Finger puppets made of cardboard. DIY finger puppets

My kids are finger puppet fans! But this was not always the case; many children are interested in them even in infancy and listen with pleasure. mother's tales and nursery rhymes, but my children didn’t like it. They became interested in finger puppets and role-playing fairy tales only after 2 years (both son and daughter) and after some time they themselves began to tell and compose mini fairy tales with different characters.

A year ago I already wrote an article about. In this article I want to show and prove to you that you can make finger puppets with your own hands. This is a very exciting activity that does not take much time. The dolls turn out to be very compact, they are convenient to take with you, they will not take up much space in your bag and will even fit in your baby’s pocket.

Have you noticed how popular it has become in lately How's the material?! Yes!? And this is no coincidence - it really is ideal for creativity for a number of reasons, I’ll try to prove:

  • Felt holds its shape well
  • Edges do not require processing
  • It can be stitched, glued, or stapled. Felt is ready for any impact
  • It is bright and colorful. They have a wide range of colors and shades
  • Pleasant to the touch
  • Available in different thicknesses from 1 to 5 mm
  • Has different composition (wool, wool blend, acrylic, polyester, viscose)

So, I hope I’ve convinced you to use felt for finger puppets, then get your thread and needle ready and start creating. Here are a few interesting ideas for dolls, maybe you will like some:

Finger puppets from felt “Farm” - a horse, a cow, a pig, and a farmer.

You can also make finger puppets, which will also be very beautiful and functional, but, unfortunately, not durable.

DIY Kolobok Theater

Kolobok is one of the most favorite fairy tales for children. So why not organize finger theater Kolobok with a child? Moreover, this is not difficult to do. Everything you need to do table theater Making a bun with your own hands means downloading the templates, printing them and assembling the shapes. After that it will be possible to put on a real show.

The Kolobok table theater is presented in several versions so that you can choose the one you like best. You can download any of them. Some options also include decorations for the Kolobok puppet theater, which will add realism to the performance.

First of all, you should remember the fairy tale. Puppet theater Kolobok script may be similar:

So, let's begin our short review. First option paper theater The bun includes not only the characters of the fairy tale, but also the scenery - a clearing, background, trees. To place the heroes, you need to glue special strips to them, which are also included in the kit. You will get a real puppet theater on the Kolobok table. To download pictures, click on the image to open it in full expansion and save it to your computer.

The next version of the Kolobok puppet theater, which is easy to do with your own hands, is a production in which the child can see both the action in the hut and in the forest. To do this, the scenery is glued together at an angle, and during the performance the presenter turns it with the desired side towards the viewer. It should look like this.

You can download shape templates here

The third option is pictures for the Kolobok theater, which are a construction set. They need to be saved, printed, cut and glued according to the diagram.

The next finger theater, a paper bun, is assembled according to a certain pattern.

This option includes characters and scenery. The figures are assembled in such a way that they can easily stand on the table. You can download the Kolobok table theater for free by simply clicking on the images and saving them.

The fifth finger theater based on the fairy tale Kolobok - these are illustrations from the magazine “Murzilka”, familiar to all parents. You just need to download the pictures, print them, cut them out and assemble them according to the diagram.

The next home puppet theater Kolobok includes three-dimensional characters. A preschooler himself is unlikely to be able to cope with all the preparatory stages, so he will need the help of his parents. The result will be a real tabletop Kolobok theater, pictures for which can be downloaded for free.

And finally, we present the last option. This shadow theater Kolobok, which has become quite popular recently. But for it it is necessary to build a screen, which can be a white wall or a sheet, and proper lighting. Pictures for the Kolobok puppet theater need to be printed and cut out. You need to glue sticks to the figures, after which you can put on a real performance. This Kolobok finger theater, which a child can make with his own hands, will definitely interest him.

Finger puppet theater is a fun educational activity for kids. It perfectly expands the imagination and strengthens fine motor skills. The heroes of such a theater, that is, toys, can be homemade, sewn or knitted, cut out of paper or wood. Making a finger theater with your own hands is quite simple. Let's consider all the methods.

