Pyotr Vasiliev. “Weighted People”: what the bright participants of the project Wedding of Vesta Romanova and Pyotr Vasiliev look like now

The project for Irina began back in May 2017 with a letter from the casting director of the show, who invited the curvaceous beauty to apply for participation.

The selection was very difficult: we needed beautiful faces, interesting stories. In addition, the characters must be different in character and type of activity. They were interested in our aspirations and dreams, relationships within the family. First of all, this is a show, and the audience should be interested in watching the participants,” recalls Irina. At the beginning of the project, the girl’s weight was 148 kg. Now she weighs half a centner less.

Irina admitted that the most difficult part was the filming process:

This is a completely different mode, life schedule. All together it caused a lot of inconvenience. There was a feeling that you were not in control of your life. Someone else decides when you will eat, when you will workout. This applied to absolutely everything! We didn’t know what to prepare for, what awaited us tomorrow. For me personally, this was the most difficult thing throughout the entire project.

- What is it like to talk about your problems and complexes to the whole country?

I guessed that I would hear both criticism and approval addressed to me. There are those who like girls with curves, but there were also those who condemned me and said: “Lose weight! What are you doing to yourself!

We were cut off from the world, in a closed space, without the support of loved ones. Emotions went wild, we cried. But as a result, we found support from those around us: we became a small family.

- What was the most valuable thing you took away from there, not counting the lost kilograms?

I closed the story with the comments that rained down on me after winning the beauty contest. They broke me very much then, I closed myself off from the world, stopped trusting people. I won a victory over myself. Now I approach everything that happens in life more simply. People are sometimes angry, without thinking, they hurt. But you shouldn’t forbid yourself to feel and enjoy life because of this. Another plus is that I made real friends. I hope that we will continue to communicate for a long, long time.

Only one training session was shown on air, something unusual. This was filmed specifically for the show. In fact, the training was daily - from an hour to four. Sometimes we had to train at night, because there was no gym in the complex where we lived; we had to go there. Everything depended on the filming process. The menu was developed by an excellent nutritionist Yulia Olegovna. The number of calories is minimal. Four meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and one snack. We didn’t take diet pills, but we did take vitamins.

- It’s hard to believe that a person can consistently lose 3-4 kg of weight over several months.

This is real on the project. You need to understand that there we had only one task - to lose weight, there was simply no other thing to do. You shouldn't do this at home. It is difficult both physically and mentally, and the body malfunctions. And in my head there are only thoughts about kilograms.

- Many viewers expressed the opinion that the voting, and, consequently, the elimination of participants, was staged and written in advance. Is this true?

No, we voted ourselves. There were many factors involved, each time it was difficult because we came to the project with problems. Everyone understood that each of us still needed to lose weight, have something to strive for, something to learn, something to experience. But we were placed in such conditions that everyone could not stay, and every week someone had to leave. Everyone has their own voting motives, but it’s absolutely clear that there was no script.

- How has your life changed after the project?

Now I want to move more, I like it. Previously, I had shortness of breath after going up to the second floor. Recently in Moscow I walked 20 kilometers in a day, and only calluses on my feet forced me to stop. Sweating has decreased: it’s no secret that fat people sweat a lot. In addition, there is big problems with a choice of clothes. I had to dress in some old woman’s clothes, which made me look older. I was called “woman”, but now they started calling me “girl” again. It's much nicer, especially when you're only 23 years old.

The girl came to the project weighing 148 kg, lost 33 kg in two and a half months, and approached the finale, which was filmed a little later, weighing 99 kg.

Reference. "Weighted and happy people"(formerly "Weighted People") is a Russian television reality show, a version of the popular American project "The Biggest Loser". Participants in the program who are overweight compete with each other to lose weight and compete for the main prize - 3 million rubles. The presenter Anfisa Chekhova, rapper Seryoga, actor and award-winning athlete Sergei Badyuk and Miss Olympia, Russian, European and world champion in fitness bikini Natalya Lugovskikh helped the “weighted people” get rid of extra kilos. The finale of the show took place on June 2.

