Othello's subordinate 6. Othello is a Moor, a jealous husband from Shakespeare's drama

Characteristics of the hero

IAGO - central character William Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello" (1604), lieutenant in Othello's service. By nature a boor and a plebeian, forced to be in the service of the “Moor”, hating him for the humiliation he experiences, unable to witness the serene happiness of Othello and Desdemona, he weaves a monstrous intrigue around them, into the network of which he falls without knowing it. knowing, and Lieutenant Cassio, subordinate to Othello. I am the complete opposite of Othello: cunning, treacherous, envious, ready for any baseness in order to destroy the harmony that he sees in Othello. Ya is one of Shakespeare’s favorite types of “villains,” but unlike Richard III or Macbeth, he is petty and his thoughts and aspirations are incomparable in scale. He is not the “incarnation of evil” - just an evil intriguer, but the intrigue invented by his narrow-minded but resourceful mind is enough to subjugate (and ultimately destroy) the generous Othello and Desdemona, who, unlike Othello, understands much better what there is I, but cannot resist him. The hatred that drives all the actions and thoughts of Ya, his rejection of everyone in whom, not by chance, he sees superiority over himself, turns out to be a terrible destructive force; it is hatred, it is destruction that is the only thing this person is capable of. At the same time, he knows the laws of human psychology - but only those that drive base and unkind actions. High actions irritate him so much that he has an instinctive desire to break, destroy. Knowing how to find his weak spot in everyone, he skillfully plays this string.
In the finale, exposed by his own wife, whom he stabs with a dagger in impotent anger, Ya remains alive - awaiting trial and execution. In the plot of Shakespeare's tragedy, it is he who is the spring of action, the source of intrigue.
In the role of Iago in the performances of the Drury Lane Theater, the partners of E. Keane, who played the role of Othello, were C. Macready (1832) and E. Keane’s son C. Keane (1833). It is noteworthy that in the English theater there has long been a peculiar acting tradition, when the performers of the roles of Othello and Iago “switched roles”: in the 19th century - G. Irving and E. Booth (1881), in the 20th century - L. Olivier and R. Richardson (1938 ). A bright performer of the role of Iago was A. Vasadze (1947, in the play with A. Khorava - Othello).

Othello, the Moor of Venice is a tragedy by William Shakespeare written around 1604.

The young girl Desdemona, the daughter of a Venetian senator, secretly marries the noble Moor Othello, commander of the troops of the Venetian Republic. Those around him do not understand why Desdemona could fall in love with the ugly and middle-aged Othello and suspect the Moor of witchcraft, with the help of which he captured Desdemona’s heart. Othello tells how Desdemona fell in love with him:

Her father loved me, called me often,
He asked me about my life,
Year after year, about battles, about sieges,
About everything that I have experienced.
I told the story from my childhood
Until the beginning of our conversation with him:
I spoke of disastrous events
ABOUT terrible cases in the seas and in the fields,
About storming breaches under impending death,
About how I was boldly captured
And sold into slavery, ransomed from there,
And what I saw on my travels.
Here about large caves, about deserts,
About wild rocks, steep slopes that have grown into the sky,
I started the conversation - that’s how it always happened;
About cannibals that eat each other
Anthropophages, people with heads,
Growing below the shoulders. And Desdemona
She listened diligently. But all the time
Her homework was bothering her.
She tried to finish them off as quickly as possible,
And she returned to us, and with a greedy ear
I swallowed my story. Noticing this,
I'm with her, at a convenient time, one day
A sincere request from the heart
Explain in detail my wanderings,
Known to her only from fragments,
Somehow heard. I agreed
And often stole her tears,
Remembering some adversity
From youth mine. Having finished the story,
I was rewarded with a whole world of sighs;
All this is wonderful, unspeakably wonderful, -
She swore, and sadly, too sadly;
I regretted that I heard; said,
It’s still enviable to be like this; what if
Some friend of mine fell in love with her,
Then, having memorized my story, he could
Captivate her. I understood and said:
I became dear to her because I lived in anxiety,
And she gave me her sympathy.
This is the witchcraft of which I am guilty.

Charles West Cope. Othello tells Desdemona and her father about his adventures

D. Cowper. Othello tells Desdemona and her father about his adventures

Carl Ludwig Friedrich Becker. Othello tells Desdemona and her father about his adventures

Desdemona passionately confirms the correctness of Othello's words and says that she married Othello of her own free will.

Carl Becker. Othello and Desdemona deny the accusations

Then the action moves to Cyprus, where Othello is serving on duty, and Desdemona follows her husband.

