Popular dance styles. Types of dance styles

Dance is a special state of the human soul. In ancient times, not a single holiday or ritual took place without it. Sometimes, even without knowing classical movements, you can dance.

Nowadays there are various styles dances, the list of them is long. Each of them has gone through its own development path, has its own history and fans.

Historical information about dances

The dance existed in different centuries and eras. However, it was distinguished by its types and popularity among the population. If we talk about ancient times, then the dance was more sacred and profound. They cared little about beauty and aesthetics, the main thing was to achieve their goal, so it was necessary to respect traditions. Dance in those days could cause rain or demonstrate the relationship between a man and a woman.

Later, when it took shape as a movement to music, each nation developed its own special and indescribable flavor of dances. Almost every area had its own special rhythm and movements.

The booty dance style basically contains the following movements:

  • vibration of the buttocks;
  • rotations and figure eights with the hips;
  • hip strikes, etc.

Based on these movements, there are the following techniques, each of which has its own characteristics:

For this dance you need to have strong muscles of the legs and buttocks, since the load mainly falls on them. By doing this, you can tighten up these parts of the body. In addition, there is a good study of the back.

Clothes for dancing can, in principle, be anything as long as they are comfortable. However, it is still recommended to wear one that emphasizes the hips and buttocks. These could be leggings or short shorts. You can dance without shoes or in sneakers. Accessories are also welcome.

Go-go dance

Very interesting dance is also go-go. It also combines many styles. It all started with the “Whisky-A-Go-Go” disco, which was very popular in America, where girls danced in cages, thus attracting wealthy men. After this innovation, many clubs adopted it. Now dancing half-naked girls could be found in many establishments.

Today this style is very popular. It is performed mainly by girls; very often professional dancers are invited to clubs to entertain and excite visitors. It can also be performed by gay men in their clubs.

This dance is considered erotic, but it does not require undressing. This is not a striptease in the usual sense. Performers usually do not invent complex movements. They just dance and enjoy it. They emphasize their body in slow compositions and show passion in fast ones.

Of course, there are traditional movements used, but beginners in this style are encouraged to simply relax and feel the music. Then everything will go on its own. But professional dancers hone their art for a long time. The end result is both a dance and a game with the audience, which turns into emotional communication. Such performers are very highly regarded.

In conclusion

It is impossible to list all the dance styles, the list of which is quite impressive and continues to grow. Each direction and style has its own personality traits and features.

Perhaps dance is something that will always be with a person as an expression of his emotional state. People often jump or dance for joy, don’t they?

Today, everyone can choose their own dance, which is more suitable for their perception of the world. You can even train at home if your soul asks, but you don’t know what you would like. Over time, preferences will become clear. In any case, you just have to start moving. And it will be simply impossible to stop!

To express the emotions and feelings that overwhelmed them, expectations and hopes, our ancient ancestors used rhythmic ritual dances. As man himself and the social environment that surrounded him developed, more and more different dances appeared, becoming more complex and sophisticated. Today, even experts will not be able to indicate the name of the types of dances - all performed by people over the centuries. However, dance culture, having passed through centuries, is actively developing. Based on folk and classical ones, new and modern styles and trends appear.

What is it?

Before we consider what types of dances there are, let's clarify what it really is? The shortest and most complex of all forms of art, in which the human body and its plastic capabilities are used to create unique image, is a dance.

It is impossible without the personality of the artist and music. The performer, starting from the content piece of music, builds a “picture” of dance and embodies his vision and sensory perception in movement. This action can be used as a way social communication and self-expression, a competitive sport and part of a religious cult, as well as an exemplary art form that is constantly evolving and changing. More and more new styles and forms appear in it, different types dances, the diversity of which confuses even specialists.

History of appearance

The very first dances of people were ritual ones, performed by them in the hope of a successful hunt or a bountiful harvest, healing of the sick or victory in a war. Over time, rhythmic movements were subjected to generalization, which served as the beginning of the formation of ethnic art, which has its own characteristics and traditions for each of the peoples.

All the variety of dance steps originated from the basic types of human movements - running, walking, jumping, swinging and turning. Over time, the following types appeared, everyday (for oneself), as well as those performed for show - cult and stage.

