About coins made of precious metals. Jewish secrets of Cheburashka Lion from the cartoon about Cheburashka

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Soviet cinema gave the world unusual heroes. While famous directors were working on films for adult audiences, animators were thinking about how to surprise little Octobrists and pioneers. Cartoon creators used plots from books and created authentic stories, which were later embodied on the screen. , the Wolf and the Hare from “Well, wait a minute!”, It would take a long time to list the characters beloved by children. First mythical hero Cheburashka, an unknown creature of unknown origin, became a part of the Soviet animation business.

History of creation

Cheburashka is the name of a character in a book written by a children's author. Based on the work “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends,” the director made a film in 1969. The hero of the book gained fame after the film was released.

Cheburashka – unusual creature. It has two huge round ears, its body is covered with brown fur, and it is not clear whether this animal is male or female. His appearance was thanks to the production designer, Leonid Shvartsman. After the cartoon was translated for showing in other countries, children in all corners of the planet recognized Cheburashka. In English his name was Topl, in German - Kullerchen or Plumps, Drutten in Swedish and Muksis in Finnish. At the same time, the children did not know who the creator of the character was.

Despite the legend about the appearance of Cheburashka published in the preface, Eduard Uspensky assured readers that it was not a child’s toy at all. In an interview with a Nizhny Novgorod newspaper, the writer admitted that he once watched a friend’s little daughter. The girl constantly fell, dressed in someone else's long fur coat.

Her father, noticing these actions, commented on what was happening with the word “cheburah.” A curious word was etched in Uspensky’s memory. Later, the author learned that in the dictionary “Cheburashka” is a synonym for “vanka-vstanka”, also known as tumbler. Cheburashkas were small wooden floats made by fishermen to lure their catch.

Biography and plot

Based on the preface of Uspensky’s book, it becomes clear: in childhood, the author had a defective toy with a similar name. She looked like a strange animal with round eyes, large ears, a small body and a short tail. The parents assured the boy that Cheburashka lived in the tropical jungle. The animal feeds on oranges, and one day, after climbing into a box of fruit to eat, the baby fell asleep in it. The box was sealed and taken to a big city grocery store.

Cheburashka's name appeared the moment he was discovered by the store director. The well-fed animal constantly fell - it cheburahed, according to those around it. Due to the fact that he could not sit still without falling, he was given funny nickname. The character of the hero is soft. The baby is sweet and friendly, naive, friendly and curious. The diminutive name describes his nature. The sometimes awkward but charming hero evokes the affection of the audience and characters cartoon.

According to the plot, they are trying to place a strange animal in a zoological garden to live with other animals from the tropics. But the zoo didn’t know which animals to let the unknown creature into. He was passed from hand to hand until Cheburashka ended up in a thrift store. This is where I found him. He worked at a zoo and was lonely. While looking for friends, Gena was posting advertisements and came across Cheburashka. Now the animal duo is looking for company. It will include the lion Chandra, the puppy Tobik and the girl Galya. Negative character The work is the owner of the pet rat Larisa.

Between 1966 and 2008, Eduard Uspensky, in collaboration with production designers, created eight plays about the adventures of Cheburashka and friends. In the 1970s, several children's television and radio programs were broadcast in Sweden. Audio records with fairy tales about Cheburashka and Gena and children's magazines were popular. The characters went abroad along with dolls that a tourist brought from a trip to the Soviet Union. Cheburashka was christened Drutten. In Swedish, this word is translated as “stumble”, “fall”, which was characteristic of the hero.

An interesting nuance: on Soviet television, cartoon characters were dolls, and on Swedish television they were puppets. The characters sang and talked about life, but the dialogue was very different from the authentic ones. Even Cheburashka's song sounded completely different. Today Drutten is a full-fledged character in Swedish animation. Modern children do not know the history of its origin.

In 2001 cartoon character The Japanese discovered it, and in 2003 they bought the rights to distribute this image from Soyuzmultfilm for 20 years. The animated cartoon “Cheburashka Arere” has been broadcast in Tokyo since 2009. In 2010, the character was accompanied by friends from Uspensky’s book. Puppet cartoons on the theme of the hero's adventures began to be shown on TV. Today in Japan the cartoons “Crocodile Gena”, “Shapoklyak Advice”, “Cheburashka and the Circus” are broadcast.


Works of Soviet cinema and animation are famous for their quotes that audiences love. Heartfelt humorous remarks sink into the soul and are passed on from mouth to mouth for many years. Phrases from the book, transferred to the cartoon, create a special atmosphere, involving the young audience in the plot.

“A young crocodile of about fifty wants to make friends.”

This quote raises questions: is the age of a crocodile comparable to human years? Can crocodiles want to be friends? Why is the image of a crocodile associated with an adult? Cheburashka asks Gene a reasonable question about age, and little viewers learn that crocodiles can live up to three hundred years.

