General educational institutions of the Russian Federation. M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" literature test (grade 11) on the topic: What is the uniqueness of the novel's composition?

Test No. 1 based on Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.”
1. What is the uniqueness of the novel’s composition?

A) ring composition

B) chronological order developments

B) parallel development of three storylines

D) parallel development of two storylines
2. What is the specificity of the image system of this novel?

A) it is based on the principles of duality

B) characters are united general idea works

C) the heroes form unique triads from representatives of the biblical world

D) the system of images is built on the principle of antithesis
3. “I, Yeshua, said that the temple of the old faith would collapse and a new temple of Truth would be created.” What is the meaning of this saying?

A) Yeshua is the new king of Judah, who erected a new Temple

B) we're talking about not about faith, but about Truth

4. Why is Yeshua presented in the novel as a tramp?

A) correspondence to the biblical story

D) the author seeks to show Yeshua as a poor man
5. Match the names of the heroes who make up the triads of representatives ancient world, contemporary author Moscow and the other world (or characters penetrating both of these real worlds)
Gella; Azazello; Woland; Hippopotamus; Levi Matvey; Margarita;

Professor Stravinsky; Ivan Bezdomny; Judas; Mark Ratboy; Pilate.

A) heroes have power in their world, but are still powerless over human choice

B) beauty and its service to the forces of darkness

C) heroes serve as executioners

D) traitors bearing fair punishment

D) the image of a student-follower

E) true friend, trouble-free assistant

6. Why isn’t a similar row formed for Margarita?

A) there is no traditional in the novel love triangle

B) the image of Margarita is unique and does not require parallels

C) historically there were no parallels in the biblical and other worlds

7. Whose portrait is this: “His mustache is like chicken feathers, his eyes are small, and his trousers are checkered, pulled up so much that his dirty white socks are visible”?
A) Azazello

B) Koroviev

B) Varenukha

D) Homeless

8. “Justice in Bulgakov’s understanding does not come down to punishment, retribution and retribution. Justice is administered by two departments, the functions of which are strictly separated: the department of retribution and the department of mercy. This unexpected metaphor contains important idea: revenge is in vain, the right force is not able to revel in cruelty, endlessly enjoy the vengeful feeling of triumph. Mercy is another face of justice.” (V.Ya. Lakshin)

1) Explain the meaning of the words “in vain” (from “to see” - “to see”), “right force” (righteous force).

2) Comment on this statement. From your point of view, what is justice?
9. Bulgakov’s novel is “a satirical chronicle of that city life

20-30s, which was accessible to the artistic gaze of the writer...” (P.A. Nikolaev)

1) What did the city life of that time appear to us like?

2) What satirical devices did the author use when writing this chronicle?

10. Who betrayed Yeshua?

A) Levi Matvey

B) Pilate

D) Rat killer
11. What did Margarita hold in her hands when she first met the Master?
A) yellow tulips

B) red roses

B) white lilies of the valley

D) yellow mimosa

12. In whose apartment does Margarita organize a pogrom, turning into a witch?

A) Likhodeeva

B) Latunsky

B) Berlioz

D) Woland
13. What does Woland say after the performance in the variety show?

A) that people have changed for the better

B) that Moscow has not changed at all, there are no new houses in it

C) that the city has changed, but the people remain the same

D) that people have become much worse
14. Who turned Varenukha into a vampire?

A) Margarita

B) Azazello

B) Gella

D) Koroviev
15. In what institution did the master work before being admitted to the hospital?

A) in the museum

B) in the hospital

B) in the theater

D) in a variety show
16. What object tormented Frida, one of the participants at Satan’s ball?

A) broken mirror

B) blue scarf

B) lost necklace

D) unfastened bracelet
17. Whom does the Master forgive at the end of the novel, saying: “Free! Now you are free!”?

A) Levi Matthew

B) Woland

B) Ivan Bezdomny

D) Pilate
18. What is the name of the poet Ivan Bezdomny at the end of the novel?

A) Ivan Sergeev

B) Ivan Ponyrev

B) Ivan Lavrentv

D) Stepan Likhodeev

19. When does the novel take place (in both worlds)?

20. What two cities are mentioned in the novel?

21. About whom did the Master write his novel?

22. After Woland’s departure, who dreams the same dream every year at the same time?

Test based on M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”

1.What is the uniqueness of the novel’s composition?

