Presentation on the topic of the mystery of the lost civilizations of Mesoamerica. The ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica are some of the most mysterious pages in history. Map of Pre-Columbian America

A.I. Davletshin

Notes on religious and mythological ideas
in Mesoamerica

Mesoamerican religions are based on the concept of divinity.
the all-pervading force that permeates the world and finds its manifestation
in individual gods, people, natural phenomena and animate objects

brings rain and symbolizes fertility.
The concept of an all-pervading divine power is a key concept in the Mesoamerican religious system. When Spanish monks tried to describe the "pagan cults" of the Indians, they quickly found a word that matched their idea of ​​God.
IN different languages it was different:
at Yucatan Maya kitchen, y Cholan Maya chuh, y Astekov teotl, y Zapotec pitao, y juice masa etc.
However, modern ethnographic research, as well as a careful study of hieroglyphic inscriptions and Indian texts from the Conquest era, showed that the Spaniards were far from the truth.

Cholan word chuh, and the words corresponding to it in other languages, are associated not so much with the idea of ​​​​god or gods, but with the idea of human soul and things with it fate. The word chukh rather denotes divine power - an important component of the soul, which can be lost and gained and which is an unchangeable attribute of the gods and the mighty of this world, otherwise, how else could they be strong? This concept is more reminiscent of the Polynesian concept mana than European ideas about God or the soul.

Here's what the Mayans themselves say:

Chulel- this is the inner, personal “soul” located in the heart of every person;
it is also found in the blood vessels that are connected to the heart.
The soul is placed into the body of the fetus by the ancestor gods. It consists of thirteen parts and the loss of one of them requires a special healing ceremony in order to return it. Although the chulel can be divided into separate parts, as happens during the “loss of the soul,” it is eternal and indestructible.
In reality, everything important and valuable is possessed by chulel: domestic animals and plants, salt, houses and hearths, crosses, saints, musical instruments, maize, and all the other gods of the pantheon.
The most important interactions in the universe occur not between persons and objects, but between the inner souls of persons and material objects.

They say that a man, from the very time of his birth, has more “warmth” than a woman; his chulel (soul) is stronger than hers due to more heat. The greater amount of heat is due to the fact that he is forced to perform duties that fall on his shoulders.
He is the one who continues what the gods began at the “dawn of the world.”

It is believed that from his very birth, a person accumulates “heat”, which is “ by the power of the soul"; when entering some religious or socially important position, when getting married or receiving a first and second name, etc. a person acquires an appropriate amount of “heat”. Various religious ceremonies, including bloodletting rituals, are aimed at protecting a person from possible “loss of soul,” which threatens a person with illness or death.

The concept of an all-pervading divine power is reflected in the idea that gods can incarnate in humans. Monumental monuments and small plastic objects have been found throughout Mesoamerica, on which kings are depicted as impersonators of gods, performing ritual dances, playing ball, etc. Elements of the rulers’ decoration, as well as signatures to them, make it possible to determine which deity in in this case impersonates the ruler. During the arrival of the Spaniards in Yucatan, there were so-called prophets chilams(literally translator), who, with the help of special techniques, “forced the gods to incarnate in them and prophesy through their lips.”

From hieroglyphic texts we know that not only people and gods, but also mountains, temples, steles, vessels, earrings, have their own “divine” names, i.e. have a soul.
The royal scepter is noteworthy in this regard kavil. Taking this scepter symbolized the ruler's accession to the throne; such scepters were found during archaeological excavations. They portray God Kavil- a creature with an ugly face and a large nose, whose body ends in a snake.
Both the god Qawil, who lives in heaven, and the small Qawil scepters that represent him are one and the same being. In addition, the god Kawil has " magical double"who is called the First Serpent (the serpent part of the qavil's scepter indicates his second essence).
This god is depicted in two ways: either emerging from a bowl with sacrificed blood, or in the form of a ritual object - a “celestial strip”, which is a two-headed snake, from whose open jaws Kavili peeks out. Taking the “celestial stripe” symbolized the same thing as taking the scepter - accession to the throne.
One of the texts about the “sky strip” says that “the king took God.”

Thus, the god Kawil not only exists in two forms, but in the countless scepters and “celestial stripes” that represent him, he also exists embodied in the kings who personify him.

The Teaching of Tonals, another important concept shared by all Mesoamerican religions, is a direct consequence of the ideas of a divine all-pervading power.
Different nations used different terms to refer to this phenomenon: Astek tonal, naval ( nagual), Maya wy, lab, juice boor etc.
The essence of these ideas is that every person has his magical double - tonal; this person in turn is the tonal of the being who is his tonal. Man and his tonal are intimately connected with each other in a magical way from the very moment of his birth; they share one soul and one destiny. If something happens to the tonal, for example, if it dies or is killed, the same thing will happen to the person.

Here is an example of a modern fairy tale with a characteristic plot:
Once upon a time there was a woman who had a demon. The woman's demon was a fox.
This woman was blind, but she was supposedly very skilled in witchcraft. The woman's fox spirit was accidentally shot by hunters. She died immediately, because the fox spirit of the blind witch was killed. But the woman who died still continued to cast magic.
But this old woman was supposedly very skilled in witchcraft.

There was considerable variation in ideas about tonal.

Some peoples believed that every person has a tonal, others that only sorcerers and high-ranking people possess them. The favorite image of the sorcerer's tonal is jaguar. Kings and some gods also have “magical doubles.” It is with the help of their tonal that sorcerers can perform magical actions, for example, stealing the souls of people, causing illness or death.
According to legends, communication with and manipulation of the tonal occurs in a dream; In Indian beliefs, the soul leaves the human body completely or partially during sleep and travels through the “upper, middle and lower worlds.” It is at this moment that there is highest probability"lose your soul"
In this, the doctrine of tonals resembles the shamanistic ideas of the peoples of Siberia and North America.

