Weight loss of “Weighted People” on STS - before and after photos and the diet of the main characters. The winner of the show "Weighted People" Pyotr Vasiliev and Vesta Romanova were accused of deception People's lives after the project Weighted People

The problem of obesity is close to many people, which is why reality shows about weight loss are so popular. Russian viewers have been following the successes of the participants in the “Weighted People” project for 4 seasons and are undoubtedly worried about how the fate of the heroes turned out and what they look like now.

The show is aimed at helping people who are critically overweight. Any adult weighing more than 100 kg can take part. The winner will be the one who manages to reduce body weight the most relative to its initial state. On the path to victory, participants will not only have to train, diet, and team challenges, but also have temptations that must be resisted. Main prize - large sum and a chance for happy life in a new body.

Peter entered the first season of the project with a weight of 155 kg. In his youth, he did not suffer from obesity and participated in competitions. After leaving the sport, the man began to gradually gain weight. He noticed this when difficulties arose in his personal life and career.

Peter came to the show not only to lose weight, but also to prove that everyone can change their life. During numerous tests of the project, he demonstrated determination and confidently walked towards victory. Peter deservedly took 1st place, having lost almost 58 kg.

After filming, the man was unable to maintain weight and began to gain weight, despite regular training and a healthy diet. Now he weighs 125 kg, but really wants to get back to normal shape.

But in the personal life of the winner, everything is fine. He found a beloved woman and had a son, Matvey.

The girl came to the project weighing 123 kg. Vesta began to recover rapidly at the age of 23, when she fell into a prolonged depression caused by the betrayal of her beloved man. She stopped monitoring her weight and nutrition, and simply ate up all her problems and troubles. The girl tried to lose weight on her own, but she lacked endurance and patience. Before the project, she was sure that problems with the thyroid gland were the cause of her weight gain, but numerous tests refuted this.

During the project, Vesta was remembered for her energy and positive attitude: she did not give in to difficulties and encouraged other participants. The girl reached the final of season 1 with a weight of 83 kg and took 3rd place.

After filming ended, Vesta continued to lose weight and now feels great at 70 kg. She maintains a personal blog in which she gives advice to overweight people.

A lawyer from Kazan came to the second season of the show “Weighted People” with 148 kg. Timur's loved ones always had high hopes for him, but due to excess weight, the young man could not achieve his goals. He decided to come to the project and lose weight so that his family would be proud of him.

Among the participants, Timur established himself as a born leader and a strong person. He became the captain of his team, all members of which respected his opinion and listened to his advice. Having ultimately lost almost 54 kg, Timur became the winner of the season.

After the show, Timur’s life changed dramatically. The man lost weight to 80 kg, but later decided that his ideal weight was 87 kg and gained weight. After leaving legal practice, Timur became a fitness trainer. Now he helps people with similar problems.

The 32-year-old from Izhevsk began his journey in the second season of the project with 168 kg. He was overweight due to stomach problems throughout his life. However, over the past 10 years, the man has gained 10 kg per year. Not proper nutrition and sedentary work contributed to obesity and health problems (constant shortness of breath, sore legs and back). Yakov’s family was very worried about him, so his wife signed up the man for the casting of the show.

During the project, Yakov confidently walked towards his goal under the guidance of experienced trainers and nutritionists. It was then that he was able to overcome his laziness for the first time and become responsible. Yakov dropped out of the show quite early, having lost 27 kg.

After leaving the project, the man practically lived in the gym and continued to adhere to the recommendations received from nutritionists. He won an impressive cash prize in a competition between eliminated participants, as he was able to lose the most weight at home. Now Yakov weighs 90 kg, works as a fitness trainer and helps overweight people.

A resident of Khimki appeared in the third season of the show weighing 154 kg. As a child, he was overweight, and for the first time he thought about losing weight and sports only in his youth, when he began to be interested in the opposite sex. Boris completed his studies in the cadet corps and graduated from the Institute of Physical Education. The man began to rapidly gain weight after a difficult divorce and loss of his job. Boris spent a lot of time computer games and ate fast food. I decided to participate in the project when I realized that I couldn’t lose weight on my own.

