Singer Ilya Lagutenko: creative biography, wives, children - photos. Ilya Lagutenko group: early years, childhood and family of Ilya Lagutenko

Ilya Lagutenko is a rock performer, frontman of the Mumiy Troll group. He has the title of Honored Owner of the Order of Merit for Vladivostok. His songs became soundtracks for popular films: “Day Watch”, “Peter FM”, “Love in the City”, etc. In addition, in the films “Radio Day” and “S.S.D.” Ilya appeared with his group as a guest star.

He was born on October 16, 1968 in the capital Moscow, but a year later, after the death of his father, the whole family moved to Vladivostok. All family members were intelligent people. His father, like his grandfather, were architects, his mother was engaged in artistic modeling, and his grandmother taught at Moscow University.

As a teenager, Ilya graduated from high school No. 9 with a Chinese bias. He was an active child: he sang in the choir, with whom he saw many cities of Russia. Already as a child, Ilya tried to found his first group, which was called “Boni Pi”.

As a young man, he graduated from the Faculty of Regional Studies at the Far Eastern State University.


At the age of 15, Ilya organized his own own group"Mumiy Troll", which is still popular today. He named it in honor of his favorite hero, Moomintroll. The guys recorded ten songs and called the album “ New moon April", which blew up all the sites in Vladivostok. The group managed to give their first concert in 1987. It was both a success and a complete failure, as the group was called dangerous to society. After that, the guys disappeared for a long time. And this is not because their music remained ununderstood, but because Ilya was taken to serve in the navy. Being educated person and knowing English and Chinese, Ilya had good prospects in life, but they did not relate to music.

Ilya needed to change a lot of jobs in order to finally understand what he really wanted. In 1996, he decided to bring the group back and began distributing demo tapes to record companies. One of the producers finally responded. It was Alexander Shulgin. At the end of the 90s, the group returned to the stage, and in 1997 its first album, Morskaya, was released. “Mumiy Troll” was a huge success, fans simply “torn” the musicians, and subsequent albums produced new hits that are still sung not only by all of Russia, but also by other foreign countries.

In addition to studying music, Ilya devotes a lot of time to books. He writes them. In 2009, the performer began working on the “Book of Wanderings,” in which he talks about traveling with the group. A year later, the book was already published.

Despite the enormous success, Mumiy Troll broke up at the end of 2013. It existed for 16 years, and will still exist, just not in the same way as before. Soon Ilya promised to start solo career.

Personal life of Ilya

In 1987, Ilya met his first wife, Elena Troynovskaya, who worked as an ichthyologist. Elena gave birth to Ilya's son Igor in 1988. He remained married to Elena until 2003.

The second wife was Anna Zhukova, a gymnast and model. Ilya lived with her from 2007 to 2009.

Ilya has 2 daughters: Valentina-Veronica or Vivi, who was born in 2008, and Letitia, born in 2010.

Lead singer of the group interesting name“Mumiy Troll” Ilya Lagutenko, whose biography will be the topic of discussion in this article, is not only the owner of a unique voice and a talented musician, but also a successful actor. More than a dozen films were released with his music, and some with the direct participation of the artist. The biography of Ilya Lagutenko describes different periods of his life. Let's find out how he achieved fame and success in show business.

Biography of Ilya Lagutenko: childhood

The future musician was born in the capital of Russia in 1968 on October 16. When the boy was barely six months old, his father died - he did not undergo surgery to remove appendicitis. Then the boy’s mother, Elena Kibitkina (fashion designer), decided to move to Vladivostok, where Ilya spent his childhood. There he studied at school, where he studied Chinese in depth, and from the second grade he sang in children's choir. He seemed to have a love for music from birth. The boy always tried to earn his own pocket money; he often spent money on vinyl records. And, when he was in seventh grade, he decided to create his first group called Boney P.

Biography of Ilya Lagutenko: “the path to the stars”

In 1983, Ilya’s group was renamed “ Moomin Troll" The musician could not explain the choice of the title; he simply saw the title of Tove Janson’s book, which he liked. The artist read the book only ten years after he used the name of one of its characters to name his group. The choir lessons were not in vain; he was a wonderful vocalist. The guys first tried to perform other people's songs, but very soon they realized that they were much better at writing their own, and, of course, more interesting. By 1984, they had already accumulated enough material to begin work on their first studio recordings. After three years of hard work, the group with a slightly changed name - “Mumiy Troll” - was actively touring. But Ilya was forced to serve in the Pacific Fleet, and therefore the group’s activities were somewhat suspended, which could not but affect the popularity of the group. Lagutenko and the rest of the Mumiy Troll members returned to creativity only in the late 90s. In 1996 they recorded their first album in London, and in 1997 the second (it brought real success). Ilya became famous artist, he began to be invited to film roles (one of the first was the role of a vampire in “Night Watch”) and to various social events. Fame and increased income allowed Lagutenko to do what he had long wanted - charity.

