Presentation for the reader's conference on the story "Son of the Regiment" by V. P. Kataev. Presentation for the reader's conference on the book by V. Kataev "Son of the Regiment" Dove in Kataev download presentation

Valentin Petrovich Kataev was born on January 28, 1897 in Odessa, in the family of a teacher. Father V.P. Kataeva Brother V.P. Kataeva, Evgeniy.

Back in early childhood Valentin Petrovich fell in love with books and became interested in literature. Since the father was a teacher, they had a good, constant readable library. In the Kataev family they knew well and highly valued classical literature XIX century. The riches of his native literature were revealed to him early - Pushkin, Gogol, Nikitin, Koltsov, Shevchenko... he knew the names of so many writers from early age. And of course, the large amount of knowledge that the father had was gradually passed on to his sons.

He studied at the Odessa gymnasium. At the age of nine, Valentin Kataev began writing poetry, some of them were published in Odessa newspapers, and in 1914, for the first time, poems by V.P. Kataev was published in St. Petersburg in the magazine “The Whole World”. Kataev published his first poem “Autumn” at the age of 13 (1910)

In 1915 he entered the active army, into an artillery brigade, where he remained until the summer of 1917. In 1919 he was drafted into the Red Army as a battery commander, then was appointed head of the satire department in Odessa: he wrote texts for propaganda posters, ditties, slogans, leaflets.

At the age of 39 (1936), Valentin Petrovich wrote a novel for teenagers, “The Lonely Sail Whitens,” the main characters of which were Odessa boys who find themselves in the whirlpool of revolutionary events. The fascinating plot, the heroism of teenagers, the picturesque description of life in the city of childhood Odessa made this work one of favorite children's books. This novel is dedicated to his barefoot childhood.

During World War II, he worked at the Radio Committee and was a war correspondent for Pravda and Krasnaya Zvezda, where his essays from the front were published. In 1946 he was awarded the USSR State Prize (for the story "Son of the Regiment").

During lulls and respites, he continued to write stories and novellas: his most famous story, “Son of the Regiment,” about the fate of an orphan boy adopted by a combat regiment. For which he later received the Stalin Prize. "Son of the Regiment" and "The Lonely Sail Is White."

There was a period in the life of Valentin Petrovich Kataev for about 10 years when he wrote wonderful tales for children. The main characters of fairy tales are the family. They show love, friendship, belief in magic, miracles, relationships between parents and children, relationships between children and the people they meet along the way that help them grow up and learn something new.

Kataev had a younger brother, Zhenya (he is also a famous writer - E. Petrov). Both studied at the gymnasium. Valentin helped his brother with his studies. It was during this period that he began his creative path young writer. At the age of 13, the first poem “Autumn” appeared. He writes most of his poems about nature.

During the Great Patriotic War, he was again at the front. As a war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper, he visited many fronts and saw the combat operations of our troops. Participated in many battles. Main topic his works depict the heroism of people who defended their homeland.

Express survey on the work of Kataev 1)V. Kataev was born in Ukraine in the city of Odessa. 2) He had a younger brother Vitaly. 3) Kataev studied at the lyceum. 4) At first he wrote stories. And then - poetry. 5) He wrote his first poem at the age of 13. 6) He wrote about the sea in poetry. 7) Kataev was in the war twice. 8) He worked as a war correspondent for the newspaper Pravda. 9)Wrote about the heroism of our people. 10) Then he wrote fables.

Checking the express survey + 1. V. Kataev was born in Ukraine in the city of Odessa. He had a younger brother, Vitaly Kataev, studied at the Lyceum. First he wrote stories, and then poetry. He wrote his first poem at the age of 13. He wrote poems about the sea. Kataev twice. was in the war. He worked as a war correspondent for the newspaper Pravda + 9. He wrote about the heroism of our people. Then he wrote fables.

