Description of the painting by Mikhail Vrubel “Snow Maiden. Snow Maidens by different artists Description of the painting by Mikhail Vrubel “Snow Maiden”

The Snow Maiden is our purely Russian heritage, the product of the great and generous truly Russian spirit.
In no other New Year's mythology, except Russian, is there a female character. In Japanese folklore, there is a snow woman - Yuki-Onna, but this is a different type - a demonic character personifying a snow storm.
The life of the Snow Maiden is shrouded in secrets and legends. It’s not even very clear where this young companion of Santa Claus came from. In Russian folk tales, the Snow Maiden is in no way connected with him. According to one source, the Big Spruce gave birth to her. The girl suddenly appeared from under a fluffy spruce branch, according to

to others, she is the daughter of Spring Red and Frost, and perhaps she was fashioned from snow by childless old men Ivan and Marya. They sculpted it for their own joy, but they couldn’t save it...
The Snow Maiden fell in love with many and soon became the constant companion of Father Frost. Only their family ties have undergone some changes over time - from a daughter she turned into a granddaughter, but she did not lose her charm.
Familiar to us appearance The Snow Maiden arose thanks to three great artists:

V.M. Vasnetsov, M.A. Vrubel and N.K. Roerich.
All the tales about the Snow Maiden were collected, recorded and studied by folklore collector A. N. Afanasyev. His

the book inspired the writer A. N. Ostrovsky, who wrote the famous play “The Snow Maiden” in 1873. However, the play was not successful with the public of that time and was forgotten for a decade, until the world-famous philanthropist Savva Ivanovich took it under his wing Mamontov, who decided to re-stage it on the stage of the Abramtsevo circle in Moscow. The play premiered on Christmas Day, January 6, 1882. It is noteworthy that the sketches of the costumes for the play were prepared by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. A moonlit winter night... The stars are twinkling... In a snow-white clearing of a dark, cold forest, in a painted brocade fur coat and hat, stands a confused girl - the daughter of Spring-Red and Santa Claus, going into the world of people...

This work has become one of the artist's most recognizable paintings. In 1881, Moscow philanthropist
Savva Mamontov decided to stage Ostrovsky’s play “The Snow Maiden” on his home stage. He invited Vasnetsov to write the scenery and make sketches of the costumes. Miraculously intertwined in Ostrovsky's play fairy tale characters and people who lived in Rus' in time immemorial, worshiped the god Yaril. Vasnetsov, following the author, created an amazing gallery of images of the ancient Russian people. Half a century later, the artist Grabar will say: “The drawings for the Snow Maiden”, in the sense of the penetration and flair of the Russian spirit, have not yet been surpassed, despite the fact that a whole half century separates them from our days... The painting was completed in 1899. The model for the Snow Maiden was Mamontov’s daughter Sashenka. The artist liked the smart and nimble girl Sasha, who most of all loved to ride a sleigh with the wind...
The painting is in the State Tretyakov Gallery
In 1898, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel created the image of the Snow Maiden on a decorative panel in the house of A.V. Morozova.

This is how Vrubel’s Snow Maiden has come down to us, which he wrote with his wife, N.I. Zabela-Vrubel, who performed the role of the Snow Maiden in Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera of the same name.

Nadezhda Ivanovna remained for Vrubel an alluring mystery, the “Stranger,” the embodiment of that elusive mystery that always seemed to him in nature, and in music, and in the states of the human soul.
The painting is also in the State Tretyakov Gallery
A little later, in 1912, N.K. Roerich wrote his own vision of the Snow Maiden while working on staging a dramatic play about the Snow Maiden in St. Petersburg. But not all of the artist’s plans were successfully implemented. It happened that in Roerich’s absence, the sketches fell into the hands of irresponsible artisans who distorted his plan. Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich
the spring fairy tale of Ostrovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov captivated back in early years and, according to the artist himself, she was very close to him.

He also painted individual paintings on the themes of his favorite fairy tale, and on the pages of the artist’s diaries and essays we will more than once encounter deep reflections evoked by the images of “The Snow Maiden.”
The drawings are in the State Russian Museum of St. Petersburg
The theme of the Snow Maiden is also very popular among modern artists and guardians of ancient crafts.

