Finger theater three little pigs. Children's finger theater “The Three Little Pigs. What does the Three Little Pigs finger theater develop?

Surely the vast majority of parents and educators kindergarten or after-school groups pondered the question of how to more interestingly organize the leisure time of the children whose upbringing they are busy with. Popular modern children's entertainment includes tabletop puppets or puppets, thanks to which you can organize exciting activities for a group of children or together with them. theatrical performance, which is based on some folk or literary fairy tale. A good example is the Three Little Pigs puppet theater.

Wanting to involve a child or group of children in making their own fairy-tale heroes or decorations that will consist of table theater“The Three Little Pigs”, you can adopt a modeling technique that is accessible to children of all ages. This type of creativity will also be an excellent way to develop fine motor skills in children's hands.

How to mold characters for a puppet theater, each of their creators can decide independently. The work of creating fairy-tale figures can be done:

  • from plasticine;
  • from plastic mastic;
  • from salt dough;
  • from polymer clay.

To get each pig from plasticine, you need to sculpt an oblong body and a spherical head, two pairs of legs from this pale pink material, and form triangular ears and a spring-like tail from small fragments.

The figure of a wolf made of plasticine should be somewhat larger. Here it is advisable to combine gray and black shades of material. Black plasticine is recommended to be used for sculpting ears, nose, and paw claws.

Each plasticine hero can be decorated with fragments of the same material, imitating clothes, shoes, and hats.

A figurine of a hero such as a wolf or a pig from polymer clay can be sculpted under the guidance of adults, as it requires adding to the material acrylic paints. If you choose salt dough to make the figures, you will also need the help of adults to control the baking of the molded toys in the oven.

We use f etr

Having chosen the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, we play theater using felt toys. For the performance according to this folk work The characters can be made from both natural felt and synthetic felt, which is popular today and widely represented on the handicraft market.

A felt theater can be made without any special frills. Felt figures of three little pigs and a wolf can be attached, for example, to cocktail straws for easy play.

To make characters this way you will need:

  • gray and pink felt;
  • small contrasting felt pieces, including black, for clothing fairy-tale characters and designing the wolf’s face;
  • colored and black threads;
  • four cocktail straws.

The bodies and heads of toys are formed from paired parts, inside of which the legs are placed. The parts are connected step by step with threads selected by color, using a front overlock stitch.

Eyes and mouths are embroidered with black thread. To form the wolf's nose, you can use a piece of black felt.

At the end of the work, a tube is inserted into the hole left at the bottom of each character’s body. If desired, it can be secured with silicone glue.

The torsos of each theatrical puppets You can also assemble it in such a way that the holes through which the toy is controlled are at the top and bottom. Fingers can be inserted into the lower symmetrical holes, thereby simulating pig's feet and allowing the doll to move during the performance.

Finger characters

For finger theater, felt is also considered the most successful material.

The models of the three little pigs and the wolf can be very different. The main condition when sewing finger toys, from which you will create a do-it-yourself puppet theater, there is a cavity in the lower part of each figure, thanks to which the toy can be put on your finger.

The felt theater “3 Little Pigs” can also be tabletop. To create it yourself, we recommend using step-by-step master class below.

Make it from cardboard bases of household rolls of food foil, film or parchment.

In addition to such a stable foundation, you will need:

  • pieces of gray and pink felt;
  • rectangular pieces of textile with print;
  • toy eyes;
  • beads or buttons;
  • multi-colored grosgrain ribbons;
  • scissors;
  • thread with needle;
  • silicone glue.

The wolf doll is made from a larger roller, which must be wrapped in gray felt. Connect the edges of the fabric with a hidden seam.

Piglets are created from smaller rolls covered with textiles with a delicate print.

To decorate the faces and paws of each toy, we use the patterns of these parts suggested below.

At the end of the work, each piglet is tied around his neck with a grosgrain ribbon folded into a bow.

Funny figures for the theater are ready.

Theater of glove toys

For a theater at home or a performance with a screen in a children's institution, a glove puppet is successfully used.

You can learn how to sew a wolf or pig glove doll yourself in the master class attached below.

Make a printout of the pattern shown in the photo.

According to it, each glove puppet is sewn from paired parts made of fleece or faux fur.

