"The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky": analysis of the work. The artistic concept and meaning of the “story of the life of Alexander Nevsky” What theme is the life of Alexander Nevsky devoted to?

  • Prepared by: teacher of Russian language and literature secondary school

  • Mezentseva T.S.

Conversation on questions to the article “From Old Russian Literature.”

  • What topics attracted the attention of the authors of ancient Russian literature?

  • - What works of ancient Russian literature do you remember?

  • - What genres of ancient Russian literature do you know?

  • - What are the genre features of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”?


  • - What signs of the genre of life do you remember?

  • Life - a description of the life of a saint. In ancient Russian literature

  • the image of Christ was put forward as a model of human behavior. The hero of the life follows this pattern in his life. The Life, as a rule, describes how a saint becomes such by going through a series of trials.

    The life of a saint is a narrative about the life of a saint, which necessarily accompanies the official recognition of his holiness (canonization). As a rule, the life reports about the main events of the life of the saint, his Christian deeds (pious life, martyrdom, if any), as well as special evidence of Divine grace with which this person was noted (these include, in particular, intravital and posthumous miracles).

    The lives of saints are written according to special rules (canons). Thus, it is believed that the birth of a child marked by grace most often occurs in the family of pious parents (although there were cases when parents, guided, as it seemed to them, by good intentions, interfered with the feat of their children and condemned them). Most often the saint early years leads a strict, righteous life (although sometimes repentant sinners, for example, St. Mary of Egypt, achieved holiness). In the course of his life, the saint gains wisdom, goes through a series of temptations and defeats them. The saint could predict his death because he felt it. After death, his body remained incorrupt.

"The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Noble and Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky."

Reading the work and its analysis

  • - What topic is the story dedicated to?

  • - How does the story make you feel?

  • - What does the narrator call himself and what does he want to emphasize with this?

  • - How does he say that he was a contemporary of Alexander?

  • - Before meeting Prince Alexander Nevsky, the author of “Life. ..” includes in the narrative the words of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah: “Thus says the Lord: “I establish princes; they are sacred, and I lead them.” And truly, his reign was not without God’s command.” For what purpose does the author use these words?

  • (The words of the prophet Isaiah speak about the chosenness of Alexander Nevsky by God, that the birth of Prince Alexander was predetermined, and this should have affected his personality.)

- Read the description of the prince’s appearance and his characteristics. What is the significance of this description?

  • (The author not only shows the physical perfection of Prince Alexander, but also compares him with biblical heroes: Joseph, Samson, Solomon. All the best qualities of a person are reflected in the prince: strength, beauty, wisdom, courage.)

  • - In what other ways does the author emphasize the chosenness of Prince Alexander?

  • (The author refers to the statement of an authoritative but outsider, which should confirm the extraordinary merits of the prince.)

  • - What are the genre features of “The Life of... Alexander Nevsky”?

  • ( The work combines the features of a life and a military story. In addition, the final part of the "Life..." includes the genre of lamentation).

  • - We will answer the textbook questions from the sections “Let’s reflect on what we read” (No. 2, 3), “Be attentive to the word” (No. 1-3).

Oral description of reproductions

  • Prepare an oral description of a reproduction of a painting dedicated to Alexander Nevsky.

Characteristics of Alexander Nevsky

  • - How did you imagine Prince Alexander?

  • - Describe his personality.

  • - What surprised you about the personality of Alexander Nevsky? When characterizing, you can use reproductions of paintings dedicated to Alexander Nevsky.

Alexander Nevsky

  • a fearless, brave, just ruler, a great commander, living according to Christian commandments, a quiet, friendly, wise righteous man, a man of high spirituality, a true defender of the Russian land.

Expressive reading of A. Maikov’s poem “The Death of Alexander Nevsky”

  • It's night outside and frosty.

  • The month is two rainbow-colored light crowns around it...

  • It’s like there’s a celebration going across the sky.

  • In the abbot's cell there is a spectacle of sorrow and tears...

  • The abbot stands quietly before him in prayer.

  • The boyars stand quietly in the corners.

  • Quiet and motionless lies with his head to the images

  • Prince Alexander, covered with black schema...

  • The lamp quietly burns before the image of the Savior...

  • The prince motionless into darkness, into infinity

  • looks...

  • Where the curtain suddenly parted before him,

  • He sees: bathed as if by a golden ray,

  • The bank of the Neva, where he struck the enemy...

  • Suddenly a city appears there!.. the shores are teeming with people,

  • Ships are waving colored flags all around...

  • The coffin is lifted from the ship and carried to the temple,

  • The ringing is heard, the sacred hymns are sung...

  • The lid was opened... The Tsar was saying something...

  • Here they bow to the ground in front of the coffin,

  • Then all the people go to venerate the relics.

  • In the coffin - the prince sees - himself.

  • The lamp quietly burns before the image of the Savior.

  • The prince lies motionless...

  • The wonderful face lit up with beauty.

  • Quietly the abbot approached him and with a trembling hand

  • I felt his heart and forehead -

  • And, bursting into tears, he exclaimed: “Our sun has set!”

In a literature lesson, we got acquainted with the Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky, which reveals the theme of courage and struggle against the invaders of the Russian land. Such works evoke pride in the past and allow you to get to know heroes, brave rulers and warriors better. So, the story of the life tells us about, where the author tells readers about three events in which Alexander takes part. These were the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice, where the battle with the Swedes and German crusaders was fought, respectively. A trip to the Horde is also described, where the author reports on the prince’s attempt to weaken its influence. The author himself is unknown, but the story says that he personally knew the prince and witnessed all the events. To understand the main idea of ​​the story, which belongs to the hagiographic genre, we suggest reading its short plot.

In the Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky, we meet Yaroslav, as well as his wife Feodosia. They give birth to a boy, who is named Alexander. As the author writes, the boy grew up wise and courageous. He was tall and aroused admiration, so every guest in Yaroslav’s house tried to look at him. When Alexander grew up, the ruler of the northern state decided to attack Russian lands. Learning about the ruler's goals northern country, Alexander receives the blessing of a clergyman and goes on a campaign against his ill-wishers. Alexander set out on a campaign without waiting for help from his father’s army. The foreman of the sea guard reported to Alexander about the number of enemy forces, and also said that a ship was sailing across the sea, in which there were Saints Gleb and Boris. They were heading to Nevsky to help. The prince will ask the elder not to tell anyone about this. And the battle begins. Prince Nevsky's army fights selflessly, and Alexander personally wounded the Swedish Tsar. As it turned out, the enemy also fell on the other bank, although the Russian soldiers did not fight there. As the author writes, the enemy fell by the hand of God. As a result, the prince returned victorious.

A year later, our lands are attacked from the West. The invaders even build a city on princely land. But Alexander Nevsky quickly corrected everything, and, having razed the city to the ground, killed all the enemies. A year later, Alexander himself decided to go to Pskov, which was captured by the Germans and the war was almost won when knights of other German orders began to join the enemy. And then a big battle took place on Lake Peipsi. As the author writes in the story about the life of Alexander Nevsky, the water surface was red with blood. But Alexander was again helped by God's forces and the battle was won again.

