Park shin hye dramas. Park Shin Hye - filmography, biography and personal life

She was born on February 18, 19990 in Gwangju, South Korea. There is also an older brother in the family. The first step towards the acting profession was winning the casting, which determined the performer leading role in the music video. This clip did not go unnoticed and gained popularity, which is why the face of the girl who was still studying at elementary school, also became recognizable. She entered Seoul Chung-Ang University. Along with her studies, the young Korean will improve her acting skills and star in music videos and commercials.
Park Shin Hye is still in early years I decided to try myself as a singer and songwriter. Several soundtracks and songs made up the first separate disc. The actress made her mark most seriously in the Korean drama “Stairway to Heaven,” then filmed in the drama “Seoul 1945.”
Fame came with the series “Paradise Tree”, the role became happy and brought many new and interesting offers to Shin HYE.
She starred in commercials for reputable brands, famous companies in Asia, manufacturers of clothing, cosmetics, and perfumes.
The films “The Evil Twin” and “Fear of Love” bring new fame and even more love from fans. After this, the actress starred in the drama “Palace C”, which in 2007 received the title of the most watched.
The girl gained new acting experience in the TV series “A.N.JELL: You’re Beautiful!”, because according to the script she had to portray a guy. The series brought many more surprises to the actress - the opportunity to show her singing talent, the opportunity to act with popular singer and artist Jang Geun Suk. In 2010, "Cyrano's Agency" with Park Shin Hye in the title role was released on the wide screen. The Taiwanese film Hayate the Combat Butler was a failure for the actress.
In the drama “Heartstrings,” which aired in 2011, the actress learned to play folk instrument- Kayageme. Next, Shi He is actively filming. There are such dramas as “Don’t Worry, I’m a Ghost”, “My Neighbor is Handsome” and the film “Miracle in Cell No. 7”.
The drama "The Heirs" is the most successful and happy role for an actress, after which her popularity simply goes off scale.
And the dramas “Pinocchio” and “Doctors” only confirm the girl’s acting talent.

Personal life
When the actress was asked if she was dating, Park Shin Hye replied, “I'm dating in secret. I don't think relationships need to be shown off. It is important to separate personal life from professional issues.” She added with a laugh, "I'll just announce when I get married."
She has been dating actor Choi Tae-joon since 2018.
This is interesting:

Favorite color: white, red
- The actress’s favorite dish: kimchi and hot meat in a pot.
- Loves beer.
- Favorite accessory is a hat. IN everyday life prefers a sporty style of clothing.
- As a child, I dreamed of becoming a police officer.
- Wears perfume from Jennifer Lopez.
- Drink a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach. I acquired this habit as a child.
- Never leaves home without a wallet.
- Hates seafood. She says it's "like grass food, no taste."

2003 SBS Drama Awards: Best Young Actress (Stairway to Heaven)
2004 MBC Premio: Principiante de Juegos de entretenimiento, en el Festival de Juegos.
2007 MBC Entertainment Awards: Best Newcomer in a Variety Show (Fantastic Partner)
2007 MBC Drama Awards: Nominada a Mejor Nueva Actriz (Kimicheed Radish Cubes).
2009 SBS Drama Awards: New Star Award (You're Beautiful).
2011 47th Baeksang Arts Awards: Most Popular Actress (Cyrano Agency)
2011 LETV Movies & TV Series Awards: Most Popular Actress (Cyrano Agency)
2012 48th Baeksang Arts Awards: Most Popular Actress TV (Heartstrings)
2012 KBS Drama Awards: Best Actress in a One-Act Special (Don't Worry, I'm a Ghost)
2013 49th Baeksang Arts Awards: Most Popular Actress (Miracle in Cell No. 7)
2013 17th Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival: Fantasia Award (Miracle in Cell No. 7)
2013 33rd Korean Association of Film Critics Awards: Best Supporting Actress (Miracle in Cell No. 7)
2013 Anhui TV Drama Awards (China): Popular Foreign Actress (The Heirs)
2013 SBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award (with Lee Min Ho) (Heirs)
2013 SBS Drama Awards: Top 10 Stars (The Heirs)
2013 SBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Actress in Drama Special (The Heirs)
2014 K-Star Awards: Popularity Award (Descendants)
2014 2nd DramaFever Awards: Best Couple Not Mean To Be (with Kim Woo Bin) (The Heirs)
2014 2nd DramaFever Awards: Best Actress (Descendants)
2014 50th Baeksang Arts Awards: Most Popular Actress TV (Heirs)
2014 2nd Asia Rainbow TV Awards: Outstanding Leading Actress (Descendants)
2014 3rd APAN Star Awards: Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries (Descendants)
2014 SBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award (with om) (Pinocchio)
2014 SBS Drama Awards: Top 10 Stars (Pinocchio)
2014 SBS Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award, Actress in a Drama Special (Pinocchio)
2015 Soompi Awards: Best Actress (Pinocchio)
2016 9th Busan International Advertising Festival: Best Korean spokesmodel in China
2016 SBS Drama Awards: Top 10 Stars (Doctors)
2016 SBS Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award, Actress in a Drama Special (Doctors)
2010 2000