On the STS TV channel, 18 participants lost weight for a month under the gaze of television cameras and the control of doctors and experienced trainers. The show “Weighted People” has been popular among television viewers for four seasons.

Dmitry Kudryavtsev

TV viewers liked the friendly resident of Magnitogorsk and found friends among the show participants. He did not have enough strength to reach the final, but Kudryavtsev was not too upset by the loss. Former athlete easily fit into the training schedule, losing 54 kilograms from the starting 219. Mitya gained weight after a spinal injury.

Photo: uchastniki

On the recommendation of a nutritionist, his diet includes low-calorie foods: oatmeal in the morning, fruit and oatmeal in the afternoon. vegetables, baked zucchini. Mitya's family fully supports him. According to him, he rediscovers many ordinary things that were previously inaccessible. A trip to a water park, family outings, sports training. After the program, Dmitry lost another 21 kg and is aiming for a total of 97 kg.

Photo: uchastniki

Elena Sadikova

The Vyksa native weighed 183 kilograms and experienced great difficulty with normal movement around the city. Before the cold weather set in, she had to wear ballet flats because her stomach prevented her from fastening her boots on her own. Elena recovered after a difficult third pregnancy. She started the project out of resentment towards her daughter, who wrote down “1000 kilograms” in her phone. Perseverance helped mother of many children lose 74 kg.

Photo: topnews

Elena decided not to stop there. In her hometown, together with a nutritionist, Elena launched a marathon to fight for a slim figure. A nutritionist takes care of the participants’ diet, and Elena acts as a motivator, demonstrating her own achievements.

Igor Koshelev

The guy from Kulebaki weighed 188 kg at the age of 19. The guy had psychological problems, a virtual life and a grandmother who tried to feed her granddaughter better, which led to terrifying numbers. During the show, Igor lost 58 kg.

Photo: ctc

Now he wants to lose another 25 kg. Igor focuses on diet, upsetting his caring grandmother. Koshelev counts calories, eats on time and does cardio and weightlifting. He believes that the program provided excellent conditions, and real life Results can only be achieved with proper self-motivation.

Photo: opennov

Peter Vasiliev

Peter became the winner of the show, losing 58 kg from 155 kg. After the program, Peter was unable to maintain the result; he began to recover again. Although training proper nutrition became his habitual way of life. Together with project colleague Maxim Nekrylov, they created the group “I can do anything.” Using personal example, ex-participants prove that the reserves of the human body are much greater than we think.

Photo: teleprogramma

Timur Bikbulatov

The winner of the second season of the Weighted People program weighed 164 kg. A lawyer from Kazan managed to lose 50 kg. After the project, Timur lost weight to 80 kg, but felt uncomfortable and determined his ideal weight to be 87 kg. Timur left law and became a fitness trainer. Using personal experience, Bikbulatov helps residents hometown get rid of fat folds and lead a sporty lifestyle without food excesses.

Photo: vokrug

The coach himself gets up at 5 a.m. and starts his first training session at 7 a.m. Meals are frequent, but little by little, with a minimum of calories. Cardio and strength training six times a week provide the necessary muscle stimulation.

Vesta Romanova

Vesta won the first season of the show. The 50 kilograms she lost helped the girl find happiness in her personal life and get married. However, even before participating in the project, Vesta attracted the attention of men. Vesta weighed 130 kg, and her heels broke under her weight. She looked for diets on the Internet, but did not find the strength to follow them.

Photo: teleprogramma

Today the girl has her own blog, in which she herself gives advice to those who want to lose weight. With a weight of 70 kg, Romanova feels great. To acquire relief forms, he is going to do drying. Vesta does not drink alcohol, follows a routine, and has become disciplined and responsible.

Oksana Leonova

The Rostov resident weighed 118 kg, she managed to lose 30 in a month. Training was hard for Oksana; she hated the treadmill. Leonova exchanged her job in the catering industry for a vacancy as an administrator at an aesthetic medicine center. After working with a psychologist at the age of 39, the participant fell in love with herself. Excess weight made a woman feel embarrassed about her appearance. After the project, Oksana began to recover again; it was a hormonal imbalance in the body. After contacting an endocrinologist, I had to combine diet, sports and therapy. But Leonova believes in herself and is not afraid of difficulties. She is sure that falls are inevitable, the main thing is to find the strength to get up and move on.