As the author of the story reports, the sovereign ruled from the Eastern part of the Russian state in the Mongol Empire. And Khan Batu wished to meet with Alexander, sending messengers to him. The prince did not think long and went to visit him. Our hero aroused admiration from Batu. Having expressed his respect, he escorted Alexander home. Alexander Nevsky was an excellent ruler who did not leave his younger brother, who ruled Suzdal, in trouble. When Batu destroyed this city, angry with the prince, Alexander restored it and rebuilt it.

The Pope offered the prince an offer to convert to his faith, but Alexander Nevsky had his own Orthodox faith, which he was not going to betray.

There was also a case when Batu wanted to reunite with Christians in order to fight together, but Alexander immediately went to Mongolia and asked not to drag his people into wars. Just returning from Mongolia, Alexander became very ill. Feeling his death, he expresses a desire to become a monk. The prince's wish was fulfilled. Soon Alexander dies.

During the era of the beginning of the Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus', such an ancient literary genre like life. The changes that were observed in him at this time were associated primarily with new phenomena of reality. The heroes of works of the hagiographic genre were not only equal to the apostles, martyrs, and saints, but also people who defended Rus' and the Christian faith from enemies of other faiths. Recognition of the significance of both spiritual and material feats in the name of the Motherland worthy of depiction led to the works of the hagiographic genre using techniques and means characteristic of folk art and a military story.

An example that reveals the presence of new phenomena in the hagiographic genre is “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky.”

This monument came to us in large number lists divided by modern researchers into 9 editions of the 13th-16th centuries; Later editions have also been identified. Many questions about the history of the text remain unclear. Most scholars accept that the original edition of the work was written in the 80s. XIII century in the Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Vladimir on the initiative of Metropolitan Kirill and the son of the hero of the life - Dmitry Alexandrovich, possibly a Galician author. This edition was included in the Laurentian and Pskov II Chronicles as an independent work.

Genre features of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”

In my own way artistic appearance"The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky" differs from previous works of the genre in its pronounced combination of features of a military story and a life. This was reflected primarily in the composition of the monument. The author retained the traditional introduction and began the main part with a mention of Alexander’s pious parents, as was customary. But instead of a story about the childhood of a hero, whose actions already in this period should have revealed his inherent virtues, a peculiar “portrait” of Alexander Nevsky appears, built on the basis of a comparison of his qualities with the traits of biblical heroes: the strength of Samson, the wisdom of Solomon, the beauty of Joseph, the courage of the Roman King Vespasian. This characteristic serves as an exposition for the development of further action in the life, consisting, as the canon defined, of episodes reflecting the most significant exploits of the protagonist.

The first and most important fragment is the story of Alexander’s battle with the Swedes on the Neva. The motivation for the events is legendary in nature and is associated with the characterization of the hero mentioned above. The author tells the story of a certain Andreyash, a foreigner, who, having seen Alexander Yaroslavich, praised him in his country. Then the king of this country decided to measure his strength with him and went to war against him. Subsequently, the structure of the story about the Battle of the Neva repeats the structure of a military story: first of all, three main parts characteristic of this genre are clearly distinguished. The first - the preparation of the battle - contains Alexander’s prayer in the Church of Hagia Sophia, the story of the gathering of the army and the speech of the commander, encouraging the soldiers with the famous words: “God is not able, but in truth.” In the story about the performance of the army, the formula “in a small squad” is used, then exactly indicated by church calendar the date the troops arrived at the battlefield. At the same time, in this part there is an element characteristic of that era, to a greater extent, not of a military story, but of life - the vision of Boris and Gleb to the warrior Alexander Pelguy, which foreshadows victory in a future battle.

The second part of the episode details the battle. First, the exact time of its beginning is indicated - “at 6 o’clock in the afternoon,” and then the author dwells on the exploits of Alexander’s six Novgorod warriors, calling each by name and talking about his deeds. The author emphasizes the courage of the Russian commander, who “put a seal on the queen’s face with his sharp spear.” Along with the specific description of events characteristic of a military story, an element characteristic of hagiographies also appears in this part - a story about a miracle beyond the Izhora River, where the Swedes stood, where Russian soldiers could not pass and where after the battle they found many enemies, “beaten by an angel The Lord's."

The third part of the episode briefly describes the results of the battle.

Thus, this fragment of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” as a whole represents a military story of an event-narrative type, interspersed with two “small genres” that were widely used in lives: vision and miracle.

The subsequent episodes of the central narrative in the life are connected chronologically and represent the most important, from the point of view of the creator of the work, actions of Alexander: the liberation of Koporye and Pskov from the Germans; The Battle of the Ice, the story of which is presented in the form of a military story of an informative type, and the description of the battle is given in military formulas; the prince’s trip to Batu at his request, information about which is legendary; revival of the land after the invasion of Nevruy; refusal to receive Roman ambassadors who wanted to teach the prince their faith. The last part of the narrative consists of a story about the death of Alexander during his return from his second trip to the Horde, a message about the farewell of the Suzdal people to him, the words of Metropolitan Kirill, who called the prince “the sun of the Suzdal land,” and a miracle with a “spiritual letter” that occurred at the time of burial.

Image system

Undoubtedly, the combination of the traditions of the two genres affected both the system of images and the characteristics of the main character. Central hero, as in any life, alone. But along with him, a number of characters appear who perform official functions in relation to him: Andreyash and Batu, who recognize the hero’s superiority over other rulers; the Swedish king testing his military skill and strength; German enemies seizing Russian lands, whom Alexander defeats; ambassadors from Rome, tempting him to accept a different faith and finding themselves put to shame by the hero’s wisdom; Metropolitan Kirill and the people of Suzdal, mourning the death of the prince as a personal grief. A special place is occupied by six Novgorod warriors who distinguished themselves in the Battle of the Neva. Their exploits serve as confirmation of the idea of ​​the prince’s gift of leadership and the power of the Russian army, defeating the enemy with small forces. Many of the mentioned characters are more appropriate in a military story than in a life, since they emphasize the worldly, rather than religious virtues of Alexander: courage, determination, leadership, strength and bravery in battle, caring for his people - and only then relying on the help of superiors strength, loyalty to Orthodoxy. In other words, the main character of the life acquires features characteristic of the image positive hero-prince in military stories, at the same time, the main way of depicting him remains the idealization characteristic of life.

Author's image

The image of the narrator occupies a special place in the work. As in many hagiographies, the narrator begins the work with self-deprecation and assurance of his sincerity, for “wisdom will not enter into an evil soul,” he reports on the sources of the narrative, which were the stories of “his father” and his own memories, since the author “is a self-witness age" of Alexander, i.e. knew him as an adult. In the work, one can constantly feel the narrator’s admiration for the personality and deeds of the hero, manifested through evaluative epithets, comparisons with biblical characters, emotional digressions (for example, an appeal to the Pskovites with a call to remember the exploits of Alexander and the lamentation of the author, who regrets the death of the prince). Thus, the narrator in the work is similar to the hagiographic image of the narrator.

