Practical work processing graphic information. 1st round tasks

Practical work Processing of graphic information, contains 12 tasks on the relevant topic (the work is suitable for 8th grade students studying Bosova’s teaching materials).

Task 1. Working with graphic primitives.

For drawing graphic primitive(rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse) you need to click on the button with its image on the toolbar, move the mouse pointer to the work area, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse pointer diagonally, following the image on the screen. To display a square and circle when using the corresponding tools, hold down the key Shift.

To change the outline width for shapes made with tools Rectangle, Ellipse And Rounded rectangle, you must first activate the tool Line(tab Home group Figures) and in its settings menu specify the required width.

1. Launch the graphics editor Paint.
2. Set the dimensions of the drawing area: width - 1024 pixels, height - 512 pixels. Home > Images > Resize.
3. Repeat the pattern below using the tools Line, Rectangle, Rounded rectangle And Ellipse.

4. Save the result of your work in a personal folder:
in the file p1.bmp as 24-bit image;
in the file p2.bmp as a 256-color drawing;
in the file p3.bmp as 16-color drawing;
in the file p4.bmp as a monochrome drawing;
in the file p5.jreg;
in the file p5.gif.
5. Compare the sizes of the received files and the quality of the images saved in them.

Task 2. Selecting and deleting fragments

1. In a graphic editor, open the file Devices.bmp.

2. Leave only the input devices in the picture, and remove everything unnecessary by first selecting the fragments using the tool Select. Home > Images > Select.
3. Save the drawing in a personal folder under the name Input_devices.

Task 3. Moving fragments


2. Using a tool Selection select the rectangular, transparent fragments one by one and move them so that fairy tale characters have found their true form.

Task 4. Converting fragments

1. In the Paint graphic editor, open the file Dragonfly.bmp.

2. Select the rectangular fragments one by one ( transparent background), if necessary, rotate them (command Turn menu Images) and move them so that you get an illustration for I. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”.
3. Save the result of your work in a personal folder.

Task 5. Design of complex objects and graphic primitives

It is advisable to depict complex objects in parts. Draw each of the primitives separately. Then select them one by one (the Selection, mode Transparent fragment) and drag it to the desired location.

2. Draw one of the following pictures:

3. Save the result of your work in a personal folder under the name My_drawing.

Task 6. Creating labels

1. In the Paint graphic editor, open the file Panel.bmp.
2. Using a tool Text sign the tools of the graphic editor Paint

3. Save the drawing in a personal folder as a file Panel1.bmp.

Task 7. Copying fragments

1. Launch the Paint graphic editor.
2. Using the following sequence of actions as a basis, draw a chessboard.

3. Label the rows and columns of the chessboard.
4. Save the drawing in a personal folder under the name Chess_board.

Task 8. Working with multiple files

Download files for work:

1. In the Paint graphic editor, open the Scheme.bmp file.
2. Illustrate the diagram by adding images of the corresponding devices from the files RAM.bmp, Winchester.bmp, Disk.bmp, Floppy Disk.bmp, Flash Drive.bmp. For convenience, open each of these files in a new window. Copy the necessary images to the clipboard and paste them into the desired places on the diagram.

3. Save the result in a personal folder under the name Scheme 1.

Task 9. Getting a screen copy

1. Launch the Paint graphic editor, minimize its window and make a copy of this window (keys Alt+PrintScreen- press simultaneously).
2. Expand the Paint graphic editor window to full screen and place the resulting image in the center of the work area (tab Home, group Clipboard, button Insert), label the main interface elements.
3. Save the result of your work in a personal folder under the name Paint.

Task 10. Creating animation

1. Open the file in the Paint graphic editor Acrobat.bmp.
2. Copy and mirror the existing fragment, combine the two halves and color the resulting acrobat figure. Save the resulting image in your personal folder as a file a1.gif.
3. By copying, moving and deleting individual parts of the image, make changes to the acrobat figurine (for example, depict an acrobat with his arms down). Save the resulting image in your personal folder as a file a2.gif.

4. Go to the website and, following the instructions there, create an animation by repeating two frames over and over again.
5. Save the result of your work in a personal folder.

Task 11. Artistic processing images

1. Launch the Gimp graphics editor.
2. Open the file in the Paint graphic editor mamont.jpg.
3. Apply various filters to the original image so that the result is close to what is shown in the figure below.

