General characteristics of the reading range of a modern primary school student. Reading circle for a modern child Children's reading circle in kindergarten

Gareva Tatyana Alexandrovna,

Medvedeva Lyudmila Nikolaevna

speech therapists of State Educational Institution Compensatory Kindergarten No. 471

Children's literature is art. As an art, it is characterized by the expression of generalized ideas in a vivid form - in specific images.

Fairy tales, stories, and poems shape artistic taste and increase the cultural level of a child. K.I. Chukovsky noted: “A child understands in his own way, and even if he makes mistakes, his impressions are so vivid and imaginative that there is no need to ground them.”

K.D. Ushinsky emphasized that literature should introduce the child “to the world popular thought, popular feeling, folk life, to the area folk spirit". These are works of oral folk art: riddles, counting rhymes, proverbs, sayings. When getting acquainted with works of oral folk art, we improve higher mental functions: auditory-verbal, visual memory, voluntary attention, creative thinking, enrich vocabulary, develop phrasebook, we form the skills of grammatically correct speech. Even before the age of one year, the baby begins to listen to the first nursery rhymes, songs, and look at them in book illustrations. At this age he is interested in rhythms and intonation.

It is also necessary to note the colossal influence of works of oral folk art on the mental development of preschool children.
Main task parents - to know about their child’s literary inclinations in order to improve them.
It's important to note that shared reading promotes the formation of warm emotional relationships between mother and child.

While reading fiction, pay attention to the following recommendations:

Read with expression, changing intonation depending on the character
- Show illustrations to the text as often as possible. This increases the child's interest
- Remove toys and objects that distract your child from sight. Try to read in a quiet, calm environment.
- Read aloud all your life! This need creates an interest in reading in your child.
- Children's books should be in a place accessible to the baby
- Sign up for a children's library, let your child participate in choosing books

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We teach nursery rhymes, poems, riddles with children, and transfer them into children's creativity, into the origami technique.
In a circle children's reading books should be included that are diverse in topics and genres.
A child needs to discover the wealth of genres of literature. This will allow, on the one hand, to develop in a preschooler a breadth of reading interests, and on the other, selectivity and individuality of literary preferences.
Parents need to pay attention not only to the content of the work, but also to means of expression language - fairy tales, short stories and other works of fiction.
Children love fairy tales, folk and original. A fairy tale arouses love and persistent interest in a preschooler with its dynamism, brightness of images, mystery, unlimited possibilities for imagination and mental play.

Educational books about work, about technology, about things, about nature were included in children's literature. They allow children to reveal the multifaceted nature of the world in which they live, to show the essence of phenomena in a figurative form, and prepare a scientific understanding of the world.

Poems by S.Ya. Marshak about the creation of things “Where the table came from”, “A book about a book”.
K.D. Ushinsky “How a shirt grew in a field.” Encyclopedic book by Zhitkov “What I saw”.

Children's books have created a special type of book - a fun book for children.

She reveals to children the funny things in life, develops valuable qualities - the ability to joke and laugh.
Works by K.I. Chukovsky, N.N. Nosova, V.G. Suteeva, S.Ya. Marshak, E.N. Uspensky and others.
The genre and thematic diversity of children's literature makes it possible to form individual reader interests and inclinations.

Children's reading circle designed to replenish children's literary horizons and increase their erudition.

Ambiguous in concept, multi-fluid and multi-layered, imbued with subtle humor and irony, they attract the child’s attention not only with the fun of the plot, but also with a deep thought that must be felt and understood and revealed. little reader feels satisfied.

In the spotlight of modern writers inner world an adult and a child, a world of experiences, diverse relationships and feelings.

This is typical for the books of R. Pogodin, I. Tokmakova, E. Uspensky and other authors.

Children's writers confront children with the need to realize moral truths, choose a line of behavior, and take the right position in relation to other people, things, and nature.

Older preschoolers show a steady interest in “thick” books.

This is an anthology of works by domestic and foreign writers.

Dear parents!

Remember that a book is your good companion and best friend!

Children's reading circle.

At all times of human existence, people have shown special attention to works for children, considering them the most important in the formation of a person in a child.

Questions about the range of children's reading were raised in Russia in the 18th century, and in the works of N. Chernyshevsky, V. Belinsky, N. Dobrolyubov, L. Tolstoy in the 19th century.