Stylistics of the work

The style of the monument is unique, closely related to the traditions that formed its basis. Undoubtedly, the leading principle is the hagiographic principle, manifested in the widespread use of Church Slavonicisms, quotations from the Bible, and retrospective historical analogies. At the same time, there is no doubt that the influence of military style is evident in the military formulas used in the battle paintings. The greatest similarity was discovered by D.S. Likhachev with a description of military actions in the Galician Chronicle, which gave rise to talk about the Western Russian origin of the author of "The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky", who was a very educated scribe and knew well, in addition to the military and hagiographic traditions, translated works ("Devgenie's Act", "Alexandria ", "History of the Jewish War" by I. Flavius, etc.).

Creating a biography of his contemporary long before his canonization, the author of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” used as a model the tradition of lives - the only Old Russian genre, who gave a biography of the hero. But real life, which he described, required the involvement literary forms and means characteristic of the widespread and well-known genre of the author - the military story. The combination of two genre traditions while maintaining the leading role of the signs of the life led to the creation of a new hagiographic variety - the life of the warrior prince, later embodied in the “Tale of the Life and Repose of Dmitry Ivanovich, the Russian Tsar” and “The Life of Dovmont of Pskov”.

Literature lesson

The story of the life and courage of the noble and Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky" (2 hours)


· Give an idea of ​​Alexander Nevsky as a historical figure and hero work of art;

· Shape literary concepts: life, hagiography, personality, faithful.


· Improve your ability to analyze literary text and draw conclusions based on the analysis;

· Improve the ability to expressively read and speak coherently;

· Practice the ability of comparative analysis of historical material and works of art;

· Develop the skill of working with various sources of information for the purpose of searching and selecting required material;

· Form independent thinking.


· Cultivate in the learning process such moral qualities: honesty, kindness, justice, sense of duty, mercy;

· Instill a love for literature and the history of your homeland.

Equipment: video from the Alexander Nevsky Institute)

Lesson type: repetition-summarizing.

May the descendants of the Orthodox know their native land past fate. They honor their great kings for their labors, for glory, for good... A.S. Pushkin

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

III. Studying a new topic.

1. “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Noble and Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky” (Al-r Nevsky ca. 1220-1263).

Life - a description of the life of a saint. In ancient Russian literature, the image of Christ was put forward as a model of human behavior. The hero of the life follows this pattern in his life. The Life, as a rule, describes how a saint becomes such by going through a series of trials.

As a rule, in the life it is reported

· about the main events of the saint’s life,

· his Christian exploits (pious life, martyrdom, if any),

· as well as special evidence of divine grace with which this person was noted (these include lifelong and posthumous miracles)

The lives of saints are written according to special rules (canons):

o Thus, it is believed that the birth of a child marked by grace most often occurs in the family of pious parents (although there were cases when parents, guided, as it seemed to them, by good intentions, interfered with the feat of their children, condemned them)

o Most often, a saint from an early age leads a strict, righteous life (although sometimes repentant sinners also achieved holiness, for example, St. Mary of Egypt)

o In the course of his life, the saint gains wisdom, goes through a series of temptations and defeats them.

o The saint could predict his death because he felt it.

o After death his body remained incorruptible.

V. Reading the introductory article to “The Tale of the Life...” on pp. 18 - 19.

In 1237-1240 The Mongol-Tatar invasion fell on the Russian principalities, weakened by external and internal wars. The development of Russian literature was delayed and weakened. In the chronicles about this invasion, religious motives intensified: the events were understood as “the wrath of God” for “sins.”

At the very beginning of the Mongol-Tatar conquest, German and Swedish aggression, a desire arose in Russian literature to awaken the patriotic feelings of readers. In North-Eastern Rus', “The Tale of the Destruction of the Russian Land” and “The Life of Alexander Nevsky” are dedicated to this topic, which we will talk about in today’s lesson.

1) When was “The Tale of the Life of ... Al-ra Nevsky” written? (in the 80s of the 3rd century) The very title of the work defines its specificity: “Tales of the life and courage of the blessed and Grand Duke Alexander” - a story about life, the main content of which was the feats of “bravery”. - What is the purpose of this life? (To glorify the courage and bravery of Alexander, to give the image of an ideal Christian warrior, defender of the Russian land). 2) Who was it written by? (Scribe of the Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin in Vladimir)

3) Where was the body of Prince A. Nevsky buried? (here)

6) What feats of A. Nevsky did he talk about? (about 3 labors:

Battle of the Neva with the Swedes (1240),

About the Battle of the Ice (with the Germans on Lake Peipsi (1242),

About a trip to Horda.

7) How do the first 2 labors differ from the 3rd? (1-3 - abusive. 3rd self-sacrifice)

8) Why did A. Nevsky go to the khan? (to pray that the Tatars do not force Russian people to carry out military service)

9) What is the significance of “The Tale...” in the development of Russian literature?

They imitated her, followed her like a lit. sample

Her influence is reflected in many other princely lives and military stories.

What is the meaning of the word “faithful”?

Good - what is this? (Good, prosperity)

Blagoy - what is it? (Same as good. Good intention. Good impulses).

So, what kind of faithful is this? (Loyal to the good, faithful to something good. Defense of the Motherland, for example.)

Why is Alexander named Nevsky?

(He won the battle with the Swedes on the Neva River in 1240).

II. Analysis of the text “The Tale of the Life of ... Aleksandr Nevsky” Expressive reading based on the roles of fragments of “The Tale of the Life ... of Alexander Nevsky.”

Work on r/r: Checking dictionaries: reading words and expressions (in a chain) characteristic of of this text words that can be used today and that are “a thing of the past” and their explanations.

(Acts - (high) - actions, deed.

Battle (old) - battle.

Discord (obsolete) - quarrels, discord.)

1) Reading the introduction

§ What does the narrator call himself and what does he want to emphasize by this? How does he talk about being a contemporary of Alexander?

"Life" glorifies Alexander as a commander and warrior, ruler and diplomat. It opens with the “glory” of the hero, which is likened to the glory of everyone worldwide. famous heroes antiquities.

§ Read the description of the prince’s appearance and his characteristics. What is the significance of this description? (the author not only shows the physical perfection of Prince Alexander, but also compares him with biblical heroes. But if each of them was distinguished mainly by one trait (strength, beauty, wisdom, courage), then in the personality of Prince Alexander all these qualities were found reflection.

§ Question 2 (p. 26) What heroes does the narrator liken the prince to? The Novgorod hero was the same name as Alexander the Great, similar to the “king” Achilles, as well as biblical heroes Joseph, Samson, Solomon, Roman Emperor Vespasian. Everything is reflected in the prince best qualities human: strength, beauty, wisdom, courage).

§ Before the appearance of “The Life of Alexander Nevsky”, “The Tale of the Destruction of the Russian Land” was written. This is a kind of preface to the story about Alexander Nevsky. I want to read you a fragment:

“O bright and skillfully decorated Russian land! It is endowed with many wondrous beauties: many lakes, wondrous rivers, local springs, steep mountains, high hills, frequent oak groves, wonderful fields, various animals, countless birds, great mountains, wondrous villages, monastery vineyards, church churches and formidable princes, honest boyars, many nobles. You are filled with everything, Russian land, O Orthodox Christian faith...”

How does the author describe the Russian Land? The description of the Russian Land (nature, villages) is very beautiful. It is precisely such a beautiful, rich land that should have such a prince as Alexander Nevsky. And now he appears to save and liberate the Russian Land. In the personality of the prince, despite his high position, we observe amazing qualities of character.

