Pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the music director in order to improve the process of musical development of children. Interaction between a speech therapist and a music director in correctional and educational work Download the interaction notebook

Municipal budget preschool educational institution
“Combined kindergarten No. 36 “Zhemuzhinka”

"Teacher interaction
And music director in class"
booklet for educators

BelanLyubov Yurievna,
Lipchanskaya Natalya Valentinovna,
music directors

Yurga 2012
Aliev Yu. B. Methods of musical education of children / Yu.B. Aliyev Methods of musical education of children (from kindergarten to elementary school). - Voronezh, NPO “MODEK”, 1998. – 352 p.
Kaplunova I.M., Novoskoltseva I.A. This amazing rhythm: A manual for teachers and music directors of preschool institutions. – St. Petersburg: “Composer”, 2005. – 73 p.

Be sure to reinforce musical material with children:
repeat the words of songs, games, etc.;
talk with children based on the lyrics of songs and listened works;
accompany conversations by showing portraits of composers or display them in group corners;
sing the texts on the street (in the warm season);
include musical material in your classes and routine moments;
consolidate the movements of songs, dances, round dances in free time from classes;
organize musical minutes - listening classical works in a group;
It is imperative to include games in children’s independent activities in a group and on walks.

The professionalism and experience of the teacher should allow him, in the absence of a music director, to independently conduct musical classes and entertainment.

The teacher, and not the musical director, plays the leading role, is a model and example to follow.
Must do everything that the music shows. supervisor.
Must be able to independently demonstrate the movements of dances, games, and songs.
Sing for children to see and hear as an example.
Organizes children for formations, games, round dances, dances, as well as when sitting on chairs.

The secret of my self

Statements by E. Jean-Dalcroze:

All explanations should be brief.

Each lesson should contain something new so that the students’ attention does not get tired and their interest does not dry out.

Initial training should be in the nature of a game. You cannot immediately instill in children the concepts of duty and compulsory labor...

The teacher’s task is to put the necessary exercises into the form of a game so that they become accessible to children.

Raising a child is based on examples and imagination.

The lesson must bring joy to the children, otherwise it loses half its value.

Goal: to create a trusting environment in the group that allows children to express their feelings and talk about them, develop empathic communication skills, the ability to accept and listen to another person; develop the ability to understand yourself.
Materials: candlestick with candle, matches, mirror, audio recording classical music, chairs for every child.
Content. Children sit in a circle on chairs. The teacher explains: “Today we gathered in a circle to get to know each other better.” The candle is lit. “Remember the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "O dead princess and seven heroes"? To find out something about herself, the queen took out a magic mirror and ordered him: “My light mirror, tell me and report the whole truth. Am I the cutest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world?” The teacher shows the children a “magic” mirror and says: “I also have a magic mirror, with the help of which we can learn a lot.” interesting friend about a friend and answer the question: “Who am I?” Let's relax and take a close look at the candle flame. It will help us feel what is happening inside us, remember our hobbies, successes, failures.” Music is playing. The teacher continues: “My name is... I love children very much, so I chose the profession of a teacher. I like reading books, listening to music. I am very happy about your successes, but I am saddened when you do unkind things.” Next, the children speak out. The teacher summarizes: “You told a lot of interesting things, you were able to better understand yourself, understand your successes and failures. We are all different, each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses, which some can correct on their own, while others need help. Let’s treat each other more attentively and kindly, and help in everything.” Children join hands and blow out the candle.

The teacher needs to prepare for a music lesson:
attend consultations and classes with a music director;
know the musical material from the interaction notebook;
clarify in advance the time of classes during quarantine;
Work with parents on the clothing and footwear of children during music classes.

Create the necessary mood for the lesson.
Bring children on time, according to the schedule (1-2 minutes before the start of the lesson)
Check appearance children.
Report the number of children muses. to the manager.

Attached files

(1 slide)

Music director interaction

with teachers and preschool specialists

Such authors as O. P. Radynova, N. A. Vetlugina, E. P. Kostina, L. S. Zamytskaya, N. B. Krasheninnikova spoke about the interaction between the music director and the teacher.

The general and musical-aesthetic development of preschool children in kindergarten is carried out by a music director who has a good command of the theory and methodology of the pedagogical process, and a teacher who has general musical training. The work of teachers is complex, varied, and must be carried out in close, mutual understanding and contact.

