Pablo Picasso sayings. Pablo Picasso quotes and aphorisms. Aphorisms by Pablo Picasso on how to find your originality and gain self-confidence as a creative person

Picasso Pablo ( full name Pablo Ruiz y Picasso; Ruiz-y-Picasso), (October 25, 1881, Malaga - April 8, 1973, Mougins, Alpes-Maritimes), French painter, Spanish by origin.

In the 1900s (“blue” and “pink” periods) he created highly expressive works dedicated to disadvantaged people (“Girl on a Ball”, 1905). Since 1907, the founder of Cubism, from the mid-1910s he created works in the spirit of neoclassicism, and in a number of works he was close to surrealism. Picasso's works are sometimes full of pain and protest, have great public importance(“Guernica”, 1937), deep humanistic content (drawing “Dove of Peace”, 1947). He worked a lot as a graphic artist, sculptor, and ceramist. International Lenin Prize (1962). International Prize Mira (1950).

Art is a lie that leads us to the truth.

In painting you should act, as in life, directly.

Painting is stronger than me and always makes me do what it wants.

In my work I do not follow Nature, but go ahead of it and with it. An artist must observe Nature, but never identify it with art.

Art is the application not of the canon of beauty, but of what instinct and reason can imagine beyond any canon. Having fallen in love with a woman, we do not begin to measure the length of her arms and legs.

Others see what is there and ask, “Why?” I see what could be and ask: “Why not?”

In my paintings I paint not what I see, but what I think about.

Inspiration exists, but it is in order to find it that you have to work.

Your life's work is the ultimate temptation.

He is capable who believes himself to be capable, and he is incapable who believes himself to be incapable. This is an inexorable, undeniable law.

I always do what I don't know how to do in order to learn how to do it.

When people tell me I'm too old to do this or that, I immediately try to do it.

Good artists copy, great artists steal.

Everything you can imagine is real.

Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror or the artist?

And among people there are more copies than originals.

I would like to live like a poor person with money.

Only a few people understand a beginning artist. Famous - even less.

An artist is a person who paints something that can be sold. A good artist sells what he writes.

Painting is an activity for the blind. The artist paints not what he sees, but what he feels.

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist after leaving childhood.

Everyone is trying to understand painting. Why don't they try to understand birdsong?

God is an artist just like other artists. He created a giraffe, an elephant and a cat. He doesn't have his own style. He just tries something different every time.

Give me a museum and I'll fill it.

As a child, my mother told me: “If you join the army, you will be a general; if you become a monk - by the Pope." And so it happened: I became an artist and rose to the rank of Picasso.

At the exhibition of children's drawings:
At this age I could already draw like Raphael; required for many years, before I learned to draw the way these children draw.

I rest when I work and get tired when I am idle or receiving guests.

An artistic movement only wins when it is adopted by window decorators.

Everyone has the right to change, even artists.

Last words:
Painting still needs to be invented.

Picasso gets into a taxi, the taxi driver recognizes him and says:
– Why do you write so differently?
- How does it look like?
The taxi driver takes out a photograph of his wife from his wallet:
- Here is my wife, she looks like herself here.
– What, is she really so small and flat?

Spanish painter, sculptor and ceramist Pablo Picasso became the founder of Cubism - artistic direction, who rejected the traditions of naturalism and the visual-cognitive function of art, in which a three-dimensional body was drawn in an original manner as a series of planes combined together.

Picasso, like no one else, experiments with color and conveying mood and presents the form itself in a new light, deliberately deforming and one-sidedly interpreting it. Picasso pays special attention transformation of forms into geometric blocks, increases and breaks volumes, dissects them into planes and edges, continuing in space not limited by the plane of the picture.

During his lifetime, Picasso said, “I don’t own a single painting of mine because a Picasso original costs several thousand dollars—I can’t afford such a luxury.” And today Picasso is the most “expensive” artist: in 2008, official sales of his works alone amounted to $262 million. On May 4, 2010, Picasso's Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, sold at auction for $106 million, became the most expensive work of art ever sold in the world.

According to the results of a survey of 1.4 million readers conducted by The Times newspaper in 2009, Picasso was recognized as the best artist who has lived in the last 100 years. His paintings rank first in “popularity” among thieves.