Finger Theater "The Three Little Pigs"– your home creative studio.

The first acquaintance with art, the development of speech, imagination and fine motor skills - you can easily achieve all this by simply placing small figures on your child’s fingers.

How the Three Little Pigs finger theater works

The finger theater consists of 7 hand-painted wooden figures - fairy tale characters. The figures have holes for the fingers of a child's hand. Along with the three little pigs and the wolf, the figures also represent the houses of the main characters.

How to play in the finger theater “The Three Little Pigs”

Introduce your child to the fairy tale, emotionally conveying the speech of each character in your voice. At this moment, the baby’s hand becomes a “stage” where the hero figures are placed during the action.

IN early age When a child does not yet know how to speak, he can imitate the characters of a fairy tale. This also develops the articulatory apparatus very well.

Play “Say the Word”: while telling a story, pause. Do not finish the sentence, giving the child the opportunity to “interject” the right word(for example, “We are not afraid of the gray ... wolf”). The “Find the Error” game also helps develop the child’s memory, attentiveness and speech.

Give it to your child every time new role. Make sure that he does not forget about the characteristic features of the character, that is, the voice and movements. Such expressive acting contributes to the child’s excellent intonation development.

Having mastered all the roles of the fairy tale with your child, play in a real puppet theater. Create the appropriate atmosphere: make a screen, use decorations and place your favorite toys in the “ auditorium" To begin with, act as a storyteller, while the child can simply follow the plot and control the figures. Then ask him to tell the story himself, now you are a patient spectator.

Gradually move from role-playing game to director's game. Fantasize with your child, come up with new stories, encourage your child for any addition to the plot. This improves imagination, speech becomes figurative and expressive.

What does the Three Little Pigs finger theater develop?

Playing with a finger theater promotes the development of speech, memory, attentiveness, and imagination. By playing the play, the child enriches his vocabulary and trains his ability to retell the text.

Such home performances promote the development of self-confidence, a sense of success and the development of the child’s overall personality.

We wish your little actor success! Conquer creative heights together with the finger theater "The Three Little Pigs".

(branch in Apatity)

Scenario of a fairy tale game with the participation of a finger theater


studentIIIgroup 1 course

correspondence courses

Specialty 050144

"Preschool education"

Volova A.F.

Checked by: Zabrodina E.A.



"The Three Little Pigs"

Integrated educational areas : “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”.

Types of children's activities : gaming, communicative, educational and research.


Continue to enrich and activate children's vocabulary, teach them to form adjectives from nouns, consolidate and clarify the meanings of words.

Develop the ability to use intonations that express various emotional states (sadness, joy, surprise, admiration, pity, contempt).

Develop the ability to create images using gestures and facial expressions.

Reveal knowledge of primary colors, consolidate the count within three.

Cultivate diligence, hard work, and curiosity.

Materials and equipment : illustrations for the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, musical accompaniment, portrait of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, doll in English national costume, cut-out pictures based on the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, finger theater, pebbles, straw, twigs.

Progress of the lesson :

The teacher asks a riddle :

Nose - round

Small crochet ponytails

Three of them and what?

Friendly brothers look alike

Guess without a hint

Which fairy tale characters are they from? ("The Three Little Pigs")


What were the names of the piglets in this fairy tale? (children's answers)

Educator :

Guys, I suggest you remember a fairy tale that you already know and, I hope, love. Have you guessed the name of this fairy tale? (Children's answers)


That's right guys! This English fairy tale is "The Three Little Pigs". The fairy tale was written in England - a country that is very far from us, where the sky is almost always gray and it often rains. There are many beautiful castles there, and people live there wonderful people– English (children are shown photo illustrations of British cities, a doll in a national costume).

What language do you think the English speak? (children's answers).

That's right, in English. The tale "The Three Little Pigs" was written in English.

What language are you and I speaking? (children's answers).

That's right, of course, they couldn't. Therefore, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov translated the fairy tale into Russian for you and me so that we could read it. (the children are shown a portrait of the writer).

