An excerpt from the scandalous novel by E.L. James "50 Shades of Grey". Expectation and reality: PEOPLETALK editor repeated sex scenes from films

Translation from English: Tatiana Kitaina, Inessa Metlitskaya, Marina Klevetenko

The first thing I notice is the smell. Smells like leather and polish with a faint citrus scent. The light is soft, dim. The source is not visible; the diffuse glow comes from somewhere under the ceiling cornice. The walls and ceiling painted dark burgundy visually make the rather spacious room smaller; the floor is made of old wood, varnished. Directly opposite the door, two wide planks of polished mahogany with straps for fixation are nailed crosswise to the wall. Suspended from the ceiling is a large iron grate, at least eight feet square, with ropes, chains and shiny handcuffs hanging from it. Next to the door, two long carved poles stick out of the wall, similar to the balusters of a staircase, only longer. An amazing array of all sorts of spatulas, whips, stacks and some strange weapons made of feathers dangle from them.

On the other side there is a huge mahogany chest of drawers: the drawers are narrow, like in old museum cabinets. I wonder what might be in them? But do I really want to know? In the far corner is a bench covered in dark red leather, and next to it a wooden stand, similar to a stand for billiard cues, nailed to the wall; If you look closely, there are canes of various lengths and thicknesses on it. In the opposite corner there is a table made of polished wood with carved legs and two similar stools.

However most of The room is occupied by a bed. It is larger than a normal double, with four carved Rococo columns at the corners and a flat canopy roof. Looks like the nineteenth century. Under the canopy some more shiny chains and handcuffs are visible. There is no bedding on the bed, just a red leather mattress and red silk pillows piled at one end.

At the foot of the bed, a few feet away, is a large maroon sofa, simply placed in the middle of the room, facing the bed. How strange... Putting the sofa facing the bed. And then it occurs to me that in fact, the sofa is the most ordinary thing of all the furniture in the room, and I smile at this thought. Looking up, I see carabiners randomly attached to the ceiling. One can only guess why they are needed. Oddly enough, all this carved wood, dark walls, dim lighting and dark burgundy leather give the room a calm and romantic look... Perhaps this is Christian Gray's version of romance.

As I expected, he is watching me closely, but nothing can be understood from his appearance. I walk around the room and he follows me. I'm interested in this thing with feathers, and I hesitantly touch it with my hand. It is made of soft leather and is similar to a whip of nine tails, only thicker. At the end of each tail there is a small plastic bead attached.

Flogger... hmm. I think I'm in shock. My subconscious ran away in horror, or lay knocked out, or turned upside down and sank. I was numb. I can see and perceive, but I cannot express what I feel. And what can you say in a situation when you discover that a potential lover is an absolutely crazy sadist or masochist? Scary... yes. This is the most strong feeling. However, oddly enough, I’m not afraid of him; I think he won’t lay a finger on me without my consent. Many questions are spinning in my head. Why? How? When? How often? As I pass the bed, I run my finger along the intricate wood carvings of one of the pillars. It's simply a work of art.

“Say something,” Christian orders, deceptively calm.

Do you do this to people or do they do this to you?

His mouth curls, either from laughter or from relief.

With people? - He hesitates for a couple of seconds, thinking about his answer. - I do this with women who want it themselves.

It's somehow unclear.

If you have volunteers, why did you bring me here?

I really want to do this with you.

Oh. - I'm gasping for air. Why?

I wander to the far end of the room and thoughtfully run my hand along the high leather bench that reaches my waist. He enjoys torturing women. This thought makes me sick.

Are you a sadist?

I am a Dominant. - His gaze burns right through me.

What does it mean? - I ask quietly.

This means that you voluntarily acknowledge my power over you. In everything.

I try to comprehend what I heard.

Why should I do this?

To please me,” he whispers, tilting his head to the side, and I see the shadow of a smile.

Give him pleasure! Look what you want! My jaw drops. Please Christian Gray. And suddenly I understand that this is exactly what I want. I want him to be fucking delighted with me. What a discovery!

In other words, I want you to want to please me,” he says softly. His voice has a hypnotic effect on me.

How? - My mouth is dry. Okay, I understand about the “pleasure”, but what does this have to do with the torture chamber of Queen Elizabeth’s time? And do I need to know the answer?