Pablo Picasso in his studio:

Aphorisms by Pablo Picasso on how to find your originality and gain confidence in yourself as a creative personality:

  1. Maybe the one who thinks he can. But the one who thinks he can’t can’t. This is an immutable, undeniable law.
  2. When art critics get together, they talk about form, structure and meaning. When artists get together, they talk about where they can buy cheap solvent.
  3. Youth has no age.
  4. If there was only one truth, you would not be able to paint a hundred canvases on the same topic.
  5. I can draw like Raphael, but it will take me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child.
  6. Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.
  7. I always do what I don't know how to do in order to learn it..
  8. Put off until tomorrow only what you do not want to complete until the day you die. Action is the main key to success.
  9. If you want to keep the shine on a butterfly's wings, don't touch them.
  10. Others saw what was there and asked why. I saw what could be and asked why not.
  11. Inspiration exists, but it comes while working.
  12. Everyone is trying to understand painting. Why don't they try to understand birdsong?
  13. If only we could get rid of the brain and use only our eyes.
  14. I rest when I work and get tired when I am idle or receiving guests.
  15. We don't grow old, we mature.
  16. Some artists depict the sun as a yellow spot, while others turn the yellow spot into the sun.
  17. I depict objects the way I think about them, and not the way I see them.
  18. The world today makes no sense. So why should I paint pictures that have meaning?
  19. Good artists copy, great artists steal.
  20. I want to live like a poor person with money.
  21. Only a few people understand a beginning artist. Famous - even less.
  22. There's nothing worse than a great start.
  23. Art washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.
  24. Success is fraught with danger. You begin to copy yourself, and this is even more dangerous than copying others. This leads to infertility.
  25. Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.
  26. Hidden harmony is better than obvious.
  27. An artist is a person who paints something that can be sold. And a good artist is a person who sells what he writes.
  28. You have to spend a lot of time to finally become young.
  29. Everything you can imagine is real.
  30. And among people there are more copies than originals.

Sketch “Picasso and Dali draw an egg” - everyone has their own view of things:

Birth name:
Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz and Picasso
Date of birth:
October 25, 1881
Place of birth:
Malaga, Spain
Date of death:
April 8, 1973 (age 91)
Place of death:
Mougins, France
artist, sculptor, graphic artist, ceramist and designer
Royal Academy fine arts San Fernando (in Madrid for one year)
cubism, surrealism, post-impressionism
Notable works:
Demoiselles of Avignon, Guernica, Girl on a ball, Nude, green leaves and bust, Table in a cafe
International Lenin Prize “For Strengthening Peace Between Nations” - 1962
Picasso Signatur-DuMont 1977.svg
Commons-logo.svg Works on Wikimedia Commons
Pa;blo Die;go Jose; Franci;sco de Pa;ula Jua;n Nepomuse;no Mari;ya de los Reme;dios Cipria;no de la Santi;sima Trinida;d Ma;rtir Patri;sio Rui;s and Pica;sso (Picasso’s version is also accepted ;, Spanish Pablo Diego Jos; Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Mar;a de los Remedios Cipriano de la Sant;sima Trinidad M;rtir Patricio Ruiz y Picasso; October 25, 1881, Malaga, Spain - April 8, 1973, Mougins, France) - Spanish artist, sculptor, graphic artist, theater artist, ceramicist and designer.

The founder of cubism (together with Georges Braque and Juan Gris), in which a three-dimensional body was drawn in an original manner as a series of planes combined together. Picasso worked a lot as a graphic artist, sculptor, ceramist, etc. He brought to life a lot of imitators and had an exceptional influence on the development of fine arts in the 20th century. According to the Museum's assessment contemporary art(New York), Picasso created about 20 thousand works during his life.

Experts declared Picasso the most “expensive” artist: in 2008, official sales of his works alone amounted to $262 million. On May 4, 2010, Picasso's painting Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, sold at Christie's for $106,482,000, became the most expensive work of art ever sold in the world. And on March 26, 2013, it became known that the previous contender for the painting “Dream” nevertheless bought it privately after restoration, paying a record amount of $155 million. Thus, the previous record for the cost of Picasso’s works was broken, and the painting “Dream” topped the list of the most expensive paintings Pablo Picasso. On May 11, 2015, an absolute record for open bidding was set at Christie’s auction; Pablo Picasso’s painting “Women of Algeria” went for a record $179,365,000. This was an absolute record for works of art sold at public auction.

