Where did the gypsies come from, and why are they not loved anywhere? The secret life and customs of the gypsies: fortune telling, hypnosis and theft of people

Gypsies in the press and literature are often presented as shameless or dissolute, or even a combination of these two qualities. I had a chance to read about promiscuity among the gypsies, and about the right of the first night on the part of the baron, and about the frivolity, infidelity and willfulness of gypsy wives, and about prostitution flourishing among gypsies, and about the vast experience of gypsy unmarried girls, and that these girls get pregnant on purpose, to serve more. Everyone is familiar with the joke “man, give me a ruble, I’ll show you my pussy?”, and photos of dark-skinned men shitting on busy sidewalks are circulating on the Internet, and some have seen gypsies openly breastfeeding on the streets and in other public places, and there are also sources In the 19th century, they mentioned gypsies and gypsy women shamelessly exposing their breasts (men were then also charged with shamelessness).

What's the point here? Where is the truth, where is the fiction, and how do gypsies see chastity and modesty?

The truth is that these concepts vary quite a lot from one gypsy to another, and the gypsy law here is very short.

It requires that adults' thighs and knees be hidden from prying eyes, condemns adultery, female prostitution and homosexuality, and leaves no possibility for gypsies to exchange wives for the night or to give the bride to anyone for the first night.

All gypsies, except Magyar ones, have a very strict attitude towards the behavior of unmarried girls. The girl must either marry an innocent woman or marry the guy who took her virginity. There are two wedding customs associated with this. The first is taking out the sheets. During the wedding, the groom must retire to a special room and deflower the bride (if the family is rich, then the wedding takes longer, and the first, excuse me, sexual intercourse occurs at night; however, not everywhere); then the mother-in-law takes this sheet and shows it to those present, and can dance with it. In general, the same as in best houses Europe... in the Middle Ages ^_^. The second custom: if a guy deflowered a girl before the wedding (they had mercy or he stole her), then the wedding is not so luxurious, and instead of the ritual with the sheet, the guy bows at the feet of the guests and asks for forgiveness for his sin. Usually guests forgive. It’s not customary to say this, but it happens that a guy covers up someone else’s sin out of love or pity for his fiancée. And there is something to regret: in old times a “dishonest” bride could be stoned, or have her hair cut off and considered defiled (and therefore expelled from the camp), and her parents would get it this way or that; for example, they could have harnessed the father to a cart for carelessness and pushed all the guests on it one by one, several at a time. Now everything is not so extreme, but bad fame alone can already frighten, because the position of a gypsy in gypsy society is actually based on personal rating, and a simple relationship with a “dishonest” girl can greatly undermine him. The bride’s “dishonesty” especially affects her closest relatives: parents are persecuted for neglect and poor upbringing, and sisters are suspected that their parents also failed to raise them.

Hence the surviving tradition of teenage marriages: either they are afraid they won’t protect them, or they have no longer saved them ^_^ it can be difficult to keep track of teenagers, who mature so early, you know! Being a principled opponent of teenage marriages (damn, it’s weird - I got married at 17! in my third year of college...), I can’t help but note two features of gypsy teenage marriages that make me happy: a girl will never be married off before the first menstruation, a young man - before the appearance of wet dreams (well, that is, if he is not able to inseminate, what role of the husband can we talk about; Gypsy law is very strict regarding the puberty of those entering into marriage), and the age difference between husband and wife is more three years they look very, very askance (though, from a certain age, the maximum difference acceptable by gypsy society decreases, i.e. if 12 and 18 is an extreme difference, then 22 and 28 - back and forth). These features are so pleasing because the tradition of early marriage does not turn into pedophilia.
In a conversation about this, I was once given two cases, gleaned from newspapers, which, in the opinion of opponents, clearly refute the rule of difference. However, I maintain and will continue to maintain that these are exceptions that emphasize the rule. In the Roma community there is a tradition of teenage marriages, but there is no tradition of pedophilic relationships.
I must say, fortunately, teenage marriages are becoming less and less common in countries where Roma are more or less integrated into society. I heard that if earlier among Russian gypsies a girl got married at the age of 12-14, in our times this period often occurs at 15-19. Here, in general, it is necessary to seriously research in order to say something accurately, especially for all the gypsies of the world.

