Architectural monuments. The main architectural sights of Russia This monument of Russian architecture amazes with its bizarre

Type of speech error


Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it

His disgusting charisma annoys me.

Failure to distinguish shades of meaning of synonyms

The use of words that do not correspond in color to the main style of the text

I read the text and was dumbfounded by the thought...

Violation of lexical compatibility

The level of technical proficiency is expanding;

it plays an important role in life

Pleonasm (duplication of meaning in a phrase)

Lay flowers at the memorial

Tautology (use of a word in combination with a cognate)

Through some subtle sensations, he feels a connection with his native land.

Unjustified repetition of words

Incorrect use of pronouns

I read dissertations with applications. They caught my attention.

Mixing paronyms

Features of the lyrical hero Pushkin

Violation of the structure of phraseological units

Once you lie, who will believe you?

Correct speech and grammatical errors in the following sentences:

Options with errors

Error type

Corrected version

1. This monument of Russian architecture amazes with its bizarre dimensions.

2. Students have increased confidence in their abilities.

3. A number of subjects have selfishness

4. This research has a great role in the development of modern science.

5. . The artist's tireless love for dynamics in art is well known.

6. In many areas, water was at a minimum.

7. An abundance of accessories burdens the plot, distracting attention from the main thing.

8. Democratic revolutionaries revealed the fictitious nature of bourgeois democracy.

9. This part is the most important factor, on which the reliability of the methodology for studying types of personality accentuations is based.

10. The teacher uses positive examples from life.

12. The professor showed me a version of the VKR plan and said that it was already outdated.

13. The following pronunciation errors should be noted.

14. You can agree with those chapters of the abstract that do not contain internal contradictions.

15. Having correctly defined the goals and objectives of the study, the experiment showed the following.

16. There is not always mutual understanding between the people and their representatives in the Legislative Assembly.

18. The conditions for achieving positive results were created, but nevertheless the tests were unsuccessful.

19. The article is informative and interesting.

20. The Higher Attestation Commission issues requirements for candidate dissertations

Task 9 . Read the passages given and determine which functional style texts they belong to.

1 . Already the ancient Greek thinkers saw that in addition to the general on the scale on which the “particular sciences” (Aristotle’s term) comprehend it, there is a general on a larger scale, namely, separately for each of the three main areas of reality: nature, human society, consciousness (knowledge). But there is also a universal, which is inherent in the earthly universe as a whole and is expressed in laws and categories such as “necessity”, “chance”, “causality”, “connection”, “time”, etc. Thus, the structural field of the general includes itself, the concrete-general (the competence of individual sciences), the most general of each of the three main areas of reality, and the universal (the competence of philosophy).

2 . According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as LLC) is a commercial organization established by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares determined by the constituent documents. Unlike a joint stock company, the right to a share is confirmed not by a security (share), but only by a certificate that, in accordance with the charter of the LLC, can be issued to its participants (founders).

3 . I remember an early fine autumn. August was full of warm rains, as if falling on purpose for sowing - with rains right at the right time, in the middle of the month, around the feast of St. Lawrence. And “autumn and winter live well, When the water is calm and there is rain on Laurentia.” Then, in the Indian summer, a lot of cobwebs settled in the fields.


4 . Is it possible to give a lesson if there is no classroom? Taking an exam without a record book in your pocket? Is inhaling chalk dust deeply a necessary part of the process of obtaining higher education? Joe Martin, for example, doesn’t think so. He's 41 years old, a senior employee of an Indianapolis insurance company, and a Duke University student. During a lunch break or in the evening, when Mr. Martin's wife is already asleep, Joe sits down at the computer keyboard, logs on to the Internet and begins to gnaw on the granite of science in the place that the professor assigned to him, standing at the department seven hundred kilometers from his home.


