Why did Raskolnikov's mother die? Crime and punishment Rodion's mother

F. M. Dostoevsky - great man and a writer whose name is known to absolutely every person since school. One of his most famous novels is Crime and Punishment. Dostoevsky wrote a story about a student who committed a murder, after which he suffered a terrible punishment, not in a legal sense, but in a moral sense. Raskolnikov tormented himself, but not only he himself suffered from what he did. The Raskolnikov family in the novel Crime and Punishment also suffered from the actions of the protagonist.

The meaning of the novel's title

"Crime and Punishment" - great novel, which captivated millions of readers and classics lovers. It is worth saying that in the name lies deep meaning and the content of the work.

It is important that from the very beginning Dostoevsky wanted to give his novel a different name, and he came up with “Crime and Punishment” when the writing of the work was at the completion stage. It must be said that the novel can no longer be imagined with a different title, because it is the current one that reflects the entire essence of the idea of ​​the great classic.

First the crime, and then the punishment. Dostoevsky wanted to emphasize that sometimes moral punishment is not as scary for a person. Raskolnikov felt its fullness and realized how terrible it was to “punish” himself.

It is worth saying that not only Rodion felt how difficult it was to experience moral punishment. The Raskolnikov family in the novel “Crime and Punishment” also felt how much one can suffer from the actions committed by loved ones and relatives.

Rodion Raskolnikov

F. M. Dostoevsky decided to introduce the reader to the main character of his novel from its first pages. The author described Raskolnikov’s appearance: “he was slender, handsome, his height was above average, and his eyes were large and beautiful.” The main character of the novel grew up in the family of a poor tradesman.

The writer notes that Raskolnikov was always poorly dressed, and any other person would prefer not to go out in such “rags” at all. The main character's father died, and his family found itself in a very difficult situation. Raskolnikov's sister was forced to get a job as a governess in order to save her difficult financial situation, and Rodion had to live on money sent by his mother. However, there were still not enough funds, and the young man began giving private lessons. Such a difficult situation forced Rodion to leave his studies at the university.

The history of the Raskolnikov family played a huge role in Rodion’s life. It is worth saying that poverty became the cause of many misfortunes that occurred in the life of the main character. However, in spite of everything, Rodion loved his family very much and was ready to give his life for her.

Raskolnikov's mother

Pulcheria Alexandrovna is Rodion's mother, who loved her son with all her heart. She represents a simple Russian woman who was not only a good and affectionate mother who loved her children. The author shows the reader that Pulcheria looked good, despite her age, as well as her ugly and unkempt clothes.

The main character's mother was compliant and could always agree to a lot. However, despite this, she was an honest person and it was this trait that did not allow her to overstep herself.

The Raskolnikov family in the novel “Crime and Punishment” appeared before the reader as poor but honest. Its members were ready to do anything for each other.

Rodion's sister

Dunya is Raskolnikov's beloved sister. It is worth saying that warm relations have long been established between her and her brother, which can safely be called friendly. Dunya loved Rodion and her mother very much, which is why she decided to marry Luzhin in order to save her relatives from poverty. She wanted Raskolnikov to continue studying at the university and also work with her future husband.

However, Rodion dissuaded his sister from marrying Luzhin, because he was a greedy and ignoble gentleman. Soon Dunya married Razumikhin, Raskolnikov’s best friend, who became part of their small family.

The Raskolnikov family in the novel Crime and Punishment is very friendly. Despite all the hardships and obstacles that each member encounters along the way, they stay together and try to help each other.

Father of Rodion Raskolnikov

It is worth saying that Dostoevsky decided not to talk much about Father Rodion. All we know is that the head of the family died. After his death, Pulcheria and her young children were forced to earn a living, and this was not at all easy for them.

Raskolnikov's connection with his family. Dunya's act

It must be repeated that the Raskolnikov family was very friendly and loving. The characterization of the heroes makes it clear that each of them was ready to do anything for each other. The mother loved her children, and they loved her.

The Raskolnikovs’ reverent attitude towards each other is visible at the very beginning of the novel. When they were left in complete poverty after the death of their father, their mother, Dunya and Rodion himself struggled to get money in order to provide at least a little for the family. The protagonist's sister made great sacrifices by deciding to marry Luzhin. Dunya wanted to marry him primarily in order to save her family from poverty. This act suggests that Raskolnikov was so close to his mother and sister that they were ready to make great sacrifices.

