Features of property insurance for individuals. Voluntary insurance of property of individuals Insured events when insuring property of individuals

In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, property insurance means the process of concluding and executing contracts in which the insurer, for a certain premium, undertakes, upon the occurrence of an insured event, to compensate the policyholder or another person in whose favor the contract was concluded for losses caused to the insured property or other property interests of the policyholder.

This line of insurance is intended to cover the following risks1:

destruction, damage or partial loss of insured property;

non-receipt or shortfall in expected income due to partners’ violation of their obligations or for other reasons, i.e. financial risks;

the occurrence of civil liability to third parties in the event of harm to their health or damage to their property or other interests.

Under a property insurance contract for individuals, only the first of the above risk classes can be insured. The types of risks against which insurance is carried out are diverse, usually the following groups are distinguished:

  • 1) property insurance against fire and natural disasters (fire insurance);
  • 2) property insurance against accidents;
  • 3) insurance of property against theft and other malicious actions of third parties, etc.

Types of risks against which property or property interest can be insured:

insurance of personal motor vehicles;

insurance of residential premises (apartments or rooms in urban areas);

insurance of buildings (dachas, cottages, bathhouses, etc.);

insurance of home and other property;

electronic equipment insurance

Insurance companies do not accept for insurance items belonging to individuals: cash, securities, manuscripts, drawings, photographs, documents, models, layouts, indoor plants, seedlings, seeds, outbred cats and dogs, aquariums, indoor birds, as well as property located in common areas (basements, corridors, staircases, etc.).

Property located in an area threatened by a natural disaster (of which the population has been notified accordingly), as well as property located in emergency buildings and structures, are not insured.

Property insurance is based on the following basic principles.

The principle of mandatory insurable interest is that an insurance contract can be concluded in favor of the policyholder or beneficiary if they have an interest based on law or contract in preserving certain property.

Citizens may have insurable interest in property:

located in their property, possession - on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

belonging to civil servants - on the basis of relevant laws and regulations on compulsory insurance of their life and property;

being at the disposal (use) of someone else's property - on the basis of lease agreements, financial leasing, property lease, joint activities or property used by proxy;

transferred (received) as collateral - on the basis of an agreement and the norms of the law.

The principle of supreme good faith is associated with the obligation of the insurer and, especially, the policyholder to be completely honest with each other regarding facts of material significance. The insurer has the right to refuse to pay insurance compensation if the policyholder has provided incomplete or unreliable information that affects the risk assessment.

The principle of compensation is manifested in the fact that in property insurance the policyholder has the right only to compensation for damage, but not to profit. Risk insurance (a type of which is property insurance) ensures that the insured's income remains at the same level and does not contribute in any way to improving his financial condition.

The principle of direct cause is that the insurer pays insurance compensation only if the risks specified in the contract are realized (if, for example, a contract was concluded to insure household property against fire, and it was destroyed during an attempt to steal it, then this case is not insured).

The principle of subrogation (recourse of claim) is implemented when the right of claim against the causer of harm is transferred to the insurer after the insurer has paid compensation to the policyholder in connection with the insured event.

The principle of indemnity is associated with the existence of certain settlement relationships between insurance companies in the process of compensation when double insurance is identified. The essence of double insurance is to insure the same property interests against the same risks with two or more insurers for a total insured amount exceeding the actual value of the property. If the purpose of double insurance was to obtain illegal income, then such contracts may be declared invalid by the court. In this case, the insurance premiums paid by the policyholder remain with the insurers. Sometimes double insurance occurs due to an error, for example, a policy that covers goods in one location overlaps with a policy that covers the insured's goods in all locations. In this case, if the fact of double insurance was discovered before the insured event, the policyholder may terminate the later contract. If the fact of double insurance becomes known after the insured event, then insurers must pay insurance compensation in such a way that its total amount does not exceed the amount of damage. To do this, they share the damage among themselves, while the policyholder is reimbursed for the corresponding part of the overpayment of premiums.

When the insured insures property against various risks under several separate insurance contracts (including with different insurers), the total insured amount for all contracts is allowed to exceed the insurance (actual) value.

