Presentation on history on the topic: "Russian culture of the 16th-18th centuries." Presentation on the history of Russia on the topic "Russian culture at the end of the 15th - 16th centuries." (6th grade) General conditions for the development of culture

Features of the development of Russian culture in the 16th century. The development of Russian culture in the 16th century, as at all times, was not only determined by the social, economic, and political development of society, but was itself the most important integral part historical development generally. Culture is not an isolated facet of social life, but one of its manifestations, closely connected with all others. The level and nature of the development of culture depends on the general level of socio-economic development of society, and to a certain extent on the previous traditions and accumulation of cultural heritage. The turn of the 15th - 16th centuries was a turning point in the historical development of Russian lands. The phenomena characteristic of this time had a direct impact on the spiritual life of Russia, on the development of its culture, and predetermined the nature and direction of the historical and cultural process.

Typography. Around 1553 - the first printing house in Russia, but the names of the printers are not known. - the clerk of one of the Kremlin churches, Ivan Fedorov, and his assistant Pyotr Mstislavets, printed the first book with imprint data (“Apostle”) at the Printing Yard. By the end of the 16th century. Printing houses worked not only on Nikolskaya Street (now 25 October), but also in Alexandrovskaya Sloboda. But the printed book did not supplant the handwritten one, since mainly liturgical books were printed. Russian culture XVI century.

A work that emphasized the idea of ​​succession of power of the Moscow sovereigns from the Byzantine emperors. Correspondence of Prince A.M. Kurbsky with Ivan the Terrible. Talented and political opponents - Kurbsky and Ivan IV - had a fierce debate about the ways and methods of centralization, about the relationship between the monarch and his subjects. Ivan IV received a message from Prince Kurbsky from abroad (Lithuania), accusing him of tyranny. Regulation of Russian life. “Domstroy” by priest Sylvester (a close associate of Ivan IV), which translated into modern Russian means “housekeeping”. This book also contains instructions ecclesiastical character, and advice on raising children and wives. The Legend of the Princes of Vladimir" "

Throughout the century, the construction of Moscow fortifications continued. Under Glinskaya, the walls of Kitay-Gorod were built in Moscow, protecting the central part of the settlement. End of the 16th century - "city affairs master" Fyodor Savelyevich Kon erected a ring of fortifications " White City"about 9.5 km long with 27 towers (running along the line of the current boulevard ring). Kon also built the Kremlin in Smolensk, and the walls of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow and the Pafnutyev (in Borovsk) Monastery are attributed to him. Recent years XVI century - the creation of the last external line of fortifications of Moscow - "Skorodoma" (a wooden wall along an earthen rampart). "Skorodom" passed along the line of the current Garden Ring. Second third of the 16th century. - the spherical style penetrates into stone architecture from wood. A masterpiece of this style is the Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye (within Moscow). - architect Postnik Yakovlev and Barma built the Cathedral of the Intercession on Red Square, which is on the moat, in honor of the capture of Kazan. Architecture XVI V.

At this time, the tradition of Andrei Rublev continued in painting. The frescoes of Dionysius especially stood out. His best paintings are preserved in the Ferapontov Monastery in the Belozersky region. Second half of the 16th century. - the emergence of portraitism and images with a feature of real similarity. Painting.

Least known and still largely mystery page in Russian history medieval art. Not many icons have survived that come from Tver and its environs. They are quite diverse in style and relate mainly to the late period of independence of Tver culture. In addition, some icons of unknown origin can conceivably be attributed to the art of Tver based on their stylistic similarity to reliable Tver works. Therefore, now it is only possible general outline present the main stages in the development of Tver painting. Painting of ancient Tver

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The culture of this time is closely related to historical events in the country. The 16th century for Rus' became the time of formation and centralization of power in the Moscow principality. Basically, this is where architecture begins to rapidly develop.

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The architecture of Rus' is based on the tent style. There is no exact information about the origin of the tents. They replaced cross-domed buildings and churches.

