One kept repeating that the earth revolves around the sun. M.V. Lomonosov. “Two Astronomers happened together at a feast...” - scientific truths in poetic form. Types and genres of literature

A descendant of ordinary fishermen, who managed to make his way to the “stars,” Mikhail Lomonosov is known not only as a great scientist-discoverer, but also as a poet. It’s hard to believe, but in one person reason and lyricism were harmoniously and brilliantly combined. Lomonosov wrote poetic works of different genres: odes, parables, poems. He spoke about both the sublime and the ordinary. And quite often in poems something great collides with something quite ordinary. Thus, the author’s writings became more realistic and understandable to the common people.

The poem “Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast...” was written by a famous scientist in the form of a parable. It tells about heroes who argue.

The Earth and the Sun - what revolves around what? This one is complicated scientific problem has always generated numerous discussions. However, the poem has a different tonality: the sublime is gradually replaced by the ironic.

The main characters are Copernicus and Ptolemy. The first was the Great Polish astronomer, who lived at the end of the Middle Ages, but ideologically went back to another more enlightened era of the Renaissance. He was able to scientifically substantiate the heliocentric theory, that is, prove that our planet revolves around the big Sun, and not vice versa.

The second was an ancient scientist who believed that a bright Sun was moving around the Earth. It was his views that science adhered to for a very long time.

As we see, in reality the conversation of these historical figures could not have happened in any way, since they lived in different times. The author uses characters from different eras to collide two opposing ideas.

A heated argument between astronomers takes place at the feast. During the general fun, scientists are having a scientific spat, which already seems a little inappropriate. Therefore, the third hero fits well into their dispute - an ordinary cook. And oddly enough, it is the third hero, with his simple thinking, who gives a simple answer to the question of the two famous scientists. This is what slight irony author. Jokingly, the cook says that although he has not been to the Sun, he knows that Copernicus is right: “Who has ever seen a simpleton cook like that who would turn the fireplace around the fire?” In this simple example more logic than many scientific theories. Lomonosov believed that true knowledge should be accessible to everyone's understanding.

This poem is a short poetic parable about a serious scientific problem. But thanks to the humorous tone at the end, the work has a satirical character. In the image of a simple cook, the author embodied common sense, which defeats theory.

Lomonosov violates the rules of classicism when he allows “low” in a “high” work: the refined style of speech of astronomers in the end is replaced by the vernacular of a cook. However, it was precisely this deviation from the rules that helped the author achieve the desired effect. A poem about a complex problem became understandable even ordinary people thanks to the third character from the people, who has common sense and ingenuity.

Two Astronomers happened together at a feast
And they argued quite among themselves in the heat.
One repeated: the earth, spinning, moves around the circle of the Sun;
Another is that the Sun takes all the planets with it:
One was Copernicus, the other was known as Ptolemy.
Here the cook settled the dispute with his smile.
The owner asked: “Do you know the course of the stars?
Tell me, how do you reason about this doubt?”
He gave the following answer: “What is Copernicus right about that?
I will prove the truth without having been to the Sun.
Who has seen a simpleton among cooks like this?
Who would turn the fireplace around the roaster?

Analysis of the poem “Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast” by Lomonosov

Many people know M.V. Lomonosov as a great Russian scientist, whose works are known throughout the world. But besides research activities, Mikhail Vasilyevich gravitated towards fine arts, writing and poetry. The amazing versatility of his personality, talent and simple origin allowed Lomonosov to convey the whole essence of the universal law to everyone who read his work “Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast.”

The poem was published in 1761 and tells the story of a heated dispute between two luminaries of science - Claudius Ptolemy and Nicolaus Copernicus, which is resolved by a humorous statement from the cook. Characters are only symbols of contradictory points of view - whether the Earth revolves around the Sun, or the Sun revolves around the Earth - since they lived in different eras and could not meet.

For many years, great scientists and the church denied the fact that the Earth rotates around the Sun, and everyone who dared to disagree faced persecution and censure. The common people were completely far from interpreting science and planets. The author, in simple and understandable rhymes, put an end to a long dispute. And it was the figure of the cook, a simple worker, with a simple and humorous judgment about the structure of the Universe, that helped every person understand the truth.