Boris showed best result in losing weight not only in season 3, but throughout the entire history of the project. He took 1st place, losing 62 kg.

After finishing the program, Boris abandoned social networks and does not boast of new successes. Judging by the photo from the account of another project participant, the winner failed to maintain his form. It is known that Boris planned to invest the winnings in his business project related to a healthy lifestyle.

A resident of Vyksa came to the fourth season of the project weighing 183 kg. Especially plump woman I’ve never been, but after a difficult pregnancy I gained a lot of weight. That's when the problems started. Almost any habitual action was difficult for her - due to her huge belly, Elena could not even fasten her boots without outside help.

While participating in the show, it was hard for Elena, but perseverance and determination helped her pass the tests with dignity along with other participants. In the end mother of many children managed to get rid of 74 kg.

Participant name: Peter Vasiliev

Age (birthday): 15.09.1986

City: Bagrationovsk (Kaliningrad region)

Job: showman

Family: not married, no children

Height and weight: 184 cm, 155 kg

Final weight: 97,1

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Peter s youth He went in for sports and devoted himself to judo. He often appeared as a participant in many competitions, in which he often became a winner.

After Peter completed his studies at high school, he quit playing sports. He began to devote a lot of time to his studies at college, and at night he worked part-time in a club as an MC.

When sports became a thing of the past, the guy’s weight began to grow. Peter didn’t pay much attention to this, but only until the girls stopped getting to know him. True, it was already too late; he couldn’t cope on his own.

Excess weight negatively affected not only communication with his girlfriend, but also at work. Peter noted that living with excess weight is incredibly difficult; you have to feel disadvantaged in almost everything.

I came to the project “Weighted People” not only to lose weight, but also to regain lost health, to become happy man. Plus, Peter noted that he wants to prove by his own example that it is possible to change your life, you just need to take the first step.

During the project he had an affair with Vesta. The young people fell in love with each other so much that Peter even decided to take his chosen one as his wife. True, after the show the wedding never took place.

Returning home, Peter continued to play sports, promotes sports and healthy image life, bought myself a Mercedes coupe, as well as a short leather jacket, which I could only dream of before.

Peter confidently walked towards the final, showing the participants his determination. In one of the competitions, when participants lost more than 40 kg, they were asked to remember how heavy they lived with before participating in the project. The hardest thing was for Peter, who carried half a hundredweight on himself.

In the final of the “Weighted People” project, the winner was Peter Vasiliev, who proved to everyone that it’s never too late to start living again!

After the project, I met a girl, they had a son, they named him Matvey.

What woman doesn't dream of ideal figure and the admiring glances of men? Finalist Vesta Romanova managed to lose 50 kilograms and find happiness in her personal life. But what’s interesting: even before participating in the project, she was not deprived of the attention of the stronger sex. the site talked to Vesta and found out why she at one time weighed almost 130 kilograms, why all women need to photograph themselves naked in the mirror, and whether it is possible to lose excess weight with the snap of a finger.

March 2, 2016 · Text: Daria Senichkina · Photo: Instagram, VKontakte, STS press service

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Just yesterday this smiling, stylish girl c unusual name I couldn’t tie my sneakers without feeling dizzy, I didn’t want to leave the house unless absolutely necessary, and I lived by the “food-work-food-home-food” principle. Today, only memories remain of that sad life.

29-year-old Vesta Romanova took part in the competition last year (the second season of which has already started on STS) and reached the very final, losing a cash prize of 3 million rubles to 30-year-old Pyotr Vasiliev. However, the girl, despite everything, considers herself a winner. Today Vesta looks great and successfully combines work and family.

Having been in the hands of professionals, the ex-“weighted” one now willingly shares her acquired knowledge with those who need it. Romanova develops nutrition programs, helps find the right motivation and simply energizes her fans. good mood. Although the project made a star out of the blonde, she still remains simple, a modest person who has no secrets from anyone. And if we’re going to share our story, then without any embellishments or cuts. IN exclusive interview website Vesta Romanova told how wonderful life “light” turned out to be.