(TV series 2018)
Temperature of Love (TV series, 2017)

Park Shin Hye/박신혜

Date of birth: 18.02.1990

Hometown: Gwangju, Republic of Korea

Marital status: not married

Height: 168 cm

Hobby: music, baseball

Park Shin Hye (Park Shin Hye) is a South Korean singer and actress.
Park Shin Hye was born in Gwangju (South Korea), but still school years moved to Seoul. Soon, her parents and her older brother moved from Gwangju to the actress.

The change in place of residence, in fact, as well as the formation of the future star Park Shin Hye, occurred back in the 6th grade - while studying in elementary school. It was then that the girl took part in the casting of one of the famous music companies “DREAM FACTORY”. Then the company employees were selecting the lead actress in the “GOT-flower” video. Soon, Lee Seung Hwan's video gained universal popularity and a girl named Park Shin Hye became recognizable and interesting to many.

The beginning of Park Shin Hye’s acting career can be considered in 2003, when the future star took part in the casting for a role in the drama “Stairway to Heaven.” Among 250 participants, Park Shin Hye was chosen. The successful tandem of actors such as Park Si-young and Lee Wan brought the film high ratings and the love of the audience. It was at this time that the actress received her first award from SBS. On at the moment Park Shin Hye has received many other significant awards.

The next drama with the participation of Park Shin Hye was “Tree of Heaven”. Here again Park Shin Hye played opposite Lee Wan. The thing is that this acting tandem was loved by the audience. “Tree of Paradise” was shown not only in Korea, but also abroad. Despite the average ratings of the film, Park Shin Hye has become a truly recognizable personality and a favorite of many people.

The actress received her higher education at Chungang University in Seoul. Despite her studies, Park Shin Hye continues to pursue an acting career - she is constantly improving her skills. In addition, the girl decided to try her hand at music. Another area of ​​her activity was filming commercials.

For enough short time Park Shin Hye wrote several songs and even released a separate disc. In addition to music, the actress has an undeniable talent for dancing.

Beauty, feeling own style, charisma and ability to present oneself allowed Park Shin Hye not only to become famous actress, a singer, but also try her hand at modeling. Park Shin Hye is the “face” of famous Asian brands.

Park Shin Hye's greatest recognition came from her role in the drama Stairway to Heaven. Thanks to this drama, the actress was able to show a different side of herself. This role became a worthy bid for success.
After this, the actress received one interesting offer after another. In each role she played, the actress managed to show herself and her talents only with the most the best side.
Of particular importance in the life of Park Shin Hye was the role in the drama “A.N.JELL: You Are Beautiful.” Here the actress had to transform into a guy. And Park Shin Hye also coped with this task perfectly.
Television shows, music, movies - all this brought Park Shin Hye long-awaited fame and recognition. But the girl does not stop there. New films and dramas with her participation gather whole crowds of fans and admirers.
Despite being very busy, the actress finds time to work as a social worker in Nepal in 2009.
The film that can easily be called a hit of 2010 is “Cyrano Agency” and it also starred Park Shin Hye.
After the release of this comedy, there were many other films that showed the actress only from the best side. One of the last significant paintings with the participation of Park Shin Hye was the drama “Pinocchio”, which was released in 2014.
Here the actress starred opposite Lee Jong Suk. The duet turned out to be truly excellent.



2016 – Doctors
2014 – Pinocchio
2014 – Royal tailor
2013 – Heirs
2013 – The handsome guy next door
2011 – Heartstrings
2011 – Hayate, Combat Butler
2010 – My girlfriend is a Gumiho
2009 – You are beautiful!
2007 – Palace C
2006 – tree of paradise
2003 – Stairway to Heaven


2016 – Brother
2015 – Inner beauty
2014 – Tailors
2012 – Miracle in cell No. 7
2012 – Don't worry I'm a ghost
2011 – Green Days (voice)
2010 – Dating agency “Cyrano”
2007 – Evil twin
2006 – Phobia of love

One of the most successful and highly paid Korean actresses, Park Shin Hye, did an incredible thing. Before the premiere of the drama “Doctors,” she noticeably lost weight. From a plump girl, Pak turned into a slender, thin model.