4. Save your results in files mamont1.jpg, mamont2.jpg, mamont3.jpg And mamont4.jpg.

Task 12. Scaling raster and vector images

1. In the Paint graphic editor, create the following image:

2. Save your work in a personal folder as a 24-bit graphic (file type).
3. Select any fragment of the picture. Zoom in and out on the selected fragment several times. Observe how scaling operations affect image quality.
4. Create the same drawing in the graphic editor Draw. Save your work in a personal folder as an ODF Drawing (file type).
5. Select any fragment of the picture. Zoom in and out on the selected fragment several times. Observe how scaling operations affect image quality.
6. Finish working with graphic editors.

"1. "Yes" or "no"? If you agree with the statement, write “yes”; if you disagree, write “no”. Enter your answers in..."

Tasks of the first round of the regional stage

All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in social studies 2013

1. “Yes” or “no”? If you agree with the statement, write "yes"

if you don’t agree, “no.” Enter your answers into the table.

1.1. The people of Russia cannot amend the Constitution through a referendum Russian Federation.

1.2. Karl Marx gave an explanation of the relationship between such political phenomena,

like universal suffrage and Bonapartism.

1.3. The competence of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation includes supporting the state prosecution in the case of the removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office.

1.4. Marriage to a person of lower status is a case of upward mobility.

1.5. Politics in democratic societies is exclusively public.

1.6. Prestige is society’s assessment of a person’s social qualities and his importance in society.

1.7. Education always limits and suppresses a person’s individuality.

1.8. The existence of a natural monopoly is due to economies of scale.

1.9. The price of borrowed funds is the price level in the economy.

1.10. Practice, being one of the criteria of truth, nevertheless contributes to the formation of numerous misconceptions.


yes yes no yes no No no yes no yes 1 point for each correct answer. Maximum 10 points.

2. Carefully look at the images below and read the proposed abstracts. Complete the tasks.

A. B C In front of you are three different structures. But essentially they are all the same architectural element.

2.1. Which one?

2.2. Name the type of each of these structures.

2.3. What symbolic load does this element carry? Justify your answer.


2.1. Roof.

2.2. A) the pyramid is the roof over the tomb of the pharaoh; B) chum (wigwam, yaranga) - a cone-shaped roof “without walls”; C) pagoda - a series of roofs superimposed on one another.

2.3. Symbolizes the connection between man and the sky.

The answer to the task question (roof) was given - 2 points.

Named types of structures ( egyptian pyramid, pagoda, tent...) - 1 point.

Symbolic function indicated - 2 points.

Maximum score - 5.

3. Solve problems:

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.

3.1. Legal task “Landlady”.

Tamara rented out the apartment, of which she is the owner, to Dmitry, setting the rent at 20,000 rubles per month. Six months later, Tamara found out that Dmitry’s friend Vadim also lived in the apartment for two months. Dmitry and Vadim divided the rent in half. Tamara demanded that Dmitry pay another 20,000 rubles on top of the rent, which, in her opinion, he received as income from subletting the apartment for 2 months. Dmitry refused to pay.

Tell me who is right. Justify your answer.







Answer: Tamara is right, since, according to Art. 136 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, fruits, products and income received as a result of the use of a thing, regardless of who uses such a thing, belong to the owner of the thing, unless otherwise provided by law, other legal acts, contract or follows from the essence of the relationship. IN in this case the income from the use of the apartment received by Dmitry belongs to Tamara. - 5 points.

3.2. Economic task. "Investor".

An investor purchased an ordinary share for 80 rubles and a year later sold it for 120 rubles. During this time, he received dividends on this share in the amount of 20 rubles.

Find the profitability of this operation as a percentage (give the solution).





Answer: 75% Points - 2 for an answer with a solution, 0 points for an answer without a solution.

3.3. Logic problem. "Fishermen".

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.

10th GRADE Four fishermen met at the Three Minnows tavern and began to show off their trophies. It turned out that one of them caught a large burbot, another a huge pike, a third a giant catfish, and a fourth an ordinary crucian carp. The names of these fishermen were: Nalimov, Shchukin, Somov and Karasev. It is known that (1) none of them, for reasons of principle, ever catch or eat fish whose name coincides with his last name; (2) it was not Karasev who caught the pike and (3) the one who caught the catfish had a surname that coincided with the name of the fish caught by Karasev.