However, let's return to the hips and knees. As we remember, the thighs of an adult are especially unclean - especially female thighs. The legs are also unclean, but somehow not on their own, but because they are under the hips - you follow the logic, right? The thighs are so unclean that it is indecent to even show them or talk about them or anything related to them (about defecation, for example, or about menstruation). So there can be no “give me a ruble, I’ll show you your pussy” or public relief for a gypsy observing the gypsy law. Gumno, by the way, is also an unclean thing, very unclean, so there can be no question of leaving it in sight in the yard. We’ll talk about gamno in more detail in one of the following posts.

According to Gypsy law, breasts are not a shameful part of the body. The mother's breast is generally a holy thing! So her discovery for gypsies and gypsies is not at all a sign of shamelessness. However, it is worth remembering that in addition to the gypsy law, the gypsies also observe the norms of their religion, because they are very, very devout. Therefore, for example, Russian and Spanish gypsies will condemn showing their breasts and a skirt that does not cover the entire leg to the ankle. Moreover, religious laws are so deeply rooted in society that those who implement them confuse them with the gypsy law, without distinguishing one from the other. I have heard from Gypsy girls that baptism and breast closure are prescribed specifically by Gypsy law, despite the fact that an analysis of the Gypsy rules of different ethnic groups, which made it possible to identify the core of the law, shows that initially there was nothing like that in the law.
There is a version that the use of headscarves by married women is also associated with religious motives.

Marital fidelity is interpreted differently by different gypsies. The fidelity of wives is interpreted in exactly the same way: for treason they can be considered defiled and kicked out of, ahem, the camp (in wild places the hubby can be beaten to death), and that’s it. But in relation to husbands, marital fidelity is asked differently. For some gypsies this is real fidelity, at the same level as for wives. Others may be considered unclean if they walk too actively, or if they have brought a contagious disease. Still others can wander around, but have no right to leave their family without support, i.e. loyalty is expressed financially. Among the Lovarians, the concept of marital fidelity is considered to apply only to a woman, and that’s it. I heard that it’s not only them, but I can’t say for sure.

Prostitution is prohibited by Romani law only for women, and same-sex love is prohibited only for men. This is theoretical. But in practice, again, there are variations: among Russian Gypsies, male prostitution is prohibited, and a lesbian/bisexual woman will be looked at askance, if not deleted from the list of Gypsies at all. While I heard stories from Czech and Romanian gypsies that men from among the French and Spanish gypsies could sell themselves to rich Gadzhiks without any fear of ostracism. I’m selling it for what I bought it for, but I don’t rule out this option.

One gypsy legend says that God loved the gypsies so much for their fun and talent that he did not tie them to pieces of land, like other peoples, but gave them the whole world to live in. Therefore, gypsies can be found on all continents except Antarctica.

One of the most interesting gypsy concepts is the concept of “filth”. It is associated with the lower part of the body of a married or just an adult woman. All she has to do is walk over something and the place becomes “desecrated.” Clothing worn by a woman below the waist and shoes are automatically considered “defiled.” Therefore, in women's national costume Many gypsies in the world wear a large apron. And for the same reason, in order not to be desecrated, gypsies prefer to live in small, one-story houses.

Only 1% of Russian Roma are nomadic.

Short hair among gypsies is a symbol of dishonor. The hair of the exiled and isolated was cut. Until now, gypsies avoid very short haircuts.

Medicine does not know any cases of leprosy among the Roma. That is, gypsies do not suffer from leprosy.

Gypsies understand many simple phrases spoken in Hindi. That's why gypsies love some Indian films so much.

Roma have “undesirable” professions, which are usually hidden so as not to “fall out” of Roma society. These are, for example, factory work, street cleaning and journalism.

Like every nation, gypsies have their own national dishes. Since ancient times, gypsies lived in or near the forest, so they ate animals caught in hunts - hares, wild boars and others. A special national dish of the Gypsies is hedgehog, fried or stewed.

Carriers of gypsy genes are called Romano rats. Romanians are given the right, if they wish, to become gypsies. Romano Rath is the guitarist of the Rolling Stones group Ronnie Wood, Sergei Kuryokhin, Yuri Lyubimov, Charlie Chaplin and Anna Netrebko.