(2 slide) Music classes in kindergarten are the main form of organization musical activity children. In preparation music lessons The music director and the teacher participate. It is important that the teacher knows his role in each activity. It should help children learn the program repertoire. If required, the teacher shows the children exercises, movements, dances, and helps to practice the quality of their performance. They play a more passive role when listening to music, learning to sing, i.e. in activities that require special musical education.

(3 slide) Music lessons can begin in a group where something interesting is happening for the children. This creates motivation and interest in musical activities in children. Teachers think through all this and carry it out together.

The music director and teacher must ensure the integrity music education: training, education, development. All these tasks can be implemented only if the following conditions are met:(4 slide)

    involvement in musical activities brings children only positive emotions;

    a humane and personal approach has been thought out to ensure emotional comfort for children;

    A comfortable musical and educational environment has been created in all forms of organization.

(5 slide) The sound environment in which our children find themselves is important tool aesthetic education. Music permeates the entire life of the kindergarten and is a source of special children's joy.

Application of music in everyday life Children in our kindergarten are taught by teachers who take into account the general goals and objectives of education, the capabilities and interests of children. With the help of the music director, the teacher of each age group selects a musical repertoire, suggesting its inclusion at different moments in the child’s life. Music in various types The activities of students are widely used thanks to the active organizational activities of the music director.

Musical education children is carried out during educational activities, independent games, walks, morning exercises, during leisure hours, on holidays and entertainment. (6 slide)

Using music in other activities enriches children's creativity, causes a joyful, upbeat mood, makes the life of children in a group more interesting, meaningful, unites all children with positive emotional experiences, and promotes the development of communication between children. Therefore, the music director organizes, coordinates and manages the work of all specialists on the issue of music education in kindergarten.

(7 slide) Forms of interaction between the music director, teacher and specialists suggest:

    joint design of work plans, their adjustment as common tasks are solved;

    mutual consultations on use musical material V educational process Preschool educational institutions, in solving various problems of education and development;

    mutual attendance at classes followed by discussion;

    organizing music lounges and evenings with music;

    joint preparation of workshops on the problem of holistic education and child development through music;

    joint organization of parent meetings on the issue of musical education and child development;

    joint design of a musical and educational environment in preschool educational institutions, in groups;

    organization of shows, competitions, projects;

    compilation of a musical and professional music library;

    joint discussion of diagnostic results and individual musical manifestations of the child in classroom conditions and in everyday life.

The use of these forms helps to clearly define the role of each specialist in the educational process.

Correctly finding the place of music in different types of activities creates the necessary mood, atmosphere, fosters a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the environment, develops thought, creative initiative, and makes a significant contribution to the formation of the child’s personality.

One of the options for using the potential musical art associated with background music - music that sounds in the background without the intention of conscious perception in classes and in free activity. The use of background music is one of the accessible and effective methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on a child in an educational institution and helps to solve many problems:(8 slide)

    Creating a favorable emotional background, eliminating nervous tension and preserving the health of children;

    Developing imagination in progress creative activity, increasing creative activity;

    Activation mental activity, improving the quality of knowledge acquisition;

    Switching attention while studying something difficult educational material, prevention of fatigue and exhaustion;

    Psychological and physical relaxation after training load, during psychological breaks, physical education minutes.

The teacher, including music in the direct educational activities of various areas, can focus on the possibility of active and passive perception of it by children. With active perception, he deliberately pays attention to the sound of the music, its figurative and emotional content, means of expression (melody, tempo, rhythm, etc.). With passive perception, music acts as a background to the main activity; it sounds quietly, as if in the background. The degree of activity in music perception during a specific activity is determined by the teacher.