The work is a satirical parable and departs from the canons of classicism - the high and pompous tone of the interlocutors is contrasted with the humorous and colloquial statements of the cook. This is another attempt by Lomonosov to reconcile the existing church with the modern discoveries of researchers - for many years There was a struggle of views on the structure of the world. Using logical arguments, the author leads to the idea that Copernicus and his ideas are the truth, no matter how official science views it.

Literary scholars have found that Cyrano de Bergerac in his work “Another World, or the States and Empires of the Moon” also mentions the absurdity of turning the stove around a fried lark, and it is with this argument that Lomonosov’s character operates. Be that as it may, the satirical poem completely exhausts the centuries-old conflict, presenting to the reader the opinion of the author himself with light humor.

The poem “Two astronomers happened together at a feast” is a landmark and important work. M.V. Lomonosov, in his characteristic manner, was able to convey to millions of people the complex and important idea law of the Universe. Understanding life and thought common man and the uncomplicated mind of the great scientist led not only to discoveries on a global scale, but also helped to convey them to everyone.

Lomonosov wrote not only scientific works, but also poetic works. A significant place in his work is occupied by odes of various contents, as well as other poems that talk about both sublime and everyday subjects.

Thus, in the poem “Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast...”, written in 1761, the author discusses a complex scientific problem, resorting to the form of a parable.

Two Astronomers happened to be together at a feast and argued very hotly among themselves.

One repeated: the earth, spinning, moves around the circle of the Sun;

That the Sun carries all the planets with it:

One was Copernicus, the other was known as Ptolemy.

Here the cook settled the dispute with his smile.

The owner asked: “Do you know the course of the stars?

Tell me, how do you reason about this doubt?”

He gave the following answer: “What is Copernicus right about that?

I will prove the truth without having been to the Sun.

Who has seen a simpleton among cooks like this?

Who would turn the fireplace around the roaster?”

A parable is a short symbolic story in which a deep meaning is hidden. philosophical meaning, originated in ancient times and existed among many peoples. In the East, parables about Hadji Nasreddin are very popular, in which the hero appears

As a philosopher and sage, he looks rather stupid.

Lomonosov, in his improvised poetic parable, introduces characters who real life could never meet and talk, since they lived in different historical eras separated by several hundred years.

One of them is Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish astronomer who lived at the turn of the 15th – 16th centuries and scientifically substantiated the heliocentric theory of the universe, proving that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Another character in Lomonosov's poem is Claudius Ptolemy, a Greek scientist who lived in the 2nd century AD, who believed that the Sun moves around the Earth. His views dominated astronomy for a very long time, and the Catholic Church severely persecuted those who tried to refute them.

By introducing into the poem the image of a cook, who resolves the dispute between two great scientists, Lomonosov reduces the sublime tone of the work.

“Two Astronomers happened together at a feast...” – small satirical work. According to the rules of classicism, “low” was not allowed in “high” works, but thanks to this technique, the poem takes on a satirical sound. Thus, it becomes understandable and close not only to scientists, but also to ordinary people, since a complex scientific problem is resolved on the basis of ordinary common sense.

Literary scholars subsequently established that the argument that the cook makes in favor of the Copernican theory could have been borrowed by Lomonosov from the book French writer Cyrano de Bergerac "Another Light, or the States and Empires of the Moon." However, this in no way detracts from the originality of this small, witty poem, in which Lomonosov not only shows in a somewhat fantastic form the centuries-old conflict between supporters of two different theories of the universe. The author also makes it clear to the reader what the author's own views on this issue are.

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Two Astronomers happened together at a feast
And they argued quite among themselves in the heat.
One repeated: the earth, spinning, moves around the circle of the Sun;
Another is that the Sun takes all the planets with it:
One was Copernicus, the other was known as Ptolemy.
Here the cook settled the dispute with his smile.
The owner asked: “Do you know the course of the stars?
Tell me, how do you reason about this doubt?”
He gave the following answer: “What is Copernicus right about that?
I will prove the truth without having been to the Sun.
Who has seen a simpleton among cooks like this?
Who would turn the fireplace around the roaster?

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You are now reading the poem Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast, poet Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov