Celebration in elementary school “Through the pages of the works of E. Uspensky.” Leading. Literary meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the children's writer Events in the library on the anniversary of Eduard Uspensky

Topic: Through the pages of the work of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky


    Introduce students to the works of E. Uspensky.

    Develop fluent reading skills, the ability to answer questions about what you read, develop memory, attention, and thinking. Replenish your vocabulary. Develop an interest in reading additional literature.

    Foster a sense of mutual understanding, friendship and mutual respect; readiness to help

Equipment: presentation, cartoon “The Multi-Colored Family”, picture puzzles, exhibition of drawings, exhibition of books, portrait of the writer.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment.

The lesson is quite ordinary, or maybe unusual,

Or maybe it’s not a lesson I want to teach you at all.

He can be cheerful if he thinks together,

If children with a sense of humor will help me!

About all the works of the writer Uspensky

Now lesson - we will make a mosaic...

    Lesson topic message.

Guys, tell me, what is mosaic?

Today in class we will talk about the works of E.N. Uspensky, about literary heroes which he created. Our lesson, like a mosaic, will be made up of individual pieces. And our picture will be complete when we connect the individual parts of the lesson with our active participation.

    Learning new material

    Mosaic first. Acquaintance with the biography of the writer. (Presentation)

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the Moscow region. Edik grew up as a mischievous boy, received bad grades and every time decided that on Monday he would start studying with an “A”. Monday came, some things happened and... the twos appeared again. The chance came to the rescue. One day, he jumped off the roof and broke his leg and ended up in the hospital. Edik asked his parents to bring him textbooks. To the unspeakable surprise of those around him, he began to take his homework seriously. Yes, so stubbornly that he was able to enter the aviation institute and become an engineer. He worked in his specialty for three years, and then suddenly realized that he was doing something wrong in life. Eduard Nikolaevich worked as a counselor at a pioneer camp, read books, and when he ran out of interesting books, he had to write them himself.

As a child, he had three favorite toys: the crocodile Gena, the doll Galya, a plush toy with big ears, a button tail, you can’t tell - it’s either a hare or a dog.

In 1966, these toys became the main characters famous work"Crocodile Gena and his friends"

In it, Uspensky named his plush toy “Cheburashka” (“Cheburashka’s Song”)

    Mosaic second. "Put the puzzle together"

The teacher groups the children into groups

Envelopes are distributed to the groups. There is a cut picture in the envelope. In a minute you need to assemble the plot and the work.

    Mosaic three. "Literary Quiz"

1.What happened to Cheburashka when she opened the House of Friendship?

a) log

c) flower pot

G) brick

2. Where did Cheburashka live?

a) in the desert

b) V tropical forest

c) on a desert island

d) in Madagascar

3. How did Uncle Fyodor heat the house?

b) brushwood

c) firewood

G) little sun

4. Who taught Matroskin to talk?

A) Professor Semin

b) familiar cat

c) old mistress

d) Uncle Fyodor

5. Who pulled Sharik out of the river?

a) Matroskin

b) Gavryusha

c) Beaver

d) Uncle Fyodor

6. What did Aunt Tamara fly to Prostokvashino on?

a) by plane

b) on a combat helicopter

c) on a hang glider

d) on a rocket

7.What did the postman Pechkin, Matroskin and Sharik prepare according to the witchcraft book so that Uncle Fyodor would forget the girl Katya?

A) lapel potion

c) sleeping pills

b) weight loss medicine

d) decoction for worms and fleas

8. What magazine did Uncle Fyodor subscribe to?

a) "Pioneer"

b) " Funny pictures»

V) "Murzilka"

d) "Bonfire"

    Mosaic four. Physical education minute. (Cartoon “Colorful Family”)

    Mosaic five. Find the extra sentence.

Each group is given a piece of paper with the text, in a minute they must find the extra line in the text.

Some parents had a boy. His name was Uncle Fyodor. Because he was very serious and independent. He learned to read at the age of four, and at six he was already cooking his own soup. And on weekends I practiced karate. In general, he was very good boy. And the parents were good - dad and mom

“My dear parents! Dad and mom! Grandparents! I love you very much. And I love animals very much. And this cat too. And you don't allow me to start it. Tell him to leave the house. And this is wrong. I'm leaving for the village and will live there. Don't worry about me. ..."

