Studying at a theater university. Higher professional theater education

And if you have set a goal for yourself to join this incredible world art - honor and praise to you. In our world, art is necessary - and those who bring it to the masses, in fact, do not bathe in romance at all, but do hellish work. But the main thing is that these people are probably more devoted to their profession than others. Those who go to the theater, cinema or ballet for money usually do not achieve anything. Because only a person who is infinitely devoted to this world can become an actor - and it’s not for nothing that dozens of great actors died right on stage. Have you still not changed your mind about becoming an actor or director? Then go for it - and some of you will definitely become the new Mironovs, Mashkovs, Abdulovs or Yankovskys.


There are several dozen specialties in this area - and newly minted actors and directors, conductors and art critics, designers and journalists, artists and musicians, singers and dancers, announcers and presenters, book scholars and critics emerge from the country's theater universities.

However, almost the same professions still remain the most popular - although, under the influence of time, they are beginning to be “diluted” by exclusively modern ones. Compiling a rating of the most in-demand professions in theater institutions of higher education is quite a difficult task, but still, it is possible to compile a more or less objective TOP-5. And it will include:

  • theater, cinema and pop (perhaps the eternal profession No. 1 in this field). Everyone secretly dreams of becoming the heroes of the new “Avatars” and “Gladiators”.
  • (the picture is the same). The dream of a career and fame, if not Spielberg’s, then at least Mikhalkov’s.
  • Music producers (a trend of more recent times - 100 years ago such a profession simply did not exist).
  • Television announcers (here it is - another path to fame and recognition).
  • Dancers (and dancers).

Where to get a theater education

You can get it at one of 8 theater schools, 9 academies, 23 institutes, 10 theater centers and 10 studio schools. Moreover, some of them are quite rightly considered to be among the best in the world - which cannot be said about the Russian “highest” in other areas (after all, even the famous Russian Moscow State University does not always fall into the top fifty). It is these elite higher theater educational institutions that constitute our pride and glory, and the TOP 5 among them can be safely given to:

  1. (on at the moment, according to experts, the main meeting of young Russian theatrical talents);
  2. GITIS - which trains graduates in almost all top specialties at its 8 faculties and is the largest theater university in Europe;
  3. “Sliver” -;
  4. "" - similar to the highest theater, but already named after Shchukin;
  5. and, finally, to the All-Russian Institute of Cinematography.

Diplomas from these five universities are not only recognized abroad, but are also a sign of the highest class of excellence.

Also widely known are the Moscow “Ostankino” - the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting (the “alma mater” of all announcers and presenters), the Moscow State Conservatory and the Dagestan Institute of Design and applied arts. As well as the “Monoton” Education Center for young geniuses, the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts and the Moscow State University of Culture and Art, which primarily trains circus performers.

The training programs of theater universities, according to Federal State Educational Standard-3, of course, differ from each other due to quite significant differences in the professions of a theater actor and, for example, a make-up artist. However, a basic course in theatrical performing arts and art theory and history is taught almost everywhere. In addition, the programs of these specific universities include classes in artistic expression, rhythm, dancing, vocals, painting, oratory, etc.

Forms of training

The difference between the forms of education and similar ones in other universities is that neither part-time (evening) nor distance learning forms are practiced there. In addition, they have extremely few budget places, and many of their studio schools and academies do not have them at all. Otherwise, there are no significant differences from the forms of education in universities of other industries in the theater sector.

Second higher

For many artists (especially actors), obtaining a second higher education (most often directing) is a common thing. The possibilities for obtaining it are no different from those for obtaining the first one - the only difference is that there are no state employees here.

Showing entries 1-13 from 13

Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova
ARB named after A. Ya. Vaganova

All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov

VTU named after. M.S. Shchepkina


Institute of Contemporary Art


Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts
Russian University of Theater Arts - GITIS
Sergiev Posad branch of the All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov
Sergiev Posad branch of VGIK

TI them. B. Shchukina

Moscow Art Theater School

Theater universities: institutes and universities

The theater is not a reflecting mirror, but a magnifying glass.

