Description of the sky in the painting: February blue. Description of the painting “February Azure” by I. Grabar. Synonyms - helpers

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar “February Azure” 1904 Tretyakov Gallery.

In the foreground of the picture there is a birch tree covered with the thinnest layer of lacy frost, shimmering and sparkling even under the dim rays of the sun. A little further away you can see younger and still “teenage” birches with thin trunks. It seems that with their branches spread out, they slowly spin in a smooth round dance, like young girls celebrating Maslenitsa and welcoming the arrival of spring.
Only the forest in the background separates heaven and earth. If you stand in front of this picture for a while, it will suddenly seem that you can clearly hear Russian folk song about birch. After all, the birch tree is a symbol of Russia, its beauty, so people composed many songs about it, both funny and sad.

White-trunked beauties are depicted against the backdrop of an azure snow blanket and an almost identical color of the winter sky. These tones, which the painter so generously uses, carry coolness and purity, like the breath of the breeze and the smells of the still approaching silent light tread of spring.

Igor Emmanuilovich also liked the painting February Blue. He often talked about how amazing inspiration suddenly came to create it. Grabar saw such a landscape in the Moscow region on a frosty sunny morning, going for a walk. He was struck by the color of azure, which seemed to envelop everything around, and only the birch trees, stretching out their branches, as if in a dance, diluted these incredible colors of pearls, coral, sapphire and turquoise. All together it looked like a fairy-tale island in the glow of precious stones.

The artist was amazed at the fantastic beauty of the birch branches in this chime of all shades of the rainbow, against the background of the blue sky. Against the background of the turquoise sky, last year’s foliage, which survived at the very top of the birch tree, seems golden. As if fulfilling the painter’s wishes, the sunny days lasted for almost two weeks, allowing Grabar to capture this miracle. It seemed that nature was posing for a talented artist.

I. Grabar worked on this painting outdoors, in a deep trench that he specially dug in the snow. The artist painted “February Blue” “with an umbrella painted blue, and placed the canvas not only without the usual tilt forward, facing the ground, but turned its face to the blue of the sky, which is why reflexes from the hot snow under the sun did not fall on it, and he remained in the cold shadow, forcing... to triple the power of color to convey the fullness of the impression"

I. Grabar has repeatedly admitted that of all the trees in central Russia, he loves the birch most, and among the birches, its “weeping” variety. And indeed, in “February Azure” birch is the only basis artistic image. The very appearance of this tree, the ability to see its charm in the general structure of the Russian landscape, reflected the artist’s joyful perception of the nature of the Russian region, which distinguished I. Grabar the landscape painter in all periods of his work

Igor Grabar is an artist who is known for his landscape paintings. It must be said that the author so loved to depict her on his canvases always looked special, the way the master himself saw her. One of the most famous works The artist is “February Azure”. It evokes a storm of emotions and impressions among those who have ever seen it. Almost every schoolchild wrote an essay on the painting “February Azure”, even in junior classes.

Artist Igor Grabar

The future talented artist, restorer, teacher Igor Grabar was born on March 25, 1871 in Budapest. He studied at the Lyceum of Tsarevich Nicholas, and, importantly, graduated with a degree. After that, Grabar entered St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Law.

It is worth noting that Igor’s older brother, Vladimir, nevertheless became a famous lawyer soon after graduating from school. However, the younger Grabar chose to become an artist, since this was what he liked most. It is worth noting that Igor began attending drawing classes while still in Moscow.

A year after graduating from university, Igor entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. For some time, his teacher was the world-famous Ilya Repin.

However, after graduating from this educational institution, Grabar did not stop and decided that he now wanted to go to Paris, and then to Munich. His plans came true.

Much in Igor’s life changed when he moved to Moscow in 1903. Afterwards, the artist participated in numerous exhibitions, and his works could be admired even abroad, where they were also exhibited at various exhibitions.

One of the most famous and famous paintings the author is “February Azure”. It evokes a lot of emotions in the viewer, as well as impressions that cannot be forgotten. It is not at all difficult to write an essay on the painting “February Azure”, because, looking at this painting, the viewer has strong emotions and impressions, the description of which will only be a pleasure for everyone.

Winter in the painting “February Azure”

A wonderful work that has delighted everyone for many years was written by I. E. Grabar. “February Azure” will not leave anyone indifferent, because this canvas conveys a spring mood, despite the fact that it illustrates the winter season.