Meeting of Othello and Desdemona in Cyprus

William Powell Frith. Othello and Desdemona

Theodore Chasseriau. Othello and Desdemona

James Clarke Hook. Othello and Desdemona

Iago hates Othello for not making him his deputy. He has other reasons not to love Othello. Iago suspects his wife Emilia of having an affair with Othello, in whose house she works. Iago, taking advantage of Othello's gullibility, gradually convinces the Moor that his wife is cheating on him with the young and handsome lieutenant Cassio. Iago advises Othello to strangle Desdemona in the bed in which she cheated on him.

Anticipating death, Desdemona sings a song about the willow tree.

My mother had a maid
Poor Barbara. Her favorite
Rejected her. She kept singing “Willow”;
The song was old, but it suited her destiny;
And she died with her. Today
This song gives me no peace.
Everything pulls to tilt your head to your shoulder
And sing like Barbara.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Song of Desdemona

Theodore Chasseriau. Desdemona

Gustave Moreau. Desdemona

Alexander Cabanel. Desdemona

Othello comes to Desdemona’s bedchamber and asks if she prayed all night to repent of her sins:

It's hard for me to kill
Your unprepared spirit. God forbid
So that I become the killer of your soul.

Othello strangles Desdemona.

Having learned about what he had heard, Emilia reveals to Othello the truth: Desdemona was innocent, and Iago slandered her. Othello stabs himself.

The famous Soviet Shakespeare scholar M.M. Morozov wrote about last minutes life of Othello:

“He says that he is an “honest murderer”, “for he did nothing for the sake of hatred, but did everything for the sake of honor.” Musil, who played with Salvini, told me that once, when someone under Salvini said that Othello kills Out of jealousy, Salvini began to ardently prove something else. Othello, according to Salvini, kills the desecrated ideal of man in Desdemona. And at the end of the tragedy, with Othello’s last monologue, we not only reconcile with Othello, but admire him. “he loved not wisely, but he loved too much.” Othello was not a “wise” person, that is, a man wise by the experience of Venetian life, and did not suspect the possibility of Iago’s very existence. He compares himself to “an ignorant Indian who threw away a pearl more precious than. all the wealth of his tribe." He appears before us not as a frantic jealous person, but as a victim of a monstrous deception. He himself says about himself that “he is not easily jealous, but when they influenced him, he reached extreme confusion of feelings.”
Othello, of course, executed himself because killing Desdemona is a crime. In the same way, he once executed a Turk in Aleppo who “blasphemed the Venetian Republic.” But before executing himself, he cries tears of joy because Desdemona turned out to be innocent; because, having escaped from Iago’s snares, he regained freedom, and Desdemona’s loyalty turned out to be the truth of life, and not Iago’s slander; Othello says that his “softened eyes, although not accustomed to tears, drop drops as quickly as the Arabian trees drop healing myrrh.” In this joy of Othello, the victory of the humanism of Othello and Desdemona over the predator Iago." (Analysis of the tragedy "Othello" during the action).

Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello" was played many times in theater and cinema. At one time, the role of Othello was played by an outstanding Russian theater director, actor and teacher K.S. Stanislavsky.

There is an American film "Othello" from 1952 directed by Orson Welles (the director himself played the main role).

poster American film"Othello" (1952)

The American film did not make much of an impression on me; I liked the 1955 Soviet film directed by Sergei Yutkevich much more.

Poster for the film "Othello" (1955)

The main roles in the film were played by Sergei Bondarchuk and Irina Skobtseva.

Smeared brown paint Sergei Bondarchuk in the role of Othello looks very natural, plays brightly and with inspiration.

Othello in the cartoon

Desdemona in the cartoon

Dying Desdemona in the cartoon

Data: 06/25/2011 09:14 |

The main character of Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello", the Venetian Moor, commander, is a fictional character and the prototype of the real Venetian commander Maurizio Othello.

Source: drama "Othello" (1604)

The name Maurizio is abbreviated as Mauro, which means Moor in Italian. Hence the Moor Othello in the famous tragedy. By the way, Othello was never a black man, and Shakespeare himself did not expect such a transformation of the main character, which was willfully done by the theater director who first brought Shakespeare’s tragedy to life on stage. Since then in theatrical productions and in films, Othello is portrayed as black.

Characteristics of Othello:

The image of the Moor Othello personifies the best traits of a 16th century military leader - courage, determination, strategic thinking and courage. Outwardly, Othello fully corresponds to these masculine character traits. He is tall and muscular. A strong-willed expression and expressive eyes make his face attractive.

Although, according to Shakespeare, the Moor Othello cannot be called handsome at all. At heart, Othello is a very kind and trusting person. He was used to trusting people, so he could not expose the slander about his beloved Desdemona, spread by the envious and careerist Iago. Credulity was the cause of the death of Othello and his beautiful wife.