2) It is known that a person’s character traits are especially clearly manifested in trials. What did Prince Alexander have to go through in his life? Question 3 (p. 26) What exploits does he talk about?

3) Page 26 “Be careful about the word”, question 1 (part 1)

4) Find in the text episodes that demonstrate Prince Alexander, on the one hand, as a glorious commander, on the other, as a righteous (living in truth, fulfilling Christian commandments) ruler.

Prince Alexander lived in terrible years. He had to defend Russian borders from foreigners. Despite his youth, as it is written in “Life...”, Prince Alexander “won everywhere, was invincible.” This speaks of him as a skillful, brave commander.

5) The king of the Midnight country heard these words, but, blinded by envy, maddened by pride, he took with him a large army and went against Alexander: “I’m already here, I want to capture your land - if you can, defend yourself.”

And the prince at that time had a small squad, and there was nowhere to expect help. But there is a strong faith in God’s help. Alexander went to the Church of St. Sophia, “fell on his knee before the altar and began to pray to God with tears.” “He remembered the psalm song and said: “Judge, O Lord, and judge my quarrel with those who offend me, overcome those who fight with me.” Having finished the prayer and received the blessing of Archbishop Spiridon, the prince, strengthened in spirit, went out to his squad. Encouraging her, instilling courage in her and infecting her with his own example, Alexander told the Russians: “God is not in power, but in truth.” With a small squad (Courage; warrior-commander), Prince Alexander met the enemy, fought fearlessly, knowing that he was fighting for a just cause, protecting native land.

6) Next episode: Someone Pelgusy, an elder of the Izhora land, told the prince a wondrous vision. (Slide: Saints Boris and Gleb). Alexander asked not to tell anyone about this (a wise ruler) “And he decided to attack the enemies at six o’clock in the afternoon. And there was a strong battle with the Romans; He beat countless enemies and wounded the king himself in the face with his sharp spear.” In this episode, the prince is an experienced commander. He is decisive, quick-witted, dexterous. Such a prince and warriors are miracle heroes. Mutual understanding and unity lead the Russians to victory.

7) the valor of the prince is emphasized, who “put a seal on the face of the king himself [Swedish prince Lespe] with his sharp spear” - p. 22.

8) “Life” highlights the main points of Alexander’s biography, connecting them with victorious battles and biblical reminiscences (memories) are combined here with Russian historical tradition, literary traditions- with real observations of the battle: “the sun is rising, and the wallpaper is stepping down. And there was a slash of evil and a coward from the breaking spears and a sound from the slash of a sword, as if the frozen lake were to move; and you won’t see the ice, covered with blood” - “When the sun rose, both sides came together. And there was an evil slash, and a crack from the breaking of spears, and a sound from the cutting of swords, as if a frozen lake had moved. And the ice was not visible, for it was covered in blood” - page 23, below.

9) Page 26 “Let’s reflect on what we read,” question 3: What pictures do you see behind the narrator’s words: “It’s like a frozen lake has moved”?

10) Page 26 “Be attentive to the word,” question 1 (part 2) Who does Alexander call the “arrogant” people and who boasted: “Let us put the Slavic people to shame,” “Let us take Alexander with our hands” (German cities) - p. 23)?

11) Page 26 “Be careful about the word”, question 1 (part 2). Page 22. The exploits of six men, “brave and strong” (Gavrila Aleksich, Zbyslov Yakunovich, etc.) constitute interconnected episodes that have the nature of a retelling of an epic song that developed in the princely militia shortly after the battle and, obviously, on the initiative of the prince himself (“ I heard all this from my master, Grand Duke Alexander, and from others who were then in that battle” - page 22, penultimate paragraph).

12) what was Alexander's last feat? Why did he go to the king? How is this talked about in the story? “To pray people away from that misfortune” so that the Tatars do not force Russian people to perform military service.

13) In what words and on whose behalf does the author describe the grief from the loss suffered by the land of Suzdal with the death of Alexander? (p. 25, from the words “Oh, woe to you, poor man!” and to the words “Realize, the sun has set on the land of Suzdal.”) Say the words out loud and explain their meaning.

14) The work combines the features of a life and a military story. In addition, the final part of “The Life of…” includes the genre of lamentation. “Life” adopted the best “military” examples of original and translated monuments Kievan Rus, also continuing the stylistic traditions of Galician literature. It later influenced the “Tale of the Life and Death of Prince Dmitry Donskoy” and the chronicle story “About the Massacre of Mamaev.”

15) Reading the textbook material (p. 25-26).

16) Examination of P. Korin’s illustration “Alexander Nevsky”.

(Triptych - (gr. triptychos folded in three) - 1) a folding icon with three doors; 2) a work of art consisting of three paintings, reliefs, drawings, etc., united by one idea, theme, plot.)

Pay attention to the central part of the triptych. We compare the life and the iconographic image.

Is this how you imagined Alexander Nevsky when you read the story about him? Find quotes from "The Tale..." that depict Alexander. (“His height was greater than other people,” “his face was like Joseph’s face.”) The hero is depicted monumentally, in full height, with a sword).

What is the prince wearing? Before us is a prince-warrior and a prince-ruler. This is quite consistent with how Prince Alexander is depicted in “The Life of...”. We see the prince dressed in military armor, over which is thrown mantle.

Is it possible to see in the artist’s work that he depicted a wise ruler? The icon depicts Alexander Nevsky as a wise ruler: his face is concentrated, a deep wrinkle.

What signs tell us that this is an experienced warrior? This is a fearless and experienced warrior - bridge of the nose cross the folds of the will, the hair is whitened gray hair.

How are Alexander's eyes depicted? The eyes of Prince Alexander reflect peace, humility, and kindness. These are the eyes of a righteous man.

Bottom line. The painter knows “The Life of Alexander Nevsky”, and the iconographic image testifies to how much he was imbued with soul and thoughts in the content literary monument and how dear the image of Prince Alexander is to him.

17) Examination of the paintings by G. Semiradsky “Alexander Nevsky Receives the Papal Legates”, p. 27.

o What role do details play in the picture? The most important detail- a banner with the image of Christ, which is located in the center of the upper part of the picture. It carries an ideological load: Alexander is firm in his faith.

18) V. Serov “The Entry of Alexander Nevsky into Pskov after the Battle of the Ice”, p. 28. The figure of Alexander in center, but does not separate from the figures of other people who rushed towards him in a fit of delight and gratitude. All faces are turned to the winner, the people's liberator. Alexander Nevsky is a hero from the people and with the people.

I. Summing up the lesson.

Characteristics of A. Nevsky

§ How did you introduce Prince Alexander?

§ Describe his personality.

§ What surprised you about A. Nevsky’s personality? When characterizing, you can use reproductions of paintings dedicated to A. Nevsky.

§ Let's make notes in notebooks: A. Nevsky is a fearless, brave, just ruler, a great commander who lives according to Christian commandments, a quiet, friendly, wise righteous man, a man of high spirituality, a true defender of the Russian land. The personality of Prince Alexander surprisingly combines the features of a glorious commander, a wise ruler and a faithful Christian. No wonder the name Alexander means “protector” in Greek.

What works do you think Ancient Rus' were especially close and dear to their contemporaries? Why did they give preference to hagiographies?

