Proverbs are the wisdom of the people. Why are proverbs needed? Educational game "folk wisdom in proverbs and sayings"

Purpose of the game:

  1. instill in students a love of Russian culture;
  2. teach them to understand folk wisdom embedded in proverbs and sayings;
  3. develop in students the need to exchange knowledge and skills, as well as communicate with their peers during the game.

Leading: diverse and inexhaustible oral folk art, introducing modern man to the world of artistic thinking.

The greatest wealth of a people is its language. Over the centuries, the inexhaustible treasures of human thought and experience accumulate and live forever. Probably, in no other form of linguistic creativity does the people's mind and wisdom manifest themselves with such force and so many facets as in proverbs and sayings.

In proverbs you can find the answer to all occasions in life - when you have grief, and when you are joyful, it will immediately respond to any experience, any news, and give a reasonable answer. Whichever short proverb It wasn’t, after all, it’s a finished work.

There is a difference between a proverb and a saying - in their grammatical and logical form. Proverbs are constructed as complete sentences, complete judgments and are applied to the case in a “ready-made” form. Sayings do not have such incompleteness - they receive it only in a specific conversation.

“A proverb is a flower,” “a proverb is a berry.”


The game involves two teams (the number of players from 8 to 15 people).

"Similar proverbs."

U different nations There are many proverbs that are similar in meaning. The presenter names foreign proverbs, and students from each team take turns calling similar Russian ones. If one team finds it difficult to answer, the right to answer passes to the other team. For each correct answer - 1 point.

You can't fool a baker with bread. ( Spanish).
An old bird is not caught with chaff. ( Russian).

He who has a chatty mouth has bruises on his body. ( English).
My tongue is my enemy. ( Russian).

He who asks will not get lost. ( Italian).
Language will take you to Kyiv. ( Russian).

One bird in the hand is worth two in the bushes. ( English).
Don't promise a pie in the sky, give a bird in your hand. ( Russian).

After lunch you have to pay. ( English).
If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds. ( Russian).

The bird can be recognized by its song. ( English).
The bird can be seen by its flight. ( Russian).

"Guess the proverb."

4 people from each team participate. The presenter gives them the task of depicting proverbs comically. The opposing team guesses the proverb. For the correct answer - 1 point.

  1. “They don’t wave their fists after a fight.”
  2. "There is safety in numbers".

"Auction of proverbs and sayings."

Participants in the competition are invited to remember and write down all the sayings and proverbs they know on the topic of fishing. The team with the most of them wins (each proverb – 1 point).

“You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without effort”

“A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar”

“An uncaught fish always seems bigger”

“If you catch a crucian carp, you’ll catch a pike too”

"The fish spoils from the head"

“For lack of fish and cancer, fish”

“You can’t catch trout without getting your pants wet.”

“If you want to catch a fish, don’t climb a tree.”

“Draw and find out the proverb.”

Two people from each team participate in the competition. The presenter gives them texts of proverbs that they will have to draw.

If the opposing team guesses the proverb, it gets 1 point; if it doesn’t guess, then the team that drew the picture gets a point.

  1. "Teach your grandmother to suck eggs".
  2. “Chickens are counted in the fall.”

“Let’s make up a proverb.”

Cards are distributed. Half of the proverbs are written on them. The task is to select a part from another proverb so that the composed proverb acquires a new meaning (content). Those who have compiled the most interesting options must explain their meaning. For example, “No matter how much you feed the wolf, his feet are on the table,” “If you like to ride, have 100 rubles.” For each version of the proverb - 1 point.

There's something for everyone,

if laziness does not creep up.

Did the job -

walk boldly.

There's no point in blaming the mirror,

if the face is crooked.

Measure seven times

cut once.

For one beaten

They give two unbeaten ones.

You won't drown -

you won't burst it.

We see a speck in someone else's eye,

We don’t even notice the logs in ours.

They greet you by their clothes,

guide you through your mind.

Not red hut with corners,

and red with pies.

Good word will build a house,

a bitter word will destroy the house.

It's good to be away,

but home is better.

Flies into one ear

flies out to another.

One rotten apple

could ruin a hundred others.

Mountain will not meet mountain,

and man will get along with man.

Strong friendship

and cannot be cut with an ax.

A man without a homeland

like a nightingale without a song.

The eyes are afraid

and the hands do it.

What's on your mind

then on the tongue.

From a kind word

the ice will melt.

Don't have 100 rubles,

and have 100 friends.

