Paustovsky string summary. Review of E. Permyak’s story “A Thin String. What proverbs fit Permyak’s story “The Thin String”

Like many great writers, A.I. Kuprin acts in his writings as a “diagnostician” of his contemporary world. And his diagnosis is harsh and final - a person is mired in everyday trifles, has forgotten how to see the great and value real values, has shrunk his soul, has become vulgar in his body. The writer dreams of a person who miraculously escaped the corrupting influence of civilization and retained her natural sincerity. And in these dreams, the charming Olesya appears to him (that’s what the locals called her, and her real name is Alena) - a young 24-year-old witch from a godforsaken outback.

Characteristics of Olesya

The fate of this girl was not easy. To understand it, you need to look back into the past. From an early age, Olesya wandered from one place to another, caught sidelong glances at herself and was frightened by the evil abuse of her neighbors. The fame of Satan's minion followed the heroine everywhere, denigrating her innocent image in the eyes of others. The stigma of a “witch” doomed Olesya to an existence separate from society. She grew up and was raised by Mother Nature herself and, of course, by her main admirer, the grumpy grandmother Manuilikha, who never taught her to read. The last refuge of heroines persecuted everywhere is a thin dugout in the swamps of Polesie near the small village of Perebrod.

Olesya did not have to cross the threshold of the church, and she was sure that God had nothing to do with her magical abilities (Olesya really believed that he was a witch and the evil spirit gave her powers). The hostile attitude of the peasants from all over the area strengthened the character of the heroine, she became invulnerable to the reproaches of others and was unusually strong in spirit. By the age of twenty, Olesya had blossomed into a charming creature. The black eyes of the young sorceress, enchanting with their depth, look at the world with challenge and without a drop of fear; cunning, ingenuity and wit can be read in them. Although Olesya cannot read books, the wisdom of natural forces has been embedded in her since childhood. And belief in the other world, in magic and enchantment, like a special peppercorn, gives this “forest maiden” incredible charm and attractiveness.

Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich

But real miracles begin when the heroine meets her love (Ivan Timofeevich).

That's how they met. Out of boredom, the young master asked Olesya to tell his fortune. She predicted a sad future for him, a lonely life, and a desire to commit suicide. She said that in the near future the love of the “lady of clubs”, dark-haired, like herself, awaits him. Ivan Timofeevich did not believe her and asked her to show her abilities. Olesya showed him that she could charm blood and instill fear. After this, Ivan, enchanted by the girl, became her frequent guest.

Olesya’s feelings are a great gift to the chosen one of her heart. This love is woven from selflessness and courage of actions, sincerity and purity of thoughts. Knowing that any outcome of the dates will result in terrible grief for her, Olesya gives herself to her lover without looking back.

Olesya decided to go to church, wanting to please her lover, but the peasant women considered her action to be blasphemy and attacked her after the service. The beaten Olesya refused the doctor and decided to leave with her grandmother - so as not to incur even greater anger from the community. She was also convinced that she and Ivan needed to separate, otherwise only grief would await them. She fails to convince her.

In a hurry, fleeing from her habitable places, dishonored, wounded in body and soul, Olesya does not curse the man who killed her, but thanks him for the fleeting happiness that she experienced by feeling the magic. true love. Olesya leaves Ivan Timofeevich red beads as a memory of herself.


My stranger, a tall brunette of about twenty to twenty-five years old, carried herself lightly and slenderly. A spacious white shirt hung loosely and beautifully around her young, healthy breasts. The original beauty of her face, once seen, could not be forgotten, but it was difficult, even after getting used to it, to describe it. His charm lay in those large, shiny, dark eyes, to which the thin eyebrows, broken in the middle, gave an elusive shade of slyness, power and naivety; in the dark-pink tone of the skin, in the willful curve of the lips, of which the lower, somewhat fuller, protruded forward with a decisive and capricious look...

Involuntarily I drew attention to these hands: they were roughened and blackened from work, but they were small and of such a beautiful shape that many well-bred girls would envy them...

I remembered the expressiveness and even for a simple girl the sophistication of phrases in Olesya’s conversation...