In one dense tropical forest there lived a very funny animal. He was white and fluffy. His name was Cheburashka. Or rather, at first they didn’t call him anything while he lived in his tropical forest. And they called him Cheburashka later, when he left the forest and met people.

Now Gena, Galya and Cheburashka spent almost every evening together. After work, they gathered at the crocodile’s house, talked peacefully, drank coffee and played tic-tac-toe. Sometimes we even chatted on mobile phones with friends from Madagascar. And yet Cheburashka could not believe that he finally had real friends.

    Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction.

    Mosaic six. "Blitz tournament"

After listening carefully to the question, raise your hand if the answer is ready. Answers to speed questions:

How old is Uncle Fedor? (six)

Why did Uncle Fyodor leave home? (they didn’t allow me to keep the cat)

What breed was Sharik? (cur)

What kind of house was Uncle Fyodor looking for? (with TV, large windows)

What kind of house was Matroskin looking for? (with stove)

And Sharik? (with booth)

Where did Uncle Fyodor get his money? (treasure found)

What did Matroskin buy? (Murka the cow)

What did Sharik buy? (camera gun)

And Uncle Fyodor? (tractor)

Why was the little jackdaw called Khvataika? (grabbed various things and hid them in the closet)

What did you fuel Mitya's tractor with? (food)

Why did the tractor stop at every house? (it smelled like pies)

Who could hill potatoes with their hind legs? (Ball)

What did the postman Pechkin send to Uncle Fyodor’s mom and dad to identify the boy? (button)

What reward did postman Pechkin receive from Uncle Fyodor’s parents? (bike)

What was the name of the cow that Matroskin the cat bought? (Murka)

Whose words are these: “ good deeds you won't become famous"? (old woman Shapoklyak)

How many evil things did old woman Shapoklyak do a day? (five evils)

Name the dog that the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka helped find a friend. (Tobik)

How old is Gena the crocodile? (50 years old)

Where did Cheburashka come from? ( it was brought from a southern country in a box of oranges)

What did old woman Shapoklyak call her rat? (Lariska)

What kind of house did the crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and their friends decide to build? (house of friendship)

What was the name of the girl friend of the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka? (Galya)

    Lesson summary. Reflection.

Do you think our lesson - mosaic - was successful?

Textbook " Literary reading" - this is also a mosaic. It consists of excerpts from many works. Literature lessons are too short to read works in full. But how interesting it is to know how this or that story ends. What to do? (Children's answers)

There is a way out! We borrow books from the library, buy them in stores, exchange them with friends, and read on the Internet.

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Natalia Kutumova
To the anniversary of E. Uspensky. Quiz game for kids preparatory group"On a visit to Eduard Uspensky"


Activate existing children knowledge about the works of E. Uspensky.


Introduce the work of E. Uspensky; attract attention children to the author of books.

Educate children interest in works.

Continue to enrich the vocabulary children with new concepts.

Develop curiosity, attention, short-term and long-term memory, verbal-logical and visual-figurative thinking, the ability to classify and generalize, creative abilities.

Develop children's reaction speed, ability to work in a team.

Dictionary: Eduard Uspensky, work, Cheburashka, crocodile, old woman Shapoklyak, cat Matroskin, postman Pechkin.

Preliminary work.

Before the game-quiz is held, a viewing is carried out cartoons:

"Crocodile Gena and his friends".

"Uncle Fyodor, cat and dog".

"About Vera and Anfisa" etc.

Exhibition in the book corner.


Reader, let me turn to you!

Today you should shine and glow!

Today you only expect good things!

And all because you are waiting for a wonderful meeting!”

(Postman Pechkin knocks on the door)

Pechkin: “Knock! Knock!”

Here group No. 6"Boatswains"? Then a telegram for you!

(the presenter takes the telegram)


Uh-uh, do you have a document?


We don't have documents?

Pechkin: Okay, take your telegram, just sign here!

(the presenter signs for receipt on a special postal form)



"Dear friend! Please accept my warm greetings from me! Wish success, victories ”

(The signature is illegible. There is a knock on the door again. Pechkin comes in again).


Pechkin, is it you again? Have you forgotten something?


Please forgive me, there is a lot of work. Here is a letter addressed to you in addition to the telegram.


Pechkin, forgive us too! But the guys and I just can’t figure out this telegram. We don’t understand who exactly she is talking about.