Photo: uchastniki

All the winners and participants of the program note that the main benefit of the show is gaining confidence in their abilities and the mindset to change their lives for the better.

“Weighted People” is a global reality show that is filmed in twenty-five countries, including Russia. The show is a weight loss race with 18 people competing. Each of them weighs over several tons. The participants are divided into two teams, and their lives are on the scale.

What awaits participants on the reality show “Weighted People”:

  1. Constant diets;
  2. Boring exercises;
  3. Communication with nutritionists;
  4. Communication with fitness trainers.

The project has everything you need to test and acquire willpower.

Participants will compete in speed:

  1. Pull trucks;
  2. Catch piglets;
  3. Build sugar pyramids;
  4. Dance samba.

At the end of the week, team members weigh themselves. The team that loses the least amount of weight must choose one player to leave the show.

Only two players will remain in the final, and the winner will be in good shape and feel great, and nice bonus- cash prize.

Interesting facts:

  1. Most easy man on the program he weighed 113 kg, and the heaviest was 220 kg;
  2. Total weight of all participants 2665 kg;
  3. In Russia, several thousand applications were submitted for the casting, more than 230 people passed the casting, and only 18 of them passed a long and strict selection, becoming participants in the television project;
  4. The winner receives 2,500,000 rubles;
  5. receives 500,000 rubles former member , who, outside the project, continued to lose weight on his own and showed impressive results.

The main rules for effective weight loss show Weighted People

Before you understand which program will be effective for a person:

  1. You need to understand what your body weight should ideally be (how many kg you need to lose and in what time);
  2. Daily calculation of daily kilocalorie intake;
  3. Selection of an individual nutrition plan;
  4. Drawing up a training program.
A well-designed diet is a matter of balance. You need to understand what the body receives in excess and what it lacks. In order to get rid of extra pounds, you need to take care of your health first. Do not get hung up on strict diets that lead to exhaustion of the body.

There are only eight correctly effective weight loss:

  1. You need to eat small portions 5-6 times a day;
  2. Have a hearty breakfast in the morning, also have a good lunch, dinner should be light and don’t forget to have a snack between the three main meals;
  3. High carbohydrate food consume before four o'clock in the afternoon;
  4. If you have a sweet tooth, then you can eat fruit;
  5. Watch the amount of salt that you consume with food. Large quantity sodium retains fluid in the body, which forms edema;
  6. Eliminate sugary carbonated drinks from your diet. Soda is very harmful to the body. It contains a lot of sugar and dyes, which is bad for health;
  7. Eat separately, combine food correctly;
  8. Give up alcohol or limit yourself to it. Alcoholic drinks contain more than the average person's daily caloric intake.

All nutritionists come to a common opinion: nutrition should be varied. Today there are dozens of diets that imply a monotonous low-calorie diet. For example, a drinking diet, kefir or ABC contain very low calories (less than 800) and contribute to the formation of protein-free dystrophy.

Such a nutritional system can only lead to exhaustion of the body, deterioration of the digestive system and slowdown of metabolism.

So what should nutrition be like, according to nutritionists and fitness trainers?

The daily diet should include:

  1. 5-10% fat;
  2. 40% carbohydrates;
  3. 50-56% protein;
  4. Fiber (vegetables, herbs, fruits);
  5. From 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water (depending on how active your lifestyle is).

Nutrition plays a big role in body building, but don’t forget about the physical activity itself. At least three times a week for 40-60 minutes, you need to give your body aerobic exercise, and after you get rid of a certain number of kilograms, you need to start anaerobic exercise to gain muscle mass.

Kukharenko Andrey:

What is problem weight? First of all, this is a problem that requires an urgent solution. But the incentive to change your body should not be the usual socially imposed way. A person should think not only about the beauty of his body, but also his health. He must realize it himself and want it.