“Snow Maiden” - Image of the Snow Maiden in Russian folk ritual not recorded. Folklore sources"Snow Maidens". Snegurka (Snezhevinochka) is so named because she was born from snow. Red maidens, Cake masters, Pancake killers, Sour cream delicacies! Here we find a connection with the calendar (Kupala) ritual of jumping over a fire.

“Pictures from Tapes” - Then purple stripes were made on the flower itself and the buds were painted with light green paint. Ribbon embroidery. First, it was necessary to depict a basket in the picture and make the handle out of twine. History of origin. Chrysanthemum and monarda are embroidered with twisted straight stitches. Complete collection my robot.

“Lesson picture of the world” - Interaction between bodies is carried out at a distance - universal gravitation. Scientific picture of the world. Aristotle 384 – 322 BC e. He believed that any movement requires continuous influence. I. Newton 1643 - 1727. Made a decisive contribution to the development of classical mechanics. Newton came to a picture of the world by summarizing the results of carefully conducted experiments.

“Pictures of the Seasons” - Gradually, the black branches of the trees became overgrown with soft white pads. The earth is still empty and damp, but everything is ready for awakening. Seasons in poetry, music and painting. Essays. It became very quiet and calm. I. Levitan “Big Water”. 3. Summing up. It seems that even the noise of the city has been drowned in white flakes.

"Opera Snow Maiden" - Opera "Snow Maiden" (test). Question 2. What literary work is the opera “The Snow Maiden” based on? 1. in Russian folk tale 2. based on the fairy tale by A. Ostrovsky 3. based on the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin. Identify the author of the opera “The Snow Maiden” from the portrait. Question 1. Name the author of the opera “The Snow Maiden”? 1. M.I. Glinka 2. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov 3. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

“The Demon of Vrubel and Lermontov” - And the path of denial leads to self-denial and spiritual non-existence. The image of a demon, a rebellious and proud spirit, appears more than once in the poet’s lyrics. Lermontov's Demon and Vrubel's Demon are not entirely close. And the Demon turns out to be unable to overcome anger and cynicism. The hero's attempt to become human is doomed to failure. Pride and selfishness destroy the soul.

2. The image of the Snow Maiden by M. Vrubel

Vrubel Mikhail Alexandrovich (1856-1910) is a legend of Russian painting. Not just bright name, a great genius, an odious personality, but a phenomenon surrounded a huge amount myths and mystical phenomena. Snow Maiden Vasnetsov Vrubel Roerich

Was saved large number images of the actress, as well as part-time wife of Mikhail Alexandrovich Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela. She also acted as his Muse, the Sea Princess, and also Spring. The most colorful among the Artist’s images is the canvas “The Snow Maiden”, painted in 1895 (Fig. 2). Vrubel vividly captured the girl’s loose curls and the image of her face that he liked. A girl against the backdrop of a snow-white forest, with somewhat drowsy eyes and a slightly languid smile. Snow-covered spruce branches embraced shadows with a bluish tint. The Snow Maiden is not afraid of cold and frost, because she is the mistress of this fairy forest, little sorceress with amazing eyes. Here the Snow Maiden is presented to us as the personification of confidence and a certain looseness. She is in a static pose, which makes you pay attention to her appearance and look at the details. And yet, before us, a modest young Russian beauty with large eyes full of purity.

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Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel, one of the most remarkable Russian artists, was born on March 5, 1856 in Omsk, where his father (later a general) served in the military-legal department. Due to his father's frequent movements...


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Life and work of M. Vrubel

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Production of "The Snow Maiden" (V. Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel, N. Roerich)

Nikolamy Konstantinovich Remrikh (1874-1947) Russian artist, set designer, mystic philosopher, writer, traveler, archaeologist, public figure. He repeatedly created design sketches for the famous play “The Snow Maiden” by N. A. Ostrvsky. Three times N...

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Vrubel was born in Omsk in 1856. He lost his mother early, she was replaced by his stepmother and partly his older sister Anna Alexandrovna, who supported the artist throughout his life and became his constant nurse during his illness. Father, military lawyer...