Bloodletting, as a special religious practice, constitutes characteristic feature Mesoamerican religions. Depictions of dignitaries performing bloodletting rituals are a popular theme in Mesoamerican art.

Various forms of this ritual were practiced. Using special ritual objects, such as the thorn of a stingray or the thorn of a thorny agave plant, the Indians pierced various parts of the body and collected the flowing blood on paper, which they then offered to the deity. The more painful the sacrifice was, the more effective it was considered - the earlobe, tongue, cheeks, and skin on the thighs were pierced.
Sometimes a rope was passed through the punctured hole, which became soaked in blood; such an operation is very painful. The Spanish monk Diego de Landa described one of the varieties of this rite in the 16th century:

«... In other cases they made a dishonorable and sad sacrifice.
Those who performed it gathered in the temple, where, standing in a row, they made themselves several holes in the male members, across the side, and, having done this, they threaded through them perhaps large number lace, as much as they could, which made them all tied and strung; They also smeared the blood of all these members on the statue of the demon. The one who did the most was considered the most courageous

From Mayan hieroglyphic texts we know that blood offering was one of the main duties of the king; Bloodletting was accompanied by rituals associated with the accession of the king to the throne, the commemoration of ancestors, appeals to the gods and the end of calendar cycles.
Title wasting awaysplashing drops") is used as a synonym for king.

The practice of blood offerings is closely related to the idea of ​​​​a divine substance permeating the universe. According to Mesoamerican ideas, blood is the material carrier of the soul that lives in the human heart. The Indians still believe that the pulse is its tangible, material manifestation.
By releasing the power contained in the blood, a person can influence the course of events, prevent misfortunes, feed the gods and even call them to life from oblivion.
Thus, on one of the stelae dedicated to the end of the 20th anniversary, in honor of which the Mayan rulers committed bloodletting, it says “the gods were born, the God of Night and the God of Day, and this was done by King Itzamna-Kavil.” Above the ruler are depicted the God of Night and the God of Day, who appear to be bathing in clouds of steam emanating from the spilled blood.

A person's strength depends on his social status, from the position he holds.
That is why kings, as descendants of gods and deified ancestors, have the greatest amount of power, which is why the responsibility falls on their shoulders with the help of sacred rituals, in particular bloodletting, to maintain world order, the well-being of the people and ensure the favor of the gods.
The gods are referred to in the texts as “the care of the king” - he must feed them, make statues, build temples, make offerings. If a ruler does not behave appropriately, his people and kingdom will face inevitable misfortunes.

The Astec tales about the creation of the world claim that the god Quetzalcoatl sprinkled his own blood on the bones of his ancestors in order to create community members, ordinary people. The myth clearly demonstrates, on the one hand, that the divine substance of blood has enormous creative potential, and on the other, that there is a clear opposition between kings and mere mortals, and kings are more gods than people.
The names that the heirs received upon accession to the throne equate kings with gods - they are a condensed description of some mythological subjects: The-god-Chuck is born-from-the-sky, Burns-the-Sky-god-Kavil, Sad-Heart-Hot(hot, i.e. “full of strength”).
The names of the rulers of the same kingdom, as a rule, mention the same god, in other words, the ruling dynasty had its own patron god, and kings were seen as its incarnations.

Bloodletting was not the only form of sacrifice practiced by the Indians.

It is known that the Indians fasted, without eating salt and spices, they burned aromatic incense, sacrificed birds, butterflies and people. The latter practice is also associated with ideas about blood as a container of divine power.

Doctrine of cycles of time played a huge role in cosmological ideas and everyday life Indians The ancient Mesoamericans had amazing astronomical knowledge.
At the end of the 1st millennium BC, they developed an absolute dating system, which dates back to the mythical date of the creation of the world in 3114. BC (this calendar system is more accurate than the one we use).
Even earlier, they invented a sacred 260-day calendar that allows them to predict solar and lunar eclipses, as well as the movement of the planet Venus. This early development of astronomical knowledge is associated with the need to accurately predict the change of season because an error of 1 day can result in the loss of the entire year's harvest.

Calendar knowledge received a special refraction in Mesoamerican religions.
So one of the functions of the sacred 260-day calendar is to name people according to the day on which they are born. Not only people, but also gods received their names in accordance with the day on which they were born or performed great deeds.
a calendar name is not just a name (as a rule, the Indians had two names: one calendar, the other personal); it is also the sign under which a person is born, and his destiny. There were priests who made predictions about a person’s fate using special books.
Famous Astec books tonalpohualli with tables of days, it is more likely that the translation is not “counting of days,” as is often written, but “ soul count" According to Spanish missionaries, the Indians could, using such books, “manipulate fate”: it was enough to name a child born under a bad sign with a calendar name the day is near, with more favorable forecasts for the future.

Mesoamericans believed that various astronomical events had a huge impact on their lives. If, for example, a pregnant woman sees a solar eclipse, then she will give birth to a stillborn child; Venus was a symbol of war, and the time when the planet was visible in the sky the longest was considered the most favorable for military campaigns; If maize is planted on a waning moon, the sprouts will wither on the root or be eaten by rats. [ And also Venus - the nagual of Quetzalcoatl: Xolotl, the Evening Star; at night he transports the solar disk through the depths of the underworld from west to east]

The Indians believed in cyclicality of world events,
therefore, round dates (400th anniversary, 20th anniversary and 52nd anniversary) looked especially important in their eyes; During these days, rulers erected monuments, tied them up and sprinkled them with blood in order to give them life.

One interesting episode from the history of the Mayans is connected with these ideas.
Kingdoms Naranjo And Karakol have been at odds with each other for a long time. Karakol often won victories, which were depicted on the hieroglyphic staircase. When the kings of Naranjo captured Caracol in 680, the first thing they did was dismantle the staircase and take it to their kingdom, where they folded it incorrectly so that all the dates were mixed up.
Thus, the kings of Naranjo tried to overcome the “cyclical nature of history” and change the course of events.