. Why did you collect so much?

Vesta Romanova: As my psychologist says, everything happened because of my personal life. And not because of her absence, but on the contrary: I tried to protect myself from relationships that, as a rule, did not end well.

“I ate and gained weight in order to completely protect myself from communicating with men, not to attract their attention. Which, by the way, I never succeeded in.”

Even when I weighed 123 kilograms, I was in great demand among the stronger sex. And the further it goes, the worse it gets.

V.R.: When I was at school, we didn’t have the concept of “fat” at all. My classmates and I were very active: we didn’t sit in front of computers or TVs, but, on the contrary, spent all our time outside. I was an ordinary girl in body, but not fat. I did a lot of sports, so I didn’t gain weight. The problems started when I broke up with my boyfriend after seven years of relationship.

I felt great even with a weight of 110 kilograms. Only at the moment when the scales showed the number 120 did I begin to experience discomfort. It was hard for me to walk, turn, bend over. The worst thing is that I got lazy and didn’t want to do anything at all. Probably, the brain is also swollen with fat.

“I came to work and just sat there all day. I was constantly eating and surfing the Internet. Then she returned home, ate again and went to bed. The state of an amoeba... Or a frog that sits in its swamp, croaks, and doesn’t need anything else in this life.”

website: When did you come to the conclusion that it was time to change?

V.R.: One day it became completely unbearable. I bent over to tie my shoes and my blood pressure suddenly rose. My face was filled with blood, my head was spinning, I couldn’t get up... Then I realized that I needed to pull myself together and do something.

V.R.: Yes, just a couple of days later I accidentally came across a casting announcement for a new reality show about weight loss. I submitted my application form and forgot about it, because I was sure that only their own people were accepted into such projects. Surprisingly, I was invited to come to the casting, where I talked with a psychologist. After this there was silence, which lasted more than a month. Just before the start of the filming process, I was informed that I was in the project.

website: All this time before filming began, did you try to lose weight on your own?

V.R.:"Oh yeah (laughs)... From time to time, like any normal woman, I was overcome by the desire to lose excess weight. And I immediately went for the “miracle pills,” mistakenly believing that this would help me lose weight, and quickly.”

I probably tried every possible diet and pill on myself. Now I understand that miracles do not happen. Unfortunately, you always get rid of extra pounds very slowly. It’s a pity that many people don’t believe it and continue to stubbornly look for quick ways to lose the hated fat.

website: What was and is now your main motivation to keep fit?

V.R.: Mirror! In general, as it turned out, many fat people They don’t look at themselves in the mirror, they are afraid to take pictures and post their pictures on social networks. You know, such a good principle of defense: “I don’t see, that means it doesn’t exist.”

“That’s why a sober look at yourself from the outside, or even better, a photo of yourself naked in the mirror can help you lose weight. After all, every woman strives to be beautiful.”

website: Are you upset that you didn’t win in the final of the show and 3 million rubles went to someone else?

V.R.: And I won! She defeated herself. My achievement cannot be measured by money. On the project I was able to lose 40 kilograms, and after the end of the show another 12. The main thing is that I managed to overcome myself and refuse bad habits and tune in to a new life. And money... You can always earn it if you have the desire.

website: What weight are you now and do you plan to continue losing weight?

V.R.: On at the moment I weigh 70 kilograms, and this is my ideal weight, I feel very comfortable at it. Soon I plan to do a light drying session so that my body will finally gain definition. After all, this was quite problematic before.

Now I have also started to follow a sleep schedule: I go to bed and wake up at the same time. By the way, I also eat by the hour. In general, I have become more disciplined, I am not late for meetings, as I was before. I also completely gave up alcohol.

V.R.: The morning begins with breakfast. Then, if I have time, I go to the gym for strength training. In the evening, according to the cardio schedule - cycling or running.