The theme of the demon in the works of M.A. Vrubel and M.Yu. Lermontov

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The theme of the demon in the works of M.A. Vrubel and M.Yu. Lermontov

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The story of the Snow Maiden was born relatively recently in comparison with others famous myths, but at the same time the winter beauty entered the fairy-tale pantheon along with other heroines of world mythology.
It is generally accepted that in folk legends the story of the Snow Maiden is associated with the image of the goddess Kostroma, whose effigy was once burned at the stake in the name of the coming bountiful harvest.
In 1873, A. N. Ostrovsky published his play “The Snow Maiden,” in which he combined ancient Russian tales about a snowy girl who melted in the spring, and other images of winter from folklore.

Since then, the story of the Snow Maiden has gained real fame.
Born real fairy tale, which over time everyone came to know and love.

In 1882, the opera “The Snow Maiden” by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov was staged at the Mariinsky Theater based on Ostrovsky’s play.
The triumphal procession of the snowy beauty began, whose until then foggy image gradually acquired the features given to her the best artists of that time.

Snow Maiden Vasnetsova

Vrubel's Snow Maiden

Perov’s sketch “The Melting Snow Maiden”

Snow Maiden Bilibina

For the first time, the Snow Maiden was portrayed in a sundress and with a hoop on her head by Vasnetsov, who created sketches of costumes for the opera.

Roerich designed costumes for both the play and the opera about the Snow Maiden, and they were such a success with the public that elements of the costumes became fashionable.

IN different times The roles of the Snow Maiden in Rimsky-Korsakov's opera were performed by leading actresses and beauties of their time.

N.I.Zabela-Vrubel as the Snow Maiden. Photography from the 1900s

Antonina Nezhdanova

Irina Maslennikova

The image of the granddaughter of old man Frost finally entered modern mythology and began to be directly associated with the celebration of the New Year.

Snow Maiden 1917

After the revolution, the first duet consisting of Father Frost and Snow Maiden appeared in 1937 at the New Year celebration in the House of Unions, and since then the couple has become inseparable.
The new Soviet Snow Maiden was very different from the old one, who fell victim to her love. This Snow Maiden was cheerful, full-blooded and breathed optimism, like Santa Claus from the Zarya company - with hangover fumes.

Snow Maiden skier in Deineka's 1954 painting

But the legend was not forgotten.
In 1952, a surprisingly poetic cartoon appeared old play Ostrovsky to music by Rimsky-Korsakov.
The Snow Maiden has regained her fragile beauty.

In 1968, based on Ostrovsky's play, the actor and director Pavel Kadochnikov staged a full-length film about the Snow Maiden, for which a life-size real Berendeyev Posad was built in Kostroma - the town in which the events of history developed.
This was the first appearance of the Snow Maiden in cinema.
Role main character performed by actress Evgenia Filonova.

Already in 1971, history repeated itself in the film “Spring Tale,” where the Snow Maiden was played by actress Natalya Bogunova.

The Snow Maiden's fame was immeasurable by that time.
Her image has become one of the most popular in folk art.

Zhostovo tray

Palekh box

Of course, the Snow Maiden was the favorite heroine of New Year's cards.

Postcard by artist Zarubin

The Snow Maiden was depicted both as a young girl and as a little girl.

One of the classic images of the Snow Maiden was the image of a beauty in an outfit with elements folk costume in the colors of winter - white, blue, silver and blue.

But over time, the imagination of artists gave it more and more new features.

Snow Maiden by Kazimir Stabrovsky

Winter Beauty in Western Vision

Snow maiden with surrealistic features

One of the most common Snow Maiden costumes is a fur-trimmed coat, high boots and a fur-trimmed hat.

Artists and photographers who capture the Snow Maiden, in one way or another, try to convey the image of translucent, watercolor beauty in cold colors.

During the celebration of Christmas and New Year, the image of the Snow Maiden does not lose its relevance.

It can be created using “frozen”, shiny, cold shades for makeup, sparkling like ice and snow.

Snegurochka, Blizzard, Snowflake, Lady Winter, Santa Claus's assistant, and the cheerful Christmas elf proudly walk along fashion catwalks, always bringing with them the spirit of the holiday.

