Landscape and plot compositions presentation. Presentation on art on the topic "composition in landscape". Landscape in Dutch art

State budget educational institution Moscow children's art school "Accord" South-Western Administrative District Composition. Composition center. Search for a composition on a sheet. Trees and a house by the pond. Student age: 7-8 years. prepared by additional education teacher Dmitrieva Tatyana Evgenievna Moscow 2012

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Objectives of the lesson: to introduce the basics of composition, the concept of “composition center”. Learn the algorithm for harmonious, balanced composition, its influence on the perception of a work of art, and also apply this skill in practice. Development of skills in working with gouache technique. Objectives: Educational: introduce the concept of “composition center”, teach the layout of the main elements on a sheet (Organization of sheet space). Increasing knowledge based on logic and understanding of the action algorithm. Teach basic techniques for working with gouache. Educational: to cultivate artistic taste, patience, attentiveness, respect for work and time. Developmental: develop the ability to analyze, compare, a mental approach to creativity, logic of thinking, determination. Development of imagination and imaginative thinking.

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What is "composition"? “Composition” (from Latin composito - composition, linking), construction of a work of art, organization, structure of the form of the work. The composition of a work is when all the elements of the picture are in their interrelation, obeying the idea of ​​the author. Any painting begins with a composition. And this is the art of composition, combining various parts into a single whole, highlighting the main thing. The composition organizes the image and organizes the teacher’s attention. The most characteristic and frequently occurring compositional patterns are integrity, symmetry and rhythm.

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Compositional schemes Rembrandt's painting "The Return of the Prodigal Son" Raphael Santi. “Madonna in green. Mary with the Child and John the Baptist" Nicolas Poussin "Landscape with Polyphemus." For centuries, artists have been looking for the most expressive compositional schemes, as a result we can say that the most important elements in the plot are not placed chaotically, but form simple geometric shapes (triangle,

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Finding a composition using your palms and the viewfinder frame

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Building a composition in the center. Working with templates - composition elements. Jacob van Ruisdael. "Winter Landscape"

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Building a composition in the center. Formation of different geometric shapes. Arrange the templates so that they can be visually fit into a geometric shape (triangle, rectangle, square, etc.),

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Working on a painting. Step by step drawing.

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works In their works, the guys tried to find not only a “compositional center”, but also to convey the mood of the day and nature through painting. Kovalenko Arina 7l Babayants Nastya 7 years old Shchekotikhina Kamila 7 years old.

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Works by teacher Istra.. watercolor 2011. Turkish baths. Tsarskoye Selo. Catherine Park. watercolor 2011 Kirzhach River. Watercolor 2008 Marble Bridge. Pushkin. Tsarskoye Selo. Watercolor 2011