Problem #6

The company's property is insured under a proportional indemnity system. The insured value is 100 million rubles. Sum insured - 80 million rubles. Unconditional franchise - 1 million rubles. What will be the insurance compensation for damage equal to 70 million rubles? What compensation will the insurance company pay for damage of 900 thousand rubles?

According to the proportional compensation system, the enterprise will receive: 70 million rubles. * 80% = 56 million rubles.

In the second case, the company will not receive compensation for damage, because the amount of damage is less than the unconditional deductible.

Whether you own or rent, unforeseen circumstances (such as damage or loss) associated with a home, home, or apartment usually cause the greatest financial and emotional damage.

Property insurance: insurance of an apartment, house, decoration or liability to neighbors

Whether you own or rent, unforeseen circumstances (such as damage or loss) associated with a home, home, or apartment usually cause the greatest financial and emotional damage. In addition, problems with plumbing, electrical wiring, or a broken washing machine hose can cause damage not only to the owner or tenant of the apartment, but also to his neighbors.

If you want to be calm about your or rented property, insure your apartment, house, decoration and liability to neighbors by choosing the appropriate apartment insurance, home insurance or civil liability insurance to neighbors. Property insurance for individuals is available online on our website.

You can insure an apartment, house, property, decoration and liability to neighbors by purchasing a comprehensive or separate home insurance policy

Protecting your own or rented apartment

Insure your property, its decoration and household contents against fire, flood, robbery, and burglary. In this case, you yourself will choose the amount for which you want to insure your property from the three available insurance options.

Are you afraid that your fault may cause damage to your neighbors' apartment? A property insurance policy (home insurance) may cover this damage as well.

Insuring an apartment is very simple - buy the AlfaREMONT policy online directly on the website. After online payment, the policy will be immediately delivered to your e-mail. Buy a policy

Protection of liability to neighbors

According to statistics, flexible hoses break down approximately once every 2 years, leaks of household appliances (washing machines and dishwashers) occur once every 3 years, batteries can break in the very first heating season after repairs are completed. All these troubles cause damage not only to the person in whose apartment the accident occurred, but also to the neighbors, and you have to pay not only for the restoration of your own repairs, but also for the damage caused to the apartment and the property of your neighbors. This is especially true for those who plan to rent or rent an apartment.

A Good Neighbors liability insurance policy will help you avoid unexpected costs associated with damages to your neighbors. A year's worth of neighbor liability insurance costs less than your monthly utility bill. Paying from 750 to 3000 rubles. per year, depending on the amount for which you want to insure civil liability to your neighbors, you can safely go on vacation, rent out your apartment, or just go to work, without fear of circumstances that can not only cripple your family budget, but also quarrel with neighbors. Buy a policy

Municipal home insurance program

Preferential insurance for an apartment or room in a communal apartment located in the Northern Administrative District or Closed Administrative District of Moscow.

By becoming a participant in the preferential municipal housing insurance program, you will no longer have to worry about damage to the finishing, utilities and walls of your apartment. You can protect your home without leaving your home by including the insurance premium in the Unified Payment Document, which you receive monthly to pay utility bills. The insurance certificate will be sent to you by mail. Buy a policy

Mortgage insurance programs

Comprehensive mortgage insurance

An important feature of a home loan is its long repayment period, sometimes reaching 20 years or more. Imagine how many unexpected things can happen during this time! With a mortgage insurance policy, you will not have to worry about losing your home if you are unable to pay your debt to the bank for some time.

Individual insurance for an apartment or house

If you want to insure a house or insure an apartment on individual terms, the AlfaKvartira apartment insurance program and AlfaCOUNTRY house insurance program are suitable for you. Just fill out a few fields in the form or call 24/7 at 8 800 333 0 999 and property and property insurance specialists will help you choose the most attractive conditions and cost of insuring your home.

Title insurance

Title insurance (title insurance) is insurance against the risk of loss of real estate as a result of termination of ownership of it in whole or in part. This type of insurance protects the owner of real estate from invalidation of a real estate acquisition transaction or claims from the former owner for the return of property that was taken away from him against his will.

5 reasons to buy a home insurance policy from AlfaStrakhovanie

Speed ​​and Convenience

Speed ​​and Convenience – apartment insurance and home insurance online.