Is it worth re-reading ancient works? Are they alive?

So, what is the artistic world of the literature of Ancient Rus', its intonations, images, colors?

A comparison of A. Maykov’s poem “The Death of Alexander Nevsky” and the final part of “The Life of...”.

Guys, so that you can perceive the personality of Alexander Nevsky in its entirety, I suggest you listen to A. Maykov’s poem “The Death of Alexander Nevsky.” Listen to it carefully and answer the question:

What mood permeates this poem and the final part of “The Life of...”?

Death of Alexander Nevsky. (slide No. (icon (fresco)

It's night outside and frosty. The month has two rainbow-colored light crowns around it... It’s as if a celebration is going across the sky. In the abbot’s cell there is a spectacle of sorrow and tears... Quietly the lamp before the image of the Savior burns... Quietly the abbot stands before him in prayer. The boyars stand quietly in the corners. Quiet and motionless, Prince Alexander lies with his head to the images, covered with a black schema... Quietly the lamp before the image of the Savior burns... The prince motionless into the darkness, looking into infinity... There, that curtain, suddenly parted in front of him... He sees: bathed as if in a golden ray, the Bank of the Neva where he struck down the enemy... Suddenly a city appears there... the shores are swarming with people, ships flutter with colored flags all around... The coffin is lifted from the ship, carried to the temple, the ringing is heard, sacred hymns are sung... The lid is opened... The king says something there... Here in front of the coffin they bow to the ground, then all the people go to venerate the relics. In the coffin - the prince sees - himself. The lamp quietly burns before the image of the Savior. The prince lies motionless... His wonderful face lit up with beauty. Quietly the abbot approached him and with a trembling hand felt his Heart and forehead - And, bursting into tears, he exclaimed: “Our sun has set!”

These works convey the grief that gripped all Russians. In A. Maykov’s poem the word “quiet” is repeated so often. Of course, you can grieve in silence. But this grief again expresses the people’s love for Prince Alexander and the irreparable grief from his loss, which is felt even more acutely in silence. In “Life...” the death of the prince is described in the final part and reminds us of lamentation (the quote is read by children): “Oh, woe to you, poor man! You cannot describe the death of your master! How can your eyes not fall out together with tears! How can your heart not break from bitter sadness! A man can forget his father, but he cannot forget a good sovereign; he would be ready to go to the grave with him alive!”

Metropolitan Kirill told people: “My children, understand that the sun has already set on the land of Suzdal...”. “We’re already dying!”

It is impossible to better express one’s attitude towards Prince Alexander and once again emphasize his merits than was heard in the lament of the third part of “The Life of...”

5) The relevance of the personality of Alexander Nevsky in the 20-21 centuries.

Centuries have passed... 13th century - 20th century... more than 700 years! In 1938, the feature film “Alexander Nevsky” directed by Sergei Eisenstein was released on the screens of the country, where main role performed by Nikolay Cherkasov. (video from the Alexander Nevsky theater)

Teacher: Guys, why do you think such a film is being released at this time? What did the director want to say?

On the eve of what event was it created? On the eve of the 2nd World War. This is a film that inspires Soviet soldiers to win, this is a film that warns enemy that “the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours”

The words of the hero came true: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.” And in 1941, the Order of Alexander Nevsky was established for the officers of the Red Army. The award was given for leading a successful operation during which the enemy suffered heavy losses. During the Great Patriotic War More than 40 thousand people were awarded the Order. (slide Order of Alexander Nevsky)

The hero’s words are still relevant today... 21st century... 2011...

On TV screens there was a project “The Name of Russia”, in which the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky was represented by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. He was able to show the scale of the feat and achievements of Alexander Nevsky, for which he was awarded the highest Russian public award - the star of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky "For Labor and Fatherland". At the beginning of the 21st century, when the country embarks on the path of deep modernization, it becomes very symbolic that the name of Russia has become a Holy Man. Saint Alexander Nevsky is the name that will really help our contemporaries change their lives for the better.

Individual task: prepare an expressive reading of “The Tale of Shemyakin’s Court.”

Work (independent) according to options.

1st option.

1. Name the genres of ancient Russian literature. Define a military story.

2. What were the names of the six brave men who “fought mightily with him [Alexander]”? What does the author compare the hearts of the “Alexandrov husbands” to?

2nd option.

1. Name the genres of ancient Russian literature. Define hagiography.

2. With what words does Alexander strengthen “the spirit of his squad”? How do you understand them? By what means is the image of a hero created?

How Russian history is reflected in the paintings.

“Find sufficiently precise definition words art world literature of Ancient Rus' and write them down, correlating them with the studied works (including “The Tale of the Life of ... Alexander Nevsky”).”

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


Every nation has its own national heroes who are loved, honored and remembered. Legends, songs, tales are written about them. Their names remain for centuries, and moral character not only is it not erased in the memory of descendants, but, on the contrary, becomes brighter and lighter over time. Those of them, whose life was illuminated with an aura of holiness, and whose deeds and service to the people were pleasing to God, are even more revered on Earth. People turn to them for help in difficult years of trials. So national hero, the people's intercessor, a sacred figure in the history of our country, the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky was and remains in the people's memory. He courageously and victoriously fought against Western enemies, prudently and intelligently protected his people from the predatory Tatars. Among the difficult princely affairs, the pious prince did not forget his Christian duties: he helped widows and orphans, to the common people, he donated a lot of silver and gold to the Horde, and redeemed many unfortunates from the grave Tatar captivity.

This year, in literature lessons, we became acquainted with “The Tale of the Life and Courage of Alexander Nevsky.” Previously, I knew about this man only as a brave warrior who won the battle on the Neva and Lake Peipus. And he was completely unaware that the Russian Church had canonized him. I wanted to know more about this person, but my literature teacher did not help me with this. For me, this topic is relevant, because... I know that the personality of Alexander Nevsky to this day is a model of courage and fearlessness for many generations of Russians.

This is how our project was born, target which is to see through the text of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” the image of Alexander as his contemporaries knew and perceived him.


Study the text of “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Noble and Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky.”

Identify how the features of a military story and hagiographic genre in “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky.”

Analyze the means of verbal expression in “The Tale...” and identify those with the help of which the 13th century author recreates the personality of Alexander Nevsky.

Object of study - “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”

The subject of the study is the speech characteristics of the main character of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”, the text of the work.

2. Main part

2.1 Features of a military story and the hagiographic genre in “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Blessed and Grand Duke Alexander”

First of all, we need to understand what genres are.

“Literary genre (from the French genre - genus, type) is the form in which the main types of literature are realized: epic, lyricism and drama, characterized by certain general plot and stylistic features. There are different genres of literary fiction: in epic - novel, story, short story, essay, fairy tale, epic, etc.; in lyric poetry - poem, ode, elegy, etc.; in drama - tragedy, comedy, drama, etc. Each literary genre. l. characterized by a certain “genre content” (theme, issues, scope of the depicted world)”

“In ancient Russian literature, a system of genres was determined, within the framework of which the development of original Russian literature began. Genres in ancient Russian literature were distinguished according to slightly different characteristics than in the literature of modern times. The main thing in their definition was the “use” of the genre, the “practical purpose” for which this or that work was intended.

Chronographs told the history of the world; about the history of the fatherland - chronicles, monuments of historical writing and literature of Ancient Rus', the narration in which was carried out by year. They narrated the events of Russian and world history. There was an extensive literature of moralizing biographies—the lives of saints, or hagiography.”

As we see, ancient Russian literature developed its own specific genres: prayer, parable, life, teaching, story, military story, word, walk, chronicle, including small genre forms- stories, instructions and legends.

As the title suggests, “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Blessed and Grand Duke Alexander” is a synthesis of two genres - the life and the military story. Let's look at the genre features of each of them. Life - a description of the life of a saint. In ancient Russian literature, the image of Christ was put forward as a model of human behavior. The hero of the life follows this pattern in his life. The Life, as a rule, describes how a saint becomes such by going through a series of trials.

As a rule, the life reports on the main events of the life of the saint, his Christian deeds (pious life, martyrdom, if any), as well as special evidence of the divine grace with which this person was noted (these include lifelong and posthumous miracles)

The lives of saints are written according to special rules (canons):

it is believed that the birth of a child marked by grace most often occurs in the family of pious parents; most often, a saint from an early age leads a strict, righteous life; in the process of his life, the saint gains wisdom, goes through a series of temptations and defeats them; the saint could predict his death because he felt it; after death his body remained incorruptible.

The military tale is a genre of ancient Russian literature, widespread in the 11th–17th centuries. The basis of the military story is the image historical event associated with the heroic struggle of the people against external enemies. The patriotic pathos of the narrative is combined with a journalistic assessment of what is happening, epicness with excited lyricism. The central character of a military story is usually real historical figure, presented as the ideal Christian warrior. How did it happen that the features of two genres were combined in one work? I learned that the genre of hagiography began to develop during the era of the beginning of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The heroes of the works were not only saints, apostles, martyrs, but also people who defended Rus' and the faith from infidel enemies. “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Blessed and Grand Duke Alexander” appeared around 1283, its author is unknown, but it is known that it was written in the Nativity Monastery. This work was created even before the canonization of Alexander Nevsky and was originally a secular biography. Perhaps because of this ambiguity, the life combined two genres - life and military tale.

Compositionally, the work has a hagiographic macrostructure - it consists of 3 parts. The first part is an introduction (self-deprecation is used, the author says that he knew Nevsky as an adult, that he writes with a pure soul). The second part is the central part. The episodes of the central narrative in the life are connected chronologically and represent the most important, from the point of view of the creator of the work, actions of Alexander: the liberation of Koporye and Pskov from the Germans; The Battle of the Ice, the story of which is presented in the form of a military story of an informative type, and the description of the battle is given in military formulas; the prince’s trip to Batu at his request, information about which is legendary; revival of the land after the invasion of Nevruy; refusal to receive Roman ambassadors who wanted to teach the prince their faith. The third part is the conclusion. The last part of the narrative consists of a story about the death of Alexander during his return from his second trip to the Horde, a message about the farewell of the Suzdal people to him, the words of Metropolitan Kirill, who called the prince “the sun of the Suzdal land,” and a miracle with a “spiritual letter” that occurred at the time of burial.

As we can see, in its artistic appearance, “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” differs from previous works of the genre in its pronounced combination of features of a military story and life.

2.2. The image of Alexander Nevsky in “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Noble and Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky”

“The Tale...” was written in the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir, where the prince was buried. According to the assumption of D. S. Likhachev, the author of this work was a Galician scribe, and the time of the appearance of the “Tale” should be attributed to the period between 1263 - 1280.

Compilation full biography Prince Alexander was not part of the author’s tasks. The content of life is summary the main, from the author's point of view, episodes of his life, which make it possible to recreate the heroic image of the prince, preserved in the memory of his contemporaries: the prince - a warrior, a valiant commander and an intelligent politician.

“I, pitiful and sinful, narrow-minded, dare to describe the life of the holy Prince Alexander, son of Yaroslav, grandson of Vsevolodov. Since I heard from my fathers and myself witnessed his mature age, I was glad to tell about his holy, honest, and glorious life,” - this is how the author of “The Tale” begins his leisurely narrative. The author maintains the traditional introduction and begins the main part with a mention of Alexander’s pious parents, as was customary.

The Novgorod hero was of the same name as Alexander the Great, similar to the “king” Achilles, as well as the biblical heroes Joseph, Samson, Solomon, and the Roman emperor Vespasian: “His face is like the face of Joseph, whom the Egyptian king made the second king in Egypt, and his strength was part of the strength of Samson, and God gave him the wisdom of Solomon, and his courage was like that of the Roman king Vespasian, who conquered the entire land of Judea.”

But if each of them was distinguished mainly by one trait (strength, beauty, wisdom, courage), then the personality of Prince Alexander was reflected all the best qualities of a person: strength, beauty, wisdom, courage. It is very rare for a person in power to possess these qualities. Before us is the prince - Prince to all princes

The author, emphasizing the wisdom of Alexander Nevsky, gives another argument: “One of the eminent men of the Western country, one of those who call themselves servants of God, came, wanting to see the maturity of his strength... So this one, named Andreas, having seen Prince Alexander, returned to his own people and said: “I went through countries and peoples and did not see such a king among kings, nor a prince among princes.”

In the personality of the prince, despite his high position, we observe amazing qualities of character. It is known that a person’s character is formed through trials. And then the actions in “The Tale...” unfold, as the canon defines, from episodes reflecting the most significant exploits of the main character.

The first and most important fragment is the story of Alexander’s battle with the Swedes on the Neva. The motivation for the events is legendary in nature and is associated with the characterization of the hero mentioned above. The author tells the story of a certain Andreyash, a foreigner, who, having seen Alexander Yaroslavich, praised him in his country. Then the king of this country decided to measure his strength with him and went to war against him. The enemy is full of confidence in his abilities: “he has gathered great strength,” “burning with the military spirit,” “intoxicated with madness,” he sends ambassadors to Alexander with the words: “If you can, defend yourself, for I am already here and am destroying your land.”

And the prince at that time had a small squad, and there was nowhere to expect help. But there is a strong faith in God’s help. Alexander went to the Church of St. Sophia, “fell on his knee before the altar and began to pray to God with tears.” “He remembered the psalm song and said: “Judge, O Lord, and judge my quarrel with those who offend me, overcome those who fight with me.” Having finished the prayer and received the blessing of Archbishop Spiridon, the prince, strengthened in spirit, went out to his squad. Encouraging her, instilling courage in her and infecting her with his own example, Alexander said to the Russians:“God is not in power, but in righteousness.” With a small squad, Prince Alexander met the enemy, fought fearlessly, knowing that he was fighting for a just cause, defending his native land. We see the courage of Alexander, who has only just turned 20 years old. Already in this episode he appears before us as a warrior-commander.

At the same time, in this part there is an element characteristic of that era, to a greater extent, not of a military story, but of a life - the vision of Boris and Gleb to the warrior Alexander Peluga, which foreshadows victory in a future battle: “He stood on the seashore, observing both paths , and spent the whole night without sleep. When the sun began to rise, he heard a strong noise on the sea and saw one boat floating on the sea, and standing in the middle of the boat were the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb in red robes, holding their hands on each other’s shoulders. The rowers sat as if covered in darkness. Boris said: “Brother Gleb, tell us to row, and let us help our relative Prince Alexander.” Seeing such a vision and hearing these words of the martyrs, Pelugui stood in trepidation until the nasad disappeared from his eyes.”