Main directions

Among the various dance styles and directions that exist today, the following, the most popular and well-known, can be named:

In this article we will consider in more detail what types of dances there are in modern

Beginning and mid-20th century

This division into two stages is not accidental. According to many performers at the beginning of the last century, dance as an art form was supposed to reflect new reality, and not adhere to the canons of old ballet schools “frozen” in time. At this time, such choreographic trends emerged that are still popular today, such as:

  1. Free dance.
  2. Modern.
  3. Butoh.
  4. Contemporary (contempo).
  5. Jazz-modern.

Let us dwell in more detail on each of them, since they had a great influence on the formation and development of many styles and trends of modern dance art.

Free dance

This is, first of all, a special worldview of the performer, formed under the influence of Nietzsche’s ideas. The performer, denying the canonical rules of ballet choreography, sought to combine dance and real life, manifesting himself as a liberated spirit of creativity. It is on the basis free style such trends as modern and butoh, jazz-modern and contemporary emerged and developed.


Originating at the beginning of the century, this dance style is very popular today and is one of the leading dance styles in the Western choreographic school.

Just like free, he denies any ballet norms and strives to embody various forms on stage, using new original methods. It is characterized by semantic content, a wide range of movements, high jumps and flexibility, “broken” poses and movements unusual for ballet choreography, and various twists.

Contemporary dance

It is quite reasonable to say that such popular late XIX and the beginning of the 20th century, styles such as free dance and modern served as the basis for the formation of such a direction as contemporary (contempo). This offers the dancer, through various choreographic styles, to demonstrate as fully as possible in improvisation all his internal emotions and resources.


The main feature of this direction is the combination of jazz improvisational rhythms and energy, coordination and work with the body and breath of a modern performer, as well as movements inherent in classical ballet school. Thus, the body of a modern jazz dancer becomes another musical instrument, manifesting melody through the plasticity of his own body.


This is one of the youngest dance techniques, which appeared in the fifties of the 20th century in Japan. Butoh, despite its rather long existence, remains for people today Western world most difficult to understand. It is based on the cultural, philosophical, religious and aesthetic values ​​of the Country rising sun. This dance seeks to show the mundane nature of everyday life. ordinary person, and to conceptualize and demonstrate the body and its capabilities in space and time.

Contemporary dance of the late 20th and early 21st centuries

The whole variety of modern dances can, of course, be divided into two large groups:

  • street;
  • club

Street dance

Hip-hop and Krump, popping and locking, breakdancing and C-walk - all these are the names of types of dances “born” not on stages and in choreographic studios, but on the streets and courtyards of megacities, discos and clubs.

Most of them are based on hip-hop. The performer is not limited to any form and can safely improvise and experiment, creating an individual and unique pattern of movements, as well as interact with both other dancers and the audience. They are extremely rare in their “pure” form, and for the most part they began to be performed in clubs rather than on the streets, which is why they often fall into the club category. Here are the most popular and common directions:

  • NewStyle.
  • Krump is short for Kingdom Radically Uplifted Mighty Praise, meaning "Absolute Power Spiritual Praise Empire".
  • Locking.
  • Popping.
  • LA-Style.
  • Crip walk (C-walk).
  • Break dancing.
  • Hip-Hop.

This is a temperamental, bright and incredible mixture of diverse modern styles allowing you to express yourself in movement. As they say, everyone knows the name of the types of dances of this direction:

  • Tectonic or electro dance.
  • House (house).
  • Jumpstyle (jumpstyle).
  • Melbourne shuffle (shuffle).
  • Waacking (wacking).
  • Go-Go (club Go).
  • Square dance (square dance).
  • DnBstep.
  • Ragga (ragga) and many others.

It is impossible to list all types of dances. The list of names of modern styles and trends is constantly changing and supplemented. Today, dancing is not only a plastic art, but also a fairly common sport.

Sports dancing

If in earlier times dancing was perceived only as an art form, then the complication of technical and choreographic requirements for performance has led to the need for excellent physical fitness for those who do it. Today sports dances- these are, first of all, ballrooms. Their feature is that partners perform a set of certain mandatory movements and figures to predetermined music. Evaluations at competitions consist of three parts: compulsory, original and free.

Over time, new musical and choreographic styles and directions appear. And now they're like that modern views sports dances such as breaking or locking, jumpstyle or pole dance(pole dancing), attract more and more fans from different age groups. To participate in competitions in these areas, athletes need not only excellent choreographic, but also physical preparation. For those who do not strive to win international competitions, but try to keep their own body in good shape, we can recommend fitness classes in various dance techniques. Twerk, high heels, go-go, strip plastic, belly dance, zumba, sexy R&B, ragga, booty dance - these are the most popular among wonderful dancing. Girls are attracted to them not only by the opportunity to correct their figure, but also to improve their plasticity and increase their own self-esteem.