In hieroglyphic texts, kings often draw parallels between themselves and the events they perform with the gods and the deeds performed by the gods in mythical times. Some of these events took place millions of years ago. Thus, what was once accomplished by the gods at the dawn of the world and served as the basis of the existing world is repeated by kings, demigods, half-people, whose share will be the responsibility of maintaining the existing world order.


In Mesoamerica there were complex cosmogonic ideas that varied depending on time and region. According to the Astecs, the world was created Tezcatlipoca And Quetzalcoatlem from the monster Tlaltecuhtli, torn by them into two parts: heaven and earth.

The world has horizontal and vertical divisions.
In the first division, 4 parts of the world and a center are distinguished, each of which has its own world tree connecting the worlds, the corresponding bird and color (west - blue, north - yellow, east - red, south - green). Each part of the world has its own patron god.
In the vertical direction, the world is divided into 13 heavens, the middle world and 9 hells. In the heavens are luminaries, gods, the souls of warriors who died in battle, and women who died during childbirth. A divine couple lives in the upper 2 heavens Ometecuhtli And Omecihuatl, who gave birth to gods and people.
The god of death lives in 9 hells Mitlantecuhtli and his wife Mictlancihuatl, as well as the souls of those who died a simple death.

In Astec cosmology there is principle of duality- the eternal struggle between two principles.

The created world went through 4 “world epochs”, each of which ended with the destruction of the world: fire, flood, etc. We live during the fifth era, ruled by the sun god Tonatiuh; it will have to end in terrible cataclysms.
Every 52 years the world is in danger of being destroyed, the gods decide whether to extend its existence for another new period.

The worldviews of other Mesoamerican peoples are similar, but differ in detail.

The Mayans, for example, color symbolism another, and the rain god Chak exists in five forms, located according to the horizontal division of the world ( White Chuck in the north, Yellow Chuck in the south, etc.).
According to hieroglyphic texts, when a person dies, his " white flower "(metaphorical description of the soul), evaporating, goes to the water world located underground, the path to which lies through the mountain.

The underworld is also the habitat of the tonals.

By the time the Spaniards arrived, the Aztecs had become simply obsessed the idea of ​​an impending end " modern era" And destruction of the world. In their minds, the only way to maintain the existing world order and appease the gods was large-scale human sacrifices, for blood, the “food of the gods,” is the only thing that can give the gods strength to maintain world balance.
The priests tore out the heart and brought it, still beating and spattering blood, to the statue of the god, sprinkling it.

In 1478 During the consecration of the Great Temple of the Astec capital of Tenochtitlan, about 20,000 people were sacrificed over four days. Similar practices existed among many Mesoamerican peoples, but nowhere and never did they take on such proportions.

Doubts about the truth of religious doctrines were inherent in people of distant eras no less than in us. Of course, the historical and religious texts of Mesoamerica leave no room for possible doubt, but the poems of the Astec poets have also reached us, which were memorized and passed down from generation to generation. Many of them are real masterpieces of philosophical and religious lyrics. A significant proportion of the poetic works of King [ruler of Texcoca] Nezahualcoyotl (1402-1472) are dedicated to the Giver of Life and the Creator of Himself, and his praise.

At the same time, some stanzas express doubts about the truth and goodness of God, the prosperity of whose cult Nezahualcoyotl so advocated, as well as about the possible life of man after death.

Are you true, He who alone rules over all things, Giver of Life?
Is this true? Maybe it's not as they say?
Let our hearts not be tormented! Everything that is true is said to be false.
Only the Giver of Life will be the judge.
Let our hearts not be tormented! Because he is the Giver of Life.

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Presentation on the topic: Artistic culture of Mesoamerica

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What is Mesoamerica called? Central America, including Mexico, is commonly called Mesoamerica Cultural development peoples of these geographical areas in the period from approximately the 2nd millennium BC. and until the 15th century AD. commonly called the culture of Mesoamerica, or the culture of pre-Columbian America

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The most ancient civilization Pre-Columbian America was the Olmec culture, who lived on the Gulf Coast in the 2nd-1st millennia BC. research has shown that the Olmecs had well-planned cultural centers and step pyramids, stone sculpture, objects of decorative and applied art, hieroglyphic writing, ritual calendar. Olmec architecture is poorly preserved, as the building materials used were earth and rubble, covered with a thick layer of plaster. The oldest civilization of pre-Columbian America was the Olmec culture, who lived on the Gulf Coast in the 2nd-1st millennia BC. research has shown that the Olmecs had well-planned cultural centers and step pyramids, stone sculpture, decorative arts, hieroglyphic writing, and a ritual calendar. Olmec architecture is poorly preserved, as the building materials used were earth and rubble, covered with a thick layer of plaster.

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World fame received an Olmec sculpture, represented by huge stone heads up to 3 m high and weighing up to 40 tons. Their purpose is still not known exactly, but most likely they were of a cult nature. These giant heads, discovered during excavations, still amaze today with their monumentality, mastery of execution, and realistic reproduction of the individual traits of personalities known at that time. Olmec sculpture, represented by huge stone heads up to 3 m high and weighing up to 40 tons, became world famous. Their purpose is still not known exactly, but most likely they were of a cult nature. These giant heads, discovered during excavations, still amaze today with their monumentality, mastery of execution, and realistic reproduction of the individual traits of personalities known at that time.

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In one of famous sculptures a young man is depicted with a wide and flat, as if flattened nose, thick lips and almond-shaped eyes, slightly covered with heavy eyelids. The height of the sculpture is 2.41 m, weight 25 tons. On the young man’s head is a tight-fitting helmet with headphones decorated with a relief pattern. One of the famous sculptures depicts a young man with a wide and flat, as if flattened nose, thick lips and almond-shaped eyes, slightly covered with heavy eyelids. The height of the sculpture is 2.41 m, weight 25 tons. On the young man’s head is a tight-fitting helmet with headphones decorated with a relief pattern.