But still, the urgency of the issue remains in modern Russia 21st century.

A person dealing with issues of children's reading must have comprehensive knowledge in the field of Russian folklore, and foreign creativity, writers of Russian and foreign children's literature. And also to form a circle of children's reading, it is necessary to have excellent pedagogical and psychological preparation. It is important for him to monitor the development trends of the children's literature market, children's book publishing, to read a lot himself and believe that artistic word can influence and influence a person.

So what is this children's reading circle? This is a range of works that children listen to, read and perceive. They were written, passed on by adults, and were understood and accepted by children. Children's reading circle includes:


Books for children,

Children's creativity,

Children's newspapers and magazines,

As you know, each year of a child’s life corresponds to certain works: nursery rhymes and four-line pestles in early preschool age, to fairy tales-novels in older preschool age.

This begs the question: what does a child’s reading range depend on?:

Depending on the age of the child and his preferences. Thus, the youngest listeners prefer fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems written by a certain author to a certain book.

From the development of literature itself. What can I say, the state of the level of development of children's literature at the end of the 20th century remained at a low level, poems for children were practically not published, very few historical and realistic works, which did not contribute to the education of a versatile reader.

From the selection of literature for children's reading. In the funds of city and rural libraries, from the books that are in families, the very time in which the child lives has a great influence.

The range of children's reading cannot be the same for everyone, and should not. After all, a child is able to choose a book for himself, even the smallest one, based on its attractive cover and illustrations.

Educational program, which is carried out in a preschool institution, contains a specific list of recommended literature for children to read, according to their age category.

Along with this, there is family, home reading. This is a variable part of reading, which depends on knowledge of children's literature, taste, preference, education of parents, and it plays a positive role in preserving the uniqueness of the child-listener, the child-reader.

In the circle of children's reading, there are a number of works that are mandatory, without which preschool childhood cannot be imagined. These are works that have been tested by many generations of readers, classical works:

Folk tales,

Works by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, A. Barto, N. Nosov,

Fairy tales by C. Perrault, H. Andersen, A. Lindgrend.

V. G. Belinsky argued that children have a special perception of what they hear about the importance of the role of books in raising a child. After all, the “wrong” book can lead to a distortion of moral ideas, destroy aesthetic feelings, and about one’s place in the world around us.

Preschoolers perceive art out of context: it can inspire inanimate objects, changes the works at his discretion, making him the hero of himself or his friends. A book you like makes a strong impression on a child, and he uses the plot in his games, lives by them, and includes them in his real life.

Literature, as a form of art, helps in raising a competent listener and reader, but it should be remembered that it will be better perceived when a special emotional atmosphere is created, the child’s mood for reading a book.

Children should have a designated time for reading, and there should be no interruptions or distractions. Children need to be explained that they cannot read while eating, in transport, or on the go. You shouldn't read the same book over and over again. When reading, you should take your time and pronounce sounds and letters clearly and clearly. Adults must remember that it is unacceptable to force a child to listen if he is tired, distracted, or wants to change his activity. Only an attentive, caring attitude towards preschoolers and a careful choice of reading a particular work will lead to the desired result.

When choosing a children's reading range, special attention should be paid to:




The dynamics of the plot

The educational value of the work.

So what should be included in children's reading?

All types of literature:

Prose (epic), poetry (lyrics), drama, fiction;

Folklore genres - folk fairy tales, lullabies, nurseries, nursery rhymes, chants, sayings, upside-down fables, children's folk songs, horror stories;

Popular science genres (encyclopedias);

Works of literature of the peoples of the world.

The subject matter of the works should be as varied as the reader requires:


Children's game, toys;

Nature, fauna;

Relationships between children and adults; family, duty to parents and relatives; internationalism; honor and duty to the Motherland;

War and heroism;

Historical periods;

Man and technology.

It is important to take into account gender differences between children. For girls, you need to read books about feminine virtues, about running a home, and about women's destiny. Boys will be interested in literature about courage, courage, heroes, travel, inventions, and people’s behavior in difficult situations.

Children's literature is an intrinsically valuable form of verbal artistic creativity playing important role in the development and upbringing of a child. V. Lunin noted: “I must confess to you that I am writing not for you, but for myself!”

