Features of Russian folk tales. Fairy tales. Peculiarities. Educational value

Fairy tales, their features; fairy-tale images.

Russian folk tales about animals. Features of this genre, examples of works.

Young children, as a rule, are attracted to the animal world, so they really like fairy tales in which animals and birds act. In a fairy tale, animals acquire human traits - they think, speak, and act. Essentially, such images bring to the child knowledge about the world of people, not animals.

In this type of fairy tale, there is usually no clear division of characters into positive and negative. Each of them is endowed with one particular trait, an inherent character trait, which is played out in the plot. So, traditionally the main trait of a fox is cunning, while the wolf is greedy and stupid. The bear has a not so clear image; the bear can be evil, and sometimes kind, but at the same time it always remains a klutz. If a person appears in such a fairy tale, then he invariably turns out to be smarter than the fox, the wolf, and the bear. Animals in fairy tales observe the principle of hierarchy: everyone recognizes the strongest as the most important. It's a lion or a bear. They always find themselves at the top of the social ladder. This brings fairy tales about animals closer to fables, which is especially evident from the presence in both of them of similar moral conclusions - social and universal. These tales have a moral. Linear composition (1 storyline) Commencement, climax, denouement. Lots of action, humor, emotions, songs.

Among the tales about animals, there are some quite scary ones. A bear eats an old man and an old woman because they cut off his paw. An angry beast with a wooden leg, of course, seems terrible to kids, but in essence it is the bearer of fair retribution. The narrative allows the child to figure out a difficult situation for himself.

A child must believe in miracles - fantasize, imagine. The fairy tale is one of the people’s favorite genres, which arose on the basis of myths, legends, observations of real life. Fairy tales depict the most different aspects of life, talk about a wide variety of people, talk about animals, and it is the fairy tale that best meets the needs of children and corresponds to child psychology.

Belief in miracles, craving for goodness, belief in magic that transforms the world. A fairy tale shows a person the right path, shows happiness and misfortune, what can happen due to perfect mistake. But nevertheless, after the mistake main character gets a second chance, the right to good luck. The main feature of the fairy tale is belief in justice. The child compares the real world and the fictional one, isolates the thought, the idea that the fairy tale conveys.

Features of the fairy tale genre

· It doesn’t matter who the hero is, it matters what he is.

· Often the heroes have a straightforward character (positive and negative). The fox is cunning, the wolf is evil or narrow-minded - the fairy tale teaches you to evaluate the main qualities.

· The contrast of positive and negative characters is easy to distinguish.

· Linear composition (triple repetitions)

· Songs and jokes are repeated and included in the fairy tale.

· The language of the tale is laconic, expressive, rhythmic

· The world of a fairy tale: everything is large (no small details, drawings), everything is remembered immediately and for a long time.

· Most often, the colors are bright, there are no halftones (the caftan is red, the chambers are white stone)

· A fairy-tale hero is an ideal person (kind, sympathetic, people believe him)

· Created in a fairy tale special world, in which everything is unusual (even the name), there are magical objects, transformations, talking animals. The child is interested in all this - it develops his imagination.

· The struggle between dark and light forces. The danger seems most terrible when there are evil spirits - Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych.

· Actions often take place in the family

· Ethical motivations: injustice is a source of suffering and misadventures

· No irreparable situations

· The fairy tale teaches you to evaluate the actions and deeds of people

· Linear composition

· The characters remain true to their characters (do not change until the end of the tale)

· Availability of travel

· The presence of a ban (what will happen after a violation of the ban, an error)

· Helpers come in difficult moments, but initially check the hero

· Characters may include children

· There are fairy-tale formulas (once upon a time, in a certain kingdom, soon the tale will tell), as well as sayings, epithets, and hyperboles.

In a fairy tale, the listener experiences a different, special, mysterious world. It has extraordinary powers fantastic heroes, good and truth conquer darkness, evil and lies.

“This is a world where Ivan Tsarevich rushes through the dark forest on a gray wolf, where the deceived Alyonushka suffers, where Vasilisa the Beautiful brings scorching fire from Baba Yaga, where brave hero finds the death of Kashchei the Immortal"..1

Some of the fairy tales are closely related to mythological ideas. Such images as Frost, Water, Sun, Wind are associated with the elemental forces of nature. The most popular of Russian fairy tales are: “The Three Kingdoms”, “The Magic Ring”, “Finist’s Feather – the Falcon is Clear”, “The Frog Princess”, “Kashchei the Immortal”, “Marya Morevna”, “ Sea king and Vasilisa the Wise", "Sivka-Burka", "Morozko" and others.

Hero fairy tale- courageous, fearless. He overcomes all obstacles in his path, wins victories, and wins his happiness. And if at the beginning of the fairy tale he can act as Ivan the Fool, Emelya the Fool, then at the end he certainly turns into the handsome and well done Ivan Tsarevich. A.M. drew attention to this at one time. Bitter:

“The hero of folklore is a “fool”, despised even by his father and brothers, always turning out to be smarter than them, always the winner of all everyday adversities.”2

A positive hero always gets help from others fairy tale characters. So, in the fairy tale "Three Kingdoms" the hero is chosen to white light with the help of a wonderful bird. In other fairy tales, the heroes are helped by Sivka-Burka, the Gray Wolf, and Elena the Beautiful. Even such characters as Morozko and Baba Yaga help the heroes for their hard work and good manners. All this expresses popular ideas about human morality and morality.

