Nyusha Shurochkina: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Nyusha and Igor Sivov: a love story in the first person and a photo shoot from their honeymoon Nyusha is married to Vitaly

In early August, singer Nyusha married Igor Sivov, general adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation. Instead of organizing a lavish celebration in Moscow with hundreds of guests and the press, the couple decided to escape to the Maldives and have a very personal and tender ceremony at the Finolhu Hotel. A total of 50 closest people, a ransom, three days of celebration, three wedding dresses, and then a honeymoon on a secluded island at the Amilla Fushi Hotel.

Nyusha is a well-known fan of keeping details of her personal life to herself. But especially for Wedding magazine, she lifted the veil of secrecy and talked about life with her lover, the details of preparations for the wedding and her approach to the role of a wife.

Every love story has its beginning. What was it like between you and Igor? How did you two meet, considering that you work in completely different fields?

There is nothing very interesting or unusual in our dating history. We met through work and just talked for quite a long time.

How did he manage to win you over? Well looked after?

It seems to me that to such a question I would like to hear the answer that there were billions of roses and serenades under the window. But for me this is not the main thing. I wanted to meet a man who would not only love me, but would fight desperately for me, like in the Middle Ages, when knights were ready to declare war for a princess or rescue her from a high tower. On the one hand, this is romance, and on the other, a manifestation of character and feelings.

Did you give him any special tests?

It was a complete ordeal! But he was not afraid and showed his serious intentions. By the way, in the end it grew into a love of arranging surprises for each other.

That's what the proposal has become in Kenya, hasn't it? Can you share how exactly this happened?

Yes, the offer really came as a surprise to me, as did the trip to Africa itself. I said that I have long dreamed of going there. And literally a few months later we flew to Kenya. The proposal itself was very romantic. It was kind of a classic moment when he got down on one knee and presented a small coconut - well, just a tiny one. He opened it and found a ring inside.

Yours is very elegant! What brand is this?

Thank you, this is Bvlgari.

In many interviews, you mentioned that you never dreamed of a wedding, you didn’t plan it since childhood, like many girls. When you were proposed to and you were thinking about the holiday, what kind of preparation plan was formed and how did it change over time?

You know, I have my own attitude towards holidays in general. Some artists like the life of a public person, they are ready to tell the press about everything. I am a different person, primarily a creative one. I am ready to share the details of my personal life in portions, but there are nuances that I do not want to talk about. Holidays for me are moments of complete relaxation and comfort, when only close people are nearby. I prefer to be among those with whom I can calmly communicate, without worrying that I somehow look wrong or say something wrong. Of course, singles presentations or other work events are a different matter.

Nyusha is wearing a Vera Wang dress, Wedding by Mercury

My man and I have been looking for a long time for a place for a wedding where we can really retire and relax. We realized that it would be difficult to do this within the city. We turned to Daria Bikbaeva, the owner of the Wedding VIP agency, thanks to whom any complex wedding-related problems were solved very quickly and professionally, and our wildest dreams became real. Together we quickly found a solution - to go to the islands. This idea seemed to us the most harmonious. Daria organized a wedding where it was very difficult to do so due to the local mentality, and she got us things that were impossible to get on the island. Also, designer Maria Kamenskaya helped us with the decor of the wedding ceremony: she amazingly managed to reflect our inner state and mood. We had the same views on the design style. Naturally, we decided to capture it important event and especially for this purpose they invited video operator Maksud Sharipov, who came up with many interesting solutions.

“To prevent relationships from turning into everyday life, sometimes you need to be an easy-going cat, and sometimes you need to create small scandals.”

On stage I often have to play a role, try on different images. So I didn’t want to turn the wedding into a show and do something pompous and pretentious, in a castle with a lot of decorations. This is all absolutely not about me and not about my man.

You know, they say that you don’t shout about feelings. This also applies to weddings. There is no need to shout about it. Everything should be as comfortable as possible. We were both hands-on for simplicity. We chose the Finolhu Hotel not by chance - a very romantic place with a stunningly beautiful spit and very friendly staff; with varied, tasty and healthy food. We have found our wedding paradise.