An eye for an eye

tooth for tooth.

Firewood is being chopped

chips are flying.

“Who can guess?”

Each team is given the text of the proverb with the same number of words (3 people from each team). Players distribute one word from the proverb among themselves and come up with a sentence using this word. Then they take turns saying sentences, and the second team must guess the proverb from these sentences. For the correct answer - 1 point.

  1. “The master’s work is afraid.”
  2. “Bread is the head of everything.”

“Make a proverb.”

A pair of words from famous proverbs. It is necessary to compose proverbs in which these words would appear. The one who quickly and correctly completes the task wins. For each correct answer - 1 point.

“Learning is light, but ignorance is darkness”

“There is time for business, an hour for fun”

“Water does not flow over a lying stone”

“A kind word also pleases the cat”

At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winner is announced.

Bibliographic description: Novichkov A.V., Ovchinnikova N.A. How to learn to compose proverbs yourself // Young scientist. 2016. No. 1.1. P. 44-45..03.2019).

Not only me, but everyone around me probably often hears various proverbs and sayings in the speech of other people. For example, my grandmother and mother know a lot different proverbs, which are often used in communication with me and my brother. One day I wondered how they knew them, and why I couldn’t boast about it. And I decided to find out everything about proverbs: what a proverb is, who invented them and when, why they are used in speeches, whether they are used by people of my generation and whether it is possible to invent proverbs ourselves.

Also, at the stage of posing the problem, I decided to find out what the guys in my class know about proverbs, whether they use them in speech, and whether they even know what a proverb is. In order to find out, I decided to conduct a survey in the class, where I asked the children to answer, as it seems to me, the most significant questions about proverbs. 86 students in grades 2–6 participated in the survey, the results are as follows.

1. 96% of students were able to choose the correct definition of the proverb term, 3 people identified it incorrectly. Thus, the majority of students surveyed know that a proverb is a short folk saying with instructive content.

2. 80 students were able to find a proverb among the riddles and tongue twisters, which was 93%.

3. Only 47 people were able to choose the correct explanation of the proverb, and 39 pointed out the incorrect explanation.

4. 70 people use proverbs in their speech, while 16 students do not use them in their speech.

5. At the very interesting question“Do you make up proverbs yourself?” only 2 answered positively and 84 - negatively.

Thus, I have established that most respondents know proverbs, have an idea about them, sometimes use them in speech, but do not compose them themselves. Therefore, one of the tasks of my research was to highlight the main techniques and create an algorithm for composing proverbs.

IN explanatory dictionary Ozhegova term proverb means - a short folk saying with edifying content. In other sources, a proverb is a genre of folklore, an aphoristically condensed, figurative, grammatically and logically complete saying with an instructive meaning in a rhythmically organized form (BES). Folk proverbs have great public importance. Their educational value is great. Proverbs provide very versatile knowledge about life, condense the rich labor experience of the people, and generalize their life observations. The educational value of proverbs is great. It is expressed in correct assessments of people's actions, in ridicule of negative practices, bad sides of human characters, and superstitions. Proverbs consolidate the labor, everyday, and social experience accumulated by the people and pass it on to subsequent generations. “Why worry about something that you can’t turn back”, “Don’t believe in happiness, and don’t be afraid of troubles”, “Your mind is dull, but your wallet is tight”, “Money can’t buy back your soul.” The aesthetic value of proverbs has been noted more than once by such prominent literary artists as Pushkin, Gogol, and Tolstoy. Aesthetic value includes a clearly and extremely briefly expressed complete thought.

At the stage of collecting the “All about Proverbs” piggy bank, it turned out that there were a lot of proverbs and, accordingly, a goal immediately appeared: to divide them into groups according to content. This is the card file I got:

Proverbs about work

Proverbs about health and hygiene

Proverbs about the seasons and natural phenomena

Proverbs about learning

Proverbs about war and peace

Proverbs that use numbers in their content

Proverbs about good and evil

Proverbs about love and friendship

After the card index of proverbs was created, I decided to divide them into groups not only by content and theme, but also by the form of their writing. This is done in order to understand how they were composed and created. So I divided the proverbs into three large groups: rhyming proverbs (“You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty”); proverbs that do not rhyme (“Seven nannies have a child without an eye”); proverbs that contain opposition (“One head is good, but two are better”). Having divided the proverbs according to the form of their writing, I tried to create an algorithm for composing proverbs. I decided to take proverbs based on oppositions as a basis.