Elena Ponomareva
Presentation “Kataev Valentin Petrovich”

For children of the preparatory group.

presentation" Kataev Valentin Petrovich"

Kataev Valentin Petrovich – very popular, especially in Soviet years, writer, journalist, playwright, novelist, poet and screenwriter. In 1974, for his many years literary works was awarded the title of Hero Socialist Labor. Based on his works, many have been created theatrical productions, artistic and documentaries and cartoons. Creation Valentina Kataeva became timely and irreplaceable, it carried that very necessary moral education, a charge of kindness and humanity.

The biography of this famous writer needs to begin with his amazing pedigree. And you can find a lot of interesting things in it. His paternal grandfather is Kataev Vasily Alekseevich(b. 1819)- was the son of a priest and followed in his footsteps, first he graduated from the Vyatka Theological Seminary, then the Moscow Theological Academy, until he eventually became the archpriest of Vyatka cathedral. Father Valentina Petrovich - Kataev Petr Vasilievich - was very educated person, graduated from theological seminary, then Novorossiysk University, Faculty of History and Philology, and eventually became a teacher of cadets at the Odessa Diocesan School.

Mother - Bachey Evgenia Ivanovna - was the daughter of a general from a Poltava small-scale family. The writer also had a younger brother - Evgeniy Kataev(pseudonym Petrov on behalf of his father, which also later became famous writer. By the way, Evgeniy is the same one Petrov, who co-authored with Ilf his famous works "12 chairs" And "Golden Calf".

V.P. Kataev born in Odessa in 1897, January 16. His parents were a happy couple who had two gifted children (future writers Valentin and Evgeniy) . After the birth of her second child, Evgenia Ivanovna fell ill with pneumonia and died. Her sister took up the upbringing and care of the children, and replaced their natural mother. Their family had an unusually large library, filled with classical, historical, reference and encyclopedic literature, which he adored so much Valentin Kataev. His biography indicates that parents read these books aloud to their children.

At war Kataev In his free time, he writes stories and essays on life at the front. In the magazine "The Whole World" in 1915, his story was published for the first time on the pages of the capital's publishing house "Nemchik". Your main and only teacher Kataev believed Ivan Bunin, with whom he was introduced in Odessa by the self-taught writer A. Fedorov.

Childhood scorched by war

Readers' conference on the books of V. P. Kataev

"Son of the Regiment"

Prepared by: Teacher of Russian language and literature, MKOU secondary school in the village of Iran Kozaeva Frangiza Viktorovna

"Children and war - no more terrible approach opposite things in the world" A. Tvardovsky

  • Target:

In an accessible and emotional way, introduce students to the lives of their peers during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, show that children, along with adults, brought Victory closer.

  • Crucibles “For battle” regimental pipes.
  • War thunder rolled over the country.
  • The fighting boys got into formation,
  • To the left flank in the soldier formation.
  • Their overcoats were too big,
  • You can’t find boots in the whole regiment,
  • But they still knew how to fight
  • Don't retreat, but win.
  • Adult courage lived in their hearts,
  • At twelve years old they are strong as adults,
  • They reached the Reichstag in victory -
  • Sons of the country's regiments.
  • And we didn’t get to play war,
  • We didn’t play it - she played with us:
  • We ran to the front as boys,
  • They looked at the country from the roofs of the carriages. I. Pantyukhov

V.P.Kataev (1897 – 1986)

Kataev was born in the seaside city of Odessa, and the waves of the Black Sea roar on the pages of many of his books. His father, Pyotr Vasilyevich Kataev, was a teacher by profession and an educator by conviction. In the Kataev family, children were raised to have an interest and love for music, theater, and literature. Valentin Petrovich’s younger brother, Evgeny, also became a famous writer (Evgeny Petrov, one of the authors of “The Twelve Chairs”). Valentin studied at the gymnasium, but his studies were interrupted by the First World War. But even before the war, Kataev discovered his literary gift. The young poet’s first poem was called “Autumn” and was published in 1910. It is easy to calculate that the author was only thirteen years old.