Next to the main characters in a fairy tale there are always wonderful helpers: Gray Wolf, Sivka-Burka, Obedalo, Opivalo, Dubynya and Usynya, etc. They have wonderful means: a flying carpet, walking boots, a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisible hat. Images goodies In fairy tales, helpers and wonderful objects express people's dreams.

The images of female heroines of fairy tales in the popular imagination are unusually beautiful. They say about them: “Neither to tell in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen.” They are wise, possess witchcraft powers, have remarkable intelligence and resourcefulness (Elena the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, Marya Morevna).

Opponents of goodies - dark forces, terrible monsters (Kashchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Dashing One-Eyed, Serpent Gorynych). They are cruel, treacherous and greedy. This is how the people’s idea of ​​violence and evil is expressed. Their appearance sets off the image of a positive hero and his feat. Storytellers spared no expense in color to emphasize the struggle between the light and dark principles. In its content and in its form, a fairy tale contains elements of the wonderful and unusual. The composition of fairy tales is different from the composition of fairy tales about animals. Some fairy tales begin with a saying - a humorous joke that is not related to the plot. The purpose of the saying is to attract the attention of listeners. It is followed by a beginning that begins the story. It takes listeners into a fairy-tale world, indicates the time and place of action, the setting, characters. The fairy tale ends with an ending. The narrative develops sequentially, the action is given in dynamics. The structure of the tale reproduces dramatically tense situations.

In fairy tales, episodes are repeated three times (with three snakes beating on Kalinov Bridge Ivan Tsarevich, three beautiful princesses saves Ivan underground kingdom). They use traditional artistic media expressiveness: epithets (good horse, brave horse, green meadow, silk grass, azure flowers, blue sea, dense forests), similes, metaphors, words with diminutive suffixes. These features of fairy tales echo the epics and emphasize the vividness of the narrative.

An example of such a tale is the tale "Two Ivans - Soldiers' Sons."

The beginning of the fairy tale is replete with everyday pictures and little reminds of magical circumstances. It conveys ordinary everyday information: there lived a man, the time came - he joined the soldiers, in his absence twin boys were born, who were named Ivan - “soldier’s sons”. Thus, there are two main characters in this tale. Nothing miraculous or magical is happening in her yet. It tells about how children learn, how they master literacy, “they put the children of lords and merchants in their belts.” In the development of the action, a plot is planned when the fellows go to the city to buy horses. This scene is filled with elements of a fairy tale: the brothers tame the stallions as fairy-tale heroes have heroic strength. With a “valiant whistle” and a loud voice, the stallions that ran away into the field are returned. The horses obey them: “The stallions came running and stood in place, as if rooted to the spot.” The main characters of the fairy tale are surrounded by special objects that emphasize their heroism (heroic horses, sabers worth three hundred pounds). It is also miraculous that they received these items from a gray-haired old man who led them out the horses, opening a cast-iron door in a large mountain. He brought them two heroic sabers. This is how peasant children turn into heroes. The good fellows mounted their horses and rode off.

The fairy tale includes images of crossroads, pillars with inscriptions that determine the choice of path and the fate of the brothers. The objects accompanying the brothers turn out to be miraculous, for example, the handkerchiefs symbolizing death that they exchanged. The narrative is framed by stable fairy-tale formulas. One brother reached the glorious kingdom, married Nastasya the Beautiful and became a prince. “Ivan Tsarevich lives in joy, admires his wife, gives order to the kingdom and amuses himself with animal hunting.”3

And the other brother “jumps tirelessly day and night, and a month, and another, and a third.” Then Ivan unexpectedly finds himself in an unfamiliar state.

In the city he sees great sadness. “The houses are covered with black cloth, people seem to be staggering sleepily”4. The twelve-headed serpent, which emerges from the blue sea, from behind a gray stone, eats a person at a time. Even the king's daughter is taken with a snake to be eaten. The snake personifies the dark forces of the world with which the hero fights. Ivan rushes to help. He is brave, knows no fear and always wins in battle. Ivan chops off all the heads of the snake. The magical-fairy-tale element is enhanced by the description of nature, against the background of which a snake appears: “Suddenly a cloud moved in, the wind rustled, the sea shook - a snake emerges from the blue sea, rises up the mountain...”5. Ivan's duel with the snake is described laconically.

Repeated verbs add speed to the action: “Ivan drew his sharp saber, swung, struck and cut off all twelve heads of the snake; he lifted a gray stone, put the heads under the stone, threw the body into the sea, and returned home, went to bed and slept for three days.” .6

It would seem that the fairy tale should end here, the plot has been exhausted, but suddenly new circumstances are woven into it with the introduction of a character from the royal entourage - a water carrier, whose thoughts are vile and base.

The situation is getting worse. The climax arrives7. The water carrier acts as the “savior” of the princess, forcing her to recognize him as a savior under pain of death. The episode is repeated two more times with two other daughters of the king. The Tsar made the water carrier a colonel, then a general, and finally married his youngest daughter.

And Ivan fights the monster three times, three times the water carrier threatens to kill the king’s daughters. However, the story ends with the victory of the hero, evil is punished, the water carrier is hanged, truth triumphs, the youngest daughter is married to Ivan. This episode of the fairy tale ends with the well-known saying: “The young people began to live and live well and make good money.”