Let's remember the plot of the fairy tale. Once upon a time there lived three little pigs, NIF-NIF, NUF-NUF and NAF-NAF. They were very similar, and everyone confused them (the children are shown an illustration of three little pigs dressed in overalls different colors: yellow, green and red). So that you can distinguish them, I have a hint:

Nif-Nif wears neither red nor yellow overalls (green).

Naf-Naf - neither green nor yellow (red).

What color is Nuf-Nuf's overalls? (yellow) Children find the piglets in the picture. (consolidating children’s knowledge of primary colors, developing attention and observation skills)


In the summer the piglets had fun, ran and played. I suggest you close your eyes and imagine fun summer, where you enjoy the sun, butterflies, flowers! But everything ends, and summer was replaced by autumn, and the piglets became cold. Let's show how cold they were! (development of facial expressions, gestures).

The piglets decided to build their own houses! Let's remember what the brothers built their houses from? (children are shown an illustration from a fairy tale depicting three houses). The children remember that Nif-Nif built a house out of straw.


That's right, so what kind of house did he have?...(children's answers - straw).

Nuf-Nuf built a house from wooden sticks and twigs. What kind of house did he have?...(children's answers: wooden). Naf-Naf built his house from stones and his house turned out to be ... (children's answers - stone). (An exercise to develop thinking, the ability to form adjectives from nouns).

Next, the game “Three Little Pigs” is played to develop clear pronunciation of sounds and memory development: “Three little pigs are hurrying along the path.” Children take turns putting on a glove with a picture of piglets (finger theater) and recite a simple saying.


The brothers built their houses and began to have fun again! And who do you think they woke up? Of course, a wolf! What kind of wolf?

Psycho-gymnastics. (Goal: to learn to capture, understand and distinguish someone else’s emotional state; to develop the ability to create images using gestures and facial expressions).

Let's show an angry, scary, hungry, dangerous wolf!!!

Look at each other to see who has the scariest wolf!!!

Roars louder "r-r-r"

He chatters his teeth and grins terribly;

Rolls his eyes, frowns his eyebrows;

He puffs out his cheeks and almost bursts with hatred.

Now let's show how scared the piglets were?!

They curled up into a ball and froze;

Eyebrows raised;

Our eyes are wide open, we are afraid to breathe and move;

The mouth was slightly opened;

The head was pulled into the shoulders;

They trembled, their teeth chattered;

Brr! How scary!


The wolf rushed after the piglets!!! And the piglets ran to their houses! Which house did the wolf run to first? What did he start doing? Children's answers... Let's blow like a wolf together, inhale air through our nose and exhale through our mouth! Now with me! (children blow on the straw). Did the wolf break the house? Children's answers...

Educator :

And the younger brother hid in the house of the middle one!

The second house is made of branches (children blow on folded branches). Under the stronger pressure of the wolf, the house also broke!


Where did the brothers run? Children's answers...


The third house survived, even though the wolf blew on it with all his might!!! (children blow on stacked stones). Why didn't the wolf succeed? Children's answers...


So guys, what did this fairy tale teach you?

Children's answers:

You can't boast.

Doing everything badly.

Loafing, hoping that everything will work out without difficulty.

Educator :

The piglets were very happy that they had driven away the wolf. They started singing and dancing. Put on your “hooves” and let’s dance with our fingers together. Automation of the sound [r] in syllables.

Tapping and simultaneous pronunciation of syllables in a given rhythm.

Ra, ra, ra, ra, ra-ra.

Ro-ro, ro, ro, ro-ro.

Ru, ru, ru-ru-ru, ru.

Ry-ry, ry-ry, ry-ry.

Ra, ra. ra, ra, ra.

Ra-ro, ru-ru-ru.

Ro, ro, ra, ro, ru-ru.

You did a funny dance. The piglets have grown up and become stronger. It became cramped for them to live in a small house. And they decided to build a new strong house.

Articulation gymnastics.

To install the walls, take some hammers and knock like this.


Smile. Open your mouth wide. Raise your tongue to the sky. Say d-d-d-d

They made large windows in the wall.


Smile. Open your mouth wide. Hold in this position.

A pipe was laid on the roof of the house.


Pull out your lips with a wide tube.

When the walls were ready, the piglets decided to paint them. Let's paint the ceiling.


