Sand show for a children's party. Sand animation master class for children with show elements. Order a sand show. Drawing on sand Technical support for sand show

A sand show is not just “sand painting to music.” In addition to the beauty of each sand painting, the artist must think about the transitions between frames. The story should develop consistently, but not lose momentum. Look at the photos and videos sand show, compare different masters, decide which style you like.

  • If an artist constantly erases a drawing and starts each frame with a completely blank slate, he is an inexperienced artist.
  • If an artist claims that it is impossible to draw characters similar to themselves in life, this is not professional artist.
  • And of course important factor choosing a sand show - reviews!

How is sand animation technically created?

The artist paints live right in front of the viewer on a special table for the sand show. A video camera is mounted above the table, which broadcasts to a projector, plasma or video wall. We bring all the equipment for sand painting, as well as connection cables for the camera. We select projection equipment for the site, so it is not included in the base price.

Our technician is in charge of connecting the show! If there is no projection equipment, we can rent out our own projector with a screen for the sand show or choose another suitable option!

How to choose projection equipment for sand painting?

The projector is not included in the price by default, as you may not need it!

  • The hall may have its own stationary projection equipment
  • If there are a lot of spectators, a standard projector is not enough
  • If there are few viewers, then it is better to show the show on plasma
  • If the room is bright, a standard projector may not cope

In any case, it’s better to call us, we will solve this problem!

Is it possible to film sand painting?

Yes, of course! Moreover, creating exclusive sand films is as popular as live performances. The beauty of recording is that this way you can watch sand animation anytime and anywhere! Present to friends in another city or order for yourself, for example, while abroad.

Is it possible to record sand animation on video during a performance?
- It’s possible, but the conditions during the show are not always ideal: a guest can walk past the stage and shake the table, the lighting can change. It is better if the artist records a sand video after the performance. In the studio, in a calm atmosphere, he will add music and, at your request, add titles.

How to order a sand show in Moscow?

Contact us in a way convenient for you. The fastest way is to call. But if you prefer to write, email and instant messengers are at your service. You can leave a request with your phone number through the form on the website.

Let us know the date and location of the event. The sand painting show should be free for the time you need. Next, we make sure to ask what kind of event is being planned and what you would like to talk about using sand animation. Based on your wishes, we recommend a program from our repertoire or begin creating a show especially for you!

What could be a sand story?

Exclusive show. When you tell us your story, and we write a script, draw a storyboard, select music and create a completely new program sand animation. Agree, it is much more interesting to watch a sand show when its main characters are you and your friends!

Ready-made programs. Romantic stories for a wedding, sand shows about different cities our country, large selection fairy tales for children. We understand that there are situations when new story absolutely no time. There are also events for which a ready-made program is perfect. For example - New Year's banquet or March 8th.

How is a unique show created?

  1. First, we'll find out what you'd like to tell in a sand story.
  2. If necessary, we can send you a list of questions to help you write your story
  3. Once we receive the answer, we write a script and show it to you. You can make adjustments!
  4. Next comes storyboarding time. We also send it for approval.

    A storyboard is a sequence of key frames for a show. Thanks to it, it is much easier for the customer to understand what the final version will look like.

  5. Then we select music and create a soundtrack
  6. Then there are rehearsals, the artist must work and learn the program
  7. Performance, applause, thanks!
  8. Interactive - guests can also draw with sand!

    After the artist’s performance, the presenter can invite all spectators to the sand table. Everyone will have the opportunity to learn a few simple sand show techniques and paint under the guidance of an experienced master. And, of course, film your sand drawings on video and photos! The duration of an express master class is usually 15-20 minutes. It's absolutely free! The main thing is to notify us in advance so that this wish does not come as a surprise to us)

    Prepayment (deposit) and guarantees for you

    A sand show based on an individual scenario requires time and effort to prepare. Therefore, when concluding a contract, we accept a deposit from the customer. This guarantees you that everything will be ready by the right time, and on the right day the artist with all the equipment will arrive at the right place at the right time.

    A sand show based on a ready-made program is much easier to prepare, but on popular dates demand exceeds supply. Good teams On hot days they sell out very quickly!

A sand show is, first of all, a self-sufficient and very effective form of ART, the progenitor of which is rightfully considered. Therefore, let's agree right away: speaking about the sand show, we will talk about sand painting art.

Sand show is live performance an artist who paints with sand on a special light table. His hands give birth to various images, connected into a single sand film ideologically, plotwise and compositionally: before your eyes, each frame is transformed into the next. You can see the whole process on the screen where the image is transmitted using a camera and a projector.

The show is accompanied by music selection, a live performance by an artist accompanied by live music looks especially impressive.