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The period of formation of children is up to 10 years. It is very important to take books for children under 7 years of age seriously. It is very important to make these books of high quality, both internally and externally. (Kipling: “Tell me what your child read before the age of 7, and I will tell you how his life will turn out.”) The great humanistic tasks of such literature are to educate its reader. Educational tasks:

  • Develop thinking
  • Form interests
  • Develop moral qualities
  • Set ethical guidelines
  • Raised aesthetically
  • Contribute to transmission cultural traditions and social experience
  • Develop speech

The circle of children's reading includes two large masses of publications:

Children's literature is a work of literature that is written specifically for readers - children of a certain group. Takes into account children’s interests, their needs, mental characteristics and thinking. The authors (Lindgren, Sladkov, Uspensky, Kaverin, Dragunsky, etc.) understand what is interesting to children of this or that age, and will preserve a child’s perception of the world in their souls. They do not stoop to the worldview of children, but help children perceive the world.

Works from the category of literature for adults are literature that is adapted for children. They are selected based on some criteria - genre, hero, stories about animals. Most often this is literature for older and high school. The editor must imagine what children will be interested in at a certain stage.

Chekhov "Kashtanka". A doggy story for children. The issues covered are for adults. Chekhov believed that there is no separate literature for children. Defoe - they cut out what main character was engaged in the slave trade. Gulliver – unusual life, unusual adventures.

The editor sets his goal precisely through the formation of interests and belonging to a certain social address to form a circle of children's reading. All psychologists say that the formation of a child’s base, moral qualities and interests occurs in preschool and primary school age.

If a work is remade for children, then it can be for different ages. If it was originally written for children, then it should be aimed at a clear readership.

The starting point can be the age of the main character. Age is important - in order to interest a child, children must understand and be interested in the problems of the work.

When preparing publications for children, not only children's, but also “adult” literature is used. Therefore, in publishing and editing, several concepts are used that characterize the field of publishing literature for children and youth.

There are such concepts as “children’s literature”, “literature for children”, “children’s reading circle”. Already from the names themselves it is clear that they intersect with each other and at the same time have independent content.

Understanding the meaning of each of these terms is important, first of all, from the point of view of the general approach to book publishing, since they determine the organization and methodology of forming the repertoire of publications, the sources of selection of works, and the features of the editor’s work with authors.

Let's consider the concept of “children's literature”; it is precisely this that is the starting point for characterizing the entire field of publishing for children.

Children's literature is created specifically for a children's readership. The writer takes into account the specifics of children's perception, trying to ensure that his work is well understood and assimilated by readers of a certain age.

Of particular importance is the author’s ability to recognize child psychology, focus on the interests, preferences of children, and their ability to perceive certain facts. They say that in order to create a work of children’s literature, it is necessary to preserve a “children’s vision of the world,” which allows one to clearly imagine the properties and qualities of children’s perception. A children's writer must understand and know the child and, of course, have a special talent that determines the author's skill - the talent to create living, unforgettable pictures of the world around him, recognizable by the child and instructing him.

When creating a work of children's literature itself, the specifics of a certain age are taken into account. Obviously, a writer who turns to children's literature must have a special attitude towards life, imagine how the surrounding reality is perceived by a child, and note the unusual, bright - what is interesting to his future readers.

Certain methods have been developed for writing a work of literature specifically for children. Here is just one, fairly common technique associated with the special position of the author of the work - he looks at the world around us as if from the childhood that he describes. The writer does not observe his characters from the outside, but views events through their eyes. This is exactly how the narrative develops in the stories “Childhood” by L. Tolstoy and “Childhood” by M. Gorky, “The Blue Cup” by A. Gaidar. The writer transforms himself into his characters, not allowing himself to step back for a minute and look at them through the eyes of an adult. Apparently, it is precisely the view of the world from childhood that imparts to the content of these stories one of the most essential qualities for works of children's literature - the quality of reliability of what is described and understandability for the reader.

Thus, children's literature is specially created with a certain age category readers, taking into account the specifics of children's perception.

One of the important tasks of the editor is to create an asset of children's writers. Meanwhile, it can be difficult to find these writers, since children's writers are writers with special gift- remember and understand childhood. V.G. Belinsky wrote: “One must be born, and not become, a children’s writer. It's a kind of calling. This requires not only talent, but a kind of genius... a lot of conditions for education are needed children's writer… Love for children, deep knowledge of needs, characteristics and nuances childhood there is one of the important conditions.”