Biography of Ilya Lagutenko: personal life

In 1986, the artist met a student of one of them named Lena, and a year later they were already husband and wife. In 2003, Ilya’s marriage broke up. For some time, the musician was in a civil marriage with Nadezhda Silenskaya. The model became the second woman whom Ilya Lagutenko officially married (you can see the photo of the spouses on the left). In 2008, Anna gave her husband her first daughter, Valentina-Veronica, and in 2010 - her second, Letizia. Ilya likes to spend his free time on literary creativity and painting.

Ilya Igorevich Lagutenko. Born on October 16, 1968 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian rock musician, leader of the Mumiy Troll group.

Father - Igor Vitalievich Lagutenko, architect.

Mother - Elena Borisovna Kibitkina, fashion designer.

Has a sister - Maria Kibitkina.

His paternal grandmother, Veronika Iosifovna Tur, taught at Moscow University. Grandfather - Vitaly Pavlovich Lagutenko - Belarusian by nationality, architect, Hero Socialist Labor, author of the famous project of residential buildings of the K-7 series (also known as “Khrushchev buildings”).

Has Polish roots. His great-grandfather, a Polish nobleman, emigrated from Poland to Russia during the First World War, and twenty years later was shot by the Bolsheviks on charges of “Japanese-German-Polish espionage” in the seaside town of Artyom in 1937. In memory of his great-grandfather, Ilya keeps silver cufflinks. My maternal great-grandmother is also from a Polish family that moved from China to the Far East; after the war they lived in Magadan. His grandmother was born in Magadan, as was his mother.

Sister - Maria Kibitkina.

The boy was not yet a year old when his father tragically died during an unsuccessful operation to remove appendicitis. After the death of his father, he and his mother moved to her homeland - Vladivostok.

“Although I was born in Moscow, Vladivostok is the first thing I remember... My mother was a young and beautiful blonde student. And my father, Igor Vitalievich Lagutenko, was an architect. When he died, I was only six months old. After After his death, I was taken to Vladivostok, where our family lived at that time. And my grandmother put a lot of effort into ensuring that I developed properly,” he recalled.

Studied at high school No. 9 with in-depth study of the Chinese language demonstrated success. He sang in a children's choir, in which he toured extensively around the country.

As a child and youth, he was fond of rock, in particular, his favorite bands were Queen, Genesis and Pink Floyd.

Already in school years Ilya Lagutenko founded his first music group- "Boney P."

After school I entered the Far Eastern state university, having graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Studies with a degree in Regional Studies (Oriental and African Studies). He defended his thesis on the topic “Development of the border economy between Russia and China.”

In 1983 he organized a rock band "Moomin Troll", later renamed to "Mumiy Troll".

Served in the ranks of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet.

Trained and worked in China and Great Britain as a translator and consultant for commercial companies. Thus, from 1991 to 1996, Lagutenko was a commercial advisor in China and London.

The Mumiy Troll group resumed its activities in the late 1990s. On April 24, 1997, the album “Morskaya” was released. The album became one of the best-selling albums of 1997.

Songs such as “Leak Away”, “Girl”, “Vladivostok 2000” became hits.

Mumiy Troll - Vladivostok 2000

Building on their success, the Mumiy Troll group released the album “Caviar,” which was also well received by the public.

Ilya Lagutenko also re-recorded his early songs from the 1980s, releasing a disc called “Shamora” in 1998. This is how the hits “Alien Guest”, “Hello, Pops!”, “Do Me Exactly, Mom” and others appeared.

Many of the group's songs have been translated into English language and published in the USA in mini-album format.

Ilya Lagutenko also works in cinema - as a musician (“Book Thieves”, “Dunno and Barrabass”) and as an actor (“ Night watch»).