Thus, in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, in order to enhance intellectual activity, increase concentration, and concentrate attention, only the sound of music is used in the background.(9 slide)

Through active perception and evaluation of musical impressions in speech development classes, they enrich the “vocabulary of emotions” and activate children’s evaluative vocabulary in everyday life.(10 slide)

When getting acquainted with the surrounding world, the teacher can turn to music that characterizes natural phenomena, contributing to the manifestation of emotional responses, enriching and deepening ideas about the object being studied.(11 slide)

In joint educational activities to get acquainted with fiction, visual activities music also has wide applications. Meeting Russians folk tales The teacher accompanies the performance of short songs of the heroes of fairy tales that characterize the characters, uses various musical instruments, and the fairy tale is more vividly perceived by the children. In children's drawings, music helps convey characteristic features artistic image, enriches children's impressions. In the process of productive performance activities, active perception of a musical work can be used. During a music lesson, children get acquainted with a work that characterizes a character, discuss the existing image, then during a lesson on productive activities, together with the teacher, listen to the work again and reproduce the established image in a craft.(12 slide) , and while drawing according to the model, you can offer musical works for passive perception of music in the background(13 slide) . Listening to music affects the expressiveness of the images created in children's works, their originality and color scheme.(14 slide)

The sound of music in the background during routine moments (receiving children in the morning, getting ready for classes, getting ready for bed, getting up, etc.) creates an emotionally comfortable climate in the group.Group teachers younger age use audio recordings of lullabies before babies go to bed, especially during the adaptation period. Songs are played during the implementation and education of cultural and hygienic skills. (15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 slide)

Music also has an educational effect during walks, stimulates activity, independence, causes various emotional experiences, creates good mood, revives accumulated impressions. During the walk, the teacher helps the children organize outdoor games with singing: “By the bear in the forest”, “Teremok”, “We went to the meadow”, etc. (21, 22 slide)

(23 slide) Approximate schedule for playing background music (music playing time is adjusted for each group according to the age of the children):

Playing time

Predominant emotional tone

7.30 – 8.00

Joyfully calm

8.40 – 9.00

Confident, active

12.20 – 12.40

Peaceful, gentle

15.00 – 15.15

Optimistic, enlightened, calm

Children's involuntary auditory experience should be replenished based on the best examples of musical culture.

(24 slide) Approximate repertoire of background music (for older children preschool age):

C. Debussy – “Clouds”

A.P. Borodin - “Nocturne” from string quartet

K.V.Gluck – “Melody”

L. Beethoven " Moonlight Sonata»

Tonic (increasing vitality, mood)

E. Grieg – “Morning”

J.S.Bach – “Joke”

P.I. Tchaikovsky – “Seasons” (“Snowdrop”)

Activating (stimulating)

W.A.Mozart – “Little Night Serenade” (final)

M.I.Glinka – “Kamarinskaya”

W.A.Mozart – “Turkish Rondo”

P.I. Tchaikovsky – “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​(ballet “The Nutcracker”)

Calming (calming)

M.I.Glinka – “Lark”

A.K.Lyadov - “Musical snuffbox”

C. Saint-Saens “Swan”

F. Schubert – “Serenade”

Organizing (promoting concentration of attention during organized activities)

J.S.Bach – “Aria”

A. Vivaldi “The Seasons” (“Spring”, “Summer”)

S.S. Prokofiev “March”

F. Schubert – “Musical Moment”

The teacher and music director create a subject-development environment, which is carefully thought out by them. The subject-development environment is given fundamental importance in the pedagogical process of a children's educational institution.

Understanding the educational power of music, teachers take care of creating conditions for its constant use in the life of the group. In kindergarten, as well as in each group, an audio library should be collected with recordings of classical music for children, sounds and noises of nature, children's songs and fairy tales with musical accompaniment(25 slide) . By listening and performing them with children, and using them in other classes, the teacher instills the skill of listening musical works, expands the musical horizons of children.

It is important for children to have their own “musical corner”.(26 slide) Children have musical instruments at their disposal: rattles, bells, metallophones, tambourines, triangles, musical cubes; non-traditional musical instruments, various homemade products: sheet music, a piano with a painted keyboard, a balalaika, on which they perform songs, songs learned in kindergarten or heard somewhere, they can “compose” their own.(27 slide)

In their free time, children organize games in which music plays a significant role, playing “concert”, “theater”, “circus”; children perform familiar songs, dances, round dances, and improvise. Various musical instruments are often used to give a signal for the departure of a train or ship. A cheerful song sung by children can accompany their “journey” by car. Boys, playing “soldiers”, clearly march to the sound of a drum. On children's birthdays there is music, congratulations, independent singing, and children dance. All this develops musical abilities children, teaches them to take care of each other and show attention.

