Presentations of traditions, customs and rituals of the Chinese people. History of food traditions of the peoples of China. Visiting a Chinese family

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Traditions and customs of China Performed by: art teacher Eliashvili Natalya Georgievna MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Berezniki

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Basic customs and traditions of China China is an amazing and beautiful country where millions of tourists from all over come every year globe to get acquainted not only with its sights, but also to look at the life of the local people, their culture. MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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Of course, every country in the world has its own special customs, traditions, and a certain way of life. And China is no exception here - one of the ancient states world with its rich traditions and customs, rooted deep in history. Chinese traditions are an important component and an integral part of Chinese culture as a whole. China is a huge multinational country, and at the same time, each individual nationality has its own traditions and distinctive characteristics, manifested in the manner of eating and dressing, in the way of life, in rituals and ceremonies, and much more. MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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Thus, the main food product in the south of the country is rice, while residents of the northern regions prefer flour products. Uzbeks, Kazakhs and Uyghurs love to eat lamb shish kebab. Mongols hold fried fat tails in high esteem, and Koreans eat cold noodles. As for the manner of dressing, there are also differences: MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G Berezniki

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Manchu women wear qipao (women's dress with typical Chinese embroidery and designs); Tibetans - “chubu” (long-skirted caftan); Uyghurs – embroidered skull caps; women of the Miao nationality wear skirts with numerous ruffles. MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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Majority Chinese traditions associated primarily with etiquette, ceremonies and gift giving. Etiquette is reflected in world-famous proverbs and sayings, such as “Courtesy does not require reciprocity”, “Courtesy is very highly valued and costs nothing” and others. It should be noted that the Chinese are distinguished by such qualities as perseverance, hard work, politeness, cordiality, hospitality, frugality, patriotism, respect and patience. Therefore, when going on a trip to this fabulous and mysterious country, you can not only discover a lot of new and interesting things, but also confidently count on a good-natured and warm welcome from the local residents! MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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However, in order not to offend local residents and not to feel like a stranger in a given country, you should remember certain rules of behavior in society: MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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The main form of greeting with foreign citizens is a handshake; - scissors, knives and other cutting objects should not be given as gifts, as for the Chinese they signify a break in relations; also, you should not give straw sandals, flowers, watches and a handkerchief, because these things symbolize death; - if you were presented with a gift, then it would be more correct to open it at home, and not at the time of receipt; - when coming to China, you need to learn how to use their traditional utensils, since it is not customary there to eat with forks; - tourists should not wear bright clothes to attract attention, because it is not welcomed by local residents. It is better to wear clothes in calmer bed colors. MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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Tea ceremony The tea ceremony occupies a special place in the life of the Chinese people. For them, drinking tea means not just drinking this drink, but much more - it is a way to achieve inner harmony and bliss. In the Chinese language, the word “tea” means “the wisest of all plants,” and the action itself sounds like “Gong Fu Cha” (the highest skill of tea drinking). In order to fully reveal the taste and aroma of tea, certain methods of brewing it are used, as well as the mood and special atmosphere: gentle melodic music, a cozy atmosphere, elegant small dishes. MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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Depending on the time of year, the Chinese tend to drink different types of tea: green tea in summer, floral tea in spring, young green tea in autumn, and tart black tea in winter. In addition, the Chinese distinguish several types of tea drinking for special circumstances. MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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Drinking tea as a sign of respect means a way of expressing respect to elders, i.e. on weekends, a family invites its older relatives to a restaurant to taste a cup of tea, thereby showing respect to them. Tea drinking as an occasion for a family meeting - emphasizes the importance family values. Drinking tea as a way to ask for forgiveness. Usually in such situations, the apologetic person, as a sign of sincere repentance, must pour tea himself to the person from whom he wants to ask forgiveness. Wedding tea party - the bride and groom, as a sign of gratitude to their parents, serve them tea, while kneeling. MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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Chinese wedding Traditional Chinese wedding has been considered a very beautiful and colorful ritual since ancient times. And today some elements of this wedding procession have been preserved. MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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1. Before choosing a wedding date, couples are guided by a horoscope specially compiled for this event. It should be noted here that odd numbered days are not suitable for holding a wedding. 2. In the evening, on the eve of the wedding, the bride should not see her groom. MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki MAOU Secondary School No. 24 Eliashvili N.G. Berezniki