I have rules and I want you to follow them - for your benefit and for my pleasure. If I am pleased with you, you will receive a reward. And if not, I’ll punish you, and you’ll remember,” he whispers.
I look back at the cane stand.

What is this? - I move my hand around me.

Stimulants. Reward and punishment.

So you enjoy imposing your will on me?

You must trust me and obey me willingly. The more obedient you are, the more pleasure I get - it's very simple.

Okay, what will I get out of this?

He shrugs, looking almost guilty.

Oh my god. Christian runs his hand through his hair.

You won’t understand anything by your reaction, Anastasia,” he says angrily. - Let's go downstairs so I can collect my thoughts. Here I cannot look at you calmly.

He extends his hand to me, but now I hesitate to take it.

Kate said he was dangerous, and she was absolutely right. How did she guess? He's a danger to my life because I'm going to say yes. But part of me doesn't want that. Part of me wants to run screaming from this room and what it represents. I'm completely confused.

I won't harm you, Anastasia. - His gray eyes they beg, and I understand that Christian is telling the truth. I extend my hand and he leads me out of the room.

Let me show you something else. - Instead of going back downstairs, Christian, leaving the playroom, as he calls it, turns right and walks down the corridor. We pass several doors and finally reach the last one. Behind it is a bedroom with a large double bed in the middle, where there is not a single spot of color. Everything: walls, furniture, bed - absolutely white. The environment is cold and sterile, but glass wall A stunning panorama of Seattle opens up.

Your room. You can decorate it to your liking.

My room? Do you want me to move here? - I can't hide my horror.

Not all the time. Let's say from Friday evening to Sunday. We can discuss this. If you want, of course,” he adds uncertainly.

Will I sleep here?

Yes. I told you I always sleep alone. Well, except for the time you got blackout drunk. - Looks like he's reprimanding me.

I purse my lips. It just doesn’t fit in my head: the kind, caring Christian, who saved me, completely helpless, and gently supported me when I was vomiting in the azalea, turned out to be a monster, a lover of chains and whips.

Where do you sleep?

My room is downstairs. Let's go, you're probably hungry.

“I’ve lost my appetite,” I answer irritably.

“You must eat, Anastasia,” he explains to me and, taking my hand, leads me away.

Finding myself again in a huge hall, I languish with anxiety and melancholy, as if I were standing on the edge of a cliff, and I need to decide whether to jump down or not.

I understand that I am pushing you down a dark path, Anastasia. Think carefully. Maybe you want to ask something? - he says and, letting go of my hand, goes into the kitchen.

Want. But where to start?

You signed a non-disclosure agreement, so ask me anything, I will answer.

I stand at the bar and watch Christian take out plates of different cheeses and two large bunches of green and red grapes from the refrigerator. He places the plates on the table and begins to cut the French baguette.

He points to one of the bar stools and I obey his command. If I agree, I'll have to get used to it. And suddenly I realize that Christian behaved like this from the first minute we met.

Were you talking about some papers?

What kind of papers?

In addition to the non-disclosure agreement, there is a contract that says what we will do and what we will not do. I must know your limits, and you must know mine. Everything will be by mutual agreement.

What if I don't agree?

“Well, what can you do,” he says carefully.

But we won't have a relationship? - I ask.

Because this is the only relationship that interests me.

He shrugs.

That's how I'm built.

Why did you become like this?

Why are people like this and not different? This is difficult to answer. Why do some people like cheese and others not? Do you like cheese? Mrs. Jones, my housekeeper, left for dinner...

Christian takes out large white plates from the cupboard and places one in front of me.

We're talking about cheese... Nonsense.

And what rules should I follow?

I have them written down. We'll discuss it when we eat.

Food. I won't be able to swallow a single piece.

I'm really not hungry.

Eat anyway, says Christian. Now it’s clear where he got this dictatorial manner from. - Shall I pour you some more wine?

Yes please.

He fills my glass and sits next to me. I quickly take a sip.

What about a snack?

I take a small bunch of grapes.

How long have you had this?

Is it easy to find women who agree?..

Christian quirks an eyebrow.

“You won’t believe it,” he answers dryly.

Then why me? I really don't understand.