Smile. Open your mouth, lift your tongue up and run the tip of your tongue across the palate from the upper teeth to the throat and back.

And now the windows have been painted.

“We paint the windows” (lick lips)

“Let's paint the walls” (use your tongue inside your cheeks)

"Scrub the floors"

Smile, open your mouth, and use the tip of your tongue to strongly “clean” behind your lower teeth.

When the house was clean, we hung beautiful “Curtains”

Smile. Open your mouth wide, lift the tip of your tongue and place it behind the cusps behind your upper teeth. Hold in this position.

The house is ready - new and beautiful.



"Murmansk Pedagogical College"

(branch in Apatity)

Lesson summary for children using masks and hats


studentIIIgroup 1 course

correspondence courses

Specialty 050144

"Preschool education"

Volova A.F.

Checked by: Zabrodina E.A.



"Wild Animals"


1.Reinforce the signs of late autumn.

2. Activate the attributive vocabulary with adjectives denoting appearance, characteristic features wild animals.

3. Learn to form the names of the cubs.

4. To consolidate children’s ideas about the habitat of animals, to activate the vocabulary of nouns: den, hole, lair, hollow.

5.Practise in the formation of relative adjectives from nouns, agreement of nouns. and adjectives.

6.Practice in agreeing nouns. with numerals.

7. Develop the ability to correctly construct a sentence.

8.Develop the ability to move in accordance with the nature of the music, literary description animal.

Lesson plan.

Introductory part:

Speech with the “Steam Locomotive” movement.

Main part:

1. Sketch “The Magpie and the Hare” (after Sladkov)

2. Consolidation of signs of late autumn.

4. Choose words - descriptions “What animal?”

5.Dynamic pause “To the watering hole”

6. “Name the animal’s family”

7. Help mothers find their babies.

8. “Who lives where?”

9. Sketch “The Magpie and the Hare” (after Sladkov)

10. Game - collect the animal “Whose tail?” Whose face?

The final part.

Speech with the “Steam Locomotive” movement.

Summing up the lesson.


Animal mask caps (hare, hedgehog, squirrel, bear, wolf, fox, magpie)

There is a tree on the carpet with signs of late autumn.

Images of animal homes, cubs, tails, faces.

Worksheets “Help moms find animals.”

Tape recorder.

Introductory part:

The teacher informs the children that today they will travel to the forest by train.

Speech with the “Steam Locomotive” movement. (to the music “Blue Car”)


The locomotive blows its whistle,

He calls us for a walk. (They listen.)

Let's quickly board the carriages

And we'll leave home. (They stand one after another.)

The locomotive is still standing

The locomotive is still snoring.


He sighs heavily

It's languishing, poor thing.


And it's steaming.


And he breathes heat.

Children (squats). Uhhhh!


And so - I went a little,

Children slowly walk in place, working with their arms bent at the elbows:

Chug-chug-chug! Chug-chug-chug!

At the end of the music, the children take their places in front of a carpet board with a picture of a bare tree and signs of late autumn.

Main part.


The locomotive took us to the forest. It's full of miracles.

Music plays (children put on face masks), Magpie and Hare appear.

1. Sketch “The Magpie and the Hare”.

Hare. Auntie Soroka! Why do they call you white-sided?

Magpie. Because my sides are white. And the breast and belly too.

Hare. What news did you bring today?

Magpie. Autumn divided the forests and sent the birds on their way. The water is freezing. He tells you animals to dress in warm fur coats. The Hare: Thank you for the news, Aunt Magpie, goodbye! Music sounds (children take off their hats and go to their place).

2. Conversation on the content of the skit. Consolidation of the signs of late autumn.

What did Magpie tell us? (about the signs of autumn)

What period of autumn? (about the third, late autumn - pre-winter)

Remember and name the three periods of autumn: early, golden, late).

What signs of late autumn did Magpie tell us and which ones do you know?

3. Game “Animals in a forest clearing.”


Now you and I will turn into animals (children wear hats and masks) and play.

They take turns walking out to the music

Bear. I'm big and clumsy

Clumsy and funny.

I live in deep forest,

I really like fragrant honey.

The child sits down.

The teacher asks you to remember and name: which bear? (big, huge, clubfooted, brown, clumsy, heavy, shaggy).