Brief story(According to Wikipedia):

Othello gained fame as an excellent commander. He meets Desdemona, Brabantio's daughter. Struck by his stories about military campaigns, the girl falls in love with Othello and secretly marries him.

His assistant Iago and the nobleman Rodrigo are preparing a plot. They want to remove Othello and take his place. Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona is the mistress of Cassio, Othello's young subordinate.

Othello orders Iago to kill Cassio. Having pronounced the verdict of the unfaithful in advance, Othello accuses Desdemona. He does not listen to either her or Emilia, Iago’s wife, who is trying to assure the jealous man that his wife is more innocent than an angel, that she never had anything like that in her thoughts.

When Desdemona lay down on the bed, the Moor began to tell her everything he believed he knew. But the wife denies everything. Shocked by the “deceit” and “early depravity” of such a young girl, Othello strangles Desdemona and she dies. The guards, Iago, Iago's wife, Cassio and other people enter. Iago's wife tells the whole truth to everyone, revealing her husband's plans, and an enraged Iago stabs her to death.

And Othello, unable to bear the news that he killed his loving and faithful wife with his own hands, ruined his happiness, pronounces a death sentence on himself and stabs himself to death.


Have you said your prayers for the night, Desdemona? When you know your sin is unreconciled with heavenly mercy, repent of it right away. Do you hear? Hurry up. I'll go away. It’s hard for me to kill Your unprepared spirit. God forbid that I become the murderer of your soul. You devils are from the spectacle of heaven! Rush with the wind! Fry in sulfur! Throw into the abyss of liquid fire! - Dead! O Desdemona! Desdemona! CHARACTERS Doge of Venice. Brabantio, senator. Other senators. Gratiano, brother of Brabantio. Othello, a noble Moor in the Venetian service. Cassio, his lieutenant, that is, his deputy. Iago, his lieutenant. Rodrigo, Venetian nobleman. Montano, Othello's predecessor in governing Cyprus. Jester, in the service of Othello. Desdemona, daughter of Brabantio and wife of Othello. Emilia, Iago's wife. Bianca, Cassio's mistress. Sailors, messengers, heralds, soldiers, officials, private citizens, musicians and servants. The first action takes place in Venice, the rest - in Cyprus. ACT I SCENE 1 Venice. Street. Enter Roderigo and Iago. Rodrigo Say no more. This is baseness, Iago. You took the money and hid this incident. IAGO I didn't know it myself. You don't want to listen. I didn’t think about it, I didn’t guess. Rodrigo You lied to me that you couldn't stand him. IAGO And you can believe me - I can’t stand it. Three influential individuals proposed me for lieutenantship. This is a post that, by God, I am worthy of. But he only thinks about himself: They are one thing for him, he is another for them. He didn’t listen, he started lecturing, he gossiped, he gossiped, and he let me go with a refusal. “Alas,” he tells them, “gentlemen, I have already chosen an officer for myself.” Who is he? A literate mathematician, a certain Michele Cassio, a Florentine, Entangled in beauty. A woman's tail, who has never led troops into an attack. He knows the system no better than old maids. But he was chosen. Before Othello's eyes, I saved Rhodes and Cyprus and fought in pagan and Christian countries. But he was chosen. He is the Moorish lieutenant, And I am the lieutenant of their Moorishness. Rodrigo Lieutenant! It would be better to be an executioner! Iago Yes, yes. He only promotes his favorites, but they need to be promoted according to seniority. This one will wait for production! Oh no, I have nothing to love the Moor for. Rodrigo Then I would quit the service. Iago Calm yourself. In this service I serve myself. It is impossible for everyone to be born masters, It is impossible for everyone to serve well. Of course, there are such simpletons who love bondage and like donkey zeal, life from hand to mouth and old age without a corner. Scourge such slaves! There are others. They seem to be working for the masters, but in reality - for their own profit. Such people are far from fools, and I am proud that I am one of their breed. I am Iago, not a Moor, and for myself, and not for their beautiful eyes, I try. But rather than reveal my face, I’d rather let the jackdaws peck my liver. No, my dear, I am not what I seem. Rodrigo U, thick-lipped devil! With her, you'll see, he'll achieve everything! Iago It is necessary to awaken Her father, make the escape public, raise soda, inflame the relatives. Like flies, annoy the African, Let him find so much torment in joy, That he himself will not be happy with such happiness. Rodrigo This is her father's house. I'll scream. IAGO Scream with all your might. Don't spare your breath. Scream as if there is a fire in the city. Rodrigo Brabantio! Brabantio, wake up! Iago Brabantio, wake up! Guard! Where is your daughter? Where's the money? Thieves! Thieves! Check the chests! Robbery! Robbery! Brabantio appears at the window above. Brabantio What do these cries mean? What's happened? Rodrigo Are all your houses? IAGO Is the door locked? BRABANTIO Why are you asking? Iago Hell and the Devil! You are in a rout. Come to your senses, my friend. Put on a raincoat. Just now, perhaps this very minute, an evil black ram is dishonoring your white sheep. Hurry up! Instantly! We must sound the alarm and wake up the snoring townspeople. Otherwise they will make you a grandfather. Live! Hurry, I say. Brabantio Are you mad? Rodrigo Do you recognize my voice, sir? Brabantio No. Who are you? Rodrigo Rodrigo I. Brabantio So much the worse. They kindly asked you: don’t go. They told you briefly and clearly that your daughter is not for you. And you