Anastasia, I repeat, there is something in you. I can't just leave you alone. - He smiles ironically. - I fly to you like a moth to a flame. - His voice darkens. “I really want you, especially now that you’re biting your lip again.” - Christian takes a deep breath and swallows.

Something turns inside me - he wants me... somewhat strange, really, but still: this beautiful, extraordinary, immoral man wants me.

“I think it’s the other way around,” I grumble. I am the moth, and he is the flame. And I'm the one who gets burned.

No. I haven't signed anything yet and I'll do what I want if you don't mind.

His eyes soften and a smile appears on his lips.

Whatever, Miss Steele.

And how many of these women were there? - I blurted out without thinking, but I’m very interested.


Oh... not as much as I expected.

And how long did it take?

With some it takes a long time.

Was anyone seriously injured?

Oh, nevermind!

Are you going to hurt me?

What do you mean?

Physically. Are you going to beat me?

I will punish you when necessary, and it will hurt.

I feel like I'm about to faint. I take another sip of wine, hoping that the alcohol will give me more courage.

Have you ever been beaten?

Wow... Before I can question him further, he interrupts my train of thought.

Let's go to the office. I'll show you something.

I thought that a night of unearthly passion awaited me, but instead we are discussing some kind of agreement.

I follow him into the office - a spacious room with another floor-to-ceiling window. Christian sits down at the table, points me to the leather chair in front of him and hands me a piece of paper.

These are the rules. They can be changed. They are included in the contract that we will conclude. Read them and let's discuss.

In 2011, the English writer E. L. James presented the novel “50 Shades of Gray” to readers. The work caused a stir among fans of the genre, so is it any wonder that the question of a film adaptation arose. Sam Taylor-Wood took on the task of telling the story of the complex relationship between a wealthy entrepreneur and a college graduate. So, how was 50 Shades of Gray filmed?

Geography of filming

Blockbuster creators special attention paid attention to the atmosphere, which directly depended on the geography of filming. Therefore, it is important not only how “50 Shades of Gray” was filmed, but also where. The film crew chose Vancouver, Canada; this decision was made primarily due to suitable weather conditions. The coolness typical of a Canadian winter allowed for an element of sadness to be added.

Initially, the filmmakers did not plan to film in winter. However, the dates were postponed due to technical reasons, which was not regretted in the end. over the heads of the heroes brought sad notes to the atmosphere. It cannot be said that this decision was to the liking of the key players, since Jamie and Dakota constantly suffered from the cold.

The film crew also managed to work in two American cities, Vancouver and Portland.


How was 50 Shades of Gray filmed? Many fans of James' work were unhappy with the geography of filming. In the novel, the action took place not in Vancouver, but in Seattle. Moreover, the famous Heathman Hotel was replaced by the Fairmont. The hardware store where student Anastasia Steele worked was also found near Vancouver.

The role of Washington state university played something else educational institution. Appearance The University of British Columbia was slightly modified, this was done through drapery. In the graduation ceremony scene, of course, it was not real graduates who played, but extras. Interestingly, the episodes in Gray's parents' house were filmed in separate houses, which are located at a considerable distance from each other.

Design group

How was 50 Shades of Gray filmed? It is impossible not to note the brilliant work of the design team. The film's budget was only $40 million, which was not enough to create the atmosphere of breathtaking luxury in which Gray lives. The penthouse of a wealthy businessman was supposed to resemble a museum rather than a living space.

As a result, the interior of the businessman’s abode made an indelible impression on the audience. The designers combined natural stone with laconic metal structures. Preference was given to furniture with minimalist forms, which were adjacent to solid wood products. Avant-garde paintings became decorations for the walls. The designers managed to create a simple and at the same time sophisticated interior that emphasized the versatility of the character of the key character. Christian Gray - successful person, endowed with impeccable taste, but it also has notes of brutality.

Director, cameraman

It’s impossible not to mention the person thanks to whom viewers were able to enjoy the film “50 Shades of Gray.” The film was directed by Sam Taylor Johnson, who owes her fame to this film. Colleagues speak of this woman as a collected and energetic lady, emphasizing her ability to avoid nervousness on the work site.

The popularity of the novel led to the fact that the performers of key roles were constantly under pressure. At first, Jamie and Dakota were very nervous, as they were afraid of not living up to the trust of fans of the work. It was the director who helped the actors concentrate on their characters.