Children, in order to know exactly who this telegram is from, I suggest opening this letter. See what's inside.

(opens the envelope)

Guys, everything is very simple here. By solving the crossword puzzle, you will find out who this telegram is from!

(children solve a crossword puzzle with Pechkin).


1. Uncle Fyodor’s favorite magazine. (Murzilka).

2. The vehicle that postman Pechkin dreamed of. (Bike).

3. Name of the village. (Prostokvashino).

4. What hero was found in oranges? (Cheburashka)

5. Whom did the cat Matroskin offer to sell in order to buy a cow? (Galchenka)

6. In what city did Uncle Fyodor live with his parents? (Moscow).

7. Nickname: Galchonka. (Hvatayka).

8. Last name of the cat. (Matroskin).

(Children guessing a crossword puzzle get the word Uspensky)

Well done guys!


Thank you very much Pechkin!


Please! Well, I have to go. I have many demands on my time.

(The children thank Pechkin for his help. Pechkin leaves)

Child 1:

Everyone should know about this.

Barto, Marshak and Mikhalkov

You will be surprised without further ado.

Child 2:

Chukovsky has been

For everyone children's nice grandfather.

Now Uspensky is familiar to us.

We will talk about this.


Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky born December 22, 1937. In 1961 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. And he studies all the time. At the age of 40, he began to master working on a computer with two fingers. And now he prints with all ten of them. At the age of 50 he began to teach English language. And now he knows him so well that, together with a Dutch writer, he wrote the book “The Year of a Good Child.” And a few years ago I started learning to sing. Before this, he could not hit a single note correctly! He is great at talking to animals. Perhaps no one spoke better than him with the characters of the TV show “ Good night, kids!” Sirloin, Stepashka and especially with Khryusha. Two cats, a dog and a parrot constantly live next to him. Now E. Uspensky studies history, wrote a book about False Dmitry. What else will he learn? Nobody knows. Edward Nikolaevich so much succeeds. Maybe because his last name is... Uspensky! Currently known children's author continues to live in Russia and publish his new works in the publishing house "Samovar" On New Year's Day, December 22, he will turn 80 years old.

Who knows what book - fairy tale - glorified E. Uspensky?

(answer - "Crocodile Gena and his friends")

Guys, I want to check how closely you are familiar with the works of E. Uspensky. I offer you play a quiz with me. Are you ready? I really want to start our game with a musical question.

"Musical Question".

(To listen, turn on musical works)

"Song of the crocodile Gena".

"Blue Car".

"Cheburashka's Song".

"Song of the Old Woman Shapoklyak".

"If only it weren't winter".

(Pechkin enters again)


Guys, I'm back to you again. A package for you. But this time I won’t give it to you without documents. The package is heavy, which means it contains something important and expensive.


Well, Dear Pechkin, you know that we don’t have documents. Our documents are intelligence, ingenuity, resourcefulness. Let's think about it. The parcel is addressed to us. You will gradually get us the contents and ask different tasks. If we complete these tasks, then you promise to give her to us without documents. Agreed?


Well, okay, we convinced you!

"Collect a picture"

Now you need to assemble a whole picture from the cut pictures. Then you must say which work this picture is from.

(summarizing, encouragement children)

"Magic Box".

(The box contains items that are directly related to E.’s cartoons. Uspensky):

Blindfolded players are asked to take out one of the objects, guess what it is and determine which work E. It refers to Uspensky.

Toy – cow

Hat with earflaps



Toy - Cheburashka

Toy – dog

Bag Shapoklyak


Toy - mouse


(Summing up)

Leading: Guys, take a closer look. Some heroes mistakenly ended up in the wrong fairy tale. Let's help them return to their fairy tale and meet their friends.

"Lost Heroes".

(It is proposed to find in each series of pictures extra hero and give the title of the story)

1. Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, Postman Pechkin

2. cat Matroskin, Uncle Fyodor, Old Woman Shapoklyak

3. Dog Sharik, Girl Vera, Monkey Anfisa.

"General question".

1. In which book E. Uspensky there is a cat and a dog who can speak?

2. In which village do Uncle Fyodor, the cat and the dog live?

3. What words loved pronounce jackdaw?

4. What was the name of Matroskin’s cat’s cow?

5. What kind of headdress? loved to wear Pechkin?

6. Who was Sharik chasing while hunting?

7. Who did old woman Shapoklyak carry in her bag?


And finally, for you the last task from the package. I suggest everyone complete the missing element in the drawing and color it.