V.R.: My approximate diet is:

Breakfast: Buckwheat with milk

Snack:“Caprese” for the poor - my anti-crisis recipe (smiles). Tomatoes, cottage cheese (instead of Mozzarella), herbs, spices, half a teaspoon of olive oil

Dinner: Bean soup (beans, potatoes, onions, carrots, chicken breast), chicken with millet (baked chicken, boiled millet)

Snack: Fresh cabbage and carrot salad

Dinner: Stewed chicken with vegetables (chicken breast, white cabbage, onion)

Everything is simple, tasty and low in calories. I also monitor the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

website: By the way, as far as we know, after the project there were pleasant changes in your life and in your personal life...

V.R.: Yes, I got married. Matvey, my husband, is a man who really knows what he wants. He is an interesting conversationalist, very smart and well-read. What attracted me to him is that he never gives up when he takes on any task. He always brings all projects to completion. I am probably one of the most difficult projects for him. (laughs) because Matvey sought my favor for a long time.

“My husband is my incentive to become better. After all, it was he who attracted me to the world of cycling, brought me into his social circle, and introduced me to new people. For his sake, every day I try to become a little better, because next to me is a correct, principled and slightly stubborn man.”

website: Has marriage changed you?

V.R.: Before Matvey, my life was incomplete. Previously, I actively got tattoos that had a special meaning. In this way, I tried to attract into my life everything that I lacked: happiness, health, material well-being, peace of mind, love. And I was constantly “swinging” like a pendulum from side to side, although I wanted stability and calm.

“Matvey became my weight on the second side of the scale. He is the one who will always find the right words. Even my outbursts of anger (and I am a fairly emotional person) are “extinguished” by my husband without doing anything special about it. His energy is powerful."

By the way, Petya’s betrayal (during the reality show “Weighted People,” Vesta Romanova began dating a project participant and future winner, Peter Vasiliev. Both had serious intentions, the couple even planned to get married, but in the end Peter cheated on Vesta and left for another - approx. site ) I survived only thanks to Matvey. He was there all the time, helping me not to give up, not to break under the weight of the gossip that spread when everything was revealed. Now, of course, I regret putting my relationship on display. But then my husband appeared in my life. This means that everything was not in vain.

V.R.: My most important project for today is a sanatorium in Sochi for those who want to lose weight. We opened it together with Vlad Ushakov, a participant in the first season of the show “Weighted People.” We have selected an excellent team of specialists - nutritionists, psychologists, trainers. I am leading the project as a trainer-administrator. Our program includes 21 days of rest, sports, handicrafts, excursions and, of course, the fight against excess weight. I'm sure it will be fun!

? After all, you didn’t study to be a coach.

V.R.: Yes, I'm not a professional, but I have a lot of experience. I experienced it myself various types diets, workouts and I know what can be more effective. Therefore, I willingly share with everyone the knowledge that I received on the “Weighted People” project.

“I like helping people. It’s nice to know that your advice can be useful to someone.”

website: What would you wish to our readers who are trying to lose weight?

V.R.: Work on yourself. Look in the mirror more often. Don’t be afraid to criticize yourself, soberly evaluate your figure. Indulgence will not lead to anything good. In order to become slimmer, you need to take action: don’t skip workouts, eat right, and follow a sleep schedule.

Always strive for the best and never give up! Even if you’re physically in pain or you’ve only lost a hundred grams in a week, don’t stop! And most importantly, a varied diet. If you sit on the same chicken and buckwheat, breakdowns are inevitable. So treat yourself to some tasty treats. Sometimes it’s good to lift your spirits!


Petr Vasiliev became the winner of the “Weighted People” show on the STS TV channel.

3 heroes reached the final - Pyotr Vasiliev from the Kaliningrad region, Vesta Romanova from St. Petersburg and Maxim Nekrylov from Nizhny Novgorod.
According to the results of the final weigh-in, the winner of the show and the owner of a cash prize in the amount of 2,500,000 rubles was Peter Vasiliev.

In total, the young man lost 57.9 kg or 37.35%.