How was the film “50 Shades of Gray” filmed? The role of the operator is also important, so it is impossible not to mention him. This mission was entrusted to Seamus McGarvey, with whom the director had previously collaborated. Seamus and Sam understood each other perfectly, from time to time they even communicated in sign language.

How “50 Shades of Gray” was filmed: scenes

As often happens, work on the episodes was not carried out at all in the order in which the audience saw them. The director made sure that the emotions expressed by the actors coincided with what information was in at the moment heroes have. It is interesting that the erotic scenes, which became the subject of heated debate among viewers, were filmed last. This work has been delayed for the last two weeks.

What is the most common question among fans of the blockbuster film “50 Shades of Gray”? How it was filmed is a moment that interests many. The actors said that this work was more like choreography. The performer of the role of Christian had to master the science of tying knots. Dakota often had to remain naked and tied up, and she is grateful to Jamie for being the first to bring her a blanket.

The above describes how the film “50 Shades of Gray” was filmed. The film received mixed reviews from viewers and critics, but its commercial success is beyond doubt. The film earned over $500 million at the worldwide box office.

The erotic novel by British writer Erica Leonard "Fifty Shades of Gray" thoroughly excited the world book market, becoming the most discussed book in the United States and causing a stir. The story of the relationship between the mysterious millionaire Christian Gray and the young student Anastasia Steele instantly spread throughout the world, stirring up public opinion and causing furious debate on the Internet. The book is in Russia, but for now RIA Novosti is publishing an excerpt from it so that readers can judge for themselves the merits and demerits of Leonard’s work.

Quiet. The curtains are drawn. The bed is warm and comfortable. Hmmm... I open my eyes and at the first moment I serenely enjoy the situation. I wonder where I am? Behind me is a shaped headboard rising sun. Something vaguely familiar. The large spacious room is luxuriously furnished in shades of brown, beige and gold. I think I've already seen something like this. But where? My sleepy mind is trying to figure it out visual images recent past. And suddenly it dawns on me: I’m at the Hitman Hotel... in a suite. Kate and I were in a similar situation. Only this one is bigger. Crap! I'm in Christian Gray's room. How did I get here?

Gradually fragmentary memories of the previous evening return. I got drunk, called Gray, and felt sick. Then Jose, and then Christian again. What a horror! I cringe internally. I don't remember how I got here. I'm wearing a T-shirt, bra and panties. No socks. Jeans too. Crap!

On the table next to the bed there is a glass of orange juice and two pills. Advil. Christian took care of that too! I sit up on the bed and swallow the pills. Actually, I feel quite good, frankly speaking, much better than I deserve. The orange juice is simply divine! Quenches thirst and refreshes. Nothing helps with dry mouth like freshly squeezed orange juice.

There is a knock on the door. My heart jumps into my throat and I can’t say a word. Gray opens the door anyway and enters the room.

Wow! He just got back from training. He is wearing loose gray knitted pants and a sweatshirt darkened with sweat. The thought of a sweaty Christian Gray excites me strangely. I take a deep breath and close my eyelids, as if I were two years old and if I closed my eyes, no one would find me.

Good morning, Anastasia. How do you feel?

Better than I deserve, I mutter.

Christian places the large duffel bag on the chair and grabs the ends of the towel hanging around his neck with his hands. He looks at me, gray eyes unreadable, and, as usual, I have absolutely no idea what he's thinking about. He is very good at hiding his thoughts and feelings.

Gray comes and sits on the edge of the bed. He is so close that I can touch him, I can smell him. Oh my god... the smell of the body and shower gel is a heady cocktail, much stronger than a margarita, now I know from personal experience.

When you passed out, I didn't risk the leather upholstery and take you home. “I had to leave you here,” he answers indifferently.

Who put me to bed?

ME - His face is impenetrable.

Did I feel sick again?

Did you undress me too? - I'm almost whispering.

Me too. - He arches an eyebrow, and I blush desperately.

We don’t... - I barely pronounce, dead with horror. I can’t finish the sentence, and I fall silent, staring at my hands.

Anastasia, you were in a comatose state. Necrophilia is not my thing. “I prefer the woman to be alive and responsive,” he explains dryly.