That is, the situation did not develop like in Sex and the City, when Kerry and Mr. Big had a growing list of guests before their eyes, and a modest ceremony turned into a celebration of universal proportions, because appetites grew and it was inconvenient not to invite someone?

I just didn’t want this. In general, to be honest, I was a little surprised when my colleagues began to come up to me and ask where the wedding would be and where they should come. I didn't know how to react. And you don’t want to offend the person, but at the same time you don’t know how to explain that he wasn’t invited. And yes, there were awkward situations when I explained that we were organizing a holiday only for the family. I hope no one was offended.

I myself am a frequent guest at weddings, only as an artist. Sometimes a holiday is beautiful, but people cannot relax. It’s as if the couple is having a wedding in order to surprise and impress everyone. This approach disgusts me.

Did your lover somehow participate in the preparations for the wedding?

Yes, we have distributed responsibilities. It covers the practical side of issues: budget, transport, meeting guests, that is organizational issues. More on me creative part holiday: decor, entertainment for guests. And, of course, no one but me will choose a wedding dress.

Definitely! Have you sought the help of a stylist to create your wedding look?

Yes, it’s rare that a girl knows exactly how she wants to look on her wedding day. Unless this is thought out from a young age. For example, the richer the choice, the more lost I get. In addition, outside opinions are important to me. I love everything bright, unusual, and sometimes this can be too much, I need to “slow down.” It was the same with the wedding dress.

Nyusha is wearing a Monique Lhuillier dress, Wedding by Mercury

“Initially, I thought about a fluffy dress, a cake dress. But friends and stylists stopped me in time. “You’re going to the islands, wait, do you want to collect all the sand on the beach?”

And how did you choose the dress?

To be honest, I visited several stores and did not find anything suitable.

Don't have a dream dress?

Yes, exactly. When it comes to clothing, I am very picky and demanding. I rarely find something I like in stores. That’s why I order custom tailoring or buy things on set, because it’s important to me that it be something unusual. And even more so, I wanted a special wedding dress. So three different brands made them for me: Humariff, Enteley and Diverse shop. However, there is also an outfit from Elie Saab for the first day and welcome dinner. But it's a jumpsuit!

Your work areas with Igor are very different. What are your common interests and what do you do together?

In fact, we willingly involve each other in our work. I learn something new about his activities, he immerses himself in mine creative world. Within reason, of course. Together we try to try something new. We are easy-going, we can take off and fly to the ends of the earth tomorrow. It seems to me important when you coincide with your soulmate in terms of your state of mind. Moreover, we are quite different in character. But this is only a plus: in family life a man needs to complement a woman and vice versa.

Now we have started doing yoga. Although this is not an easy task for men, because concentration and calmness are important. My man is quite impulsive and active in life, and here he steps over himself a little and learns to be more balanced.

By the way, about temperament. You have a rather daring stage image. How different is he from the real you?

In any case, a woman adapts a little to a man. In our family, everything is very harmonious, and I occupy a position of comfort, tenderness, without losing the part that is responsible for the spice and spice in the relationship. I have a strong character, which has helped me achieve certain successes in my profession.

That is, if anything happens, you can break the plates too.

Of course I can. To prevent relationships from turning into everyday life, sometimes you need to be an easy-going cat, and sometimes you need to create small scandals, which will only cheer you up once again. There is no other way; complete peace cannot be achieved. And the lack of emotions can even lead to separation.

They say that it is almost impossible for a woman to be successful both in her career and in her personal life. What do you think about this?

I don’t know why they say this, especially since we all see how easy it is Hollywood actors or singers. I think it depends on temperament. You can live a measured life, wake up at 12 noon and go to bed at 10 pm, or you can get up at 7-8 am and go to bed at 2 am. For me there is no such thing as “impossible” if I want something badly. This is how I achieved everything in my life. Desire can overcome any obstacle, it’s just important to understand what you want. If you want to combine raising a child and a career, then you just need to plan it out, maybe resort to additional help from your mother and nanny. Watching modern women, I don’t have even the slightest doubt that this is feasible.