A series of cartoons about the adventures of Cheburashka has a moralistic background. Recommendations and advice to children are presented with the help of the main characters. Kindness - main value for characters. At the same time, old woman Shapoklyak assures:

“Whoever helps people is just wasting their time. Good deeds You can’t become famous.”

The old woman’s wrongness is clear at first glance, and the kids understand that it is worth helping each other. Good deeds are necessarily connected with the main goal of all children Soviet Union- with enrollment as a pioneer. Gena and Cheburashka are no exception:

“You have to do a lot of good things to get into the Pioneers,” says Gena, motivating Cheburashka, and at the same time the audience on the other side of the screen.

Despite characteristic features Soviet animation skills, children's films about Cheburashka are of interest to modern children. They keep curious kids and nostalgic adults glued to their screens.

At the very entrance to the zoo, he unexpectedly met Galya.

Hooray! - Cheburashka shouted. - So you have already recovered?

“I’ve recovered,” Galya answered. - I was already allowed to leave the house.

“And you’ve lost a little weight,” said Cheburashka.

Yes,” the girl agreed. - Is this very noticeable?

No! - Cheburashka exclaimed. - Almost unnoticed. You've lost quite a bit of weight. So little, so little, that I even gained a little weight!

Galya immediately cheered up, and they entered the zoo together. Gena, as always, lay in the sun and read a book.

Look,” Galya said to Cheburashka, “I didn’t even think he was so fat!”

Yes,” Cheburashka agreed. - He just looks awfully like a sausage with legs!.. Hello, Gena! - Cheburashka shouted to the crocodile.

“I’m not Gena,” the crocodile, who looked like a sausage with legs, said offendedly. I'm Valera. I work the second shift. And your Gena went to get dressed. He'll come now.

The fat crocodile turned away angrily. Just at this time Gena came up in his smart coat and beautiful hat.

“Hello,” he said, smiling. - Come visit me!

Went! - Galya and Cheburashka agreed. They really enjoyed visiting the crocodile.

At Gena's, friends drank coffee, talked and played various board games. Cheburashka tried every minute to tell about his dog, but the opportunity never presented itself.

But then someone rang the doorbell.

Come in,” Gena said.

A big, big lion wearing pince-nez and a hat entered the room.

Lev Chandra,” he introduced himself.

Tell me, please,” asked the guest, “does a crocodile live here that needs friends?”

Here,” Gena answered. - He lives here. Only he doesn't need friends anymore. He already has them.

It's a pity! - The lion sighed and headed towards the exit. - Goodbye.

Wait,” Cheburashka stopped him.

What kind of friend do you need?

“I don’t know,” answered the lion. - Just a friend, that's all.

Then, it seems to me, I can help you,” said Cheburashka. Sit with us for a few minutes, and for now I’ll run home. OK?

After some time, Cheburashka returned; he led the dry Tobik on a leash.

That’s who I had in mind,” he said. - It seems to me that you will suit each other!

But this is a small dog,” the lion objected, “and I’m so big!”

It doesn’t matter,” said Cheburashka, “that means you will protect her!”

And it’s true,” Chandra agreed.

What can you do? - he asked Tobik.

“Nothing,” Tobik answered.

In my opinion, this is not scary either,” Galya told the lion. - You can teach him anything you want!

Perhaps they are right, Chandra decided.

Well,” he said to Tobik, “I will be glad to make friends with you.” What about you?

And I! - Tobik wagged his tail. - I will try to be a very good friend!

The new acquaintances thanked everyone who was in the room and said goodbye.

Well done! - Galya praised Cheburashka when they left. - You did the right thing!

Nonsense! - Cheburashka was shy. - There's no need to talk about it.

Do you know,” Galya suddenly said, “how many such lonely Chandras and Tobiks are there in our city?”

How many? - asked Cheburashka.

“A lot,” the girl answered. - They have no friends at all. Nobody comes to their birthday party. And no one will feel sorry for them when they are sad.

Gena listened to all this, very sad. A huge transparent tear rolled out of his eyes. Looking at him, Cheburashka also tried to cry. But a tiny, tiny tear rolled out of his eyes. Such that it was even embarrassing to show it.

So what should we do? - cried the crocodile. - I want to help them!

And I want to help! - Cheburashka supported him. - What do I feel sorry for, or what? But how?

It’s very simple,” said Galya. - We need to make them all friends with each other.

How can you make friends with them? - asked Cheburashka.

“I don’t know,” Galya answered.

I already have an idea! - said Gena. - We need to write advertisements so that they come to us. And when they come, we will introduce them to each other.

Everyone liked this idea, and the friends decided to do so. They will post notices around the city. They will try to find a comrade for everyone who comes to them. And it was decided to turn the house in which the crocodile lives into a House of Friendship.

So, - said Gena, - with tomorrow for work.