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  • The largest buildings in the hipped style, built in the 16th century:
  • Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye. It is characterized by amazing architectural decoration and patterns.
  • St. Basil's Cathedral. It was built by the architect Barmoy.
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    Other famous buildings in Rus' of this time:

    • The Kremlin in Moscow. Of course, the Kremlin was built before the 16th century, but at that time they began to rebuild it. The architects of the Kremlin were foreigners, so the style is a mixture of Western European and Russian styles.
    • The new Assumption Cathedral, built by the Italian Fioravanti. The architect took the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral as a basis.
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    • Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin. This building combines traditional forms and Venetian style.
    • Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. This cathedral is a truly Russian building, with traditional features and features.
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    As such, painting in the modern sense of the word did not exist. At that time, painting meant icon painting. The 16th century was marked by the spread of heresy and the persecution of icon painters. Because of this, artists began to depict the faces of saints on icons with shading.

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    In addition to icon painting, artists could paint images of temples, cathedrals and churches on their canvases. Most famous paintings this time:

    • "Nativity Cathedral of Ferapontov Monastery"
    • "Cathedral of the Virgin Mary"
    • "Protection of the Virgin Mary".
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    All the literature that existed at that time, for the most part, was written by hand.

    However, it was at this time that literature was transformed. In the 16th century new genres appeared:

    Stories ("The Tale of Dracula")

    Fiction (Alexandria about Alexander the Great)


    Also, in the 16th century. Printing began in Rus'.

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    • XVI century Characterized by the emergence of printing in Rus'. The first book printed was The Apostle.
    • It was printed by clerk Ivan Fedorovich. Basically, all printed books were of a liturgical nature. ABOUT fiction in the 16th century it was not yet discussed.
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    Famous works published in the 16th century:

    • "Apostle"
    • "A Primer with Grammar"
    • Petitions to Ivan the Terrible from Ivan Peresvetov.
    • Domostroy, etc.
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    Created in the 16th century new technology singing - three-line singing. Development in the musical and singing direction occurred thanks to the creation of a singing choir of clerks in the Moscow Principality.

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    Book printing in Moscow. Strict regulation. Painting. Middle Ages. Differences in the books. Direction of icon painting. Fluent writing style. Motive Last Judgment. Church of the Ascension. Applied arts. Features of the icon. The story of the coming of Stefan Batory. Fedor Kon. A military story. Wood-earth fortress. Macarius. Architecture. Treasury funds. Traditional five-domed temples. Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

    “Culture of the Russian Middle Ages” - The main stages in the development of medieval Russian culture. Mythological school. East Slavic paganism. The originality of the cultural and historical path of Russia. Christianity. Leshy. Rational-critical direction. Cultural dynamics. Myth in archaic times. Essays on the history of Russian culture. Sanctuaries. Old Russian pantheon. Unified socio-political and cultural space. Russian culture.

    “Russian culture of the 14th-16th centuries” - Features of the development of Russian culture. Half-tired. Features of the development of Russian culture in the XIV-XVI centuries. Ideas of the unity of the Russian land and the fight against Horde rule. The creation of a unified state caused a new cultural rise in Russia. The centers of book learning were monasteries. Education. Russian culture acquires original national traits. Gradual overcoming of cultural disunity. The emergence of Russian book printing.

    “Culture of Rus' 14-16 centuries” - Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral. Life Cloth. Architecture. Wall and tower of the Moscow Kremlin. Assumption Cathedral. St. Basil's Cathedral. Heroic and hagiographic themes. Theophanes the Greek. Dwellings. Church of the Ascension in the Village of Kolomenskoye. Chronicle of the 15th century. Life of Alexander Nevsky. Culture and life of the Moscow state in the XIV-XVI centuries. Dishes. Main directions. Painting. Annunciation Cathedral. St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod.

    “Writing and Typography” - Typography in Europe. Palm leaves. Inventor of paper. Birch. Handwritten books. Papyrus. Typography. Printed books. Old Russian mathematics textbook. Johann Gutenberg. Ivan Fedorov. The man went hunting. The first printed books. Ancient Novgorodians. Cuneiform. Clay tablets. Primer by Karion Istomin. Tree. Ancient people. Now I will read a lot. The emergence of writing. Invention of printing.

    “Culture of Russia in the 16th century” - Purpose. Reflection of the policies of Ivan IV in culture. Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ivan the Terrible. Foreign policy of Ivan IV. Churches were built around the main Church of the Intercession. The interior of the cathedral. Interior decoration. Culture of Russia in the 16th century. Reliquary with the relics of St. Basil. Hiking to Kazan. The decoration of the cathedral. The semantic load of St. Basil's Cathedral.