Leading: Ours is over game-quiz on the pages of familiar books.

Tell me quickly

Who invented all the friends?

He's a daring inventor (E. Uspensky)

Well, Pechkin, I think we completed your tasks in full. Don't you want to give us the package?


Of course, I will give it to you with great pleasure.

(Gives the parcel to the children. The children open the parcel and take out cookies)


Guys, let's invite Pechkin to drink tea and cookies.

(The children drink tea with the hero. playing excerpts from works Uspensky. Exchange impressions)

Eduard Uspensky and his friends.

(The event is based on the book by Eduard Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat.” Two teams can compete by coming up with a name and motto. Tokens are awarded for correct answers).

Leading welcomes children and guests.

“Reader. Let me turn to you!

Today you should shine and glow!

Today you only expect good things!...

And all because you are waiting for a wonderful meeting!” ( 2 slide)

December 22 is the birthday of the wonderful children's writer Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. He turns 70(3 slide).

This holiday is a birthday.

He's like a winter hurricane

The ocean gives us joy,

We are waiting for gifts and wishes

Warm words of recognition

We are waiting for our beloved friends' faces,

Let this holiday last.

(4 slide – portrait of E.N. Uspensky)

The presenter talks about creative activity E. Uspensky (see biography in the appendix).

Slide 5 – book covers.

1 competition "Troubles from a barrel."(6 slide)

Quiz based on the book by E. Uspensky

"Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat."

  1. Boy's name. (Fedor).
  2. The cat's last name. (Matroskin).
  3. Dog's name. (Ball).
  4. Pechkin's profession.(Postman).
  5. Uncle Fyodor's favorite magazine.(Murzilka).
  6. Treasures buried in the ground.(Treasure).
  7. Favorite drink of the cat Matroskin.(Milk).
  8. What did the cat name his cow?(Murka).
  9. Nickname: Galchonka.(Grabber).
  10. How to decipher the word "Mitya"(Model of Engineer Tyapkin).
  11. What does twenty “ly sy” mean?(This is horsepower).
  12. What does the tractor run on?(Products).
  13. The animal that pulled Sharik out of the water.(Beaver).
  14. Village name. (Prostokvashino).
  15. Professor's last name.(Semin).
  16. What name was given to the calf?(Gavryusha).
  17. How to clean shoes. (Shoe shoe polish).
  18. In what city did Uncle Fyodor live with his parents?(Moscow).
  19. The vehicle that postman Pechkin dreamed of.(Bike).

20. Sharik's favorite activity.(Photo hunting).

Leading: Well done, guys!

2 competition “Deciphering” (7 slide)

The next competition is very interesting

It's very, very useful for convolutions in the head,

Let's guess the words

Let's find out the names right away.

  • InkaMtorstok /cat Matroskin/
  • nikechP /Pechkin/
  • ShionkvastoPro /Prostokvashino/
  • with Shperiak / dog Sharik /
  • dFryayodod /Uncle Fedor/
  • karMrovuoak /Murka cow/
  • tilaPsinvaoyal ovroan /Plasticine crow/

(Dance break to the song “Plasticine Crow”) -(8 slide)

3 competition “Guess the hero” (9 slide)

1. His eyes are brown and his hair sticks up in the front, as if a cow licked him. Height 1 meter 20 cm. Serious and independent. At the age of 4 he learned to read, and at six he was already making his own soup.(Uncle Fyodor) – (10 slide)

2. So shaggy, disheveled. All covered in burrs. From simple dogs, not purebred. From a good family. Just launched.(Dog Sharik) – (11 slide)

3. He’s so ruddy and wearing a hat. About fifty years old. (This is not a guy with a ponytail, but his age is with a ponytail. That means he is fifty years old and a little more.)(Postman Pechkin) -(12 slide)

4. Eyes like buttons, thick nose. He is angry, angry.(Galchonok Hvatayka).(13 slide)

5. Not quite real and not quite a toy. This is a prototype model. The funniest one at the factory. He doesn't need gasoline. It works on products.(Tractor Mitya) - (14 slide)

6. Red-haired, big-faced and so important. Well, just a professor with horns! Only the glasses are missing.(Cow Murka) (15 slide)

4 competition "Solve the crossword"

Exercise : Among the letter confusion, find objects, surnames and names of E. Uspensky’s heroes.