3.3.1. Determine who caught which fish. Justify your answer.

3.3.2. Name the type of primitive beliefs that may be characterized by the food prohibition described in condition (1).










3.3.1. Nalimov caught a catfish Shchukin caught a crucian carp Somov caught a pike Karasev caught a burbot 3.3.2. Totemism

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Maximum score - 5.


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Titles of works:

1. “The system of modern societies.”

2. "Sovereign".

3. “The development of socialism from utopia to science.”

4. "Political parties."

5. “On the social contract.”

6. "Leviathan"

Excerpts from works:

A...We analytically divide society into four main subsystems. Thus, the subsystem of preservation and reproduction of a model primarily concerns the relationship of society with the cultural system and, through it, with the highest reality; goal-oriented, or political, subsystem - from the First round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013

CLASS 10 of wearing with the personal systems of individuals; adaptive, or economic, subsystem - relations with the behavioral organism and through it with the material world. [...]...Politics includes not only the basic functions of government in its relations with the societal community, but also relevant aspects of any collective. We consider a phenomenon to be political to the extent that it is associated with the organization and mobilization of resources to achieve its goals by any group. Political aspects of activity exist in business companies, universities, and churches. In the development of modern societies, however, the state is increasingly differentiated from the societal community as a specialized organ of society, constituting the core of its political subsystem.

B....To establish a general power, it is necessary that the people should appoint one person or assembly of people to be their representatives; so that every person considers himself a trustee in relation to everything that he bears common person will do it himself or force others to do it in order to preserve common world and safety, and admitted responsibility for it; so that everyone subordinates his will and judgment to the will and judgment of the bearer of the common person. This is more than agreement or unanimity. It is a real unity embodied in one person by an agreement made by each man with every other in such a way as if each man had said to another: I authorize this man or this assembly of persons and transfer to him my right to govern myself, provided that you are such In the same way you transfer your right to him and authorize all his actions. If this has happened, then the multitude of people, thus united in one person, is called a state, in Latin - civitas.

C. Modern socialism in its content is primarily the result of observation, on the one hand, of the dominant modern society class oppositions between the haves and the have-nots, wage workers and the bourgeoisie, and on the other hand, the anarchy reigning in production. But in its theoretical form, it appears at first only as a further and, as it were, more consistent development of the principles put forward by the great French enlighteners of the 18th century. Like any new theory, socialism had to proceed primarily from the ideological material accumulated before it, although its roots lay deep in material economic facts.

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.

10 CLASS D. Sovereignty cannot be represented for the same reason that it cannot be alienated. It consists, in essence, in the general will, and the will cannot in any way be represented; either it’s her, or it’s another will, there is no middle ground. The deputies of the people, therefore, cannot and cannot be their representatives; they are only his representatives; they cannot decide anything definitively. Any law, if the people have not directly approved it themselves, is invalid; This is not a law at all. The English people consider themselves free: they are sorely mistaken. He is free only during the election of members of Parliament: as soon as they are elected, he is a slave, he is nothing. Judging by the use he makes of his freedom in the brief moments of his possession, he fully deserves to be deprived of it.

E. The tradition of bipartisanship in America and England - important factor their modern power. But it remains to be understood why it is so firmly rooted here: otherwise the problem is only pushed back in time. Only specific studies of each individual country can determine the origins of the dualism of parties established in it. The role of the national factor, of course, is very significant, but one should not, as is often done, underestimate in its favor the influence of one general factor of a technical nature, namely the electoral system. This influence can be expressed in the following formula: majority voting in one round leads to dualism of parties. Of all the schemes that have been cited to explain this phenomenon, this last one is undoubtedly the closest to the real sociological law.

F....The sovereign does not need to possess all [...] virtues, but there is a direct need to appear to have them. I would dare to add that possessing [...] virtues and strictly following them is harmful, whereas appearing to possess them is beneficial. In other words, one must appear in the eyes of people as compassionate, true to one’s word, merciful, sincere, pious - and indeed be so, but internally one must remain ready to show opposite qualities if this turns out to be necessary. It should be understood that a sovereign, especially a new one, cannot fulfill everything for which people are considered good, since in order to preserve the state he is often forced to go against his word, against mercy, kindness and piety. Therefore, in his soul he must always be ready to change direction if events take a different turn or the wind of fortune blows in the other direction, that is, as was said in the First round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.

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8 points for 6 lines filled in completely correctly.

7 points for 5 completely correctly filled lines.

6 points for 4 completely correctly filled lines.

5 points for 3 completely correctly filled lines.

4 points for 2 completely correctly filled lines.

5. Below are statements by famous thinkers of the past regarding the same concept (in the text it is designated as […];

Variations of the mutable parts of a given word are possible). Identify the missing concept. Which of these philosophers' statements do you find most important and interesting? Justify your answer (2–3 sentences).

“[...] I have been granted the privilege of telling the truth without offending anyone”

(Erasmus of Rotterdam).

“I would rather […] pleasure.” (Antisthenes of Athens) “[...] is always a meaning broken into pieces” (Michel Foucault) “[...] powerless because it preserves the remnants of reason.” (Georges Bataille).

“There was no great mind without an admixture of […]-self” (Seneca)

5.1. What is this concept?

5.2. Which of these thinkers' statements do you find most important and interesting? Justify your answer (2-3 sentences) ___________________________________________________________________



The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.



Answer: MADNESS 2 points (one each for defining the concept and one for justifying the preference).

6. Analyze the statement:

6.1. Does this mean that he allows such tests to be carried out?

Justify your answer.

6.2.Explain the meaning of the concept “moratorium”.









Answer: No, it does not allow it.

The President said that he does not want to hear about the refusal to end the challenge to the ban on lifting the moratorium on chemical weapons testing.

Solution: there are 7 negatives, which means that when reducing, one will remain. He is for a moratorium.

Correct answer - 1 point;

Correct answer and correct justification - 3 points.

7. Read the text provided and complete the suggested tasks.

“We usually use the word population (more simply, population) to refer to the totality of people living within the boundaries of a certain political union. For example, we are talking about the population of countries. Then, to designate this aggregate, we can use the First round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.

10th GRADE concept XXXXXXX. You can also talk about the population of a state, county, and city. The term "population" can refer to people living in a specific geographic or economic area (for example, the American South, Asia, or Eastern Europe). Or we sometimes use the word to refer to a specific economic area (for example, the population of Greater New York, which includes parts of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut)...

By grouping people according to place of residence, the Census Bureau is able to account for the movement of population into central major cities and surrounding areas. Large number White Americans moved out of inner cities in the 1950s and 1960s, although the exodus slowed somewhat in the 1970s. The movement of African Americans to the suburbs was insignificant - they gravitated to central cities.

Fertility rate refers to the number of children a woman gives birth to during her lifetime. This term should not be confused with fertility, i.e. the maximum number of children a woman can bear...

The overall level of fertility of the population is influenced by various social and economic factors... Changes in the level of fertility and the number of births are reflected in figure 18-6.

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.

10th GRADE We do not know all the reasons for the decline in the birth rate of the population, but some of them are quite understandable. Urbanization and the introduction of laws regulating child labor have meant that children are of less value to urban residents than to rural residents. Countries with high per capita incomes typically have lower fertility rates than those with comparatively low incomes. Since high incomes of people are associated with industrial development, this confirms that people tend to have fewer children because they cannot get them to work. In most countries, the birth rate is higher in rural areas than in cities. On a farm, every child is not only another food to eat, but also hands to work with. Moreover, in some societies, parents may expect their children to care for them in their old age...

Fertility is also related to other factors. In general, people whose status is high tend to have fewer children than people whose status is low, although last decades this difference has become less noticeable. The same applies to education. Highly educated women tend to have fewer children than those with lower levels of education, although this gap is also narrowing. Religion and race also likely affect fertility. Apparently, YYYYYY, education, religion and race are in the First round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.

10 GRADE such a complex interaction that it is impossible to explain differences in the level of reproduction on the basis of any one factor.”

(Smelser N. Sociology. M., 1998. pp. 553–561.) Analyze a fragment of the text and answer the questions.

7.1. What is the name of the branch of sociology that studies population? What population characteristics are being studied?





7.2. What concept in the text should be indicated instead of XXXXXXX? (Note:

the number of characters “X” is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the desired concept.) ___________________________________________________________________


7.4. Formulate conclusions about the relationship between fertility rates and the number of births and general trends in their changes in the United States in 1920–1990. throughout the entire period.








7.5. The text describes a situation where “children are of less value to city dwellers than to rural dwellers.” Based on the content of this paragraph of text, name three social institutions whose influence determines this situation.

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.