Are you planning to have children in the near future?

I generally plan for children from the age of 18!

That is, you weren’t thinking about a wedding, but were planning a child.

Yes, a strange moment. But children are an integral part of every woman’s life, we are created for this.

But are you ready at some point to pay more attention to your family than your career?

Absolutely, because, again, I am a woman, and this is my primary role. I'm not afraid that my schedule will change, my priorities will shift. Serious work has already been done behind me. It’s not that I plan to relax, but I understand that in any case, the family and the child require attention.

On the topic of home life: do you cook at home?

Yes, I really like to cook. I can quickly cook lunch and do it just fine without a microwave. After all, there are quick-to-prepare, yet healthy and satisfying foods.

For example, what do you like to cook?

The easiest thing to prepare is, of course, salads. For example, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens - arugula, spinach, - bread. You can prepare minced meat cutlets with vegetables in advance, and then simply heat them in the oven and add them in pieces to the salad, pour over olive oil, add Italian seasoning. It turns out very tasty. In the morning I like to make buckwheat soba noodles with vegetables.

Doesn’t Igor ask you to prepare him something more serious, heavier?

No, especially since he also prefers healthy food and does not demand steaks from me at all. Fortunately, we have very similar taste preferences. But sometimes, of course, you want something more nutritious.

Do you have similar quick self-care recipes? A guide to “how to look great in 5 minutes”?

As for specific measures, I probably won’t tell you anything new: you need to take care of yourself, visit a cosmetologist at least once every two to three weeks, and take care of your skin every day. Before the wedding, by the way, a visit to a cosmetologist is written in red on my calendar; during the month this is task number one. I need to moisturize my skin well, since I will be under the sun for a long time.

Besides, we are what we eat. Healthy eating has a big impact on appearance. And, of course, sleep. Although with my profession there are difficult periods when it is impossible to get enough sleep. But the main thing, it seems to me, is the internal state.

4 weeks later...

“We chose the Finolhu Hotel not by chance - a very romantic place with a stunningly beautiful spit and very friendly staff”

For their wedding ceremony, Nyusha and Igor chose the Finolhu hotel in the Maldives. Escape from the Moscow bustle and city rhythm - DONE!

Producer: Maria Sakvarelidze

Interview: Olga Bebekina

Filming location: Wedding by Mercury, Barvikha Luxury Village, Finolhu Hotel, Maldives

The popular singer Nyusha shocked and at the same time incredibly delighted all her fans - the star of the domestic show business officially announced that she was getting married. She posted a photo with wedding ring on his Instagram.

What fans had long suspected was confirmed today by the singer herself and published a photo with an engagement ring on her Instagram. The singer’s chosen one was Igor Sivov, General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation.

“I’m the bride,” Nyusha captioned a photo on Instagram, showing her engagement ring to subscribers.

Fans of the artist, who previously preferred not to share details of her personal life, immediately flooded the singer’s account with joyful congratulations:

“Nyusha is getting married!!! Congratulations dear! I’m very happy for you, I love you very much!!,” “Insanely glad, congratulations bunny,” “Congratulations. But I’m sad, I saw Yegor next to you.”

Nyusha’s chosen one was the General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation, Igor Sivov, reports HELLO.RU with reference to the artist’s representative. The details of the couple’s romance have never been disclosed; it is only known that Sivov was previously married and raised two children. Now the lovers live in three cities: Swiss Lausanne, where the headquarters of FISU is located, Moscow and Kazan - Igor’s homeland.

Rumors about the engagement of the singer and her lover appeared yesterday and were provoked by Nyusha herself. She posted a photo of a sunset in Kenya, where she is currently vacationing with Igor and her mother, and wrote:

“So you fly on the 13th, on Friday, on a full moon, to Africa... celebrating the Old New Year... with absolutely no idea how this trip will change your life...”

However, when the wedding will take place and where it will take place is still unknown. It should be noted that at first the singer hid the name of her boyfriend, only once admitting to fans during a concert that her heart was not free.