Property insurance for individuals wishing to protect their home is available online. In order to insure a house or apartment, you do not need to come to AlfaStrakhovanie. You can buy an insurance policy for real estate and civil liability to neighbors on our website. Insurance of your apartment, house, property or civil liability paid for online will be sent to the specified email address.

Wide selection

Wide range of property and liability protection options.

When purchasing a home insurance policy, no matter if it is an apartment or a house, you can choose insurance with the most relevant real estate insurance options for you. Not only the owner of an apartment or house can insure housing or liability to neighbors. If you rent an apartment or cottage, you can easily purchase real estate, property and civil liability insurance.

Professional help

Professional assistance in choosing apartment, house or civil liability insurance.

Don't have time to compare the benefits of property insurance programs or have questions about home insurance? Simply fill out the form on the website, and property, real estate and civil liability insurance specialists will help you choose the necessary insurance.

Efficiency of service

Prompt service for owners of home insurance from AlfaStrakhovanie.

The purpose of any insurance is to protect the personal and property interests of legal entities and individuals. At the same time, property insurance guarantees the protection of citizens and companies from all risks of damage to their property. In the absence of direct instructions in the law regarding the need to insure property, the right to insure property or not remains at the discretion of the owner. But what exactly can insurance companies offer their clients?

In this article we will look at: what is property insurance for individuals; what property can be insured and what cannot; We will describe a standard list of covered risks and analyze the comparative cost of insurance policies for individuals in leading insurance companies in Russia.

What is personal property insurance?

Property insurance for individuals is one of the types of non-personal insurance, the object of which is a certain property interest. When purchasing a policy, each client can protect their property in accordance with existing threats:

  • risk of fire (fires, arson, lightning, short circuit, etc.);
  • damage to property by water (consequences of fire extinguishing, flooding by neighbors, result of a natural disaster, etc.);
  • thefts, thefts, robberies, burglaries and other illegal actions of third parties;
  • terrorist attacks, military operations, military field exercises, etc.

Thus, if any of the above incidents occurs, the policyholder has the right to receive compensation in accordance with the previously concluded agreement.

Despite the fact that the culture of property insurance in Russia has not reached the level of such developed countries as Japan, Korea, and the USA, property insurance for individuals, according to statistics from 2015, ranks seventh in terms of market share.

Features of property insurance for individuals

Property insurance in the Russian Federation appeared earlier than other types, since property constitutes a special material value for any individual. Features of property insurance for individuals include:

  1. Double property insurance - in this case, the policyholder can insure risks for the same property interest (object) in several companies. Payment upon the occurrence of an insured event will be made jointly by all companies based on the share of the premium received. The client must remember to notify all companies that his property is already insured. Otherwise, such actions may be regarded as fraudulent.
  2. Insurance against damage to the property of third parties, for example, in the event of a flood in a neighbor’s apartment or a fire in which the property of third parties was damaged. Insurance of liability for damage can be enshrined at the legislative level, for example, if it is the liability of the owner of a source of increased danger (OSAGO), the liability of the developer to shareholders, the civil liability of the owner of a dangerous facility, etc.
  3. Duration of insurance - the client’s property can be insured for any period without restrictions, even for a week. Such short-term insurance may be needed by citizens going on vacation or a long business trip to another city or country.

Objects of insurance and covered risks

The list of risks against which insurance companies can offer protection is as diverse as the list of insurance objects. By contacting the company, the client can count on insurance of any property owned by him:

  • real estate (apartment, room, house, cottage, cottage, land, buildings, structures, monuments, etc.);
  • movable property (motorcycle, bicycle, car, furniture, equipment, etc.);
  • animals (birds, livestock, etc.);
  • securities, bank deposits, safe deposit boxes, cash, etc.

When concluding a contract, the client must know that if an insured event occurs, he has the right to count on compensation for the following risks, which must be specified in the contract:

  • property damage;
  • partial loss of property;
  • complete loss or destruction of property.

If the property is insured only against damage and its partial loss, then in case of complete loss the policyholder will not receive compensation under the insurance contract. Thus, the more risks the insurance policy contains, the more reliably the insured’s property is protected.