Alexander asked not to tell anyone about this; we see that the prince appears in this fragment as a wise ruler. “And he decided to attack the enemies at six o’clock in the afternoon. And there was a strong battle with the Romans; He beat countless enemies and wounded the king himself in the face with his sharp spear.” In this episode the prince- experienced commander. He is decisive, quick-witted, dexterous . Then the author dwells on the exploits of six Novgorod warriors of Alexander, calling each by name and talking about his deeds. Such a prince and warriors are miracle heroes. Mutual understanding and unity lead the Russians to victory.

Along with the specific description of events characteristic of a military story, an element characteristic of hagiographies also appears in this part - a story about a miracle beyond the Izhora River, where the Swedes stood, where Russian soldiers could not pass and where after the battle they found many enemies “killed by the angel of the Lord "

Thus, this fragment of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” as a whole represents a military story of an event-narrative type, interspersed with two “small genres” that were widely used in lives: vision and miracle.

The battle on Lake Peipsi with the German knights on April 5, 1242 is depicted in the traditional manner of military stories: “And there was a cruel slaughter, and there was a crackling sound from breaking spears and a ringing sound from the blows of swords, and it seemed that a frozen lake had moved, and no ice was visible, for it was covered with blood."

In fact, Alexander showed extraordinary military leadership talent in this battle, unraveling the tactical plan of his enemies.

From Pskov to the north lies Pskov Lake, and further north lies Lake Peipus. They are connected by a wide channel. The Crusaders are located to the west of the lakes. Alexander decided to move back and build his regiments between the lakes. Here, on the snow-covered ice, the crusaders must accept Alexander's challenge. The entire army is built in the form of a wedge: its tip is knights dressed in armor, on the sides of the wedge there are knights, and inside this movable armor there is infantry. Alexander's army was mostly on foot. And Alexander decided: the middle regiment would consist of militia - townspeople and villagers, armed with spears, axes, knives; experienced warriors, well-armed, will stand on the flanks, and horse squads will also be stationed there. The wedge will easily crush the middle regiment. The knights will consider that the main job has already been done, but at this time they are attacked from the flanks by powerful warriors. Behind the middle regiment, Alexander ordered to place a sleigh on which weapons, armor and food were carried. Behind the sleigh, behind this artificial barrier, a shore began, strewn with large boulders - a natural barrier. Between stones and sleighs, you can’t even ride a horse. But a militiaman, dressed in light armor, will act deftly among obstacles. This is how Alexander Nevsky prepared victory for his army.

In this battle, more useful than personal example was the timely order of the commander. Alexander gave the sign to the regiments of his right and left hands to enter the battle. Mounted warriors attacked the enemy from the rear. Russian soldiers pulled the knights huddled together from their horses. The spring ice broke under the weight of those fighting, the knights drowned in holes and gaps. To the opposite bank of the channel, the ice was strewn with the bodies of enemies. Thus ended the battle. Already in the summer, ambassadors from the order arrived in Novgorod and asked Alexander eternal peace. Peace was concluded. They say that it was then that Alexander uttered words that became prophetic on Russian soil: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”

This battle brought him glory: “And his name became famous in all countries, from the Khonuzh Sea and to the Ararat Mountains, and on the other side of the Varangian Sea and to the great Rome.” The fame of Alexander Nevsky began to spread throughout all countries. All his battles and victories were only in the name of saving the Russian people.

The prince appears before us not only as a warrior - a prince. From the “Tale...” we learn that “the great Alexander erected churches, rebuilt cities, gathered people who had been dispersed into their homes. Isaiah the prophet said about such people: “A good prince in countries is quiet, friendly, meek, humble - and in this way he is like God.” Without being seduced by wealth, without forgetting the blood of the righteous, he judges orphans and widows with justice, is merciful, kind to his household and hospitable to those who come from foreign countries. God helps such people, for God does not love angels, but in his generosity he generously gifts people and shows his mercy in the world.” A wise ruler stands before us - friendly, caring, merciful. The glorification of Alexander, the defender of Orthodoxy, is dedicated in the life of the story about the arrival of papal ambassadors to Rus'. Alexander rejects their offer to accept Catholicism, and in this the author of the life sees the triumph of the national policy of the Russian prince.

After the fact feat of arms in the battle with the West he had to accomplish the feat of humility before the power of the East. “Alexander Nevsky could, showing special organizational and diplomatic abilities, yield to a stronger enemy in order to save his people from needless victims.”

The author of “The Tale...” laconically reports about the decision taken Alexander Nevsky to go to the Horde and ask the khan to free Russian soldiers from participating in the campaigns of the Tatar troops: “In those days there was great violence from non-believers, they persecuted Christians, forcing them to fight on their side. The great prince Alexander went to the king to pray for his people from this misfortune.”

Batu releases Alexander: “And King Batu saw him, and was amazed, and said to his nobles: “They told me the truth, that there is no prince like him.” Having honored him with dignity, he released Alexander.” The author tells us that on the way from the Horde the prince fell ill. But before writing about his death, he pours out his feelings in a sorrowful exclamation: “Oh woe to you, poor man! How can you describe the death of your master!” . The story ends with a “wonderful” and “memorable” miracle that happened during the prince’s burial. When the Metropolitan wanted to place a spiritual letter in the prince’s hand, Alexander, as if alive, extended his hand and took it himself.

The final part of the “Tale...” includes the genre of lamentation. The story, having reported the death of the prince, ends with the traditional lament of the people, the author.

Having carefully read the “Tale...” we found in the text episodes demonstrating Prince Alexander, on the one hand, as a glorious commander, on the other, as a righteous (living in truth, fulfilling Christian commandments) ruler. In our opinion, the goal of this work- to glorify the courage and bravery of Alexander, to give the image of an ideal Christian warrior, defender of the Russian land.

Many of the mentioned character traits of Alexander Nevsky are more appropriate in a military story than in a life, since they emphasize the worldly, rather than religious virtues of Alexander: courage, determination, leadership, strength and bravery in battle, care for his people - and only then hope to the aid of higher powers, loyalty to Orthodoxy. In other words, the main character of the hagiography acquires features characteristic of the image of a positive hero-prince in military stories, while at the same time the main way of depicting him remains the idealization characteristic of the hagiography.

According to I.P. Eremin, Alexander “appears before us in the image of either a king-military leader of biblical antiquity, or brave knight book epic, then the iconographic “righteous man”. This somewhat motley stylistic outfit, in which the author of the life sometimes dresses his hero, is another enthusiastic tribute on his part to the blessed memory of the late prince.”

2.3 Linguistic features of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky”

The personality of Alexander Nevsky made a charming impression on everyone who saw him. The secret of his charm lay not only in his wisdom, courage, external beauty, but also into something higher, which irresistibly attracted him.

The very first characteristic of Alexander Nevsky is given in the title of the work. “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Blessed and Grand Duke Alexander” already contains two epithets. What is the meaning of the word "blessed"? This word, as we see, consists of two bases - “good” and “faith”. Good is goodness, well-being, therefore, “believer” is faithful to good, faithful to something good.