Mayakovsky V.

Great and magical performing arts elevates the life of the human spirit on stage and from the stage. As Romain Rolland said: “Theater should enlighten the mind. It should fill our brain with light...” This definition is fully consistent with the Russian theater, which is famous throughout the world not only for its productions, but also for its famous school of teaching acting. Many theater schools and institutes exist at famous theaters.

The theater has a great future, like everything that has a great past.

Karel Capek

Theater universities sacredly honor the traditions of the acting school of the 19th century and continue training at the same high level. University teachers who have worked in the theater as actors and directors selflessly pass on their experience to students.

Theater universities train not only actors. There are other areas of training besides acting:

  • directing;
  • dramaturgy;
  • scenography;
  • musical and theatrical art.

In addition to specialized education, theater universities provide thorough knowledge of literature, world art, and the history of theater - Russian and world. Upon graduation, graduates can take place in any creative work: in the theater, cinema, as teachers of theater studios.

If that state of the artist’s soul, which is called inspiration, continued uninterruptedly, it would be impossible to live even one day.

Tchaikovsky P.I.

The TOP 5 most famous theater universities in Russia are as follows:

Traditionally, the best theater universities are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But in other cities of Russia, theater institutes are famous for their educational schools - Kazan, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Smolensk, Khabarovsk, Yaroslavl and other cities of Russia.

The theater lives not by the brilliance of lights, the luxury of scenery and costumes, or spectacular mise-en-scenes, but by the ideas of the playwright. The flaw in the idea of ​​the play cannot be covered by anything. No amount of theatrical tinsel will help.

Stanislavsky K.S.

Admission to a theater institute differs from admission to other universities in that, in addition to the Unified State Exam results, you must pass creative competition— audition in 3-4 rounds, write an essay. At the audition stages, you are required to recite poetry, fables, prose, and demonstrate dance, musical, and improvisational abilities. Getting the commission interested and successfully passing the audition is the main test for admission. Everything else is secondary. Studying at any Russian theater university provides a high-quality theater and humanities education.

An actor or theater director is not only a profession, but also a calling, dedication, and inspiration. In addition to talent and hard work, real courage is required to keep the attention and interest of the audience for a long time.

© V. Bogdanov / RIA Novosti

Those who want to study to become an actor often try out for all theater universities - the Shchepkinsky School, the Shchukinsky School, the Moscow Art Theater School and RATI/GITIS (and even one non-theatrical VGIK). Most people don’t care where, as long as they take it. The average applicant has no idea where he is applying and how one school differs from another. Therefore, already standing at the cherished door, they share rumors, more or less fantastic. Most of all there are myths about which university looks at what. The price includes any details: “it all depends on the type”; “VGIK can even take 25-year-olds, but theater universities take young people”; “Boys are needed at the Moscow Art Theater”; “GITIS and Shchuka are more playful schools”; “Pike is like a circus: here you need to perform some act”; “GITIS is like a big mental hospital”; “Ryzhakov is recruiting for the Moscow Art Theater this year: there are rumors that boys are asked to rap at auditions.”

In Shchepka, they say, a certain type is welcomed: stately Russian guys with heroic physiques and well-bred girls with braids and in a high voice. A student of the GITIS acting and directing course says that during her studies in Shchepka she played only grandmothers from the Urals, because the Shchepkin school is focused on roles and appearance is everything. Students of the Moscow Art Theater School believe that at GITIS it is easier to get a discount on the invoice: “At the Moscow Art Theater I was never, not once asked to show character, but at GITIS they immediately told me: “Read like a drunk.” But the Gitis students themselves say the opposite: “Our teachers do not fit you into a ready-made scheme, but try to discern your individuality and go from there. At GITIS they look at your inner world, and in Pike - on appearance.” Regarding what kind of appearance is valued in Pike, the testimony differs exactly the opposite. Who says that they take the same type of handsome men and beauties here, the same ones from year to year: tall, dark-haired and “heroic”. And who - that in Pike they love funny, wonderful, kind of fools, and the younger, the better. The rector of the Shchukin School, Evgeniy Knyazev, assures: “It happens that we receive those who do not go anywhere: they are small in stature and their voice is not the same - but we find some kind of individuality in them.”