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    Presentation on the topic: Russian culture of the 16th century

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    Russian culture of the 16th century. There is nothing better, more beautiful than your dear homeland. Look back at your ancestors ours, our heroes past days. Remember them with a kind word - Glory to them, stern fighters, Glory to our side, Glory to Russian antiquity! N. Konchalovskaya

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    Features of the development of Russian culture in the 16th century. The development of culture in Russia in the 16th century, as at all times, was not only determined by the social, economic, and political development of society, but was itself the most important component of historical development as a whole. Culture is not an isolated facet of social life, but one of its manifestations. leniations, closely connected by completely different ones. The level and nature of the development of culture depends on the general level of socio-economic development of society, and to a certain extent on previous traditions and the accumulation of cultural heritage. The turn of the 15th - 16th centuries is a turning point in history. ical development of Russian lands. Phenomena characteristic of this time had a direct impact on the spiritual life of Russia, on the development of its culture, and predetermined the nature and direction of the historical and cultural process.

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    Russian culture of the 16th century. Typography. Around 1553 - the first printing house in Russia, but the names of the printers are not known. 1563 - 1564 - the clerk of one of the Kremlin churches, Ivan Fedorov, and his assistant Pyotr Mstislavets, printed the first book with imprint data (“Apostle”) at the Printing Yard. By the end of the 16th century. printing houses worked not only on Nikolskaya Street (now 25-Oktyabrya), but also in Alexandrovskaya Sloboda. But the printed book did not supplant the handwritten one, since mainly liturgical books were printed.

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    The Legend of the Princes of Vladimir" is a work that emphasized the idea of ​​succession of power of the Moscow sovereigns from the Byzantine emperors. Correspondence of Prince A.M. Kurbsky with Ivan the Terrible. Talented and political opponents waged a fierce dispute about the ways and methods of centralization, about the relationship between the monarch and his subjects - Kurbsky and Ivan IV. 1564 - Ivan IV received a message from Prince Kurbsky from abroad (Lithuania), accusing him of tyranny. Regulation of Russian life by priest Sylvester (closer to Ivan IV), which is translated into modern Russian. means “housekeeping.” This book contains both instructions of a church nature and advice on raising children and a wife.

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    16th century architecture Throughout the century, the construction of Moscow fortifications continued. Under Glinskaya, the walls of Kitay-Gorod were built in Moscow, protecting the central part of the settlement. End of the 16th century - “city affairs master” Fyodor Savelyevich Kon erected a ring of fortifications of the “White City” about 9.5 km long with 27 towers (running along the line of the current boulevard ring). The horse also built the Kremlin in Smolensk, and the walls of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow and the Pafnutiev Monastery (in Borovsk) are attributed to him. The last years of the 16th century saw the creation of the last external line of Moscow’s fortifications - “Skorodoma” (a wooden wall along an earthen rampart). "Skorodom" passed along the line of the current Garden Ring. Second third of the 16th century. - the spherical style penetrates into stone architecture from wood. A masterpiece of this style is the Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye (within Moscow). 1554 - 1561 - architect Postnik Yakovlev and Barma built the Cathedral of the Intercession on Red Square, which is on the moat, in honor of the capture of Kazan.

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    The presentation on the topic “Culture and life in the 16th century” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: History. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 15 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

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    Culture and life in the 16th century.

    History of the Fatherland

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    Lesson Plan

    1.The new look of the capital. 2.Fortress and church construction. 3.Painting. 4.Enlightenment. 5.Literature. 6. Social thought. 7.Gen.

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    Lesson assignment.

    What new features appeared in the culture and life of the Russian people in the 16th century? What was this connected with?

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    1.The new look of the capital.

    Culture always reacts sensitively to changes in the life of a country. The strengthening of the central government led to a new design of the capital. A city order and an order of stone affairs appeared, which were responsible for the development of the architectural appearance of Moscow. All estates were removed from the Kremlin, it became administrative and cultural center countries. Representative offices of foreign states and government agencies appeared here.

    L.P.A.Bishbois. St. Basil's Cathedral. Ditograph 19th century.