From 1915 to 1917 Kataev was at the front. Wounded twice. From the front, he sent essays about soldier's life to Odessa and Petrograd newspapers and magazines, and in between battles he wrote short stories.

During the Great Patriotic War, the writer became a war correspondent. He traveled to the front lines and told readers of the newspapers Pravda and Krasnaya Zvezda about military operations.

Valentin Petrovich Kataev wrote his story “Son of the Regiment” in 1944, during the days of the Great Patriotic War of our people against the fascist invaders. The former artilleryman Kataev also made artillerymen the heroes of his story. A year after its publication, the film “Son of the Regiment” was shot.

Kataev’s fairy tales “The Pipe and the Jug” and “The Seven-Flower Flower” are widely known.

  • The fourth year of the Great Patriotic War. Dead autumn night Soviet intelligence officers They found a boy about twelve years old in the forest.
  • The boy's parents died in the first year of the war. The village was burned by the Nazis. Vanya Solntsev wandered in the rear for two years, hoping to cross the front. Caressed and warmed by Soviet soldiers, Vanya longs to stay in the regiment to fight the hated enemy. But by order of the battery commander, Captain Enakiev, scout Bidenko takes Vanya to the rear to place him in an orphanage. But on the way, Vanya runs away, returns to the scouts and remains in the artillery regiment.
  • The son of the regiment, Vanya Solntsev, takes part in reconnaissance and combat. He is captured by the Germans, but heroically keeps the secret of the location of the Soviet troops.
  • Freed from captivity, Vanya is back in his native regiment. Captain Enakiev, who lost his family during the war, adopts Vanya. After the death of Captain Enakiev, the regiment sends Vanya Solntsev to the Suvorov Military School.

Questions for discussion:

  • 1.What nickname did Vanya receive from the scouts?
  • 2. What upset and even upset Corporal Bidenko so much?
  • 3.What feelings did Vanya evoke in Bidenko?

  • 4. How did Vanya outwit the scout?
  • 5. The author describes Vanya’s dream twice. What do you think this technique was used for?
  • 6.What meeting strengthened Vanya’s desire to stay at the front?
  • 7. Why did Vanya, while on a combat mission, when meeting a German picket, restrain himself and not rush at the German, who hit him with his boot?

  • 8.What mistake did Vanya make while on reconnaissance?
  • 9.What can an unauthorized act lead to?
  • 10. What was the first soldier’s science taught to Vanya by his senior comrades?
  • 11. Why do you think the scouts fell in love and became so attached to Vanya?
  • 12. The author describes the economy of artillerymen with special love and knowledge of the matter. Why do you think?
  • 13.What was the goal of Captain Enakiev when he sent Vanya with a report to division headquarters?




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09/27/2016 2 Completed by: teacher Romanova T.A. GBOU SOSHNO "School of Home-Based Education" No. 334. City of Moscow. OBJECTIVES: to introduce 5th grade students to the life and work of V.P. Kataeva; show amazing world his heroes. To instill in children a sense of kindness, empathy and concern.

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09/27/2016 3 Valentin Petrovich Kataev was born on January 28, 1897. V. Kataev spent his childhood, adolescence and youth in Odessa.

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09/27/2016 4 There is a city that I see in my dreams. Oh, if you only knew how dear the city that opened up to me, By the Black Sea, In the blooming acacias, is. There is a sea in which I swam and drowned, and was pulled ashore, fortunately. There is air that I breathed in as a child and couldn’t get enough of it. S. Kirsanov Odessa is a beautiful city on the Black Sea coast, which V.P. I fell in love with Kataev for the rest of my life.

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09/27/2016 5 The writer’s father came from a priest’s family, his mother was Ukrainian and came from a wealthy noble family. His father taught at a gymnasium, his mother was a music teacher. Kataev’s parents were fond of literature and art, attended theaters and concerts, and lectures. They instilled in children a love of Russian literature.