Let's consider a broader concept - “literature for children”. This concept denotes both children's literature and adult literature that is of interest to children and understandable to them.

It is known that many writers whose works children readily read did not write specifically for children. Writer N. Teleshov recalled: “Chekhov assured... that no “children’s” literature exists. “Everywhere they write only about Sharikov and Barbosov. What kind of “children’s” is this? This is some kind of “dog literature”.

Thus, children’s reading covers not only specially written works, but is also replenished by adult literature. This is how the repertoire of publications for children is formed. It consists of children's literature and works written for adults, but of interest to children

From children's literature and literature for children, the so-called children's reading circle is compiled. Encyclopedic Dictionary“Book Science” defines the reading range as follows: “A set of printed works that reflects the basic interests and reading needs of a particular reader group. The range of reading is socially and historically determined. Identifying the reading range is one of the main tasks of specific sociological research in the field of reading.”

In relation to children's reading, the reading circle has its own characteristics. Let's dwell on them.

The “Children's Reading Circle” includes books that should be read specifically in childhood and that determine the reading of a child of a particular age. This is a dynamic phenomenon, since as a child grows, the scope of the literature he reads expands. The reading range shows a person’s interests and passions; individual publications “return” if the reader turns to them more than once. The composition of publications is constantly changing depending on the changing interests of children and the repertoire of published publications, and the richer and more diverse the repertoire, the greater the opportunity to influence the child, since his reading range will, to one degree or another, reflect this richness and diversity.

The formation of a children's reading circle is associated with solving educational problems. The literature that is specially written for children largely determines the appearance, character, and behavior of children. In addition, it is a source of cultural traditions and conveys a certain experience to readers. It is no coincidence that V.G. Belinsky paid special attention to determining the range of children's reading. Reflecting on its composition, the critic first of all pointed to the connection of the book with life, artistry, “depth” and humaneness of the idea, chastity of the content, simplicity and nationality. Among the works that should be included in children's reading, he named poems and fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, a novel about the adventures of Robinson Crusoe by D. Defoe.

Children's literature shapes and determines the reading range of each child, changing and structuring its composition, and gradually this literature is replaced by “adult” literature, leaving children’s literature itself outside the reader’s interests. Considering that certain books can influence most effectively precisely the reader for whom they are intended, we can assume that literature included in the range of children's reading should be read at the appropriate age; books that did not “catch” the reader in time cannot have the influence on him that the author sought, and, therefore, do not fully fulfill their social functions. Indeed, the impact on a preschooler, an older schoolchild, or an adult of a fairy tale, for example, “Little Red Riding Hood,” is different, since at each age “its own” aspects of the work are of interest. Consequently, the reading range determines the degree and nature of the influence of the content of the work on the reader and is associated with the characteristics of the properties of various categories of readers.

When organizing book publishing for children, especially in the process of forming a repertoire, the editor focuses on the range of children's reading, selecting works for reprinting and including new literature in the publishing system.

When preparing publications for children, not only children's, but also “adult” literature is used. Therefore, in publishing and editing, several concepts are used that characterize the field of publishing literature for children and youth.

There are such concepts as “children’s literature”, “literature for children”, “children’s reading circle”. Already from the names themselves it is clear that they intersect with each other and at the same time have independent content.

Understanding the meaning of each of these terms is important, first of all, from the point of view of the general approach to book publishing, since they determine the organization and methodology of forming the repertoire of publications, the sources of selection of works, and the features of the editor’s work with authors.

Let's consider the concept of “children's literature”; it is precisely this that is the starting point for characterizing the entire field of publishing for children.

Children's literature is created specifically for a children's readership. The writer takes into account the specifics of children's perception, trying to ensure that his work is well understood and assimilated by readers of a certain age.

Of particular importance is the author’s ability to recognize child psychology, focus on the interests, preferences of children, and their ability to perceive certain facts. They say that in order to create a work of children’s literature, it is necessary to preserve a “children’s vision of the world,” which allows one to clearly imagine the properties and qualities of children’s perception. A children's writer must understand and know the child and, of course, have a special talent that determines the author's skill - the talent to create living, unforgettable pictures of the world around him, recognizable by the child and instructing him.