It depicts birches in winter, which give every viewer warm, good emotions. Every schoolchild, having seen this wonderful work, will be able to write an essay. “February Azure” shows how beautiful winter can be on the eve of the warm spring season.

Very often, artists convey winter in their paintings in white, cold colors, showing all the majesty of this time. However, Igor Grabar decided to prove to the audience that winter can be not only harsh and gloomy, but also warm and sunny.

An essay on the painting “February Azure” can help every viewer of this work understand what the author wanted to show.

Essay on the topic “The sun in the artist’s painting”

He knows how to convey impressions to the viewer through the painting of I. E. Grabar. “February Azure” is the artist’s work, which is proof of this. The viewer feels and captures through the picture the author’s message, impressions and emotions that winter and its beauty evoke.

Despite the fact that the sun shines in winter, but does not warm, the viewer of the painting “February Blue” still feels warmth and joy. The author cleverly depicted the outgoing rays that slowly envelop each lonely birch tree. Thanks to his skill, the viewer clearly sees and feels how gentle and warm the sun can be in winter.

Igor Grabar is exceptionally beautiful, with reverent Russian nature on his canvases. “February Azure” (an essay based on the painting will help the viewer express their emotions on paper) is a reflection of the master’s talent. And you never tire of admiring this painting.

Birches in the painting “February Azure” (Grabar). Essay on the beauty of nature

The birches depicted in the picture evoke a storm of emotions in the viewer. The reader's first glance is drawn to a group of lonely trees enjoying a sunny day at the edge of the forest. Graceful trunks and branches are partially covered with snow shining and sparkling in the sun. On the tops of the birches you can see last year’s leaves that have not yet fallen, which were able to survive the harsh winter cold. On this day, calm finally came, the blizzards and storms ended, and now they were replaced by the gentle rays of the warm sun.

It’s not difficult to write an essay on the painting “February Azure.” It’s enough just to look at this work, enjoy the beauty of Russian nature, and thoughts themselves will flow onto the paper.

A truly unsurpassed creation is “February Blue” (Grabar).

Essay on the topic “Snow in the picture”

When looking at Grabar’s painting “February Blue,” the viewer notices the sparkling white snow. Despite the fact that the artist depicted the Russian winter, the snow in the picture only covers the cold ground and some of the trees. It is worth noting that in “February Blue” the cold tones inherent in the season chosen by the author do not predominate: the sunset gives the snow a pinkish tint, which makes Grabar’s painting warm, light and bright. Thanks to this, the viewer feels that spring will come very soon.

according to the picture

Grabar's painting is quite famous and has been admired for many years. Even schoolchildren in elementary grades write essays on this canvas. However, in order to do the job “excellently”, you must make a plan. "February Blue" is truly a work of art that is admired by many people.

In order to write an essay based on Grabar’s painting, you need to draw up an outline based on the model and give the work a title. This will help every student complete their assignment perfectly. So, what items are included in the plan? These will be approximately the following questions, to which the student must give comprehensive answers in his essay.

  1. Brief biography of Grabar.
  2. How did the author of the picture depict winter in it?
  3. How does the artist see the winter sun?
  4. Igor Grabar depicted birch trees in “February Azure”. What are they?
  5. How did the artist show the snow in the painting?
  6. What emotions and impressions arise in the viewer?
  7. What did you like about Grabar’s painting?

The unusualness of the picture

The work “February Azure” is simply mesmerizing. The author conveyed to the viewer all the mystery and beauty of nature in winter. When looking at this work of the master, you want to find yourself on the edge of a winter forest and enjoy the rays of the sun that embrace the birch trees. The painting evokes a storm of emotions and impressions, which rightfully makes it one of the best among landscape works. Grabar accurately and very skillfully conveyed all the beauty and majesty of nature.

The ability of the brilliant Russian painter Igor Grabar to convey the moment when winter is about to give way to spring has never been disputed by either critics or ordinary viewers. So the painting “February Blue” miraculously takes us to winter forest, which is already preparing to throw off the shackles of winter. It is imbued with the mood of this coming change to the last stroke.

“I stood near a marvelous specimen of birch, rare in the rhythmic structure of its branches. Looking at her, I dropped the stick and bent down to pick it up. When I looked at the top of the birch from below, from the surface of the snow, I was stunned by the spectacle of fantastic beauty that opened before me: some kind of chimes and echoes of all the colors of the rainbow, united by the blue enamel of the sky.” It should be noted that Grabar had the most important quality true painter - he knew how to truly see, that is, perceive much more in the world around him moreover, which reveals itself to the ordinary eye.