If an active lifestyle and proper nutrition do not bring you pleasure, then why change anything? This won't work. If you want to change your body for the better, then you have to want to do it yourself, you have to want to change your life.

Leonova Irina:

I believe that excess weight is directly related to psychological problems. Most people do not solve their problems, but “seize” them. Relationship problems are traumatic aspects. And this is not only the relationship between boys and girls, but also between children, parents and society.

Turchinskaya Irina:

In order for you to see the results of your training, keep a diary where you will write down all your results. In addition to sports results, write in it about your dreams and main goal. Describe your diet, training plan, and how you will achieve your goal.

You train under your full responsibility and understand that your body and your health are solely in your hands. And never attribute your failures to other external circumstances.

Semenikhin Denis:

A person begins to change when he gets tired. He is tired of his usual boring life, wanting to change something. Each of us wants to be in a comfort zone; when a person does not want to face difficulties, he says to himself: “Don’t touch me, I’m fine.”

Leaving your comfort zone, realizing that it’s time to act, you need to remember one more thing: you are doing all this for yourself. Not because you respect your fitness trainer or want to please your significant other, but only for your own sake!

Leonova Elena:

All problems come from childhood. If a child with early years parents did not teach him to cope with stressful situations, rely only on himself and accept the challenges of the outside world, then in the future he risks developing a food addiction. The portion size that is on a child's plate plays a big role.

If you overfeed him, give him a lot of sweets and force him to eat, then as an adult his physiological characteristics will be impaired.

Heroes of the reality show “Weighted People”

Vesta Romanova

Vesta (27 years old) started the project with a weight of 123 kg. During the program she lost 40 kg! Now her weight is 83 kg.

Vesta Romanova decided to lose weight after her boyfriend broke up with her and married another girl. At that moment, Vesta said: “I have nothing more to lose except excess weight.” On the show, she was the most cheerful of all the contestants: she never gave up, did not get upset and encouraged other participants in the project.

Vesta says that motivation is important in any business. “I am a rather lazy person, but the project managed to create the conditions that were ideal for me. I was able to break through a thousand applicants, my life was controlled by trainers and nutritionists. They put together a special diet and training program for me. I quit my job for all this.”

“We lived in a confined space, without the Internet and phones. Every day there were exhausting workouts and healthy food, no sweets,” says Vesta Romanova.

Photos of Vesta before and after losing weight on the “Weighted People” project



Peter Vasiliev

Vasilyev Petr (27 years old) came to the project weighing 155 kg. During the program he managed to lose 25 kg.

As a teenager, Peter went to the judo section. HE led an active lifestyle and took part in competitions. But after Peter turned 18, he gave up the sport, because he began studying at college and simply did not have time for judo. After physical activity decreased sharply, weight began to gain.

Soon Peter realized that there was no place for fat people in the world of thin people; society did not want to accept them. But he wanted to love and be loved, but excess weight prevented him. Then he realized that it was stupid to dream about it and it was time to take control of the situation.

Having come to the project, Vasiliev Peter, like the other participants, actively took part in sports competitions, ate right and never gave up. He was confident in himself and that is why Peter became the winner of the first season of the “Weighted People” project, reaching a weight of 130 kg.

Photos of Peter before and after losing weight on the reality show “Weighted People”


Nekrylov Maxim

Maxim Nekrylov (29 years old) came to the reality show weighing 176 kg and left with a weight of 147. During the project he managed to lose 29 kg.

Maxim is a fourth generation officer. He dreamed of building a career in the military field, but was unable to pass medical certification. Due to excess weight, Maxim had to leave military service. This was a blow for him and his entire family.

Maxim used to lead active life, but for the sake of his career he had to switch to a sedentary job. Because of this, he began to have problems with excess weight. From 90 kg his weight increased to 184 kg.

Then Nekrylov decided to change himself and strive further towards his dream. He took care of himself and lost almost 30 kg, making it to the finals of the Weighted People show.

Photo by Maxim Nekrylov before and after the project


Shikotko Alexander

Alexander (26 years old) became the heaviest participant in the show. His weight was 220 kg. During the project he managed to lose 24 kg, then his weight reached 196 kg.

