Generalization to the section “Foreign Literature”. reading test (2nd grade) on the topic. Literary reading lesson "Literature of foreign countries" 2nd grade Literature of foreign countries

2nd grade “School of Russia”

Topic: Generalization to the section “ Foreign literature».

Purpose of the lesson : 1.Repeat and summarize students’ knowledge;

2.Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Test on the topic “Literature foreign countries».

  1. Write the names of the authors.




Words for reference: Charles, Hans Christian, Eni.

2.Read the passages. Write the titles of the works.

A) “We are not afraid of animals,

No wolves, no bears!”

How did you get out the gate?

Yes, we saw a snail -

We got scared

Run away!

B) Let's go together

Spin all day long!

Goodbye, goodbye my darling,

The bell is already ringing!

C) Stretching out on the grass and pretending to be dead, he began to wait for some stupid rabbit, who had not yet had time to experience on his own skin how evil and treacherous the light is, to climb into the bag to feast on the treats stored for him.


D) – Thank you and your friends very much. Many years ago, an evil witch turned me into an ugly spider.


D) One evening bad weather broke out: thunder roared, lightning flashed, rain poured down like buckets. Suddenly someone knocked on the city gate, and the old king went to open it._______________________________________________________________________

  1. Match the characters with the titles of the works.

Fogg "Gloves"

Suzon "Muffin and the Spider"

Marquis de Carabas "Bulldog named Dog"

Muffin "Suzon and the Moth"

Kittens "Puss in Boots"

4.Write what works these items are from.






  1. What fairy tale do these proverbs apply to?

A) He who acts beautifully is beautiful.

This proverb fits the fairy tale “__________________________________________________________________”

because _________________________________________________________



B) The beauty of the heart is more valuable than the beauty of the face.

This proverb fits the fairy tale


because ___________________________________________________________________



On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Generalization on the section "Foreign Literature"

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Slide captions:

Project Literature of Foreign Countries The project was completed by: Alexandra Belyakova, 2 “B” class Leader: Elena Vladimirovna Kolganova Consultant: N.A. Belyakova

The goal of the project: the formation of a reader's horizons and the acquisition of experience in independent reading activities, the development of moral feelings, respect for the culture of the peoples of foreign countries, the development of moral feelings Project objectives: - Know the authors of fairy tales and poems foreign writers; - Recognize the heroes of works, talk about them; - Find necessary works in libraries

Foreign fairy tales by Charles Perrault

I went to visit my grandmother and brought her pies. Gray Wolf followed her, deceived her and swallowed her.

It fell off Cinderella's leg by accident. She was not simple, but crystal.

Gianni Rodari

He was born in Italy, He was proud of his family. He is not just a bow boy, He is a reliable, loyal friend.

Brothers Grimm

She was a friend of the gnomes and, of course, she is familiar to you.

Astrid Lindgren

Together with Carlson, our Little Playful Jumped from the rooftops...

Carlo Collodi

My father had a strange boy. Unusual - wooden. But the father loved his son. What kind of strange little wooden man is there on earth and under water looking for a golden key? He sticks his long nose everywhere. Who is this?..

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson "Fairy tales of foreign writers"

Literary reading lesson 3rd grade "Fairy tales of foreign writers" presentation for the lesson. Literary reading "Primary school XXI century" 3rd grade. Presentation for the entire lesson....

The test contains questions on the works of foreign writers, provided for by the educational complex "Primary School of the XXI Century", ...

Traveling around the world and getting to know the folklore of foreign countries

This lesson will help develop expressive and fluent reading skills, memory, attention, imagination; develop information competence; cultivate interest in the culture of other people. ...

Lesson notes on literary reading, grade 2 of the educational complex "School of Russia". Section "Literature of foreign countries"

A series of lesson notes on literary reading UMK "School of Russia" 2nd grade in the section "Literature of foreign countries" ...

School of Russia

Interactive game

teacher primary classes MKOU "Secondary School No. 44",

Miass city, Chelyabinsk region

Section summary


foreign countries

Words and titles

Find out the fairy tale

And the wolf began to run with all his might along the very

along the short road, and the girl walked away in small steps

by the longest one. On the way she collected nuts

I chased butterflies and picked flowers. She's still

I was amusing myself on the way, when the wolf had already galloped up

to grandma's house.

"Little Red Riding Hood"

Find out the fairy tale

The outfit turned out to fit and suit the face, and since the Marquis

and without that he would be small at least - handsome and stately,

then, having dressed up, he, of course, became even better,

and the princess, looking at him, found that he was just

to her taste.

"Puss in Boots"

Find out the fairy tale

In the pit where people took sand to sprinkle

paths, two fiddled inseparable friend: ostrich

Oswald and Wily the Worm. When they heard about the meeting, they

They became very animated and immediately went to the barn.

Louise the Sheep was in the garden weaving a garland of margarine.

ritok. As soon as the donkey mentioned the meeting,

how she flew as fast as she could into the barn...

"Marfin and the Spider"

Find out the fairy tale

The princess stood outside the gate. But, God, in what

she was in sight! Streams of rainwater flowed down

through her hair and dress onto the toes of her shoes and flowed

from under his heels. And she also assured that she was real

shining princess.

"The Princess and the Pea"

Find out the fairy tale

One day twenty-five tailors

We got into a fight with a snail.