An incendiary samba, an elegant waltz or a mesmerizing belly dance - any of these dances will have a positive effect on the condition of the muscles, and an elastic tummy is not a myth, but a reality. The thing is that there are cortisol receptors in the abdominal area, and it is this hormone that helps actively burn fat. Intense physical activity stimulates the production of cortisol in the body, and dancing, according to researchers, actively burns accumulated fat in the abdominal area.

Choosing a dance direction

If we're talking about not about mindless trampling to the music, but about serious dance classes with a teacher, then choosing one thing can be very difficult. All dance directions attractive in their own way, but which one is right for you? Dance experts advise making your choice based on your temperament.

The famous psychologist Carl Jung, among other things, studied the influence that choreography has on people. Based on the results of his research, he divided all dances that existed at that time into two types: extroverted and introverted.

Extroverted dances are free and inharmonious; with the help of such dances a person is freed from negative emotions and suffering; such dances are used as therapy for severe affects.

Introverted dances, in contrast to extroverted ones, are clear and harmonious, they are distinguished by the dancer’s special joy and love of life, and with their help positive emotions are expressed.

Dancing for choleric people

The nature of choleric people is such that they behave unrestrainedly and can be hot-tempered. Their movements are sharp and impetuous, and their speech is characterized by passion and confused intonations. Cholerics are characterized by sudden mood swings and straightforwardness in relationships with others.

Club dancing is perfect for such emotionally unstable individuals. Various rhythms and movements will help reveal all the body's abilities. Hip-hop, RnB shuffle, funk, Go-go dance - these are all club dances that will help a choleric person show his fickle nature and throw out raging emotions.

Hip-hop (video)

Dancing for phlegmatic people

The behavior of phlegmatic people is measured, such people are distinguished by icy calm and leisurelyness, it is difficult to anger them. Phlegmatic people are consistent in their work and are highly efficient.

Ideal for phlegmatic people would be Folk dance, which includes Irish dancing, flamenco, belly dancing, and Russian folk dances. These are the ones dance directions will help phlegmatic natures to open up better; such people pass through themselves all the traditions and meaning inherent in the dance. Despite their outward restraint, phlegmatic people are excellent dancers; it is not difficult for them to monitor the position of their arms and legs in the dance; they have excellent coordination. But you shouldn’t be scattered between several dances; for serious classes, it’s enough to choose one type.

Irish dancing (video)

Dancing for the melancholic

Shyness and uncertainty, secrecy and the desire for loneliness - these are distinctive features character of melancholic people. They are very easy to offend, and the slightest failures make them withdraw into themselves and become self-flagellation.

For such vulnerable natures, the best option would be classical ballet, body ballet. Body ballet is modern version classical dance, adapted for classes in a fitness center. All types of classical dance have an excellent effect on posture, promote weight loss, and benefit the respiratory system.

This style of dance helps to gain self-confidence, relieves attacks of melancholy and depression, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Body ballet (video)

Dancing for sanguine people

Fun until you drop, sociability, love of life - this is the life credo of sanguine people. Such people are not inclined to despair in the face of difficulties and failures; they easily join even unfamiliar companies, at the same time they are responsive and distinguished by their high efficiency and their interest in the work.

For such extraordinary and bright people Latin American dances are perfect: rumba, salsa, samba, cha-cha-cha. Incendiary and vibrant dances are ideal for these emotional natures.

Salsa (video)

Dancing is one of the most useful and at the same time feminine and sexual types sports Rather, it is not even really a sport, but its wonderful combination with art, because dancing is incredibly beautiful, and each type is attractive in its own way. How long have you been planning to start dancing? The time has come to do it. Well, we will tell you which popular types of dance are the best for your figure and health.

1. Oriental dancing (belly dance)

This is amazing nice activity makes it possible to develop grace and plasticity, strengthen the abdominal muscles and eliminate extra centimeters at the waist. It also has a positive effect on the hips, helps to improve the health of female organs and normalize metabolism. And, of course, this is one of the sexiest types of dances, which allows you to maintain youth, beauty and self-confidence for a long time.

2. Strip dance

Strip dance or strip plastic are not those somewhat vulgar movements on a pole that we are accustomed to mean by this term. This is a very sexy, beautiful and rhythmic sport that helps to develop flexibility and plasticity, make the body lines expressive, burn all the extra calories and strengthen all muscle groups. And, of course, they are the ones who can help us gain relaxedness, self-confidence and reveal our feminine power.