Work on this painting, which he later considered the most important in his work, proceeded in a very unique way: the sketch was painted from a trench that Grabar dug in deep snow. In this trench, the artist placed himself with an easel and a large canvas in search of a stronger impression of a low horizon and high sky (later he used this “trench” method in other full-scale paintings).
works). From this point, the artist was able to reveal the whole variety of blue tones in gradations from light green to ultramarine - what Ilya Ostroukhov would later call the “Indian sky.” The vertical format of the painting, as in White Winter, emphasizes the plasticity of the birch tree, which has spread its fan-shaped branches like wings, and emphasizes the infinity of the azure space.

The angle chosen by the artist is interesting: the viewer looks at the image from below, this expands the space of the picture. A lot of light colors were used in the work - white birch trees, snow, sky. But, despite this, the bright light color of the work does not interfere with its comfortable perception. Except large quantity The artist also uses whitish shades and colors traditionally associated with the arrival of spring: blue and ultramarine. The combination of colors helps the viewer understand that the days of winter are numbered and very soon spring will come into its own.

The main character of Grabar’s painting “February Azure” is, of course, the birch tree in the foreground. Its branches stand out clearly against the spring blue sky. Frost sparkles on them, framing the Russian beauty like a beautiful necklace. Behind her, the artist depicted several more birch trees, the beauty and grace of which echo the main character.

The mood of the picture is joyful, spring, despite the fact that winter has shackled nature with its cold. It is clear that spring with its cheerful streams and birdsong is just around the corner, the cold will soon end and the birches will be covered with catkins and young fresh leaves.

Year of painting: 1904.

Dimensions of the painting: 141 x 83 cm.

Material: canvas.

Writing technique: oil.

Genre: landscape.

Style: impressionism.

Gallery: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

In sixth grade high school In Russian language lessons, it is proposed to write an essay based on I. E. Grabar’s painting “February Azure”.

This article can be used as additional material when preparing students for work. Biographical information about the artist, as well as the history of the creation of the painting "February Blue" will also be useful for teachers to compile lesson notes.


Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar was born in Budapest into a family where both parents were engaged in diplomatic activities. IN early childhood The future artist, together with his father and mother, moved to Russia, to the Ryazan province. There Emmanuel Grabar received a teaching position French in a small town high school.

The boy’s first memories associated with impressions from artistic creativity. One day, Igor’s father took his son to visit his friend, a teacher who taught at the same gymnasium.

The child was so amazed by the beauty of the paintings that came from the pen of his older comrade, and the unusualness of the tools: brushes, easel and others, that he began to beg his parents to give him supplies for this activity. Soon, mom and dad bought their son the desired drawing set.

Choosing a life path

The future author of the painting “February Azure” graduated from the gymnasium where his father worked as a teacher. After that, he went to study in the capital. A career as an artist seemed like a pipe dream to his parents and himself, so the first education the young man received was legal.

But he was not destined to work in this field. Immediately after receiving his diploma, he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

In this educational institution his mentor becomes the outstanding Russian painter, a talented teacher who trained many artists, Ilya Repin. A few years later, the young man moved to Munich for a while, where he continued to master various drawing techniques.

The history of the creation of the painting "February Blue"

Returning to Russia, the artist, living in St. Petersburg, often visits his friends from the Moscow region. One day, while visiting one of his acquaintances, who was also involved in the fine arts, Igor Emmanuilovich became interested in long walks in the surrounding forests. This was facilitated by the mild, windless weather of the last winter month.

One day in mid-February a sketch was made of one of the most famous paintings Grabar. The painting "February Azure" was painted from life. The artist, who dropped his cane while walking, bent down to pick it up and saw winter birches in blue frost from an unusual angle.

Looking up from below, Igor Emmanuilovich was struck by the symmetry of the outlines of the most Russian of all trees, and how festive and elegant it looks against the background of blue snow, smoothly flowing into the sky of the same color. Admired by the beauty of the winter landscape, Grabar immediately ran to his room, where he made the first sketch of the future canvas.

