As you imagine, looking at these pictures, you can understand how woman relates to your child? (she loves him, protects him, protects him)

How did the artist manage to show this and convey it to us? With what?

Delicate, calm colors, smooth lines - everything speaks about what kind of kind and gentle mother.

Painting by K. Petrov-Vodkin "Mother"

Madonna breastfeeding her child turns out to be a barefoot Russian peasant woman.

Look at the baby in this picture? What is he doing? (sleeping, eyes closed)

The baby sleeps and carefree drinks milk from a nursing mother. What does this mean? That he feels good and calm next to his mother. And next to his mother, it is good and calm not only for this child, but for all the people in the world. earth: both adults and children. A mother gives life, protects, helps to get back on her feet. This main man in everyone's life and cannot be replaced by anyone.

Painting "Petrograd Madonna"

In this picture the young woman holding a child close to her depicted against the backdrop of the revolutionary city of Petrograd. What is revolution? A revolution is a war, it is a tragic time for the country and the people. It led to death, devastation, ruin.

A mother with a child in her arms stands on the balcony. Behind her is a revolutionary city, bustle, excitement, passers-by hurrying somewhere, discussing their problems. But woman turned her back to the city. She doesn’t look back, she doesn’t care what people are doing on the street, what’s happening in the city. Her main concern is the child, his life is full of consciousness of his motherhood and faith in his destiny. A wave of hope and peace emanates from her. Look closely at this mother's face. In him you can see a combination of purity, strength and will.

Another picture with image of a woman - mother. M. A. Savitsky "Guerrilla Madonna"

In this painting the artist depicted The times of the Second World War were also a very terrible time for the country, for the people. Men - fathers, brothers, husbands - went to the front. Old people, women, the children stayed at home. Women harvesting bread. Their work is protected by partisans. The squad goes on a mission. AND SHE - Woman-Mother feeds the baby. She must always be a Mother, no matter what, raising and feeding her child is her most main task, the meaning of her life. If it is not there, there is nothing. And there is no life.

Which woman-Do we see the mother in this picture? (Strong, powerful, confident, courageous, resilient, clear, caring, loving).

We looked at several paintings from image of a woman - mother. Tell me what kind of mother she is depicted by artists? (beautiful, kind, loving her child, taking care of her baby, protecting him, protecting him from everything bad).

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