According to the results of a survey of 1.4 million readers conducted by The Times newspaper in 2009, Picasso was recognized as the best artist who has lived in the last 100 years. His paintings rank first in “popularity” among thieves.
“Good artists copy, great artists steal.”
“Everything you can imagine is real.”
“Art is a lie that makes us aware of the truth.”
“An artist is a receptacle of emotions that come from everywhere: from heaven, from earth, from the rustling of paper, from fleeting forms, from cobwebs.”
"If we could get rid of our brains and use only our eyes..."
“I want to live like a poor man with money.”
“It’s harder to make yourself hate than to love yourself.”
“An idea is a starting point and nothing more. Once you master it, it transforms into thought."
“Work is a necessity for a person. Man invented the alarm clock."
“If you choose the path of a soldier, you will become a general; if you want to be a monk, you will become a pope,” my mother told me. But I chose the path of an artist and became Picasso.”
“Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror or the artist?”
“I start with an idea and then it becomes something else.”
“Painting is something sacred. It would also be necessary to say that if a painting has great power of influence, this is because it contains the spirit of God. But people may misunderstand this expression. Meanwhile, it is closest to the truth.”
“If all the roads I’ve walked were marked on a map and connected into one line, it would look like a minotaur.”
“Create in a painting as in life - directly.”
“Only a few people understand a beginning artist. Famous - even less.”
“No one has ever seen a natural work of art.”
“Some people see what is there and ask why. I see what could be and ask “why not?”
"Every positive value has its price in a negative sense... Einstein's genius led to Hiroshima."
“Computers are useless. They can only give answers."
“Only put off until tomorrow what you don’t want to complete until the day you die. Action is the main key to success."
“Is there anything more dangerous than sympathetic understanding?”
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you at work.”
"Give me a museum and I'll fill it."
“Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood."
“I can draw like Raphael, but it will take me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child.”
“Why do two colors located next to each other sing? Can someone explain this? No. That’s why no one will ever be able to teach you how to draw.”
"If you want to sell not the right thing, call it a work of art."
“Colors, like facial features, follow changes in emotions.”
“An artistic movement only wins when it is adopted by window decorators.”
“Inspiration exists, but it comes while working.”
“Whoever thinks he can can. But the one who thinks he can’t can’t. This is an immutable, indisputable law."
“People who make art their business are mostly scammers.”
“Success is dangerous. Everyone begins to copy themselves, and copying yourself is more dangerous than copying others. This leads to infertility."
“Everyone is trying to understand painting. Why don’t they try to understand birdsong?”
“Success is fraught with danger. You begin to copy yourself, and this is even more dangerous than copying others. This leads to sterility."
;Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
“I want to live like a poor person with money.”
“The world today makes no sense. So why should I paint pictures that have meaning?”
“You don't have to always believe what I say. Questions tempt you to tell lies, especially when there are no answers.”
"Should we draw what's on the face, or what's inside or behind it?"
"Einstein's genius led to Hiroshima."
“I always do what I don’t know how to do. So I can learn it."
“Art washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.”
“Others saw what happened and asked why. I saw what could be and asked why not."
"Some artists depict the sun as a yellow dot, but there are others who make the yellow dot look like a sun."
“I depict objects the way I think about them, and not the way I see them.”
“You have to have an idea of ​​what you're going to do, but it doesn't have to be very specific.”
“Everything you can imagine is real.”
“Everyone has the right to change, even artists.”
“God is an artist like other artists. He created an elephant, a giraffe and a cat. He has no real style, but he sticks to new ideas."
“Only what is put off until tomorrow you will willingly leave to die undone.”
“Painting is just another way of journaling.”
“And among people there are more copies than originals.”
“Painting is an activity for the blind. The artist paints not what he sees, but what he feels.”
“To draw, you must close your eyes and sing.”
“Hidden harmony is better than obvious.”
“There are more copies than originals among people.”
“Good taste is the worst enemy of creativity.”
“The world around us today does not create sensations, is that why I should paint pictures?”
“You have to spend a lot of time to finally become young.”
“When art critics get together, they talk about form, structure and meaning. When artists get together, they talk about where they can buy cheap solvent."
“Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.”
"Love is the best restorer."
“If there was no one to love, I would fall in love with a doorknob.”
“Every act of creation is initially an act of destruction.”
“I can’t stand people who talk about beautiful things. What is beautiful? We need to talk about problems in painting!”
“Sculpture is the art of the mind.”
“As you get older, the wind gets stronger. And he’s always in your face.”
"There's nothing worse than a great start."
"There are only two types of women - goddesses and litter."
“An artist is a person who paints something that can be sold. And a good artist sells what he writes.”
“If you want to keep the shine on a butterfly’s wings, don’t touch them.”
“I rest when I work, and I get tired when I’m idle or entertaining guests.”
“If there was only one truth, you would not be able to paint a hundred canvases on the same topic.”
“I don’t own any of my paintings because a Picasso original costs several thousand dollars, a luxury I can’t afford.”