The narrative in the fairy tale returns again to another brother - Ivan Tsarevich. It is told how he got lost while hunting and met an ugly monster - a red maiden, the sister of a twelve-headed serpent, who turned into a terrible lioness. She opens her mouth and swallows the prince whole. The fairy tale reveals an element of reincarnation. A wonderful object comes to the hero’s aid - his brother’s handkerchief, notifying him of what has happened. The search for my brother begins. The tale repeats the description of the hunt and the actions of the hero. Ivan the peasant son finds himself in the same situation as Ivan Tsarevich, but remains alive thanks to a wonderful helper - a magic horse. The red maiden puffed up like a terrible lioness and wanted to swallow the good fellow, but a magic horse came running, “clasped her with heroic legs,” and Ivan forced the lioness to throw Prince Ivan out of her, threatening to chop her into pieces.

An extraordinary miracle in a fairy tale and living water, saving, reviving Ivan Tsarevich. The fairy tale ends with the ending: Ivan the prince remained in his state, and Ivan the soldier’s son went to his wife and began to live with her in love and harmony.

The fairy tale "Two Ivans - Soldiers' Sons" combines all the elements of a fairy tale: composition, three-fold repetition of episodes and actions of the heroes, development of the plot, positive heroes and contrasting them with negative monsters, miraculous transformations and objects, the use of visual and expressive means ( constant epithets, stable folklore formulas). The fairy tale affirms good and debunks evil.

Are the most popular view folklore, they create amazing art world, which reveals all the possibilities of this genre in full. When we say “fairy tale,” we often mean a magical story that fascinates children from the very beginning. youth. Why does she captivate her listeners/readers? Let's try to understand this and thus highlight the main features of a fairy tale.

Fiction is the main feature

The most important feature of a fairy tale is that its world and all events are based solely on fiction. When listing the characteristics of a fairy tale, one should begin with the ability to tear the reader away from everyday life and transport him to a fictional world that has no resemblance to the real one. Because in fairy tale world The boundaries of space and time are erased, and there are many examples of this: the thirtieth state, which is located far away, or the countdown of time, which is calculated in the magical system by such concepts as many and few.

Fairytale time is a circle that closes on itself. The tale begins in magical world, a space where the laws of physics we are used to do not apply and time is calculated according to completely different rules. Take, for example, the most common and most beloved technique used in fairy tales - triple repetition (which occupies a leading place in the classification of “signs of a fairy tale”). It is usually used at the very beginning of fairy-tale events and allows you to slow down the development of actions. The ending, on the contrary, speeds up; by the way, it is always happy and often ends with a wedding.

Fascinating story

What other signs of a fairy tale can be identified? The plot of the fairy tale is fascinating and very complex. It consists of episodes that are directly related to the main character and his task. The hero receives a task of a high level of difficulty, for which he is promised to be showered with gold, given a princess as his wife, or fulfilled some wish. Tasks can range from searching and obtaining an exotic item to eliminating some super-strong and powerful creature. And here the most interesting part of the fairy tale begins - the journey, which is also traditionally included in the list of “signs of a fairy tale.”

It's time to hit the road

The main character goes to distant and unknown lands and overcomes various obstacles and difficulties along the way. On a difficult journey, with his good deeds he wins the hearts of his comrades, who promise to help him in this difficult task. Together, thanks to cunning, they defeat ill-wishers, of whom there are many along the way to the main goal.

By the way, characters in fairy tales are divided into two groups. One of them includes the main character along with his assistants, and the other includes the assistants of the main enemy and himself. Initially, the enemy is much stronger than the main character, and as events unfold, his advantage may even increase. But the main character always learns about the enemy’s weak point and a way to defeat him.

The effect of surprise

But with the main character’s capabilities, things are different: at first they are significantly understated. Signs of a fairy tale include the obligatory presence of a central and minor characters, their characteristics. The nicknames of the main character can indicate weak mental abilities; sometimes it also leaves much to be desired. This way the effect of surprise is achieved.

When all the side characters - strong, smart and skillful - fail to complete a difficult task for which a reward is due, then the main character appears, who, it seems, is even more unable to cope. But still they give him a chance so as not to discriminate. This turn of events can be classified as “signs of a folk tale.”

Thanks to your courage and good deeds while traveling main character receives various unique magical items or wins friends whom he saves from certain death. They often become talking animals, who subsequently help with tasks with their ideas or participate in the actions themselves.

Miracles in fairy tales are simply necessary. With their help, one can explain various phenomena, such as transformations into different creatures, instantaneous movements over any distance, and the victory of a weak positive hero over a strong negative one. All of the above can be described as signs of a folk tale.

Moral implications

The fairy tale gives lessons and develops the right things. The actions of the main character show what he should be like. good man: he performs noble deeds and does not expect any reward for them. Thus, the fairy tale instructs in the right way and gives a positive example. for the little reader. Good must necessarily defeat evil, justice must triumph - main idea fairy tales.

All this is described in the fairy tale in a very simple, but very colorful and poetic language. The storytelling style of many fairy tales is very similar, but each of them is unique and interesting.

Poetics of magic

Let's summarize: what signs of a fairy tale have we discovered? It has a special composition; it contains such a technique as threefold repetition; the fairy tale has unusual, magical plots in which miraculous transformations often occur; it also has negative and positive heroes, and good necessarily defeats evil.

It is not at all difficult to identify the characteristics of a fairy tale - it is a mandatory inclusion in the content of a certain attitude towards fiction, which will determine the poetics of the fairy tale. In it, two worlds exist in parallel - the real and the magical, into which the hero finds himself from the real. In a fairy tale, the motive of a journey can be traced, during which the main character will have to go through many tests and also in a fairy tale, the hero is often helped by some kind of magical assistant or accompanies him to his cherished goal. Often, the main character is given various magical objects as a gift for performing a good deed.