When creating a work of children's literature itself, the specifics of a certain age are taken into account.

Obviously, a writer who turns to children's literature must have a special attitude towards life, imagine how the surrounding reality is perceived by a child, and note the unusual, bright - what is interesting to his future readers.

Certain methods have been developed for writing a work of literature specifically for children. Here is just one, fairly common technique associated with the special position of the author of the work - he looks at the world around him as if from the childhood he describes. The writer does not observe his characters from the outside, but views events through their eyes. This is exactly how the narrative develops in the stories “Childhood” by L. Tolstoy and “Childhood” by M. Gorky, “The Blue Cup” by A. Gaidar. The writer transforms himself into his characters, not allowing himself to step back for a minute and look at them through the eyes of an adult. Apparently, it is precisely the view of the world from childhood that imparts to the content of these stories one of the most essential qualities for works of children's literature - the quality of reliability of what is described and understandability for the reader.

Thus, children's literature is specially created for a certain age category of readers, taking into account the specifics of children's perception.

One of the important tasks of the editor is to create an asset of children's writers. Meanwhile, it can be difficult to find these writers, since children's writers are writers who have a special gift - to remember and understand childhood. V.G. Belinsky wrote: “One must be born, and not become, a children’s writer. It's a kind of calling. This requires not only talent, but a kind of genius... many conditions are needed for the education of a children’s writer... Love for children, deep knowledge of the needs, characteristics and nuances of childhood is one of the important conditions.”

Let's consider a broader concept - “literature for children”. This concept denotes both children's literature and adult literature that is of interest to children and understandable to them.

It is known that many writers whose works children readily read did not write specifically for children. For example, the famous Russian writer I.A. Goncharov admitted: “As soon as you sit down to write with the thought that this is for children, you don’t write and that’s all. You have to forget this circumstance, but how can you forget it? You can write for them not on purpose, without thinking about it... For example, Turgenev, without trying and without suspecting anything, wrote his “Bezhin Meadow” and some other things - for children. I also accidentally wrote a book for young people, “Pallada” (meaning “Frigate “Pallada.” - S.A.) ... I believe that you can’t actually write for children, but you can put something ready-made in a children’s magazine, which written and lying in the briefcase, a journey, a story, a story - everything that is suitable for adults and that does not contain anything that could harm a child’s mind and imagination.”

Writer N. Teleshov recalled: “Chekhov assured... that no “children’s” literature exists. “Everywhere they write only about Sharikov and Barbosov. What kind of “children’s” is this? This is some kind of “dog literature”.

In a letter to Rossolimo on January 21, 1900, A.P. Chekhov notes: “I don’t know how to write for children, I write for them once every ten years and I don’t like and don’t recognize so-called children’s literature. Andersen, “The Frigate “Pallada”, Gogol are read willingly by children and adults as well. We must not write for children, but must choose from what is written for adults.”

And A.P. himself Chekhov did not create special works for children, but his stories, such as “Kashtanka” and “Boys”, are read by children willingly.

Let's give an opinion modern writer. In response to a question about the specifics of children's literature contained in a special questionnaire from the Children's Book House of the Children's Literature publishing house, A. Markusha wrote: “There is a lot of debate now about the specifics of children's literature. I don't believe in any specifics. There is literature (and there is little of it), and then there is “literature” (and there is a lot of it). Children should read adult books written by real masters, even if not everyone understands, at least they will get used to real art, and not be brought up on surrogates... Children need to know more about adults!” (from materials from the Children's Book House).

Thus, children’s reading covers not only specially written works, but is also replenished by adult literature. This is how the repertoire of publications for children is formed. It consists of children's literature and works written for adults, but of interest to children

From children's literature and literature for children, the so-called children's reading circle is compiled. The encyclopedic dictionary “Book Science” defines the reading range as follows: “A set of printed works that reflects the main interests and reading needs of a particular reader group. The range of reading is socially and historically determined. Identifying the reading range is one of the main tasks of specific sociological research in the field of reading.”

In relation to children's reading, the reading circle has its own characteristics. Let's dwell on them.