The Spanish artist, sculptor and ceramist Pablo Picasso became the founder of cubism - an artistic movement that rejected the traditions of naturalism and the visual-cognitive function of art, in which the three-dimensional body was drawn in an original manner as a series of planes combined together.

Picasso, like no one else, experiments with color and conveying mood and presents the form itself in a new light, deliberately deforming and one-sidedly interpreting it. Picasso pays special attention to the transformation of forms into geometric blocks, enlarges and breaks volumes, dissects them into planes and edges that continue in space not limited by the plane of the picture.

During his lifetime, Picasso said, “I don’t own a single painting of mine because a Picasso original costs several thousand dollars—I can’t afford such a luxury.” And today Picasso is the most “expensive” artist: in 2008, official sales of his works alone amounted to $262 million. On May 4, 2010, Picasso's Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, sold at auction for $106 million, became the most expensive work of art ever sold in the world.

According to the results of a survey of 1.4 million readers conducted by The Times newspaper in 2009, Picasso was recognized as the best artist who has lived in the last 100 years. His paintings rank first in “popularity” among thieves.

Pablo Picasso in his studio:

And his statements about how to find your originality and gain self-confidence as a creative person spread all over the world:

Maybe the one who thinks he can. But the one who thinks he can’t can’t. This is an immutable, undeniable law.

When art critics get together, they talk about form, structure and meaning. When artists get together, they talk about where they can buy cheap solvent.

Youth has no age.

If there was only one truth, you would not be able to paint a hundred canvases on the same topic.

Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.

I always do what I don't know how to do in order to learn it.

Put off until tomorrow only what you do not want to complete until the day you die. Action is the main key to success.

Others saw what was there and asked why. I saw what could be and asked why not.

Inspiration exists, but it comes while working.

Everyone is trying to understand painting. Why don't they try to understand birdsong?

If only we could get rid of the brain and use only our eyes.

I rest when I work and get tired when I am idle or receiving guests.

We don't grow old, we mature.

Some artists depict the sun as a yellow spot, while others turn the yellow spot into the sun.

I depict objects the way I think about them, and not the way I see them.

The world today makes no sense. So why should I paint pictures that have meaning?

Good artists copy, great artists steal.

I want to live like a poor person with money.

Only a few people understand a beginning artist. Famous - even less.

There's nothing worse than a great start.

Art washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.

Success is fraught with danger. You begin to copy yourself, and this is even more dangerous than copying others. This leads to infertility.

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.

Hidden harmony is better than obvious.

An artist is a person who paints something that can be sold. And a good artist is a person who sells what he writes.

You have to spend a lot of time to finally become young.

Everything you can imagine is real.

And among people there are more copies than originals.

Sketch “Picasso and Dali draw an egg” - everyone has their own view of things:

Give me some shoes and I'll draw a man.

First, a person demonstrates the best that is in him, then he demonstrates what he really is. Every person has a bad character, strange traits and quirks, but some also have a divine beginning. If the divine is not enough to make the human worth enduring, there will be no art. As soon as human traits begin to outweigh, Muse turns into an annoying woman.

Success is fraught with danger. You begin to copy yourself, and this is even more dangerous than copying others. This leads to infertility.

Create in a painting as in life - directly.

Picasso Pablo - quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases

Pablo Picasso (Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz y Picasso) - born October 25, 1881, Malaga, Spain. Spanish artist, sculptor, graphic artist, ceramist, designer, founder of Cubism. Died April 8, 1973, Mougins, France.