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09/27/2016 6 The favorite theater of the entire Kataev family was the opera house.

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Valentin Kataev studied at the Odessa gymnasium. At the age of nine he began writing poetry, some of them were published in Odessa newspapers, and in 1914, for the first time, poems by V.P. Kataev was published in St. Petersburg in the magazine “The Whole World”.

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09/27/2016 8 His brother Zhenya was also diligently drawn to literature (later the wonderful writer Evgeny Petrov - one of the creators of the novels “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Golden Calf.”)

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09/27/2016 9 The first has begun world war, and in 1915 Valentin Kataev entered the active army, into the artillery brigade, where he stayed until the summer of 1917. He was wounded twice, once he became a victim of poisonous gases, which then began to be used as weapons of mass destruction, a terrible invention of 20th-century science.

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In 1919 he was drafted into the Red Army as a battery commander, then was appointed head of the satire department in Odessa: he wrote texts for propaganda posters, ditties, slogans, leaflets.

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09/27/2016 11 Valentin Kataev grew up and matured as a person, citizen and writer in a turbulent historical era: revolution of 1905, the beginning and collapse of the First World War. Great October Revolution etc. He was a participant in these events and they formed the basis of his books.

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09/27/2016 12 “The Lonely Sail Whitens” is one of the boys’ favorite books. It was written by Kataev in the mid-30s. It is dedicated to the events of the first Russian revolution. The heroes of the story “Odessa boys” Petya Bachey and Gavrik Chernoivanenko boldly helped their elders in their revolutionary struggle.

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09.27.2016 13 In the 40s, the writer writes fairy tales. Kataev’s three fairy tales “The Seven-Flower Flower” (1940), “The Pipe and the Jug” (1940) and “The Dove” (1949) are combined common heroes- the girl Zhenya and her brother Pavlik.

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09/27/2016 14 Either Zhenya and Pavlik go into the forest to buy strawberries (“The Pipe and the Jug”), then they were not allowed to go for a walk in the rain and they ask their mother to let a white dove in through the window, which has nowhere to hide in bad weather (“The Dove”), then Unusual adventures happen to Zhenya when she returns home from the bakery (“Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”).

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09/27/2016 15 In 1941, the Great Great Patriotic War began Patriotic War. Kataev is back at the front. As a war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper, he visited many fronts and saw the combat operations of our troops. Participated in many battles. The main theme of his works is the heroism of the people who defended their homeland.

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09/27/2016 16 Valentin Petrovich wrote many stories and novellas, where he showed the tragedy of the war, its unnaturalness... But the most famous of them is the story “Son of the Regiment”, published for the first time in February of the victorious 1945.

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09/27/2016 17 After reading this story, you will learn about the fate of the boy Vanya Solntsev, from whom the war took everything: family and friends, home and childhood. You will learn about how, having become a brave intelligence officer, Vanya takes revenge on the Nazis for his and people's grief. You will meet Sergeant Egorov, gunner Kovalev, Corporal Bidenko, who took part in Vanya’s fate and helped him become a brave intelligence officer.

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09/27/2016 18 V. Kataev has other novels and stories: “A Farm in the Steppe”, the continuation of “The Lonely Sail Whitens” - “Catacombs”, etc. His works have been republished more than once and are loved by readers.

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09.27.2016 19 Kataev’s books are about hard work, courage, modesty, kindness and many wonderful qualities that adorn a person.

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09/27/2016 20 V.P. Kataev shared with us the knowledge that... life is not a field to cross. is given for good deeds. ...beautiful is the one who acts beautifully. is better to act well than to speak well.

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09/27/2016 21 It’s not at all easy to be kind, Kindness does not depend on growth. Kindness brings joy to people and does not require reward in return. Kindness does not age over the years, Kindness will warm you from the cold. If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice.

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