Presentation on the topic “Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich. Biography of L.N. Tolstoy. The birthplace of the great Russian writer and philosopher Tolstoy is Yasnaya Polyana - the village where Lev Nikolaevich was the fourth. Leo Tolstoy biography briefly the most important presentation


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The works of Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy The presentation was prepared by a primary school teacher MBOU classes"Mainsky Multidisciplinary Lyceum" Demina O.V.

Father - Count Konstantin Petrovich Tolstoy (1779-1870), the elder brother of the artist F. P. Tolstoy.

Mother - Anna Alekseevna Perovskaya, pupil (illegitimate daughter) of Count A.K. Razumovsky. Marriage to father A.K. Tolstoy was unhappy; There was an open break between the spouses.

Instead of his father, Alexei was raised by his maternal uncle A. A. Perovsky (Anton Pogorelsky), who composed a fairy tale for his nephew “ Black chicken"about the adventures of a boy named Alyosha.

Childhood Early childhood Alexey spent time in Ukraine, on his uncle’s estate.

Travel to Germany In 1826 A.K. Tolstoy went to Germany with his mother and uncle Antony Pogorelsky. His memory was particularly impressed by his visit to Goethe in Weimar and the fact that he sat on the great old man’s lap.

Meeting with Alexander II At eight years old, Tolstoy, along with her mother and uncle, moved to St. Petersburg. Through a friend of Perovsky, the boy was introduced to the then eight-year-old heir to the throne, later Emperor Alexander II, and was among the children who came to the Tsarevich on Sundays to play. Relationships with royal family continued throughout Tolstoy's life.

In 1834, Tolstoy was assigned as a “student” to the Moscow archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 1837, he served in the Russian mission in Germany, in 1840 he received service in St. Petersburg at the royal court, and in 1843 - the court rank of chamber cadet.

Creativity A.K. Tolstoy In the late 1830s - early 1840s written (on French) two fantastic stories- “Family of the Ghoul” and “Meeting after Three Hundred Years.” In May 1841, Tolstoy first appeared in print, publishing a separate book under the pseudonym “Krasnorogsky” (from the name of the Krasny Rog estate), fantastic story"Ghoul". V. G. Belinsky responded very favorably to the story, seeing in it “all the signs of a still too young, but nevertheless remarkable talent.”

Genre diversity of A.K.’s lyrics Tolstoy The main thing in poetry Tolstoy considered beauty and love, which are present in everyday life. The poems are permeated with longing for beauty, sadness for the unique value of earthly, real human love– “A tear trembles in your jealous gaze...” (1858), “In the land of rays, invisible to our eyes” (1856), “In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance...” (1851) and others.

Romance “Among the Noisy Ball...” In 1878, 3 years after the death of A.K. Tolstoy, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote music for the poems “Amidst the Noisy Ball...”, music as pure, gentle and chaste as the poems.

Autumn. Our entire poor garden is crumbling, Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind; Only in the distance they show off, there at the bottom of the valleys, Bright red brushes of withering rowan trees. A.K. Tolstoy

Historical images in the works of A.K. Tolstoy In his works, he pays a lot of attention to the era of the ancient cities of Kyiv and Novgorod and the era of the reign of Ivan the Terrible. These are the novel “Prince Silver”, the tragedy “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” (1866), “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich” (1868), “Tsar Boris” (1870).

Poetic legends When creating his ideals, Tolstoy did not care about historical authenticity, resorting to free speculation, so the result was not so much pictures of history as colorful poetic legends. At the same time as real people, heroes of legends appear in epics and ballads - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Sadko and others. All characters are created according to the same principle, the boundaries between history and folklore are deliberately erased.

The poet sings the poem “Ilya Muromets” in epic hero wisdom, inner restraint, combined with heroic power and strength.

Historical drama "Posadnik" The last work A.K. Tolstoy became a drama from the ancient Novgorod history “Posadnik”. Work on it began immediately after the end of the trilogy, but he did not have time to complete it. Alexey Tolstoy died on October 10, 1875 in his estate Krasny Rog, Chernigov province.

Museum-estate of Alexei Tolstoy, located in Krasny Rog. In the village of Krasny Rog, fifty kilometers from Bryansk, there is former estate the most famous poet, prose writer and playwright in Russia, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. Currently there is an estate museum here.