Poor but friendly Raskolnikov family. Description of Rodion's action

Despite the fact that Rodion was a criminal, Dostoevsky did not deprive him of his loved ones. This is confirmed by the Raskolnikov family. The characteristics of the members of this family show the reader that, despite the obstacles and adversities, they still remained the closest and dearest people to each other.

Rodion’s connection with his family is confirmed by the situation when Rodion learned about the upcoming marriage of Dunya and Luzhin. Raskolnikov's sister wanted to marry this gentleman for the sake of the prosperity of her family, but Rodion expressed his protest and dissatisfaction about this. Raskolnikov forbade his beloved sister to marry the greedy and not noble Luzhin, because he did not want to see how his sister would suffer and suffer. This act suggests that family and the honor of each of its members are the main thing.

The role of family in Rodion's life

It is worth saying that it was not in vain that Dostoevsky paid so much attention to the Raskolnikov and Marmeladov families. The writer wanted to show what they mean in the life of every person. The Raskolnikov family becomes an example in the story. The description of the actions and characters of each character gives the reader the opportunity to understand what role close people play in each other’s lives. It must be said that Raskolnikov’s family partly became involved in Rodion’s crime, because the mother and Dunya pinned all their hopes on the main character. That is why he felt a duty to his family, as well as a great responsibility for the lives of his mother and sister.

The role of Rodion's family in Crime and Punishment

Throughout the entire novel, the reader experiences not hostility, but pity for the main character of the work “Crime and Punishment.” The Raskolnikov family was in a difficult situation. Duna, Pulcheria and Rodion constantly had to endure various shocks and difficult situations.

The fate of the Raskolnikov family is not easy, and therefore makes every reader feel pity and sympathy. Throughout their lives, these people had to fight for themselves and their loved ones, go through difficult trials, but at the same time take care of their honor and live fairly. The role of the Raskolnikov family in the novel is that with its help the author can draw the reader’s attention to how relationships with loved ones can influence Nice family, in which mutual understanding and love reign, can give peace and true happiness.

Raskolnikova Pulcheria Alexandrovna(“Crime and Punishment”), mother of Rodion Romanovich and Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikov. “Despite the fact that Pulcheria Alexandrovna was already forty-three years old, her face still retained remnants of her former beauty, and besides, she seemed much younger than her years, which almost always happens with women who have retained clarity of spirit, freshness of impressions and honest, pure heat of the heart until old age. Let's say in parentheses that preserving all this is the only way not to lose your beauty even in old age. Her hair was already beginning to turn gray and thin, small radiant wrinkles had long appeared around her eyes, her cheeks were sunken and dry from care and grief, and yet this face was beautiful. It was a portrait of Dunechka’s face, only twenty years later, and besides the expression of her lower lip, which did not protrude forward. Pulcheria Alexandrovna was sensitive, but not to the point of cloying, timid and compliant, but to a certain point: she could give in a lot, could agree to a lot, even that which contradicted her convictions, but there was always such a trait of honesty, rules and extreme convictions, beyond which no circumstances could force her to step..."

On the eve of his crime, Rodion Raskolnikov received a detailed letter from his mother with sad news: Dunya scandalously left her position as a governess in the house of Svidrigailov, because of the latter’s lustful advances, and was forced to marry a certain Mr. Luzhin, judging by some simple-minded reservations of Pulcheria Alexandrovna, a scoundrel. and hoarding. This message finally inspired Rodion to complete his plan - to kill the old pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna in order to prevent the self-sacrifice of sister Dunya. The day after the murder, Rodion receives from his mother a transfer for 35 rubles (“from last money"), with part of which Razumikhin manages to buy him more or less decent clothes, and he will give the rest to the Marmeladov family. And soon Pulcheria Alexandrovna and her daughter themselves, at the behest and desire of Luzhin, come to St. Petersburg, and that’s all last days before Rodion's confession, they are close - both tormenting and supporting him.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna never fully realized or understood the catastrophe of her son (and, apparently, she did not want to understand, she was afraid): she fell ill with a nervous illness “like insanity”, it would seem that she believed that Rodya had gone somewhere far away, "abroad". She still managed to bless Dunya for her marriage to Razumikhin and soon died “in the heat and delirium.” In her dying delirium, “words escaped from her, from which one could conclude that she was much more suspicious of her son’s terrible fate.”