I'm very ashamed.

His lips lift slightly in a wry smile.

Yes, we had fun. The evening will be remembered for a long time.

Me too...

But he laughs at me, you scoundrel! He came on his own, no one asked him, and as a result I was appointed the main villain.

It’s dishonest to use all sorts of spy technologies that you develop there to spy on a girl,” I snap back.

Christian looks at me in surprise and, it seems, offended.

Firstly, you can track a mobile phone via the Internet. Secondly, my company is not engaged in the production of equipment for surveillance and covert surveillance, and thirdly, if I had not come for you, you would have woken up in a photographer’s bed, and as far as I remember, you were not happy with such a suitor, - he says sarcastically.

Boyfriend!.. Christian Gray is angry, his gray eyes sparkle with insult.

“You’re just a knight from a medieval chronicle,” I remark sarcastically.

It's thawing a little. The facial expression softens, and the shadow of a smile flashes on the beautifully contoured lips.

No, Anastasia, it’s not like that at all. Maybe the Dark Knight. - Christian smiles mockingly. - Did you eat yesterday? - he asks sternly.

I shake my head. What other crime have I committed? Although his lips purse, his face remains impassive.

You definitely need to eat. And you drank on an empty stomach, and that’s why you felt so bad. To be honest, Anastasia, this is the very first rule when you drink.

He's ruffling his hair with his hand, which means he's still angry.

Is that what they call it?

I think so.

You still got off easy.

In what sense?

If you were mine, it would have been painful for you to sit for another week after what you did yesterday. I drank on an empty stomach, got drunk drunk, almost got into trouble... - Gray closes his eyes at his beautiful face The disgust is clear and he shudders slightly. Then he opens his eyes and looks at me sternly. - It's scary to think what could have happened to you.

What does he care? If I were his... but I'm not his. Although, perhaps, deep down I don’t mind. This thought breaks through the indignation caused by his arrogance. I blush: my wayward subconscious dances a joyful hula-hula dance at the mere thought that I could be his.

Nothing would have happened to me. I was with Kate.

What about the photographer? - he snorts.

Um... Jose Jr. I'll have to say a few sweet things to him.

Jose just got carried away. - I shrug.

I think someone should teach this photographer some manners so he doesn't get carried away anymore.

How strict you are,” I snort.

Oh, Anastasia, you have no idea. - Christian's eyes narrow and a mischievous grin appears on his face.

Gray's smile has a completely disarming effect on me. One moment I was angry - and now I can’t take my eyes off his face. Oh!.. Everything can be forgiven for this smile. Probably because he smiles so rarely. I even forgot what we talked about.

I'm going to take a shower. Or are you first? - He tilts his head to the side, still smiling. My heart is pounding, my brain has stopped sending impulses to the neurons responsible for breathing. Gray's smile widens and he runs his thumb over my cheek and bottom lip.

Breathe, Anastasia,” Gray whispers and stands up. - Breakfast will be served in fifteen minutes. You're probably hungry. - He goes to the bathroom and closes the door.

I can finally breathe out. Why is he so devilishly handsome? I want to get up and go into his shower. I've never experienced anything like this before. Hormones are raging. I can still feel the touch of his hand on my cheek and upper lip. A feeling of painful, painful discomfort spreads throughout the body. What's wrong with me? Hmm... Lust. This is how it turns out.

I lie back down on the down pillows. "If you were mine." Oh my God... What I wouldn't give to be his! Christian Gray is the only man who makes my heart beat faster and my blood run through my veins. Although I don’t like everything about him: he is very closed and contradictory. He either pushes me away, then sends me books for fourteen thousand dollars, and then he pursues me as if I were some kind of celebrity, and he was a persistent admirer. And despite all this, I spent the night in his room and feel completely safe. Under his protection. He rushed to save me from a danger he had invented. No, he is not dark, but a real white knight in shining armor, classic romantic hero- Sir Gawain or Lancelot.

I crawl out of bed and desperately try to find my jeans. Gray comes out of the shower wet, glistening with water and still unshaven. He's wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. And of course, I stand with bare legs and languish with embarrassment. He's surprised that I'm already up.

Provided by Eksmo Publishing House

Which is worth repeating. My unfortunate experimental boyfriend and I became volunteers in this difficult task. I warn you right away: no one was harmed during the experiments.