10th GRADE ___________________________________________________________________




7.6. The concept YYYYYY is characterized by main characteristic high or low social status, which the author points out as one of the factors influencing fertility and fertility, summarizing what was said above in this paragraph. Name this factor. (Note: the number of characters “Y” is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the searched concept.) ___________________________________________________________________

Answers and evaluation criteria

1) What is the name of the branch of sociology that studies population? What population characteristics are being studied?

Answer: the name “demography” is indicated and three elements of the subject of demography are indicated in these or similar formulations: (1) population composition (by sex, age, ethnic composition), (2) settlement and population density, (3) levels of birth, fertility, mortality, life expectancy (and other similar ones) – 2 points If the answer is incomplete: “demography” and two elements of the subject of demography are indicated – 1 point No correct answer, OR “demography” is not indicated with any number of elements of the subject of demography, OR “demography” is indicated and one / not a single element of the subject of demography - 0 points.

2) What concept in the text should be indicated instead of XXXXXXX? (Note:

the number of characters “X” is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the desired concept.) Answer: the concept “nation” must be indicated - 1 point Any other answer - 0 points.

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.

GRADE 10 Answer: it should be indicated: horizontal (social) mobility – 2 points.

Only social mobility is indicated – 1 point

There is no correct answer, OR the type of mobility is indicated incorrectly (any other than “horizontal” - 0 points

4) Formulate conclusions about the relationship between fertility rates and the number of births and general trends in their changes in the United States in 1920-1990. throughout the entire period.

Answer: it should be indicated (in this or similar wording):

(1) the indicators change in parallel, (2) in general, with an increase in the birth rate, the fertility level falls AND / OR (3) over time / to date, the fertility level is increasingly lagging behind the number of births (the growth rate of the fertility level is lower than the growth rate of the number of births) . – 2 points Only one correct conclusion is indicated (only (1), or only (2), or only (3)) – 1 point No correct answer – 0 points

5) The text describes a situation where “children are of less value to city residents than to rural residents.” Based on the content of this paragraph of text, name three social institutions whose influence determines this situation. Specify the type of institutions if this explains the impact.

Answer: The following must be indicated: (1) agricultural economics (OR agriculture, OR peasantry as an occupation), (2) extended family, (3) law (in bold - required elements of the correct answer). – 2 points.

Only two institutions are correctly specified with correct type clarification for (1) and (2). – 1 point.

There is no correct answer, OR three institutes are indicated without indicating the type, OR only one institute is indicated with the correct type indicated - 0 points.

6) The concept YYYYYY characterizes the main characteristic of high or low social status, which the author points out as one of the factors influencing fertility and fertility. Name this factor.

The first round of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies 2013.

10 GRADE (Note: the number of characters “Y” is conditional, it does not correspond to the number of letters in the desired concept.) Answer: must be indicated: income (financial situation) – 1 point.

Any answer that is different in meaning – 0 points.

Total for the task - 10 points.

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I. Creative task.

Imagine that you are a Novgorod mayor of the 12th century, sending an embassy to the court of the Polish king. You need to prepare rich gifts.

Your task is to create a list so that it:

  • as many items as possible were indicated that could act as gifts;
  • only those products were included that reflect the high skill of Novgorod artisans;
  • the technique for making these gifts was described (briefly).

II. Questions and tasks.

  1. In the Christian consciousness of medieval Russian people, the Mother of God occupied a special and very significant place. She was the main intercessor of the human race before God. She was addressed as a gracious patroness. This explains huge amount icons and fresco images of the Mother of God: Vladimir, Smolensk, Kazan, Fedorov, Kursk and others. Despite the huge variety of “personal” names that icons of the Mother of God bear, there are only 3 main canonical images, within which some variations are possible: Oranta, Eleus and Hodegetria.

    Here are several images of the Virgin Mary. Determine the image type of each reproduction.