5 . Russian oil and Russian gas are sacred, they should not belong to a bunch of dubious oligarchs with crooked, frightened faces or sinuous, smooth-hipped officials. This is part of national existence - billions of ancient living beings invested their energy in oil, yes, they rotted, but nothing living disappears without a trace - their life feeds the voracious stomachs of machines today (A. Dugin)


6 . The round table participants heard and discussed the messages

N. N. Chereshneva and A. Dragun on the specifics of the subculture of fans of the Zenit football club (St. Petersburg). The discussion participants note the special status of the FC Zenit phenomenon as a unifying “high idea” of a large part of the population of St. Petersburg, the unique nature of the fan environment of FC Zenit, and express a common opinion on the need for a comprehensive (general humanitarian) study of this subculture of the metropolis.

The presence of numerous media outlets writing and broadcasting about Zenit, unfortunately, does not solve the issue of an objective study of the subculture of the fan environment, its place in the system of subcultures and in the culture of St. Petersburg in general.

The round table participants came to the following conclusions:

    it is necessary to comprehensively study the subculture of FC Zenit as a unique cultural phenomenon modern St. Petersburg;

    come up with a proposal to organize a Project to introduce the idea of ​​a corporate culture for fans of the Zenit football club;

place on the institute’s website an appeal to all university students in St. Petersburg with an invitation to participate in the Project to promote the Zenit brand as a football club in the cultural capital of Russia.


7 . Dear comrade deputies! I will talk only about the state of culture in our country, and mainly about the humanitarian, human part of it. I carefully studied the election platforms of the deputies. I was amazed that the vast majority of them didn’t even include the word “culture.” At the Congress itself, the word “culture” was uttered casually only on the third day.

Meanwhile, without culture there is no morality in society. Without elementary morality, social laws and economic laws do not operate, decrees are not implemented, and modern science cannot exist, because it is difficult, for example, to test experiments costing millions, huge projects of “construction projects of the century,” and so on.


8 . Modern students, as a special, traditional, stable social and age group, have their own characteristics of speech behavior. Thus, it has always been common for students to use certain stable formulas (both precedent and etiquette) when communicating with each other, and experiment with language norms (both national and foreign languages). They are characterized by a special manner of communication with teachers and other students. They use various speech methods of gaining authority in the group, etc. All these features, being to some extent signs of the speech behavior of members of a given socio-age group, are filled with different content at different times, their prevalence and frequency of use in speech changes.


9 . What? What's the name? Call me Stepan. But if I tell you my last name, you might not immediately believe me. My surname is rare, wonderful, one might say. I'm forty. Although, if you look at it, a surname is like a surname. It seems strange for these places, but here in Ukraine (I’m originally from near Lvov) you don’t see anything like that: Kochan, say, or Taras. Or even Locust. And that means I am Soroka. Bird, it turns out, is a surname. My father Soroka. And my grandfather was Soroka. And my children have the same last name. And what? It's not about the name, it's about the person. The main thing is that you treat people kindly. Then you will be honored and respected, and your name will be heard. For example, I’m very proud of mine.


Task 10 . Write an essay “Norms of the Russian literary language: their role in language construction and the life of society.” Rely on the materials of the lecture, previous exercises and the following diagram.

Shore - to protect, granite - to cut, soul - to choke, to fly - to heal, saw - to drink.

9. What changes have occurred in the semantics, structure and grammatical categories of the following words borrowed by the Russian language from Latin and Greek, as well as from English, French and German languages?

Ultimatum - lat. ultimatum, noun Wed r., units h. (from ultimus - “extreme, very last”);

unique - lat/ unicum, noun. Wed r., units h. - “the only one”;

symbiosis - gr. symbiosis, noun wives r., units h. - “cohabitation”;

forum - lat. forum, noun Wed r., units h. - “area in Ancient Rome, where fairs and public meetings took place";

system - gr, systema, noun. Wed r., units h. - “the basis of order”;

organ - gr. organon, noun Wed r., units h. - “tool, means, instrument”;

bureau - fr. bureau, noun husband. r., units part - “a special table for writing and storing papers; desk; office of a major employee; presidium."