Before the project, Alexander lost another 30 kg, previously his weight was 250 kg. He followed a diet, exercised and reached a weight of 220 kg. It was more difficult for him on the project, the diets were more strict, and the loads were heavier.

Alexander admits that he wants to lose weight not because society dictates its standards, but because he just wants to live. Despite all the difficulties, he learned to eat right and look at life differently. “We learned to think differently, we underwent tests not only physical, but also emotional.

The trainers tested our endurance, developed it, and helped us acquire willpower. Soon, diets and physical activity became much easier to bear, as well as moral ones,” says Shikotko.

Despite the fact that Alexander had already left the program, he continued to lose weight.

Photo by Alexander Shikotko before and after losing weight


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Everyone who wants to take part in a TV show has one goal - to win. Participants decide for themselves what this means for them: find love, receive a cash prize, change themselves for the better, or become famous. A striking example serve the stories of those who won the shows “Weighted People” and “Boys”: they did not stop and as a result received even more than they expected, already beyond the walls of the projects.

website remembered the participants of the most interesting shows and found out how their lives turned out after the project.

“Weighted People” / Season 1 / Petr Vasiliev

Peter came to the program weighing 155 kg and, having lost 57.9 kg, walked away as a winner with a prize of 2.5 million rubles. Now Peter weighs 125 kg and does CrossFit at the amateur level. He recently took part in the show on Channel One “Russian Ninja”, but did not make it through the qualifying round. IN instagram Peter commented on his current weight: “I’ve been overfed, now I’m trying to get back into normal shape.”

“Weighted People” / Season 2 / Timur Bikbulatov

Timur Bikbulatov won the 2nd season of the show. He completed his participation in the project with a weight of 94 kg ( having lost weight in the end by 53.7 kg, which was 36.2% of the initial weight), then in a few months he lost weight to 80 kg, but Timur was not very comfortable with this weight, so he returned to normal at 87 kg. Timur took up coaching. IN Instagram account he shares the results of his students, and also motivates all those who want to lose weight.

“Boys” / Season 1 / Yulia Kovaleva

Julia became the winner of the 1st season of the show. She was awarded a gold brooch “Lady School” and a cash prize of 500 thousand rubles. On at the moment the girl writes a blog “about transformation and finding oneself”, in which You can read interesting and motivating posts. At the same time, he takes part in the filming of various projects of the Friday TV channel. Julia removes her tattoos and remains as feminine as the project made her.

“Minute of Glory” / Season 1 / Maxim Tokaev

“People’s Artist” / Season 1 / Alexey Goman

After winning the show " People's Artist» Alexey also took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars”, where he took 3rd place. In 2010 he was awarded the orders " Young talent Russia - Charoite Star” and “Service to Art”, 1st degree (“Golden Star”). After 8 years of marriage, Alexey married his colleague, Maria Zaitseva, and in 2012 the couple had a daughter, Alexandrina. In 2013, the couple separated, but Alexey continues to support Maria in her career and does not stop communicating with her daughter. He, as always, cannot imagine his life without writing songs and filming videos. Instagram is full of cool “sketches”: listen, it's a hit!

“Bachelor” / Season 1 / Evgeniy Levchenko

Before the start of the project, Evgeniy was paired with Victoria Koblenko. They say that he wanted to propose to the girl, but she chose to go to Hollywood. The long-distance relationship did not suit the football player, and he went on the show to look for the only one who could give him family happiness. In “The Bachelor” he chose Olesya Ermakova, but life in different countries and the constant flights did not last long - only 9 months. Evgeniy resumed his relationship with Victoria. In October 2015, he released a biographical book "LEV" in Dutch. And in August 2016, the couple had their first child, who was named Kiy. Today Evgeniy, Victoria and their son live in Amsterdam.

“The Bachelor” / Season 2 / Maxim Chernyavsky

In the finale of the project, Maxim Chernyavsky chose Maria Drigola, but their union ended almost immediately: the girl was unable to move in with her chosen one for personal reasons. And 3 years ago Anastasia Reshetova, ex-girlfriend Timati introduced Maxim to Daria Sidorova. Not long ago, Daria gave birth to Maxim’s daughter, but the couple never entered into a legal marriage. He also has a daughter from a previous marriage with Anna Sedokova.