In the name of Raskolnikov’s mother one can discern a connection with the heroine of N.V. Gogol’s “Old World Landowners” - Pulcheria Ivanovna.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna is the mother of the main character of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, Rodion Raskolnikov. The woman does not have a husband; he died many years ago; she had to raise her two children, Rodion and Dunyasha, on her own.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna receives a pension; she also often does needlework and embroidery at home, putting her work up for sale in order to somehow help her children. She regularly helps her son financially. Pulcheria Alexandrovna even moved to St. Petersburg in order to be closer to her son and be able to provide all possible assistance.

The author does not say much about the appearance of Pulcheria Alexandrovna. But we can note that the woman was forty-three years old, but despite her age, she looked quite young. Pulcheria Alexandrovna always dressed neatly. Her hair was already beginning to turn grey, and her cheeks were sunken. The author also says that he and Dunya were very similar.

The woman madly loves Raskolnikov, investing all her strength and resources in him. It is worth saying that Rodion Raskolnikov also loves his mother very much, listens to her advice, and helps her.

The author describes Pulcheria Alexandrovna as an incredibly sensitive, kind-hearted woman, but at the same time, she performed all her thoughts based on strong and honest motives. She almost never resorts to lies, believing that you should always tell only the truth.

After her son was convicted, the woman becomes seriously ill. Her illness is associated with major psychological disorders. She does not know the whole truth about her son, but she has a presentiment and guesses about what happened. They carefully hide from her that her son killed a man, saying that he must urgently leave for a long time. Her heart feels that something irreparable has happened. Even before the trial, she understood that something wrong was happening to Rodion.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that Pulcheria Alexandrovna was an incredibly responsive, kind woman who loves her children incredibly much and, if possible, gives them everything she can. Let this woman not be the main character, but perform minor role, its significance in the work is quite large.

Essay about Pulcheria Alexandrovna

Pulcheria Aleksandrovna Raskolnikova - minor character the novel by the famous Russian writer, philosopher and publicist Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. She is the mother of the main character of the work, Rodion Raskolnikov.

Raskolnikova is forty-three years old, she is the widow of a minor official. He has a pretty good appearance and beautiful face. The author speaks of her as a sensitive person with a timid character. At the same time, Pulcheria Alexandrovna is very honest and, despite her compliance and gentleness, she never stepped over the line of her moral principles.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna loves her children, son Rodion and daughter Avdotya, infinitely. So that Raskolnikov can study at St. Petersburg University, the mother sends her son money from the tiny pension paid to her by the state for her husband. In order to somehow increase her boarding house, she is forced to knit things for sale, damaging her eyes, according to Rodion himself.

When Raskolnikova arrives with her daughter in St. Petersburg, she is very happy in anticipation of an imminent meeting with her son after a long three-year separation. But he encounters a cold and dry reception from Rodion. By that time, he had already committed the murder of the old pawnbroker and, burdened by this act, erects a wall of alienation between himself and his family. This coldness of her son greatly upsets Pulcheria Alexandrovna and deeply wounds her loving maternal heart. She intuitively begins to guess that a big misfortune has befallen her son, but she cannot help him in any way.

Before the trial, Rodion Raskolnikov will say goodbye to his beloved mother, saying that he needs to leave, but she will only feel more strongly the reality of the danger hanging over her son. Without asking any more questions about the fate of her son, so as not to hear a terrible answer, Pulcheria Alexandrovna will soon lose her mind. The last ray of light for her will be the marriage of her daughter Dunya with Dmitry Razumikhin, a friend of Raskolnikov, good person, who selflessly helped Rodion during his illness. Having blessed their marriage, she will soon die in a fit of fever.

Pulcheria Aleksandrovna Raskolnikova is the image of a loving mother who sincerely, with all her heart, worries about her adult children, but cannot do for them moreover, which does. She sees the very essence of her life in the happiness and well-being of children. Wow - all for the children. All without a trace.

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Dostoevsky is a writer who throughout his life tried to comprehend human essence, to understand a person as he is. This is expressed in the description of the characters, not only the main ones, but also the secondary ones. Raskolnikov's mother, Pulcheria Alexandrovna, is deeply and subtly described in the novel.

Appearance of Pulcheria Alexandrovna

Pulcheria Alexandrovna is a heroine for whom Dostoevsky calls for the most positive feelings. This can be seen even in the description of a woman’s appearance. The author shows her beautiful not only externally (she retained the remnants of her former beauty), but also internally, because only through a beautiful inner world is it possible to preserve external beauty in old age. The author himself speaks about this when describing Raskolnikov’s mother. The woman looked much younger than she actually was. Dostoevsky writes that this happens to those women who managed to maintain clarity of spirit and honesty, pure heat of the heart. Pulcheria's hair had already begun to turn gray, wrinkles were appearing, but her face still remained beautiful. There was a feeling that this was a repetition of Dunya’s face, only with a touch of time. Through the pleasant appearance of Raskolnikov's mother, Dostoevsky tries to reflect her inner world and create the impression of a pleasant person, a woman who is characterized by both morality and inner beauty.