3. Flamenco

Flamenco is a very passionate and rhythmic dance. It wonderfully eliminates all excess in the neck, arms, waist, strengthens the hips and calves, makes the legs beautiful, slender and elastic. Flamenco classes also help you become much more graceful and elegant.

4. Hip-hop, breakdancing and R"n"B

These types of dances hold the record for the number of calories burned, which allows you to cope with the slightest hint of extra centimeters and kilograms, model your ideal body, and also develop flexibility, agility, endurance and coordination of movements.

5. Latin American dances (salsa, cha-cha-cha, mamba, bachata, rumba, jive)

These types of dances are very beautiful, which makes them popular. They also provide an excellent opportunity to shape the figure of your dreams, burn off excess fat, and strengthen the muscles of your buttocks and legs. Latin American dancing classes have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, normalizing its rhythm.

6. Ballroom dancing

Ballroom dancing is less mobile than the above types, which makes it an excellent option for young ladies who are not yet trained. But in terms of beauty, few species can compare with them. They help you acquire a graceful, graceful gait, perfect posture and, of course, a stunning body and confidence in your own irresistibility.

7. Irish dancing

Irish dancing is quite fast, so it burns a lot of calories. During the classes, all muscles will be involved, but special emphasis will be placed on the leg muscles, which is ideal for those who want to work on this area and forever forget what cellulite is.

8. Step

This type of dance, which is very relevant today, copes well with sagging skin and fat deposits, while developing a sense of rhythm and hearing. It also perfectly strengthens the muscles of the legs and buttocks, for which special thanks to him.

And finally, some more advice for those who decide to join the amazing world of dance:

To achieve the desired effect, you need to exercise at least 1.5 hours three times a week.

The optimal time for dancing is morning or afternoon.

Stick to a healthy diet so that all your efforts are not in vain.

Do not eat food 1.5 hours before and after training.

Drink enough water. This can be done before, after, and during training.

Clothing and shoes should be as comfortable as possible.

It is better to refrain from exercising during illness, headache, fever and critical days.

Dance is a special type of art in which human body movements, usually accompanied by music, are used as tools for expressing feelings, emotions and images. The dance originates in the ancient religious rites of our ancestors modern man. The art of dance has developed and improved over thousands of years, so it would be frivolous to consider it only entertainment and a way to have a good time.

Dance is body language. All movements in dance have their own meaning, it is not just a set of movements, it is a way to say something to the people around you. Nowadays there is huge amount dance styles.

Ballet, ballroom dancing, historical, folk dances, modern, erotic, Latin American dances, hustle, swing... Dancing, like the rest of the arts, is constantly progressing and reflects the realities of our time and fashion trends.


This theatrical performance, where the character’s character, his feelings, emotions and thoughts are expressed by artists using dance moves, plasticity, gestures and facial expressions. There are such types of ballet: classical, romantic and modern.

Ballroom dancing

Includes two types of programs:

  • standard (Viennese waltz, tango, slow foxtrot, slow waltz, quickstep)
  • Latin (cha-cha-cha, samba, paso doble, rumba, jive)

They are performed in pairs by a man and a woman. Ballroom dancing is popular all over the world.

Historical dances

TO this direction These include dances from past centuries that are still performed today and come to us from the Renaissance (allemande, contradanse, pavane), Baroque (minuet) and from the 19th century (mazurka, polonaise, quadrille).

People's direction

Each nationality has its own dances, which reflect the character, traditions and customs of the people. Folk dances include: hopak, krakowiak, polka, lezginka, gypsy, round dance, czardash, trepak and many others.

Swing is a movement that was born at the beginning of the 20th century based on African-American dance traditions. Almost all dances of this style involve a jazz syncopated rhythm. Types of swing: Charleston, blues, jive, rock and roll, boogie-woogie and that's not all.

Hustle- This couples dance, performed to disco music. Learning to dance the hustle is very simple, anyone can perform it, it is based on improvisation. Varieties of hustle: sports, freestyle, show hustle, jack-n-jill, double-hustle, ladies-hustle.

Erotic dancing

Belly dance, striptease.

Striptease is a dance that involves the gradual exposure of the dancer’s body. Most often, this dance is performed using a pylon (pole).

Modern styles

Some people prefer only the newest and most modern types of dance styles.

The list of the most relevant styles among young people today looks like this:

  • electrodance;
  • house;
  • trance;
  • tectonics;
  • stripdance;
  • go-go;
  • jumpstyle ;
  • shuffle;
  • R&B;
  • hip-hop;
  • breakdancing;
  • popping;
  • jazz;
  • modern;
  • postmodern;
  • contemporary

Club dancing

Dance styles: electrodance, house, jumpstyle, R&B, trance and tectonics are directions for those who like to rock at discos and club parties. Electrodance and trance dancing to electronic music. The movements are energetic and expressive, performed at high speed and with large amplitude.

Tectonic is a combination of elements of electrodance, popping, techno and hip-hop, that is, jumping, swinging legs and active movements of the arms. The dance is very energetic, suitable only for young people, but it is quite monotonous and monotonous.

Street dancing

Street dance styles include hip-hop, breakdancing, popping, and locking.

Hip-hop- it's not just a dance, it's youth subculture, which involves its own style not only in music and dancing, but also in the manner of dressing, as well as the use of slang and its own philosophy. Hip-hop combines completely different dance styles. The dance looks very simple, but in fact, to learn how to dance hip-hop, you will need hard training. Good physical fitness and endurance are required, as the load falls on all muscle groups.

Break dancing is an ideal dance for boys, young men and young men. This is not only a dance, it is a sport; in addition to dance movements, there are elements of acrobatics and artistic gymnastics. Breakdancing classes develop strength, endurance, self-confidence, flexibility and form a beautiful muscular body.

Contemporary ballet

Types of dance styles based on classical ballet, which are commonly called modern ballet- modern, jazz-modern, post-modern and contemporary. In essence, this is a modern interpretation of classical ballet, only with less stringent standards. Modern style requires dancers to have excellent physical shape, endurance and good stretching. Contemporary, on the contrary, does not impose strict requirements; you can start practicing this type of dance at any age; a slim figure, physical fitness and flexibility are not important.

Contemporary dancing barefoot. This dance is based on the martial arts of the East. Contemporary music is performed solo, duet, in pairs or in a group. The main thing in this type of dance is self-expression.

Latin American dances

Types of dance styles of Latin American origin: bachata, Argentine tango, merengue, mambo, salsa, lambada, flamenco, capoeira, bolero.

Bachata- one of the most popular Latin American dances today, as well as capoeira. Bachata is a couples dance.

Capoeira- This martial art Brazil, which combines acrobatics, kicks and is performed to musical accompaniment. Among Latin American dances There are types of dance styles where they stomp their feet and clap their hands, for example, the famous flamenco. This dance is performed with a guitar and percussion, and sometimes the dancers use castanets.

Modern dances for girls

The most popular types of dance styles for girls today: strip dance, go-go, belly dance, pole dance. Belly dancing is suitable for girls and women of any age and any size. Classes oriental dances They will always help you to be beautiful, slim and desirable, your figure will become more feminine, your movements will be graceful, and the habit of slouching will disappear. Belly dancing is very beneficial for women's health.

Strip plastic– this is a direction for girls without complexes or for those who want to get rid of them. Strip plastic classes are the key to a beautiful figure. This type of dance will allow you to gain self-confidence, liberate yourself, and become irresistible in the eyes of your beloved man.

Go-go - club dance, which will allow every girl to become a star of the dance floor, it is close to strip plastic, but differs from it in that its movements are more aggressive and fast. This type of dance is performed not only by disco lovers, but also by professional dancers in clubs. The clothes of professional go-go dancers are shorts, a bodice and stilettos. To practice go-go professionally, you need to have an ideal figure.

Pole dance- this is a direction that is based on a combination of dance elements with gymnastics and acrobatics. One of the most difficult types of dance art, to master which you need to be in good physical shape and training. Pole dancing competitions are held.

Dancing for children

The types of dance styles for children are not much different from those offered for adults. These are hip-hop, go-go, belly dancing, tectonics, break dancing, ballroom dancing, classical ballet, jazz, modern, world dances and so on. Dancing classes are very useful for children; they will help improve posture, promote physical development and form a beautiful figure. Children learn things much faster than adults, they have more energy and a more flexible body. IN modern world There are various types of dance styles. The pictures posted in this article show some of them. Gradually, dance styles develop, improve, and new ones emerge on their basis, as each generation strives to express itself, its thoughts and feelings in its own way. Nowadays, people of all ages, from children to retirees, can find a dance style that suits them.