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Wrestler (Wrestler) Wrestler (Wrestler) 600-400 BC 63x40 cm This basalt sculpture of a shaven, bearded man captures him in dynamics, which is almost unique for all sculptures of Mesoamerica. Although scientists are cautious in their guesses about who this figurine depicts, there is an assumption that it is still a ball player

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Monument 19 of La Venta Monument 19 of La Venta Depicts a man inside a curved snake, a man wearing clothing with the same distinctive marks as the snake. This monument is similar in theme to other Olmec monuments, which depict the emergence of a man from zoomorphic caves or niches

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Figurine of a seated man dressed as a supernatural beast Figurine of a seated man dressed as a supernatural beast 1200-600 AD BC 29.5x21.3 cm The nose and mouth are depicted quite realistically, but the figure has no eyes at all. Instead of them, the motif of flaming eyebrows characteristic of the Olmecs

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Back to top new era Olmec culture disappeared. What caused its decline is unknown, but it was replaced by new civilizations, and above all the city of Teotihuacan in Central America. In this city, from its heyday, two main temples dedicated to the Sun and Moon have been preserved. They are located at the top of a huge step pyramid. The temples were decorated with colorful paintings and brightly painted statues of gods. The eyes of the sculptures are inlaid with precious stones and mother-of-pearl. By the beginning of the new era, the Olmec culture had disappeared. What caused its decline is unknown, but it was replaced by new civilizations, and above all the city of Teotihuacan in Central America. In this city, from its heyday, two main temples dedicated to the Sun and Moon have been preserved. They are located at the top of a huge step pyramid. The temples were decorated with colorful paintings and brightly painted statues of gods. The eyes of the sculptures are inlaid with precious stones and mother-of-pearl.

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The most grandiose architectural structure– the pyramid of the Sun, which currently has a height of 64.6 m. Unlike other pyramidal structures that had a stepped shape, the Pyramid of the Sun consists of four large, decreasing truncated pyramids, placed one on top of the other. On one side of the pyramid there is a system of gradually narrowing ramps that led to the sanctuary in the temple. The planes between the terraces of the building were constructed in such a way that spectators located at the foot of the large staircase could not see what was happening at its top. The pyramid was built from huge amount mud bricks and lined with plastered stone slabs. The most grandiose architectural structure is the Pyramid of the Sun, which currently has a height of 64.6 m. Unlike other pyramidal structures that had a stepped shape, the Pyramid of the Sun consists of four large, decreasing truncated pyramids, placed one on top of the other. On one side of the pyramid there is a system of gradually narrowing ramps that led to the sanctuary in the temple. The planes between the terraces of the building were constructed in such a way that spectators located at the foot of the large staircase could not see what was happening at its top. The pyramid was built from a huge number of mud bricks and faced with plastered stone slabs.

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Most likely, the pyramid also served as a “sundial”, accurately marking the onset of the equinox. On March 20 and September 22 one could observe here amazing sight: At exactly noon, the sun's rays caused the gradual disappearance of the direct shadow on the lower step of the western facade. The transition time from complete shading to illumination took exactly 66.6 seconds. Of course, in order to achieve such a visual effect, one had to have perfect knowledge in the fields of mathematics, astronomy and geodesy. Most likely, the pyramid also served as a “sundial”, accurately marking the onset of the equinox. On March 20 and September 22, an amazing sight could be observed here: exactly at noon, the sun's rays caused a gradual disappearance of the direct shadow on the lower step of the western facade. The transition time from complete shading to illumination took exactly 66.6 seconds. Of course, in order to achieve such a visual effect, one had to have perfect knowledge in the fields of mathematics, astronomy and geodesy.

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Several small stepped pyramids were symmetrically located around the Pyramid of the Sun, emphasizing the monumentality of the main building. In architectural decor there are decorations in the form of huge snake heads painted with white paint. On the head of each snake there was a corolla and feathers, symbolizing a particularly revered deity. In the middle of the 9th century. The city was abandoned by its inhabitants and turned into a pile of ruins. The civilizations of the classical period were destroyed by the invasion of peoples from the north, first the Toltecs, and then the Aztecs, who created their own civilization. Several small stepped pyramids were symmetrically located around the Pyramid of the Sun, emphasizing the monumentality of the main building. In architectural decor there are decorations in the form of huge snake heads painted with white paint. On the head of each snake there was a corolla and feathers, symbolizing a particularly revered deity. In the middle of the 9th century. The city was abandoned by its inhabitants and turned into a pile of ruins. The civilizations of the classical period were destroyed by the invasion of peoples from the north, first the Toltecs, and then the Aztecs, who created their own civilization.

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The main feature of the art of the Aztec hunting tribes was the worship of the gods. Surviving legends and tales tell of numerous campaigns and bloody battles of this warlike people, before he created a powerful empire with a highly developed culture. The main place of worship of the gods were temples, of which there were more than 40 thousand by the beginning of the Spanish conquest in the 16th century. The main feature of the art of the Aztec hunting tribes was the worship of the gods. Surviving legends and tales tell of the numerous campaigns and bloody battles of this warlike people before they created a powerful empire with a highly developed culture. The main place of worship of the gods were temples, of which there were more than 40 thousand by the beginning of the Spanish conquest in the 16th century.

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The capital of the Aztecs, Tenochtitlan, was especially striking in its splendor. The city center was located on an island in the middle of a picturesque lake, surrounded by buildings on stilts and dams, cut by canals. In case of danger, bridges spanning the canals were raised and the city turned into an impregnable fortress. Alas, Tenochtitlan did not escape a sad fate: at the beginning of the 16th century, the city was conquered and destroyed by the Spanish conquistador conquerors. The capital of the Aztecs, Tenochtitlan, was especially striking in its splendor. The city center was located on an island in the middle of a picturesque lake, surrounded by buildings on stilts and dams, cut by canals. In case of danger, bridges spanning the canals were raised and the city turned into an impregnable fortress. Alas, Tenochtitlan did not escape a sad fate: at the beginning of the 16th century, the city was conquered and destroyed by the Spanish conquistador conquerors.