Algorithm for composing proverbs

  1. Write down a word denoting a person’s character (object feature 1)
  2. Find an antonym for this word (object feature 2)
  3. For the attribute of object 1, select the action that it has
  4. For the second object, choose an action so that it fits in meaning and rhymes with the action for object 1
  5. Place the conjunction “a” in the middle

For example:

These are the proverbs I came up with.

The hungry one wants to eat, but the full one wants to lie down.

The cheerful one smiles, and the sad one suffers.

The generous gives, and the greedy takes.

The handsome one dresses up, but the scary one is offended.

A wise man promises, but a fool delivers.

The good one loves, and the evil one destroys.

The rich sleep and the poor work.

A friend helps, but an enemy offends.

A stupid person only whistles, but a smart person already thinks.

With the help of this algorithm and a card index of antonyms, anyone can come up with proverbs, the main thing is to be able to fantasize and rhyme.

While working on my research, I realized that proverbs are an integral part of our language; they can and should be used in our speech, as this decorates our speech and makes it more expressive.

Proverbs are the great heritage of our ancestors, which has been passed on from mouth to mouth for more than one generation. These small sayings contain deep wisdom that can reveal the essence of many things. And yet, despite the fact that proverbs and sayings are used regularly in conversation, many still cannot realize how useful they are.

Exists huge amount these short statements. Some are intended for adults, others are more suitable for children. They also differ in presentation style and subject matter... However, let's talk about everything in order.

Proverbs are...

To begin with, many are not familiar with the definition of this concept. This may seem like a minor omission, but the question arises: “How then can we understand that this expression is precisely a proverb?” To prevent similar situations from arising in the future, we present the most common interpretation.

So, proverbs are short sayings in which a moralizing context is clearly visible. Most often, these formulations are limited to one sentence, less often two, but short. Another indicator is the absence of an author, since they were all created by the people.

Also in proverbs you can trace the rhyme, thanks to which such an expression is read or spoken in one breath. To achieve this effect, the order of words is carefully selected, and dissonant parts are replaced with synonyms or metaphors.

Who invented proverbs?

As stated earlier, proverbs are small form But this does not always mean that figurative sayings were invented by “the whole world.” No, in reality, it often happens that someone accidentally used an interesting expression in their conversation, the second person liked it, then the third, and so on, until the whole neighborhood starts using it. Over the years, the memory of the real author is erased, and the proverb becomes popular.

But it also happens that proverbs and sayings were created not by one person, but by an entire social group. This was necessary so that the acquired experience and knowledge would not be lost over the years. In such cases, the author of proverbs is indeed the people.

Why are proverbs needed?

The importance of proverbs in people's lives is difficult to overestimate, because they, like invisible teachers, carry the truth. Some sayings tell us how to behave correctly, others remind us of the importance of health, and others ridicule vices.

For example, the proverb “The eye is turquoise, but the heart is soot” reminds us that external and spiritual beauty are not always the same thing. Second example: “In a smart conversation, you gain your senses, in a stupid conversation, you lose your own.” Or “Whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain.” As you can see, proverbs reflect the existing realities of life in a simple and accessible form. This helps not only to capture their essence, but also improves perception.

They can be used in everyday life, for example, in order to brighten up a conversation. It makes even more sense to use proverbs as examples that can suggest the way to solving important issues.

How to save proverbs from oblivion

Over the years, many proverbs have faded into obscurity, which is a very sad fact. There are quite a few reasons for this. But main problem is that he is practically not interested oral creativity, and in particular folklore. But this is such a treasure

Only their parents and teachers can correct the situation by constantly reminding children of the importance of proverbs. At the same time, it is not necessary to force them to read them, much less force them to memorize them. It will be enough to use proverbs in everyday conversation, asking whether the child understood the meaning of a particular statement.

In addition, there are modern proverbs for more advanced children. For example, “They don’t get into someone else’s car with their own cassette tape” or “A lady from a stagecoach is a lighter pony.” It sounds a little shocking for the older generation, but how understandable for young people! Such an interpretation will not only help to sow a craving for folk metaphorical sayings in the child’s heart, but will also give parents the opportunity to learn something new for themselves.

Svetova Ksenia

This research work took part in regional competition research work junior schoolchildren"Small Academy" in Ulyanovsk 2013. The purpose of this research is to study the literature about proverbs and learn to compose proverbs yourself.