The word "lave?" in Russian jargon, borrowed from the Gypsy language, where it has the form “love?” (Gypsies do not “akat”) and the meaning of “money”.

An earring in one ear of a gypsy means that he is the only son in the family.

And more about the gypsies...

Many people associate the word “Gypsies” with such concepts as freedom and liberty. In fact, quite strict morals reign in a gypsy family.

Gypsies, immigrants from India, led an isolated lifestyle wherever they appeared - they were strangers everywhere. But those who stayed for a long time in one area or another adopted the customs of the indigenous population over the years. Russia is inhabited mainly by Russian Roma (Russian Gypsies) and Servas (Ukrainian Gypsies). Magyar gypsies from Western Ukraine and Central Asian Lyuli gypsies come to Moscow in search of work.

Gypsies differ in religion - in Russia and Ukraine, mostly Orthodox Christians live, but there are Muslims and Catholics.


Roma marriages take place quite early: the elders are afraid that the youth will “run wild and get spoiled.” In addition, a younger girl quickly gets used to the way of life of her husband’s family.

It is not customary for gypsies to go on dates or to discos. Usually young people meet at relatives' weddings and other celebrations. Parents, of course, look for future spouses for their children, but more often they act as advisers rather than dictators. Every father, every mother wants the family with whom they are to become related to be respected, noble and decent. And if you're rich, even better. But no one is forced into marriage.

Living among your own people presupposes being informed about everything. “Gypsy Post” knows where the beauty grew up and where to send matchmakers. As soon as the son hinted to his parents about his choice, preparations for matchmaking begin.

Sometimes this is a separate festive event with its own canons - who should say what, where to sit, and so on. And if the families have agreed, the wedding is prepared.


Gypsy wedding celebrations are similar to theatrical performances. For example, only those women whose family life was a success. It is obligatory to bless the bride and groom with icons - for Christians, of course.

And the bride’s chastity is an indispensable condition. The bride and groom are solemnly escorted to separate apartments with songs and dances, and then they are also solemnly welcomed. As a sign of the girl's purity, red flowers are pinned to the guests' chests. A wedding veil is opened over the heads of the bride and groom so that guests can ascertain the bride’s innocence; other, “adult” songs and ditties are sung to the young people. The girl puts on a new outfit and a scarf is tied on her head.

In some groups of Crimean gypsies they also pay bride price. And at the weddings of Lovarian gypsies they do not give gifts; it is believed that anyone can come and simply rejoice at the happiness of the newlyweds.

Legends that gypsies steal brides are based on real basis. This happens in our time if parents do not approve of their children’s choices. But in such cases, wedding feasts, as a rule, are not arranged. Everything goes quietly and modestly.


In most cases, newlyweds remain to live with the groom's parents. Then, over time, they move under their own roof. Only the most youngest son with his family he must stay with his parents - someone needs to look after them.

The daughter-in-law gets up earlier and goes to bed later than everyone else. She performs all household functions under the guidance of her mother-in-law. A gypsy woman never contradicts a man, and does not enter into a man’s conversation until she is addressed. There are legends about the loyalty of Gypsy women; they know how to respect men, look after them, and most importantly, they protect the honor of the family. You will never hear a gypsy disgrace her husband in front of strangers or talk about what he should do. She will silently go and do it herself. She will earn money herself and will never reproach her husband for not bringing money.

However, for the most part, Roma men feel responsible for their family, children, and relatives. This is instilled in them from an early age.

Sometimes men, of course, allow themselves to be lazy, lie on the couch in front of the TV. They love to show off in society in chic clothes, to show off: he big man, “baro rum”!

All men are in love with horses. A ring with an image of a horse's head or a horseshoe is a worthy decoration for a gypsy. If you really can’t own a horse, then at least forge its image on the gate of your house! Many men collect figurines of these animals. Now horses are being replaced by cars, and any gypsy can name you dozens of the best foreign cars.


The standard of living of many Roma is very low: it is a self-built building without water, sewerage or gas. There are such places throughout the post-Soviet space. But in Europe, as well as here, some gypsies live quite decently: they travel in cozy trailers.

Genetics is a stubborn thing. Therefore, in multi-storey buildings, the gypsies are stuffy, difficult, and want freedom. They try to live closer to the ground - in private houses or at least on the first floors.