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We know very little about Aztec architecture, since many structures were destroyed or completely rebuilt. Information about them is preserved only in the descriptions of Spanish eyewitnesses. It is known that in the center of Tenochtitlan there were three palaces of the Aztec rulers and the main temple of the supreme god of war. Two small wooden temples were built on top of the step pyramid.

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Aztec sculpture reached a special peak. Monumental statues of deities are abstract and conventional in nature. An example is the huge statue of Coatlicue - the goddess of earth and spring fertility, the mother of the supreme god of war. This statue only vaguely resembles a human figure: it has no face, no head, no arms, no legs. It is made from various materials: corn cobs, claws, human skulls, feathers, etc. all this heap is symmetrical and balanced. Aztec sculpture reached a special peak. Monumental statues of deities are abstract and conventional in nature. An example is the huge statue of Coatlicue - the goddess of earth and spring fertility, the mother of the supreme god of war. This statue only vaguely resembles a human figure: it has no face, no head, no arms, no legs. It is made of various materials: corn cobs, claws, human skulls, feathers, etc. all this heap is symmetrical and balanced.

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Aztec funeral masks had a different character, reflecting the facial features of the buried person. Notable in this regard is the basalt head of the “eagle warrior”, which masterfully conveys the strong strong-willed person young warrior. Small plastic works also attract attention: graceful figurines of a frightened rabbit crouched on its hind legs and a coiled snake. Aztec funeral masks had a different character, reflecting the facial features of the buried person. Notable in this regard is the basalt head of the “eagle warrior”, in which the strong-willed face of the young warrior is masterfully conveyed. Small plastic works also attract attention: graceful figurines of a frightened rabbit crouched on its hind legs and a coiled snake.

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The few surviving works of jewelry are amazing in their craftsmanship. Necklaces, pendants, earrings, and breast plates are distinguished by their elegance and precision of modeling. The few surviving works of jewelry are amazing in their craftsmanship. Necklaces, pendants, earrings, and breast plates are distinguished by their elegance and precision of modeling.

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The Mayan civilization achieved particular success. Long before the conquest by the conquerors, the Mayans invented an accurate solar calendar, determined the length of the year, a thousand years earlier European civilization used the concept of zero in mathematics, accurately predicted solar and lunar eclipses, and invented a developed hieroglyphic writing. The Mayan art was distinguished by sophistication and perfection. One of the most eloquent evidence of this culture is architecture. The Mayan civilization achieved particular success. Long before their conquest by the conquerors, the Mayans invented an accurate solar calendar, determined the length of the year, used the concept of zero in mathematics a thousand years earlier than European civilization, accurately predicted solar and lunar eclipses, and invented developed hieroglyphic writing. The Mayan art was distinguished by sophistication and perfection. One of the most eloquent evidence of this culture is architecture.

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From the monuments artistic culture The best preserved works of architecture have survived to this day. They are striking in their amazing sense of proportions, majestic monumentality, variety, diversity architectural forms. These are not only pyramids and courtyards, these are astronomical observatories, ball courts, columns, stairs, triumphal arches and steles. Among the monuments of artistic culture, the best preserved works of architecture have survived to this day. They are striking in their amazing sense of proportions, majestic monumentality, diversity, variety of architectural forms. These are not only pyramids and courtyards, these are astronomical observatories, ball courts, columns, stairs, triumphal arches and steles.

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One of the peaks of Mayan architecture is the Palace complex in the city of Palenque. 25 buildings scattered across a rolling plain. The main decorations of the complex are the palace and the step pyramid of the Inscriptions, three temples - the Sun, the Cross and the Foliated Cross. One of the peaks of Mayan architecture is the Palace complex in the city of Palenque. 25 buildings scattered across a rolling plain. The main decorations of the complex are the palace and the step pyramid of the Inscriptions, three temples - the Sun, the Cross and the Foliated Cross.

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The palace in Palenque stands on a natural plateau, rising almost 70 m above the plain. Inside the palace there are courtyards surrounded by galleries. Richly decorated with carved and sculpted images and inscriptions, the palace has a four-story square turret, which probably served as an astronomical observatory for the Mayan priests. The palace in Palenque stands on a natural plateau, rising almost 70 m above the plain. Inside the palace there are courtyards surrounded by galleries. Richly decorated with carved and sculpted images and inscriptions, the palace has a four-story square turret, which probably served as an astronomical observatory for the Mayan priests.

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The Temple of the Inscriptions is a 9-step pyramid rising above the ground to a height of about 24m. A rectangular temple was erected on its upper platform, to which a staircase of 69 steps leads. The walls of the temple are decorated with panels, richly decorated bas-reliefs and relief hieroglyphic inscriptions, thanks to which the temple got its name. The Temple of the Inscriptions is a 9-step pyramid rising above the ground to a height of about 24m. A rectangular temple was erected on its upper platform, to which a staircase of 69 steps leads. The walls of the temple are decorated with panels, richly decorated bas-reliefs and relief hieroglyphic inscriptions, thanks to which the temple got its name.

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No less unique are the so-called stadiums, structures for the iconic ball game. They represent two inclined massive walls running parallel to each other. Between them there was a court for playing ball. Participants were not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or feet. The winner was the team that was the first to throw the ball into a round hole made in the stone wall. Fans were located on the tops of two walls, which they climbed using stairs located on the outside. No less unique are the so-called stadiums, structures for the iconic ball game. They represent two inclined massive walls running parallel to each other. Between them there was a court for playing ball. Participants were not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or feet. The winner was the team that was the first to throw the ball into a round hole made in the stone wall. Fans were located on the tops of two walls, which they climbed using stairs located on the outside.

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fine arts Maya also had their characteristic features. There was a canon in it, which was determined by the cult of the deified ruler and his ancestors. The Mayan ruler was most often depicted in war scenes or seated on a throne. The main attention of the sculptors was not personality traits, but an accurate and careful reproduction of a magnificent costume, headdress and other attributes of power. His face conveyed indifference and calm majesty. The image of the ruler was accompanied by a short hieroglyphic text containing information about his birth, reign, and military successes. The Mayan artistic culture had a huge influence on American culture of subsequent eras. Mayan fine art also had its own characteristic features. There was a canon in it, which was determined by the cult of the deified ruler and his ancestors. The Mayan ruler was most often depicted in war scenes or seated on a throne. The main attention of the sculptors was attracted not by individual features, but by the accurate and careful reproduction of a magnificent costume, headdress and other attributes of power. His face conveyed indifference and calm majesty. The image of the ruler was accompanied by a short hieroglyphic text containing information about his birth, reign, and military successes. The Mayan artistic culture had a huge influence on American culture of subsequent eras.

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One of the most famous South American civilizations was the empire of the Inca, an Indian people who lived from the 11th century. on the territory modern Peru. The Incas entered the history of world art thanks to the beauty and grandeur of their temples. On the coast of Peru, many pyramids have survived to this day. Some pyramids were not square in plan, but round. One of the most famous South American civilizations was the empire of the Inca, an Indian people who lived from the 11th century. in the territory of modern Peru. The Incas entered the history of world art thanks to the beauty and grandeur of their temples. On the coast of Peru, many pyramids have survived to this day. Some pyramids were not square in plan, but round.

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One of the most outstanding buildings of the Inca period is the main temple of the Sun. According to the descriptions, it was surrounded by a triple wall, which had a circumference of about 380 m. The perfectly hewn stones were tightly fitted to each other without the use of a binding solution. The main wall contained the only entrance leading from the square directly to the sanctuary of the deity. IN central hall In the sanctuary, an image of the sun god was erected in the form of a huge disk decorated with precious stones. One of the most outstanding buildings of the Inca period is the main temple of the Sun. According to the descriptions, it was surrounded by a triple wall, which had a circumference of about 380 m. The perfectly hewn stones were tightly fitted to each other without the use of a binding solution. The main wall contained the only entrance leading from the square directly to the sanctuary of the deity. In the central hall of the sanctuary, an image of the sun god was erected in the form of a huge disk decorated with precious stones.

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Around the main buildings were the quarters of the priests and temple servants and the world famous “Golden Garden” of the Incas. Its dimensions reached approximately 220 by 100 m, and the garden itself and all of it inhabitants are people, birds, lizards, insects - were made life-size from pure gold and silver. Around the main buildings were the quarters of the priests and temple servants and the world famous “Golden Garden” of the Incas. Its dimensions reached approximately 220 by 100 m, and the garden itself and all its inhabitants - people, birds, lizards, insects - were made life-size from pure gold and silver.

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The Incas achieved some success in sculpture. One of the most significant sculptural monuments is a relief on the Gate of the Sun at Tiahuanaco. Pottery works have also survived to this day. Ing craftsmen created gold jewelry, exquisite luxury items, which used fancy graphic patterns on mythological stories about the creation of the world, the struggle of heroes with fantastic monsters, as well as episodes from everyday life. The Incas achieved some success in sculpture. One of the most significant sculptural monuments is the relief on the Gate of the Sun in Tiahuanaco. Pottery works have also survived to this day. Ing craftsmen created gold jewelry, exquisite luxury items, which used fancy graphic patterns on mythological stories about the creation of the world, the struggle of heroes with fantastic monsters, as well as episodes from everyday life.

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Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the artistic culture of Mesoamerica

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What is Mesoamerica called?

Central America, including Mexico, is usually called Mesoamerica. The cultural development of the peoples of these geographical areas in the period from approximately the 2nd millennium BC. and until the 15th century AD. commonly called the culture of Mesoamerica, or the culture of pre-Columbian America!

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Map of Pre-Columbian America

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    Artistic culture of the classical period.

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    The oldest civilization of pre-Columbian America was the Olmec culture, who lived on the Gulf Coast in the 2nd-1st millennia BC. research has shown that the Olmecs had well-planned cultural centers and step pyramids, stone sculpture, decorative arts, hieroglyphic writing, and a ritual calendar. Olmec architecture is poorly preserved, as the building materials used were earth and rubble, covered with a thick layer of plaster.

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    Olmec sculpture, represented by huge stone heads up to 3 m high and weighing up to 40 tons, became world famous. Their purpose is still not known exactly, but most likely they were of a cult nature. These giant heads, discovered during excavations, still amaze today with their monumentality, mastery of execution, and realistic reproduction of the individual traits of personalities known at that time.

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    One of the famous sculptures depicts a young man with a wide and flat, as if flattened nose, thick lips and almond-shaped eyes, slightly covered with heavy eyelids. The height of the sculpture is 2.41 m, weight 25 tons. On the young man’s head is a tight-fitting helmet with headphones decorated with a relief pattern.