At the very beginning of the “Tale...”, characterizing the hero, the author resorts not to description, but to the comparative method: his image is created using numerous comparisons. Alexander Nevsky is compared with various biblical heroes of the Old Testament - rulers who were the embodiment of the best human qualities - beauty, wisdom, strength, courage.

The language of the “Tale...” is very interesting; metaphors can be found in it: “the lake covered itself and moved.” This trope allows you to more clearly understand how many warriors there were during the battle on Lake Peipsi. The image of the prince, who “inflamed his heart” from the invasion of the enemy, “intoxicated with madness,” allows us to more clearly characterize Alexander Nevsky. Epithets serve the same purpose: “about his holy, honest, and glorious life”, “wonderful miracle”, the piety of the protagonist is also emphasized with the help of this trope. Alexander had “great faith in the holy martyrs.” Paraphrase also gives full description To Alexander Nevsky: “Metropolitan Kirill said: “My children, know that the sun has already set on the land of Suzdal!”

Creating a biography of his contemporary long before his canonization, the author of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” used as a model the tradition of hagiographies - the only ancient Russian genre that gave a biography of the hero. But the real life that he described required the use of literary forms and means characteristic of the widespread and well-known genre of the author - the military story. That is why there are so many descriptions of battles, battles, and in them, naturally, Alexander Nevsky is also described. These, again, are epithets. Alexander gathered a strong army, where “there were many brave warriors,” they were filled with “the spirit of war.” And the comparison undoubtedly shows their courage: “for their hearts were like the hearts of lions.”

Undoubtedly, there is also the influence of military style, revealed in military formulas used in battle paintings: “The battle was cruel, and there was a crackling sound from breaking spears and a ringing sound from the blows of swords, and it seemed that a frozen lake had moved, and no ice was visible, for it was covered blood." Among the tropes we can highlight the hyperbole: “it was covered in blood.” The commander himself does not lag behind his soldiers, but seems to surpass them: “Alexander cut them down, driving them as if through the air, and there was nowhere for them to hide.” Thus, with the help of comparison, the author emphasizes the chosenness of the warrior-prince by God. And now we have before us a vivid image of a prince - a protector, a commander, a warrior, a saint.

The multi-union gives the narration a leisurely, lengthy battle over time: “Prince Alexander prepared for battle, and they went against each other, and Lake Peipus was covered with a multitude of these and other warriors.” “And there was a cruel slaughter, and there was a crash from breaking spears and a ringing from the blows of swords, and it seemed that a frozen lake was moving, and no ice was visible, for it was covered with blood.”

The rhetorical question is also found in the “Tale...”: “That king, having heard about such glory and courage of Alexander, sent envoys to him and said: “Alexander, do you know that God has conquered many nations to me. Well, you don’t want me alone.” submit?

Emotional tension reaches highest point at the end of the life with the help of a rhetorical exclamation: “Oh, woe to you, poor man! You cannot describe the death of your master! How can your eyes not fall out together with tears! How can your heart not break from bitter sadness! A man can forget his father, but he cannot forget a good sovereign; he would be ready to go to the grave with him alive!”

As we found out, the description of the valor of Prince Alexander and his squad does not leave readers indifferent. Promote depth of perception artistic techniques, used by the author (epithets, comparisons, metaphors, hyperboles, polyunions, opposition, rhetorical exclamations and rhetorical exclamations).

At the same time, the narrative is full of biblical analogies, quotes, literary parallels. The author constantly reminds the prince of heavenly protection, trying to show that “God looks upon such people.” The idea of ​​the sacredness of princely power determines the features artistic structure biography of Alexander Nevsky.

Military formulas, Church Slavonicisms and living language are used by the author together, which is the undoubted genre originality of the work.

3. Conclusion

“The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” dates back to the 80s of the 13th century. The very title of the work defines its specificity: “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Blessed and Grand Duke Alexander” is a story about life, the main content of which was the exploits of “bravery.” This work is a princely biography, combining the features of a life and a military story.

It opens with “glory” to the hero and ends with a cry for Alexander Nevsky. An eyewitness to those events is a kind of “portrait” of Alexander Nevsky.

Biblical comparisons and analogies have become one of the main elements of the artistic system of “The Tale...”; the actions of the prince are interpreted in comparison with biblical history, and this gives the biography a special majesty and monumentality. Constant comparisons and references to David, Hezekiah, Solomon, Joshua and Alexander himself elevate him to a biblical hero. Indications of help from above (the appearance of Boris and Gleb Pelgugiu before the Battle of the Neva, the miraculous deliverance from the Swedes by angels across the Izhora River, the help of God's regiment in the battle on Lake Peipus) convince Alexander of the special patronage of divine powers.

The very structure of “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” is a work of a complex nature: independent military stories are introduced as two episodes into the central hagiographic part, and they include genres characteristic of hagiographies - visions and miracles.

In the style of “The Tale...” there is also a place for the unusual - military formulas and living language are used by the author together, which is also a genre uniqueness of the work. And Biblical memories are combined with Russian historical tradition, literary traditions - with real observations of the battle. All this gives “The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky” as literary work unique character.

Lifetime achievements are not all that the image of the Grand Duke is famous for. Prince Alexander was destined to find a second, posthumous life. His name became a symbol of military valor. The aura of holiness that surrounded the prince made it possible to expect heavenly intercession from Nevsky. In 1547, he was included in the number of saints whose memory was celebrated in all churches of the Russian Church without exception. In 1724, by order of Peter I, the holy relics were installed in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, where they now rest.


1. We studied the text of “The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Noble and Great Alexander Nevsky.” The author of the “Tale...” similarly spoke about three exploits: the battle on the Neva with the Swedes (1240), the Battle of the Ice with the Germans on Lake Peipsi (1242), and the trip to the Horde.

We see that the first exploits of Alexander Nevsky are abusive, and the third is associated with self-sacrifice. Alexander Nevsky went to Khan Batu to pray that the Tatars would not force Russian people to carry out military service.

2. We found out that the “Tale...” combines elements of two genres - hagiography and military tale. Elements of life: the author’s self-abasement, pious parents, the image of a Christian is drawn (he refused Catholicism, pious addition), elements of the miraculous, lamentation at the death of the hero, an abundance of quotations and correlations from the Bible.

Elements of a military story: a story not of the prince’s entire life, but only of military victories, stable formulas are used to describe military actions, exaggeration of the hero’s physical qualities, glorification of his strength.

3. We found the answer to the question: what is remarkable about the image of Alexander Nevsky? In this we were helped by the “Tale...”, written by a person who personally knew this hero, who himself witnessed his mature age and is happy to tell “about his holy, honest, and glorious life.” The Tale glorifies Alexander as a commander and warrior, ruler and diplomat.

4. We analyzed the means of verbal expression in “The Tale...” and identified those with the help of which the 13th century author recreated the personality of Alexander Nevsky. The depth of perception is facilitated by the artistic techniques used by the author (epithets, comparisons, metaphors, hyperboles, polyunion, opposition, rhetorical exclamations and rhetorical exclamations).

4. References:

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Temple-chapel in the name of the blessed prince Alexander Nevskyin Voronezh