Comparison of current offers on the market

Almost every company on the Russian market offers to insure property against all possible risks. The standard policy is to cover damages up to 3 million rubles. Insurance rates are influenced by the reliability of the company, the region of insurance and the object of insurable interest itself. A comparison table will help you understand the pricing policy of the insurance products offered. To calculate the cost of the policy, a standard two-room apartment in Moscow was taken, insurance was calculated at the same insurance limit amounts:

Company name
Policy cost, rub./year
Risks covered by the program
Objects of insurance
From 4890
  • fire;
  • flooding;
  • theft
  • movable property of the apartment;
  • civil liability.
From 3150
  • fire, gas explosion;
  • bay;
  • natural disasters;
  • theft, robbery;
  • falling trees, aircraft;
  • collision with vehicles.
  • movable property of the apartment;
  • civil liability (up to RUB 30,000).
From 3370
  • leak, flood;
  • short circuit, fire.
  • interior decoration and engineering equipment;
  • movable property of the apartment;
  • civil liability (mandatory condition - for Moscow, at least 100,000 rubles).
VTB Insurance
From 2751
  • fire;
  • flooding;
  • theft.
  • interior decoration, engineering equipment;
  • movable property of the apartment.
From 3000
  • any risks within the limits of damage for 150,000 rubles.
  • interior decoration and engineering equipment;
  • movable property of the apartment;
  • civil liability (mandatory condition - for Moscow, at least 50,000 rubles).

In conclusion

To summarize, we can say with certainty that voluntary insurance is designed to protect the property of individuals from the risk of damage or loss. The client can insure any property, the right to which is documented. The development of a culture of property insurance in Russia leads to the rapid receipt of compensation in the event of damage to the property of third parties and the avoidance of costly litigation.

Ownership of property rights brings with it not only positive aspects, but also possible negative situations.

Damage, loss, theft, disasters - will protect from all consequences insurance of property of individuals. We will consider tariffs in this article.

Property insurance for individuals is a type of non-personal insurance. The object of insurance is property interest.

This interest realizes property rights. The insurance object is not related to the client’s health and life.

A distinctive feature of such insurance is the protection of the client in case of complete, partial damage or loss of the object in cases stipulated by the contract. Thus, the policyholder is guaranteed to be paid compensation if an insured event occurs and a corresponding report is drawn up about it.

The insurance procedure may be mandatory or voluntary. The need to conclude an insurance contract is provided for motor vehicles (MTPL), by banks when concluding a loan agreement, and is also regulated by legislation in relation to leased property owned by the state.


The validity of an insurance policy for the property of individuals is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Law “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”.

The policyholder has the right to enter into an insurance contract with several insurers; this right is called dual insurance. This opportunity is provided by a special property regime, which is regulated by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Of particular value is property that belongs to a person on the basis of property rights. The law guarantees the inviolability of such property.

The property insurance contract for individuals is concluded on the basis of title documents.


On the territory of the Russian Federation, property insurance has not taken a serious turn; for the most part, people do not protect themselves from unwanted loss or damage to property.

The results of this attitude are clearly visible after natural disasters that are unexpected. Often people are left homeless. The only lifeline for them can be voluntary support from the state. Which may not cover the losses suffered by the citizen.

There are countries in which the conclusion of an insurance contract is a widespread trend among citizens. Citizens do not want to lose their acquired property. Therefore, they insure all property against various unforeseen events. Such as:

  • Fire;
  • Robbery;
  • Robbery;
  • Other illegal activities;
  • Natural disasters and more.

An insurance policy can protect the client not only in case of damage or loss of his property, but also the property of third parties. For example, neighbors if the client flooded them. Such prudence protects against undesirable consequences in unforeseen circumstances.

When an insured event occurs, the client is obliged to notify the insurance company about this within the next few days (usually the deadlines are specified in the contract). The statement states:

  • What damage did the insured object receive (or loss of the object);
  • Date and time of the incident;
  • Description of the circumstances under which the insured event occurred;
  • Other data required in a specific situation.

Documents that confirm the occurrence of an insured event and are provided for in the contract are attached to the application.