The star's groom is from Kazan. In the late 90s, Sivov performed in the KVN team “Four Tatars”. On at the moment He holds the post of General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation. Igor is ten years older than Nyusha. From his first marriage he has two sons.

According to those around Nyusha, she has long wanted to meet an adult and strong man on whom she could rely. Sivov pampers the girl with gifts and presents her with huge bouquets of flowers.

The lovers try to spend all their free time together. The singer has already introduced her lover to her family and strict father approved her choice. However, the fact that the singer’s mother went on a trip with the couple speaks better than any words that the family graciously received the groom. However, as those surrounded by the couple said, Sivov looked after the star very beautifully. They spent time in expensive restaurants, he regularly pampered her with gifts and flowers, surrounding her with care and attention.

Let us remind you that . This happened on the air of the karaoke TV show “Star Sing”, which was filmed in Sochi during the period of popular Christmas fortune telling.

TV presenter Sam suggested that the girl remember the old tradition and try to do fortune telling, the subject of which was the wedding date. Fortune telling at Christmas lifted the veil of secrecy, discouraging information about the upcoming solemn event in her life - the wedding. The host of a popular show invited the singer to tell fortunes on rice, as a result of which Nyusha received a positive answer to the cherished question of whether she would get married this year.

We also reported that . She shares photos from her vacation on her Instagram. The day before, Nyusha’s young man gave her a surprise and took her to Africa for vacation. The girl deliberately does not show the “hero of the occasion” to her fans, but happily publishes all new photos with her mother, who, apparently, flew off to rest Este with lovers.

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IN modern world There is not a single person who does not know the singer Nyusha. Her name can increasingly be heard at charity concerts, on radio stations and on television. This beautiful woman makes the hearts of millions of men beat faster, and girls strive to sing like her.

Nyusha – most talented singer, actress, television show host, composer, author wonderful songs, which are hummed in moments of happiness and love.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nyusha Shurochkina?

Currently, people are at a loss as to who Nyusha Shurochkina is and how old she is. Also, how much she weighs, whether she has children and who her husband is. On numerous websites on the Internet you can often see queries about the size of the singer’s breasts.

Nyusha or Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina was born in 1990, which means she was only twenty-six.

It is very interesting that Anya did not let slip in any interview about her height. We can only assume that the girl, remaining without heels, looks at her true fans from a height of at least a meter and sixty centimeters.

Out of her weight Nyusha big secret doesn't. It constantly fluctuates between 50 -54 kilograms. Currently, the girl’s weight has reached 54 kilograms.
By the way, to satisfy the requests of male fans, we will inform you that the girl’s chest volume is 86, and her waist is 58 centimeters. It is worth noting that the beauty’s hips are 87 centimeters.

Biography of Nyusha Shurochkina

The biography of Nyusha Shurochkina is absolutely musical and incredibly happy. This is the story of a little girl who was able to achieve everything on her own.
Little Anechka appeared on August 15, 1990 in Moscow. Her parents were famous musicians.
Nyusha’s mother, Irina, sang in a rock band, and her father and future producer– Vladimir – performed as part of the most popular “Tender May”. He wrote the lyrics and music for some of this group's songs.

Her parents separated when Annushka was two years old, but she did not consider herself an unhappy and unloved child. The father always found time for the baby, and it was he who noticed the musical talent in his daughter.

The girl sang happily early age, namely at three. Took lessons from famous producer Viktor Pozdnyakov, who confidently said that the baby is very talented. The point is that she developed ear for music in just a year.

The first song on the real recording studio the girl recorded it at the age of five, after which she began to sing literally everywhere, without being embarrassed by strangers. Dad gave her a synthesizer and hired her professional teachers.
At the age of eight, Anyutka began to sing English and recorded her single. At twelve, she captivated audiences in Cologne with English songs she wrote herself and her purest pronunciation.

The girl was very athletic. She trained in Thai boxing.

At the age of 9 she attended the fashion theater for children, and from the age of 11 she toured as part of musical group"Grizzly". At the age of 14, the girl went to the Star Factory casting, but did not pass it due to her tender age.