A hare appears next on the forest path.

Hare. I have a deft jump,

Warm gray fluff,

Red quick eye.

What hare?” (clever, grey, white, fluffy, fast, cowardly, cheerful, playful)


And then a hedgehog rolled in.

Hedgehog. In a dense forest under the fir trees,

Showered with leaves

A ball of needles lies

Prickly and alive.

What hedgehog?” (small, prickly, lively, round, grey, funny).


Then a fox appeared on the path.

Fox. I'm a red-haired cheat

Cunning and dexterous.

I'll end up in a barn,

I'll steal the chicken.

What fox?” (red-haired, fluffy, cunning, dexterous, brave).


A squirrel jumps from branch to branch.

Squirrel. I wear a fluffy fur coat.

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts.

What squirrel? (small, red in summer, gray in winter, fluffy, agile).


The last one to enter the clearing was the wolf.

Wolf. I'm cold in winter

Am I angry and hungry?

What wolf? (gray, evil, angry, fast, dexterous, predatory, brave).


The animals in the forest got tired and went to water.

5.Dynamic pause “To the watering hole.”

Autumn day, forest path (marching at a calm pace)

The animals went to water.

A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox. (sneak on their toes)

A little hedgehog was rolling after its mother hedgehog. (squat and slowly move forward)

A bear cub followed the mother bear. (they waddle)

The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel. (jump squat)

Behind the mother hare there are slanting hares. (jump on the spot)

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs (walking)

All mothers and children want to get drunk. (clap)

After the game “To the watering hole,” the children sit down at the tables.


Children often get lost on the way -

We will help mothers find their children.

Name the family of the animal”: the speech therapist together with the children look at the illustrations and name the “families” of animals (mama, papalis, baby fox) - squirrel, hedgehog, wolf, bear, hare.

8. “Help mothers find their babies.” Assignment on individual sheets.

After completion, talk about the results of the work:

Who found whom? (Mama bear found two cubs.)

8. Game “Who Lives Where”.


Winter is coming. The animals in the forest are getting cold. They decided to return to their homes (looking at and talking through the pictures on the panel - den, lair, hole, hollow).

Tell me what it is? (den)

Whose den is this? (bearish)

How many cubs are there in it? (five cubs)

By analogy, each animal and its home are pronounced (wolf-den, fox-hole, squirrel-hollow)


Listen, someone else is rushing to our clearing.

Music sounds: the Magpie is flying, the Hare is jumping. (Children wear masks)

9. Sketch “The Magpie and the Hare”.

Magpie. If only you had some fox teeth, Hare!

Hare. Uh, Soroka, it’s still bad...

Magpie. If only you had wolf legs, gray one!

Hare. Uh, Soroka, happiness is not great...

Magpie. If only you had lynx claws, scythe!

Hare. Uh, Soroka, what do I need fangs and claws? My soul is still like a hare...

At the end, the Hare gives the children an envelope with a task, and they leave to the music.

Conversation on the content of the skit.

What did the Magpie Hare offer? (fox teeth, wolf legs, lynx claws)

For what? (to escape from enemies, run fast, protect yourself with teeth and claws)

10. Game from an envelope “Collect an animal”.

After completing the task, each child must answer the following questions:

Who did you gather?

Whose tail is this? Whose face?

Final part .

Speech with the “Steam Locomotive” movement (to the music “Blue Car”)


The locomotive blows its whistle.

He will take us home.

The locomotive is still standing

The locomotive is still snoring.

Children (rhythmically move their arms bent at the elbows). Wow, wow, wow, wow.


He sighs heavily

It's languishing, poor thing.

Children (smoothly lower their hands down). Woohoo!


And it's steaming.

Children (at the same time extend their fingers from the fist). Wow!


And he breathes heat.

Children (squats). Uhhhh!


And so - I went a little,

Gathering for a long journey.

Children slowly walk in place, working with their arms bent at the elbows.

Chug-chug-chug! Chug-chug-chug!

Summing up the lesson.


Our journey has come to an end.

Where were we today? Who did you meet? What tasks did you perform?

Of course you are all tired,

But how much have you learned?

There is something to remember and tell

And draw in the album.