Gypsies decorate their homes with carpets, stucco, and love expensive dishes. There is always a lot of food prepared - you never know who will stop by. A gypsy woman will never let a person leave the house without at least giving him some tea. By the way, tea is brewed strongly, adding slices of lemon and apple, and drunk from crystal glasses.

Modern gypsies, of course, do not wear 12 skirts, like Gorky’s or Tolstoy’s characters. But their clothes are often different from what others wear. Most of all, of course, gypsies love black. But they are also partial to bright colors - red, white, turquoise, gold. Favorite fabrics are chiffon, velvet, guipure. Length - maxi or midi, short skirts are worn only by city girls, and even then rarely. Shoes for everyday use - without heels, but festive ones are very chic! Gypsies love gold jewelry, and more diamonds. Favorite stones are turquoise and corals.


It is not customary for gypsies to talk out loud about love; you cannot touch another woman, even while dancing. If you a real man, know how to manage your emotions. If you like another gypsy, don’t show it, except maybe throw out your passion in a song or dance. The hot temperament of men sometimes leads them into the arms of strangers, non-gypsy women. Society treats this condescendingly, although it does not welcome it.

Mixed marriages nevertheless occur. And if the wife is of a different clan-tribe, she gradually “Gypsyizes”: she accepts the Gypsy culture, customs, and language. If the spouse is of a different nationality, then gypsies sometimes try to take over in order to build a life in their own way. In the end, this is what happens: everyday life depends on the woman. Divorce occurs extremely rarely in Roma families. But if a man leaves, he usually takes care of the children or takes them to new family. When meeting each other, gypsies ask each other: “Whose are you? Who is your father?

Fortune telling is an original gypsy skill passed down from generation to generation - both joy and sorrow for the fortune teller. If you see trouble and can’t do anything, it’s hard! From the outside it may seem that everything is simple - I looked at the cards and voiced it. In fact, it is hard work for the soul, for the mind. To see the past, present, future, you need to tune in, enter a certain state and concentrate. And after the session you should restore your strength. But when you are thanked by people who have found love or overcome an illness, given birth to a baby or achieved success in business, isn’t that happiness?


But real gypsy happiness is being a child in a camp. You get the most delicious food, you are always with your mother, everyone loves you, kisses you, gives you gifts, pampers you. Therefore, if one of the “strangers” in the carriage or on the street refused to give the gypsy a coin, he will not be upset, and his self-esteem certainly will not suffer from this. Well, if they offend you, then there will always be someone in the camp - a sister, brother, aunt or godmother who will console and reassure.

Unfortunately, the gypsy mother sees her task only in ensuring that the child is well-fed and healthy. Not everyone understands the need for education. And it is difficult for Roma children to study in a regular school. Poor knowledge of the local language is a hindrance - the kids simply do not understand what they want from them. In addition, for gypsies there is no category of time, because of this, learning to come to class on time is not possible for them.

Social conditions are also sometimes against studying - there is nothing to wear, nothing to put on shoes, there is no place in the house where to do homework. In addition, Roma have a prejudice that their more liberated peers at school will teach their children something bad.

But nevertheless, having an education is becoming prestigious. And many encourage their children to study. Among universities, gypsies prefer institutes of culture and... tourism business - this is where it manifested itself, the longing for nomadism!


In order for a gypsy family to survive, it requires a little more effort than for the indigenous population. Bright, characteristic appearance sometimes interferes with getting a job. Stereotypes (“a gypsy stole - and sings and dances!”) make it difficult to treat a person objectively. Therefore, for a gypsy, a family is a refuge where they will listen to him, feed him, take care of him, and cheer him up. Life outside the homeland taught my fellow tribesmen to stick together and not leave their brother in trouble. The President of the International Roma Union, Stakhiro Stankiewicz, once said: “If a non-Gypsy comes to a foreign country, he looks for a hotel to stay. And the gypsy will find another gypsy who will give him food and shelter.”liveinternet.ru/users/igorinna/pos t131700140/#

Artist Nikolai Bessonov

Despite the fact that now the gypsies almost no longer wander and lead a sedentary lifestyle, they sacredly preserve their traditions and customs.