The poet's grave and monument in the village. Red Horn

Check yourself In what city was A.K. born? Tolstoy? Name the names of famous relatives of A.K. Tolstoy. What work did Anton Pogorelsky dedicated to A.K. Tolstoy? What was the name of the romance by P.I. Tchaikovsky, written to poems by A.K. Tolstoy? Where was A.K. buried? Tolstoy? What topics does A.K. touch on? Tolstoy in his works? The images of which heroes were reflected in the works of A.K. Tolstoy? What was the name of the work that A.K. Tolstoy didn't have time to finish?

Lesha Tolstoy was born on a cold winter day on January 10, 1883, on this day white and fluffy snow was falling on the street. He grew up on the Sosnovka farm near Samara, on the estate of his stepfather, zemstvo employee A. A. Bostrom. Little Alyosha hardly knew his own father, Count Nikolai Alexandrovich Tolstoy, an officer in the Life Guards Hussar Regiment and a noble Samara landowner.

Mother Alexandra Leontievna, nee Turgenev, a writer, cousin-granddaughter of the Decembrist Nikolai Turgenev. Alexey owed his mother sincere love to reading, which she was able to instill in him. Alexandra Leontyevna tried to persuade him to write. Alyosha received his initial education at home under the guidance of a visiting teacher.

In 1897, the family moved to Samara, where the future writer entered a real school. After graduating in 1901, he went to St. Petersburg to continue his education. Enters the Mechanics Department of the Technological Institute. I tried painting. He published poetry from 1905 and prose from 1908.

During World War I, Alexei Tolstoy was a war correspondent. The impressions of what he saw turned him against the decadence that had influenced him from a young age, which was reflected in the unfinished autobiographical novel “Yegor Abozov” (1915). The writer greeted the February Revolution with enthusiasm. “Citizen Count A.N. Tolstoy,” who then lived in Moscow, was appointed “Commissioner for Press Registration” on behalf of the Provisional Government. World War I

In July 1918, Tolstoy and his family moved to Odessa, and from Odessa the Tolstoys went to Paris to emigrate. Alexey Nikolaevich did not stop writing there either: during these years the story “Nikita’s Childhood” was published. In August 1923, Alexei Tolstoy returned to Russia forever.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote children's books. He sought to show children the enormous moral wealth that permeates Russian oral folk art. He included 50 tales about animals and 7 children's fairy tales in his collection of Russian folk tales.

The second book ends with the initial period of construction of St. Petersburg, founded in 1703: serious transformations are underway that require closer attention. The action of the unfinished third book is measured in months. Tolstoy's attention turns to people; long scenes with detailed conversations predominate.

A novel without novelistic intrigue, without a coherent fictional plot, without adventurism, at the same time it is extremely exciting and colorful. Descriptions of everyday life and customs, the behavior of a variety of characters (there are a lot of them, but they are not lost in the crowd, which is also depicted more than once), subtly stylized colloquial language constitute the very strong points of the novel, the best in Soviet historical prose.

The third book of “Peter the Great” was written by the terminally ill Alexei Tolstoy in It ends with the episode of the capture of Narva, under which Peter’s troops suffered their first heavy defeat at the beginning of the Northern War. This gives the impression of completeness of an unfinished novel.

Peter is already clearly idealized, he even stands up for the common people; the entire tone of the book is influenced by the national-patriotic sentiments of the times of the Great Patriotic War. But the main images of the novel have not faded, the interest of the events has not disappeared, although on the whole the third book is weaker than the first two.

Twice in the novel physiological signs of fear are shown in the danger of death from enemy weapons. During the Azov campaign, when you can get a Tatar arrow from the darkness: “Your toes were curling.” At the end of the novel, near Narva, Lieutenant Colonel Karpov is glad that he remained alive after the salvo: “And the overcoming fear, from which his shoulders rose, fell away...” In general, Alexei Tolstoy did not strive to be a battle painter in Peter the Great; his descriptions of battles are usually short; the confusion and turmoil of a mass deadly fight is best conveyed.

The novel has many characters, but none cameo character does not get lost among others. A. Tolstoy is inventive in anthroponymy. Thus, the satirical image of the boyar Buinosov is created, in particular, by an absurd, comic surname (the character is “buen”, but only with his nose). The loving character is given the nickname Varena Madamkin. And Fedka’s colorful nickname, Wash Yourself with Mud, forcing the reader to imagine a face that can be washed even with mud, could hardly have been invented by anyone other than Tolstoy. The writer was not afraid to belittle the strong, talented person from a people with an extremely dramatic fate. surname

A.N. Tolstoy wrote books throughout four decades of your working life. He wrote stories, poems, created novels and plays, staged film scripts, wrote articles for newspapers and magazines, retold Russian folk tales and was the author of numerous books for everyone.