The “Children's Reading Circle” includes books that should be read specifically in childhood and that determine the reading of a child of a particular age. This is a dynamic phenomenon, since as a child grows, the scope of the literature he reads expands. The reading range shows a person’s interests and passions; individual publications “return” if the reader turns to them more than once. The composition of publications is constantly changing depending on the changing interests of children and the repertoire of published publications, and the richer and more diverse the repertoire, the greater the opportunity to influence the child, since his reading range will, to one degree or another, reflect this richness and diversity.

The formation of a children's reading circle is associated with solving educational problems. The literature that is specially written for children largely determines the appearance, character, and behavior of children. In addition, it is a source of cultural traditions and conveys a certain experience to readers. It is no coincidence that V.G. Belinsky paid special attention to determining the range of children's reading. Reflecting on its composition, the critic first of all pointed to the connection of the book with life, artistry, “depth” and humaneness of the idea, chastity of the content, simplicity and nationality. Among the works that should be included in children's reading, he named poems and fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, a novel about the adventures of Robinson Crusoe by D. Defoe.

Children's literature shapes and determines the reading range of each child, changing and structuring its composition, and gradually this literature is replaced by “adult” literature, leaving children’s literature itself outside the reader’s interests. Considering that certain books can influence most effectively precisely the reader for whom they are intended, we can assume that literature included in the range of children's reading should be read at the appropriate age; books that did not “catch” the reader in time cannot have the influence on him that the author sought, and, therefore, do not fully fulfill their social functions. Indeed, the impact on a preschooler, an older schoolchild, or an adult of a fairy tale, for example, “Little Red Riding Hood,” is different, since at each age “its own” aspects of the work are of interest. Consequently, the reading range determines the degree and nature of the influence of the content of the work on the reader and is associated with the characteristics of the properties of various categories of readers.

When organizing book publishing for children, especially in the process of forming a repertoire, the editor focuses on the range of children's reading, selecting works for reprinting and including new literature in the publishing system.

Genre originality of works

The concept of genre determines the form of the work necessary to realize the content. The genres of children's literature were formed in the process of its development and are associated with the specific perception of works by children of different ages.

We can say that this literature is represented by almost all genres that have developed in “adult” literature. And at the same time, there are genres that are most preferred by children and used more often than others. So, in prose - these are fairy tales, stories, stories, in poetry - poems and songs. In dramaturgy - short plays, consisting of one or two acts.

Particularly distinguished are such genres as riddles, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales - works that are independently published mainly for children readers.

For children younger ages preferred short works. Moreover, the spatial framework should be narrowed and limited, and the temporal framework should be extended. This is due to the specific attitude of children to the surrounding reality, how long the day seems to the child, how far away his kindergarten is located! But, gradually growing up, he begins to feel that the day takes up less and less time, and, going to school, he notes that the kindergarten is just a stone's throw from home.

That is why in works for children, as a rule, the location of the action is limited, and short periods of time pass between scenes. Therefore, one of genre features works - their relatively small volume.

Naturally, the younger the children, the simpler the composition should be. The genre is minimized, taking into account the characteristics of children's perception.

The concepts of “children’s literature”, “literature for children”, “children’s reading circle” in book publishing

When preparing publications for children, not only children's, but also “adult” literature is used. Therefore, in publishing and editing, several concepts are used that characterize the field of publishing literature for children and youth.

There are such concepts as “children’s literature”, “literature for children”, “children’s reading circle”. Already from the names themselves it is clear that they intersect with each other and at the same time have independent content.

Understanding the meaning of each of these terms is important, first of all, from the point of view of the general approach to book publishing, since they determine the organization and methodology of forming the repertoire of publications, the sources of selection of works, and the features of the editor’s work with authors.

Let's consider the concept of “children's literature”; it is precisely this that is the starting point for characterizing the entire field of publishing for children.

Children's literature is created specifically for a children's readership. The writer takes into account the specifics of children's perception, trying to ensure that his work is well understood and assimilated by readers of a certain age.

Of particular importance is the author’s ability to recognize child psychology, focus on the interests, preferences of children, and their ability to perceive certain facts. They say that in order to create a work of children’s literature, it is necessary to preserve a “children’s vision of the world,” which allows one to clearly imagine the properties and qualities of children’s perception. A children's writer must understand and know the child and, of course, have a special talent that determines the author's skill - the talent to create living, unforgettable pictures of the world around him, recognizable by the child and instructing him.