Mumiy Troll - From a clean slate

In 2009, Ilya co-wrote the music for the track “Intentions” and, as a vocalist, took part in the recording of the second album of Automatons - an American electronic artist / sound producer of the Universal Music Group company, Svoy. The album was released in the United States and Japan, where it charted on the Billboard Top Independent Albums chart. In 2010, the album won several categories at the Independent Music Awards in the United States.

At the beginning of 2013, Ilya Lagutenko was awarded the Order of Merit for Vladivostok, first degree. Also in 2013 he founded a new international festival V-ROX (Rock of Vladivostok), designed to bring our native Vladivostok to a new musical international level.

Ilya Lagutenko’s special style of clothing has been noted more than once by the glossy magazines Glamor and GQ.

Mumiy Troll was the first in Russia to support the PSI organization to fight AIDS. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Batani Foundation.

Ilya Lagutenko is the representative of Russia in the International Tiger Coalition.

The musician also writes books. In particular, he published a trilogy for family reading"Tiger Stories". “I grew up in the Far East, and the tiger is our main totem animal. In Vladivostok there is Tigrovaya Street, and urban legends say that these animals sometimes walk along our streets. So all Primorye residents treat tigers with respect. The Mumiy Troll group "There is an album called "Amba", which is in the language of Udege, one of the indigenous peoples Far East, means “tiger”,” he explained his interest in tigers.

Height of Ilya Lagutenko: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Ilya Lagutenko:

First wife - Elena Troynovskaya(born May 5, 1963), ichthyologist by profession. Married from 1987 to 2003.

On May 17, 1988, the couple had a son, Igor Ilyich Lagutenko, rugby player, coach, music tour manager, and producer.

Second wife - Anna Zhukova(born 1979) gymnast and model. We got married in the winter of 2008.

The couple had two daughters: Valentina-Veronika Ilyinichna Lagutenko (born in October 2008), her family name is Vivi, and Letitia Ilyinichna Lagutenko (born in June 2010).

He lives in Los Angeles with his second wife and two daughters.

Filmography of Ilya Lagutenko:

2002 - Azazel - song performance
2004 - Night Watch - vampire Andrey
2004 - Book Thieves, musician, music
2004 - Dunno and Barrabass - music
2005 - Day Watch - music
2006 - Space flight - music
2006 - Signs of Love - music
2006 - Peter FM - music
2007 - Paragraph 78 - song performance
2008 - Radio Day - cameo
2008 - Kung Fu Panda - Russian voice acting, Master Monkey
2008 - More Ben - music
2008 - S.S.D. - cameo, music
2009 - Margosha - music
2009 - Love in the Big City - music
2009 - At the game - music
2010 - Diamond Arm 2 - cameo, music
2010 - Love in the Big City-2 - music
2013 - Ku! Kin-Dza-Dza - music

Dubbing by Ilya Lagutenko:

2016 - Moana - sea crab Tamatoa

Discography of Ilya Lagutenko:

1985 - New Moon of April
1990 - Do Yu Yu
1997 - Marine
1997 - Caviar
1998 - Shamora
2000 - Exactly mercury aloe
2002 - Meamurs
2004 - Book Thieves
2005 - Merger and Acquisition
2007 - Amba
2008 - 8
2010 - Rare Earths
2012 - Vladivostok
2013 - SOS to the sailor
2015 - Pirated copies
2016 - Moana

Bibliography of Ilya Lagutenko:

2009 - “Book of Wanderings. My East"
2012 - “Vladivostok-3000. A film story about the Pacific Republic" (co-authored with V. Avchenko)
2012 - “Tiger Stories”

Ilya Lagutenko is a musician who made meowing vocals, slightly stupid, but no less accurate poetry and endless palindromes the hallmarks of good manners. The group Mumiy Troll, led by him for a quarter of a century, in the late 90s turned all Russian music upside down, privatizing the term “Russian Britpop” and proving that here music can be recorded and played no worse, or even better, than in Britain. The appearance of Mumiy Troll meant a radical paradigm shift in Russian rock; the song “Flee away” ended up in Russian history textbooks. Having found the promising singer Zemfira in Ufa, Lagutenko finally confirmed the triumph of the era. In the new century, he was one of the first domestic musicians to abandon the traditional form of music distribution, releasing the maxi-single “Contraband” as a supplement to the Afisha magazine. In addition to music, he is seriously interested contemporary art(both as a collector and as an artist) and charity. Lagutenko has long been a citizen of the world: he spends no more time in Moscow than in the Dominican Republic or London, and it is not surprising that his main dream, perhaps, is to fly into space. Member of the Snob project since December 2008.