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List of used 1.Volkov N.N. Composition in painting. M., 1977. 2. Poplavny A.N. Geometry of compositional rhythm. M., 2007. Literature: 3. Sokolnikova N.M. Fine arts. Basics of composition. Textbook for students in grades 5-8. In 4 parts. Part 3. Obninsk: Title, 1998 4. E.V. Shorokhov, Composition. M.: Education, 1986. 5. Johannes Itten “The Art of Color” 5th edition, D. Aronov, Moscow 2008. Materials used and Internet resources: 1. Magazine “Young Artist” No. 1, 1993. (Reproduction by V. Surikov "Boyarina Morozova) 2. G.L. Vasilyeva-Shlyapina. "V. Surikov" Publishing house "Red Square", 1996 3. "Great artists. Album 59. Sisley", "Direct-Media", 2011 – (reproductions of paintings by Alfred Sisley: “Bridge at Moret in the morning sun”, “Fields on the hills near Argenteuil”) 4. Reproductions: Nicolas Poussin “Landscape with Polyphemus” page/5/, 5. Jacob Van Ruisdael “Winter Landscape”, 6. Jacob Van Ruisdael “Forest Landscape”. %D0%E5%E9%F1%E4%E0%EB,. 7. Jules Dupre “Oaks by the Pond” http :// 8. Isaac Levitan “Autumn Day” Sokolniki 26/Levitan_Sokolniki_Autumn_1879.jpg 9. Rafael Santi. “Madonna in greenery. Mary and Child with John the Baptist” 10. Rembrandt “The Return of the Prodigal Son” http:/ / 11. A.N. Poplavny “Geometry of the painting.” http://xn--80aevfmcgb6i.xn-- p1ai/o_kompozitsionnom_tcentre_kartiny.html 12. Encyclopedia of painting. Reader. 13.Use of principles and techniques artistic composition 14. dynamic pause 15. Photo by the author 16. Shi Tao An elderly man in boat Selection of musical series: 1. Vivaldi “Seasons. Winter" x=4518&y=7292957&z=147c4f92b0c2&q=A.Vivaldi_-_Vremena_goda._Zima._CHast_1._(Alegro)_Dekabr, 2. Vivaldi “The Seasons. Spring" x=4433&y=34935773&z=4c832ac02892&q=Londonskiy_Filarmonicheskiy_Orkestr_-_A._Vivaldi:_"Vremena_goda"_-__"Vesna"__1ch._Allegro 3.P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Autumn song”

Stylized landscape, decorative composition, methodological development of teacher S.F. Sirazieva. MAU DO "Children's Art School No. 1"

About landscape Translated from French, the word “landscape” (paysage) means “nature”. This is what the genre is called in fine art, main task which is the reproduction of natural or human-modified nature. In addition, landscape is a specific work of art in painting or graphics, showing nature to the viewer. The “hero” of such a work is a natural or natural motif invented by the author.

Landscape, occupies decorative composition one of the leading places and carries with it certain difficulties in the image. Along with generalizations and conventions, the landscape must convey the state of nature and be built according to the laws of composition. Only then will it be expressive and interesting to the viewer. Landscape occupies one of the leading places in the decorative composition and carries with it certain difficulties in depiction. Along with generalizations and conventions, the landscape must convey the state of nature and be built according to the laws of composition. Only then will it be expressive and interesting to the viewer. The Japanese landscape of the 19th century is very indicative in terms of stylization.

Hokusai Katsushika


STYLIZATION IN A DECORATIVE LANDSCAPE Stylization in a landscape can be taken to extreme convention, as, for example, in the landscapes of P. Klee or A. Modigliani.

Paul Klee

Amadeo Modigliani

Iranian miniature In Iranian miniature, active stylization is combined with decorativeness; the depicted objects are filled with ornaments, also simplified and stylized.

The basic principle of decorative drawing is to achieve maximum expressiveness, in which authenticity is not the main goal.

The main goal that is set when performing a decorative composition is to master the process of stylizing real natural forms into decorative ones, in the ability to embody artistic images creative tasks.

Style is a general category of artistic thinking, characteristic of a certain stage historical development. Style reflects the essence, uniqueness artistic creativity in the unity of all components of the work. Art critic B. Winner wrote: “Every artist has a method and manner, but a style may not exist.” An artist who has his own style is a creator.

Educational tasks: Carrying out a decorative composition in which issues of stylization will be resolved. Finding an original plastic solution when developing a stylized motif. Mastering the ways artistic treatment form in order to enhance the expressiveness of its qualities. Mastering the skills of organically introducing decor into a landscape composition and stylizing panoramic natural motifs with architectural elements.

Visual range of similar student works Works of Children's Children's students art school No. 1 teacher Sirazieva S.F.


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Scenery. Its types and characters

Landscape (derived from the French paysage - country, area) - genre fine arts, in which the main subject of the image is nature.

Types of landscape: Depending on the main character of nature within the landscape genre, the following types of landscape are distinguished: Architectural and industrial landscapes. Rural and urban landscape. Sea and river landscapes.

