Folder for parents on the topic “Home theater as a means of forming relationships in the family. Mobile folder for parents on the topic “Home theater as a means of building relationships in the family March 27th World Theater Day mobile folder

Theater at home

Theatrical activities develop the emotional sphere of the child, help to sympathize with the characters and empathize with the events taking place. Children develop communication skills, the ability to cooperate, a sense of teamwork, responsibility, children learn to improvise and show their individuality. Organized theatrical games fill children's activities vivid impressions, interesting things to do, the joy of creativity, so that children can apply the skills acquired in theatrical games in their everyday lives.

As children, we all loved to play with various dolls and games.

Let's look at several types of home puppet theater that you can make with your own hands.

Paper cylinder theater

To make toys from cylinders, glue them together from rectangular sheets of thick paper. It is better to decorate with applique paper, fabric, lace, braid, thread, buttons, beads, beads, sewing or gluing to the craft.

Theater made from ordinary egg cells

You can make many such theaters, the main thing is to understand the principle: each cell is carefully cut out, the cells are fastened with a stapler, or holes are made with an awl to fasten the parts with wire. For small details, use stickers and beads.

Finger theater made of paper using the origami technique

Finger figurines origami is good because in addition to motor skills, it develops imagination and speech in the literal sense. When acting out fairy tales, the child fantasizes, formulates his thoughts, talks a lot, and this is very useful for children.

DIY finger theater

Characters for finger theater can be made from various types fabrics. If the fabrics are not free-flowing, the parts are sewn with a “forward needle” seam from the front side, an overcast seam “over the edge”, or sew the parts from the wrong side, then turn them right side out. Buttons, woolen threads, braid, and lace are used.

Spoon Theater

Spoons, and therefore dolls of "spoon origin", have one drawback: they cannot stand. But this problem can be solved by using plasticine stands for attaching the dolls.

Mitten Theater

From ordinary mittens, cardboard, buttons, scraps of colored material and other improvised things, funny puppet theater characters are made

Cardboard theater

These dolls can be made from thick paper, preferably cardboard. They are easy to manufacture, it is easy to take off and put on the dolls on your fingers, and the control of such finger puppets understandable and convenient even for children. It’s also interesting, because if you insert your fingers into larger holes, the doll will have legs - you’ll get a desktop walking doll.

Theater made of clothespins

To make this theater you need clothespins, preferably wooden (they are easier to paint and glue), thick paper and cardboard, PVA glue or

any other for paper

Svetlana Tikhonova
Folder for parents on the topic “ Home theater as a means of forming relationships in the family"

Theater arts, close and understandable to children, because at the core theater lies the game. Theater has enormous power to influence the emotional world of a child. Creating home puppet theater , you and your baby try on a lot of roles: you will make dolls, draw scenery, write a script, set the scene, think over the musical accompaniment and, of course, show the performance itself. Just imagine how much creativity, ingenuity, and self-confidence this activity will require from the baby. And also training fine motor skills, developing speech, artistic taste and imagination, learning new and interesting things, the joy of joint activities with loved ones, pride in one’s successes... Indeed, the creation home puppet theater such a developing and multifaceted activity that it is worth not sparing time and effort on it. So let's try...

For this, you can use dolls made from ice cream sticks.

There are several options for making these dolls:

1 option

Dolls are simply painted ice cream sticks with felt-tip pens or paints. By imagining you can create a whole family.

Option 2

Dolls decorated with fabric or paper

Necessary: knitting threads, felt or cardboard, ice cream sticks, glue, scissors.

We decorate the sticks with threads in the form of hair, Draw faces. We cut out clothes from felt or cardboard and glue them on.

Option 3

Dolls are painted and decorated with small elements.

The dolls are ready, you can put on a show

For home theater and just like that, you can use dolls made from small rolls of paper.

We measure the height of the finger using a ruler and add a little to the drawing of the animal’s head. Cut a strip of paper to the height and wrap it around your finger with a small margin. unroll the roll. We draw the drawing of the animal we need, cut out the top along the contour. Roll the roll back up, glue the edge or fasten it with paper clips

Option 2 flat We print out samples of dolls or draw them ourselves, cut them out, don’t forget to make holes for the fingers, paint them, and cover them with tape for durability. doll for theater is ready.

Paper dolls 3 way

Unusual theater dolls can be made from notebook paper

Sock dolls.

DIY sock puppets don't cost much and are very easy to make. In your home there will always be several pairs of nylon, knitted or terry socks ready to be thrown away. With your skillful hands you will give them a second life.

With the help of heroes theater, children learn to cooperate with each other and with adults. During the game, the baby learns to communicate and express his feelings. Of course, playing with him stimulates speech development. fairy tales promotes the development of memory and imagination. Puppet theater promotes the development of a wide range of creativity - are being formed acting and musical skills theater - the best remedy to combat shyness. Home puppet theater- this is an opportunity to become a child yourself and plunge into the world of childhood. And of course, a reason to play with your baby.

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Vilkova Nadezhda Yurievna
Plan of work with parents on the topic “International Theater Day”

Subject: « International Theater Day»

Period from 21.03. until March 25, 2016

Senior group

1. Sliding folder (Appendix 1) “Why does a child need a doll theater» Target: family involvement theater arts , develop a desire to get to know theatrical activities in kindergarten. Foster interest and cohesion. 03/21/2016

2. Booklet (Appendix 2) "Attention! Federal State Educational Standards in DO..." Target: increasing competence parents in matters of transition to the new Federal State Educational Standards. 03/22/2016

3. Homework « Fairy-tale heroes» Target: attract parents provide practical assistance to the kindergarten in the manufacture of attributes for theatrical performances. from 21.03. until March 25, 2016

4. Exhibition of drawings "My favorite fairy tale" Target:development of creative interaction between children and parents. from 21.03. until March 25, 2016

5. Consultation (Appendix 3) “What do Russian folk tales teach?” Target: to give the concept that it is impossible to imagine raising a child without fairy tales, that the meaning of fairy tales never lies on the surface and with the help of allegories, in an allegorical manner, is embedded in fairy tales age-old wisdom people. 03/23/2016

6. Book exhibition "World of Fairy Tales" Target: provide parents a variety of fairy tales for children, when reading which you can introduce a child to the vast universe in which he will have to live, with its physical laws, wildlife, history and culture. 03/22/2016

7. Musically theatrical performance"Journey through the Russians" folk tales» Target: attraction parents to actively participate in kindergarten activities. 03/25/2016

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