    I'm not looking. I find it.

    We don't grow old, we mature.

    Sculpture is an art of the mind.

    Painting still needs to be invented.

    With age, the wind gets stronger. And he's always in your face.

    I always do what I don't know how to do. So I can learn it.

    People who make art their business are mostly scammers.

    Only what is put off until tomorrow will you willingly leave to die undone.

    Some see what is there and ask why. I see what could be and ask “why not?”

    You should have an idea of ​​what you are going to do, but it should not be entirely specific.

    If a painting has great power of influence, it is because the spirit of God is in it.

    Some artists depict the sun as a yellow spot, while others turn the yellow spot into the sun.

    I can draw like Raphael, but it will take me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child.

    I can't stand people who talk about beautiful things. What is beautiful? We need to talk about problems in painting!

    Success is dangerous. Everyone begins to copy themselves, and copying yourself is more dangerous than copying others. This leads to infertility.

    An artist is a receptacle of emotions that come from everywhere: from heaven, from earth, from the rustling of paper, from fleeting forms, from cobwebs.

    As a child, my mother told me: “If you join the army, you will be a general; if you become a monk - by the Pope." And so it happened: I became an artist and rose to the rank of Picasso.

Quotes by Pablo Picasso

Some see it trivially and classically, asking the rhetorical question: “Why?” My vision is different and does not match. And why is it in line, otherwise it’s also suitable!

Can two shades brighten up life? The explanation is obvious. Ordinary people will not become geniuses and revolutionaries. Talent is incomprehensible, but beautiful, pushing development onto new tracks of evolution. – Pablo Picasso

The world around us does not give rise to a surge of emotions. To destroy indifference and apathy, I have to enthusiastically pick up a brush, creating my paintings.

An idea cannot, like a guess, have clear, strict outlines; then a masterpiece is created. At first general outlines, conclusions - then concretization and detailing of the drawing.

The approach is important. Another one draws solar circle in the form of an orange blot. I see the Sun in every yellow spot.

Picasso: Luck is risk. Successfully imitate yourself, rejecting those around you, and you get sterility, mediocrity and triviality.

In terms of the power of impact, a painting can have no equal only in the only case when a spark of God crept inside the masterpiece, and the Almighty, lovingly, kissed the master.

Continuation beautiful quotes Pablo Picasso read on the pages:

I have a job to rest, fatigue comes with idleness or visitors.

Youth has no age.

You don't have to always believe what I say. Questions tempt you to tell lies, especially when there are no answers.

Create in a painting as in life - directly. Read also: Quotes from Haruki Murakami

Everyone has the right to change, even artists.

Painting still needs to be invented.

Love is the best restorer.

An artistic movement only wins when it is adopted by window decorators.

I want to live like a poor person with money.

Painting is the destiny of the blind. A true artist depicts in the paintings what is felt, not what is seen.

Whoever thinks he can, can.

Every act of creation is initially an act of destruction.

I'm not looking. I find it.

Every positive value has its price in a negative sense... Einstein's genius led to Hiroshima.

An artist is a person who paints something that can be sold. And a good artist is a person who sells what he writes.

With age, the wind gets stronger. And he's always in your face.

Painting is just another way of journaling.

God is an artist just like other artists.

Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.

Everything you can imagine is real.

As a child, my mother told me: If you join the army, you will be a general; if you become a monk - by the Pope. And so it happened: I became an artist and rose to the rank of Picasso.

I always do what I don't know how to do. So I can learn it. Read also: Quotes from Johnny Depp

Is there anything more dangerous than sympathetic understanding?

Hidden harmony is better than obvious.

Some see what is there and ask why. I see what could be and ask why not?

Colors, like facial features, follow changes in emotions.

A person who, over time, turns art into entrepreneurial activity is most likely a rogue.

Why do two colors located next to each other sing? Can someone explain this? No. That's why no one will ever be able to teach you how to draw.

Sculpture is an art of the mind.

Good artists copy, great artists steal.

Art is a lie that makes us aware of the truth.

You have to spend a lot of time to finally become young.

If there was only one truth, you would not be able to paint a hundred canvases on the same topic.

If all the roads that I have walked were marked on the map and connected into one line, it would look like a minotaur.