A) ring composition

B) chronological order of events

C) parallel development of three storylines

D) parallel development of two storylines

2. Why is Yeshua presented in the novel as a tramp?

A) correspondence to the biblical story

C) avor emphasizes the hero’s inner freedom

3. “I, Yeshua, said that the temple of the old faith would collapse and a new temple of Truth would be created.” What is the meaning of this saying?

A) Yeshua is the new king of the Jews, who erected a new Temple

B) it is not about faith, but about truth

4. Why is cowardice one of the most terrible sins for Yeshua?

A) cowardice leads to betrayal

B) cowardice - a conscious choice of a hesitant person towards evil

C) cowardice - cowardice, lack of mental strength

5.How is the image of Levi Matthew resolved in the novel?

A) a disciple of Yeshua who accepted his ideas and follows them

B) he believes fanatically, did not understand the main idea of ​​the teacher

C) Levi cannot accept suffering with dignity, he renounces God

6.What is the specificity of the system of images in the novel “The Master and Margarita”?

a) it is based on the principle of duality

b) the characters are united by the general idea of ​​the work

c) the heroes form unique triads from representatives of the biblical world

) the system of images is built on the principle of antithesis

7.Which of the “worlds” of the novel is the most populated?

A) biblical b) otherworldly c) Moscow

8.Whose portrait is this: “He has mustaches like chicken feathers, small eyes, and checkered trousers, pulled up so much that dirty white socks are visible?

A) Azazello

B) Koroviev

B) Varenukha

D) Homeless

9. During the meeting of Behemoth and Homeless with Woland, five proofs of the existence of God are mentioned, to which Kant added a sixth.

A) historical

B) theological

C) an explanation of the structure of the universe

D) “by contradiction”

10. Relate the hero and his gastronomic preferences.

A) lunch of N.I. Bosy 1) “vodka, neatly chopped herring, thick

sprinkled with onions"

b) Behemoth snacks 2) “alcohol, salted and peppered pineapple, caviar”

c) Styopa Likhodeev’s breakfast 3) “Vodka in a pot-bellied decanter, pressed caviar in a vase,

pickled white mushrooms, saucepan with sausages"

  1. The presented test can be used in the final lesson on M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. I


    District of Belgorod region Test By novel M.A. Bulgakov « Master And Margarita"for 11th grade... Novel first appeared in the magazine 1. “Moscow” 2. “Vekhi” 3. “Northern Star” 3. What manifests itself originality compositions novel « Master And Margarita»? ...

  2. The literature course in 11th grade is based on the following types of activities to master the content of works of art and theoretical and literary concepts: Conscious, creative reading of works of art of different genres


    ... novel. Novel « Master And Margarita» (one of the following is offered for study novelsBy choice). History of creation and publication novel. Originality genre and compositions novel...a poet? 3. B how manifests itself individuality of sound of patriotic lyrics...

  3. M. A. Bulgakov the satirist. "Heart of a Dog" The novel "The Master and Margarita" the master and music. Rereading M. A. Bulgakov (excerpts)


    Artistic originality novel"Virgin soil... bright manifests itself vital... Composition plot " Heart of a Dog» M.A. Bulgakov. 4. Love and hate in novel M.A. Bulgakov « Master And Margarita" 5. Universe By Goethe and the Universe By Bulgakov ...

MBOU "Pogromskaya average" secondary school them.

HELL. Bondarenko" Volokonovsky district, Belgorod region

Test based on the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

for 11th grade


teacher of Russian language and literature

Morozova Alla Stanislavovna


Explanatory note

The test allows you to determine the level of knowledge of 11th grade students of the novel

M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. The work contains questions about knowledge of the text, knowledge of the characters in the novel, questions about the genre and composition of the novel, and about the history of the creation of the work.

For each question, three answer options are given, of which only one is correct (except for question 8 I option with 2 answers).

The presented test can be used in the final lesson on the novel by M. Bulgakov"The Master and Margarita".