are good: The devil knows where you got drunk and ate And you disturb my peace at night In a drunken state! Rodrigo Sir, sir, sir! Brabantio But, believe me, I will be able to forever discourage you from being rowdy. Rodrigo Wait. Brabantio Why have you made a fuss? After all, we are in Venice, not in the village: There are watchmen. Rodrigo I woke you with the best intentions, sir. Iago Signor, for the devil's sake remember God! We are doing you a favor, but they tell us that we are rowdies! So, you want your daughter to have an affair with an Arabian stallion, so that your grandchildren neigh and you have trotters in your family and connections with pacers? BRABANTIO Who art thou, wicked man? IAGO (with shamelessness) I have come to inform you, sir, that your daughter is currently laying down a beast with two backs with the Moor. Brabantio You are a vile scoundrel. Iago And you are a senator. Brabantio Rodrigo, you will answer me for everything. But I don’t know about this! Rodrigo And I will answer. But maybe, and I’m definitely wrong, And it’s with your permission Did your daughter set off so late Alone, without proper protection, In the company of a hired rower Into the voluptuous embrace of the Moor? Then I apologize: We insulted you without reason. But if what we tell you is new to you, you are not being fair. I think it is unnecessary to assure that I would not dare to make fun of you. Find out: your daughter is behaving immorally, having united her wealth, honor and beauty without asking with a rootless, foreign rogue. Look, the young lady is at home. Then persecute me for the falseness of the rumors. Brabantio Fire quickly! Give me a candle. Hey servants, servants! How similar this is to what I saw in my dream just now! I'm starting to think it's true. Fire! Fire! (Exits.) Iago Farewell. I'll leave. I can't point to the Moor. I am the Moor's subordinate. I'll get away with it. He will be forgiven for his nightly adventure. They'll put it on a little, that's all. The Senate cannot give him his resignation, Especially now, when a thunderstorm has enveloped Cyprus and there is no one in sight who could replace him in trouble. Even though I hate him to death - You yourself understand now - I am forced to throw out a friendly flag for show in front of the general. But this, of course, is a guise. When they go looking for him, you and them head to the arsenal. He's there. I will also be with him. But I'm going. Farewell. (Exits.) Brabantio and servants come out of the house with torches. Brabantio The point is clear. She left. I can't live anymore. - So, where is this girl, Rodrigo? Unhappy! At the Moor's, you say? - Consider yourself fathers after this! Have you seen her yourself? - What a deception! - What is she saying? - Incomprehensible! Shine! And more people! - Do you think they're already married? Rodrigo Yes, it seems. Brabantio O Lord! But how did She manage to get out? Fathers, do not trust your daughters anymore, no matter how innocent their habits may be! We have to believe in witchcraft, which seduces the purest. Have you, Rodrigo, ever read about anything like this? Rodrigo I had to. Brabantio Go to your brother. - It’s a pity that I didn’t give it for you. -Where are you going in a bunch? Some go this way, the other go that way. Do you know where to look for her and the Moor? Rodrigo I will show you, but we must stock up on reliable guards. Follow me. Brabantio Vedi. Let's go. I am vested with the power to remove guards wherever I wish. We'll take them with us. Well, let's go. I will reward you for everything, Rodrigo. They leave. SCENE 2 Ibid. Another street. Enter Othello, Iago and servants with torches. Iago Even though I killed people in war, murder in peaceful life is a crime. That's how I look. It would be easier for me to live without this scrupulousness. Ten times I wanted to stab him in the stomach. Othello It’s better that I didn’t touch you. IAGO He called you names in such words that although I am gentle and flexible, I could barely restrain myself. So, then you got married in earnest? Her father, unfortunately, has influence, and in this matter the old man’s voice will turn out to be stronger than the voice of the doge. He will divorce you, true Lord, Or in revenge he will wear you down with the courts. Othello Let him go. He will be silenced by my services to the Signory. And if the old man is not ashamed to boast out loud about his family, I also declare: I am of royal blood and can stand before him as an equal without taking off my hat. I am as proud of my family as I am of my destiny. If I had not fallen in love with Desdemona, Iago, For all the riches of the sea, I would not have constrained my free life with marriage - Who is that there with the lights? Look. IAGO They are. Father with all his relatives. Enter the house. Othello Why? I am not hiding, my name, title and conscience justify me. But are they there? Iago By the two-faced Janus, no. Enter Cassio and several palace servants with torches. Othello Soldiers from the Doge's retinue, I see, And my assistant. Hello friends. What's new? Cassio The Doge sent us greetings. He demands you, General. Quicker. Hurry up. Othello What happened? Cassio All Cyprus, as far as I can tell. Some unexpected events. There are endless messengers from the fleet. The senators are awakened and assembled. The Doge is having a meeting in the palace. They demanded you, they didn’t find you at home, and they sent watchmen to the city, so that they could get you even from the bottom of the sea. Othello It is all the more joyful that you have found me. I will only go in and out of this house. (Leaves). Cassio Why is he here? Iago He has now captured the Galley with its cargo and will become rich as soon as he legalizes his seizure. Cassio I don't understand