Historical truth and the powerful imagination of the writer, combined, create the illusion of the full life of a long-past time. Peter's personality turned out to be extraordinary and in itself began to influence the era. Peter becomes the center of application of current forces, finds himself at the head of the class struggle between local nobility and the emerging bourgeoisie. The era needs a man like Peter, and he himself sought to use his powers. There was interaction here.

The historical novel "Peter 1" is an inexhaustible source of detailed and very interesting information about Peter's time, about social conflicts, government and cultural reforms, about life, customs and people of that turbulent era. And most importantly, it is a source of imaginative ideas about a long-gone life, revived by generous and cheerful talent. The stamp of the writer’s unique talent lies on the entire narrative of the era of Peter, therefore, together with historical knowledge and direct artistic impressions of the novel, we develop a vivid idea of ​​the writer himself, his creative personality, about the features of his approach to life.

The presentation of “Tolstoy” will make the lesson fascinating, capture the attention of schoolchildren and help them better remember important information due to the well-thought-out structure of the material. The slides are adapted for children; with their help, literature classes will become more effective. Not every child perceives new knowledge aurally; some need to consolidate what they hear visually. The presentation about the biography of Tolstoy is filled not only with information about the writer’s life, but it also contains portraits, images, and illustrations. The method of visual consolidation contributes to better assimilation of the material and its consolidation in memory for a long time.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is known to everyone for his unique style and written masterpieces. But not only the works arouse increased interest, the writer’s personality is also unique, he had interesting childhood, which is now mentioned in the process of getting to know the fate of the writer. Tolstoy's life and work are amazing and unusual, and a visual presentation of a fascinating report will help introduce schoolchildren to literary discoveries.

You can view the slides on the website or download a presentation on the topic “Tolstoy” in PowerPoint format from the link below.

Biography of Tolstoy

Caucasus and Crimean War
Russo-Turkish War

Literary activity of the first half of the 1850s
Literary activity in the second half of the 1850s
Pedagogical activity
Life and creative maturity

Spiritual crisis
Literary activity of 1880-1890
Family life

Recent years

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Alexei Tolstoy was born on December 29, 1882 (January 10, 1883) Nikolaevsk (now Pugachevsk) Saratov province. Died on February 23, 1945, in Moscow. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882/83-1945) - Russian writer, an extremely versatile and prolific writer who wrote in all kinds and genres (two collections of poems, more than forty plays, scripts, adaptations of fairy tales, journalistic and other articles, etc.) , first of all, a prose writer, a master of captivating storytelling. Count, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939).

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Childhood. First steps in literature Alyosha Tolstoy grew up on the Sosnovka farm near Samara, on the estate of his stepfather, zemstvo employee A. A. Bostrom (the writer’s mother, being pregnant, left her husband, Count N. A. Tolstoy, for her loved one). A happy rural childhood determined Tolstoy's love of life, which always remained the only unshakable basis of his worldview. Alexey studied at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology and graduated without defending his diploma (1907). I tried painting. He published poetry from 1905 and prose from 1908. Alexey Tolstoy gained fame as the author of short stories and tales of the “Trans-Volga” cycle (1909-1911) and the adjacent short novels “Eccentrics” (originally “Two Lives”, 1911), “The Lame Master” (1912) - mainly about the landowners of their native Samara province, prone to various eccentricities, about all sorts of extraordinary, sometimes anecdotal incidents.

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Back in Russia. New and old topics In 1922-1923, the first Soviet science fiction novel, “Aelita,” was published in Moscow, in which the Red Army soldier Gusev organizes a revolution on Mars, albeit an unsuccessful one. In the second fantasy novel Alexei Tolstoy's "Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin" (1925-1926, later remade more than once) and the story "Union of Five" (1925) maniacal power-hungers are trying to conquer the whole world and exterminate most people using unprecedented technical means, but also unsuccessfully. The social aspect is everywhere simplified and coarsened in the Soviet way, but Tolstoy predicted space flights, capturing voices from space, the “parachute brake,” the laser, and fission of the atomic nucleus.