We don't need people either. Once a year I just go to a place to buy soap and salt... And I also give my grandmother tea - she loves tea from me. Otherwise, even if you don’t see anyone at all...

Well, I wouldn’t trade my forest for your city for anything...

But I just don’t like it. Why beat the birds or the hares too? They do no harm to anyone, but they want to live just like you and me. I love them: they are small, so stupid...

Our entire family is cursed forever and ever. Judge for yourself: who is helping us if not him?... (he is Satan)

At the end of the nineteenth century A.I. Kuprin was the manager of an estate in the Volyn province. Impressed by beautiful landscapes that edge and from dramatic fate its inhabitants, he wrote a series of stories. The highlight of this collection is the story “Olesya,” which tells about nature and true love.

The story “Olesya” is one of the first works of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. It amazes with its depth of images and unusual plot twist. This story takes the reader to the end of the nineteenth century, when the old way of Russian life collided with extraordinary technical progress.

The work begins with a description of the nature of the region where he came on estate business main character Ivan Timofeevich. It's winter outside: snowstorms give way to thaws. The way of life of the inhabitants of Polesie seems unusual to Ivan, who is accustomed to the bustle of the city: an atmosphere of superstitious fears and fear of innovation still reigns in the villages. Time seemed to stand still in this village. It is not surprising that it was here that the main character met the sorceress Olesya. Their love is doomed from the very beginning: too different heroes appear before the reader. Olesya is a Polesie beauty, proud and determined. In the name of love, she is ready to do anything. Olesya is devoid of cunning and self-interest, selfishness is alien to her. Ivan Timofeevich, on the contrary, is incapable of making fateful decisions; in the story he appears as a timid person, unsure of his actions. He cannot fully imagine his life with Olesya as his wife.

From the very beginning, Olesya, who has the gift of foresight, feels the inevitability of the tragic end of their love. But she is ready to accept the full severity of the circumstances. Love gives her confidence own strength, helps to withstand all the heaviness and adversity. It is worth noting that in the image of the forest witch Olesya, A.I. Kuprin embodied his ideal of a woman: decisive and courageous, fearless and sincerely loving.

Nature became the background for the relationship between the two main characters of the story: it mirrors the feelings of Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich. Their life for a moment turns into a fairy tale, but only for a moment. The climax of the story is Olesya's arrival at the village church, from where the locals drive her away. At night of the same day, a terrible thunderstorm breaks out: a strong hail destroyed half of the crop. Against the backdrop of these events, Olesya and her grandmother understand that the superstitious villagers will certainly blame them for this. So they decide to leave.

Olesya's last conversation with Ivan takes place in a hut in the forest. Olesya does not tell him where she is going and asks him not to look for her. In memory of herself, the girl gives Ivan a string of red corals.

The story makes you think about what love is as people understand it, what a person is capable of in its name. Olesya’s love is self-sacrifice; it is her love, it seems to me, that is worthy of admiration and respect. As for Ivan Timofeevich, the cowardice of this hero amuses one to doubt the sincerity of his feelings. After all, if you really love someone, would you allow your loved one to suffer?

Brief analysis of Olesya Kuprin's story for grade 11

The work “Olesya” was written by Kuprin when people involved in herbal medicine were treated with caution. And although many came to them for treatment, they did not particularly allow Orthodox peasants into their circle, considering them to be sorcerers and blaming them for all their troubles. This happened with the girl Olesya and her grandmother Manuilikha.

Olesya grew up in the middle of the forest, learned many secrets associated with herbs, learned to tell fortunes, and charm diseases. The girl grew up unselfish, open, and reasonable. Ivan simply could not help but like her. Everything contributed to the establishment of their relationship, which grew into love. Nature itself helped the love events develop, the sun was shining, the breeze played with the leaves, birds chirped around.