you. Iago He got married. Cassio On whom? IAGO You won't guess. Othello returns. So, let's go, general. Othello Ready. Let's go. Cassio The people from the palace are behind you again. You see? Iago Brabantio, probably. Look out, beware. He has Evil in his mind. Enter Brabantio, Rodrigo and the night guard with torches and weapons. Othello Stop! Rodrigo Here is the Moor. Brabantio There he is, the robber. Hit him! Swords are drawn on both sides. IAGO At your service. Hello Rodrigo! Othello Down with swords! The dew will damage them. Your age affects us more powerfully than your sword, most noble sir. Brabantio, despicable thief, tell me, where is my daughter? You have entangled her with charms, devil! There is magic here, I will prove it. Indeed, judge for yourself, people: A beauty and an angel of kindness, Doesn’t want to hear anything about marriage, Refuses the best suitors And suddenly leaves home, comfort, contentment, To rush, without fear of ridicule, On the chest of a monster blacker than soot, Inspiring fear, not love ! Is this natural? Judge, does this happen without witchcraft? You secretly put her mind to sleep and gave her a love potion! The law tells me to take you into custody as a warlock and sorcerer who trades in the forbidden. - Arrest him, and if he is not given good, take possession of the force! Othello Keep your hands away, move away! Both you and you. It will come to blood, - I know this role without prompting. Where should I go to justify myself? Brabantio First to prison. You'll sit for a while. The time will come, they will call you - you will answer. Othello What if I really obey you? What will the Doge say? Here are some messengers. They are from the palace this minute and demand me there on business. First military man Yes, sir, the situation is this: The Doge has an emergency meeting. They are definitely waiting for you there too. Brabantio Night council from the Doge? Very useful. Let's go there with him. My trouble is not an everyday trifle, but an incident that concerns us all. If we begin to carry out such assassinations, the pagan slaves will turn out to be the masters of fate in the republic. They leave. SCENE 3 Ibid. Council Hall. Doge and senators at the table. There are military officials and servants all around. Doge There is no connection in the news. You can't trust them. First Senator They contain contradictions. They write to me that there are one hundred and seven galleys. Doge And to me, That there are one hundred and forty of them. Second Senator I have two hundred of them. It is clear that the calculations are contradictory. It was made by guesswork, at random. But that the Turkish fleet is sailing to Cyprus, all reports agree on this. Doge Yes, this discrepancy in numbers cannot serve us as reassurance. At the core there is truth, and it is bitter. Sailor (offstage) Hey, hey, let me in! The first servant of Vestova from the fleet. The sailor enters. Doge Well, how are you doing? Sailor The Turkish fleet is sailing to Rhodes. This is a report from Angelo to the Senate. Doge of the Lord, how do you like this change? First Senator Absurdity. This is a distraction. Some kind of tactical trick. For the Turks, Cyprus is more important than Rhodes, and Cyprus is much easier to conquer. Rhodes is a stronghold, Cyprus is not fortified, the Turks are not so naive as not to see where there is harm, where there is benefit, and not to distinguish complete safety from risk. Doge No, no, of course, their goal is not Rhodes. First Servant Another messenger. A messenger enters. Messenger Doge and assembly! Having completed the transition to Rhodes in galleys, the Turks here united with another squadron. First Senator Here you go, gentlemen. I knew it. Big reinforcements? Messenger of ships of thirty. Everyone together again openly turned to Cyprus. Signor Montano, your faithful servant, informs you that he will not betray his duty. Doge Of course, to Cyprus. I told you! What, Mark Luchese is in town? The first senator is away. He's in Florence. Doge Send for him. Demand by letter, let him return. First Senator Here is Brabantio and the brave Moor. Enter Brabantio, Othello, Iago, Roderigo and attendants. Valiant Doge Othello, we must immediately send you against the Turks. Brabantio, I didn't notice you. We missed your help. Brabantio And I need yours, good Doge. Don't be offended, but to tell the truth, I'm in the palace for another reason. It wasn't my job title that got me out of bed. It's not the war that worries me now. Oh no, a very special concern consumed all my thoughts. Leaving no room for anything. Doge But what happened? Brabantio Daughter, oh my daughter! Doge and senators What's wrong with her? BRABANTIO She is ruined, she is ruined! She was lured by force, taken away with a Spell, slander, and dope. She is smart, healthy, not blind And could not help but understand the mistake, But this is witchcraft, witchcraft! Doge Whoever the thief is, who deprived you of your daughter, And your daughter - the ability to judge, Find for him a page in the bloody book of law and pass judgment on him. I won't interfere, even if it were my own son. Brabantio Heartily grateful. Here's the culprit. The same Moor who was summoned to you by your order. The Doge and the Senators What a pity! Doge (Othello) What can you say to us? Brabantio Nothing. He's caught. Othello Dignitaries, nobles, my rulers! What should I say? I won't argue his daughter with me, He is right. I got married to her. These are all my sins. I don't know the others. I am not a talker and my command of secular language is poor. Having started my service as a boy at the age of seven, I have been fighting almost my entire life and, apart from talking about battles, I don’t know how to hold conversations. However, here is an ingenuous story about with the help of what spells and secret enchantments I lured his daughter, As my accuser complained to you. Brabantio Judge for yourself, how not to blame? I was afraid to take a step, shy, quiet, and suddenly, look where it came from! Everything is on the side - nature, shame, decency, I fell in love with something that you can’t look at! Such a statement is unthinkable. There are intrigues and intrigues here. I guarantee that he fed her poison and shackled her will with sleepy stupor. Doge It's not enough to vouch. This is unfounded. Your accusations must be proven. I don't see any evidence for the prosecution. First Senator Othello, finally speak! Were there really tricks here, Or is this harmless love, How does it arise in a conversation between soul and soul? Othello Send to the armory. Let her testify herself, but if necessary, take away the rank and dispose of my life. Doge Deliver Desdemona, gentlemen. Othello Lieutenant, show them the way. Iago and several servants leave. Until they return, without hiding, I will openly confess to you, How I achieved her love and how She achieved mine. Doge Othello, speak up. Othello Her father loved me. I visited them often. He told me more than once the events of his personal life, year after year. He described the vicissitudes of fate, battles, sieges, everything that I experienced. I again reviewed my whole life - From childhood days to the present moment. He recalled the hardships and labors experienced at sea and land. He told me how I escaped trouble, on the brink of death. How once I was captured and sold into slavery, and was saved from captivity. He returned to the places of his wanderings. He spoke about fabulous caves and deserts, Gorges with abysses and mountains, Their peaks touching the sky. About cannibals, that is, savages who eat each other. About people whose shoulders are higher than their heads. Stories occupied Desdemona, And when she was away on business, she Always tried to finish them early, So that she could return in time and catch the Lost thread of the story. I was glad to quench this greed And I was glad to hear a request from her, So that I could somehow retell to her From beginning to end what she already partially knows. I started. And when I reached the first bitter clashes of My immature youth with fate, I saw that the one listening was crying. When I finished, I was rewarded for this story with a whole world of sighs. “No,” she gasped, “what a life! I’m beside myself with tears and surprise. Why did I know this! Why wasn’t I born the same person! Thank you. That’s what. If you had a friend and he fell in love with me, Let your life will tell you from your words - and conquer me.” In response to this, I also confessed to her. That's all. She fell in love with my fearlessness, and she fell in love with me with her sympathy. That's how I did my magic. Here comes Desdemona. Now you turn to her herself. Desdemona and Iago enter with servants. Doge I believe that our daughter could not resist such a story. Brabantio, we must reconcile. After all, you won’t break through walls with your forehead. Brabantio Let us first hear what she has to say. Of course, if both are at the same time, then I have no claims to the Moor. - Come closer, my lady. Tell me, to whom of this assembly must you obey most? Desdemona Father, in such a circle my duty is twofold. You gave me life and education. Both life and upbringing tell me that obeying you is my daughter’s duty. But here's my husband. Just as my mother once exchanged her duty to her father for her duty to you, so from now on I am obedient to the Moor, my husband. Brabantio Well, God be with you. - I'm finished, your lordship. Let's get started state affairs. - I would rather accept someone else’s girl than give birth to and raise my own! Be happy, Moor. If it were my will, you wouldn’t see your daughter like your ears. Well, my angel, here’s a parting message: I’m glad that you are the only daughter. Your escape would have made me a tyrant. I would chain your sisters. - I'm finished, your lordship. Doge I will add one piece of advice for you, to help the young ones rise again in your opinion. What has passed is time to forget, And a mountain will immediately fall from the heart. Remembering past misfortunes all the time is perhaps worse than fresh misfortune. In suffering, the only outcome is to ignore adversity to the best of your ability. Brabantio Why don’t we give Cyprus to the Turks, When it’s all over, it doesn’t matter? Teaching dispassion costs nothing to one who is not bothered by anything. And where can someone acquire dispassion, Who has something to regret and remember? The sayings are ambiguous and shaky. Literature does not bring relief. And not the ears - the path into the suffering tormented chest. Therefore, I come to you with the humblest request: Let’s get down to state affairs. Doge Okay. So, the Turks moved in large forces towards Cyprus. Othello, the structure of the fortress is well known to you. Although the island is ruled by a man of undeniable merit, but in wartime Such a position requires a well-known person. Everyone speaks up for you. Get ready to spoil your youthful happiness with this troublesome trip. Othello Omnipotent habit, gentlemen, turns the harshness of a camping overnight stay into a soft down jacket for me. I like deprivation. I will gladly go against the Turks, but I ask you to give my wife a comfortable home, to give her maintenance and appoint a staff decent for her origin. Let the Doge live with his father for now. BRABANTIO I am against it. Othello And I. Desdemona Me too. I will again remind my father of what happened. There is a convenient exit. I will offer you another remedy. Doge What do you want to say, Desdemona? Desdemona I fell in love with the Moor, so that