The city where I live


“I can compare staying in Moscow with intensive care! When you haven’t died yet, and that in itself is already good.”


“It so happens that I have many friends living there.”


Where was he born?


“Although I was born in Moscow, Vladivostok is the first thing I remember...”

Who was born to

Dad - Igor Vitalievich Lagutenko, architect.

“When he died, I was only six months old. After his death, I was taken to Vladivostok, where our family lived at that time. And my grandmother put a lot of effort into ensuring that I developed correctly. So I grew up in Vladivostok.”

Mom - Elena Borisovna Kibitkina (Lagutenko) - fashion designer.

“Once upon a time, my mother told me: “Ilya, a real man prefers blondes! I’m trying with all my might to protest...”

Grandfather - Nikolai Ivanovich Savchenko.

“...grandfather is a teacher from God. My mother, I, and my son were raised by him, we received a lot from him. He himself was an intelligent, educated man."

“I was introduced to vocals by my grandmother, a well-known revolutionary in the city who sang the hits of the barricades... our... duet was nicknamed “the little one and the granny””

Where and what did you study?

Graduated from school No. 9 with in-depth study Chinese language (in Vladivostok).

“Thanks to my grandfather, I was equally good at physics and English at school.”

In 1992 he graduated from the Far Eastern State University, Faculty of Chinese Studies.

“All the boys and girls in Vladivostok who entered the oriental faculty, of course, went to study Japanese: Japan attracted everyone... But one of my teachers said, go study Chinese, believe me, this is the future... And her words turned out to be prophetic "


He served in the Pacific Fleet Air Force on Russky Island.

« I never regretted the years I spent in the Navy. Therefore, when my friends ask me whether to send their children to the army, I say: “Of course, they should.” At this age, you need to learn to be responsible, and best of all, outside the home. I have never heard of a sad experience military service from your friends. On the contrary, there were cases where guys ended up very poorly simply because no one put them in their place in time, as they do in the army. I'm not talking about drill, but specifically about the healthy amount of male responsibility that is present there».

Where and how did you work?

Founded the rock group Moomin Troll in 1983 (later renamed Mumiy Troll) and became its permanent leader.

“As a child, I couldn’t play enough of a rock band... I got this opportunity, which I’m quietly happy about. This life satisfies me."

Worked for a consulting firm in London.

“...working for investment corporations in the City of London did not bring me either moral or material satisfaction. Even the smallest."

Produced Zemfira's first album, albums of the groups “Today at Night” and “Foggy Moan”.

“I don’t associate myself with a professional producer...”

“I honestly admit that I did not succeed in entrepreneurship from music, but, indeed, we produced the first album of Zemfira, and the group “Today at Night”, the group “Foggy Moan”. They all had different fates, and I believe that all this, first of all, probably depends directly on the author, artist himself, on his personal qualities and ambitions. You can’t say what’s good and what’s bad.”

In 2003, he wrote music for Leonid Rybakov’s film The Book Thieves, and in 2004 he played the vampire Andrei in Timur Bekmambetov’s film Night Watch. In 2008, he played himself in Dmitry Dyachenko’s comedy “Radio Day” and voiced Master Monkey in the American cartoon “Kung Fu Panda.”

“To be honest, I find acting to be very difficult and exhausting. Having gained some experience, I realized that music is closer to me than acting.”

“At a certain moment, I formed a certain vision of the album, its visual embodiment. First of all, I emphasized that the tiger [in the language of the Udege people “amba” is a tiger] must be present in some form.”


The Mumiy Troll group took 12th place in the Eurovision 2005 competition.

“I’m not upset about the 12th place and I’m very pleased with this trip... We didn’t have any illusions about victories... we were completely satisfied with our performance.”

During its existence, the Mumiy Troll Group has not changed its composition.

“... four people on stage, we have not parted for the last ten years... a long time... for any vocal group... these four people - me, Punga, Shift and Zeiler - we all have diverse musical preferences. But the compromise that we find within the framework of Mumiy Troll... We are still not tired of it, this moves us forward and forces listeners to gather together.”

The Mumiy Troll group was included in the history textbook (edited by MPGU professor Danilov) as a group that had the strongest influence on the worldview of young people in the 90s of the twentieth century.

“I need to get a copy of this textbook and give it to my son, otherwise he has completely forgotten about the history of his own country.”