Research objectives:

1. Research proverbs.

2. Systematize knowledge about proverbs.

3. Analyze and summarize the information received, collect a piggy bank.

4. Divide proverbs into groups - create a card index.

5. Identify the main forms of composing proverbs.

6. Based on the knowledge gained, try to create your own algorithm for composing proverbs.

Hypothesis: Let’s assume that, based on knowledge about proverbs, you can create an algorithm for composing proverbs and learn how to compose them yourself.

Object of study- proverbs.

Subject of research- algorithm for composing proverbs.

Studying literary sources about proverbs

Sociological survey of peers






“A proverb is a helper for everyone, or how to learn to make proverbs yourself”


Student 2 "A" class

Svetova Ksenia

Scientific supervisor:

Efremova Tatyana


Primary school teacher

Ulyanovsk, 2013


Description of the research work……………….…………………....5

  1. Creating a piggy bank “All about proverbs”……………………………5
  2. Creation of a card index of proverbs……………………………………...8
  3. Dividing proverbs into groups according to the form of their writing…………..8
  4. Creation of a product - an algorithm for composing proverbs………….9





Not only me, but everyone around me probably very often hears various proverbs and sayings in the speech of other people. For example, my grandmother knows a lot of different proverbs, and my great-grandmother even says those whose meanings are not always clear to me. And one day I wondered how they knew them, and why I couldn’t boast about it. After all, when the grandmother uses proverbs and sayings in her story, her speech takes on some unusually fabulous shade. It turned out that I don’t know many proverbs. And then I decided to find out everything about proverbs: what a proverb is, who invented them and when, why they are used in speeches, whether they are used by people of my generation and whether it is possible to invent proverbs ourselves.

Also, at the stage of posing the problem, I decided to find out what the guys in my class know about proverbs, whether they use them in speech, and whether they even know what a proverb is. In order to find out, I decided to conduct a survey in the class, where I asked the children to answer, as it seems to me, the most significant questions about proverbs:What is a proverb? How can you explain the proverb? Do you use proverbs in your speech? Do you make up proverbs yourself?

21 people took part in the survey. I entered the test results into a table, this is what I got:

1. 17 people were able to choose the correct definition of the proverb term, 4 people identified it incorrectly. Thus, most students in the class know that a proverb is a short folk saying with instructive content.

2. All students except one person were able to find the proverb among the riddles and tongue twisters.

3. 16 people chose the correct explanation of the proverb, 5 pointed out the incorrect explanation.

4. 7 people use proverbs in their speech, 10 do not, and 4 people do not know whether they use them in their speech or not.

5. Well, to the most interesting question: “Do you compose proverbs yourself?” three answered positively, 18 – negatively.

6. In the last task of the questionnaire, you had to write proverbs that you know, 6 people wrote 2-3 proverbs, 9 people were able to give an example of only one proverb, and 6 guys did not write a single proverb.

This survey helped me present a clear picture of “What do the kids in my class know about proverbs.” As a result of the survey, I learned that most of the class know proverbs, have an idea about them, but do not use them in speech, much less compose them themselves. I really hope that with the help of the study “A proverb is an assistant to everyone,” the situation in the class will change and the children will say proverbs, because it is very interesting.

So the goal my research: study the literature about proverbs and learn how to compose proverbs yourself.

I set myself these tasks:

1. Research proverbs.

2. Systematize knowledge about proverbs.

3. Analyze and summarize the information received, collect a piggy bank.

4. Divide proverbs into groups - create a card index.

5. Identify the main forms of composing proverbs.

6. Based on the knowledge gained, try to create your own algorithm for composing proverbs.

Hypothesis : Let’s assume that, based on knowledge about proverbs, you can create an algorithm for composing proverbs and learn how to compose them yourself.

Object of study- proverbs.

Subject of research- algorithm for composing proverbs.

Research methods:

Studying literary sources about proverbs

Sociological survey of peers


  1. Creating a piggy bank “All about proverbs.”

The first source of information was, of course, my mother and grandmother, from whom I learned that there are a lot of proverbs and sayings. Each specific case has its own proverb, and all of them have come to us since ancient times and are passed down from generation to generation and are still relevant today. The Internet helped me learn a lot about proverbs and create my own piggy bank, literary encyclopedias and books that were offered to me in the library, as well as stories from my family and teachers. Thus, in my piggy bank I collected: all kinds of proverbs, books about proverbs, information about their appearance and meaning in modern life. And this is what I learned from the history of the origin of proverbs:

On at the moment it is very difficult to say exactly from what time to ancient Rus' The very first proverbs appeared, which are short and precise sayings compiled on any topic. In the same way, it is unknown the specific time when proverbs first appeared in Rus', in the role of which are well-aimed speeches that are capable of quite expressively, as well as very accurately characterizing and describing any ongoing phenomenon during a conversation.