Let's see how to make toys famous fairy tale"Turnip".

We will need:

  • modeling paste. Very good is JOVI, which becomes hard in the open air. It dries quickly and does not need to be burned. The paste can be coated with paint or varnish;
  • green and yellow JOVI Patcolor pastes;
  • tassels;
  • acrylic paints;
  • stacks (special sticks with tips);
  • markers.

You need to take a paste with the volume of a third of a matchbox. Let's start with grandfather. We sculpt a cylinder, form the head, outline the torso. In general, the end result should be a matryoshka-shaped figure. At the base of the nesting doll you need to make a hole for your finger. Handles molded from the same paste need to be attached to the finished body.

Remember to constantly wet your fingers with water, as the paste dries quickly in the air. Small details - mustache, beard, nose, eyes - are best not sculpted, but cut out in a stack.

All the characters in the fairy tale are made in the same way, as are the rest of the toys - from the grandmother to the mouse. Don't forget to make a hole in the base of the toy for your finger!

We make a turnip as follows: we make a sphere from paste yellow, and using a stack we cut out the tops from a sheet of green paste. We attach the “vegetation” to the root crop and fix it tightly.

When the heroes of “Turnip” are dry, we paint the toys acrylic paints, using brushes. You can entrust this work to the child himself. The plasticine puppet theater is ready!

Paper finger theater

Making a finger theater with your own hands from paper is even easier. We will need:

  • multi-colored and plain paper;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • tassels;
  • scissors.

Making toys that fit on your finger out of paper is as easy as shelling pears. You can find pattern templates on the Internet, print them on a color printer, cut them out and glue them together. You can simply cut out the paper “finger pad” of the desired character, color it yourself and also glue it together.

If you or your child are good at origami, then the scope for imagination is simply unlimited. The only negative is that such dolls are very fragile and short-lived. On the other hand, every day you can bet new play with new characters. That is, it is a theater where the largest productions and the introduction of new characters are possible with relative ease of implementation.

Sewn finger theater

Toys made from thick fabric are as durable as those made from paste. Such finger puppets can be made of wool, felt, leatherette, or felt. In addition to the fabric itself, we will, of course, need threads, a needle and elements for embroidering the toy’s face: beads, sequins, etc.

How to sew dolls? First of all, decide whether you can make patterns for a cat, fox, or dog yourself, or is it better to use ready-made ones? There are a great many of them on the web. Further - simple work. We transfer the pattern onto the fabric, cut out two parts of the doll, and sew them together with a regular seam over the edge.

However, if you know how to work on a sewing machine with small shapes, then this is even better - the edges of the doll will turn out more neat. When the silhouette is ready, do not forget that the base cannot be sewn together; with the help of it, the toys will be put on the finger - we embroider with a floss stitch or make eyes and a nose using beads. The toys are ready. All that remains is to put them on your fingers and put on a show.

Another option: link. But to do this you need to know how to knit, and quite well.

Victoria Zdvizhkova

"A child's mind is at his fingertips"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The children in our group, especially the girls, love the finger theater. It's no secret that in addition to the aesthetic pleasure of playing with a finger puppet theater They develop a child’s imagination, curiosity, sociability, interest in creativity, promote the development of speech, memory, attention, thinking, perseverance, broaden their horizons, help cope with shyness and much more.

In this regard, at one of the parent meetings we decided to fill our theater with characters made by ourselves.

The parents tried their best and sewed the fairy tale "Teremok"

It turned out that everything was not so difficult.

Some parents are hooked for the first time. And it turned out pretty good, in our opinion.

One family presented a nursery rhyme called "Magpie Crow" made from felt.

We made some of the animals ourselves with the children from plasticine.

Thanks to the finger theater, the child has the opportunity to fantasize, invent his own fairy tales and stories. Many thanks to the parents for their active participation in the life of the kindergarten.

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