I could be with him everywhere. With the swiftness of my step, I trumpeted this to the whole world. I give myself to his calling And courage and glory. For me, the beauty of Othello is in the exploits of Othello. My lot is dedicated to his fate, And I cannot, in the midst of his campaign, Remain a peaceful midge in the rear. Danger is dearer to me than separation. Let me accompany him. Othello Senators, I beg you to agree. This is not self-interest, God knows! I am not guided by the attraction of my heart, Which I could drown out. But it's about her. Let's meet her halfway. Do not think that in her company I will be more careless about the task. No, if the light-winged Cupid fills my eyes with passion so much that I miss my military duty, let the housewives make a pot out of my helmet and disgrace me forever. Doge Decide as you wish among yourselves, Should she stay or go, but events Hurry us. First Senator You need to leave tonight. Othello I am very glad. Doge We'll meet here again at nine o'clock in the morning. Leave us someone, Othello, who will take our order to you. Othello Then here is my lieutenant, your lordship. He is a dedicated and faithful person. I'm thinking of sending Desdemona with him. He will be able to capture everything that needs to be captured. Doge Excellent! Gentlemen, good night. - That's it, Brabantio. Your dark son-in-law has concentrated so much light in himself that it is purer than white ones, I must tell you. First Senator Othello, take care of Desdemona. Brabantio Look more strictly, Moor, follow her forward: She deceived her father, she will lie to you. The Doge, senators and ministers leave. Othello I am as confident in her as I am in myself. But to the point. I entrust Desdemona to your care, Iago. Tell your wife to follow her. As soon as the first opportunity arises, happily sail along too. I have less than an hour at my disposal. And you can’t count the deeds and thoughts! Let's go and say goodbye together. Othello and Desdemona leave. Rodrigo Iago! Iago What say you, noble soul? Rodrigo What do you think I'll do now? Iago Go and go to bed. Rodrigo I'll drown myself this minute. IAGO Try to do this, and I will forever become friends with you. Rodrigo It’s stupid to live when life has become torture. How not to seek death, your only deliverer? Iago Miserable fool! I have lived in the world for twenty-eight years and, since I learned to distinguish profit from loss, I have not seen people who knew how to take care of themselves. Before I say that I will drown myself over some skirt, I will exchange my immortal essence with a baboon. Rodrigo What should I do? I myself am ashamed that I fell in love so much, but I am not able to correct this. IAGO Unable! Tell me please! It is up to us to be one or the other. Each of us is a garden, and the gardener in it is the will. Whether nettles, lettuce, hyssop, cumin, one or many things grow in us, whether they die out without care or grow magnificently - we ourselves are the masters of all this. If there were no reason, sensuality would overwhelm us. That's what intelligence is for, to curb its absurdities. Your love is one of the garden species that, whether you like, can be cultivated or not. Rodrigo As if! Iago What about that? The purest letting of blood with the silent consent of the soul. Be a man. Drown yourself! Better drown cats and puppies. I vowed to help you. We have never been so close to our goal. Fill your wallet and come with us. Change your appearance with a fake beard. It cannot be that Desdemona loved the Moor for a long time. Fill your wallet tighter. It cannot be that the Moor loved her for a long time. Rough start will have a violent end. Fill your wallet tighter. These Moors are fickle. What now seems sweet to him, like pods, will soon become bitterer than horseradish. She is young and will change. When she's had enough of him, she'll come to her senses. She'll need another one. Fill your wallet tighter. If you absolutely have to ruin yourself, come up with something smarter than water. Fill your wallet tighter. On the one hand, a seasoned, cunning Venetian, on the other, an uncouth nomad. And I will believe in the strength of their feelings! She's yours! Fill your wallet with coins. It's completely unnecessary to drown yourself. It’s better to be hanged after you’ve had fun than to drown without seeing anything in life. Rodrigo You will not deceive me if I rely on you? Iago Don't worry. Fill your wallet with coins. I have often told you and I repeat: I hate the Moor. I have my own scores to settle with him, no worse than yours. Let's merge our hatred into one. Cuckold him. For you this is a pleasure, but for me it is an even greater triumph. Go. Fill your wallet with coins. We'll talk more tomorrow. Goodbye. Rodrigo Where shall we meet in the morning? IAGO With me. Rodrigo I'll come early. Iago Okay. Well, Rodrigo? Rodrigo What exactly? IAGO Drown yourself no matter what! Rodrigo I've changed my mind. I'll mortgage the estate. (Exits.) Iago This fool serves me as a purse and free amusement. Otherwise I wouldn't waste time on him. I hate the Moor. They report that he allegedly climbed on my wife. This is unlikely to be the case, but let's assume. If there is suspicion, then it means so. He puts me high. So much the better: It’s more convenient to act. What a thought! After all, Cassio is a godsend for this! Firstly, I will knock him out of his place, And secondly... Hurray! Hooray! Got it! I’ll begin to whisper in Othello’s ear, That Cassio is good with his wife, Just look: manners, figure, - A ready-made, born seducer. The Moor is simple-minded and open-hearted, He will take everything at face value. Leading someone like that by the nose is sheer nonsense. So hands down! Pitch hell and night must help me in this plan. (Leaves.)