The Moscow Art Theater School is a university that is most open to new trends. Students here feel in good standing, speak confidently about their prospects and easily compare with other theater schools: “At Shchuka they pay more attention to movement, but there students have too much free time: actors study for an hour and a half a day - this is in the third I know! And we don’t have a free minute. Mastery classes are held twice a day, morning and evening, sometimes you have to prepare two sketches at once. And at GITIS, mastery classes three times a week - how can this be?”

© Sergey Pyatakov / RIA Novosti

The Shchepkinsky School is a leader, first and foremost, in ensuring safety. While on duty at GITIS, I dialed the number of the dean's office of the acting department, introduced myself, and they immediately let me through. In Shchuka, the security guard himself volunteered to catch me actors in the crowd of applicants. And I passed the security of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio completely unnoticed. The Shchepkinsky School was the first (and, admittedly, the only) school in which they demanded from me official letter in the name of the rector and an official pass certifying the right to ask questions to students and applicants of the Higher Theater School (Institute) named after. M.S. Shchepkin at the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia. This was the first tradition that I encountered as soon as I crossed the threshold of the oldest theater school.

Students here are protected from new trends with about the same zeal. They are brought up in the spirit of patriotism. When talking to me, the Shchepkinites were not shy about pathos and sublime words: Shchepka keeps classical traditions, and traditions are good; the classics are harder to grasp than the modern; theater has always been a reflection social life; Plays must be staged as written; the theater must weed out vulgarity; any action must be psychologically justified; everything should be real, like in life. I ask: “Which of the last performances did you like or remember? Which theater? - “In Maly. The last amazing performance - “ Queen of Spades“... I don’t remember whose production it was.”

According to their development. This course can be a kind of introduction to the basics for anyone interested. But for the theatrical tradition that has developed over centuries, this is just a drop in the ocean of learning the art of acting. Therefore, in support of the training, our website publishes a list of several of the most famous theater universities in Russia with brief information about them, which will undoubtedly be useful to those who have decided to devote themselves to theater or cinema and want to get an education in this field.

Let us immediately note that the purpose of the article is not to compile a rating or give recommendations on which theater university is better. In narrow circles, this question has long become an eternal one, but our task is different - to create convenient material for orientation on the topic.

Higher Theater School (Institute) named after. M. S. Shchepkina at the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia

VTU named after. M. S. Shchepkina is a theater school with a long and glorious history not only by the standards of Russia, but also of Europe. It began its existence in 1809, when, by decree of Alexander I, the theater school at the educational home was reorganized into the Moscow Imperial Theater School. Over time, the institution became part of the Maly Theater. Since 1832, Mikhail Semyonovich Shchepkin, a famous Russian actor and teacher, worked at the school, and since 1838 it received his name. The status of a university was assigned to “Shchepka” (as the school is called for short) in 1943.

Today the school named after. M. S. Shchepkina is recruiting for 2 specialties: “acting art” and “theater art”, upon completion of which distribution is provided. All courses and studios are organized by experienced professionals. You can study in one of nine workshops. It is also obvious that an educational institution with more than 200 years of history can boast not only of its teaching staff, but also of its great graduates. And there were a lot of them. Here are just the famous names to modern man: D. Kharatyan, M. Basharov, A. Domogarov, A. Chadov and others.

Find contact information and admission information on the official website of the school..

Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin

One of the best theater universities was at first an amateur studio, which appeared in 1914 thanks to the efforts of a student, E.V. Vakhtangov. Modern name the school received only in 2002. Before that there were several others, characterizing the stages of formation of this educational institution: Moscow Drama Studio of E. B. Vakhtangov (1917), III Studio of the Moscow Art Theater (1920), Theater named after. Evgenia Vakhtangov (1926) with her own theater school. In 1939, the theater became a school, named after the great actor, Vakhtangov’s student, Boris Shchukin.