The gypsy people have such a concept as “filth”. A woman's lower body, clothing, and even the ground underneath are considered defiled. Based on this, gypsy women It is forbidden to rise above the first floor of the house.

Gypsy women are forbidden to rise above the first floor of the house

A man can also be defiled if a gypsy woman touches him with her skirt (not counting cases of fulfilling marital duty). It is also considered a punishment for any crime. The defiled man moves away from the camp. He eats and sleeps separately until he is cleansed. Only then, having made a joint decision, will the community allow him to return back.


A gypsy wedding is a unique phenomenon. This event is usually celebrated on a grand scale and with great pomp. Usually, parents try to get their children married as early as possible, so that the young ones do not have time to deteriorate, and the bride can easily adapt to life in the groom’s family. It happens that couples form as soon as children begin to walk.

Gypsy newlyweds

The choice is influenced by the wealth and status of families in society. Everything is discussed in advance. When the time comes to get married, the groom's parents bring the bride price. This is rather formal, since at the wedding all this is passed on to the young people. By the way, wedding gifts are usually given in large quantities and luxuriously. All the relatives of the camp gather for this holiday.

Gypsy wedding festivities last for more than one day, but sometimes for weeks.

The festivities go on for more than one day, and sometimes drag on for weeks. Another tradition is to prove the bride's innocence. After the first wedding night, the newlyweds must show the guests a sheet with blood. Thus confirming the piety of the newly-made wife.


After the wedding, the girl comes to live in her husband's house with his family. Over time, the young people acquire their own home and move out. But there is a strict rule that the youngest son must always live with his parents in order to help them and provide a decent life.

Life of gypsies in Europe

The gypsies have a cult of children. These people love all children, without exception, both gypsies and any other nation. They always try to pamper them, treat them, cheer them up, and never punish them. When you come to a house where children live, you are sure to bring them gifts and presents. Elders are also very respected. Their opinion is considered law.

Gypsy children

Most gypsies have a very complex etiquette, consisting of rules of behavior depending on the gender and age of the person.

At gypsy feasts, women and men sit separately

At festivals and feasts, women and men sit separately. During holidays, it is considered shameful and impolite to those present to get very drunk. Young people can drink only with the permission of their elders. And those who are not allowed to drink must prevent conflicts and monitor the amount everyone else drinks.


The gypsies believe that a person in the next world needs everything the same as in ordinary life. If a person dies, then, depending on his gender, 3 items are handed over to relatives or friends through the coffin: an icon (if a man died - male, a woman - female), a bed and a carpet (symbolizes the road). Relatives and friends go in procession from the house behind the coffin. They throw a scarf on the ground - “road”. The relatives of the deceased cannot carry the coffin. Essential items and alcohol are placed in the coffin (for meeting relatives). Mirrors are hung in the house for 40 days.

Relatives of a deceased gypsy do not cut their hair for 40 days

Close relatives of the deceased do not cut their hair or shave their beard for 40 days. During the year, relatives remain in mourning and do not attend fun events such as weddings, birthdays, etc. The length of time they spend in mourning depends on how the relative grieves. If a person grieves greatly, then the period of mourning can last much longer. After 40 days, they give a laid table to a relative, in accordance with the gender of the deceased.


Gypsy creative team

It is not customary for gypsies to talk out loud about love; you cannot touch another woman, even while dancing, unless you can express your passion in a song or dance. That is why in the culture of this people it is customary to entertain oneself with creativity. The world knows many successful musicians, circus performers, dancers and actors - representatives of this people.

I decided to figure out how real gypsies live, what traditions and codes they adhere to, what laws they obey.

The customs of the Gypsies largely depend on their environment and religion. But there are still basic laws that have not changed for centuries. These are the foundations on which gypsy society is built. We'll talk about them today.

Modern gypsies:

And the gypsies:


It is generally accepted that gypsies do not stay in any one place for long and constantly roam. Currently, this is not the case; for example, of all Russian gypsies, only 1% are nomadic. A sedentary lifestyle allowed the gypsies to settle in ordinary houses with all the amenities. The gypsy house is distinguished by its pompous design and “rich” decoration, designed to resemble a luxurious mansion or some famous building. This is especially clear in the example of the Romanian gypsies. But this, of course, if the owner has money.