Victoria Secrets collection show

D&G collection show

Since her birth, Snegurochka has evolved from a nameless snow girl to tragic heroine and then - into the embodiment of a cheerful holiday.
The story of the melted Snow Maiden is sad, but still it had its own hope.
After all, having melted, she flew to heaven like an angel.

Joseph Cornell, 1933 drawing

Vrubel Mikhail Alexandrovich (1856-1910) is a legend of Russian painting. Not just a bright name, a great genius, an odious personality, but a phenomenon surrounded by a huge number of myths and mystical phenomena. Snow Maiden Vasnetsov Vrubel Roerich

A large number of images of the actress, as well as Mikhail Alexandrovich’s wife Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela, were preserved. She also acted as his Muse, the Sea Princess, and also Spring. The most colorful among the Artist’s images is the canvas “The Snow Maiden”, painted in 1895 (Fig. 2). Vrubel vividly captured the girl’s loose curls and the image of her face that he liked. A girl against the backdrop of a snow-white forest, with somewhat drowsy eyes and a slightly languid smile. Snow-covered spruce branches embraced shadows with a bluish tint. The Snow Maiden is not afraid of cold and frost, because she is the mistress of this fairy-tale forest, a little sorceress with amazing eyes. Here the Snow Maiden is presented to us as the personification of confidence and a certain looseness. She is in a static pose, which makes you pay attention to her appearance and look at the details. And yet, before us, a modest young Russian beauty with large eyes full of purity.

The image of the Snow Maiden by N. Roerich

Nikolamy Konstantinovich Remrikh (1874-1947) Russian artist, set designer, mystic philosopher, writer, traveler, archaeologist, public figure. He repeatedly created design sketches for the famous play “The Snow Maiden” by N. A. Ostrvsky. Three times N.K. Roerich turned to the design of “The Snow Maiden” for the opera and dramatic scenes. The performances were performed in theaters in St. Petersburg, London and Chicago. Next we will look at several examples of these designs.

The painting “The Snow Maiden and Lel” was created by N.K. Roerich in 1921 (Fig. 3). Looking at this picture, we immediately notice that winter and severe cold give way to a blooming spring. This is the time when people's hearts open up to the sun - the giver of life, when hearts are illuminated by love and awareness of the beauty of existence. And this wonderful transformation sounds like a hymn and fills the entire living space of the Earth with the rhythm of creative creation.

There are no flowers or lush greenery in N.K. Roerich’s painting yet. Nature is still sleeping, having barely thrown off the shackles of winter cold. But the song sunny morning already sounds in anticipation of the first rays of the sun, which will fill everything around with the light and joy of a new day. This song sounds from the horn of Lel, inspired by the inexhaustible source of love - the heart of the Snow Maiden. Her figure, face, hand gesture tell us this - everything is expressively depicted by the artist. This wonderful image The Snow Maiden was always inspiring for N.K. Roerich himself. His best works are filled with love and beauty. You can also note that the clothes the heroes of the picture are wearing are decorated with ornaments and lines characteristic of the attire of Rus'.

In 1920, already in America, Nikolai Konstantinovich was invited to design “The Snow Maiden” for the Chicago Opera Company theater. However, if the previous stage versions of 1908 and 1912. transported viewers to fairy world pagan Rus', then the works of 1921 were distinguished by a completely new, unexpected approach and different characteristics of the characters. He himself writes that “after prehistoric eras, the great plain of Russia became an arena for processions of all migrating peoples; a countless number of tribes and clans passed through here.” N.K. Roerich sees Russia as a wonderful land where the heritage of different peoples collide - and from these collisions the great and beautiful tree of Russian culture is born. This is exactly what he decided to focus on (Fig. 4, Fig. 5).

IN theatrical works In 1921, pre-Christian Rus' no longer existed. All elements of influence on Russia are mixed here: the influence of Byzantium is expressed in the image of Tsar Berendey and his court life, the influence of the East is in the image of the trade guest Mizgir and Spring, flying from the southern countries, the influence of Asia is expressed in the image of the legendary shepherd Lelya, who is so close to the image of the Hindu Krishna , the influence of the North - the image of Frost, the Snow Maiden, goblin (Fig. 6, Fig. 7, Fig. 8).