A painting painted in a trench

In order to be able to observe the landscape from this particular point of view while working, the master had to make some physical efforts. He took a shovel from the utility room of his friend’s house and dug a hole half the height of a man. When the trench was ready, the artist moved there an easel, paints and other supplies necessary for working on the painting “February Blue”.

The air temperature at this time was not too low, so the painter could afford to spend several hours a day outdoors. He did not have the canvas in the traditional way, and placing it at an angle, so that the drawing looks down at an acute angle.

By this, the artist achieved constant shading of the canvas. In insufficient light, the colors seemed dull to him, and he was forced to use the most bright shades. For this reason, Grabar’s painting “February Blue” acquired festive, sparkling tones.

The master's favorite painting

The painter, who lived for almost 90 years and created numerous works of various genres, nevertheless, even in his declining years, admitted that he considered the painting “February Blue” his most successful creation.

In the foreground of the canvas there is a birch tree covered with sparkling frost framing delicate thin branches. Her relatives stand a little behind, as if they were Russian girls in a festive round dance, at the moment when one of them came to the center of the circle for a solo dance.

A description of Grabar's painting "February Azure" would be incomplete without mentioning the special role played by shades blue, predominant in the background of the canvas. This is how both the sky and freshly fallen snow appear before the viewer. It seems that if there were no forest on the horizon, it would be impossible to distinguish the earth from the clouds. The general mood of this landscape seems very joyful. It’s as if nature has dressed up, preparing to celebrate the arrival of spring. The predominant color on this canvas is represented by its numerous shades. At the top of the part of Grabar's painting "February Blue" the sky is painted in dark colors, and that part of it that is closer to the horizon is depicted in soft blue.

Scientific and educational activities

The description of the painting “February Azure” suggests that the master who created this masterpiece was a great expert in Russian and Western artistic culture, mastered it perfectly various techniques drawings, both classical and modern. This assumption is confirmed by facts from the life of the master. Igor Emmanuilovich was engaged not only in the creation of paintings, but also participated in the compilation and editing large number encyclopedias and manuals on fine arts. For many years he headed the Tretyakov Gallery.

On his initiative, a scientific study of several hundred paintings was carried out. Detailed annotations were compiled for these paintings, including information about the persons depicted on them, as well as about the specific techniques of individual artists. In one of his letters, Igor Emmanuilovich admitted that he was happy to do this kind of work because of the opportunity to view great creations not from a distance, but being close to the masterpieces.

A true patriot

Grabar, as a man who truly loved his country, was always concerned about its fate. So, during the Great Patriotic War the artist laid the foundation for the creation of one of the tank columns, transferring a significant amount of money for this project.

For this initiative, the artist received thank you letter from state leaders. Grabar’s creative achievements were recognized with numerous prizes and awards.


Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar (1871-1960)

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar - painter, was born on March 13, 1871 in Budapest, into a Russian family public figure E.I. Grabar.

Igor's childhood was not easy. The boy was often separated from his parents, remaining in the care of strangers. Since childhood, he dreamed of painting, tried to be closer to artistic circles, visited all exhibitions, studied the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.

From 1882 to 1989, Grabar studied at the Moscow Lyceum, and from 1889 to 1895 at St. Petersburg University at two faculties - law and history and philology. After graduating from university, he entered St. Petersburg Academy Arts

In 1895, he studied in the workshop of Ilya Repin, where Malyavin, Somov, and Bilibin studied at the same time.

Summer 1895, during the holidays, Grabar travels around Europe, visiting Berlin, Paris, Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples. He is so fascinated by his creations greatest artists Renaissance, that he decides to travel further and enlighten himself.

Returning to Russia in 1901, the artist was again shocked by the beauty of Russian nature. He is mesmerized by the beauty of the Russian winter, admired by the “grace” and “magnetism” of the magical birch tree. His admiration for Russia after a long separation was expressed in paintings: “ White winter", "February Azure", " March snow"and many others.

In the period from 1913 to 1925, the artist headed Tretyakov Gallery. Here Grabar carried out a re-exposition, placing and systematizing all works of art in historical sequence. In 1917 he published a gallery catalog, which has significant scientific value.

Igor Emmanuilovich is one of the founders of museology, restoration work and the protection of monuments of art and antiquity. In 1918, the artist created the Central Restoration Workshop. He helped save many works ancient Russian art and the result of the work of the workshops was the discovery of numerous outstanding monuments of ancient Russian art - icons and frescoes in Novgorod, Pskov, Vladimir and other cities.