Teacher I categories Weissenberg Maria Viktorovna


Lesson development

Target : Stimulate interest:

To the content and characters of a fairy tale;

To determine the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale;

Update your knowledge:

About the concept: “magic helpers”, “magic objects”, “triple repetitions”.

Update skill:

Work with the text of a fairy tale.


Reveal the meaning of the word “sign”, “features”, and use them in an active dictionary;

Correlate the content of the proverb and the main idea of ​​the fairy tale;

Identify the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale and justify your opinion;

Compare fairy tales taking into account the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale and display the results in a table;

Adequately interact with a partner within the educational dialogue;

Carry out mutual testing and mutual assessment when completing a learning task.

Planned results.


show interest in the content and characters of fairy tales;

consciously use the concepts of “signs” and “features” in speech;

identify the signs and features of a fairy tale and justify your opinion;

work with the content of fairy tales;

find signs and features of a fairy tale and write out the results in a worksheet;

adequately interact with a partner within the framework of educational dialogue when working in groups;

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard.

Name of equipment and materials




Interactive whiteboard or classroom magnetic

Multimedia presentation



Progress of the lesson

Stage 1. Organizational moment

Welcoming guests, motivating children to actively participate in the lesson.

Look at each other, smile at each other and wish Have a good day!

With what works of oral folk art do you know each other? (joke, fairy tale, proverb.....)

In the hands of the teacher is a “chest of knowledge”, from which name cards are taken. (…….)

A table of “works of oral folk art” is posted on the board and filled in as they are named.(Appendix 1)

Listen to the epigraph for our lesson from Ozhegov’s dictionary.

Narrative, usually folk-poetic a work about fictional persons and events, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces.”

Determine which piece of oral folk art will be discussed in the lesson? (about a fairy tale)

Right. We'll talk about a fairy tale today.Slide1

What types of fairy tales do you know? A table “Types of fairy tales” is posted on the board. Filled in as they are named.

(Appendix 2)

Listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale (“Teremok”).(Appendix 3)

What is the name of this fairy tale?

Determine what type of fairy tales the Teremok fairy tale can be classified as? (about animals)

Prove your answer. (animals - characters, chain - repetition of an episode, poetic songs, reproduction of the same action).

Listen to another excerpt (“Porridge from an ax”).(Appendix 4)

What is the name of this fairy tale?

What type of fairy tale does it belong to? (household).

Prove it. ?(the real world of people, extraordinary resourcefulness, dialogue, two worlds - rich and poor, worker and master, soldier and general).

Listen to another excerpt.

What is the name of this fairy tale? (“The Frog Princess”).(Appendix 5)

What type of fairy tale can this fairy tale be classified as? (children express their hypotheses, which are written down on cloud sheets and hung on the board).

Why were there different hypotheses? (Not enough facts)

What don’t we know? (signs and features of a fairy tale).

What question in the lesson will we look for the answer to? (Students rely on “helping keys” and formulate a lesson question.)(Appendix 6)

WHAT SIGNS AND FEATURES DOES A MAGICAL TALE HAVE? The question is written down by the teacher on a piece of paper and hung on the board.

What do you need to do to answer the lesson question?

I suggest you work in groups with the famous Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”

Stage 2. Main part.

- I suggest working in groups and finding an answer to the question posed in the lesson. Each group receives a task.

(Appendix 7)

Remember the rules of working in a group. Students read an excerpt from the story and complete the worksheets and write down the conclusion of their work.

10-15 minutes are allotted for group work. As the work progresses, the group posts its number on the board, determining the order of defense of its work.

Physical education minute . Slide 3

Stage 3. Protection of work.

Each group comes to the board in turn and defends its work. The rest of the students fill out the final table on the topic “Fairy Tales”. (Appendix 8)

1 group, 2 group, 3 group, 4 group

Stage 4 Generalization.

Let's put things in order. Facts obtained by children are posted and voiced under the concept of “MAGIC TALES”.

Let's return to the lesson question. Let's read it out. "WHAT SIGNS AND FEATURES DOES A MAGICAL TALE HAVE?

A sheet of paper is hung up on which the teacher writes down the generalization formulated by the children.

“A fairy tale is a fairy tale that contains the following features and attributes: beginning, triple repetition, plot, development of action, climax, ending, fairy-tale characters, magical objects, magical transformations.”

Let's return to your hypotheses. Who correctly guessed the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale. These hypotheses are put forward for generalization. What features and signs of a fairy tale did you manage to discover in class today?

Stage 5 Summing up.

I suggest making a syncwine. Explain the meaning of this word. Theme "Fairy Tale".

The cinquain is written down by the teacher on a piece of paper from the words of the students. Read by students.

(Fairy tale,

Magical, mysterious,

Tells, fascinates, teaches,

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.)

The game will conclude today's lesson. “I’m glad that I’m a fairy tale, because.....” Students list the signs and features of a fairy tale, summing up the lesson.

Stage 6. Reflection "The magic of mood."

The teacher distributes magic objects “arrows” made of paper in advance in three colors: red - I have not learned anything, green - I have understood, not completely, yellow - everything is clear, I have learned everything. Each student chooses an object, what mood - attitude he received from the lesson, and hangs it “shoots” on a water lily leaf. Those interested can voice their opinion.(Appendix 9).

7.stage. (Homework)

The teacher invites the children to find fairy tales. Read them and complete the “Analyzing a Fairy Tale” worksheet.(Appendix 10).