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The art of cooking Chinese cuisine has the most ancient history and rich traditions. Like medicine, culture and all areas of life in China, it is inextricably linked with ancient Chinese philosophy. Back in the second millennium BC, the sage Yi Yin created the theory of “nutrition harmonization.” And Confucius taught culinary techniques in the 6th–5th centuries BC. And today in Shandong province his recipes form the basis of Confucian cuisine. The balance of products with vegetables, herbs, and spices creates a unique taste, aroma and color. The harmonious unity of these three elements has always been at the core of Chinese culinary art.

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The diversity of geographical and climatic conditions has led to the emergence of numerous local cuisines: Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan and Hunan (southern cuisine with very spicy and exotic dishes), Harbin (very close to Russian: black bread, salmon caviar, red fish balyk), Shandong , Cantonese, Hangzhou, Henan, Huaiyang, Fujian, Huizhou, Ningbo, Wuxi cuisines and others.

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High gastronomic level The most ancient archaeological finds, indicating a fairly high gastronomic level of the Chinese, were found in the city of Anyang, Henan Province. These were bronze pots, knives, kitchen boards, spatulas, ladles and other utensils.

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Culinary canons Despite the regional diversity of Chinese cuisine, some cooking rules remain common to all chefs. The culinary canons of China require the cook to ensure that the food is not only tasty, but also healthy, and sometimes even medicinal.

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“Food as Ideology” Meat can only be an addition to a dish, and not its basis. It can add flavor and aroma to a vegetable dish. Animal proteins account for no more than 20% of the diet. And the main sources of protein are peanuts, mung bean peas, soybeans and other legumes, which also contain many complex carbohydrates. The basis of nutrition is vegetables and fruits, which provide a large amount of fiber. Taste sensations are given special importance in Chinese cuisine. To enhance them, a variety of spices and herbs that contain virtually no fat are used.

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The combination of Yin (“warm” foods, characterized by predominantly warm colors) and Yang (“cold” foods, predominantly cold colors) flavors makes the dish balanced and practically free of fat.

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Meal In China, it is believed that food is given to people by the sky, as a result of which the Chinese are not familiar with the concept of “snack”. Eating food is always regarded as a moment of familiarization with the culture of a nation.

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Dishes for the meal Dishes for the meal are selected so that liquid and soft foods predominate among them. The meal begins with the ingredients being placed on plates. Thus, at a large formal dinner, up to 40 different dishes are served, while everyone sitting at the table, usually round, receives a bowl of unleavened boiled rice and chopsticks. Common dishes are placed in the center of the table.

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Order of use First, drink green tea, without sugar and milk, then serve bowls of cold snacks, usually liver, meat, fish or vegetables cut into small pieces. The Chinese eat slowly and little by little, enjoying the process. As a sign of special attention, highest care and respect, it is customary for a guest to place a treat with his chopsticks into the bowl. At the end of the meal, broth is served and tea again, but a little butter is added to it. It is this composition and order that is considered most favorable for digestion.

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“Five Taste Senses” Chinese cuisine is very rich in seasonings. At the beginning of this millennium, the Chinese spoke of the “five senses of taste,” which included hot, sour, salty, bitter and sweet. Ginger, vinegar, salt, wine and molasses gave the dishes the appropriate taste.

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Chinese chopsticks Today, without Chinese chopsticks, Chinese cuisine would not be Chinese, because all the unusual dishes of China must be eaten only with the help of well-known Chinese chopsticks. In Chinese they are called “kuaizi”

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From the history of Chinese chopsticks The history of Chinese chopsticks goes back several thousand years. Scientists believe that they were first used in China before our era. According to one version, this happened during the reign of the Shang-Yin dynasty (approximately 1764 - 1027 BC).

“Country China” - Average July temperature in the SE. Resources. Desert areas have an arid climate. Coal forms the basis (80%) of the fuel and energy base. Population density 115/ Climate of the central and southwest. Most The country is covered with mountains and deserts. More than 90% of China's population is Han Chinese, originating from the north of the country.