Only in 2007 Anna passed television project“STS lights up a Superstar,” during which the laconic pseudonym Nyusha remained on her behalf. By the way, the girl changed the name in her passport to a sonorous stage name.
At eighteen years old, the talented girl took seventh place in the famous competition “ New wave" In 2009, she recorded the professional single “Howling at the Moon,” with which she was nominated for “Song of the Year.” Soon, Nyusha’s debut album “Choose a Miracle” was released, which was rated very ambiguously.

2011 was the year of rapid take-off in his musical career, when new compositions were recorded, a duet with the Frenchman Gilles Luca was born and a nomination for the Muz-TV award occurred. Nyusha received the MTV EMA 2011 award and was included in the top twenty major musical events of the year.
2014 gave Anna a new one music album and popularity in films. She played in the TV series “Univer”, “Friends of Friends”, “Time He” and gave her voice to cartoon characters. Gerda and Smurfette, Gip Croods and Priscilla speak in her voice.

The girl is an excellent skater, so she showed herself well in the television show “ Ice age", where Max Shabalin became her partner. She took part in Ivan Urgant’s show, which is called “Moscow Evenings” and “9 Lives”.

In 2017, she became the new mentor of the show “The Voice.” Children”, replacing Pelageya. The girl showed herself to be a professional who can pass on her experience to even the youngest stars.

Personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina.

In many interviews, the young singer happily talks about plans for the future, tours and songs, but does not like to talk about her personal life.
The personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina is carefully hidden from fans, but some information about her still leaks out.

At the very beginning of her career, the girl dated the young actor Aristarchus Venes, but she did not take this relationship seriously. There is talk of Nyusha's affair with Vlad Sokolovsky, with whom the girl was vacationing in the Maldives, but this conversation turned out to be just an invention of the stars' managers.

Your first true love the girl names Russian hockey player Alexander Radulov, with whom she starred in the first video. However, these may only be rumors related to the promotion of the single.

In 2011 she dated rapper ST, and in 2014 with rising star Egor Creed. The couple broke up because Nyusha’s father wanted this, but she herself claims that she and Yegor have different views on life.

Nyusha is in no hurry to start a family, but often says that she constantly has romantic relationships.

Nyusha Shurochkina's family

The fact that the girl does not have a permanent young man, does not mean that she is lonely. Nyusha Shurochkina’s family is her father and mother, half-sister and younger brother.

Half-sister Maria is a professional swimmer. She is the champion of Russia, the world, and Europe in this sport in the junior category.
Brother Vanya is also a very athletic guy who is mastering such an amazing sport as tricking. It combines several martial arts, on the basis of which various extreme stunts are performed.

These days, the young singer is completely dedicated to her career as a singer, actress and TV presenter. She has not yet found a life partner, so Nyusha Shurochkina’s children are not even in the project.

When the girl was dating Yegor Creed, he talked several times in interviews about future children. But the couple quickly broke up, their dreams of children were shattered due to insurmountable circumstances. There were even persistent rumors on the Internet about Nyusha’s pregnancy, but the singer denied them.

Looking at Nyusha’s touching treatment of the youngest participants in the show “The Voice. Children,” viewers note the singer’s strong maternal instinct and sincerely wish her to become a mother as soon as possible.

It is worth noting that none of the singer’s stormy romances led to the creation of a family, so Nyusha Shurochkina’s husband is absent.

Recently a girl wrote in one of social networks that she might get married soon. She posted a photo of her engagement ring on her page. His future husband is called Igor Sivov. The guy is the general adviser to the president of the ISSF, the couple have known each other for a long time.

The real feelings between them began in 2016, when a trip to Kenya changed her life forever.

Nyusha does not show the face of her chosen one. It is known that he was married and is the father of two children. The wedding of Igor Sivov and Nyusha Shurochkina is planned for 2017.

Nyusha's career began at a very young age, so the producers chose for her the image of a girl from a neighboring yard.

Although the Internet is replete with numerous photos of Nyusha Shurochkina before and after plastic surgery, the girl denies that she did not make any kind of adjustment to her appearance. Numerous fans of the singer who followed her ascent to the top do not believe this. musical Olympus.