Only one fact remains indisputable: all proverbs could have arisen in ancient times, and since then they have become folk companions throughout history. This type of genre has become, even after a long time, namely centuries, the most necessary and persistent in our everyday life. A proverb is not a simple saying. First of all, its essence expresses the unified opinion of the people, which has been preserved over the centuries and has remained completely unchanged. It was in proverbs that long ago people’s assessments of life phenomena were contained, accompanied by observation by the people.

Those people who at one time created proverbs were completely illiterate, and they simply did not have any other way to preserve their specific observations or life experience. If you try to take all the existing and well-known folk proverbs in their totality, you can see that they undoubtedly fully reflect the mentality of our people. The proverb continues to this day to preserve certain moral standards and contradictions that were perpetuated in oral form and verbal content many centuries ago. We can say with confidence that it is precisely the proverb, as a folk traditional genre, represents the most beautiful display of creativity that has ever been present in the entire world.

In Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary the term proverb means a short folk saying with edifying content.

In other sources, a proverb is a genre of folklore, an aphoristically condensed, figurative, grammatically and logically complete saying with an instructive meaning in a rhythmically organized form (BES). The term "proverb" is Russian. He says that these sayings are used in lively conversational speech. The proverb most clearly demonstrates the general characteristics of folklore: collectivity of creativity, since it is created by many, many people; traditionality, i.e. stability, since the text of a proverb, as a rule, rarely changes; orality, since the proverb is more closely related to oral than other genres, colloquial speech. In a brief and concise form, the proverb conveys the result of long and careful observations of life. A proverb contains advice or teaching and has a clear moral aspect.

Folk proverbs have great social significance. Their educational value is great. Proverbs provide very versatile knowledge about life, condense the rich labor experience of the people, generalize their life observations, and typify the phenomena of reality. Their educational value lies in the importance and variety of topics. We can say that proverbs present a picture of life much more fully than other genres of folklore. Moreover, proverbs do not just talk about the phenomena of reality, but typify them and generalize the life experience of the people. “Patience and work will grind everything down”, “It’s a boring day until the evening if there is nothing to do”, “I walked through the forest, but didn’t see any firewood”, “There is time to cry, eat and have fun.” M. Gorky said: “In general, proverbs and sayings exemplarily form the entire life socio-historical experience of the working people...” These generalizations may also apply important phenomena and life's little things. Proverbs not only help to get to know life better, not only provide generalizations of its phenomena, but often explain them.

Proverbs, which were created by previous generations, thanks to personal observations and experience, very clearly and clearly express feelings such as grief, joy, sadness, delight, anger, hatred, love, humor or irony. In any case, each proverb has a certain meaning. Such folk genre was intended to generalize any natural phenomena, from the reality around us. Thanks to such things, you can try to understand the history of our native people. Proverbs in their texts acquire their own individual meaning. The fact is that they can not only enhance the expressiveness of everyday speech, but accordingly they can give it sharpness and deeper and more capacious content.

A proverb, at its core, is a short saying that was perfectly organized in terms of rhythm. This is, first of all, a figurative statement that is based on the experience of the people. It contains various kinds of judgments, and even specific instructions that can be used for virtually all occasions.

In their form, proverbs are very easy to remember, are firmly stored in long-term memory and, being a form of preservation and dissemination folk wisdom, shape human behavior.

Proverb maybe it's short form wisdom passed down from generation to generation.The key to the success of the “unforgettable wisdom” of the Russian people was laid in the pronunciation and sound of easily remembered expressions. At the same time, the accumulated wisdom in “winged” expressions has the character of well-known truths of the correct or rational behavior of a person in a given situation. One expression can explain the cherished truth contained in the proverb in a way that an entire book cannot explain. A proverb can accurately describe something in a conversation without the help of tedious, lengthy and complex explanations. Another important reason for the preservation of proverbs in the speech of the Russian people throughout all times isthis is a reason to use it. No one remembers them without cause or reason.They always come to mind in conversation, on the right occasion. Despite the well-known truths, accumulated and developed over centuries, people still give reason to use proverbs for their intended purpose, making them even more relevant. Therefore, folklore lives to this day in Russian speech.