5. competition (Artistic)

Exercise: draw any character from E. Uspensky’s book “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat.”

Result of the event:awarding the winners.

Leading: Guys! Do you know the song "Blue Car"? It was also composed by E. Uspensky. Let's sing it.

(Children sing a song on words by E. Uspensky, music by V. Shainsky “Blue Car”)

  • To prepare the event, the book by E. Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat” was used.
  • Photos of E. Uspensky were taken from the Internet.

Demonstration lesson by a senior counselor on the topic:

“The creative world of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky”

Target: introduce the children to the works of Eduard Uspensky.


To form reading motivation, an attitude towards reading activity as a sphere of self-realization and creativity, to create conditions for nurturing interest in the writer’s work, to introduce new interactive forms of educational influence, targeted influence on the formation of students’ reading.

Develop memory, speech, observation, activity, independence.

Lesson time: 45 min.

The feasibility of using a media product in the classroom:

formation of information culture and competence of schoolchildren (search, selection, processing, organization of information)

development of visual-figurative thinking by increasing the level of visibility

Necessary equipment and materials for the lesson: computer, media projector, speakers, books, visual presentation educational material, didactic material.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment: Good afternoon dear friends! My name is ______________, I work as a senior counselor in secondary _______. For further joint work, I want to get to know you a little, and for this I invite everyone to stand up from their desks and line up according to their height. Now that you are ready, I offer you tasks to complete. This will give me the opportunity to get to know you, and you to learn more about your friends. So, on my command, you need to change lanes in the given order.

.in alphabetical order by the first letter of the first name, last name;
. by hair color (from light shade to darker);
. by month of birth;
. by age.

So, friends, you and I have gotten to know each other better and are now ready to start the lesson.

Main part: We were all little once, played with toys, went to bed with dolls. Moms read to us fairy tales before bed. And I’m sure that absolutely everyone at least once before going to bed watched the TV show “Good night, kids!”, or any other cartoons. I would like to take you back to that time for a moment so that you remember your favorite fairy tale, favorite cartoon and of course your beloved fairy tale hero. (children's answers)

As for me, I always proudly answer that my favorite childhood work is “Uncle Fyodor, the Cat and the Dog” and therefore the cartoon “Three from the Butter Milk”. Do you know who the author of this fairy tale is? Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. Very soon this famous, magnificent, beloved children's writer will turn 80 years old. And I believe that it is our duty to know the creativity of our Russian writers as much as possible and respect their efforts. And today we will talk about the work of Uspensky in our lesson.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow region. It is interesting that Edward did not study well at school: he always did not have enough time for lessons. And every Monday he was going to come to his senses. But something always bothered him! And then one day the boy unsuccessfully jumped off the roof and broke his leg. He was taken to the hospital, and then he suddenly realized that he did not want to remain ignorant.

From that time on, Eduard Uspensky began to study well and after graduating from school he entered the aviation institute.
But over time, Uspensky realized that he wanted to become a writer and began to write humorous stories. And a little later - also children's books. By the way, this idea came to him by accident. One day, Eduard Uspensky got a job as a counselor at a pioneer camp. There he read books to his students, and sometimes he himself made up exciting stories. This is how the writer’s first works appeared. “If I had not been a counselor, I would not have become a children’s writer,” he later admitted.

He began his journey into literature in 1960. In 1966, the first poems for children were published in the magazine "Children's Literature", and at the same time the first book was published - the collection of poems "Funny Elephant". Famous writer Eduard Nikolaevich was inspired by the fairy-tale story “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends.” We have been reading this book for over 35 years. It was in the pioneer camp, working there as a librarian in the summer of 1968, that he wrote another no less famous book"Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat." The book was published in 1973. He is the author of the fairy tales “Down the Magic River”, “Guarantee Men”, “School of Clowns”, “Kolobok Follows the Trail” and other works. The diversity of his work is amazing: he writes fairy tales and fairy tales, fantasy, detective, adventure works, as well as comics, poems, plays, scripts, makes translations and compiles collections children's folklore. He also organized the book publishing house "Samovar", broadcasts on television, publishes children's magazine"Prostokvashino".

Now on the slide you can see a list with most famous works E.N. Uspensky at the moment:

Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat.”

Uncle Fyodor’s aunt.”