Houses of wealthy gypsies from the outside:

And inside:

And the houses of poor Romanian gypsies are, as a rule, one-story tiny shacks.

By the way, the one-story building is directly related to the gypsy concept of “filth” coming from a woman, or rather, from the lower part of her body. It is believed that “filth” flows down and is capable of staining everything that is “underneath”. Therefore, many gypsies preferred to build one-story houses so that women would not rise higher.
Currently, of all Russian Gypsies, only 1% are nomadic
IN modern houses rich gypsies, of course, have more than one floor, and only men and little girls who do not yet have the “ability” to “defile” are allowed to go higher. By the way, no precise definition, at what point does this “filth” appear in a woman: either when she becomes sexually mature, or when she loses her innocence.

Gypsies, early 20th century:

Gypsies take marriage very seriously. It is believed that it is customary for them to remain faithful to their soulmate, but, of course, this applies to women only to a greater extent. Gypsy men take care of their family and do not leave their children without attention and care. Children in gypsy settlements have the best life: they are the object of attention of all the surrounding women, they are usually pampered and generally treated very affectionately.
The one-story building is directly related to the gypsy concept of “filth” coming from a woman

There are legends about gypsy weddings. It is believed that this is a large-scale celebration, with songs and dances, which will not leave anyone behind. The bride must be “pure” and innocent before marriage. According to customs, it used to be customary to show the guests the veil from the marital bed after the first wedding night. A man could “walk” with non-gypsy women even before marriage.

The life of today's gypsies, of course, has become “modernized” in many ways. So, now it is difficult to name any dietary features and taste preferences of gypsies. However, among the “traditional” dishes, one exotic one can be distinguished - hedgehog. The gypsies roamed and caught the living creatures that were found in the surrounding area - birds, animals, and, among other things, hedgehogs. They were used to cook stew or stew meat.

Good and bad

Roma laws are aimed at regulating relations both within the Roma society and at relations between Roma and non-Roma. In the latter case, it is considered correct and reasonable to adhere to the norms and rules of the non-Gypsy society with whom the Gypsies interact. By the way, marriages between gypsies and non-gypsies are not prohibited, but they are not very encouraged either.

Within the gypsy society, many things are regulated: the form of communication, the choice of clothing, the traditions of major holidays and much more.

The most terrible punishment for any gypsy has always been considered expulsion and isolation. Such punishment can follow for committing a serious crime, from the point of view of the Gypsy code: murder, rape, and sometimes theft. For a gypsy, after the ritual of exile, returning back to his native society will be very, very difficult. It is believed that outcasts from the gypsies lead a predatory and extremely marginal lifestyle, because in their understanding the worst has already happened and there is nowhere to fall lower.
The most terrible punishment for any gypsy has always been considered expulsion

By the way, cut hair among gypsies is a symbol of dishonor. Usually the outcasts just had their hair cut off.

Historically, gypsies had a certain set of professions that they engaged in: crafts, trade, acting, show business, and the famous begging and “fortune telling.” In addition, gypsies do not shun working with animals, in particular horse breeding. But there are some works that are considered “non-gypsy” and therefore shameful. These include factory work, street cleaning and journalism. If a gypsy has one of these professions, then, as a rule, he tries not to advertise it.

Gypsy Baron:

There is a cliché about the “gypsy baron,” that is, the main person in the camp, to whom they go for advice, give all sorts of honors, send “outsiders” to him and ask him to administer justice. In fact, the gypsies have a very strong cult of seniority; respect and honors are due to older members of society. But, as a rule, there is no one “leader” - this is a collection of respected older people. By the way, it is considered a serious offense to express disrespect towards those who are older.


The famous gypsy outfits, in which they are usually depicted in illustrations, appeared not so long ago. Previously, the gypsies dressed in what they could beg from the local population. Accordingly, their costume depended on their habitat. The famous women's skirts with frills were invented by Romanian gypsies, looking at the style of Spanish women. A frilly skirt is a practical thing: as soon as the hem wears out, patches and ribbons take root in it, and the outfit looks renewed.

Men often prefer to wear a jacket or vest with large buttons, boots and a hat.

Journalism was considered a shameful profession for a gypsy

The gypsies have their own folklore, songs, music, and poetry. TO literary heritage include stories, myths, proverbs and sayings that are passed down from generation to generation.