The institute is recruiting for the specialties “theater and film actor” and “director”. Interesting fact and at the same time, the peculiarity of “Pike” (as in the previous case, this is a slang name for the school) is that only former graduates teach there. True, with such a history, the university should not have problems with the selection of qualified teachers. Among those who graduated from the institute: A. Gordon, A. Mironov, A. Vertinskaya, K. Raikin and many others.

Detailed information about admission rules and other data is on the website.

School-studio named after Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater named after A. P. Chekhov

Both the studio school and the Moscow Art Academic Theater itself owe a lot to Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko. It was his views that served as the starting point for creating his own school at the theater. It was established in 1943, the day after his death, as an act of perpetuating the memory of the great teacher and director and, subsequently, became a source of personnel for the Soviet, and later Russian, theater and cinema.

Nowadays, training is carried out by three faculties: acting, producing, scenography and theater technology. The studio school has its own educational theater(as, indeed, at the VTU named after M. S. Shchepkin, and at the Theater Institute named after B. Shchukin). In different years, the following graduated from the university: famous actors, like L. Durov, V. Gaft, O. Basilashvili, O. Tabakov, and not only an actor, but also the “voice of a generation” - V. Vysotsky.

All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov

VGIK is named after the outstanding Soviet film director, screenwriter and actor Sergei Appolinarievich Gerasimov. This university, which, unlike all of the above, is focused on training actors for cinema, traces its history back to 1919. Then, for the first time in the world, a State Film School was created in the Soviet Union. Her name is subsequently associated not only with the origin of training in the art of film acting, but also with the formation of Soviet cinema as a whole. The first Soviet full-length film was filmed on the basis of the State Film School. feature film- “Hammer and Sickle.”

And after the collapse of the USSR, and today, VGIK remains the main center for training personnel of all specialties for cinema and television. The university has several branches: in Sergiev Posad, Rostov-on-Don, Sovetsk (Kaliningrad region), Irkutsk. In addition, VGIK is the only state university that has a complete technical base for creating full-fledged media products (primarily films). And the formation of the image of one of the best educational institutions in the industry is completed by a list of famous graduates, including S. Parajanov, K. Muratova, N. Mikhalkov, F. Bondarchuk and others.

Admission conditions and specialties can be found at.

Russian University of Theater Arts

Despite the fact that today the abbreviation of this educational institution is RUTI, the usual name of one of the largest (the admission plan for “Acting” is over 200 people) theatrical universities remains GITIS ( State Institute theatrical art). What can be traced here is not so much a tradition (the university has seen many different names), but rather the memory of the period when it was headed. The history of this institution begins with the Music and Drama School, which was opened by P. A. Shostakovsky in 1878.

The list of specialists trained by GITIS is much larger than in other universities. In addition to actors and directors, the university produces footage for musical theater, pop singers, theater experts, choreographers, producers. This in turn makes the list of famous alumni diverse. Thus, actors E. Leonov, A. Papanov, R. Khait, singer A. Pugacheva, choreographer B. Akimov, sports commentator N. Ozerov graduated from GITIS.

Read more about the admission campaign at different faculties on the website.

St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts

SPbGATI is the oldest and one of the largest educational centers teaching theater specialties. At the end of May 2014, the academy celebrated its 235th anniversary. This theater university was founded back in 1779, when Dance school was expanded and reorganized into Theater school different specialties. Since then, the institution has often changed its name, but has preserved the history and traditions of the oldest institution of this profile.

Today SPbGATI is a leading university in training highly qualified specialists in the field of theater and related specialties. The Academy is recruiting for six faculties: the Faculty of Acting and Directing, the Faculty of Puppet Theater, the Faculty of Scenography and Theater Technology, the Faculty of Producing, the Faculty of Theater Studies, and the Faculty of Stage Performance. In the past, M. Boyarsky, M. Porechenkov, I. Urgant, N. Fomenko, K. Khabensky and many others studied there.

All statements necessary for applicants are collected on the official website of the academy on the Internet.