"9/2 weeks"

Let's start with the simplest. The day before we bought groceries (fruits, vegetables, milk - how could we live without it). They didn’t forget about the chicken either - sex is sex, but you still want to eat normally. We turned on the music, dimmed the lights in the kitchen and started cooking. We drank a little wine for courage and sat down on the floor (we had to lay down a blanket - only Basinger With Rourke It can be hot on a cold floor). And here I am, blindfolded, trying to guess what I’m chewing this time. While I ate rice that flew in all directions, chicken and tomatoes that stung my chapped lips, everything was not so bad - even very fun. Only things didn’t work out with the banana (oddly enough), my boyfriend gave it to me right after wasabi, which I mistook for ketchup, so my tears flowed and it was hard to breathe (and even harder to sexually absorb a banana). After that, I freaked out and ran to drink water instead of milk. We never got to the cream. The experiment failed.


After an unsuccessful dinner (we decided not to be upset and continue) we moved to the bath. Of course, I was prepared. I bought aromatic oils and salts from Lush and poured out almost a liter of foam. Angelina With Banderas True, we were just basking in muddy water, but we are in the 21st century! We decided not to rush and relax: after all, the end working week– a bath with oils is just right. In the end, the water did not overflow from the banks (they decided to save the finale for the bedroom), but the foreplay in the bathroom was a very exciting process. Only here everything did not go very smoothly. After some time, my beloved turned red (I thought he was hot) and began to itch. We never found out what he was allergic to: candles, oils or salt...

"40 days, 40 nights"

No, I didn’t force him to abstain for 40 days - that would have been too cruel. We simply decided to repeat the famous scene with the flower. We found a lily (after making sure that he was not allergic) and began research. This time we did without scented candles (we took regular ones). Now you could calmly sit on the bed, and not on the floor. Our only tactile action happened at the very beginning - a couple of kisses, then a plant was used (no hands - that’s the condition). I'm a sensitive person, so it was a pleasant feeling. To enhance the effect, he began to talk to me - voicing what we usually do without the intervention of flowers and food. It worked. Firstly, you are torn with desire, and secondly, a flower that moves to the most unexpected places teases you even more. At some point, I stopped coping with the excitement and again spat on the experiment (apparently, this scene should have been mixed with “50 Shades of Gray” and tied my hands). The flower was mercilessly crushed, and it all ended with sex (one of the best, it seems).

"Bitter Moon"

My leather coat had been gathering dust for a long time, I borrowed the handcuffs from a friend who runs a sex column in one publication, and instead of tape I had to use a gag - I regretted it so that it wouldn’t be painful to rip it off. I didn’t specifically show him this scene in advance, I just told him briefly. It was important to sit the test subject (prisoner) on a chair and create an atmosphere of anticipation. In the end, I turned on the music (it’s better to choose not so much sexy as hard - something from Rammstein quite suitable, I’m not kidding) and went into the room. The heroine has a goal "Bitter Moon" was simple: visually arouse her lover so that he becomes angry that he cannot say anything or touch her. So the raincoat, the new underwear underneath and the crazy dance (the crazier the movements, the sexier, so no smooth curves) did their job. During the second chorus, he hummed something intensely, but I still didn’t hear it. As a result, I got involved in this game and made fun of him a little more (without touching) during the second song. The culmination was an overturned chair (he hit his head, for which the next day I tearfully asked for forgiveness) and not too long, but intense sex.

"50 shades of gray"

The next stage is transformation into Christian Gray. I must say that my future dominant was a lot of embarrassment. But when I brought home the stack and clamps with a chain (this is a thing with belts for the neck, arms and legs), I was inspired. Then I already became scared. Still, no matter what age you are, such “toys” put a lot of pressure on your psyche. At some point, you really notice that he’s gone wild with the stack (slaps harder), but you can’t do anything. In addition, we forgot about the safe word, so we agreed that if we decide again (I feel like New Year I will have a stack as a gift pink color...), then approach this more seriously.
Oddly enough, this experiment also went quite successfully. Apart from the fact that I walked around with bruises on my butt for another week and pulled my wrists... The next day I had to rub them "Fastum-gel".