- (English Othello) the hero of William Shakespeare’s tragedy “Othello” (1604). Representing a very accurate adaptation of Giraldi Cintio’s short story “The Moor of Venice” from his collection “One Hundred Stories” (1566), which became known to Shakespeare, apparently in someone’s… … Literary heroes

- (on behalf of the hero of the Shakespearean tragedy). A common noun to designate a jealous spouse. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. OTHELLO, hero of Shakespeare’s tragedy “Othello”, Moor,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Jealous Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Othello see jealous Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Dictionary of synonyms

Hero play of the same name William Shakespeare (1564 1616), jealous Venetian Moor. Believing the slander, he kills his wife, then, in despair, himself. Playfully ironic about a jealous man. Encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. M.: “Lokid... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

- “OTELLO”, USSR, MOSFILM, 1955, color, 109 min. Drama. By tragedy of the same name W. Shakespeare. The first film role of Evgeny Vesnik (Rodrigo). Cast: Sergei Bondarchuk (see BONDARCHUK Sergei Fedorovich), Irina Skobtseva (see SKOBTSEVA Irina Konstantinovna) ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

OTHELLO F1- see. The hybrid has a unique precocity. The ripening of small tuberculate fruits occurs on the 40-45th day after emergence. Crispy, pleasant taste, genetically without bitterness fruits are used for fresh consumption and canning.… … Encyclopedia of seeds. Vegetables

"Othello"- OTELLO, ballets based on the same plot. tragedies by W. Shakespeare. 1) Under the name Othello, or the Moor of Venice, in 5 acts. Computer, stage and ballet S. Vigano. 6.2.1818, La Scala, Milan, art. A. Sanquirico; Othello N. Molinari, Desdemona A.… … Ballet. Encyclopedia

For the term "Othello" see other meanings. Othello 67 ... Wikipedia


  • Othello, Shakespeare William. "Othello" is a tragedy that gave culture unsurpassed images of a jealous man, an envious intriguer, as well as a noble beloved, with her faithful heart and sublime soul. An undoubted masterpiece...