4. Determining the features that distinguish a fairy tale from other similar genres.

The teacher talks about various sources of information. The next section of the project will be created by processing audio recordings.

Excerpts from the epic “Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor”, a fairy tale and legend are heard.

"Analysts" are called distinctive features these genres.

“Illustrators” show the corresponding symbol and place it on the blank for the fourth section.

The difference between a fairy tale and other similar genres

5. Determining the features of the language of a fairy tale.

The teacher informs that in this section the source of information will be a dramatized dialogue. As homework illustrators prepared a dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale. The task of the “analysts” is to find special fairy-tale words and expressions.

“Analysts” name such words and expressions after watching the dramatization.

The teacher places a reproduction of Vasnetsov’s painting “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” on the fifth section blank.

“Illustrators” create a mini-sketcher based on an illustration for a fairy tale using fairy tale words and expressions.

6. Determining the features of using colors in a fairy tale.

The teacher makes a transition from the previous section.

From the illustrations one can judge the predominance of certain colors in fairy tales. But the illustration This is just a reflection of the special flavor of fairy tales. Since ancient times people have attached great value blossom. Remember the references to different colors from familiar fairy tales.

Children from any group give examples.

Match situations where colors are mentioned and determine the approximate meaning of each color.

Students from any group can also complete the task.

For self-testing, the teacher attaches cards to the “Experimental Laboratory” different colors: yellow, red, white. On the back of each card is written the approximate meaning of that color in the story. After the children make suggestions, the teacher turns the card over and the corresponding word appears. After completion of the work, the cards are placed in the sixth section of the project.

VI. Project testing stage.

The teacher says that as a result of detailed processing various types information and recording the results of this processing, a reference table was obtained for compiling a report on the fairy tale as a genre.

The testing of the created project will be carried out by students from the “testers” group.

The “testers” talk one by one, based on the compiled table.

VII. Lesson summary.

What goal and what task did we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson?

Learn to use and process the information received; Create a reference table during project development.

Did we manage to achieve our goals and objectives? What difficulties did you encounter? What did you find most interesting?

Children respond depending on the results of their work.

“a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
A lesson to good fellows” (A.S. Pushkin)
(general lesson on Russian folk tales)

Goals: introduce children to the origins of Russian culture; teach to appreciate the native word, use beautiful Russian speech; generalize and consolidate previously studied material about Russian folk tales, their compositional and artistic features.

Lesson type: review lesson.

Type of lesson: lesson-game.

Technology: elements of gaming technology.

Equipment: illustrations for Russian folk tales; books with fairy tales; musical works.

The class was previously divided into two teams, each of which had a captain selected. Lesson leaders were appointed. Each team had to prepare a team presentation. As homework, it was necessary to prepare a dramatization of an excerpt from any Russian folk tale.

A jury is invited to the lesson; these can be high school students or teachers.

Lesson progress

Sounds piece of music(the teacher, at his discretion, uses music to create the emotional mood of students for the lesson), students dressed as Russian heroes enter the class to applause folk tales, take their seats (in teams).

Presenters enter Good fellow and the Red Maiden, who holds a loaf of bread on a towel in her hands.

Good fellow. A low bow to you, good fellows and beautiful maidens. Welcome to the amazing land of fairy tales glorious capital Skazograd.

Red maiden. Bow to you, dear guests (brings a loaf to the jury).

You have bread and salt to eat

Yes, listen to a fairy tale.

Good fellow. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived good fellows and beautiful maidens. As we grew up, we read fairy tales, learned good things, and gained wisdom. And then somehow the royal decree comes.

Herald (takes out a scroll and reads).

Royal decree!

I, the king of a fairy-tale state, command: to get ready for the journey, to show the queen, to console her with knowledge, to amuse her with a fairy tale. And if she has the will to find out something else. The queen has a chest of wisdom that you won’t be able to count for a century. But if you show off your intelligence, you will take a gift with you.

1st presenter And we should look for the queen in Far Far Away Kingdom, in the Far Far Away State, on green hills, among meadows and oak forests. But how do we get there, how do we get there? And where the fairy tale begins, there the miracle happens. I have a magic bag containing fabulous heel remedies. Whatever you take from the bag will take you to Skazograd.

He approaches each team in turn, the captain takes out a piece of paper from the bag on which a fabulous vehicle is written.

Options: flying carpet, walking boots, Baba Yaga's stupa, Emelya's stove.

2nd presenter (girl in folk costume). So, good fellows, red maidens, we are setting off on a dangerous, but very exciting journey. Here's a ball for each team (distributes balls to teams) so as not to get lost in fairyland.

And here is your first task: the teams need to introduce themselves.

I invite the first team.

The first team shows their business card.

Welcome to the second team.

The second team shows their business card.

After each performance, the team shows their homework.

1st presenter. Whether it’s long or short, here we are already visiting the merman.

The song "Vodyanoy's Song" from the cartoon " flying ship».

Here a wonderful wonder awaits you: the Animal Bridge is in chains, forest birds flock here, the inhabitants of oak forests gather, fish splash under the bridge, they know the prophetic word. They know, but not everyone opens it. Everyone is happy to see you, everyone has questions in reserve.

The teacher asks the teams a question first competition:

– Name Russian folk tales, where as characters for the 1st team bear, and for the 2nd team fox.

You are given two minutes to prepare. Teams answer in turns.

Good fellow. While the jury evaluates the teams' presentation and the first competition, we go further through the fairyland and meet Baba Yaga.

The musical piece “Ditties of Babok Ezhek” from the cartoon “The Flying Ship” is played, three students perform a dance to this piece of music.