The character of Pulcheria Alexandrovna

Characteristic inner world Pulcheria Alexandrovna is also called upon to leave pleasant impressions of this woman. She could agree to a lot, go to a lot for the sake of the children, she could accept a lot, but only until the moment it began to contradict her convictions. He is a straightforward but not rude person. There was always truth and honesty in her. To a certain extent, she could be soft and compliant, but she would never go against honesty and the beliefs of righteousness and morality. She has sensitivity, but not to a cloying degree.

Attitude towards son

In her son, Pulcheria Aleksandrovna Raskolnikova saw the last hope for herself and her daughter. She loved her children immensely and was ready to do anything for her son. During the long three years of separation, she did everything that could somehow help Rodion. Before the murder, the hero receives thirty-five rubles from his mother, the last one. Pulcheria was ready to give everything she had, she worked as best she could to help her son - with sore eyes, she knitted collars, scarves and armlets, which did not bring much income. But that was all she could do to help her son in any way, and she did everything possible.

Rodion also loved his mother. Even being in the most depressed state of mind, he punishes Razumikhin to become a son and brother, to be a support for his relatives and to help them in every possible way. He himself tells his mother that he will never stop loving her, and if she thought about her son’s harshness and lack of love, she was mistaken.

After Rodion's farewell, Pulcheria fell into illness and even into some insanity. Her maternal heart felt trouble from the very first glance at her son in St. Petersburg. And even despite the fact that Rodion did not tell her anything, she knew and understood that her son was in great trouble. But she was afraid to ask anything, realizing that the answer might be disappointing, and it would be too hard for her to bear such grief. She could not bear the separation from her son, perhaps because of this very understanding.

Raskolnikov's mother is a heroine who was able to instill in her son the very qualities that could make him a truly great man. In his cruel theory, the external environment and social system are more to blame. But thanks to Pulcheria, her example and upbringing, qualities such as compassion and kindness were embedded in Raskolnikov.

This article will help you write an essay on the topic “Raskolnikov’s Mother”, make it thoughtful and judicious.

Work test

In Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, the main characters are complex and contradictory characters. Their fate is closely connected with living conditions, the environment in which life takes place, individual characteristics. It is possible to characterize the characters of Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” only based on their actions, since we do not hear the author’s voice in the work.

Rodion Raskolnikov - the main character of the novel

Rodion Raskolnikovcentral character works. The young man has an attractive appearance. “By the way, he was remarkably good-looking, with beautiful dark eyes, dark-haired, above average height, thin and slender.” An extraordinary mind, a proud character, sick pride and a miserable existence are the reasons for the hero’s criminal behavior. Rodion highly values ​​his abilities, considers himself an exceptional person, dreams of a great future, but his financial situation has a depressing effect on him. He has nothing to pay for studying at the university, and does not have enough money to pay off his landlady. Cloth young man attracts the attention of passers-by with its shabby and old appearance. Trying to cope with the circumstances, Rodion Raskolnikov goes to kill the old pawnbroker. Thus, he is trying to prove to himself that he belongs to the highest class of people and can step over blood. “Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right,” he thinks. But one crime leads to another. An innocent, wretched woman is dying. Hero theory of law strong personality leads to a dead end. Only Sonya's love awakens his faith in God and revives him to life. Raskolnikov's personality consists of opposite qualities. An indifferent, cruel killer gives his last pennies for the funeral of a stranger, interferes in the fate of a young girl, trying to save her from dishonor.

Minor characters

Images of heroes playing main role in the narrative, become fuller and brighter as a result of the description of their relationships with other people. Family members, friends, acquaintances, episodic persons appearing in the plot help to better understand the idea of ​​the work and understand the motives of actions.

To make the appearance of the characters in the novel clearer to the reader, the writer uses various techniques. We get to know detailed description heroes, delve into the details of the dreary interior of the apartments, consider the dull gray streets of St. Petersburg.