The performances with musical instruments, which the guys use when characterizing any character in a fairy tale.(28 slide)

The teacher maintains interest in musical activities and reinforces the techniques of correct sound production on musical instruments in the group.(29 slide)

Musical and didactic games play a significant role in the musical education of children.(30, 31 slides) They develop ear for music, creativity child, ability to perceive, distinguish basic properties musical sound, help to assimilate the initial elements in a fun way musical notation. In everyday life, the teacher repeats, consolidates the knowledge acquired by children and introduces them to new musical and didactic games(32 slide)

(33 slide) In groups, conditions are created for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities; attributes, masks, costumes, and a flannelograph with characters are available in an accessible place.(33 slide) When introducing children to theatrical culture, educators try to introduce them to different types theaters: tabletop, shadow, finger, bi-ba-bo, on carpet(35, 36, 37, 38 slide) .

(39 slide) Theatrical performances have positive influence on general development child, his imagination, creative initiative, development of musicality, development and improvement of speech

(40 slide) Role-playing games are created by the children themselves, with some guidance from the teacher, and occupy a significant place in their lives. The teacher must be close to the children and a welcome participant in their games. Using the content and rules of the game, his playing role, he tactfully directs the course of the game, the relationships of the players, without suppressing their initiative. Music contributes to a more dynamic course of the game, organizing the actions of children.(41, 42 slide)

The ability to transfer the experience gained in music classes to other conditions helps the child find a sense of self-confidence, show activity and initiative. In joint activities, friendly relations develop between children, and their creative ideas are realized. Independent activity fosters perseverance, passion, and gives the joy of discovery.

(43 slide) In order to skillfully guide the musical activities of children in the group, the music director systematically works with teachers: learns musical pieces, improves own performance them of the children's repertoire, advises on certain issues of methodology, and also provides practical assistance in guiding the musical and independent activities of preschoolers in order to maintain work at a certain aesthetic level, but at the same time, tactfully controlling them.

(44 slide) Music plays a big role in organizing physical education and health activities. Accompanying morning exercises and physical education classes, music activates children, creating a joyful and cheerful mood, significantly improves the quality of the exercises they perform, gives them softness and smoothness, expressiveness and rhythm, and improves the plasticity of movements.(45 slide)

It is known that the sound of musical works increases the performance of the cardiovascular, muscular, and respiratory systems of the body. When performing exercises with musical accompaniment, pulmonary ventilation improves and the amplitude of breathing exercises increases. At the same time, we can talk about the development of musicality in children, its main components - musical responsiveness and hearing. Here, too, the child learns to perceive music and distinguish it. dynamic shades, determines the rhythm, tempo, and also tries to subordinate his movements to all musical changes, the movements acquire greater accuracy, clarity, and smoothness.(46 slide)

(47 slide) When preparing sports events, entertainment, and fun competitions, complete coordination is necessary between the physical education specialist and the music director and teacher. Thoughtful use of music, careful selection of musical works expands the sphere of pedagogical influence on comprehensive development preschoolers, promotes the manifestation positive qualities personality, raises vitality, develops creative initiative. Throughout the holiday, music “leads” the program, inspires and calms children, makes them rejoice and worry - it resonates in the child’s soul.

(48 slide) Special attention is devoted to the joint work of the music director with speech therapists. Speech, music, movements are closely interconnected and complement each other. Thanks to these three components, the child’s muscular system is actively strengthened, his vocal abilities develop: vocal range, purity of intonation, expressiveness in singing. In addition, the coherence of these components helps develop children's emotions, facial expressions, communication skills, and stimulates thought and imagination.

For the music director and speech therapist to work effectively, it is necessary to select material so that the chants and songs solve the problems of developing speech breathing, automation and differentiation of those sounds that the speech therapist is working on at this stage. For pupils of compensatory groups for children with severe speech impairments, joint activities are especially emotional, with quick changes of activities so that children do not get tired. To practice breathing and loosen a tight lower jaw, preference is given to chanting vowels.