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    Wrestler (Wrestler) 600-400 BC 63x40 cm This basalt sculpture of a shaven, bearded man captures him in dynamics, which is almost unique for all sculptures of Mesoamerica. Although scientists are cautious in their guesses about who this figurine depicts, there is an assumption that it is still a ball player

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    Monument 19 from La Venta Depicts a man inside a curved snake, a man dressed in clothing with the same distinctive marks as the snake. This monument is similar in theme to other Olmec monuments, which depict the emergence of a man from zoomorphic caves or niches

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    Figurine of a seated man dressed as a supernatural beast 1200-600 AD. BC 29.5x21.3 cm The nose and mouth are depicted quite realistically, but the figure has no eyes at all. Instead of them, the motif of flaming eyebrows characteristic of the Olmecs

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    By the beginning of the new era, the Olmec culture had disappeared. What caused its decline is unknown, but it was replaced by new civilizations, and above all the city of Teotihuacan in Central America. In this city, from its heyday, two main temples dedicated to the Sun and Moon have been preserved. They are located at the top of a huge step pyramid. The temples were decorated with colorful paintings and brightly painted statues of gods. The eyes of the sculptures are inlaid with precious stones and mother-of-pearl.

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    The most grandiose architectural structure is the Pyramid of the Sun, which currently has a height of 64.6 m. Unlike other pyramidal structures that had a stepped shape, the Pyramid of the Sun consists of four large, decreasing truncated pyramids, placed one on top of the other. On one side of the pyramid there is a system of gradually narrowing ramps that led to the sanctuary in the temple. The planes between the terraces of the building were constructed in such a way that spectators located at the foot of the large staircase could not see what was happening at its top. The pyramid was built from a huge number of mud bricks and faced with plastered stone slabs.

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    Most likely, the pyramid also served as a “sundial”, accurately marking the onset of the equinox. On March 20 and September 22, an amazing sight could be observed here: exactly at noon, the sun's rays caused a gradual disappearance of the direct shadow on the lower step of the western facade. The transition time from complete shading to illumination took exactly 66.6 seconds. Of course, in order to achieve such a visual effect, one had to have perfect knowledge in the fields of mathematics, astronomy and geodesy.

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    Several small stepped pyramids were symmetrically located around the Pyramid of the Sun, emphasizing the monumentality of the main building. In architectural decor there are decorations in the form of huge snake heads painted with white paint. On the head of each snake there was a corolla and feathers, symbolizing a particularly revered deity. In the middle of the 9th century. The city was abandoned by its inhabitants and turned into a pile of ruins. The civilizations of the classical period were destroyed by the invasion of peoples from the north, first the Toltecs, and then the Aztecs, who created their own civilization.

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    Which sculptural works Are the Olmecs world famous? Name distinctive features Olmec pyramids. Name the most famous Olmec pyramid. ?

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    Aztec artistic culture

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    The main feature of the art of the Aztec hunting tribes was the worship of the gods. Surviving legends and tales tell of the numerous campaigns and bloody battles of this warlike people before they created a powerful empire with a highly developed culture. The main place of worship of the gods were temples, of which there were more than 40 thousand by the beginning of the Spanish conquest in the 16th century.

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    The capital of the Aztecs, Tenochtitlan, was especially striking in its splendor. The city center was located on an island in the middle of a picturesque lake, surrounded by buildings on stilts and dams, cut by canals. In case of danger, bridges spanning the canals were raised and the city turned into an impregnable fortress. Alas, Tenochtitlan did not escape a sad fate: at the beginning of the 16th century, the city was conquered and destroyed by the Spanish conquistador conquerors.

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    We know very little about Aztec architecture, since many structures were destroyed or completely rebuilt. Information about them is preserved only in the descriptions of Spanish eyewitnesses. It is known that in the center of Tenochtitlan there were three palaces of the Aztec rulers and the main temple of the supreme god of war. Two small wooden temples were built on top of the step pyramid.

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    Aztec sculpture reached a special peak. Monumental statues of deities are abstract and conventional in nature. An example is the huge statue of Coatlicue - the goddess of earth and spring fertility, the mother of the supreme god of war. This statue only vaguely resembles a human figure: it has no face, no head, no arms, no legs. It is made of various materials: corn cobs, claws, human skulls, feathers, etc. all this heap is symmetrical and balanced.

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    Aztec funeral masks had a different character, reflecting the facial features of the buried person. Notable in this regard is the basalt head of the “eagle warrior”, in which the strong-willed face of the young warrior is masterfully conveyed. Small plastic works also attract attention: graceful figurines of a frightened rabbit crouched on its hind legs and a coiled snake.

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    The few surviving works of jewelry are amazing in their craftsmanship. Necklaces, pendants, earrings, and breast plates are distinguished by their elegance and precision of modeling.

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    1. Tell us about the features of Aztec sculpture. 2. What is remarkable about Aztec funeral masks? ?

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    Mayan artistic culture

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    The Mayan civilization achieved particular success. Long before their conquest by the conquerors, the Mayans invented an accurate solar calendar, determined the length of the year, used the concept of zero in mathematics a thousand years earlier than European civilization, accurately predicted solar and lunar eclipses, and invented developed hieroglyphic writing. The Mayan art was distinguished by sophistication and perfection. One of the most eloquent evidence of this culture is architecture.

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    Among the monuments of artistic culture, the best preserved works of architecture have survived to this day. They are striking in their amazing sense of proportions, majestic monumentality, diversity, variety of architectural forms. These are not only pyramids and courtyards, these are astronomical observatories, ball courts, columns, stairs, triumphal arches and steles.

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    One of the peaks of Mayan architecture is the Palace complex in the city of Palenque. 25 buildings scattered across a rolling plain. The main decorations of the complex are the palace and the step pyramid of the Inscriptions, three temples - the Sun, the Cross and the Foliated Cross.

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    The palace in Palenque stands on a natural plateau, rising almost 70 m above the plain. Inside the palace there are courtyards surrounded by galleries. Richly decorated with carved and sculpted images and inscriptions, the palace has a four-story square turret, which probably served as an astronomical observatory for the Mayan priests.

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    The Temple of the Inscriptions is a 9-step pyramid rising above the ground to a height of about 24m. A rectangular temple was erected on its upper platform, to which a staircase of 69 steps leads. The walls of the temple are decorated with panels, richly decorated bas-reliefs and relief hieroglyphic inscriptions, thanks to which the temple got its name.