When creating children's literature, the specifics of a certain age are taken into account.

Obviously, a writer who turns to children's literature must have a special attitude towards life, imagine how the surrounding reality is perceived by a child, and note the unusual, bright - what is interesting to his future readers.

Certain methods have been developed for writing a work of literature specifically for children. Here is just one, fairly common technique associated with the special position of the author of the work - he looks at the world around him as if from the childhood he describes. The writer does not observe his characters from the outside, but views events through their eyes. The writer transforms himself into his characters, not allowing himself to step back for a minute and look at them through the eyes of an adult. Apparently, it is precisely the view of the world from childhood that imparts to the content of the book one of the most essential qualities for works of children's literature - the quality of reliability of what is described and understandability for the reader.

Thus, children's literature is specially created for a certain age category of readers, taking into account the specifics of children's perception.

One of the editor's important tasks is to create an asset base for children's writers. Meanwhile, it can be difficult to find these writers, since children's writers are writers who have a special gift - to remember and understand childhood. V.G. Belinsky wrote: “One must be born, and not become, a children’s writer. It's a kind of calling. This requires not only talent, but a kind of genius... many conditions are needed for the education of a children’s writer... Love for children, deep knowledge of the needs, characteristics and nuances of childhood is one of the important conditions.”

Let's consider a broader concept - “literature for children”. This concept denotes both children's literature and adult literature that is of interest to children and understandable to them.

Writer N. Teleshov recalled: “Chekhov assured... that no “children’s” literature exists. “Everywhere they write only about Sharikov, yes, about Barbosov. What kind of “children’s” is this? This is some kind of “dog literature”.

In a letter to Rossolimo on January 21, 1900, A.P. Chekhov notes: “I don’t know how to write for children, I write for them once every ten years and I don’t like and don’t recognize so-called children’s literature. Andersen, “The Frigate “Pallada”, Gogol are read willingly by children and adults as well. We must not write for children, but must choose from what is written for adults.”

And A.P. himself Chekhov did not create special works for children, but his stories, such as “Kashtanka” and “Boys”, are read by children willingly.

Let us give the opinion of a modern writer. In response to a question about the specifics of children's literature contained in a special questionnaire from the Children's Book House of the Children's Literature publishing house, A. Markusha wrote: “There is a lot of debate now about the specifics of children's literature. I don't believe in any specifics. There is literature (and there is little of it), and then there is “literature” (and there is a lot of it). Children should read adult books written by real masters, even if not everyone understands, at least they will get used to real art, and not be brought up on surrogates... Children need to know more about adults!” (from materials from the Children's Book House).

Thus, children’s reading covers not only specially written works, but is also replenished by adult literature. This is how the repertoire of publications for children is formed. It consists of children's literature and works written for adults, but of interest to children

In relation to children's reading, the reading circle has its own characteristics. Let's dwell on them.

The “Children's Reading Circle” includes books that should be read specifically in childhood and that determine the reading of a child of a particular age. This is a dynamic phenomenon, since as a child grows, the scope of the literature he reads expands. The reading range shows a person’s interests and passions; individual publications “return” if the reader turns to them more than once. The composition of publications is constantly changing depending on the changing interests of children and the repertoire of published publications, and the richer and more diverse the repertoire, the greater the opportunity to influence the child, since his reading range will, to one degree or another, reflect this richness and diversity.

Children's literature shapes and determines the reading range of each child, changing and structuring its composition, and gradually this literature is replaced by “adult” literature, leaving children’s literature itself outside the reader’s interests. Considering that certain books can influence most effectively precisely the reader for whom they are intended, we can assume that literature included in the range of children's reading should be read at the appropriate age; books that did not “catch” the reader in time cannot have the influence on him that the author sought, and, therefore, do not fully fulfill their social functions. Indeed, the impact of a fairy tale on a preschooler, an older schoolchild, or an adult is different, since at each age “its own” aspects of the work are of interest. Consequently, the reading range determines the degree and nature of the influence of the content of the work on the reader and is associated with the characteristics of the properties of various categories of readers.

When organizing book publishing for children, especially in the process of forming a repertoire, the editor focuses on the range of children's reading, selecting works for reprinting and including new literature in the publishing system.