"The Astronaut's Wife"

It’s strange, but we were happy to undertake this experiment. Sex in a public place. It happened at the restaurant that our friends booked for their wedding. I decided to immediately make the task easier - I put on a short, light dress (it’s good that it was still warm then and I didn’t need tights). Now we just had to wait for the right moment. When everyone was already tipsy (like us), he hinted: let’s go and look for a place. The wardrobe was closed, someone constantly went out onto the veranda to smoke, and it got colder in the evening. There was only a toilet left, thank God it looked decent. In order not to have privacy in the booth, they decided to close the front door and let them break in. I think we even

    As far as we know, there are no deleted scenes in the film called 5O Shades of Gray, and what is not included in the film is simply unnecessary material, and not erotic scenes, as many viewers of this film hope.

    The series seemed to be shown without cuts, that is, everything that was filmed was included in the full length.

    In the story of two heroes everything love scenes were shown, the film had already been released and there was a review of the film and the director’s story about how it was filmed and whether there were cut scenes, but nowhere was it said that there were cut scenes somewhere.

    This is a very frank film and there were probably some shots at the filming stage that should not be shown to audiences in cinemas.

    But surprisingly, not a single scene from the film 50 Shades of Gray will be cut, since almost all film qualification councils accepted it in this form.

    The only thing is that the film 50 Shades of Gray has been given the status of a film for adults and will be shown abroad in special cinemas for adults.

    But we don’t have such cinemas, so the film 50 Shades of Gray will be shown in regular cinemas, only limited to 16 years.

    There is one website on the Internet clipiki/Fifty-Shades-of-Grey-2015, where this film is presented in good quality and with dubbed translation (non-Russian subtitles only). The duration of the film is 2 hours and 3 seconds. I can’t say exactly how long the director’s cut runs (and how long it’s in Russian cinemas), but this version has more than 5 erotic scenes of different nature(not just bedding).

    At least you won't find anything better yet. View and download for free. It is possible that if the author's version of 50 Shades of Gray appears without cuts, then it may also be on this site.

    The film has already been released and you can easily watch it on the Internet. There seem to be no cut scenes in the film. The film is intended for ages 16 and up. Apparently there were no pornographic scenes. The remake of the film will most likely be for adults.

    Nowhere. They are not there. The film that will be released now will be censored, there will be nothing pornographic in it, so there is no point in searching. But then they will make a remake and it will be in the R genre, which means uncensored, a film with pornography, I think it will be better to wait for it.

    There are no deleted scenes in the film, but viewers under 16 years of age cannot attend the cinema.

    Although, as practice shows, it is quite easy to get into our cinema hall in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, even at 13)

    The Internet is full of messages on the topic that there was a lot of censorship in the film 50 Shades of Gray. Rumor has it that there is a director's cut with these scenes. I think that if such a thing exists, we will see it no earlier than the end of the show of this film in cinemas.

    There was already a similar situation with the film Twilight. A lot of scenes were cut, but then they released a collection of all parts with an addition. The addition was a video with the director's comments and these very cut scenes.

    So we wait. Perhaps 50 Shades of Gray will have a similar edition.

    For example, I downloaded 2 versions of this film. The first one was of terrible quality - and there were cut scenes - well, that is, not those that were cut during filming, but those that were simply not filmed by the person who posted the film. The hands of the person filming were moving, the dialogues were breaking off and disappearing - but in this poor quality it was a short continuation of the scene with ice - the one that was in the book.

    But the version that I downloaded later is already there there was no continuation of this ice scene(that is, they probably never showed it in the cinema) - but the quality was much better than the first version and the dialogues were not cut off.

    After a little searching on the Internet, I finally found information that the most explicit scenes, announced in a number of trailers, were indeed not included in the final version of the film 50 Shades of Gray.

    That is why, in Russia, the film directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson based on the novel by British writer Erica Leonard James was given only an age rating of 16+, that is, responsible officials from the Russian Ministry of Culture, the Research Institute of Cinematography, etc., believe that there is moral harm This movie has no impact on 17 year olds.

    Well, they're probably right. But the excitement around the deleted scenes will continue for a long time, and perhaps some of them will soon leak onto the Internet. In the meantime, to all lovers of beautiful and good story love is worth watching existing version, but it’s better to re-read the book directly with your other half.