How to become beautiful

Park Shin Hye's secret to being slim is intense physical activity. By the age of 20, the actress had starred in a number of popular South Korean TV series (“Heartstrings,” “The Heirs”), but did not consider herself attractive until she lost weight.
Having acquired model forms, the girl finally believed in her beauty. Pak is indeed a very modest person. She believes, for example, that many stories about romantic love which she embodied on the screen were successful only because talented men starred next to her. As a truly oriental woman, the actress only highlights the advantages of the guys in the frame with her.
Puck also loves baseball; this hobby does not contribute to the accumulation of extra pounds.

Pleasure from training

Park hardly felt any discomfort from the fact that she had to sweat in the gym for the role. The girl by nature has incredible grace and a flair for movements, she is endowed special gift quickly master martial arts and choreographic routines. Her congenital plasticity allowed her to learn to perform many tricks on her own with minimal effort.

Shin Hye also credits her work for her beauty. She spends so much time filming TV series that she never has time to eat. And dynamic scenes, rich in emotions and action, help burn extra calories. By the age of 25, the actress had starred in several dozen TV series, you can guess what kind of last year She hardly had many days off.

Despite the fact that Park has acquired the status of one of the most beautiful Korean actresses, she is in no hurry to arrange her personal life. For a long time, the actress will build a career and dream of eternal love. Shin Hye often played girls who are madly in love, but she herself doesn’t really believe that she will be able to find similar feelings in real life. And since many of the actress’s roles require training and stunts, she will be able to maintain her newfound figure for a long time.

As for diets, Park does not talk about how and what she eats. IN South Korea actors do not have the opportunity to talk about themselves too openly with the public and the press. These are the conditions stipulated in their contracts with film studios.

In 2017 Park Shin Hye held"Flower of Angel" fan meetings throughout Asia. All profits from the fan meeting were donated to a fund for poor families.

Among other things, Park Shin Hye is a fairly successful commercial model. List of all international agreements of Park Shin Hye as the face of the brand Roem - China, Rapido - China, Mamonde - China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand., Bench - Philippines, Sunglasses Molsion - China, Ryo - China, Swarovski - Austria. 08/25/2017 Actress Park Shin Hye has been chosen as the Korean muse for the Coach brand. USA

On March 7, 2018, Park Shin Hye and Choi Tae Joon confirmed their relationship. Park Shin Hye's agency said the actors were close friends and began dating late last year.

Interesting facts
- Still in student years, due to her passion for food, she was given the nickname "Park Pig" due to her fondness for food.
- She and Jang Geun-Suk live in the same area, the distance between their houses can be covered in five minutes on foot.
- December 25, 2012 at television program“Taxi” Park Shin Hye admitted that she likes Jang Geun-Suk’s mother, unlike him. She said that Jang Geun-Suk is a genius, full of creative ideas, plans his own concerts, and at times she finds him charming. She mentioned that they are like brother and sister and even fight. To which the host of the program said that he now understands why he hears so often about scandals between them. She said that Jung Yong Hwa is her close friend.
- Xing Hye even worked as a social worker in Nepal on Christmas Eve in 2009.
- She lives at home with Pongzhi and Nori, two charming Maltese dogs.

On the way home from filming the drama “Heartstrings,” Shin Hye had an accident, her manager was driving, and when they didn’t see the divider at the highway junction, they crashed into a fence. There were 4 other people with Shin Hye, and they were taken to the hospital, Shin Hye She had to get several stitches, and the car was quite damaged due to the strong impact. She soon returned to filming.

Favorite color: white, red

The actress's favorite dish: kimchi and hot meat in a pot.

Loves beer.

Hates seafood. She says it's "like grass food, no taste."

Park Shin Hye has several nicknames: her family affectionately calls her “Shin zi” and “TanglangGu,” which translates to “our favorite.”

Favorite accessory is a hat. In everyday life, he prefers a sporty style of clothing.

When she was 5 years old, a thief broke into their home and stole their money. That's when she decided to become a police officer and capture all the thieves in the world.

Wears perfume from Jennifer Lopez.

Every morning on an empty stomach drinks a glass of water. I acquired this habit as a child.

Never leaves home without a wallet.

After filming the film “Miracle in Cell No. 7,” she organized a festive banquet for 800 homeless people. Rice cakes and hot soup were served for dinner.

The Swarovski Black Swan Collection by Park Shin Hye was Swarovski's best-selling product in 2017. It sold over 200,000 copies.

Throughout her career, she has won over 32 drama and television awards, and has become truly popular overseas, earning the title of Hallyu star.