Uncle Fyodor’s favorite girl.”

Winter in Prostokvashino.”

New orders in Prostokvashino.”

Uncle Fyodor is going to school.”

Ghost from Prostokvashino.

Treasure from the village of Prostokvashino.”

Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino.”

Crocodile Gena and his friends.”

Gena’s crocodile business.”

Cheburashka goes to the people.”

Crocodile Gena - and the robbers.”

The kidnapping of Cheburashka.”

Three comics with Cheburashka.”

The investigation is being conducted by Koloboks.”

"Down the Magic River"


"Uncle Au."

And many other works.

Animated film scripts

1974 - Bird Market (director M. Novogrudskaya)

1975 - Elephant-dilo-sonok (director B. Ardov)

1980 - Canoeing

1980 - Judo (from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (director Yu. Butyrin)

1980 - Equestrian sport (from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (director Yu. Butyrin)

1980 - Artistic gymnastics (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director B. Akulinichev)

1980 — Race walking (from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (director O. Churkin)

1980 - Field hockey (from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (director O. Churkin)

2005 — gold medal World Intellectual Property Organization

2010 - Government Prize Russian Federation in the field of culture for the book “Stories about a girl with a strange name”

2010 - Prize named after. K. Chukovsky in the nomination “For outstanding creative achievements in Russian children's literature"

Laureate of the All-Union competition for the best children's book

2015 - Prize named after. Lev Kopelev for the fight for peace and human rights.

2015 — national award"Telegrand" for his outstanding contribution to the creation of children's television programs and significant achievements in the development of animated films.

One of the outstanding awards for a children's writer is the Korney Chukovsky Prize in the category “For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children's literature,” awarded in 2010.

Task: “Find the extra sentence”

Now I suggest you complete a small task, pay attention to the slide. You need to find the extra sentence.

Some parents had a boy. His name was Uncle Fyodor. Because he was very serious and independent. He learned to read at the age of four, and at six he was already cooking his own soup. And on weekends I practiced karate. In general, he was a very good boy. And the parents were good - dad and mom.

“My dear parents! Dad and mom! Grandparents! I love you very much. And I love animals very much. And this cat too. And you don't allow me to start it. Tell him to leave the house. And this is wrong. I'm leaving for the village and will live there. Don't worry about me. ..."

In one dense tropical forest there lived a very funny animal. He was white and fluffy. His name was Cheburashka. Or rather, at first they didn’t call him anything while he lived in his tropical forest. And they called him Cheburashka later, when he left the forest and met people.

Now Gena, Galya and Cheburashka spent almost every evening together. After work, they gathered at the crocodile’s house, talked peacefully, drank coffee and played tic-tac-toe. Sometimes we even chatted on a mobile phone with friends from Madagascar. And yet Cheburashka could not believe that he finally had real friends.

Creative part: Today I suggest your team do one very important thing: creative task- create a book on the works of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. How it will look is only your idea. So, you need to make a book, present it, think about who you can give it to and last page write a wish for a young reader.

I have prepared some creative material for you. To create pages, you can use my cuttings, or you can draw and write everything yourself.

Book presentation:

Group photo of the team with the book!

Reflection: You and I are taking our seats again. And now I have for you main question: What is the main goal of our lesson?

Cultivating interest in the writer’s work

Motivating participants to read as a means of self-education (why should you read?)

Acquaintance with the biography and work of Russian writers (education of patriotism, respect)

Development of creative abilities

Developing a sense of admiration for a writer's talent

With this meeting of ours, we would like to thank the writer for writing such kind and funny works that are interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

Our lesson is coming to an end. It was dedicated amazing person, a wonderful writer. All his works are imbued with warmth, light, kindness, humor, and love for people. You can verify this by reading any book by Eduard Uspensky.

And I would like to remind you that everything interesting, good, and useful can be learned from books. Therefore, I want to end the topic of the lesson with the words of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky: “If you want to find out how much smarter and better a person becomes after reading a thousand books, read a thousand books.”

And now I ask our wonderful team to go back to the center of the classroom and move a little.

On the slide you are given a few lines from the well-known children's New Year's song. Each participant takes turns reading sound, not a letter, but a sound! Where there is a comma, we clap, a period, we stomp, and a space, we squat.

A Christmas tree was born in the forest,

She grew up in the forest

In winter and summer she was slim and green.