"The Artistic Culture of China" - Together with the development of song and dance art The technique of playing musical instruments was improved. Music. In painting of the 15th-17th centuries. old traditions were firmly preserved. Fine arts. The theatrical art of China is connected in its origins with folk songs and dances. World Artistic Culture.

"Culture in China" - Masterpieces Chinese architecture. The Great Wall of China. Artistic culture of China. The construction of the Great Wall of China began in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e., and ended by the 15th century. Yungang Monastery. Yungang Monastery is a cave temple belonging to the masterpieces of world architecture. Garden and park complex. Religious and philosophical teachings had a significant influence on the development of Chinese culture.

“China and the Chinese” - Paper, brush, ink, ink. The phenomenon is unique among the various written languages ​​of the peoples of the world. Tea in China is served everywhere in small cups, very hot. China is a country with a rich past and an equally interesting present. Tea. Mascara. Martial arts. Astronomy. Ceramics and porcelain. Much later, the Arabs figured out how to use gunpowder to wage war.

"Journey to China" - Man. Travel to China. Business card. Route sheet. The role of China. Tianjin. Meeting on the Chinese side. Chinese saying. "Together for shared prosperity." Population. China. Chinese culture. History and culture of China. "Mountains of people, lots of people." S = 9 million 561 thousand km2. Chinese industry on the world market.

“Culture of China” - The philosophy of ancient China is based on the ethical and political teachings of Confucius. A little history... The Amazing Culture of China. Calligraphy. Confucianism. Architecture. Yin - Yang. Later on large number leading powers medieval world. Chinese culture has made a significant contribution to the development of world culture.

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The Chinese people are friendly and sociable, so they are very easy to learn. The Chinese people are friendly and sociable, so they are very easy to learn. Do not be surprised if you start talking on the street or in transport (especially long-distance trains) . This is not considered to be something exceptional. Meeting, the Chinese greet each other with words, sometimes with a slight nod of the head. Handling of "you" is rarely used, mainly to the elderly or unfamiliar people. In general, during a conversation using "you." Special respect to the other party may appeal to emphasize the use of “master” (“Mrs.”), with the addition of the names - it also depends on the degree of closeness of the relationship. Personal name is after the Chinese names and consists of one or two syllables. Treatment only in name only possible between close friends (if not very strong differences in age), or relatives.

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Chinese people like to go on a visit and invite guests home. And since China has long been home phones are small, people used to come to visit and without warning. Chinese people like to go on a visit and invite guests home. And since China has long been home phones are small, people used to come to visit and without warning. However, if you receive an invitation to a Chinese house, it is best to come a little earlier. You can not be late for a visit. Considered impolite to linger at a party. Guest can come with one of the friends, not necessarily familiar with the owner. Guests are always greeted very warmly and be sure to treat. It is considered impolite to come to visit without a gift, especially if the family is elderly or children. As a gift, usually presented with fruit, cakes and sweets. If the family has children, you can give, and children's toys. You should not give expensive gifts - this could cause controversy. By the way, to accept gifts made in China with both hands.

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The peculiarity of the Chinese etiquette - an indispensable politeness. Therefore, China"s first ceremonially taken to refuse a treat or gift. In this case, feasting, or the giver should politely insist, coaxing guests or give as gifts. The peculiarity of the Chinese etiquette - an indispensable politeness. Therefore, China" s first ceremonially taken to refuse a treat or gift. In this case, feasting, or the giver should politely insist, coaxing guests or giving as gifts. During the meal, you should try a little of everything. It is necessary to express gratitude for the reception, good entertainment and hospitality. Leave the house should be soon after dinner, not sitting up.

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National customs Each nationality of China has developed its own way of life, reflected in the food, clothing, housing, customs, rituals and the like, which have left their mark on the natural, social, economic and other factors. So, in the south of China the staple food is rice, while residents of northern regions prefer flour products. At the Uighurs, Kazakhs and Uzbeks favorite dishes - lamb kebabs, rice and fried tortillas "nan"; Mongolians prefer fried rice, fried rump, and tea with milk; Koreans have held in high esteem pudding "Dag", cold noodles and sauerkraut; Tibetans eat dzambu - roasted barley flour in butter and drink tea with melted butter; Do people nationality, ching, let used as gum leaves arekovoy palms.