In correctional work with children, mobile, finger games, play massage, breathing games and exercises, articulation gymnastics, which speech therapists and educators plan according to lexical topics and offer as reinforcement. The music director, in turn, offers his material. This helps to enrich the vocabulary, form the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, and establish proper breathing.(49,50,51,52,53 slide)

Poetic and song material used at holidays and entertainment is selected (and, if necessary, adapted) by the speech therapist and music director strictly in accordance with the speech and psychological capabilities of the children. The effectiveness of correctional work increases if group teachers have a regular opportunity to selectively reinforce the material that is introduced in music classes. These can be the words of songs, games with movements, round dances, etc.(54 slide) .

Thanks to the joint work of the music director with all kindergarten specialists and the use of various forms of interaction, music not only fills the life of each child with new content, but also promotes independent creative expression.

(55 slide) We wish you creative success!

I suggest you watch one of current problems concerning the peculiarities of interaction between the music director and the teacher in the classroom.

The fact that such cooperation is necessary and should exist in the holistic educational process of a kindergarten is beyond doubt. The question remains: what should it be and how to organize it? To answer this, let us turn to an analysis of the existing experience of such cooperation.



Music director interaction

and the teacher in the classroom.

Prepared by: music director

MDOU d/s No. 8 Labutina N.V.

Dear teachers, today we will look at one of the current problems concerning the peculiarities of interaction between the music director and the teacher in the classroom.

The fact that such cooperation is necessary and should exist in the holistic educational process of a kindergarten is beyond doubt. The question remains: what should it be and how to organize it? To answer this, let us turn to an analysis of the existing experience of such cooperation.

Pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the music director is characterized by a unity of purpose, which is the musical development of the child as the main object of pedagogical relations.

Pedagogical interaction should be based on the following principles:

The principle of dialogization. The point is that the teacher and music director must take a personally equal position in matters musical development preschoolers. To implement this principle, each participant in the interaction must have strong musical skills.

Teacher, musical figure, one of the authors of the methodology for musical education of preschoolers Olga Petrovna Radynova, put forwarduniform requirements for personal qualities music director and teacher:

· passion for music, musical erudition, creative abilities;

· inquisitiveness;

· initiative;

· artistry;

· resourcefulness;

· ingenuity;

· organization;

· responsibility;

· love for children;

· culture of communication;

And if these requirements are met by personal and professional qualities teachers, then their interaction will be connectedwith mutual enrichmentprofessional experience.

– Consider the following principleindividualization –This is the use by each participant of the interaction of significant advantages in performing certain types of activities. The inspirer and organizer of the process of musical education and development of a preschooler in kindergarten is the music director, with the assisting participation of the teacher.

Let's consider the tasks professional activities music director and teacher.

Traditional approach to professional collaboration

and co-creation of the musical director and preschool teacher

Slide captions:

Consultation for educators “Interaction between the music director and the teacher in the classroom” The material was prepared by the music director Labutina N.V. Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8 combined type of Severomorsk

Principles of pedagogical interaction. The principle of dialogization. The teacher and music director must take a personally equal position in matters of musical development of preschoolers.

Unified requirements for the personal qualities of a music director and teacher. O. P. Radynova · passion for music, musical erudition, creative abilities; · inquisitiveness; · initiative; · artistry; · resourcefulness; · ingenuity; · organization; · responsibility; · love for children; · culture of communication;

The principle of individualization. The use of significant advantages by each participant in the interaction in performing certain types of activities.

A traditional approach to professional cooperation and co-creation of the music director and preschool teacher. Professional tasks musical head of preschool educational institution The tasks of musical education of preschoolers, solved by the teacher 1. Organization and conduct of classes. 2. Organization and holding of holidays and entertainment programs in kindergarten. 3. Guiding the work of the teacher in the field of musical development of children through consultations and group classes. 4. Working with parents. 1. Assistance in the process of conducting music classes. 2. Organization of pedagogical conditions that promote the development of independent musical activity of preschool children. 3. Selection of musical and didactic material for solving various problems in the upbringing and development of children. 4. Organization of independent musical and creative activities of children. 5. Working with parents.

The principle of problematization. This is to ensure the integrity of the educational process, which is expressed in the joint planning of work on the musical development of children.

Forms, types of musical activity Tasks Area of ​​activity for teachers Greetings. Organize the children. The teacher welcomes the music director with the children.