“MasterChef” / Season 1 / Rafael Kazumyan

The program “Weighted and Happy” is the Ukrainian version of the American show The Biggest Loser. The essence of the project is that participants who suffer from excess weight lose weight, and even compete for a prize of 250 thousand hryvnia (almost 9,000 euros). The project is successful and popular, so the seventh season will start this year.

Rules of the project “Weighted and Happy”

At the end of each week, the weight loss teams are weighed, which determines the total weight lost. The team that loses the least weight must vote to determine which competitor will go home. The two people from that team who have lost the least amount of weight are nominated. The winner is the participant who open final in December will lose the most of the initial weight.

Evgenia Mostovenko participated in the project together with her daughter Alexandra, who later had to tell the details of her mother’s death...

All participants are checked

The head of the “Weighted and Happy” project, Natalya Shcherbina, said that all potential participants who passed the casting are examined by doctors: a therapist, a cardiologist, a pulmonologist. Everyone donates urine and blood for a detailed analysis. All participants must be tested for hepatitis and HIV. After the medical examination, the doctor gives an opinion on each applicant - whether a person can participate in the project or his health condition does not allow him.

“They called me and told me that my mother had died”

Perhaps the most “high-profile” death was the death of a participant in the third season of the project, Evgenia Mostovenko. Could a woman have thought that four years after filming she would be gone?

Pashinsky managed to lose 51 kilograms! He was so inspired by the result that he wanted to continue his struggle with weight.

In 2013, 40-year-old Evgenia came to the project with her 17-year-old daughter Alexandra - mostly not for herself, but for her. Mostovenko complained that Sasha was very lazy and easily succumbed to temptations when it came to food. As it turned out, the mother and daughter had previously participated in the “Honey, We Kill Children” program, and even then the girl lost 20 kilograms. True, over time, all efforts were in vain - Alexandra gained even more than her previous weight and began to weigh as much as 105 kilos.

But Mostovenko also went to the project for her own sake. The woman really wanted to give birth to a child for her new husband, who was eight years younger than her, but she couldn’t - she needed to lose weight. Evgenia managed to do this, although the result was not very impressive, and it took her a long time to achieve it. When Mostovenko came to the project, she weighed 130 kilograms, and nine months later the scales showed a double-digit number - 94. But this was enough for the woman - she was very pleased with the new weight.

Igor understood that such a figure would not fit into any goal, and he wanted to become slim and fit again

Evgenia's death, which occurred in January of this year, came as a shock to many and, naturally, raised many questions. Her daughter tried to satisfy the interest and curiosity of the viewers of the project. If you believe Alexandra’s words, then on the day when her mother was taken to the hospital, they talked on the phone, laughed, everything was fine... Mostovenko approved the list of guests, because the next morning was her birthday. “Literally 20-25 minutes later, her boss asked to pick up her mother from work because her blood pressure had increased. But the ambulance was ahead of me. I saw how my mother was taken out on a gurney unconscious. The doctors said that as soon as they left work, she immediately fell into a coma and everything that was in the stomach went into the respiratory tract. She was in critical condition with brain hemorrhage and pulmonary edema. The next morning, my mother came to her senses, but the doctors decided to keep her in a medically induced coma - she could not breathe on her own. In the following days she looked good, although she lost a lot of weight. And on the morning of January 26, I went into the intensive care unit and saw that my mother’s face and neck were... red-blue color. An hour and a half later they called me and told me that my mother had died - they couldn’t restart the heart.”

The woman's death certificate states that she had cerebrovascular disease, a hemorrhagic stroke.

Didn't have time to adopt a child

Evgenia Mostovenko has long wanted to become a mother for the second time, but her excess weight did not allow her. But the woman found a way out - last year she and her young husband prepared documents for adoption. The couple even found one child whom they wanted to take into the family. Evgenia began to find out what was needed for adoption, but did not have time to complete this matter.