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    The architecture of the 16th century was distinguished by a variety of styles, especially in church architecture. Classical cathedrals coexisted with tented cathedrals. In 1555-60, St. Basil's Cathedral was erected on Red Square, dedicated to the capture of Kazan by Russian troops. Russian masters Barma and Postnik realized in it the idea of ​​​​unifying Russian lands around Moscow.

    V. Vasnetsov. Cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin.

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    2.Fortress and church construction.

    Large-scale fortress construction began along the borders of the Russian state. Several powerful fortresses appeared in the Volga region, in the Central region and in Siberia. In Smolensk, under the leadership of F. Kon, walls 6.5 km long were built with 38 towers. In Kazan, Barma and Shiryai built a grand complex of the Kazan Kremlin. Foreigners considered Pskov, Smolensk, Astrakhan and Kazan impregnable.

    Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye.

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    Russian painting developed within the framework of icon painting. The most famous icon painter was Dionysius, who painted part of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. His works are distinguished by festivity and bright joy. On his icons, saints are depicted framed by genre scenes describing episodes of their lives. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, historical subjects began to be included in icons.

    Dionysius. Metropolitan Alexy with his life.

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    In the middle of the 16th century. In Moscow, a huge, 4-meter-size icon-painting “The Church is Militant” was painted. Vladimir I, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy and others take part in the victorious procession of Russian soldiers. At the head of the army is the Archangel Michael. In the center is the figure of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine. They are greeted by the Virgin and Child. The icon symbolized the victory of Orthodoxy over the “infidel infidels.”

    The Church is militant. Icon 16th century.

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    With the formation of a unified state, the need for literate people increased. By decision of the Stoglavy Assembly, schools for training priests were opened at churches and monasteries. Ordinary people They were taught by special masters of “non-clerical” rank, who studied for 2 years for food and a small fee. The development of schools required the publication of textbooks.

    B. Kustodiev. School in Ancient Rus'.

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    In 1564, with the support of Ivan the Terrible, in Moscow at the Printing Yard, I. Fedorov and P. Mstislavets printed the first book in Russian - “Apostle”. In 1565, the “Book of Hours” was published - the first book for teaching literacy . I. Fedorov was not only a publisher, but also a talented editor - he translated books, edited them, wrote “Introductions” and “Conclusions”.

    "Apostle" is the first Russian book.

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    In the 1st half of the 16th century. In the circle of Metropolitan Macarius, the “Cheti Menaion” was created - a church book in which church works were distributed by day for reading at the service. In the 16th century The famous “Domostroy” was written, containing instructions on housekeeping, education, norms of behavior, etc. The main idea of ​​the book was the idea of ​​​​subordination to the head of the family and the king.

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    6. Social thought.

    In the 16th century The genre of journalism appears in literature. Ivan Peresvetov, in letters to Grozny, proposed a number of reform projects to the tsar. Correspondence between Grozny and Ivan Kurbsky examines the problems of the relationship between the state and society. Kurbsky proposed an estate-representative monarchy, and the tsar defended the idea of ​​autocratic power . Archpriest Ermolai devoted his treatise to the peasant question.

    “Monomakh’s Throne” of Ivan the Terrible in the Assumption Cathedral.

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    He argued that the wealth of the state is created by peasant labor, and that it is only thanks to the people that other classes can exist. In the 60s "The Tale of the Kingdom of Kazan" appears. The author describes how he converted to Islam in captivity and, upon returning from captivity, became Orthodox again, for which the king allocated him land. The book contains a large amount of information about the history of Kazan, based on various sources.

    “The Bell Tower of Ivan the Great in Moscow.

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    Folk life in the 16th century retained its previous features. Russian people professed Christianity. The most revered holiday was Easter, dedicated to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Along with church traditions, pagan traditions were also preserved - on Christmastide, people organized games and rituals. people changed clothes and went home singing and dancing. The Stoglavy Council tried to ban these festivities, but the ban was not implemented.

    A. Korzukhin. Bachelorette party.

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    People tried to generalize their agricultural experience, as a result of which an agricultural calendar arose, compiled in accordance with local natural conditions. Foreign influence was felt in the cities - men appeared without beards, skullcaps, etc. The Church fought against the new fashion and equated it with heretical views.

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. Everything comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.