Baba Yaga. Fu-fu, it smells like the Russian spirit. Here I am, dear guests. Oh, how many of you are there? I’ll have enough for lunch and dinner, and I’ll have to leave a dozen or two in reserve. Didn't know whose house they were in? I cleverly lured you here.

Good fellow. Wait, little grandma, have pity on the guys, they are still small. The guys are ready to guess all your riddles.

Baba Yaga. And that's true. Let me take you to the Courtyard of Curiosities. There are magical objects here: birds, animals, gems.

Why is there nothing here!

And I’ll tell you, without hiding,

Each one has its own secret.

The teacher conducts second competition. Children are offered magical objects, for example, an apple, a tablecloth, a self-assembly, a ball, a comb.

Assignment: what role do these magical objects play in fairy tales?

Students think and respond.

The jury sums up the results of the two competitions.

2nd presenterIn the middle of Skazograd the cave of the Serpent Gorynych, and a treasure is hidden in it. The treasure contains countless riches Russian speech is semi-precious.

You know that there is no such thing as a fairy tale without a saying. Without a saying, a fairy tale is like a skid without runners.

The teacher holds the third competition, reads the beginning of the saying, and the teams take turns finishing them.

Soon the fairy tale will tell... (yes, it won’t be done soon).

Not in a fairy tale... (not to describe with a pen).

Growing by leaps and bounds... (and by the hour).

Why are you, good fellow, not funny... (he hangs his head violently).

Red maiden. So, we went through the hardest part. They amused the queen, consoled her with knowledge, gained their wits, and played with wonders.

Good fellow. A little bit of good stuff, it’s time to hit the road.

The jury sums up the results of the game and awards the teams.

At the end of the lesson you can have a tea party.

section summary
"oral folk art".
The fabulous adventures of Vitya and Masha

Goals: repeat and summarize the knowledge acquired in this section; continue to develop students' horizons.

Lesson progress

The song “Fairy tales walk around the world” is played.

Leading. This story happened in our city with third grade students Vitya and Masha. After school, the kids always walked home through the park. It was very beautiful there at any time of the year. As they walked, they looked at the flowers that had appeared, the butterflies fluttering above them, and listened to the birds singing.

But suddenly Masha saw a large hollow near the oak tree.

Masha. Vitya, Vitya, come here quickly!

Vitya. What's happened?

Masha. Look, this hollow was not there yesterday. Who could have done it? Let's see what's inside.

Vitya. What are you saying, Masha? What if someone was hiding there?

Leading. But Masha did not listen to Vitya. She had already taken a step into the hollow, grabbing Vitya’s hand, and... they found themselves in a green meadow. The grass was very soft, like silk. Looking at the meadow where many different flowers grew, it seemed as if you were standing on a carpet. The sun was shining. A forest could be seen in the distance. From which there was a “breath” of fear.

Masha. Where are we? Where did you end up?

Vitya. I told you there’s no need to climb into the hollow, now you need to think about how to get out of here.

Masha. We'll figure something out. Look who's there? He runs, the earth trembles, smoke pours out of his ears, flames burst from his nostrils.

Leading. Guys, what fairy tale is the horse from? How to call him?

Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!

Vitya. Sivka-burka, where are we, where are we?

Sivka-burka . You have found yourself in a fairyland.

Masha. Can I see your country?

Sivka-burka . Of course you can. To do this, you need to answer my questions and the questions of everyone you meet, then you can return home.

1) How many times did Ivanushka go to the princess? (3 times.)

2) What mushrooms did Ivanushka bring? (fly agarics.)

3) With what words does the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka” end? (“I was at that feast, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.”)

Sivka-burka . Sit on me.

Leading. And they galloped across the fields, through the meadows, across fairy kingdoms. We arrive at a fork in three roads. They look, there is a stone lying, and on it is written: “Whoever goes to the right will be rich. Who will go left will lose a friend. Who will go straight he himself will be lost and will not save his friend.”

And Sivka-burka disappeared.

Vitya. Masha, let's go to the right, I want to be rich. I’ll buy myself a cake and ice cream and treat you.

Masha. It's scary, what if there's a trap there?

Vitya. If it’s scary, we’ll call Sivka-burka.

Masha. Well, okay, let's go.

Leading. They walk, walk and see: the forest sparkles, the clearing shimmers with gold, on the trees instead of leaves gold coins, flowers in the clearing are all made of gold. Vitya and Masha began to pick leaves and put them in their pockets. (Masha picked a bouquet of golden flowers and distributed them to the children.) Suddenly the sky darkened, the sun hid, and Koschey the Immortal appeared.

Koschey the Immortal. Who gave you permission to pick my flowers and tear off my golden leaves? Now you will stay with me forever and will serve me forever, take care of my gold. But you have one chance. On back side There is a question written on a piece of paper; whoever answers it correctly, I will let him go.

Students answer questions and return flowers and leaves.

1. On how many oak trees did the Nightingale the Robber sit? (on three.)

2. Which heroes were at Prince Vladimir’s feast?

3. How did Ivanushka from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” become a boy again?

4. How did Nikita Kozhemyaka defeat the snake?

5. How did Nikita Kozhemyaka and Zmey divide the land?

6. What did the brothers guard in the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”?

7. What did the brothers guard in the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”?

8. Who did Ivan catch in the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”?

9. Whom did Ivan Tsarevich catch in the tale of Gray Wolf?

10. Where did Dobrynya Nikitich live?

11. How old was Ilya Muromets?

12. What was the nickname of Dobrynya Nikitich?

Leading. As soon as the last leaf was returned to Koshchei, the guys found themselves again near the stone.