10. Make up phrases by selecting suitable definitions for nouns from paronymous words. What determines their choice? Make sentences with them

Milk, ... day, ... purpose (target, whole, whole); ... curtain, ... air, ... color (smoky, smokey, smoky); ... hello, ... smile, ... work (friendly, friendly); ... bracelet, ... fight, ... tree (pomegranate, pomegranate); ... supplies, ... paper, ... work (writing, writing); ... meeting, ... battles, ... work (class, classic, cool); ... pride, ... attitude (family, familiar); ...district, ...little boy (neighbor, nearby); ... appearance, ... method (effective, spectacular).

11. Choose antonyms for the given words. Make up sentences with each of them.

Happiness, rise, idleness, healthy, aging, love, friendship, kindness, despondency, lies, callousness, tenderness, good, stupid, rude, useful, smart, sweet, light, clear, light, darkens, blossoms, spring, darkness, take, fall asleep, put on, win.

12. Indicate the figurative function of antonyms. Choose synonyms for antonyms (where possible).

1. With my body I decay into dust, with my mind I command thunder. I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am god (G. Derzhavin). 2. They got together. Wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other (A.S. Pushkin). 3. You are rich, I am very poor. You are a prose writer, I am a poet; You are as ruddy as a poppy, I am like death, and skinny and pale (A.S. Pushkin). 4. We both hate and we love by chance, sacrificing nothing to either anger or love, and a kind of secret cold reigns in the soul, when fire boils in the blood (M.Yu. Lermontov). 5. We recognized each other in the crowd, got together, and will separate again, there was love without joy, separation will be without sadness (M.Yu. Lermontov). 6. You are poor, you are abundant, you are powerful, you are powerless, Mother Rus' (N. Nekrasov).

13. Indicate foreign words in a series of synonyms:

Request, request, petition, petition, intercession; duel, duel, single combat; structure, regime, order, system, way of life.

14. Explain the purpose of the following corrections made by Gorky to the original text of the story “Chelkash” (the words of the original text are in brackets).

The boat rushed off again, silently and easily turning (tacking) among the ships. Suddenly she broke out of their crowd (labyrinth)... Music (symphony) of a working day.

There was something fatal (fatal) in this slow movement of soulless masses.

15. Eliminate errors associated with the use of words without taking into account their meaning in context. When completing the task, use explanatory dictionaries.

1. This monument of Russian architecture amazes with its bizarre dimensions. 2. With this first powerful impulse, the carp often pulls the line into one straight line with the rod and easily tears it. 3. The poems of a popular poet, written by him as a result of traveling around the country, will soon be published in a magazine. 4. The gentleman’s face takes on a sleepy state. 5. And the faster the weaver knits the broken thread, the less the loom will be idle. 6. Students have increased confidence in their abilities. 7. I will tell you about one moment that happened during the war. 8. His relatives were killed by bombing. 9. Famusov lives by the slogan: “It’s signed, so off your shoulders.” 10. Pechorin has egoism. 11. She had to get down to work together.

Find, explain and correct lexical errors (or violations of accuracy, unambiguity) in sentences. 1. The poet stood at the sources of new poetry. 2. The beast looked at the hunter angrily. 3. The term “functional style” should be abandoned. 4. Outside the outskirts there was a green birch oak grove. 5. I will tell you about one moment that happened during the war. 6. This architectural monument amazes with its bizarre dimensions. 7. Approaching the queue, he asked: “Who is last?” 8. Yuri Gagarin was the first rogue in space.

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Architectural monuments are an invaluable asset of world culture. Witnessing bygone eras, they represent examples of works of art. This is what distinguishes them from monuments cultural heritage. The latter include, for example, the house in which Vasily Shukshin was born and lived, or, for example, Rasul Gamzatov. These houses are historical and cultural heritage. This is undeniable. But they are in no way architectural monuments.

At the same time, architectural monuments are not only majestic buildings, on the construction of which masters of architecture worked. These can be streets, squares and even entire neighborhoods. Architectural monuments include buildings in which fragments have been at least partially preserved decoration, a unique layout, characteristic of a particular era.