For what occasion is it appropriate:

  • to create presentations - short, dynamic, reflecting the very essence of the product/company, etc.
  • for creating commercials
  • as a gift for a birthday/wedding/any other memorable event
  • corporate events (how could we live without them?!)
  • – our know-how, of which we are immensely proud

And much more.

In fact, the scope of the sand show is limitless - only the imagination of the artist himself can limit it. Any good idea can be successfully implemented using this type of art. See examples of successful use of the charm of a sand show here.

For which audience:

For the wealthy and sophisticated in all respects.

Even if you have already seen a sand show and it seems that it will no longer be able to surprise you, it makes sense to try. The fact is that most of the companies offering the sand show have managed to compromise it a lot, selling essentially the same films en masse, sometimes of very dubious quality and even with elements of outright plagiarism. Therefore, when choosing a sand show, first of all, you need to beware of fakes! What you should pay attention to:

  1. Dynamism.
    The drawing speed and frame rate must be high, otherwise viewers will quickly lose interest and disperse.
  2. The effectiveness of the images.
    Images should be expressive, impactful and unexpected. It is precisely when the viewer sees unexpected images that he is completely captivated and impressed. Primitive, predictable, stereotyped images quickly disappoint and do not make any impression on the viewer. This once again confirms the fact that a sand show is, first of all, an art, the art of sand painting. And, as in any art, there are masters and apprentices - choose carefully!
  3. The originality of transitions from one frame to another.
    The images should “grow” from each other, as if “flowing.” One of the indicators of the low quality of a sand show is when the artist abuses it by brushing off every previous frame from the table and drawing a new one from scratch. This bad sign– the pictures should succeed each other smoothly, the new frame should be “born” of the previous one. And, of course, the transitions themselves must be original and unexpected in order to “hold” the viewer.
  4. The plot and ideological component of the video.
    We call each completed sand video, that is, it is not just a set of sand pictures, but a full-fledged one animated film, reflecting the artist’s idea and built according to the rules of cinematography, where there is intrigue, climax and denouement. In general, all this can be called dramaturgy. Without it, sand films remain just videos - without an idea and without any meaning. A skillfully created one is able to express any idea, even the most complex one, and is able to convey to the public any idea of ​​the customer. At the same time, the field of activity of the customer company is generally unimportant: the sand drawing is universal, the main thing is the right decision, the correct presentation of the material, the absence of direct text and vulgarity.

SandProject performance cost:

We are not chasing the “golden calf”, however, being the organizers and creators of the corresponding sand drawing training program (today the only one in the world!), the price for our performances found us itself and varies depending on the topic and duration of the ordered performance and our relationship with the customer. Special prices are available for VIP clients.

Spectators will receive an unforgettable experience from the sand show - performances where sand drawings are born on glass, living pictures from the past, future and present!

The modern viewer is always in search of something new, sophisticated and exotic. The same applies to fine arts. Sand animation, which appeared quite recently in Moscow, has become a new direction in the entertainment industry and has already managed to conquer the souls of many cultural researchers and ordinary people. After all, what could be more beautiful and original than drawing “live” images right in front of an enthusiastic audience!

In the understanding of modern art historians, sand painting on glass is a special technique for applying an image, an image certain history by scattering fine-grained sand onto a glass surface and then drawing objects, people and animals using your hands. Viewers are presented with “live” pictures on the big screen, accompanied by mesmerizing melodies - this is how they look especially beautiful and always unique. A professionally organized sand show in Moscow reveals to the audience current topic, is intriguing and ends with a climactic action that causes a surge of emotions among those present.

Features of organizing a sand show at various events

The popularity of the technique of painting with sand on glass is rapidly growing due to its originality, fascination and emotional result. These criteria also determine the possibility of presenting a sand show at a wedding, birthday, corporate events. Organizing such a show requires high professionalism from the artists and flawless execution of the program due to the specifics of the working material. To do this, sand drawings on glass are thought out to the smallest detail, and every hand movement is carefully rehearsed until perfect execution.

Organization of sand animation involves the following activities:

  • preparing a thematic program in accordance with the client’s wishes;
  • selection of melodies, musical accompaniment;
  • coordinated work of the artist and the administrator of the establishment in which the show is organized;
  • installation of professional equipment: lamps, glass, spotlights and large screens;
  • active cooperation with the audience.

The cost of a sand show or how the price of a performance is determined

Today, ordering a sand show for a wedding means making the event extravagant, as the artist brings to life the dreams of young people, their common views on the future, and their wildest fantasies. In addition, the price of a sand show is justified in several ways: cultural aesthetics, originality of presentation, technical complexity of execution and inexhaustibility of creative ideas. However, in terms of using expensive projection equipment, sand animation for a wedding does not require large expenses. Also, the cost of the performance is influenced by the type of program chosen: ready-made or created according to an individual scenario. In any case, the performance of extraordinary artists will fascinate the wedding guests and guests for a long time.