Ekaterinburg State Theater Institute

EGTI is the only theater university in the Urals. It arose during the Second World War through the efforts of teachers and actors evacuated to Sverdlovsk. On this basis, after the end of the war, a theater school was created, which received the status of an institute in 1985.

EGTI trains specialists in several areas: actors drama theater and cinema, actors puppet theater, directors, accompanists, art critics, literary workers. At one time, V. Motyl (director of the film “White Sun of the Desert”) and V. Loginov ( main character series “Happy Together”, which takes place in Yekaterinburg), People's Artist Russia V. Ilyin et al.

All information about the university is collected on the website.

Yaroslavl State Theater Institute

The theater technical school existed in Yaroslavl back in the 1930s, but only in 1962 in collaboration with Academic theater A drama school named after F. G. Volkov was created. Thanks to hard work, and it was carried out constantly - in less than 20 years from the moment it received the status of a school, the institution graduated many sought-after specialists, and in 1980 it was awarded the status of a university.

Today, YAGTI, with its activities, continues, albeit short, but full of bright pages, the history of one of the strongest regional centers for training personnel for the theater field. Among the graduates of the university are the names familiar to the Russian audience: A. Samokhina, A. Boltnev, V. Gvozditsky, Yu. Tsurilo.

Information about the institute

Showing entries 1-13 from 13

Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova
ARB named after A. Ya. Vaganova

All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov

VTU named after. M.S. Shchepkina


Institute of Contemporary Art


Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts
Russian University of Theater Arts - GITIS
Sergiev Posad branch of the All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov
Sergiev Posad branch of VGIK

TI them. B. Shchukina

Moscow Art Theater School

Theater universities: institutes and universities

The theater is not a reflecting mirror, but a magnifying glass.

Mayakovsky V.

The great and magical art of theater elevates the life of the human spirit on and off the stage. As Romain Rolland said: “Theater should enlighten the mind. It should fill our brain with light...” This definition is fully consistent with the Russian theater, which is famous throughout the world not only for its productions, but also for its famous school of acting training. Many theater schools and institutes exist at famous theaters.

The theater has a great future, like everything that has a great past.

Karel Capek

Theater universities sacredly honor the traditions of the acting school of the 19th century and continue training at the same high level. University teachers who have worked in the theater as actors and directors selflessly pass on their experience to students.

Theater universities train not only actors. There are other areas of training besides acting:

  • directing;
  • dramaturgy;
  • scenography;
  • musical and theatrical art.

In addition to specialized education, theater universities provide thorough knowledge of literature, world art, and the history of theater - Russian and world. After graduating from the institute, graduates can take part in any creative work: in the theater, cinema, as teachers of theater studios.

If that state of the artist’s soul, which is called inspiration, continued uninterruptedly, it would be impossible to live even one day.

Tchaikovsky P.I.

The TOP 5 most famous theater universities in Russia are as follows:

  • Higher Theater School named after. M.S. Shchepkin at the Maly Theater of Russia;

Traditionally, the best theater universities are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But in other cities of Russia, theater institutes are famous for their educational schools - Kazan, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Smolensk, Khabarovsk, Yaroslavl and other cities of Russia.

The theater lives not by the brilliance of lights, the luxury of scenery and costumes, or spectacular mise-en-scenes, but by the ideas of the playwright. The flaw in the idea of ​​the play cannot be covered by anything. No amount of theatrical tinsel will help.

Stanislavsky K.S.

Admission to a theater institute differs from admission to other universities in that, in addition to the Unified State Examination results, you must pass a creative competition - an audition in 3-4 rounds, and write an essay. At the audition stages, you are required to recite poetry, fables, prose, and demonstrate dance, musical, and improvisational abilities. Getting the commission interested and successfully passing the audition is the main test for admission. Everything else is secondary. Studying at any Russian theater university provides a high-quality theater and humanities education.

An actor or theater director is not only a profession, but also a calling, dedication, and inspiration. In addition to talent and hard work, real courage is required to keep the attention and interest of the audience for a long time.