Architectural monuments are entire ensembles of buildings, complexes of structures that embody achievements in the field fine arts, architecture of the time when they were erected. These can be buildings that convey elements of religious architecture, as well as monumental, decorative and applied creativity. Moreover, these structures can be civil, religious, military, industrial. They can perform completely different functions. Belonging to the category of monuments makes them unique and artistic, which manifested themselves during construction and their further maintenance.

Palmyra was considered the richest city of late antiquity. It is located in Syria between the Euphrates and Damascus. King Tukrisha is considered the founder of the city. At that time, Palmyra was called nothing less than the bride of the desert. The city amazed with its beauty and the grandeur of its buildings, which were considered examples of ancient Roman architecture.

Not good most cities can be considered architectural monuments. The most a shining example This is the city of Palmyra in the Syrian Arab Republic. The age of the city is approaching 4,000 years. Throughout its centuries, the city has experienced many invasions, accompanied by destruction. In the 7th century, Palmyra was captured by the Arabs. They destroyed all the temples and turned the city into a fortress.

In 1089, this fortress, powerful at that time, was destroyed as a result of a strong earthquake. The city, known before this sad date for its greatness, turned into a small village near the temple of the god Bel. A new revival of Palmyra began. Although the city was constantly robbed, it was revived again and again.

Only in the 18th century did Palmyra begin to be of interest to the scientific community. And in the 20th century, constant protection of the city territory was organized. Archaeologists, who came here from many countries, began the restoration of Palmyra. As a result of extensive restoration work, many relics were revived. UNESCO has recognized all buildings and structures of Palmyra as monuments. World Heritage.

After the liberation of Palmyra from terrorists in the spring of 2016, experts witnessed that only 20 percent of the structures, which are considered unique, were completely destroyed. Terrorists destroyed mainly churches. The remaining buildings and structures, which are valuable primarily as architectural monuments, remained untouched or partially destroyed.

The next capture of Palmyra became more dramatic. Militants of the criminal group ISIS, considered outlaw in Russia, began destroying the famous ancient amphitheater, where the orchestra gave a concert in May last year Mariinsky Theater, conducted by Valery Gergiev. Terrorists destroy other architectural monuments and execute people.

The capital is rich in architectural monuments Russian state. Dating back to 1147, Moscow has always attracted the attention of architects, artists, and artists from different countries peace. They built, decorated buildings, and made entire complexes unique.

Many of them were lost forever due to numerous fires, wars of conquest, political reforms, when unique structures were demolished and replaced by bulky buildings, characterized by bad taste and unsightly appearance. Some of Moscow's architectural monuments have been preserved only in chronicles.

By a lucky coincidence, many ancient buildings are alive in the capital of Russia and continue to amaze with their beauty and incredible mixture of styles. Most of them are examples of Russian architecture. One of unique monuments architecture - Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

This monument has a dramatic fate. Its construction was the gratitude of the Russian people to the Almighty for help in the war with Napoleon. First, the building was laid according to the design of the then famous architect A.L., approved by Alexander I, which won a large competition. Vitberg. This happened in the October days of 1817. It soon turns out that the soil under the future building is weak due to small rivers flowing underneath it.

Alexander I dies. Nicholas I, who replaced him, stops construction. This takes place in 1826. After 6 years, the autocrat approves the project proposed by the architect K.A. Ton. In the first half of April 1839, the second ceremony to lay the foundation of the Temple took place. And only 43 and a half years later there was a celebration of its opening. The construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior took place under the patronage of four autocrats: Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander II and Alexandra III. The gates were made according to the samples presented by Count F. Tolstoy.

If measured by historical standards, the Temple lived a very short life. First, in 1918, he was completely deprived of state support according to a decree that spoke of the separation of the state from the church and the church from the school. This was the beginning of the persecution of the church, which subsequently took on a gigantic scale. And the black date of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior came - December 5, 1931.