Rural landscape - reflects the poetry of rural life, its natural connection with the surrounding nature.

Cityscape - depicts a human-organized spatial environment– buildings, streets, avenues, squares, embankments, parks.

The architectural landscape is close to the city landscape, but here the artist pays more attention to the depiction of architectural monuments in synthesis with the environment.

Industrial landscape - shows the role and importance of man - the creator, builder of plants, factories, power plants, train stations and bridges.

Seascape - Marina (from Latin marinus - sea) - one of the types of landscape, the object of which is the sea. Marina talks about the beauty of the sometimes calm and sometimes stormy sea.

Diversity of landscape in character. There are five types of landscape character: - heroic - historical - epic - romantic landscape- mood landscape

A heroic landscape is a landscape in which nature appears majestic and inaccessible to humans. It depicts high rocky mountains, mighty trees, calm surface of waters and against this background - mythical heroes and gods.

Historical landscape. They are embodied in the landscape genre historical events, which are reminiscent of the depicted architectural and sculptural monuments associated with these events.

Epic landscape - majestic pictures of nature, full inner strength, special significance and dispassionate calm.

Romantic landscape - Storm clouds, swirling clouds, gloomy sunsets, wild wind. The landscape sometimes captures a rebellious beginning, disagreement with the existing order of things, the desire to rise above the ordinary, to change it.

Landscape of mood It reflects feelings of melancholy, sadness or quiet joy. The desire to find in various states of nature a correspondence with human experiences and moods gave the landscape a lyrical coloring.

Practical work: Draw in one of the types or characters of the landscape.

Landscape is a genre of fine art. Man began to depict nature in ancient times. But almost always these images served only as a background for a portrait or some kind of scene.

  • Man began to depict nature back in ancient times. But almost always these images served only as a background for a portrait or some kind of scene.
  • And only in the 17th century did landscapes appear - paintings in which nature became their main content. This genre was created by Dutch painters. They usually painted landscapes on small canvases, and later they began to be called “little Dutchmen.”
  • Landscape painting is very diverse. There are landscapes that accurately convey certain corners of nature, and there are also those that were created by the artist’s imagination.
  • A genre of fine art in which the main focus is on the depiction of nature. environment, species rural areas, cities, historical monuments, is called landscape (French paysage).
  • How are the landscapes different?
Varieties of landscape
  • Marina
  • (it. marina, from lat. marinus - sea) - one of the types of landscape, the object of which is the sea.
  • Marine painter
  • Marinism
  • I.K. Aivazovsky. Night. Blue wave.
  • Fishermen on the seashore.
  • Cityscape
  • City, rural, park, architectural landscape - a painting in which the artist depicted the view of the area (streets, alleys, squares, small courtyards of the city.)
  • Konstantin Korovin Street in Vichy Capuchin Boulevard
Park and rural landscape
  • Olshanka. Pond in the park. Vasily Polenov
  • K.Ya Kryzhitsky
Architectural landscape is a type of landscape that is closely related to the city landscape. The difference between them is that in architectural landscape The artist pays main attention to the depiction of the architectural monuments themselves in synthesis with the environment.
  • Romanov Roman
Industrial (industrial) landscape-image of enterprises
  • industry, construction and other subjects of scientific and technological progress.
A historical landscape is an image of something that is long gone in the past. Staffage is a painting with minor small-scale images of people and animals in a landscape composition. Staffage is a painting with minor small-scale images of people and animals in a landscape composition. Lyrical landscape (landscape - mood) - a picture in which feelings and emotional experiences dominate over the rational principle.
  • Sukhanov R.B.
Landscape - moods - the desire to find in various states of nature a correspondence with human experiences and moods, to convey to the landscape a lyrical coloring, a feeling of melancholy, sadness, hopelessness or quiet joy. Decorative landscape-landscape-picture, intended for interior decoration, with a conventional color scheme and composition that meets the purposes of decoration.