A whole year has already passed since the end of filming of the reality show. Peter turned out to be worthy of the title of winner - after the project he did not return to his old habits, and training and healthy eating became part of his new life. In addition, with another participant in the show, Maxim Nekrylov, they organized the group “I can do anything.”

Petr Vasiliev spoke about his life after the project, popularity and plans for the future in an interview with the STS TV channel. Anyone could ask their question to Peter inofficial group of the reality show “Weighted People”.

— Petya, did the project push you to do something else in life, did it give you more confidence?

- In fact, I didn’t even expect that so many new interests would appear. Of course, before participating in the show, I understood: if I manage to lose weight, my horizons will expand. But I didn’t realize how enormously things would change! I have already participated in CrossFit competitions several times. At home in Kaliningrad, out of fifteen participants, he showed the eighth result. And I don’t want to stop there. My plans are to graduate from a specialized institution, where I can get a medical education in order to become a coach.

— Are there any difficulties in communicating with people now?

- No difficulties. First of all, there is nothing wrong with people recognizing me. Secondly, this is not pointing a finger: “Look how fat and ugly a person is walking.” And, on the contrary: “Look how much he has achieved and how great he looks.” I am pleased to become an example for others. For example, one mother wrote that she could not force her son to walk outside and work out with the guys on the playground. After the program was shown, she could not bring the child home! Now the boy has an active, mobile life.

When I have time, I always answer. Everyone who is for a healthy lifestyle is on the same wavelength with me, these are my like-minded people. I didn't realize before how important it is to share information with people. I would like to hold a meeting in Kaliningrad to communicate live.

— Would you like to meet again with the participants of the show “Weighted People”?

- I have a connection with them huge amount emotions, which are divided into positive and negative. We overcame difficulties together, and, of course, I am in favor of seeing each other.

— Do you maintain a relationship with someone after the project?

— I communicate with a good half of the participants in social networks and by phone. We constantly keep in touch with Maxim and Vesta. We are united by common interests - various sports projects. I communicate with Mitya Kudryavtsev, sometimes online with Anya Grivkova, Vlad and others.

- Do you have a dream?

— Maxim and I created the group “I can do anything.” I would like this movement to grow into an annual sports festival where everyone could take part. Including people with disabilities. We want to show that any person, to the best of his physical abilities, can develop and become better.

— What did you do in your free time on the project?

— We were completely limited: we didn’t even have a TV. And, frankly, I belong to the small category of participants who could not afford a vacation. Those who allowed themselves to do this did not reach the end. During the entire project, there were several walks around the territory of the house, which, by the way, has a large area. And yet it was a movement.

— At the beginning of the project, didn’t you have a desire to give up everything and not change?

“The first two weeks were the most difficult for me. But I was always guided by the thought: if I give up now, it means that fate has made a mistake on my behalf. Several thousand came to the casting, and only eighteen lucky ones were given a chance. I couldn't afford to feel sorry for myself because it might never happen again. And I understood that I had to go through this path from beginning to end.

— What is the most valuable advice you received from the coaches on the project?

— Everything that Denis and Ira said were mega professional recommendations. But most of all I remember this: if you want to feel sorry for yourself during training, then this is a signal - you need to double the load.

- How much do you weigh now?

- 104 kilograms. Everyone knows that muscle weighs much more than fat. (At the finals Peter weighed 97.1 kg - approx. ed.) These are completely different criteria - now I evaluate myself not by weight, but by appearance, endurance, amount of muscle mass, according to the time during which I do the training complex. Now I feel great!

— How did you deal with the problem of sagging skin?

— When you lose weight extremely, it is immediately visible, especially in the areas of the abdomen and arms. I encountered this problem only after the project. Returning home, I went for treatments where I received wraps and massages. Afterwards I reinforced the effect in the gym.

— Do you have overweight friends to whom you showed by your example that anything is possible and motivated them to go in for sports?