However, even fans can only follow the change in hairstyle and clothes, makeup and habits of the girl. Nyusha often said that she did not understand and condemned her music colleagues who constantly undergo plastic surgery.

Nyusha had very expressive eyes, but weakly defined lips. Now she can boast of beautiful plump lips. A slightly adjusted nose catches the eye. Nyusha herself denies rhinoplasty and other surgical interventions on her body.

Sometimes information flashes in the press that the singer has enlarged her breasts by at least two sizes. There is no documentary evidence of this fact, so it is impossible to prove plastic surgery. Nyusha Shurochkina in a swimsuit looks very seductive both in her youth and in her youth. recent years.

So, speaking about plastic surgeries, it is necessary to clarify that Nyusha either did not do them at all, or turned to real professionals in their field. Before and after photos plastic surgery does not exist, but fans are trying to judge its implementation by comparing pictures from different years.

It is possible that the effect of a changeable appearance is achieved with the help of makeup artists who masterfully wield a brush. By the way, Nyusha practically does not use cosmetics, because she strives for maximum naturalness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina

The pages of these popular social networks often post short messages and update photos. It is worth understanding that you can only believe those articles that appear on official pages singers.
Recently, Nyusha often posts videos from rehearsals and live broadcasts television show"Voice. Children”, in which she is a mentor.

Also, she often gives useful tips in the field of sports training, introduces interesting people and inform about the premieres of new clips. Through Instagram, Nyusha Shurochkina will be happy to listen to the comments of her fans.
Nyusha is a wonderful singer and a generously gifted person who proves that you need to sincerely believe. And then all your dreams will certainly come true.

HELLO! presents an interview and the first photo shoot of the singer Nyusha and her husband, General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation, Igor Sivov. The shooting was done in the Maldives, where the couple’s wedding ceremony took place the day before, surrounded by family and close friends.

She manages to be a sweet “girl next door” and at the same time a seductive femme fatale - fans, of whom there are almost 4 million on Instagram alone, do not find any contradiction in this. In her videos, Nyusha lights up no worse than Britney Spears in her best years, on the air of the show "The Voice. Children" willingly shares his experience with little future artists, and on stage he sings piercingly about love:

I want to love you - day and night. I want to be with you, without remembering what happened before.

So you fly to Africa, celebrating the old New Year, having absolutely no idea how this trip will change your life...

The groom's identity remained secret for some time. Nyusha and Igor Sivov first appeared in public in May, appearing together at the closing ceremony of the Kontinental Hockey League season. And shortly before this, Nyusha came to Channel One and told Ivan Urgant how Igor proposed to her. Then the hosts staged a humorous mise-en-scène - practically a battle for the right to become the host at her wedding.

The matter was not limited to jokes - as a result, Dmitry Khrustalev flew to the Maldives. Among the guests was also Konstantin Khabensky, who turned out to be an old friend of Igor.

Igor Sivov and Nyusha in a photo shoot HELLO!

Nyusha and Igor went to the Maldives in the company of Dmitry Khrustalev, Konstantin Khabensky and other close friends

Nyusha, Igor, let's finally reveal all the cards. When did you first meet?

This happened in a work environment when I came to perform in Kazan. And Igor was involved in organizing major events there, including helping with organizing my concert. I think it was love at first sight.

Well, just Shakespeare: “He did not love who did not immediately fall in love.” And which of you took the first step?

Me, of course! Who else?

All the women who raised me - grandmother, mother, stepmother - told me from childhood that a man must conquer a woman like a fortress.

Mutual love at first sight is very rare today. Do you remember your first impressions of each other?

I thought: “What a charming man, open, sincere.”

And I had one thought: “I won’t give it up, I won’t let go.”

Now many people believe that the stamp in the passport does not matter. What do you think? Has your relationship changed in any way since you became husband and wife?

We became even closer, some kind of strength, joint energy appeared. Although we never left each other when we were close. (Smiles.)

I absolutely agree with my wife.