On the “Weighted and Happy” project, Yakovlev found his soulmate - Natalya Moskalenko. The couple planned to live happily ever after...

“He really wanted to live”

At the end of 2015, Igor Pashinsky, a participant in the fifth season of the “Weighted and Happy” project, who really wanted to get back into good shape, passed away. Igor once served in the airborne troops, then worked in the police. When the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded, I went to the liquidation site and worked in a 30-kilometer zone. Problems began after returning from there - I started getting sick, gained excess weight, and then type 2 diabetes.

Igor decided to try himself on the project because he understood that such weight, given his health, could cause disability, and he said that he wanted to be the same as before: strong and fit, so that people would look at him with respect and not with pity. When Pashinsky came to the project, he weighed as much as 193 kilograms and lost 37 kilograms in 13 weeks! But the man did not stop there - during the month and a half he spent at home, he lost another 14 kilograms and settled on the number 142. He simply did not have time to lose even more weight...

Project manager Natalya Shcherbina assured that Igor, as the heaviest participant, was taken care of and released from training and stress at the slightest indisposition. If, for example, Igor turned pale, swayed or was breathing heavily, they immediately asked him to sit and rest. A man diagnosed with arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and obesity practically did not participate in competitions.

Igor’s wife Galina Pashinskaya remembers that after the project her husband returned home happy and joyful, he really wanted to live. Igor came with the hope that he would lose more weight... “He stopped being afraid of people and hiding from them, he wanted to be in plain sight. He was really happy - many noticed this. He told me: “I’m doing all this for you.” And his words inspired me. We were everywhere together. These one and a half months after the project we were happy, as, probably, in the first days of our married life.”

Pashinskaya remembers the fateful November day of 2015 like it was yesterday: “Igor was at training in the morning, in the evening we went to the river to swim. He felt fine. And in the morning he felt bad. I had a headache. He tells me: “I probably won’t accompany you, I’ll lie down.” At 11 he called and said that he felt bad. Igor has never said this before! He was admitted to the hospital with ulcer bleeding. This was the initial diagnosis. But then, as it turned out, he was having a massive heart attack. The autopsy showed that the diagnosis was initially made incorrectly and the treatment was prescribed incorrectly. He was given IV drips to stop ulcer bleeding, and a lot of them, but this could not be done... More negligence. A person's heart stops, and there is no one anywhere. Nobody! There is no attending physician! It’s very hard to remember..."

Galina does not hide the fact that she asked the doctors directly about the project - they say, whether it brought harm. And the answer was “No.” “On the contrary, if Igor had not gone to the project and lost weight, he would not have lived this time...”

Ilya’s weight loss was tremendous! The man learned to give up harmful foods, but, alas, this did not save him

"I'm not going to stop"

The bronze medalist of the third season of reality, Ilya Yakovlev, was lucky - he not only lost weight and took a worthy place, but also met his love on the project - Natalya Moskalenko. After the show, their relationship only strengthened, and in 2014 they got married. Ilya was very happy - he talked about what a long life they were planning together, and dreamed of children... “For my chosen one, it is now more important to maintain her full health, because we still want to have a child in the near future. Therefore, I repeatedly told her that such crazy loads are not needed now. Losing 2-3 kilograms a month to get back to normal shape will be enough for both her and me. “I’m not going to stop,” said Yakovlev, rejoicing at how great his life was going.

Three years ago, The Biggest Loser contestant Damian Gurganious died at the age of just 38.

Ilya came to the project weighing 147 kilograms, lost 48 kilograms and showed a result of 99 kg on the scales at the final post-show. In 2014, Ilya was proud of the fact that he completely gave up flour, the things he used to love very much - pasta, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes. The project changed Yakovlev’s consciousness, so these dishes began to appear on his plate literally once a month. “Looking at how much I ate before and how much now, while being normally satiated, I can hardly imagine that I could now eat as much as I ate before the project,” Yakovlev boasted. But, unfortunately, proper nutrition did not protect Ilya from death. In May 2015, a 32-year-old man suffered a stroke, after which he died...