If the occurrence of an insured event is established, the amount of loss is calculated and the company makes payments. It is mandatory to draw up an insurance claim report.

Property insurance for citizens and legal entities has a number of differences:

Personal property insurance persons

Legal property insurance persons

Object of insurance (some of the possible):

  • Residential building
  • Apartment
  • Garage
  • Automobile

Insured events are close to everyday circumstances and natural disasters.

Objects of insurance:

  • Production capacity
  • Commercial buildings
  • Specialist. technique

Insured events are of an industrial nature and natural disasters.

Each object is insured separately.

For example, in the case of insuring a house and antique furniture, two contracts will be signed.

All insurance objects are combined into one complex (office premises, warehouses, workshops, etc.)

The cost of insurance premiums is calculated based on the average statistical data of the region and is affordable.

In the process of drawing up an insurance contract, an individual approach is carried out. The calculation is based on a specific organization. This is due to the high cost of insurance objects and high risks of an insured event. Often, paying insurance premiums is not economically beneficial for an enterprise.

The discount provided is minimal.

The discount can be significant for comprehensive insurance of large objects.

Objects of property insurance for individuals

The client has the opportunity to insure any property that belongs to him by right of ownership:

  • Real estate: land, house, dacha, cottage, room, garage, outbuildings, bathhouse, etc.
  • Movable property: interior items, equipment, collections, jewelry, vehicles, etc.
  • Domestic and farm animals.
  • Cash, securities, safe deposit boxes, deposits, copyrights, patents, etc.

This right is confirmed by title documents.


There are several types of insurance risks:

  • Natural disasters. Property insurance against unforeseen destructive effects of the elements (avalanche, tsunami, earthquake, flood, etc.)
  • Accident. Unforeseen damage or loss of property due to exposure to fire, water, or any objects.
  • The intentional actions of the offender. Complete or partial destruction of the insured object.
  • Theft of property.

Insurance contract

An insurance contract, like any other, specifies the parties between whom the contract is concluded.

The contract is valid for up to one year.

If the client agrees to the insurance amount offered by the company, the property is not inspected. In another case, an inspection and comprehensive assessment of the property is carried out. On the basis of which the amount of insurance coverage is determined.


Insurance rates are calculated based on:

  • Type of property, its specific features.
  • Market value of the insurance object.
  • List of insurance cases.
  • The validity period of the insurance policy.

The calculation takes into account regional statistical data. For example, when car insurance the following will be taken into account:

  • Crime situation in the city/region
  • Frequency of car thefts of a given make and model


Comparative analysis of tariffs for insurance products, measured as a percentage of the insured amount.

When choosing an insurance company, you need to pay attention not only to the amount of insurance premiums, but also how long the company has been on the insurance market, how reliable it is, and what kind of partnerships it has.

Property insurance for individuals is necessary to protect citizens from the risk of loss and damage to their property. If an insured event occurs, the client will avoid expensive litigation, receive compensation to cover losses and save not only the family budget, but also emotional balance.

In the following video, a representative of the ROSGOSSTRAKH company will talk about property and liability insurance for individuals:

Nov 12, 2017 Help manual

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The purpose of any insurance is to protect the personal and property interests of legal entities and individuals. At the same time, property insurance guarantees the protection of citizens and companies from all risks of damage to their property. In the absence of direct instructions in the law regarding the need to insure property, the right to insure property remains at the discretion of the owner. In this article, we will look at what property insurance for individuals is, what property can be insured and what cannot; We will describe a standard list of covered risks and analyze the comparative cost of insurance policies for individuals in leading insurance companies in Russia.

What risks are protected against?

Property insurance for individuals is one of the types of insurance, the object of which is a certain property interest. It is legally established that only a person who has a personal interest in the safety of property can be the insured (beneficiary), otherwise such an agreement may be declared invalid. When purchasing a policy, each client can protect their property in accordance with existing threats:

  • Risk of fire (fires, arson, lightning, short circuit, etc.);
  • Damage to property by water (consequences of fire extinguishing, flooding by neighbors, result of a natural disaster, etc.);
  • Thefts, thefts, robberies, burglaries and other illegal actions of third parties;
  • Terrorist attacks, military operations, military field exercises and so on.