I heard that Igor approached the marriage proposal in detail...

It was very romantic! We were supposed to go on vacation, but Igor didn’t tell me where exactly. Only on the spot did I realize that we were in Kenya.

And under the pretext of a short excursion immersing ourselves in the local color, we went to the island of Waka-Waka.

In a remote African village, we started dancing with the locals, almost feeling like aborigines. (Laughs.) And then, literally out of nowhere, a small chair appeared, they sat me down on it and told me that an interesting local ritual was about to take place. Suddenly Igor dropped to one knee - and in front of me there was a small, tiny coconut. The top of the coconut opened slightly and a diamond ring glittered there.

Did this really come as a complete surprise to you?

Absolutely! Previously, I had some thoughts flashing through my mind, but then I decided that it was basically wrong to wait for an offer. I just let the situation go: let it be as it will be. In the end, everything turned out much better than I could have imagined.

Igor, how long did it take you to maintain secrecy?

Three months. Of course, everything was pre-organized from Moscow. But still, on the spot, in Africa, communication was not easy... They have an eternal “hakuna matata” there. (Laughs.)

Siesta in Spain, for example, lasts only a few hours a day, but “hakuna matata” is forever, it’s a lifestyle when you’re not in a hurry, you’re not late for anything...

You're both adventurous people, right?

Yes, we are easy-going, we love to explore new places so that our vacation is useful and productive. Just lying on the beach is not for us. In the city of Mombasa itself I was amazed huge amount antique shops with incredible, one-of-a-kind items. We walked with pleasure, chose, and even brought home a magic chest. It’s great to learn the history of a place, customs, and try national cuisine. In Africa, for example, even the pineapple is completely different. True, as a result I was poisoned by something. (Laughs.) For several days I was in a “state of inattention”; I ate only papaya, which, by the way, is excellent for restoring. Therefore, we never had time to go on a safari and look at wild animals. I hope we'll catch up again.

How did the idea to celebrate your wedding in the Maldives come about?

I’ve already been here once and, of course, I was impressed: turquoise water, white sand, cloudless sky. The Maldives is a place where you want to come again and again.

We also considered Greece, Spain and Africa, but the Maldives still won in the final.

On the island you completely reboot. Everyone who comes here forgets about their problems, duties and responsibilities, and becomes absolutely free and carefree - like children.

There are more than 200 Maldives. Why did you choose Kanufushi?

We liked the Finolhu Hotel - it occupies the entire island and is located in a UNESCO protected area. It has a cool retro '60s design, with bungalows located right on the water, each with its own access to the ocean, beach or lagoon. Our guests could dive into clear turquoise water right from their room!

There are so many restaurants on the territory with a variety of seafood dishes - you can go to a new one every day. But we were especially impressed by Fish Crab & Shack, which is located on a sandy spit; you still need to get to it by boat. The tables are located right on the sand, with the ocean all around. This is an unforgettable sight! By the way, people usually go to the Maldives for solitude, but here, on the contrary, there are constantly noisy parties, people come here Hollywood stars. And it’s great that you can not only be together in a romantic setting, but also hang out.

And how did they dance until dawn?

Yes, we rocked the nightclub party at 1 OAK Beach Club Maldives. At the controls was Paris Hilton, and at the next table was Leonardo DiCaprio, surrounded by top models. We even danced with him. It turned out that he dances very well! At first, Leo was a little shy, but then he probably drank some kind of warming cocktail and burst onto the dance floor. That night he was the icing on the cake. (Laughs.)

Many couples dream of honeymooning in the Maldives; it is a classic wedding destination. What other traditions are close to you?

In general, we wanted to have a classic, but at the same time modern wedding in compliance with Russian traditions. For example, bride price is fun, why not? Especially in the Maldives! Before the wedding, let the groom prove once again how well he knows the bride and how much he loves her. (Laughs.) I think this is a cool addition to the ceremony, which unites the guests and relieves the tension.

Igor, were the obstacles difficult?

It wasn't easy! The most difficult thing turned out to be composing a new verse for the song that Nyusha and I often sing together.