In 1926-30 Grabar was the editor of the department fine arts Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

From 1924 until the end of the 1940s, Grabar returned to painting again, special attention devotes time to portraiture, depicting his loved ones, scientists and musicians. Among him famous portraits“Portrait of a Mother”, “Svetlana”, “Portrait of a Daughter against the Background of a Winter Landscape”, “Portrait of a Son”, “Portrait of Academician S. A. Chaplygin”. Two self-portraits of the artist “Self-portrait with a palette” and “Self-portrait in a fur coat” are also widely known.

IN Soviet era Grabar became interested in the works of Andrei Rublev and I.E. Repin. In 1937, he created a two-volume monograph “Repin”. This work brought Grabar Stalin Prize. Since 1944, Grabar has been director of the Institute of Art History of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Igor Emmanuilovich died on May 16, 1960 in Moscow.
The history of the creation of the painting “February Blue”

“February Azure” is the most famous landscape by I.E. Grabar. The artist painted the canvas “February Azure” with special love and put part of his soul into it. He managed to create new image Russian nature. Even in a small reproduction, “February Azure” is bright, colorful, and creates the impression of a holiday. This landscape was especially dear to the artist himself. In his declining years, I. Grabar recalled with pleasure and spoke in detail about how this landscape was created. The artist saw “February Azure” in the Moscow region while visiting a friend. It is impossible better than the author himself to convey the admiration for the beauty of nature that he experienced.

About the birth of his favorite painting, “February Blue,” his detailed story: “Wonderful sunny February days have arrived. In the morning, as always, I went out to wander around the estate and observe. Something extraordinary was happening in nature; it seemed that she was celebrating some unprecedented holiday - a holiday of the azure sky, pearl birches, coral branches and sapphire shadows on lilac snow. I stood near a marvelous specimen of birch, rare in the rhythmic structure of its branches. Looking at her, I dropped the stick and bent down to pick it up. When I looked at the top of the birch from below, from the surface of the snow, I was stunned by the spectacle of fantastic beauty that opened before me: some kind of chimes and echoes of all the colors of the rainbow, united by the blue enamel of the sky. “If only a tenth of this beauty could be conveyed, then it would be incomparable,” I thought and immediately ran for a small canvas and in one session sketched a sketch of the future painting from life. The next day I took another canvas and within three days painted a sketch from the same place. After that, I dug a trench over a meter thick in deep snow, in which I placed myself with an easel and a large canvas in order to get the impression of a low horizon and the heavenly zenith with all the gradations of blue - from light green at the bottom to ultramarine at the top. I prepared the canvas in advance in the studio for glazing the sky, covering it over the chalky, oil-absorbing surface with a thick layer of dense lead white of various tones.

February was amazing. It froze at night and the snow did not let up. The sun shone every day, and I was lucky enough to paint in a row without a break or change in weather for more than two weeks, until I finished the painting entirely on location. I painted with an umbrella painted blue, and I placed the canvas not only without the usual tilt forward, facing the ground, but by turning its front side to the blue of the sky, which is why reflexes from the hot snow under the sun did not fall on it and it remained in the cold shadows, forcing me to triple the strength of color to convey the fullness of the impression. I felt that I managed to create the most significant work of all that I have written so far, the most original, not borrowed, new in concept and execution.” The artist managed to fully convey the chimes of pure color - the color of the sky illuminated by the bright February sun, snow and the silvery trunk of a birch tree...

In “February Azure”, birch is an integral part, if not the only basis, of the artistic image. The very appearance of the birch tree, the ability to see its charm in the general structure of the Russian landscape, reflected a joyful perception of nature native land, which distinguishes Grabar the landscape painter in all periods of his work. Of all the birches ever depicted by Grabar, in the birch of “February Blue” there is Grabarev’s poetry landscape painting reached its culmination... It was necessary to master not only the skill of a painter, but also an extraordinary feeling of falling in love with nature in order to depict the triumph of the coming spring, which the artist managed to show on his canvas. As always, he resorted to his favorite method of showing a fragment of a landscape: the viewer does not see the top of the birch tree, and in the foreground on the snow lie the shadows of those trees that stand somewhere behind the viewer, thus “entering” the picture space at the will of the artist and from bottom to top looking at all the multitude of intertwining branches and hanging branches, shining either white or gold against the background of the spring sky. Main character the painting - a birch tree with rhythmically arranged branches - seems to be hidden from the viewer by thin birch trees located in clumps of two or three, going into the distance, to where a transparent birch forest permeated with light is visible on the horizon...