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    No less unique are the so-called stadiums, structures for the iconic ball game. They represent two inclined massive walls running parallel to each other. Between them there was a court for playing ball. Participants were not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or feet. The winner was the team that was the first to throw the ball into a round hole made in the stone wall. Fans were located on the tops of two walls, which they climbed using stairs located on the outside.

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    Mayan fine art also had its own characteristic features. There was a canon in it, which was determined by the cult of the deified ruler and his ancestors. The Mayan ruler was most often depicted in war scenes or seated on a throne. The main attention of the sculptors was attracted not by individual features, but by the accurate and careful reproduction of a magnificent costume, headdress and other attributes of power. His face conveyed indifference and calm majesty. The image of the ruler was accompanied by a short hieroglyphic text containing information about his birth, reign, and military successes. The Mayan artistic culture had a huge influence on American culture of subsequent eras.

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    One of the most outstanding buildings of the Inca period is the main temple of the Sun. According to the descriptions, it was surrounded by a triple wall, which had a circumference of about 380 m. The perfectly hewn stones were tightly fitted to each other without the use of a binding solution. The main wall contained the only entrance leading from the square directly to the sanctuary of the deity. In the central hall of the sanctuary, an image of the sun god was erected in the form of a huge disk decorated with precious stones.

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    Around the main buildings were the quarters of the priests and temple servants and the world famous “Golden Garden” of the Incas. Its dimensions reached approximately 220 by 100 m, and the garden itself and all its inhabitants - people, birds, lizards, insects - were made life-size from pure gold and silver.

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    The Incas achieved some success in sculpture. One of the most significant sculptural monuments is the relief on the Gate of the Sun in Tiahuanaco. Pottery works have also survived to this day. Ing craftsmen created gold jewelry, exquisite luxury items, which used fancy graphic patterns on mythological stories about the creation of the world, the struggle of heroes with fantastic monsters, as well as episodes from everyday life.

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    Questions for homework.

    Masterpieces of Aztec art World significance of Mayan artistic culture Artistic achievements of the peoples of pre-Columbian America. The most ancient cities of Mesoamerica.

    View all slides

    Most were hunters, fishermen, gatherers, or primitive farmers; Only in two relatively small areas of the Western Hemisphere did the Spaniards encounter highly developed Indian civilizations. IN scientific literature this territory was called Middle America or the Zone of High Civilizations. It is divided into two regions: northern - Mesoamerica and southern - Andean region (Bolivia - Peru), with an intermediate zone between them (southern part of Central America, Colombia, Ecuador). It was here that the centers of origin of American agriculture were located, and at the turn of our era they appeared original civilizations of the ancestors of the Nahuas, Mayans, Zapotecs, Quechuas, Aymara, etc.

    Columns in the form of snakes located on top of the "Temple of Jaguars". The temple's wall decorations are among the most remarkable at Chichen Itza. The culture of the Toltecs, who came to Yucatan from the Valley of Mexico, is clearly visible here. Karakol building. Caracol means "snail" in Spanish. This name was given because of the internal staircase to the top, which has a spiral shape like a snail shell. The building served as an observatory for the Mayans. Holes were made in the roof and walls in such a way that they allowed astronomers to observe the movements of some celestial bodies.

    Temple I. Height 45 meters. The Mayans of the city of Tikal considered this temple as a kind of portal to the underworld. The son of Hasav-Chan-K"avil I (one of the rulers of the city also known as Ah Kakau) Yi"kin-Chan-K"avil buried his father and completed the construction of a temple over his grave. View of the "Palace", "Temple of Inscriptions " and the "Cross" group of Palenque temples. The "cross" group of temples is represented (clockwise from left to right): "Temple of the Cross", "Temple of the Foliated Cross", "Temple of the Sun" and "Temple XIV".

    Bas-relief of an eagle on one of the walls in Copan. Water tank (Chikanna). The inner wall of the tank was covered with a thick layer of "stuka" (lime material) to make it waterproof.

    Northeast side of the main pyramid of Akanseh. It was probably built in the early classical period. Arch. Labna town. One of the most amazing structures in Yucatan. Made with amazingly beautiful ornaments and exceptional proportions. On the right, close to the arch, there was a long building, which, unfortunately, was destroyed.

    Anthropomorphic ax Messrs. BC 22x9 cm. Green stone. A man is depicted with a split head, a jaguar's mouth and flaming eyebrows. It was intended (apparently) for religious and ritual purposes. Double ceramic vessel. Early classical period. The vessel depicts Hunahpu's twin brother firing a pipe at Vucub Kakish.

    Jade mask. 200 BC-100 AD AD 28 x 17.2 cm. Although the mask has clear feline characteristics (jaguar), many scientists believe that it is a mask bat. In any case, this is one of the most precious finds in Monte Albana. Huge cat sculpture. AD Clay with pigments of various colors (orange, yellow, red, green, black, white). 111 x 48 cm. Although it is more often called a jaguar, it looks more like a mountain lion due to more rounded ears and a small number of spots on the skin.

    Vessel with a figure of a skeleton. AD Clay. 32.5 x 17. Found during excavations of the tombs of rulers in the Mixtec center of Zaachila. The vessel most likely served for funeral purposes. The skeleton has some objects in both hands. Many scientists believe that he is holding a weapon in his hands. Gold buckle. In the form of a mask of the deity Xipe Totec.

    Image of Tezcatlipoca. Human skull inlaid with turquoise, jade, obsidian and mother of pearl. A vessel with an image of an old man. Its head emerges from the snake's mouth, while the rest of its body is behind the snake's tongue. Xochicalco.

    Conclusion Indian civilizations The New World managed to reach its apogee without the most important technical achievements of antiquity, which included the smelting of iron and steel, the breeding of domestic animals (especially draft and pack animals), wheeled transport, the potter's wheel, the plow and other agriculture, the arch in architecture, etc.