Igor finally felt himself in my role and acted as the author of the song.

It was actually a lot of fun! At 2 o'clock in the afternoon - right in the heat - a group of people in white went to buy the bride. Other vacationers even looked out of their villas out of curiosity - after all, I wondered what kind of noisy Russian-speaking crowd was there. This doesn't happen every day on the island. (Laughs.) Only our guests got burned...

Browned, not burnt. But it will be noticeable that people have visited the island. (Laughs.)

Then they jumped into the ocean with their clothes on. Everyone swam - photographers, videographers, guests. Those who resisted were pushed. (Laughs.)

Of course, the groom didn’t see the dress before the wedding?

Of course not! In fact, I had several outfits to surprise my husband again and again. At the wedding ceremony I wore a long lace Enteley dress, and then changed into a dress created by my friend and designer of the Diverse shop brand. In addition, the day before the wedding, we had a “white” party, a dating evening for which I specifically, for the sake of contrast, chose a black Elie Saab jumpsuit, completely embroidered with sequins. The bride must have something Elie Saab?! I bought the jumpsuit at a bachelorette party in France. First, my friends and I flew to Amsterdam for an Ariana Grande concert, and then to Paris, where we had a pajama party in the spirit of “Sex and the City.”

Was there a bachelor party?

Yes, we combined business with pleasure: we organized a bachelor party in Amsterdam and Cologne, where the World Hockey Championship was being held at that time. I’m a former hockey player, and all my friends are athletes.

How was the wedding ceremony itself? Probably like in the movies?

Our ceremony took place in unusual place- on the platform above the pool. Everything was incredibly romantic: a terrace overlooking the ocean, white flowers, sunset... I remember all the guests were already gathered, I go out to the “altar”, our eyes meet, we see each other’s happy eyes. This is the most touching and most long-awaited moment. By the way, the groom was more worried than the bride! The fact is that he had more responsibility, because he organized everything himself. And it was necessary to organize no worse than the opening ceremony of the World Summer Universiade in Kazan! For Igor it was such a “mini-universiade”. And I was responsible for calm and harmony.

I wanted to slow down these minutes, these seconds, to stretch them out... In my memory, everything is like in slow motion. Now all the guests have left, and it even became a little sad. So many events happened in such a short period of time, I want to quickly watch the video and photos in order to relive these moments again.

You can repeat it in five years.

Friends said: “There are no options, we want to bathe in emotions at least once a year.” Therefore, we will always celebrate August 4th - no matter where: in Moscow, Kazan or Zelenodolsk.

Did DiCaprio, by any chance, come to your wedding?

He wanted to, but the tickets ran out. (Laughs.)

We had a private party and Leo was unfortunately not invited. Limited number of places. (Laughs.)

Style: Anastasia Korn. Makeup and hairstyles: Elena Sinyak. We would like to express our gratitude to the Finolhu Maldives hotel for their assistance in filming

27-year-old singer Nyusha hid from fans for a long time that she married the general adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation, Igor Sivov. Only recently the artist openly admitted that she and her lover got married. The newlyweds registered their marriage in one of the registry offices of Kazan. But they organized a wedding celebration in the Maldives.

Nyusha and Igor did not invite hundreds of guests and crowds of journalists to the wedding. The couple arranged private ceremony at the Finolhu Hotel (resort island in the Maldives in the style of the 60s and 70s). 50 people attended the celebration - only family and friends of the couple.


“The ceremony took place on a magnificent panoramic terrace overlooking the ocean. Decorator Maria Kamenskaya was responsible for the wedding design. Thousands of snow-white orchids and white palm leaves seemed to float in the air, and blue sky reflected in the mirror pattern on the floor. But the main thing is that we found our paradise there on our wedding day!” - Nyusha shared.

The celebration lasted three days. Nyusha and Igor did not deviate from traditions, so before the wedding they arranged a bride price, and at the celebration itself they performed a dance of the newlyweds. During this time, the singer changed three wedding outfits.

For their honeymoon, the couple retreated to the Amilla Fushi Hotel, a resort with the largest beach residences in the Maldives.