“What could be more beautiful than a birch, the only tree in nature whose trunk is dazzlingly white, while all other trees in the world have dark trunks. Fantastic, supernatural tree, fairy tale tree. I passionately fell in love with Russian birch and for a long time I painted it almost alone.” The whiteness of the birch trunk becomes a kind of screen for Grabar, reflecting rainbow reflections. Instead of black specks, he sees contrasts of pure colors.

“February Blue” is one of the examples of the greatest degree of color decomposition among all paintings Grabar. The artist paints in pure color, not mixing paints on the palette, but applying them in short, small strokes to the surface of the canvas. The deep blue, light blue, turquoise and yellowish-blue tones of the sky are conveyed by all the many individual strokes of blue, white, yellow, and sometimes green and red. The same thing happens with the trunks of birch trees, the surface of the snow, where white, red, lilac, yellow tones, and all this merges together into a single surface of snow with its deep blue-lilac tones, into the white and gold of a birch trunk.

“With February Azure” Grabar said a new word in Russian landscape painting.
Azure (ancient Russian from Greek) – 1) light blue color, blue; 2) light blue paint. (Explanatory dictionary.)
Synonyms for color:
Azure = azure = blue.
Coral (color) – bright red.
Sapphire (color) – blue or green, the color of sapphire.
Yellow (color) – golden, golden.


Description essay based on the painting by I.E. Grabar "February Azure"


1. The history of the creation of the painting. (Very briefly! – number 1 of the collection.) The meaning of the title. (The canvas dazzles with an azure-blue sky stretching into endless heights. The space is filled with light and air.)
2. The azure sky in Grabar’s painting. (The sky occupies about three-quarters of the canvas in “February Blue.” It’s as if it opened up like a dome over the painting. Such intense blue skies happen specifically in Russia - and precisely on sunny days winter days. How do we understand that a day is sunny? – The trunks of the birch trees sparkle, reflections of the sun are visible on them. The palette of the sky is varied: from bright blue to light blue. The azure background creates a feeling of solemnity and richness sunlight, which spills over the picture.)
3. Birches. Birch tree in the foreground of the picture. (Author: “...a marvelous specimen of birch”... A mighty, huge, old tree that has seen no winter. The color of the trunk, branches, bright red last year’s foliage at the top, in harmony with the clear blue of the vast sky. In the distance are her friends, young birches. The lace of branches is reflected in the large cloudless blue sky. Yellow, pearly, reddish, orange shades- warm colors. Birches are a symbol of our homeland, a symbol of Russian winter. Many songs and poems have been written about them.)
4. Non-standard approach to the perspective of the picture. (The viewer is invited to look at the snow-covered birch grove as if from below. This technique expands the space and allows..., creating)
5. The lower part of the picture is snow: in the sun and in the shade. (The snow is loose, settled in some places, melted. The special beauty of sapphire shadows on lilac snow, endless turquoise tints, brilliant snow cover.)
6. “February Azure” by I.E. Grabar - the poetry of awakening spring. The impression, feelings and mood evoked by the painting. (The artist expressed his feelings in the painting with the help of a symphony of color, creating the mood of an unprecedented holiday... see the collection, end -1,2. Did the poems of poets and the music of composers heard in the lesson help us see the beauty of “February Blue”?)

(In class they sound musical compositions Antonio Vivaldi "The Seasons. Spring" and Edvard Grieg's "Morning", suite "Solveig" from the opera "Peer Gynt".)

Poems that are in tune with the painting and the artist’s mood (texts can be used in an essay):

“It’s also cold and cheese...” Ivan Bunin

It's also cold and cheese
February air, but above the garden
The sky is already looking with a clear gaze,
And God’s world is getting younger.
Transparently pale, like in spring,
The snow of the recent cold is shedding,
And from the sky to the bushes and puddles
There is a blue reflection.
I can’t stop admiring how they shine through
Trees in the bosom of the sky,
And it’s sweet to listen by the balcony,
Like bullfinches ringing in the bushes.
No, it’s not the landscape that attracts me,
It’s not the colors that the greedy gaze will notice,
And what shines in these colors:
Love and joy of being.

Yesenin S.A.

White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.

And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.