— During the time that I have been away from the project, several people from my circle have achieved good results. The minimum effect is 12 kg, and the maximum is 20. For example, one of my friends lost weight from 86 to 68 kg. Everything happened evenly: proper nutrition, sports three times a week, a swimming pool, plus my recommendations. I'm not an expert, but I can advise something. It all depends on the desire! For example, Olesya Smirnova did not stay on the project for long, but we see that after that she achieved her goal. And this is a completely different Olesya.

- How do you eat now?

“I was afraid that when I returned, it would be difficult to resist sweets.” But I soon realized that there was no attachment. To avoid fat deposits, I completely eliminated sweets, preservatives and foods with chemical additives. I try to follow all the advice I received on the project. My morning starts with a hearty breakfast: porridge or yeast-free bread, oven-baked chicken, or sandwiches or a light salad. Everything we ate on the show, just in different proportions. I eat about 1800-2200 calories per day: I eat small portions four to five times a day.

— Advice for those losing weight from Peter: how to deal with temptations during feasts, holidays, and corporate events?

- It's a matter of choice. If you want to be beautiful and slim, you must understand: if you have a predisposition to be overweight, you need to limit yourself. Nobody says you can’t eat anything. You can choose what suits you best: light salads or low-fat foods.

— If you were on the other side of the screen, who would you root for?

“I thought about it and analyzed it many times, because I know all the participants well, I know who they really are. Most likely, for those with whom I reached the final: Mitya, Maxim, Vesta, Vlad, Anya and Oksana.

— What was the most valuable lesson you learned on the project?

— They took me away for 120 days, thereby, as if they crossed out my entire biography and completely rebooted my brain. I returned as a completely different person, as if I had been born again.

The main thing I would like to convey to people is that you need to move as much and spend as much energy and calories as you consume. Before the project, I did not have such an understanding. Now I know why weight is gained, why people feel sorry for themselves, why they don’t realize that they have gained 20-30 kg. And the most important thing is that they not only explained to us how this happened, but also helped us fix the problem.

— Have your relationships with family, friends and colleagues changed after the project?

— Relatives also remained close people. But their attitude towards food has changed: I no longer see fried potatoes, sausages, or sausages on the table. Now everything is baked in the oven. A very significant moment: when my mother visited me for the first time, she weighed 115 kg, but in the finals it was already 103. After I returned home, her weight dropped to 90 kg.

My friend and I have more common interests. He is an athlete, he works out, and now I do crossfit. And now we constantly exchange experiences.

— What advice can you give to the participants of the second season of the “Weighted People” project?

“I want them to understand that this is a one-way street.” It doesn't matter who wins. If you have taken this path, you need to go through it. The person who reaches the end will change his life. After which many things will become available: you can safely buy clothes in stores, drive a car. There will be a huge amount of entertainment in life, and thousands of pleasures will become possible.

How are your relationships with the opposite sex now?

—During the project, I had a warm relationship with Vesta. Many believe that everything was for the sake of ratings. In fact, when a man and woman are in a confined space, this can happen. After Weighted People ended, we decided to remain friends. Now we have common interests related to sports. And soon after returning home, I met beautiful girl. I didn’t even think that everything would turn out so wonderfully. Now we live together, and we have joint plans for life. I understand that I don’t need anyone except her.

— Did life become easier after the project?

- This is absolutely new life, another awareness and understanding of it. Such a thrill! Previously, everything was a burden: Bad mood, poor physical condition, constant depression. Now I enjoy everything, and for this I am grateful to the creators of the show “Weighted People” and those people who worked with me.

Yulia Kovalchuk about Peter's victory on the project "Weighted People":

“I think that many TV viewers, coaches and everyone involved in this project understood that in the end the main battle was fought between Peter and Maxim. Just as much as they were rivals, they helped each other in the fight. Until the last moment of the weigh-in, no one, including me, knew that Petya would win. I understood that the result could differ by a few hundredths of a gram, so I, just like the participants, stood on stage with bated breath and waited to see who the winner would be. And the fact that Petya became him is fair and deserved. I saw perfectly well how he broke himself, gave all his strength to the “Weighted People” project and his victory. I don’t know what was primary in his urges - the desire to win, lose weight or earn money, but, in any case, he did it with dignity!