Among the gypsies there are many famous cultural figures: musicians Alyosha Dmitrievich, Mikhail, Nikolai and Sergey Erdenko, Janos Bihari, Gianni Linkach, Petr Demeter. Gypsy roots also existed famous actor Charlie Chaplin. Gypsies also became famous as actors, writers and athletes.

Gina Lollobrigida as Esmeralda:

Gypsy culture inspired and still inspires artists: who hasn’t read Pushkin’s poem “The Gypsies” or hasn’t remembered the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda from Hugo? And, of course, when it comes to gypsy culture, it is impossible not to recall the work of director Emir Kusturica.

There are many myths about the gypsies, including attempts to present them as a completely uncivilized nation, mired in crime and debauchery... Meanwhile, among these people there are quite complex system cultural, moral and ethical values. Various taboos occupy a significant place in it.

The concept of defilement

First of all, the concept of “filth” is associated with the lower part of the female body. Moreover we're talking about only about married or sexually mature women. It is believed that from the waist down a woman is “unclean” and any contact with her can defile. Even if she just walks over something or someone. The only exception is the performance of marital duties.

Under no circumstances should you touch the clothes that the gypsy wears below the waist or her shoes. If a family lives in a two-story house, then women are not allowed to go up to the second floor - only girls and young women are allowed there. If a gypsy woman has been on the top floor of a house, male gypsies are not allowed to enter this house so as not to become defiled.

For men, everything below the waist is also considered “unclean,” but the area of ​​spread of “filth” is smaller than for women.

“Desecrated” are things that women use during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. They are subsequently destroyed. They try not to contact pregnant women and women in labor.

If a person dies, then all the things he touched are also declared “unclean.” They are buried with their owner.

A priori, the meat of dogs and cats is considered unclean, since these animals have the habit of licking their genitals. Gypsies are not allowed to eat horse meat, as they consider horses to be their “brothers”. But no one forbids eating beef, pork, lamb, or chicken.

“Desecrated” gypsies become outcasts. You cannot touch them or eat at the same table with them. After some time, they decide that the “filth” has left such a person and he has been cleansed. But not in all cases things end so well. If one Gypsy "desecrated" another intentionally or tried to hide his "desecration", he could be expelled from the community forever.

Sometimes they are sentenced to “desecration” for some offense. Most often this concerns men. Such a gypsy has his hair, mustache and beard cut off, and then one of the gypsies hits him on the head or face with a specially brought skirt. He becomes "defiled" until he is forgiven. Sentences are passed by a “gypsy court” consisting of the most respected people in the community.

Such punishment can follow for theft from one’s own (this, as a rule, does not apply to theft from non-Gypsies), rape, murder, betrayal of the interests of one’s clan.

Marriage and sex life

Attitudes towards marriage and sexuality vary among different Roma communities. Some people allow their husbands to cheat, but their wives do not. For others, infidelity is not encouraged at all. In some places prostitution is not allowed at all, in others it is only for men or only for women. Somewhere same-sex relationships are prohibited, and somewhere they turn a blind eye...

Gypsy law requires adult Gypsy women to cover their thighs and knees (which is why they wear long, wide skirts). But showing breasts by nursing mothers is usually not prohibited.

In most gypsy communities, a girl must marry chaste. The morning after the first wedding night, it is customary to show guests a nightgown or sheet with blood stains. Then the young woman is dressed in a red dress. By the way, although marriages between gypsies are quite common early age(14-16 years old), prerequisite is that both the bride and groom have reached puberty by this time.

Table traditions

Special etiquette is associated with feasts and receiving guests. Women usually sit separately from men - on opposite sides of the table, at a different table, or in a different room altogether. At the same time, women are not recommended to pass in front of a sitting man; they are instructed to walk around him from behind or stand with their backs to him.

Younger family members (even if they are already adults) are prohibited from drinking alcohol in front of their elders, or they must ask their permission.

It is considered extremely impolite to refuse a treat. If a child likes something while visiting, it is given as a gift, with the exception of expensive items such as household appliances or jewelry.

Certain speech formulas are used for different situations. They must be used, and certainly in the Roma language, even in conversation with people of a different nationality.