Ivan Timofeevich, a naive young man, having met the spontaneous Olesya, decided to subjugate her. This can be seen in how he persuades her to attend church. To which the girl agrees, knowing that this cannot be done. He persuades her to leave with him and marry him. He even thought about my grandmother, if she didn’t want to live with us, there were almshouses in the city. For Olesya, this state of affairs is completely unacceptable; it is a betrayal towards to a loved one. She grew up in harmony with nature and for her many things of civilization are incomprehensible. Despite the fact that the young people are dating and at first glance everything is fine with them, Olesya does not trust her feelings. Fortune telling with cards, she sees that their relationship will not continue. Ivan will never be able to understand her and accept her for who she is, and the society in which he lives even more so. People like Ivan Timofeevich like to subjugate themselves, but not everyone succeeds in this and rather they themselves follow the lead of circumstances.

Olesya and her grandmother make a wise decision so as not to ruin their lives and Ivan Timofeevich secretly leaves their home. It is difficult for people from different social groups to find common language it is even more difficult to integrate into a new environment. Throughout the entire work, the author shows how different these two lovers are. The only thing that connects them is love. Olesya's is pure and selfless, while Ivan's is selfish. The entire work is built on the opposition of two personalities.

Analysis of the story for grade 11

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The events described in the story take place in one of the villages, where a visiting gentleman arrives who has fallen in love with a local witch girl.

The image and characterization of Olesya in the story by A. I. Kuprin is key. Her love could move mountains, but the chosen one could not appreciate the sincerity of the girl’s feelings, exposing her to attack.


Olesya's appearance was memorable. Once you saw the girl, her image was etched in your memory forever. Tall, beautiful, with thick, raven-colored hair, soft waves falling onto her shoulders. I wanted to hug the slender and strong body and not let go of it. Even constant work did not spoil the beauty of my hands. The dark eyes looked a little slyly, but at the same time the gaze was open, without pretense or falsehood. The original beauty of her face distinguished her favorably from other village girls. Olesya's approximate age is 24 years.

"...a tall laughing girl"

“...thin black eyebrows knitted in displeasure...”

“...big black eyes with bright moonlight sparkling in them...”

“... the original beauty of her face, once seen, could not be forgotten, but it was difficult, even having gotten used to it, to describe it...”

“... involuntarily I drew attention to these hands: they were roughened and blackened from work, but they were small and of such a beautiful shape that many well-bred girls would envy them...”

"...her strong, strong, hot body..."


The girl did not remember her parents. Grandma Manuilikha, a local healer, took care of her upbringing. She would never trade life in the forest in complete harmony with nature for the bustle of the city. The forest became her home, her support.


The child of nature had no education, but despite this she was quite smart. Curious by nature. Has a broad outlook. The girl didn’t even know how to read, but her speech was refined, like that of real young ladies from high society.

“ speak so well, no worse than a real young lady...”

“...for her environment, for her upbringing (or, more accurately, the lack thereof) she had amazing abilities...”


Among the main character traits of Olesya are the following:

  • courage;
  • independence;
  • pride;
  • determination;
  • the ability to stand up for oneself;
  • kindness, responsiveness;
  • self-confidence;
  • tact;
  • sincerity;
  • delicacy;
  • sensitivity.

Love in Olesya's life

Love for a visiting gentleman became the first in her life. The girl completely surrendered to the feeling that gripped her. She was ready to give herself all, without demanding anything in return. Knowing in advance that they have no future, she is unable to refuse meetings with Ivan. Fortune telling warned her that this acquaintance would lead to nothing but troubles, that the greatest shame awaited her, but even this did not stop her. At Ivan’s request, she went to church, where she was hated and cursed, but he did not appreciate Olesya’s sacrifice. Although it was his fault that she was beaten and driven out of the temple. Even after this incident, she did not reproach her beloved, considering herself solely to blame for all the troubles, which once again confirms the nobility of her character. Deciding to leave suddenly, she released Ivan from his obligations, so as not to be an obstacle to the well-being of her loved one. Only the red beads she left before leaving reminded of their failed romance with a sad ending.

“...a bright object, obviously deliberately hung on the corner of the window frame. It was a string of cheap, red beads, known in Polesie as corals, - the only thing that remained to me as a memory of Olesya and her tender, generous love...”