The temple, which personifies, first of all, the memory of the glory of Russian soldiers, was destroyed in a barbaric manner. But in the hearts ordinary people this memory lived on, just as the dream of reviving the Temple over time never died. The movement to revive it arose on the eve of the 90s. And this movement resonated in the hearts of people throughout the country.

The origins of this movement were composers V.P. Mokrousov and G.V. Sviridov, writers V.G. Rasputin, V.P. Krupin and V.A. Soloukhin. The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church blessed the restoration of the structure and addressed the country's leadership with a corresponding message. The request included a proposal to restore the building of the future cathedral on the spot where it originally stood. In August 1996, Patriarch Alexy II consecrated the main throne. This happened in the Transfiguration Church. Soon services began here. Russian Academy arts in an incredibly short time revived the design of the Temple. Many masters of painting and sculptors showed their skills. It is believed that this work has no analogues.

Shortly before the year 2000, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II, who served a prayer service on this occasion. Today it is the tallest Orthodox churches cathedral. It is an outstanding architectural monument that embodies the spirit of two centuries.

The Temple of the Sun God, which is located in the state of Orissa (India), on the shores of the Bay of Bengal, is called a miracle of architecture. Although the bay has receded over time, and the shore from the temple is 3 kilometers away. Everything here is under the exaltation of the Sun. Even the location was not chosen by chance. After all, Konarak translated into Russian means the territory of sunlight.

Archaeologists, together with historians, were able to establish that the beginning of the construction of the Temple dates back to 1243. It was built on the orders of Raja Narasimhadeva, who ruled Orissa at that time. It took the builders and architects of that time only 18 years to erect such a wonderful structure. During this time, walls were erected, a 60-meter tower was built, and carvings were made that decorated the halls from the inside.

The temple is mysterious. For example, it is still not known why drawings depicting carnal pleasures occupy a large place in this religious institution. Some researchers see religious motives in these drawings. From the drawings, scientists are trying to understand the basis of the religious cult of the people.

Although the chronicles say that no particular difficulties arose during the construction of the Temple, of course there were some. The transport of building materials from quarries by sea alone was worth it. Every detail in the design of the halls was thought out and executed with special grace.

Three types of stones were used to build the sanctuary. The color of the stones was supposed to shimmer under the rays, glowing various shades. “Black Pagoda” is what this architectural monument is sometimes called. It really looks like a pagoda from the outside. And if you look before sunrise, standing between the first rays and the Temple, it appears black.

Researchers associate the rise of the Surya Temple in Konarak with the last decades XIII century. Rituals were held there for two centuries. Then, for some still unknown reasons, decline began. Perhaps it was partially devastated and caused some destruction by the conquerors, others rely on natural disasters. Although the monument has survived to this day. He, according to historians, is one big mystery. Surya Temple in Konarak is on the UNESCO list. This is true greatest monument architecture and history.

According to myths, merchants from Venice stole the relics of the Apostle Mark from the Egyptian city of Alexandria in 828. The Muslim guards did not suspect that the merchants were carrying the stolen remains of the apostle in containers with pork meat. First, the relics were placed in the chapel of the Doge's Palace. This structure was built in haste and was considered temporary. Subsequently, a cathedral was built solely for the purpose of preserving the relics of St. Mark. It was built in three years - from 829 to 832. Soon it burned down. In 976 the building was restored. But even later, over the centuries, its arrangement did not stop.

Merchants from the East imported capitals, columns, friezes, and other works of art to Venice specifically to decorate the basilica. The brickwork gradually disappeared under the marble cladding. On top of it appeared drawings made by masters of painting long before the appearance of the cathedral itself.

“Golden Altar”, what is the altar of the Palais d? Oro, which jewelers from Byzantium worked on from the 10th to the 12th centuries, was decorated with precious stones, the total number of which reached two thousand. In 1797, Napoleon stole some of the stones. But most of the jewelry is still under reliable protection.

All this gradually transformed the cathedral. But the outwardly unique structure remained as it was. No additions or additions were made. For a long time the building was the Doge's chapel. Only in early XIX century it received the status Cathedral cities. A museum was opened here.