In the hands of each of them

There was a needle and thread.

their works:

"Little Red Riding Hood"

"The Princess and the Pea"

"Marfin and the Spider"



Find out the fairy tale


"The Princess and the Pea"

"The Princess and the Pea"

"Marfin and the Spider"

"Marfin and the Spider"

"Puss in Boots"

"Puss in Boots"

"Little Red Riding Hood"

"Little Red Riding Hood"

Grandmother, girl, wolf.

"Little Red Riding Hood"

Find out the fairy tale

King, cat, ogre.

"Puss in Boots"

Find out the fairy tale

Donkey, spider, sheep.

"Marfin and the Spider"

Find out the fairy tale

Princess, rain, pea.

"The Princess and the Pea"

Find out the fairy tale

What was inherited

older brother?


Who haven't you turned into?

What was the name of the sheep from the fairy tale?

"Marfin and the Spider"?

What did Little Red Riding Hood carry?


What kind of fluff was in the feather beds?


How many feather beds did you lay down?

old queen?

Test. Examination

Test. Examination

mill Puss in Boots, illustration 1 Puss in Boots, illustration 2 Marfin and his friends, illustration Little Red Riding Hood, illustration Princess and the Pea, illustration

Fokina Lidia Petrovna

primary school teacher

MCOU "Secondary school st. Evsino"

Iskitimsky district

Novosibirsk region

Goals: help students summarize knowledge of the section; diagnose reading speed; develop memory, attention, thinking, speech.

Planned results: students should know well the works they read and their authors; navigate the text of the studied work; perceive by ear work of art; identify and characterize the heroes of works; come up with the ending of the work; retell in detail according to the drawn up plan.

Equipment: cards with excerpts from read works; text to test reading technique.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

II. Setting lesson goals

— Today we will conduct a game lesson based on the works of foreign writers. Let's remember what works we read in this section. (Children name the works.)

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Game “Find out a fairy tale”

The teacher prepared cards with excerpts from fairy tales. The student goes to the board, pulls out a card, reads the passage and names the fairy tale.

Card 1

And the wolf rushed to run with all his might along the shortest road, and the girl walked with small steps along the longest one. On the way, she collected nuts, chased butterflies, and picked flowers. She was still amusing herself on the way, when the wolf had already galloped to her grandmother’s house. (“Little Red Riding Hood.”)

Card 2

The outfit turned out to fit and suit him, and since the Marquis was already quite small - handsome and stately, then, having dressed up, he, of course, became even better, and the princess, looking at him, found that he was just in her taste. ("Puss in Boots".)

Card 3

In the pit where people took sand to sprinkle the paths, two inseparable friends were busy: Oswald the ostrich and Willie the worm. When they heard about the meeting, they became very excited and immediately went to the barn. Louise the sheep was in the garden making a garland of daisies. As soon as the donkey mentioned a meeting, she flew as fast as she could into the barn... (“The Mafia and the Spider.”)

Card 4

The princess stood outside the gate. But, God, what shape she was in! Streams of rainwater flowed down her hair and dress onto the toes of her shoes and flowed out from under her heels. And she also insisted that she was a real princess. (“The Princess and the Pea.”)

Card 5

One day twenty-five tailors

We got into a fight with a snail.

In the hands of each of them

There was a needle and thread. (“Brave men.”)

3. Hogarth "Little Red Riding Hood"

C. Perrault "The Princess and the Pea"

G.H. Andersen "Kotausi and Mausi"

K. Chukovsky “Mafia and the Spider”

3. Game “Words and Names”

1. Make up the names of fairy tales from these words. Princess, spider, cat, cap, red, Mafia, pea, boots. (“The Princess and the Pea.” “Muffin and the Spider.” “Puss in Boots.” “Little Red Riding Hood.”)

2. By reference words guess the name of the fairy tale.

Grandmother, girl, wolf. (“Little Red Riding Hood.”)

King, cat, ogre. ("Puss in Boots".)

Donkey, spider, sheep. (“Muffin and the Spider.”)

Princess, rain, pea. (“The Princess and the Pea.”)

IV. Physical education minute

Sat down, stood up, stood up, sat down

And they didn’t hurt each other.

Hands up! Wider your shoulders!

One, two, three! Breathe more smoothly!

Exercise will make you stronger

You will become stronger and stronger!

V. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Test

1. What did your older brother inherit?

a) mill; +

2. Who did the cannibal not turn into?

a) into a tiger; +

b) into the mouse;

c) into a lion.

3. What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to her grandmother?

b) pie; +

c) cake.

4. What was the name of the sheep from the fairy tale “Muffin and the Spider”?

b) Louise; +

5. What kind of fluff was in the princess’s feather beds?

a) swan;

b) sheep;

c) eider. +

6. How many feather beds did the old queen lay?

2. Diagnosis of reading technique

(See Test materials on literary reading.)

VI. Reflection

— Draw a smiley face in your notebook that reflects your attitude to the lesson material.

VII. Summing up the lesson

— We have finished working on the textbook “Literary Reading. 2nd grade." You have your favorite works: fairy tales, stories, poems.

— Which work do you particularly remember and become your favorite?

—What poem can you recite by heart?


Prepare an expressive reading of poems.