Their educational value lies in the importance and variety of topics. We can say that proverbs present a picture of life much more fully than other genres of folklore. Moreover, proverbs do not just talk about the phenomena of reality, but typify them and generalize the life experience of the people. “Patience and work will grind everything down,” “The day is boring until the evening if there is nothing to do,” cry, eat and have fun.”

The educational value of proverbs is great. It is expressed in correct assessments of people's actions, in ridicule of negative practices, bad sides of human characters, and superstitions. Proverbs consolidate the labor, everyday, and social experience accumulated by the people and pass it on to subsequent generations. “Why worry about something that you can’t turn back”, “Don’t believe in happiness, and don’t be afraid of troubles”, “Your mind is dull, but your wallet is tight”, “Money can’t buy back your soul.”

The aesthetic value of proverbs has been noted more than once by such prominent literary artists as Pushkin, Gogol, and Tolstoy. Aesthetic value includes a clearly and extremely briefly expressed complete thought. The fund has been formed for centuries folk proverbs. “The eras that gave rise to proverbs are different. And, perhaps, in none of the forms of linguistic creativity of a people does its mind manifest itself with such strength and in such a multifaceted way, is its mind so crystalline deposited national history, social system, way of life, worldview, as in proverbs.” (M. Sholokhov.)

  1. Creation of a card index of proverbs.

At the stage of collecting the “All about Proverbs” piggy bank, it turned out that there were a lot of proverbs and, accordingly, a goal immediately appeared: to divide them into groups according to content. This is the card file I got:

  • Proverbs about work
  • Proverbs about health and hygiene
  • Proverbs about the seasons and natural phenomena
  • Proverbs about learning
  • Proverbs about war and peace
  • Proverbs that use numbers in their content
  • Proverbs about good and evil
  • Proverbs about love and friendship
  1. Dividing proverbs into groups according to the form of their writing.

After the card index of proverbs was created, I decided to divide them into groups not only by content and theme, but also by the form of their writing. I did this in order to understand how they were composed and created.

So I divided the proverbs into three large groups:

1.Rhyming proverbs “You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty”

2. Proverbs that do not rhyme “Seven nannies have a child without an eye”

3. Proverbs in which there is a contrast: “One head is good - but two are better”

My research about proverbs did not end there. After all, my main goal is to try to come up with my own proverbs based on the conclusions made, so that they can just as accurately express some thought or teaching, and would be understandable to everyone. This is how I approached the next stage of my work - the creation of an algorithm for composing proverbs.

  1. Creation of a product - an algorithm for composing proverbs.

Having divided the proverbs into groups according to the form of their writing, I tried to create an algorithm for composing proverbs. I decided to take proverbs based on oppositions as a basis. To do this, I took some property of a person’s character, i.e. a sign of an object, for example, kind, and wrote it down in the first column, in the second column there should be an action of this object, but first, I filled out the third column using antonyms, the word good has an antonym - evil, then in the 2nd and 4th column I came up with an action for the first object and for the second so that they fit in meaning and rhyme. For example:

And in order to make the proverb more expressive and complete, I inserted the conjunction a in the middle, thanks to which the contrast and instructive connotation are obtained.

Algorithm for composing proverbs:

  1. Write down a word denoting a person’s character (object feature 1)
  2. Find an antonym for this word (object feature 2)
  3. For the attribute of object 1, select the action that it has
  4. For the second object, choose an action so that it fits in meaning and rhymes with the action for object 1
  5. Place the conjunction “a” in the middle.

Thus, in my algorithm I combined 2 types of proverbs: rhyming and those in which there is opposition.

The hungry one wants to eat, but the full one wants to lie down.

The cheerful one smiles, and the sad one suffers.

The generous gives, and the greedy takes.

The handsome one dresses up, but the scary one is offended.

The good one loves, and the evil one destroys.

These are the proverbs I came up with. With the help of this algorithm and a card index of antonyms, anyone can come up with such proverbs, the main thing is to be able to fantasize and rhyme.


While working on this research, I realized that proverbs are an integral part of our language; they can be used in our speech

necessary, as it embellishes our speech and makes it more expressive. This work helped me learn a lot about proverbs, create a card index and even an algorithm for composing them. Thus, my assumption turned out to be correct: based on knowledge about proverbs, you can learn to compose them yourself.

How I did it is up to you to judge. My work on the project does not end here, I want to tell the children of our class about my idea, and try to create many new interesting proverbs with them, I will try to get the children to use more proverbs in their speech more often. The next stage, I think, will be the creation of the book “Modern Proverbs from Grade 2A Students.”