Currently, St. Mark's Cathedral is recognized as an example of Byzantine architecture. It is located next to the Grand Canal. The treasury contains relics, masterpieces of world art, rare icons, and various relics. Since 1987, the basilica has been protected by UNESCO.

There are many architectural monuments in the world. Among them, the most significant is the Ancient Theater d? Orange in the French Republic, Bolshoi Theater in the capital of Russia, the Acropolis of Athens in Greece and many, many others. Humanity is faced with the task of preserving architectural monuments, making sure that, having stood for centuries and millennia, they continue their lives and help solve the mysteries of the past, teach new generations to see beauty, enjoy it, in order to increase it in their future lives.

1. Working with ex. 111: expressive reading, drawing up a plan, determining the style and type of speech of the text.

Rough plan:

1. In memory of the capture of Kazan.

2. An unprecedented structure.

3. The embodiment of popular ideas about the beauty of architecture.

4. The fate of the architects Barma and Postnik.

The style of the text is journalistic, the type of speech is description with elements of narration. The type of connection of sentences in the last paragraph is chain.

2. Expressive reading of a fragment of D. Kedrin’s poem “Architects” (read by a teacher or a previously prepared student).

3. Comparison of the poetic text with the description of the temple (exercise 111).

4. Oral message-story about St. Basil's Cathedral.

Message option

St. Basil's Cathedral is located in the very center of our capital. This is one of the structures that border the space of Red Square. The temple amazes with its unusualness and originality. It looks like a bright giant toy, assembled from different parts by someone's talented hands.

And the temple was created by Russian architects Barma and Postnik, who paid for it brilliant work with your vision. According to legend, Tsar Ivan the Terrible ordered the architects to be blinded so that they could not build something similar. The temple has remained a unique structure that people have been admiring for four and a half centuries.

The temple-monument began to be built in 1554 to commemorate great victory: Russian troops took Kazan by storm. The stone Cathedral of the Intercession is now known as St. Basil's Cathedral, named after the holy fool buried near the walls of the cathedral.

The eight pillars of the temple surround the ninth. Each dome is original and unique. The central temple is crowned with a tent. This is truly a fabulously beautiful building, amazing with its elegance and unexpected design.

Homework. Description of an architectural monument of the city (Ex. 114).



Lesson 16. Subject

Objective of the lesson: expand students’ understanding of the subject, its characteristics, and methods of expression; deepen knowledge about synonymous connections of linguistic units.

Methodical techniques: analysis written works; teacher explanation, vocabulary work, table making, conversation, sentence construction.

Lesson progress

I. Verification homework

Reading and analysis of two or three descriptive essays.

II. Explanation of new material

1. Conversation. Teacher's word.

The topic of several lessons - “Two-part sentences” - is not new to you. You know, of course, what the main members of a sentence are, you can determine the subject and predicate. (Students’ answers, oral performance of exercise 115.)

In 8th grade we must expand our understanding of the two-part sentence and its basis. We are talking, first of all, about the subject.

Is it always the subject of action, actor Is there a subject in the sentence? (Students' answers.)

Who is acting in the following sentences? (they are written on the board):

The country forest is crossed by many paths. The problem was solved by a programmer using a computer. ( In these sentences, the subjects of the action are not the subjects. The subject should not depend on other members of the sentence and answer questions Who? or What?)

Another question: how can the subject be expressed? (Students' answers.)

In fact, not only nominal, but also other parts of speech, even interjection, can act as the subject. Let’s make sure of this by reading the textbook material and then making a summary table.

2. Study of the theoretical material of the textbook (§ 11, p. 56).

3. Ex. 116 (oral): identifying ways of expressing the subject.

4. Drawing up a general table “Ways of expressing the subject” (see table on p. 40). (We use the material from exercise 116. Students come up with their own examples if they wish.)

III. Practical tasks

Ex. 117, 118, 119 (single-word subjects and subjects expressed in phrases) - orally, “in a chain”.