The program “Weighted and Happy” is the Ukrainian version American show The Biggest Loser. The essence of the project is that participants who are overweight lose weight, and even compete for a prize of 250 thousand hryvnia (almost 9,000 euros). The project is successful and popular, so the seventh season will start this year.

Rules of the project “Weighted and Happy”

At the end of each week, the weight loss teams are weighed, which determines the total weight lost. The team that loses the least weight must vote to determine which competitor will go home. The two people from that team who have lost the least amount of weight are nominated. The winner is the participant who open final in December will lose the most of the initial weight.

Evgenia Mostovenko participated in the project together with her daughter Alexandra, who later had to tell the details of her mother’s death...

All participants are checked

The head of the “Weighted and Happy” project, Natalya Shcherbina, said that all potential participants who passed the casting are examined by doctors: a therapist, a cardiologist, a pulmonologist. Everyone donates urine and blood for a detailed analysis. All participants must be tested for hepatitis and HIV. After the medical examination, the doctor gives an opinion on each applicant - whether a person can participate in the project or his health condition does not allow him.

“They called me and told me that my mother had died”

Perhaps the most “high-profile” death was the death of a participant in the third season of the project, Evgenia Mostovenko. Could a woman have thought that four years after filming she would be gone?

Pashinsky managed to lose 51 kilograms! He was so inspired by the result that he wanted to continue his struggle with weight.

In 2013, 40-year-old Evgenia came to the project with her 17-year-old daughter Alexandra - mostly not for herself, but for her. Mostovenko complained that Sasha was very lazy and easily succumbed to temptations when it came to food. As it turned out, the mother and daughter had previously participated in the “Honey, We Kill Children” program, and even then the girl lost 20 kilograms. True, over time, all efforts were in vain - Alexandra gained even more than her previous weight and began to weigh as much as 105 kilos.

But Mostovenko also went to the project for her own sake. The woman really wanted to give birth to a child for her new husband, who was eight years younger than her, but she couldn’t - she needed to lose weight. Evgenia managed to do this, although the result was not very impressive, and it took her a long time to achieve it. When Mostovenko came to the project, she weighed 130 kilograms, and nine months later the scales showed a double-digit number - 94. But this was enough for the woman - she was very pleased with the new weight.

Igor understood that such a figure would not fit into any goal, and he wanted to become slim and fit again

Evgenia's death, which occurred in January of this year, came as a shock to many and, naturally, raised many questions. Her daughter tried to satisfy the interest and curiosity of the viewers of the project. If you believe Alexandra’s words, then on the day when her mother was taken to the hospital, they talked on the phone, laughed, everything was fine... Mostovenko approved the list of guests, because the next morning was her birthday. “Literally 20-25 minutes later, her boss asked to pick up her mother from work because her blood pressure had increased. But the ambulance was ahead of me. I saw how my mother was taken out on a gurney unconscious. The doctors said that as soon as they left work, she immediately fell into a coma and everything that was in the stomach went into the respiratory tract. She was in critical condition with brain hemorrhage and pulmonary edema. The next morning, my mother came to her senses, but the doctors decided to keep her in a medically induced coma - she could not breathe on her own. In the following days she looked good, although she lost a lot of weight. And on the morning of January 26, I went into the intensive care unit and saw that my mother’s face and neck were... red-blue color. An hour and a half later they called me and told me that my mother had died - they couldn’t restart the heart.”

The woman's death certificate states that she had cerebrovascular disease, a hemorrhagic stroke.

Didn't have time to adopt a child

Evgenia Mostovenko has long wanted to become a mother for the second time, but her excess weight did not allow her. But the woman found a way out - last year she and her young husband prepared documents for adoption. The couple even found one child whom they wanted to take into the family. Evgenia began to find out what was needed for adoption, but did not have time to complete this matter.