A sand show for an anniversary is an excellent solution for those who want to please the hero of the occasion with an original gift, who want to diversify entertainment program holiday and make it bright and memorable. If you are not a supporter of banal gifts, you like to delight your family and friends with surprises, then order sand animation for your anniversary in our sand painting studio. The inspiring sand spectacle presented by our skilled master artists will surprise and delight everyone.

Order a sand show

What is a sand show?

Sand animation for the anniversary from our company is a real film of successive sand paintings. Such a show is prepared using glass, colored sand and a projector, and the whole story is displayed on a large screen, so you don’t need to look behind the master to watch it. Our artists are professionals who do everything possible to ensure that the result exceeds the customer’s expectations: they carefully work out the video script and think through everything in advance important points. The cost of a sand show for an anniversary in our company is quite affordable.

At your request, our artist will draw an original animated greeting or prepare an entire film telling the story of the hero of the occasion. And in order to diversify the entertainment program of the holiday, we can hold a master class, during which guests will be able to realize their talents and try to draw a picture themselves.

Sand show for the anniversary - for those who value originality

It is worth ordering a sand show for your anniversary in our sand painting studio to make the holiday bright and memorable. Filled with real magic and enchantment, sand animation will be the highlight of the program!

New! A unique sand show for Moscow!

One of the brightest and most effective artistic genres at children's parties is. Any children's party or birthday will greatly benefit from the participation of artists of this genre. Living sand paintings transform, a fairy tale is born before your eyes, each new plot is unpredictable, magic happens before your eyes.

PROMOTION- cost: 8,000 rubles 40 minutes (20 minutes program + 20 minutes master class)

Sand animation show for children - sand performances at any site: kindergartens, schools, playrooms, etc. Huge repertoire of Russians folk tales: we create fairy tales to order. The performance is designed for children from 1.5 years old.
After the performance, an interactive developmental lesson is held - children and an artist create pictures and scenes from a fairy tale on a light table made of sand. (10-15 min.) The total duration of the program is 30-45 minutes (depending on the choice of fairy tale).

How do they arise? sand paintings?

The entire process of creating paintings takes place in front of the audience. Artists draw on a special table, and their actions are broadcast on the screen. Not a single movement of the artist’s hands will go unnoticed. Everyone can see how one landscape gives way to another, how one story disappears and a new one appears after it. A sand show is usually accompanied by music, which allows you to perceive what is happening on a more sensual level.

Advantages of sand animation.

For those who are already interested, but have not yet decided to order a sand show, it will be useful to know the features of such events.

1. Interactivity

A child or adult is directly involved in the creation of paintings. Any fairy tale for a child or a story for an adult holiday can be staged according to the customer’s script.

2. Exclusivity

Each show is unique, prepared specifically for your holiday.

3. Fun

Thanks to the contrast of the main elements and the blurred background of the painting, the images transformed on the illuminated surface have high dramatic expressiveness. Specific working techniques that are inaccessible to other types of graphics allow you to captivate the viewer from the first seconds of the action.

Work includes:
- artist’s presentation (about 20 min)
- lesson master class
- all technical equipment
- travel within the Moscow ring road (work outside is negotiated additionally)


  1. EXPERIENCE We have been creating a sand show for 8 years, over 800 performances until 2017
  2. QUALITY Sand animation competition winners, professional artists

NEW Sand show for children (Sand Theater):


Tales from sand animation, live music and presenter. Fairy tales with sand animation will be performed to the accompaniment of live music. You will hear violin, cello, viola and piano.
The presenter will convey the content of the fairy tale in a bright and colorful way. Unusual sand paintings, imperceptibly replacing each other, will flash before the eyes of the audience. Exciting games and riddles for children.

  • A fairy tale for children with more than 15 plots to choose from - The Nutcracker, Kolobok, Sleeping Beauty, etc. 20 min
  • Master class on sand painting, 20 min
  • The drawing is drawn by a professional artist, the text is read by the presenter accompanied by live musical accompaniment.
  • All necessary equipment is included, a large illuminated table, a projector, a screen, music.
  • The presenter tells a fairy tale, plays games with hand puppets, shows musical instruments, communicates with children, quest elements.

Sand show for children price:


SAND SHOW ON PROMOTION -20 minutes show + master class 20 minutes - 8000 rub.

Entertaining and educational show with master class “Sand Theater” with live music and leading animator 50 minutes - 16,000 rub.


Sand worlds exist only here and now, with a wave of your hand, the lights go out and they disappear...