Public affairs

Was a member of the Vladivostok rock club.

“... the creation of the Vladivostok rock club - it was all similar to such children's games in the sandbox... people just wanted to talk more about rock, about this and that... all the concerts existed exclusively for musicians and members of their families. .."

Representative of Population Services International in Russia (an international organization fighting AIDS).

“We did this solely in order to preserve not only ourselves, but also the youth of our country - which, by the way, makes up most of our audience."

Trustee of the Amur Foundation, which is dedicated to the conservation of Ussuri tigers.

“...I got there...not by accident. Like the tiger on the coat of arms of Vladivostok, with which I inextricably connect myself, and somehow... all the magic of Amba, Tiger, Dersu Uzal has haunted me since childhood...”

Public recognition

Winner of the Golden Gramophone award for the song “This is for Love”, FUZZ award for best album“Mergers and Acquisitions” and for his contribution to rock art, and many others.

“All the awards that have ever been given to me and the Mumiy Troll group are such sentimental souvenirs. But it’s more pleasant to hear from people about this or that meaning that our group has brought into their lives.”

First created and invented

Not everyone knows this, but this is what the Japanese called our style during our tour of Japan in 1999. But we liked it - we all hoped that now we could finally stop arguing about rock and pop, the word had been found. But that was not the case - now everyone is wondering what is more in rockapop - rock or pop? :) Well, in the end, it’s better to discuss this, What is the most humane way to destroy this or that country.

Successful projects

In 1996, the group released the album “Morskaya”, recorded in London, which became a turning point in the history of the group (the first hit from this album, “Fly away”, was included in the list of “40 songs that changed the world”, compiled by the editors of the Russian version of Rolling Stone magazine). .

“It so happened that fate brought us together with the people there, who turned out to be more courageous than the Moscow music bigwigs. “Morskaya” was recorded in England in two or three weeks.”

Participated in scandals

A lawsuit for public insult of producer Viktor Drobysh to Ilya Lagutenko and the group “Kach” (at the FUZZ awards they together performed the hooligan song “Vitya Drobysh”).

“The most pressing scandal for me is on at the moment- a trial lasting more than a year with one producer after I performed a certain song with the St. Petersburg group “Kach.”

I'm interested

drawing“... I paint pictures, but no one sees them. I’ll write it and hide it.” yachts“Another thing is the water element. I can drop everything and go for a week on a yacht wherever my eyes look..." surfing“... my main hobby for the last three years... Gradually move from a wide board to a narrower one, from a longboard to a shorter board... There is no limit to perfection.” architecture"I'm reading... magazines on modern architecture, I have a genuine interest in her. Architecture is frozen music. It turns out that I am defrosting it."

I love

buy illegal concert bootlegs

“... for our fans, the recording made from the audience from an ordinary voice recorder for some reason comes out the most interesting... that’s why I like to buy illegal concert bootlegs: you can hear there real group, without all this studio stuff."

try something new

“... I like new sensations... I am the type of person who needs to try something new all the time. I like collecting impressions."

sing romances

“... sometimes I forget my own texts. And even more so the chords. But the romances are so deep that I always remember them. And they are always appropriate. And the people know them.”

eat caviar

“... I really love caviar! Both red and black."

Well, I don't like it


be a hypocrite

look into the past


fly into space

“I am a romantic by nature and have always wanted to fly. I really want to go to space and look down on our sinful earth.”

have time to draw

“I start drawing - and without stopping. This is another dream of mine. I would like to have time to draw.”


WifeAnna, model.

“Now I want to become an exemplary father of the family. It’s terribly interesting to see yourself in this role.”

Son Igor lives in London.

“Studying in London at the department of sports management.”

In 2008, daughter Vivi was born.

“ can congratulate me on my daughter. My little muse was born! This is simply fantastic!”

And in general…

“I have a certificate as a first-class ship repairman. I still keep it and am proud of it.”

“Although I treat my own work with a great deal of humor, I would not like to be in the role of a satyr or revolutionary; irony is closer to me.”

“...I am not a professionally trained, trained artist or composer. What I do and how I live is how I always live, 24 hours a day. I’m the same at home as I am on stage, absolutely.”

"Mumiy Troll" is generally a big family, and the further you go, the bigger it will be. We also went on tour with our wives and girlfriends. It’s good when the people living with you understand what you do and are even part of it.” .