Option I

1. Years of creation of M.A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”

1. 1930 — 1941

2. 1928 — 1940

3. 1929 — 1939

2. The novel first appeared in the magazine

1. "Moscow"

2. "Milestones"

3. "Northern Star"

3. What is the uniqueness of the composition of the novel “The Master and Margarita”?

1. Chronological order of events;

2. parallel development of three storylines;

3. parallel development of two storylines.

4. What is the genre of the novel?

1. Philosophical;

2. loving;

3. multi-genre novel.

5. How many days did the events of the Moscow chapters last?

1. 2 days

2. 3 days

3. 4 days

6. In which chapter does the Master appear?

1. 11

2. 13

3. 9

7. Why is Yeshua presented in the novel as a tramp?

1. Contrast with the biblical story;

3. The internal freedom of the hero is emphasized, opposed to the hierarchical world.

8. Bulgakov chose Goethe’s words as the epigraph to the novel: “I am part of that force that eternally wants... and eternally accomplishes...”. What words are missing in this aphorism?

1. Evil;

2. truth;

3. good;

4. good.

9. Time of the novel

1. Moscow. 20 – 30 years of the XX century;

2. Yershalaim. 1st century AD;

3. covers two eras at once.

10. Why was Pilate punished?

1. Cowardice;

2. evil;

3. conscience.

11. Who has the mission to punish for vices in the novel?

1. Pontius Pilate;

2. Master;

3. Woland.

12. How are the three worlds connected to each other in the novel?

1. Jesus Christ;

2. Woland;

3. Yeshua.

13. Who releases Pilate?

1. Woland;

2. Master;

3. Margarita.

14. Find out the portrait. “His mustache is like chicken feathers, his eyes are small, and his trousers are checkered, pulled up so much that his dirty white socks are visible.”

1. Azazello;

2. Koroviev;

3. Varenukha.

15. Recognize the portrait. “Short, fiery red-haired, with a tuft of hair, in a good-quality striped suit... a gnawed chicken bone was sticking out of his pocket.”

1. Azazello;

2. Koroviev;

3. Varenukha.

16. Yeshua said that “the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of truth will be created.” What is the meaning of this saying?

1. Yeshua is the new king of Judah, who erected a new Temple;

2. we are not talking about faith, but about Truth;

17. What did Woland reward the Master with?

1. Light;

2. freedom;

3. peace.

18. Who does Ivan Bezdomny become in the epilogue of the novel?

1. Professor at the Institute of History and Philosophy;

2. Professor at the Institute of Literary Studies;

3. Chairman of MASSOLIT.

Option II

1. How many editions of the novel did M. Bulgakov make?

1. 6

2. 8

3. 10

2. How would you define the composition of the novel?

1. “a novel within a novel”

2. ring

3. free

3. Over how many days does the gospel chapters take place?

1. 2

2. 3

3. 1

4. In what year did the novel become called “The Master and Margarita”?

1. 1935

2. 1937

3. 1940

5. In what year full text did the novel appear in the writer’s homeland?

1. 1970

2. 1972

3. 1973

6. Who spilled the oil on which Berlioz slipped?

1. Annushka

2. Margarita

3. Gella

7. What was the name of the building in which MASSOLIT was located?

1. Pushkin's house

2. Griboyedov's house

3. Lermontov's house

8. The description of which character is given in the episode: “... a man of about twenty-seven... was dressed in an old and torn blue tunic. His head was covered with a white bandage with a strap around his forehead, and his hands were tied behind his back. Under the left eye... a large bruise, in the corner of the mouth - an abrasion with dried blood"?

1. Mark Ratboy

2. Levi Matvey

3. Yeshua Ha-Nozri

9. Who did Margarita save from eternal torment?

1. Frosyu

2. Frida

3. Francesca

10. Which of Woland’s retinue had a fang?

1. the cat Behemoth

2. by Koroviev-Fagot

3. at Azazello's

11. Specify real name Ivan Bezdomny.

1. Ivan Nikolaevich Ponyrev

2. Ivan Ivnovich Latunsky

3. Ivan Nikolaevich Likhodeev

12. When does the novel take place?

1. in spring

2. in summer

3. in autumn

13. Where does Woland leave Moscow with his retinue? ?

1. from Sparrow Hills

2. from the Patriarch's Ponds

3. with Sadovaya

14. To what city was Styopa Likhodeev sent?

1. to Leningrad

2. to Kyiv

3. to Yalta

15. Where did Ivan Bezdomny meet the master?

1. at the Patriarch's Ponds

2. in a “madhouse”