On the “Weighted and Happy” project, Yakovlev found his soulmate - Natalya Moskalenko. The couple planned to live happily ever after...

“He really wanted to live”

At the end of 2015, Igor Pashinsky, a participant in the fifth season of the “Weighted and Happy” project, who really wanted to get back into good shape, passed away. Igor once served in the airborne troops, then worked in the police. When the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded, I went to the liquidation site and worked in a 30-kilometer zone. Problems began after returning from there - I started getting sick, gained excess weight, and then type 2 diabetes.

Igor decided to try himself on the project because he understood that such weight, given his health, could cause disability, and he said that he wanted to be the same as before: strong and fit, so that people would look at him with respect and not with pity. When Pashinsky came to the project, he weighed as much as 193 kilograms and lost 37 kilograms in 13 weeks! But the man did not stop there - during the month and a half he spent at home, he lost another 14 kilograms and settled on the number 142. He simply did not have time to lose even more weight...

Project manager Natalya Shcherbina assured that Igor, as the heaviest participant, was taken care of and released from training and stress at the slightest indisposition. If, for example, Igor turned pale, swayed or was breathing heavily, they immediately asked him to sit and rest. A man diagnosed with arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and obesity practically did not participate in competitions.

Igor’s wife Galina Pashinskaya remembers that after the project her husband returned home happy and joyful, he really wanted to live. Igor came with the hope that he would lose more weight... “He stopped being afraid of people and hiding from them, he wanted to be in plain sight. He was really happy - many noticed this. He told me: “I’m doing all this for you.” And his words inspired me. We were everywhere together. These one and a half months after the project we were happy, as, probably, in the first days of our married life.”

Pashinskaya remembers the fateful November day of 2015 like it was yesterday: “Igor was at training in the morning, in the evening we went to the river to swim. He felt fine. And in the morning he felt bad. I had a headache. He tells me: “I probably won’t accompany you, I’ll lie down.” At 11 he called and said that he felt bad. Igor has never said this before! He was admitted to the hospital with ulcer bleeding. This was the initial diagnosis. But then, as it turned out, he was having a massive heart attack. The autopsy showed that the diagnosis was initially made incorrectly and the treatment was prescribed incorrectly. He was given IV drips to stop ulcer bleeding, and a lot of them, but this could not be done... More negligence. A person's heart stops, and there is no one anywhere. Nobody! There is no attending physician! It’s very hard to remember..."

Galina does not hide the fact that she asked the doctors directly about the project - they say, did it bring harm. And the answer was “No.” “On the contrary, if Igor had not gone to the project and lost weight, he would not have lived this time...”

Ilya’s weight loss was tremendous! The man learned to give up harmful foods, but, alas, this did not save him

"I'm not going to stop"

The bronze medalist of the third season of reality, Ilya Yakovlev, was lucky - he not only lost weight and took a worthy place, but also met his love on the project - Natalya Moskalenko. After the show, their relationship only strengthened, and in 2014 they got married. Ilya was very happy - he talked about what a long life they were planning together, and dreamed of children... “For my chosen one, it is now more important to maintain her full health, because we still want to have a child in the near future. Therefore, I repeatedly told her that such crazy loads are not needed now. Losing 2-3 kilograms a month to get back to normal shape will be enough for both her and me. “I’m not going to stop,” said Yakovlev, rejoicing at how great his life was going.

Three years ago, The Biggest Loser contestant Damian Gurganious died at the age of just 38.

Ilya came to the project weighing 147 kilograms, lost 48 kilograms and showed a result of 99 kg on the scales at the final post-show. In 2014, Ilya was proud of the fact that he completely gave up flour, the things he used to love very much - pasta, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes. The project changed Yakovlev’s consciousness, so these dishes began to appear on his plate literally once a month. “Looking at how much I ate before and how much now, while being normally full, I can hardly imagine that I could now eat as much as I ate before the project,” Yakovlev boasted. But, unfortunately, proper nutrition did not protect Ilya from death. In May 2015, a 32-year-old man suffered a stroke, after which he died...