    1) 2)


  2. Why do icons darken over time and frescoes lighten? (The answer should be short but clear)
  3. IN Ancient Rus' One of the main centers of cultural development were monasteries. They housed literate people who copied and composed books. Icon painters and stone craftsmen also lived here. Future priests were trained in the monasteries, and lay people also came here to learn to read and write. In the monasteries, spiritual and material wealth was preserved and increased. Many monasteries had scriptoria. What is it? (Indicate the correct answer)
    a) the place where the monks copied and translated books;
    b) icon painting workshop at the monastery;
    c) a room in which surrounding children were taught literacy, numeracy and the law of God.
  4. Outstanding monuments ancient Russian literature are the Tale of Bygone Years, the Life of Theodosius of Pechersk, “The Walk of Daniel, Abbot of the Russian Land,” “Memory and Praise to Vladimir” by Jacob Mnich, “The Walk beyond the Three Seas” by Afanasy Nikitin.
    Here are fragments from all these works. Determine the names of the literary monuments from which these fragments are taken.
    A) “Prince Vladimir himself was baptized, and his children, and his whole house, with holy baptism he enlightened the freedom of every soul, male and female, holy for the sake of baptism... blissful time and a good day, full of all good things, on that day Prince Vladimir was baptized! And Vasily was named in holy baptism, and the gift of God overshadowed him, the grace of the Holy Spirit illuminated his heart..."

    b) “In the summer of 6387. Rurik died and handed over his reign to Oleg, his relative, and handed over his son, Igor, to him, for he was still very small.”

    V) “We drove past Astrakhan... For our sins, the king sent his entire horde in pursuit. And they overtook us on Bugun and began to shoot at us: Our small ship stopped for a ride, they captured it and immediately plundered it; and mine was all small There was junk on this small ship. In the big ship we reached the sea and ran aground at the mouth of the Volga."

    G) “Brothers and fathers, my masters, forgive me, a sinner, and do not blaspheme my thin-mindedness and rudeness, which I wrote about the holy city of Jerusalem and about that good land and about my walking in holy places. Whoever traveled with the fear of God and humility will never sin against the grace of God"

    d) “After the death of his earthly father, he began to care even more zealously about gaining for himself eternal life in heaven: he thirsted for godly deeds and moved away from any worldly pleasures: he stopped dressing in expensive clothes and wore only poor clothes. He always had only one desire - to achieve salvation. One day he happened to meet strangers from Jerusalem. Interested in their stories and inflamed strong love to holy places, the blessed young man begged them to visit those holy places with him..."

  5. Most of the monuments of ancient Russian architecture that have come down to us are churches. They are the ones who give us an idea of ​​the Russian medieval architecture. The most ancient and most common temple design in Rus' was the cross-domed temple. In the minds of our ancestors, the temple personified the universe, the cosmos. It is no coincidence that stars on a blue background were often depicted on the domes of churches. How is a Russian church structured? Before you is a reconstruction of one of the oldest Russian cathedrals - St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral. The numbers in the figure indicate important components of the external appearance of an Orthodox church. Determine their name.
    1 - ..........
    2 - ..........
    3 - .......... etc.

  6. Take a close look at the images below. architectural monuments and read the descriptions of these monuments. Match the number of the image with the letter of the description corresponding to this monument.

    1 _____ 2 _____
    3 _____ 4 _____
    5 _____ 6 _____

    A- The belfry is of the "ward" type, four-tiered: in the lower tier there is a basement, in the second - open gallery, in the third - the church, the fourth - the bell tier
    B- The compositional solution of this temple is “ship”; a refectory and a hipped bell tower adjoin the western façade, and two aisles to the side ones; from the south, a porch with a locker adjoins the base of the bell tower
    IN- Pillar-shaped bell tower on an octagonal base, 7 tiers, with 4 tiers of bells
    G- Five-domed temple, with one light and four decorative domes, on a two-tier basement
    D- Residential building, one of the few surviving examples of civil architecture XVII century; cubic two-story volume: the lower floor is utility, the upper floor is residential.
    E- Tent bell tower on an octagonal figure from the ground; with one tier of bells and three rows of rumors
  7. What is the name of the type of architectural decoration noted in the reproduction, which is very common in ancient Russian architecture?

  8. During the period of feudal fragmentation, local architectural schools emerged. The specific appearance of the Kyiv, Novgorod and Vladimir-Suzdal churches was largely determined by the material that was used in a particular area. Match building material and lands where it was most often used in places of worship.
    Gray flagstone Kiev Principality
    Red plinth Vladimir-Suzdal principality
    White limestone Novgorod land
  9. Cross out the unnecessary ones and explain your choice:
    Bell tower, chapel, belfry, detinets, refectory, church
  10. Here are images of two widely famous monuments ancient Russian architecture, having a unique, memorable appearance. Determine the name of each temple, time of creation and location. Describe your process for completing this task.