3. in Variety

16 . Which character's portrait is shown here: “...shaven, dark-haired, with a sharp nose, anxious eyes and a tuft of hair hanging over his forehead, a man of about thirty-eight years old.” ?

in Russian language and literature in the 2003/2004 academic year

In accordance with the “Regulations on the state (final) certification of graduates of IX and XI (XII) classes educational institutions Russian Federation" (Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 02/04/03 No. 03-51-17in/13-03) a written examination of graduates of the XI (XII) classes of general education institutions in Russian language and literature in the 2003/04 academic year will be held in the form of an essay or presentation With creative task. The written exam in Russian language and literature will be carried out on an open list of essay topics grouped into sets. Examination materials are based on optional minimum content of basic general and secondary (complete) general education(Orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1236 of May 19, 1998 and No. 56 of June 30, 1999).

When preparing examination materials, comments and suggestions made in letters from educational authorities of 52 constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be taken into account: the number of topics formulated based on works that are studied in review will be reduced, complex quotation topics will be replaced by simpler ones, topics will be provided in each set various levels of difficulty.

“The list of essay topics for preparation for the written exam in Russian language and literature for the course of secondary (full) school in the 2003/2004 academic year” will be published in the third ten days of March 2004, “Sets of essay topics for the written exam in Russian language and literature for the course of secondary (full) school in the 2003/2004 academic year” in the second ten days of May 2004. These materials will be sent to the educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by e-mail and posted on the website of the Ministry of Education of Russia on the Internet (

Essay topics for the written exam in Russian language and literature for a secondary (full) school course in the 2003/2004 academic year will be grouped into 60 sets (5 topics in each set).

Each kit will be formed according to the following structure:

1. Analysis of a poem by a poet of the 19th-20th centuries or analysis of an episode from work of art Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries (episodes are indicated).

2. The topic formulated in the form problematic issue or statements about the work (author, work indicated).

3. A topic related to a writer of the 19th century (author, work indicated).

4. A topic related to the work of a writer of the twentieth century (author, work indicated).

5. A topic related to philosophical, moral, social and social concepts (the 19th or 20th century is indicated; the student chooses a work of Russian literature).

Sample sets of essay topics:

Set No. 1

1. Duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky. (Analysis of an episode from the chapter “Princess Mary” of M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.”) The scene of Pechorin’s duel with Grushnitsky (Analysis of an episode from the chapter “Princess Mary” of M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time”).

2. “...The buyer of a living human conscience, Chichikov, is a real devil, a true provocateur of life” (A. Bely).

3. a) The tragedy of Bazarov’s image. (Based on the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons.”)

b) Landscape in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “The Noble Nest.”

4. The problem of man and civilization in I. A. Bunin’s story “The Gentleman from San Francisco.”

5. “Laughter is often a great mediator in distinguishing truth from lies...” (V. G. Belinsky). (Based on a work of Russian literature of the twentieth century.)

Set No. 2

1. Poem by A. A. Akhmatova “ Native land"(perception, interpretation, evaluation).

Poem by A. A. Akhmatova “Today they didn’t bring me a letter...” (perception, interpretation, evaluation).

2. What is Chatsky fighting for and against? (Based on the comedy by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit.”)

3. The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin.

4. Thoughts about Man in M. Gorky’s play “At the Bottom.”

5. “Understand the living language of nature - and you will say: the world is beautiful...” (I. S. Nikitin). (Based on one of the works of Russian literature of the twentieth century.)