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Clothes As for clothing, the manchzhurki prefer to walk in robes "Qipao" Mongolians are national robes and boots; Tibetans wear plowed Ankle-long caftans "forelock"; Miao ethnic women, and Yao wear skirts with numerous assemblies; among the Uighurs popular embroidered skullcaps; Koreans wear shoes with a curved toe, reminiscent in shape of a ship; Miao women, and Tibetan women love jewelry of gold and silver; Mongols, Tibetans, achany wear a belt decorated with silver daggers "dyaodao."

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In areas densely populated by Han people, the customs are simple. In areas densely populated by Han people, the customs are simple. On the day of birth is no special ritual, many people prefer to have a "shoumyan" - noodles symbolize longevity. And it happens that in urban families in this day served at the table European cake. In China, set to "The Marriage Act," in which men who have reached 22 years old, and women under 20 years of age have the right to marry and get a marriage license in the relevant competent authority. And established their legal marital relationship. A wedding is not a compulsory procedure from a legal point of view. Wedding - a holiday when the bride and groom receive congratulations from their loved ones. Wedding ceremonies are held at the national minorities in different ways: sometimes they are magnificent and solemn, sometimes simple and modest. On this day, some made to rejoice and sing songs from other brides supposed to cry before leaving the family home. With some guys choose the bride, others, on the contrary, - girls in husbands take guys. In some nations decided to smear the cheeks are black make-up, while others - joking with the bride and groom, at the third - tease -in-law, and all of it is fun and interesting.

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Chinese traditions,

their role in the development of tourism in the country

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Chinese culture

China is one of ancient civilizations. The history and culture of the Celestial Empire goes back several thousand years, and during this time the Chinese have changed little. And this is largely due to their religion and philosophy, which modern China still adheres to.

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This state has always been peaceful and hospitable, which was determined by their vision of the world, attitude towards each other and towards nature. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism have brought up a kind, calm, hardworking people, which honored its traditions and preserved it to our centuries. These teachings instilled in people a love and respect for harmony in all things. And it’s true. The proverb: “Sit on the shore and wait for the corpse of your enemy to float down the river” - about the Chinese. Although they were famous for their knowledge of military affairs and the invention of gunpowder, crossbows and mines, they preferred to resolve wars through diplomacy, because war is unpleasant for people. Isn't it true, wise people? Such peacefulness and wisdom simply cannot but inspire respect.

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Greeting as a custom that should not be forgotten

The philosophy, culture and traditions of China have brought up respectful attitude to the people around you. Of course, there is a certain gradation of respect, especially if people from different social classes or ranks meet (at work, for example). Therefore to different people applies different type greetings, but always respectful. In the old days, the Chinese greeted each other by putting their palms together and bowing. In this way, they showed that their intentions were pure and there were no weapons in their hands. If a noble gentleman and a commoner met, the latter should bow deeper. In our time, China has partially preserved the traditions; the only greetings left are bows, and the subordinate always greets the boss with a deep bow, which expresses respect.

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Attitudes towards elders in Chinese culture

As Chinese customs show, elders and elderly people were always honored and respected because they were the bearers of wisdom that they passed on to other generations. Therefore, there was a special attitude towards them. They were even addressed in a special way - “Xiansheng”, which meant “teacher”, “master”. As for relationships in the family, no one ever contradicted the head of the family, the man, and this tradition has survived to this day. In the patriarchal society of China, the head of the family always began to eat first, and the rest of the family began after him.

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Visiting a Chinese family

If you are invited to visit by a friendly Chinese family, do not come empty-handed. You can give sweets that will be very useful for tea. You cannot give knives and watches, which in China symbolize death, as well as expensive gifts that can put the owners of the house in an awkward position. Avoid gifts in the amount of four - the number four is consonant with the hieroglyph meaning death and is considered an unlucky number. If you are given a gift, then accept it with both hands and open it at home.