Thus, if any of the above incidents occurs, the policyholder has the right to receive compensation in accordance with the previously concluded agreement. And despite the fact that the culture of property insurance in Russia has not reached the level of countries such as Japan, Korea, and the USA, property insurance for individuals, according to statistics, occupies one of the leading positions in terms of market share. Thus, in 2016, the volume of collections increased by 9%, and in 2017 - by 5% (according to a review of the insurance market in Russia by the audit company KPMG).

What are the features of the service?

Property insurance in the Russian Federation appeared earlier than other types, since property constitutes a special material value for any individual. Features of property insurance for individuals include:

  • Double property insurance. In this case, the policyholder can insure risks for the same property interest (object) in several companies. Payment upon the occurrence of an insured event will be made jointly by all companies based on the share of the premium received. The client must remember to notify all companies that his property is already insured. Otherwise, such actions may be regarded as fraudulent;
  • Insurance against damage to the property of third parties, for example, in the event of a flood in a neighbor’s apartment or a fire in which the property of third parties was damaged. Insurance of liability for damage can be enshrined at the legislative level, for example, if it is the liability of the owner of a source of increased danger (OSAGO), the liability of the developer to shareholders, the civil liability of the owner of a dangerous facility, etc.;
  • Insurance terms. The client's property can be insured for any period without restrictions, even for a week. Such short-term insurance may be needed by citizens going on vacation or a long business trip to another city or country.

Voluntary property insurance for individuals covers not only large real estate, but also luxury goods, furniture, and household appliances. The apartment's windows and doors (for example, against burglary), structural elements, utilities, etc. can be insured. A large range of services are offered by larger insurance companies that have been operating in the insurance market for a long time.

What is the subject and what risks are covered?

The list of risks against which insurance companies can offer protection is as diverse as the list of insurance objects. By contacting the company, the client can count on insurance of any property owned by him:

  • Real estate (apartment, room, house, cottage, cottage, land, buildings, structures, monuments, etc.);
  • Movable property (motorcycle, bicycle, car, furniture, equipment, etc.);
  • Animals (birds, livestock, etc.);
  • Securities, bank deposits, safe deposit boxes, cash, etc.

When concluding a contract, the client must know that in the event of an insured event, he has the right to expect compensation for risks that must be specified in the contract, for example, damage to property, partial loss of property, complete loss or destruction of property. If the property is insured only against damage and its partial loss, then in case of complete loss the policyholder will not receive compensation under the insurance contract. Thus, the more risks the insurance policy contains, the more reliably the insured’s property is protected.

Comparison of current offers on the market

Almost every company on the Russian market offers to insure property against all possible risks. The standard policy is to cover damages up to 3 million rubles. Insurance rates are influenced by the reliability of the company, the region of insurance and the object of insurable interest itself. A comparison table will help you understand the pricing policy of the insurance products offered. To calculate the cost of the policy, a standard two-room apartment in Moscow was taken, insurance was calculated at the same insurance limit amounts.

Table - Property insurance proposals from Russian insurance companies in 2018

Company name
Cost per year, rub.
Risks covered by the program
Objects of insurance
From 4890
  • Fire;
  • Flooding;
  • Theft
  • Movable property of the apartment;
  • Civil liability
From 4400
  • Fire, gas explosion;
  • Bay;
  • Natural disasters;
  • Theft, robbery;
  • Falling trees, aircraft;
  • Vehicle collision
  • Movable property of the apartment;
  • Civil liability (up to RUB 300,000)
From 3370
  • Leak, flood;
  • Short circuit, fire
  • Interior finishing and engineering equipment;
  • Movable property of the apartment;
  • Civil liability (mandatory condition - for Moscow, at least 100,000 rubles)
VTB Insurance
From 6900
  • Fire;
  • Flooding;
  • Theft
  • Interior decoration, engineering equipment;
  • Movable property of the apartment
  • Vandalism;
  • Theft;
  • Hooliganism;
  • Fire;
  • Flood;
  • Explosion;
  • Natural disasters
  • Structural elements;
  • Finishing;
  • Engineering equipment;
  • Household property;
  • Responsibility to neighbors