Test based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

1. What is the uniqueness of the novel’s composition?

a) ring composition

b) chronological order of events

c) parallel development of three storylines

d) parallel development of two storylines

2. What is the specificity of the image system of the novel “The Master and Margarita”?

a) based on the principles of duality

b) the characters are united by the general idea of ​​the work

c) the heroes form unique triads from representatives of the biblical world

d) the system of images is built on the principle of antithesis

3. “I, Yeshua, said that the temple of the old faith would collapse and a new temple of Truth would be created.” What is the meaning of this saying?

a) Yeshua is the new king of Judah, who erected a new Temple

b) this is not about faith, but about Truth

4. Why is Yeshua presented in the novel as a tramp?

a) correspondence to the biblical story

5. Match the names of the heroes who make up the triads of representatives of the ancient world, the author’s modern Moscow and the other world (or characters who penetrate both of these real worlds).

Gella; Azazello; Woland; Baron Meigel; Hippopotamus; Levi Matvey; Margarita; Aloisy Mogarych; Tuzbuben; Professor Stravinsky; Banta; Ivan Bezdomny; Alexander Ryukhin; Judas; Archibald Archibaldovich; Natasha; Nisa; Mark Ratboy; Pilate.

a) heroes have power in their world, but are still powerless over human choice

b) beauty and its service to the forces of darkness

c) heroes serve as executioners

d) traitors bearing fair punishment

e) the image of a student-follower

e) faithful friend, reliable assistant

6. Why is a similar row not formed for the image of Margarita?

a) there is no traditional love triangle in the novel

b) the image of Margarita is unique and does not require parallels

c) historically there were no parallels in the biblical and other worlds

7. Whose portrait is this: “His mustache is like chicken feathers, his eyes are small, and his trousers are checkered, pulled up so much that his dirty white socks are visible”?

a) Azazello

b) Koroviev

c) Varenukha

d) Homeless

8. During the meeting of Behemoth and Homeless with Woland, five proofs of the existence of God are mentioned, to which Kant added a sixth.

a) historical

b) theological

c) explanation of the structure of the universe

d) “by contradiction”

9. Match the hero and his gastronomic preferences.

a) lunch of N.I. Bosogo 1) “vodka, neatly chopped

herring, thickly sprinkled with greens

chopped onion

b) Behemoth snacks 2) “alcohol, salted and peppered

pineapple, caviar"

c) Stepan’s breakfast 3) “vodka in a pot-bellied decanter,

Likhodeev pressed caviar in a vase, white

marinated mushrooms, casserole

trulka with sausages, cooked

mi in tomato"

10. “Justice in Bulgakov’s understanding does not come down to punishment, retribution and retribution. Justice is administered by two departments, the functions of which are strictly separated: the department of retribution and the department of mercy. This unexpected metaphor contains an important idea: revenge is in vain; the right-wing force is not able to revel in cruelty, endlessly enjoy the vengeful feeling of triumph. Mercy is another face of justice." (V. Ya. Lakshin)

1) Explain the meaning of the words “in vain” (from “to see” - “to see”), “right force” (righteous force).

2) Comment on this statement? From your point of view, what is justice?

11. Bulgakov’s novel is “a satirical chronicle of that city life of the 20-30s, which was accessible to the artistic gaze of the writer...” (P. A. Nikolaev)

1) What did the city life of that time appear to us like?

2) What satirical techniques did the author use when writing this chronicle?

Test based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The White Guard”

1. M. A. Bulgakov in a letter to the Soviet government (March 28, 1930) defined his literary and political principles. Which of the points most accurately reveals the writer’s tasks (several answers are possible):

a) deep skepticism about the revolutionary process.

b) an image of “the terrible features of my people.”

c) “persistent portrayal of the Russian intelligentsia as the best layer in our country

e) “to stand dispassionately above the reds and whites.”

2. What is the leitmotif of Bulgakov’s novel “ White Guard»?

A) historical events in Kyiv in 1918-1919.

b) preservation of home, hearth in all the vicissitudes of the revolution and civil war.

c) preservation of honor - the core of the personal behavior of the heroes of the novel.

3. “Having felt the ripened strength within himself, Bulgakov sets himself a task higher than himself... This task is a picture of the civil war, which, according to his plan, should not only be written in the traditions of War and Peace, but also be guided by its scope to Tolstoy's epic." (V. Ya. Lakshin)

4. “The challenging novelty of the novel was that five years after the end of the Civil War..., he dared to show the officers of the White Guard not in the poster guise of the “enemy”, but as ordinary... people, with obvious sympathy.” (V. Ya. Lakshin)