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Tea ceremony

Chinese tea ceremony - Gongfu Cha or, as it is often called in China, Kung Fu tea, one of many historically established Chinese traditions that originated several thousand years ago in ancient China. Chinese Gongfu Cha is the ancestor of all tea traditions that have spread throughout the world, representing a separate ritual of admiration for the taste of a tea drink, originating from the Chinese provinces of Fujian and Guangdong.

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National cuisine of China

Due to the fact that China is a multinational state with a long history, it has a rich and varied cuisine. Different provinces had their own dishes, which was determined by geographical location and specialization of the region. Contrary to the popular belief that Chinese cuisine is represented only by rice and fish dishes, I would like to note that the national traditions of China also include eating meat - pork, lamb, beef. In ancient times, meat was indeed consumed in small quantities, and rice, of course, dominated the table. Now the Chinese diet has diversified and is represented by all kinds of soups, fish and meat dishes, noodles and vegetables.

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Holidays in China

Traditional cultural festivals of the Chinese are associated with their agricultural activities and nature. The Chinese celebrate the winter solstice, All Souls' Day, and Mid-Autumn Day, which marks the end of the harvest. Along with traditional holidays that have been celebrated for many centuries, relatively new dates have appeared related to the communist history of China. In Chinese People's Republic International Women's Day is also celebrated, which also falls on March 8th.

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Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year, which after 1911 in literal translation is called the Spring Festival, has been the main and longest holiday in China since ancient times. It is often informally called the "lunar new year" because it is a derivative of the lunisolar Chinese calendar, and its exact date is determined based on the lunar phases. According to the Chinese, on this first day of spring, nature awakens, the earth and the sprouts of life it preserves come to life. Each year is designated by one of the 12 zodiac animals and a color according to the “Five Elements” (“U-sin”) system.

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Mythology of Chinese New Year

According to ancient myth, at the beginning of each new year, the Chinese hide from a monster called Nian (年 (nián) means "year" in Chinese). Nian comes on New Year's Day to devour livestock, grain and food supplies, and sometimes villagers, especially children. To protect themselves, residents placed food at the entrance to the room, opposite the door, with the arrival of each new year. According to legend, the more food there is, the kinder and more compliant the beast will be, and after Nian is satisfied with the food prepared for him, he will no longer attack people and leave them alone. One day people saw that Nian was afraid of a small child dressed in red clothes and decided that he was afraid of the color red. Since then, every time New Year comes, people hang red lanterns and red scrolls on the windows and doors of their homes and light fireworks. According to legends, these traditions scare Nyan away and force him to go around the settlements.

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Chinese medicine

The achievements of the Chinese in medicine are truly enormous. Since ancient times, health problems have worried these people. And although many of their recipes and discoveries are lost or forgotten, even those that remain known to contemporaries are in many ways ahead of European medicine. Medicine in China is one of the oldest sciences, which dates back 4 thousand years. The classic work "Huang Di Neijing", written 2400 years ago, outlines some concepts of anatomy, physiology, pathology and diagnosis, and also describes methods of treating various diseases. This book laid the foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Chinese opera

Chinese opera is a popular form of drama and musical theater in China with roots going back to early periods in China. It is a complex performing art that is an amalgamation of various art forms that existed in ancient China and gradually developed over more than a thousand years, reaching its mature form in the 13th century during the Song Dynasty. The early forms of Chinese drama are simple, but over time they included various art forms such as music, song and dance, martial arts, acrobatics, and literary forms art to become Chinese opera.

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What attracts tourists to China?

National songs and dances, opera and drama, customs and morals, which have centuries-old traditions, are a treasure trove of China's tourism resources. Tourists in China can enjoy Peking Opera, Humorous Dialogue "Xiangsheng" and other national art, which have an original charm, as well as get acquainted with national customs and morals by participating in such holidays as the “Water Festival” of the Dai people, the “Torch Festival” of the Yiyang people, the “March Bazaar” of the Bai people, the Zhuang song competitions, “Nadom”, etc. Getting to know Chinese cuisine is another exotic thing when traveling around China. Tourism in China is a highly developed sector of the economy and last decades is developing rapidly. In terms of the number of tourists visiting the country, China ranks 3rd in the world, and this is due to the beautiful, unusual and fascinating traditions of this country.

  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
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  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more relaxed and less nervous.