Vitya. Yes, I failed to become rich.

Masha. But they remained alive. Let's go home.

Vitya. No, let's go left. Let's find out what's there.

Leading. Vitya and Masha are walking along the path and see a hut on chicken legs.

What do you need to say to the hut so that it turns to them?

Masha and Vitya. Hut-hut, stand with your back to the forest and your front to us.

Leading. Vitya and Masha entered the hut, and Baba Yaga lived there.

Baba Yaga. So now I have lunch and dinner.

Masha. Wait, Baba Yaga, why eat us, I’ll cook so many delicious things for you now.

And she began to cook.

Leading. Baba Yaga ate her fill and became kinder.

Baba Yaga. Well, thank you, we fed you. I won’t eat you for this, but I won’t let you go either. I'm bored here alone. Nobody plays with me.

Vitya. Let's play "Guess the Fairy Tale." The guys will read the passage, and we will guess, and vice versa.

1. “We walked and walked – the sun was high, the well was far away, the heat was oppressive, sweat was coming out.”

2. “The horse is running, the earth is trembling, smoke is pouring out of the ears, flames are burning from the nostrils.” (“Sivka-burka.”)

3. “And the king had a magnificent garden.” (“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf.”)

4. “Let me go, mother, to go to the Puchai River and swim in the cold water - the summer heat has exhausted me.” (“Dobrynya and the Serpent.”)

5. “Do you feel a lot of strength in yourself?

- A lot, wanderers. If only I had a shovel, I could plow all the land.” (“Healing of Ilya Muromets.”)

6. “What kind of ignoramus is passing here, past my protected oak trees?”

7. “The witch ordered to build high fires, heat cast iron cauldrons, sharpen damask knives.” (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.”)

8. “The brothers returned home and told their wives what they saw in the city: “Well, housewives, what a fine fellow came to the king!” We've never seen anything like this before. I only missed three logs before reaching the princess.” (“Sivka-burka.”)

9. “The priest’s son spoke the right word - it is not suitable for a hero to sit at a feast and grow his belly. Let me go, prince, into the wide steppes, to see if the enemy is prowling around my native Rus', if there are robbers lying around.” (“Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber.”)

10. “I told you, don’t move the cage! Why didn't you listen to my order?

- Okay, sit on me. I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.” (“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf.”)

11. “He drove up to the Oka River, rested his shoulder on a high mountain that was on the shore, and dumped it into the Oka River. The mountain blocked the riverbed and the river began to flow in a new way.” (“Healing of Ilya Muromets.”)

12. “Burushka gained strength from the whip, he began to jump high, throw stones a mile away, and began to shake baby snakes away from his feet. He beats them with his hoof and tears them with his teeth and tramples every single one of them.” (“Dobrynya and the Serpent.”)

Vitya. We played with you, grandma, now let's go home.

Baba Yaga. No, I still want it. I want fairy tales to be told to me, and not those that I have already heard, but new ones, invented by you. And the beginning will be like this... “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”

Students “in a chain”, one sentence at a time, come up with a fairy tale.

Baba Yaga. Thank you, you made me happy. I don’t want to let you go, but I keep my word, even though I am Baba Yaga. Go. If you’re still here, come in, let’s play and tell each other fairy tales.

Leading. Masha and Vitya said goodbye to Baba Yaga and moved on. We came to the stone again.

Masha. If I don’t take the middle road, we’ll be lost together. I want to go home. Let's call Sivka-burka, and he will take us home.

Vitya. But nothing happened to us. Let's go find out what's there. And if we can’t cope, then we’ll call Sivka-Burka, and he’ll whisk us away in an instant.

Leading. Vitya and Masha walked along the middle, straight path. They walk, look around, don’t want to lose each other. They go and see swamp, and in the swamp hummocks, on the hummocks there are objects from fairy tales (words). If you guess which fairy tale the object is from, you can cross the swamp.

Leading. The guys walked through the swamp. They move on. They see mountain. Don't go around it, don't climb over it. They're watching inscription: “If you write the words correctly, the rock will open and you will see a passage. If there is a mistake in even one word, stones will fall and overwhelm you.”


1. What was the name of Ilya Muromets’s horse?

2. Which river did Dobrynya Nikitich go to?

4. In which city did Vladimir the Red Sun reign?


2. How much did Ilya Muromets’ arrow weigh?

3. What did Ivan the Fool bring in the basket?

5. What was Kozhemyaku’s name?

6. Who turned Ivanushka into a kid?

Leading. A passage to the mountains has opened. Masha and Vitya walked along it and found themselves in a clearing. And there are stones on it, with inscriptions on them. If you don’t find a pair for each stone, then the Serpent Gorynych will fly in and eat you.

Vitya. Okay, say the spell.

The guys all together call Sivka-burka.

Sivka-burka . Do you want to go home? But first, tell me three fairy tales where there is also a horse, and three fairy tales where magic happens.

Well done, now get on me, I'll take you home.

Leading. Before the guys had time to catch their breath, they found themselves in the park. They took their briefcases and went home.

Teacher. What works of oral folk art have we repeated?

– Name your favorite characters.

– What actions of the heroes do you not approve of?

– How do all fairy tales end? Why?

– How did our fairy tale end?

fable. getting to know something new
literary genre

Goals: develop creativity students, the need for reading, the ability to independently learn new things, relying on existing knowledge.