Sofia Marmeladova

Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladova- a young unfortunate creature. “Sonya was short, about eighteen, thin, but quite pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes" She is young, naive and very kind. Drunk father, sick stepmother, hungry stepsisters and brother - here environment, in which the heroine lives. She is a shy and timid person, unable to stand up for herself. But this fragile creature is ready to sacrifice itself for the sake of loved ones. She sells her body, engaging in prostitution, to help her family, and goes after the convicted Raskolnikov. Sonya is a kind, selfless and deeply religious person. This gives her the strength to cope with all trials and find the happiness she deserves.

Semyon Marmeladov

Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich- an equally significant character in the work. He is a former official father of many children families. A weak and weak-willed person solves all his problems with the help of alcohol. A man dismissed from service condemns his wife and children to starvation. They live in a walk-through room with almost no furnishings. Children do not go to school and do not have a change of clothes. Marmeladov is capable of drinking away his last money, taking the pennies he earned from his eldest daughter, in order to get drunk and get away from problems. Despite this, the image of the hero evokes pity and compassion, since circumstances turned out to be stronger than him. He himself suffers from his vice, but cannot cope with it.

Avdotya Raskolnikova

Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova- sister of the main character. A girl from a poor but honest and worthy family. Dunya is smart, well-educated, well-mannered. She is “remarkably pretty,” which, unfortunately, attracts the attention of men. In character traits, “she was like her brother.” Avdotya Raskolnikova, a proud and independent nature, determined and purposeful, was ready to marry an unloved person for the sake of her brother’s well-being. Self-esteem and hard work will help her arrange her destiny and avoid irreparable mistakes.

Dmitry Vrazumikhin

Dmitry Prokofievich Vrazumikhin- Rodion Raskolnikov’s only friend. The poor student, unlike his friend, does not give up his studies. He makes a living by all available means and never stops hoping for luck. Poverty does not stop him from making plans. Razumikhin noble man. He selflessly tries to help his friend and takes care of his family. Love for Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova inspires the young man, makes him stronger and more decisive.

Pyotr Luzhin

Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin- a venerable, respected middle-aged man of pleasant appearance. He is a successful entrepreneur, the happy fiancé of Dunya Raskolnikova, a rich and self-confident gentleman. In fact, under the mask of integrity hides a low and vile nature. Taking advantage of the girl's plight, he proposes to her. In his actions, Pyotr Petrovich is guided not by selfless motives, but by his own benefit. He dreams of a wife who would be slavishly submissive and grateful until the end of her days. For the sake of his own interests, he pretends to be in love, tries to slander Raskolnikov, and accuse Sonya Marmeladova of theft.

Arkady Svidrigailov

Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich- one of the most mysterious persons in the novel. The owner of the house where Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova worked. He is cunning and dangerous to others. Svidrigailov is a vicious person. Being married, he tries to seduce Dunya. He is accused of murdering his wife and seducing young children. Svidrigailov’s terrible nature is capable, oddly enough, of noble deeds. He helps Sonya Marmeladova justify herself and arranges the fate of orphaned children. Rodion Raskolnikov, having committed a crime, becomes like this hero, since he transgresses the moral law. It is no coincidence that in a conversation with Rodion he says: “We are birds of a feather.”

Pulcheria Raskolnikova

Raskolnikova Pulcheria Alexandrovna- mother of Rodion and Dunya. The woman is poor, but honest. A kind and sympathetic person. A loving mother, ready for any sacrifices and hardships for the sake of her children.

F. M. Dostoevsky pays very little attention to some of his heroes. But they are necessary in the course of the story. Thus, it is impossible to imagine the investigation process without the smart, cunning, but noble investigator Porfiry Petrovich. The young doctor Zosimov treats and understands Rodion’s psychological state during his illness. An important witness to the weakness of the protagonist in the police station is the assistant to the quarterly warden Ilya Petrovich. Luzhin’s friend Lebezyatnikov Andrei Semyonovich returns Sonya’s good name and exposes her deceitful groom. Events, seemingly insignificant at first glance, associated with the names of these characters play an important role in the development of the plot.

The meaning of episodic persons in the work

On the pages of the great work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky we meet others actors. The list of heroes of the novel is supplemented episodic characters. Katerina Ivanovna, Marmeladov’s wife, unfortunate orphans, a girl on the boulevard, a greedy old money-lender Alena Ivanovna, sick Lizoveta. Their appearance is no coincidence. Each, even the most insignificant image, carries its own meaning and serves to embody the author’s intention. All the heroes of the novel “Crime and Punishment” are important and necessary, the list of which goes on and on.

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