An idea is a starting point and nothing more. Once you master it, it transforms into a thought.

There are only two types of women - goddesses and litter.

An artist is an emotional person. It is fueled by a wide variety of sensations. He is inspired by heaven and earth, rustling paper, a temporary combination of any form, the weightlessness of a web.

I can't stand people who talk about beautiful things. What is beautiful? We need to talk about problems in painting! Read also: Quotes from Elchin Safarli

There's nothing worse than a great start.

Good taste is the worst enemy of creativity.

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.

Einstein's genius led to Hiroshima.

To draw, you must close your eyes and sing.

Art washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.

Good artists copy, great artists steal.

Inspiration, when it comes to me, finds me at work.

It’s not difficult for me to imitate Raphael, but life is not enough to comprehend the secrets of a child’s drawing.

It is more difficult to make yourself hate than to love yourself.

I start with an idea and then it becomes something else.

Should we draw what's on the face, or what's inside or behind it?

Love is the best restorer.

Only what is put off until tomorrow will you willingly leave to die undone.

We don't grow old, we mature.

Work is a necessity for a person. Man invented the alarm clock.

Computers are useless. They can only give answers.

Give me a museum and I'll fill it.

And among people there are more copies than originals.

An artistic movement only wins when it is adopted by window decorators.

Only a few people understand a beginning artist. Famous - even less.

If only we could get rid of our brains and use only our eyes.

Colors, like facial features, follow changes in emotions.

Quotes by Pablo Picasso

>> All authors of quotes >> Spanish artists

Picasso Pablo (full name Pablo Ruiz-y-Picasso; Ruiz-y-Picasso), (October 25, 1881, Malaga - April 8, 1973, Mougins, Alpes-Maritimes), French painter, Spanish by origin. In the 1900s (“blue” and “pink” periods) he created highly expressive works dedicated to disadvantaged people (“Girl on a Ball”, 1905). Since 1907, the founder of Cubism, from the mid-1910s he created works in the spirit of neoclassicism, and in a number of works he was close to surrealism. Picasso's works are sometimes full of pain and protest, have great social significance ("Guernica", 1937), and deep humanistic content (drawing "Dove of Peace", 1947). He worked a lot as a graphic artist, sculptor, and ceramist. International Lenin Prize (1962). International Peace Prize (1950).

Art is a lie that leads us to the truth.

In painting you should act, as in life, directly.

Painting is stronger than me and always makes me do what it wants.

In my work I do not follow Nature, but go ahead of it and with it. An artist must observe Nature, but never identify it with art.

Art is the application not of the canon of beauty, but of what instinct and reason can imagine beyond any canon. Having fallen in love with a woman, we do not begin to measure the length of her arms and legs.

Others see what is there and ask, “Why?” I see what could be and ask: “Why not?”

In my paintings I paint not what I see, but what I think about.

Inspiration exists, but it is in order to find it that you have to work.

Your life's work is the ultimate temptation.

He is capable who believes himself to be capable, and he is incapable who believes himself to be incapable. This is an inexorable, undeniable law.

I always do what I don't know how to do in order to learn how to do it.

When people tell me I'm too old to do this or that, I immediately try to do it.

Good artists copy, great artists steal.

Everything you can imagine is real.

Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror or the artist?

And among people there are more copies than originals.

I would like to live like a poor person with money.

Only a few people understand a beginning artist. Famous - even less.

An artist is a person who paints something that can be sold. And a good artist sells what he writes.

Painting is an activity for the blind. The artist paints not what he sees, but what he feels.

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.

Everyone is trying to understand painting. Why don't they try to understand birdsong?

God is an artist just like other artists. He created a giraffe, an elephant and a cat. He doesn't have his own style. He just tries something different every time.

Give me a museum and I'll fill it.

As a child, my mother told me: “If you join the army, you will be a general; if you become a monk - by the Pope." And so it happened: I became an artist and rose to the rank of Picasso.

At an exhibition of children's drawings: At this age I could already draw like Raphael; it took many years before I learned to draw the way these children draw.

I rest when I work and get tired when I am idle or receiving guests.

An artistic movement only wins when it is adopted by window decorators.

Everyone has the right to change, even artists.

Last words: Painting still needs to be invented.