Park Shin Hye has held fan meetings every year since 2012, while she is the only Korean actress to hold events of this magnitude in various foreign countries. And donates all of its profits to KFHI, an organization that helps children with food and education.

According to Lee Hong Ki, Jang Geun Suk's mom, Jung Yong Hwa's mom, and Choi Jong Hoon's mom think Shin Hye would be an ideal wife and would like to see her as their bride.

- In the drama "Don't Worry, I'm a Ghost" there was a scene where she had to jump into water. She dived 5 meters into the water without a backup.

One of the couples met for the first time in her fandom and got married. They named their child "Mi Nam" after Shin Hye.

When she eats, cooks, plays, etc., she uses her left hand, but when she writes, she uses her right.


2018 - Memories of the Alhambra

2016 - Doctors

2014 - Pinocchio

2013 - Heirs

2013 - Handsome Next Door

2011 - Heartstrings

2011 - Hayate, combat butler

2010 - My Girlfriend - Kumiho

2009 - You are beautiful!

2007 - Palace C

2006 - Tree of Paradise

2003 - Stairway to Heaven


2017 - Silent Witness

2015 - Inner beauty

2014 - Tailors

2012 - Miracle in Cell No. 7

2012 - Don't worry, I'm a ghost

2011 - Green days (voice)

2010 - Dating agency "Cyrano"

2007 - Evil Twin

2006 - Phobia of Love

Video clips:

2001 - Lee Seung Hwan - Do You Love

2003 - Lee Seung Hwan - Ggot Flower
2004 - Fortune Cookie - Fake Love Song
2006 - Kim Jong Kook - Letter

2008 - 45RPM - Saechimtteki

2009 - Taegoon - Call Me

2009 - Taegoon - Super Star

2017 - Joonil Jung - Wish

2006 - "Love Rain" - OST "Stairway to Heaven"
2009 - “Lovely Day”, “Without a Word” - OST “You are Beautiful”
2010 - "It Was You" with Lee Min Jung - OST "Cyrano Dating Agency" (film)
2011 - “The Day We Fall In Love”, “I Will Forget You” cover of CNBlue’s song - OST “Soulstrings”
2012 - "I Think of You" with Yoon Gun - OST Music and Lyrics
2013- "Pitch Black" - OST My neighbor is handsome
2013 - "Story" - OST "Heirs"

2014 - "My Dear"

2014 - "Love Is Like A Snow" - OST "Pinocchio"

2014 - "Arm Pillow" - OST "Pinocchio"


2003 SBS Drama Awards: Best Young Actress (Stairway to Heaven)
2004 MBC Premio: Principiante de Juegos de entretenimiento, en el Festival de Juegos.
2007 MBC Entertainment Awards: Best Newcomer in a Variety Show (Fantastic Partner)
2007 MBC Drama Awards: Nominada a Mejor Nueva Actriz (Kimicheed Radish Cubes).
2009 SBS Drama Awards: New Star Award (You're Beautiful).
2011 47th Baeksang Arts Awards: Most Popular Actress (Cyrano Agency)
2011 LETV Movies & TV Series Awards: Most Popular Actress (Cyrano Agency)
2012 48th Baeksang Arts Awards: Most Popular Actress TV (Heartstrings)
2012 KBS Drama Awards: Best Actress in a One-Act Special (Don't Worry, I'm a Ghost)
2013 49th Baeksang Arts Awards: Most Popular Actress (Miracle in Cell No. 7)
2013 17th Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival: Fantasia Award (Miracle in Cell No. 7)
2013 33rd Korean Association of Film Critics Awards: Best Supporting Actress (Miracle in Cell No. 7)
2013 Anhui TV Drama Awards (China): Popular Foreign Actress (The Heirs)
2013 SBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award (with Lee Min Ho) (Heirs)
2013 SBS Drama Awards: Top 10 Stars (The Heirs)
2013 SBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Actress in Drama Special (The Heirs)
2014 K-Star Awards: Popularity Award (Descendants)
2014 2nd DramaFever Awards: Best Couple Not Mean To Be (with Kim Woo Bin) (The Heirs)
2014 2nd DramaFever Awards: Best Actress (Descendants)
2014 50th Baeksang Arts Awards: Most Popular Actress TV (Heirs)
2014 2nd Asia Rainbow TV Awards: Outstanding Leading Actress (Descendants)
2014 3rd APAN Star Awards: Excellence Award, Actress in a Miniseries (Descendants)
2014 SBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award (with Lee Jong Suk) (Pinocchio)
2014 SBS Drama Awards: Top 10 Stars (Pinocchio)
2014 SBS Drama Awards: Top Excellence Award, Actress in a Drama Special (Pinocchio)
2015 Soompi Awards: Best Actress (Pinocchio)