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Historical prose After October Revolution Alexey Tolstoy became interested historical topics. Based on the material of the 17th-18th centuries. written stories and tales “Obsession” (1918), “The Day of Peter” (1918), “Count Cagliostro” (1921), “The Tale of Troubled Times” (1922), etc. In addition to the story about Peter the Great, who builds St. Petersburg, showing monstrous cruelty to people and staying in tragic loneliness, all these works are more or less full of adventures, although in the depiction of the unrest of the early 17th century. one can feel the gaze of a person who has seen the turmoil of the 20th century. After the play “On the Rack,” written in 1928 largely based on “The Day of Peter” and under the influence of the concept of D. S. Merezhkovsky, in the novel “Antichrist (Peter and Alexei)” Tolstoy sharply changes his view of the reformer tsar, feeling that in the next decade the criterion of “class” may be supplanted by the criteria of “nationality” and historical progressiveness, and the figure statesman this level will evoke positive associations.

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In 1930 and 1934, two books of a large narrative about Peter the Great and his era were published. For the sake of contrasting the old and new worlds, Alexei Tolstoy exaggerated the backwardness, poverty and lack of culture of pre-Petrine Rus', paid tribute to the vulgar sociological concept of Peter’s reforms as “bourgeois” (hence the exaggeration of the role of merchants, entrepreneurs), and did not quite proportionately present different social circles (for example, almost no attention was paid to church figures), but the objective-historical necessity of the then transformations, as if they were a precedent for socialist transformations, and the means of their implementation were generally shown correctly. Russia in the writer’s depiction is changing, and the heroes of the novel, especially Peter himself, “grow” with it. The first chapter is oversaturated with events, it covers events from 1682 to 1698, which are often given in the very summary. The second book ends with the initial period of construction of St. Petersburg, founded in 1703: serious transformations are underway that require closer attention. The action of the unfinished third book is measured in months. Tolstoy's attention turns to people; long scenes with detailed conversations predominate.

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During the Patriotic War During the war, Alexey Tolstoy also wrote many journalistic articles, a number of stories on current topics, including “Russian Character” (the prototype of the hero was actually a Caucasian) and the dramatic duology (low-scene and designated as a story) “Ivan the Terrible” with the Stalinist concept of the depicted time and hero. There are far fewer artistically perfect moments in the “story” than those hopelessly spoiled by the author’s opportunistic position, which in many ways was directly dictated to him. The long-suffering progressive tsar in the fight against the boyars - retrogrades, traitors and poisoners, who, naturally, must be executed - is supported by the people in the person of Vasily Buslaev, whom the epics settled in much earlier times, Lermontov's merchant Kalashnikov (Tolstoy returned his severed head), Vasily Blessed, who collects money for the great undertakings of the tsar, and then with his body shields him from the arrow of a medieval terrorist, and others. The guardsmen (Malyuta Skuratov, Vasily Gryaznoy, etc.) are nobility incarnate. Frail foreigners in armor are nothing in front of the Russian heroes; the Polish gentleman faints when Malyuta shakes his finger at him. At the same time, the dilogy is distinguished by bright characters, expressive colloquial speech, conveying historical flavor.

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The inconsistency of Tolstoy The personality of Alexei Tolstoy is extremely contradictory, just like his work. In the USSR, he was perceived as the “number two writer” (after Gorky) and was a symbol of the “reforging” of the master, the count, into a Soviet citizen, whose works were considered artistically and ideologically impeccable. With the exception of the period 1923-1927, when Tolstoy more than once complained about material need, he and Soviet power lived his life as a great gentleman. At the same time, he was a tireless worker: on the crowded ship that took him to emigration, he did not stop working on the typewriter.

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Alexey Tolstoy is a very national, Russian writer (patriot-statist), but more than many wrote on foreign material, practically without knowing and not wanting to know foreign languages in the name of a better feeling native language. He considered it necessary to respond to the questions of the present time, but gained fame as a classic of artistic and historical literature. Tolstoy worked with genuine facts, recognized only the realistic style, but was a fantasy inventor (he willingly processed folk tales), and his “realism” turned out to be so elastic that it reached the point of grossly tendentious normativity. The soul of any society, he evoked the contemptuous attitude of such people as A. A. Akhmatova or M. A. Bulgakov, and received a slap in the face from O. E. Mandelstam

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The legacy of Alexei Tolstoy is enormous (“ Complete collection works" actually covers a small part of what he wrote) and is extremely unequal. He made a very significant contribution to several genres and thematic layers of literature, he has masterpieces (in one field or another) and works that are below all criticism. Strengths and weaknesses are often intertwined within the same work.