Forms, types of musical activity Musical repertoire Tasks Area of ​​activity of teachers Musical and rhythmic movements. Exercise "Stomp". Russian folk melody Learn to coordinate movements with music. Music the leader reminds the children of the movements, plays the piano. The teacher moves to the music with the children, evaluates the children’s activities, and works on the movements.

Forms, types of musical activity Musical repertoire Tasks Area of ​​activity of teachers Listening. “Mice” by A. Zhilinsky Develop musical memory, sense of pitch, emotional responsiveness to music. Musical director - conducts a conversation, performs a piece on the piano. The teacher listens to the work with the children.

Forms, types of musical activity Musical repertoire Tasks Area of ​​activity for teachers Singing. “Snow Song” by D. Lvov - Kompaneets Teach children to sing with a light sound in brisk pace, conveying the cheerful nature of the song. Musical director – conversation, performance. Educator - performing together with children.

Forms, types of musical activity Musical repertoire Tasks Area of ​​activity for teachers Dance. “Turn around, turn around.” Karelian folk melody Teach children to move easily, clearly performing clapping and stamping movements. Musical director - reminds children of dance movements. Working on his movements. The teacher dances together with the child if necessary.

Forms, types of musical activity Musical repertoire Tasks Area of ​​activity of teachers Game. “Catch up with me!” Any cheerful tune. Develop children's dexterity and attention. Create a joyful atmosphere. Musical director explains the rules of the game. Plays the piano or plays an audio recording. The teacher participates in the game.

LITERATURE 1. « Preschool education» No. 5 - 2007 2. “Methods of music education in kindergarten”, ed. N. A. Vetlugina, M., 1982 3. “Musical education of preschool children” O. P. Radynova, A. I. Katinene, M. P. Palavandishvili, M., 1994

Elena Fedotova
Interaction plan between the music director and teachers

Plan of interaction with teachers

music director

Fedotova Elena Alexandrovna

for the 2015-2016 academic year. year.

Scope of work


1. Consultation 1. Consultation: « Music classes".

1. Consultation " Teacher at a music lesson».

Learning the current repertoire.

2. Making attributes for the Autumn holiday.

1. Consultation “The role of the presenter at the holiday.”

2. Learning the current repertoire.

3. Preparation for the puppet show.

1. Consultation "Holiday matinees"

2. Making attributes and costumes for the New Year holiday.

3. Rehearsal of the roles of the characters in the New Year's fairy tale.

1. Consultation: "Design and equipment music corner» .

2. Preparing for fun "Farewell to the Christmas tree".

3. Learning the current repertoire.

1. Consultation “Forms of cooperation between muses, leader and teacher at a preschool educational institution"

2. Learning the current repertoire.

3. Preparation for the entertainment “Defender of the Fatherland Day”.

1. Consultation: « Musical and artistic education of preschool children»

2. Learning the current repertoire.

3. Preparing for the April Fool's Day entertainment

1. Consultation: "Background music in the life of kindergarten".

2. Learning the current repertoire.

3. Selection of games and fun for spring entertainment.

1. Individual consultations based on the results of the academic year.

2. Learning the current repertoire.

3. Preparation of entertainment "Children's Day".

Publications on the topic:

Long-term plan for interaction with parents for the year Long-term plan for interaction with parents for 2016 - 2017 (second junior group No. 1) Teachers: O. A. Pashina; Slugina I. V.

Interaction plan between the music director and senior group teachers for the academic year I bring to your attention a plan for interaction between the music director and teachers senior group. This document needs to be developed.

Long-term plan for interaction with children's parents middle group No. 4 for May. Dates and name of the event. Parent meetings, consultations.

Parent interaction plan (middle group) Work plan for interaction with parents of pupils of secondary group No. 1 for 2016-2017, kindergarten "Solnyshko" p. Tyukhtet September Name.

Plan for interaction with parents in the 1st junior group of a preschool educational institution. Goal: To unite parents and teachers and create common guidelines for the formation of value guidelines in preschoolers. Objectives: 1. Involvement.

Plan for interaction with parents in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Goal: 1. Create conditions for a favorable climate of interaction with parents. 2. Establishing trust and partnerships.

Plan for interaction with parents in the preparatory group for the school year September. 1. Round table “Children-parental relationships in modern families” Purpose: to discuss issues of interaction between children and parents.