Equipment: card with the name “Aesop”; cards “fable”, “fabulist”; portrait of I. A. Krylov; sheets with the text of Aesop's fable “The Fox and the Grapes”; explanatory dictionaries(Shvetsova, Ozhegov); reference table for independent reading (see appendix); card with terms familiar and unfamiliar to children: morality, winged words, personification, allegory. (There is a door drawn on the back of the card.)

Goals: stimulate interest:

To determine the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale;

Update your knowledge:

About the concept: “magic helpers”, “magic objects”, “triple repetitions”.

Update skill:

Work with the text of a fairy tale.

Reveal the meaning of the word “sign”, “features”, and use them in an active dictionary;

Correlate the content of the proverb and the main idea of ​​the fairy tale;

Identify the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale and justify your opinion;

Compare fairy tales taking into account the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale and display the results in a table;

Adequately interact with a partner within the educational dialogue;

Carry out mutual testing and mutual assessment when completing a learning task.

Planned results.

Show interest in the content and characters of fairy tales;

Consciously use the concepts of “signs” and “features” in speech;

Identify the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale and justify your opinion;

Work with the content of fairy tales;

Find the signs and features of a fairy tale and present the results in a worksheet;

Adequately interact with a partner within the educational dialogue when working in groups;

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard.

Progress of the lesson

Stage 1. Organizational moment

Welcoming guests, motivating children to actively participate in the lesson.

Look at each other, smile at each other and wish each other a good day!

What works of oral folk art are you familiar with? (Joke, fairy tale, proverb.....)

In the hands of the teacher is a “chest of knowledge” from which name cards are taken. (…….)

A table of “works of oral folk art” is posted on the board and filled in as they are named. (Appendix 1. Applications)

Listen to the epigraph for our lesson from Ozhegov’s dictionary.

- “Narrative, usually folk- poetic work about fictitious persons and events, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces.”

Determine which piece of oral folk art will be discussed in the lesson? (About a fairy tale)

Right. We'll talk about a fairy tale today. Slide 1. Presentation

What types of fairy tales do you know? The table “Types of fairy tales” is posted on the board. Filled in as they are named.

(Appendix 2)

Listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale (“Teremok”). (Appendix 3)

What is the name of this fairy tale?

Determine what type of fairy tales the Teremok fairy tale can be classified as? (About animals)

Prove your answer. (Animals are characters, chaining is repetition of an episode, poetic songs, reproduction of the same action).

Listen to another excerpt. (“Porridge from an axe”). (Appendix 4)

What is the name of this fairy tale?

What type of fairy tale does it belong to? (Household).

Prove it. ( Real world people, extraordinary resourcefulness, dialogue, two worlds - rich and poor, worker and master, soldier and general).

Listen to another excerpt.

What is the name of this fairy tale? (“The Frog Princess”). (Appendix 5)

What type of fairy tale can this fairy tale be classified as? (Children express their hypotheses, which are written on cloud sheets and hung on the board).

Why were there different hypotheses? (Not enough facts)

What don't we know? (Signs and features of a fairy tale).

What question in the lesson will we look for the answer to? (Students rely on “helping keys” and formulate a lesson question.) (Appendix 6)

What signs and characteristics does a fairy tale have? The question is written down by the teacher on a piece of paper and hung on the board.

What do you need to do to answer the lesson question?

I suggest you work in groups with the famous Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”.

Stage 2. Main part

I suggest working in groups and finding an answer to the question posed in the lesson. Each group receives a task.

(Appendix 7)

Remember the rules of working in a group. Students read an excerpt from the story and complete the worksheets and write down the conclusion of their work.

10-15 minutes are allotted for group work. As the work is completed, the group posts its number on the board, determining the order of defense of its work.

Physical education minute. Slide 3

Stage 3. Protection of works

Each group comes to the board in turn and defends its work. The rest of the students fill out the final table on the topic “Fairy Tales”. (Appendix 8)

1 group, 2 group, 3 group, 4 group

Stage 4. Generalization

Let's put things in order. Facts obtained by children are displayed and voiced under the concept of “Fairy Tales”.

Let's return to the lesson question. Let's read it out. “What signs and characteristics does a fairy tale have?”

A sheet of paper is hung up on which the teacher writes down the generalization formulated by the children.

“A fairy tale is a fairy tale in which the following features and attributes are present: beginning, triple repetition, plot, development of action, climax, ending, fairy-tale characters, magical objects, magical transformations.”

Let's return to your hypotheses. Who correctly guessed the signs and characteristics of a fairy tale. These hypotheses are put forward for generalization. What features and signs of a fairy tale did you manage to discover in class today?

Stage 5. Summing up

I suggest making a syncwine. Explain the meaning of this word. The theme is “Fairy Tale”.

The cinquain is written down by the teacher on a piece of paper from the words of the students. Read by students.

Magical, mysterious,

Tells, fascinates, teaches,

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.)

The game will conclude today's lesson. “I’m glad that I am a fairy tale, because...” Students list the signs and features of a fairy tale, summing up the lesson.

Stage 6. Reflection “The magic of mood”

The teacher distributes magic objects “arrows” made of paper in advance in three colors: red - I have not learned anything, green - I have understood, not completely, yellow - everything is clear, I have learned everything. Each student chooses the subject, what mood - attitude he received from the lesson, and hangs “shoots” on a water lily leaf. Those interested can voice their opinion. (Appendix 9).

Stage 7. (Homework)

The teacher invites the children to find fairy tales. Read them and fill out the “Analysis of a Fairy Tale” worksheet. (Appendix 10).